おとな旅あるき旅 2024年8月17日 ひとときの癒やし『奈良 吉野』 歴史×伝統×美味いもん

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おとな旅あるき旅 2024年8月17日 ひとときの癒やし『奈良 吉野』 歴史×伝統×美味いもん
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00It's been a long time since I've been here.
00:05This is the entrance to Nara's Yoshino Kinpusenji Temple.
00:11There are many trees in the forest, but this is made of copper.
00:15Please go there with the spirit of a bird.
00:20How is it?
00:25Let's have a good time today.
00:28Please watch until the end.
00:32Please watch until the end.
00:34I thought I could go home.
00:38Otonatabi! Yarukitabi!
00:40This time, we will go to Nara Yoshino Kinpusenji Temple for a moment of healing.
00:44This is the second temple after Todaiji Temple.
00:47This is the soup made by Hideyoshi when he went to see the cherry blossoms.
00:52Delicious food that can only be tasted here.
00:58It's spicy.
01:02It smells like a lot of garbage.
01:08To the world heritage of green silence.
01:11To Yoshino in summer.
01:13Osaka's first discovery.
01:15Otonatabi! Yarukitabi! Nara Yoshino's journey.
01:18Your life is waiting for a change.
01:24Inai-nai bag.
01:26My design bag is completed.
01:30Both men and women can wear it.
01:33Black is good for women.
01:35This brown is good for men.
01:39I think it's wonderful.
01:41It's bright.
01:42The price was half the price I expected.
01:48The designer has been planning for a long time.
01:51It's been a year.
01:52That's right.
01:54Congratulations on your bag.
02:01Osaka's first discovery.
02:03Nara Yoshino's journey.
02:05From Osaka to Yoshinoe is like the speed of a mountain.
02:08It takes about 1 hour and 50 minutes by Kintetsu Yoshino Line.
02:15Koya Yoshino is currently selling digital tickets for the 20th anniversary of the world heritage.
02:22Please enjoy a trip where you can enjoy two world heritages at the same time.
02:29You can come to places like this now.
02:37It must have been hard at that time.
02:40It's hard just to climb this mountain.
02:47Yoshino Mountain has a tradition of 1,300 years since the eruption.
02:52In spring, it is known as the sacred place of cherry blossoms blooming all over Yamahada.
02:57Currently, the entire mountain is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
03:03Yoshino is also the birthplace of Shugendo, which practices hard in the steep mountains.
03:09First, let's go to Kinpusenji, the main shrine.
03:13Yoshino is an image of cherry blossoms.
03:16It's nice in the summer.
03:19It's fresh. It's surrounded by green.
03:22I can see the big roof.
03:25It's amazing to see such a magnificent view on top of a mountain like this.
03:31Thank you for having me.
03:34I'm Mita Mura.
03:36Nice to meet you.
03:38Have you been here for 10 years?
03:39Yes, I've been here for 10 years.
03:40I've been here in private.
03:43Is that so?
03:44Nice to meet you.
03:45It's huge.
03:49Kinpusenji is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was built about 1,300 years ago.
03:54The Zao-do Shrine is 34 meters high and 36 meters wide.
04:00It's overwhelming in size.
04:03It's the second-largest wooden building in Japan.
04:08It's the second-largest building in Tokyo.
04:13My name is Kinpusenji.
04:16This is the Zao-do Shrine of Kompon Dojo, the main shrine of Shugendo Yamabushi, a unique religion in Japan.
04:25What do you think is the characteristic of this shrine?
04:37Oh, the pillars.
04:40That's right.
04:42The shrine is supported by 38 pillars.
04:46Each pillar is different.
04:50This one is too big.
04:52It's a mess.
04:55It's left in its natural state.
04:58There's a lot of thickness.
05:01We, Shugendo, go to the mountains to practice Buddhism.
05:05When we were in the village, we entered this shrine.
05:09This shrine was divided into three parts.
05:13I think that's how this shrine was built.
05:18I think you can see it in the image of nature.
05:24It's nice.
05:30I'm thirsty.
05:32I'm hungry.
05:33I'm hungry and thirsty.
05:38I'm curious about Kuzumo when I come to Yoshino.
05:42What's this?
05:46It's homemade tofu from Yoshino Mountain.
05:49Is it Mapo tofu?
05:51No, it's Noko tofu.
05:57I'd like to have some rice.
05:59You can buy it as a souvenir.
06:02Lunch at Yoshino's only tofu shop.
06:06Handmade tofu with soy beans and Yoshino's natural water is popular.
06:11In addition to souvenirs, you can enjoy freshly made tofu in the shop.
06:17Cheers for the first time.
06:30It's delicious.
06:32It's delicious.
06:34Thank you for waiting.
06:36Here you go.
06:37Here's your fried tofu.
06:39That's a lot.
06:41That's a lot.
06:43The popular menu of the shop.
06:45Two kinds of fried tofu and zaru tofu.
06:49First, let's try zaru tofu, which you can taste the umami of tofu directly.
07:04It's like soy milk turned into tofu.
07:07It's delicious.
07:09I can smell soy beans.
07:11It's soy beans.
07:13It's important.
07:16This green one is edamame.
07:20It has a nice color.
07:22It looks like Hisui.
07:27Edamame is interesting.
07:29It has edamame.
07:31Edamame has a strong scent.
07:34It's like eating tofu or edamame.
07:37I don't know what it is.
07:39It has a nice sound.
07:40This is the sign for the 10th and 12th.
07:43I see.
07:45It's nice.
07:46It's nice.
07:48These two people fell in love with the calm atmosphere and handmade tofu.
07:53Next, they'll try a menu unique to the tofu shop.
07:58It's mapo tofu.
08:00It's good for hot summer days.
08:03It's good.
08:04It's good.
08:13It's spicy.
08:15I can taste the softness of tofu.
08:19It's good.
08:21There's a lot of yuba.
08:23I thought I'd buy this much yuba at a supermarket, but it's very expensive.
08:28She's particular about making raw yuba with homemade dashi.
08:34Thank you for it.
08:37It's good.
08:39It's refreshing.
08:40It's soft.
08:42I can taste the sweetness of the tofu.
08:46It goes well with the dashi.
08:48It's a gentle taste.
08:50It's good.
08:53If you put your heart into it, you can make delicious food.
08:57I can smell the mountains of Yoshino.
09:02It's good.
09:05These two people fell in love with the delicious tofu.
09:08What's next?
09:12I'm full now. Thank you for the food.
09:15It was delicious.
09:18This is...
09:19What's this?
09:21We're making the food you ordered.
09:28This is kuzugai.
09:30We're going to make kuzumochi and kuzukiri in front of you.
09:35I can make kuzumochi, but I've never made kuzukiri.
09:46Have you ever made kuzumochi?
09:49I see.
09:51Nakai Shunpudo is a shop specialising in kuzu, which is rare in Japan.
09:56Their store-bought kuzukiri is one of their highlights.
10:03I'm adding water to the ingredients other than kuzu.
10:08That's all.
10:09I won't add anything else.
10:10I won't add any sugar either.
10:13Is the amount of water a secret?
10:16The ratio of kuzu to water is 1 to 3.
10:191 to 3?
10:21If you warm it up with hot water, it won't move.
10:25It hardens quickly.
10:27Make sure it's hardened.
10:29Then put it in hot water.
10:36It becomes transparent.
10:37It's done.
10:38Is it in here?
10:39Yes, it is.
10:45It's done.
10:49It's perfectly transparent.
10:52This is a fresh kuzukiri.
10:56Fresh kuzukiri is served in the shop.
11:00The owner wants customers to eat kuzukiri with the original flavour.
11:06It takes 10 minutes.
11:09Look at this.
11:12It's so easy to make kuzukiri.
11:22It smells like kuzu.
11:25It has a natural sweetness.
11:30I want to enjoy the sweetness of kuzu for a while.
11:34Freshly made kuzumochi is also served.
11:37Kuzukiri has a ratio of 1 to 3 to water.
11:41Kuzumochi has a ratio of 1 to 5 to water.
11:46Look at this.
11:52It's only 1 to 3 and 1 to 5.
11:54The texture is completely different.
11:57The texture is...
11:58It's so good.
11:59I can't describe the texture.
12:02It's so good.
12:03It's not too sweet.
12:06It's gentle.
12:07It's a sweet taste that goes well with the body.
12:09It's delicious.
12:10I wish I knew how to make kuzukiri earlier.
12:14How to make kuzukiri.
12:17This is it.
12:21There are many things to see here.
12:27Yoshimizu Shrine.
12:29This is where Hideyoshi came to see the flowers.
12:34This is where Emperor Godaigo hid.
12:40Here it is.
12:44Taiko Hideyoshi, who unified the country,
12:47took 5,000 women to see the flowers.
12:51This is the place where he held the main shrine, Yoshimizu Shrine.
12:56When Emperor Godaigo opened the southern gate to Yoshino,
13:01this was also known as the place where he held the main shrine.
13:08This is where Hideyoshi came to see the flowers.
13:11You can see the mountains of Yoshino.
13:17This is amazing.
13:19You can see it from here.
13:22You can see it from here.
13:25Is it here?
13:28The view from Yoshimizu Shrine is still a popular spot in Yoshino.
13:35In spring, you can see a lot of cherry blossoms at a glance,
13:39so it is said that you can see 1,000 cherry blossoms at a glance.
13:44When Hideyoshi came to see the cherry blossoms,
13:46he said,
13:47I can see 1,000 of them.
13:49That's a lot of cherry blossoms.
13:51Did anyone say,
13:52I can see only 5,000 of them.
13:59If you say that,
14:01I'll get angry.
14:05Next, they look for a specialty that they can't miss when they come to Nara.
14:11This is a shabby bar.
14:14What kind of bar is this?
14:16What kind of bar is this?
14:18It's Yoshino's.
14:20It's an ice cream bar made of scrap.
14:26I was surprised.
14:28There's glass here.
14:31This is kaki-no-hazushi.
14:32Yes, kaki-no-hazushi.
14:33Yoshino is famous for kaki-no-hazushi.
14:36Kaki-no-hazushi is a specialty of Nara,
14:39which is full of the wisdom and tradition of the ancient people.
14:42In Yoshino,
14:44it's a must-have for festivals and celebrations.
14:49Is it best to eat it the day after you buy it?
14:53You can't eat kaki-no-hazushi right away.
14:58It's a preserved food,
15:00so it's seasoned with a lot of salt.
15:02If you eat it right away, it's salty and spicy.
15:05After a day or two,
15:07the taste becomes milder.
15:09I think this is the first time I've heard of such a thing on this show.
15:14Is that so?
15:15Is it served right after you eat it?
15:20I'd like you to compare the kaki-no-hazushi
15:24I made yesterday and the one I made today.
15:27I'd like you to experience the kaki-no-hazushi.
15:32I'm under a lot of pressure.
15:35What's the difference between the kaki-no-hazushi you made this morning and the one you left overnight?
15:43Thank you for it.
16:04He's eating the kaki-no-hazushi.
16:20Both of them are delicious.
16:25The kaki-no-hazushi I made this morning is more crispy.
16:30The kaki-no-hazushi I made yesterday is sweeter.
16:33Overall, it's a milder rice.
16:37The kaki-no-hazushi I made yesterday is more crispy.
16:42I'm getting used to it.
16:44Do you understand?
16:46I think the taste of each ingredient is getting milder.
16:54I think many people like alcohol today.
16:57Is that so?
16:59I think I like the kaki-no-hazushi I made today better.
17:03I think I like the kaki-no-hazushi I made yesterday better.
17:05I didn't say that.
17:09They've made reservations for dinner and lodging.
17:12Where are they going?
17:15It's a place called Chikurin Inn.
17:20What kind of place is it?
17:25It's a great place.
17:30I'm looking forward to it.
17:33Excuse me.
17:36It's amazing.
17:38It's beautiful.
17:41Is that a hotel?
17:47It's a hotel.
17:51There are 50 rooms.
17:53The president of the hotel and the owner of Chikurin Inn.
17:59He's older than Mr. Ohtani.
18:01He's the same age as me.
18:04Chikurin Inn is said to have been built by Emperor Shotoku around the 7th century.
18:10The garden is said to have been designed by Sennori-kyu.
18:15Chikurin Inn Gunpo Garden is also located in the same area.
18:20It used to be a lodging place for the nobles.
18:23Now, it's a popular inn where many people stay.
18:30There's something amazing on the wall.
18:33It's gold.
18:36Is this yours?
18:38Yes, it is.
18:39It's from 1594.
18:41It was given to me by Lord Hideyoshi
18:45when he held a flower viewing in Yoshinoyama Zenzan.
18:51It's an old story.
18:56You still have it?
18:59It was given to me by Lord Hideyoshi
19:03when he held a flower viewing in Yoshinoyama Zenzan.
19:07You had a flower viewing here?
19:08That's right.
19:10It sounds like a story from yesterday.
19:13I'm sorry.
19:16Chikurin Inn Gunpo Garden has a deep connection with historical figures.
19:21What's in the room?
19:24This way, please.
19:26The Empress of the Showa Era, the current Empress,
19:29and the Emperor who stayed here, Matsunomaru.
19:33May I?
19:34Please come in.
19:38It's spacious.
19:40It's a flower garden.
19:42It's spacious.
19:48It's huge.
19:50It's amazing.
19:52It's inside the flower.
19:55I see.
19:56It's amazing.
19:58It's a 300-year-old tree.
20:02It's magnificent.
20:04You have to say,
20:05it's a temple in your head.
20:07I forgot.
20:09This is just a normal room.
20:12You can't see it from the outside.
20:16Matsunoma is a perfect private space.
20:21You can take a bath using Yoshino's Hinoki
20:24and have a relaxing time.
20:28What about the dinner?
20:32This is a lot.
20:35You can eat a lot of meat and Yoshino's delicacies.
20:40It's called the Rikyu-nabe course.
20:43There's sake.
20:45Yoshino has three kinds of sake.
20:48It's called Aji-Kurabe.
20:50It's very popular.
20:53If you like it, we'll bring more.
21:00How is it?
21:04It's totally different.
21:07Excuse me.
21:09Aren't you going to make a toast?
21:15I didn't make a toast. I just drank it.
21:18You drank it without thinking.
21:21I'm sorry about that.
21:24It's good.
21:27It has a strong scent of flowers.
21:33Yatagara's sake has a sweet taste.
21:37It's refreshing.
21:39It's for women.
21:41This is...
21:46This is...
21:48This is the sake that Japanese people like.
21:53That's right.
21:55What is this?
21:58It's somen.
22:03I've never seen somen like this before.
22:08It's a professional skill.
22:13This is amazing.
22:23The somen didn't stretch.
22:25It's delicious.
22:27The main dish is here.
22:29Is this a rice ball hot pot?
22:31It's rare.
22:32It's a rice ball hot pot.
22:37Mr. Hideyoshi Taiko liked it.
22:41He's been making it for a long time.
22:45It's thick.
22:47It's made of Yoshinoguzu.
22:50It's amazing.
22:51Chikurinin Gunpoen
22:55On an adult trip, they have dinner at Chikurinin Gunpoen.
23:01They eat sakura ayu grown in Yoshinoguzu.
23:06They eat seasonal vegetables.
23:10The main dish is a hot pot made of Yoshinoguzu.
23:22The soup stock is delicious.
23:25It's a gentle saltiness.
23:28The Yoshinoguzu is mixed with the meat.
23:35It warms me up.
23:37It's a good taste that warms my body.
23:40It's a luxurious meal in a room with an air conditioner.
23:45Who are the famous people?
23:49In the old days, there was Mr. Sanyo.
23:55Mr. Sanyo Hoshi.
23:56Mr. Sanyo Hoshi?
23:58He's in the story.
24:02Mr. Sanyo Hoshi?
24:06It's like...
24:10There's a historical figure right there.
24:14I joined the page of history.
24:19Mr. Itamura is here.
24:21I'm sure the future wife and husband will tell me.
24:30On an adult trip, they visit the world heritage site, Kinpusenji.
24:38I have a gift for you.
24:41It's a gosuin-cho.
24:42It's a souvenir.
24:44Did you draw it?
24:45Yes, for the viewers.
24:47This is better.
24:48You have a daigongen on your face.
24:50It's blue.
24:51The blue face.
24:53It's a gosuin-cho depicting the history of Kinpusenji and Zaodo.
25:01On the next episode of Adult Traveler,
25:03we'll have summer sake and delicious food in the back alleys of Kyoto.
25:06Urokko is a good wine.
25:09It's a Korean salad.
25:12This is great.
25:13Look forward to it.
25:16Three people will receive a gosuin-cho from Kinpusenji.
25:20Please submit your answer to the survey.
25:23Adult Traveler
25:28Adult Traveler
25:33Adult Traveler
25:41My bag has been completed.
25:45It can be used by both men and women.
25:48It can be used by black women.
25:50It can be used by brown men.
25:54I think it's wonderful in a bright way.
25:57The price was half of what I expected.
26:02I'm glad.
26:03Designers have been planning for a long time.
26:06It will be completed in a year.
26:07I think so, too.
26:08Congratulations on the completion of your wish.
