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00:00We live in a world that's more and more connected than ever, thanks to the internet and social
00:04media, but these things that help us connect can also turn into a place of hurt and horror
00:10for some. Children and young people are especially at risk. The Archwell Foundation, launched
00:14by Prince Harry and his wife Meghan, are behind a special project to try to stop online bullying.
00:20Just look at the hashtag, no child lost to social media. This will give you more if you
00:23need help or information. We'll be speaking with a parent whose daughter took her own
00:27life. She blames it on social media, and she started a legal case against the social
00:31media giant, Meta, owner of Facebook and Instagram. Well, let's talk about Meta for a little now.
00:37Facing many cases at this present moment, and on another one of those, a Meta spokesperson
00:42said, the company has fixed many of the problems identified in one month alone. Meta said it
00:47disabled more than half a million accounts for violating child safety policies. Let's
00:54bring in Tami Rodriguez from the Parents Network. Tami, thank you for being with us.
00:59This is a difficult interview for you to do, I know, because of what happened to your daughter.
01:04Can we start by perhaps you introducing her to us? Tell us her name, tell us what she
01:08was like. Of course. My daughter Selina, she was a bright
01:15ray of sunshine. Anybody that knew her, that's what they think of when they think of her.
01:20From when she was little, right on until the end, she was the one who always stuck
01:27up for the underdog. She always wanted to be the one helping people. And then she met
01:34social media. Tami, as you're talking to us, we're showing
01:37images of Selina. She looks like a beautiful little girl. It's incredibly sad what has
01:41happened. When did you notice the change in her?
01:45Well, she was just about eight years old when I had gotten her the phone. In the beginning,
01:52it was just to go on YouTube Kids or some of the other games, and things were fine.
01:58It was about a year, a year and a half into it when she found the social media apps and
02:05she started going on them. I had parental controls in place, I would check the phone,
02:13and they all start to work together. The kids all teach each other how to hide things, how
02:19to hide apps inside of apps, or just how to hide anything that they know they shouldn't
02:27be doing. I hear where you're coming from. I've got
02:30children myself, and I know a little bit about having to try to protect them from these kinds
02:34of things. What you've been through is far more extreme than anything I've ever experienced,
02:39and I can't imagine how you feel right now, how you feel about what has happened.
02:43I imagine there's a lot of anger there. Do you ever blame yourself?
02:47I do. At times I blame myself for buying her a phone so young, but just so many kids her age
02:55at that time, that's what was happening. We actually did start with a tablet. I should
03:00say that. I apologize. Then it went up to the iPhone and went on from there.
03:07What kind of things were happening to Selena?
03:13As her addiction got worse, which at the time I didn't realize was an addiction,
03:19her mood changes were terrible. She became very aggressive. She would attack myself and my
03:25daughter, my older daughter, physically. The words that she would use, it just changed her into an
03:32entirely different child than who she was.
03:36Was this a question of bullying or a question of
03:39behavior from her friends? What was the actual story behind that?
03:43So I, at the time, believed that it was only bullying from kids that she knew, maybe some
03:49other people online. But it was after the fact was when we found out that she was being exploited
03:55online, and I had no idea.
03:58This is incredibly sad, tragic, what you're telling us, Tammy, and it's clearly important
04:03for other parents to get help. I'm wondering at this stage, what META has said to you,
04:08because you've brought a legal case against META to press forward to try to make sure no other
04:12child suffers what your daughter went through. What has META said to you?
04:19Our family is actually the first family that filed, one of the first families that filed in the U.S.
04:24And I've heard nothing from META myself. I was there in Washington for the Congressional hearing
04:30when the CEOs were there, and Mark Zuckerberg gave, as I want to say, a apology.
04:40But that wasn't an apology. It was just something for him to try and feel a little better that day.
04:47Your daughter, Selena, as we saw the image of a very small, bright, beautiful,
04:52you described as a ray of sunshine, led into this horrible spiral through social media,
04:59the use of social media, as you've just described, a horrible situation.
05:03What's your advice to parents who may be seeing the same signs of things that you saw?
05:08What would you advise those parents to do? Tammy?
05:11Well, first off, people need to understand that it can be their child.
05:16So many people are very quick to say, not my child, not my daughter,
05:21to say, not my child, or my child is too smart to do that.
05:25Well, my child was very smart also, and she still fell into that trap.
05:31People really need to pay attention to what their kids are doing.
05:35They really need to be involved in their kids' lives in general,
05:38not just when it comes to social media or the phones.
05:42Hear what you're saying, Tammy. Thank you so much for sharing this
05:45terrible experience that you've had and you are still living with us.
05:49You can hear the pain in your voice and see it etched across your face,
05:52but I hope in some way the work you're doing now will begin to give you some kind of
05:57perspective on what has happened and help you to build some kind of legacy
06:01out of the loss that you have suffered.
06:03Thank you for joining us here, Tammy Rodriguez from the Parents Network.
06:06Thank you once again.
06:07Very difficult destiny to give us, but we do appreciate it,
06:10and I'm sure this will help parents maybe who are watching this who have concerns.
06:14Tammy, thank you once again.
06:16Thank you very much.
06:20That's what we're here for.
06:21It's a group of incredible parents that are just here to support each other.
06:27Tammy, thank you.
06:27I will give the address out now before we leave this bulletin.
06:31Tammy Rodriguez, thank you very much indeed.
06:33So if you or a loved one, a child is affected by the issues that we've been discussing here,
06:38you can find advice and support, as Tammy was just saying,
06:42on archwell.org forward slash the parents network forward slash forward slash.
06:47We've got that on the screen for you just there.
06:49I'll talk a little bit longer whilst you maybe note that down.
06:53archwell.org slash the parents network slash.
06:57Take that, Google that, put it into the search engine.
06:59You'll find the help that you need, we hope.
07:03Let's hope that some progress is made towards making the online world,
07:07the virtual world, a safer place for everybody concerned.
07:10You're watching France 24.
07:11Discover us.
