1000 Degree Cleaver vs BOOM POWDER-

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00:00High cleaver versus bone powder.
00:02I said bone.
00:03What is that?
00:04A cleaver?
00:05What's our intro, dude?
00:08What's up guys?
00:09We're back with another life hack.
00:10I have taken Chris's spot and I'm with...
00:14So this is Chuck Norris.
00:15It looks like me, look at that beard.
00:17That's definitely Chuck Norris.
00:18Aw, they can't do this to this guy.
00:19Periodically tabled.
00:20I don't know what that is.
00:23Distance to target, 3.77.
00:25Who uses meters?
00:25What is tape?
00:30Oh, Chuck Norris.
00:31Ooh, I just squished him.
00:33He is flat.
00:35He is flat.
00:36On the other side, Connor, can you give me this hammer?
00:38I would love to have this hammer.
00:39Look at him.
00:42He looks terrible.
00:44He looks amazing.
00:47I like this music, though.
00:48He has a band-aid on.
00:50Life hacks are dangerous.
00:51Ask your parents for permission.
00:54It's like in the other variant.
00:55Life hacks are dangerous.
00:56Beep, ask your parents for permission
00:57before you try to eat these guys.
00:58Beep, bop, boop, bop, beep.
01:00What is this dude building?
01:01He's building a slingshot.
01:03Pringle cap.
01:03That's a long toothpick.
01:05It's basically just a slingshot, yeah.
01:11And it's a magnifying glass.
01:14Congratulations, you've made a slingshot.
01:16Tissue paper roll versus heat ray.
01:18All right, what do you think is gonna happen?
01:19Tissue paper roll.
01:23Probably just, yep, there it is.
01:25I hit the play button.
01:26It's weird being Chris today, all right?
01:28I've gotta do all the work.
01:30I'm not used to it.
01:31Chris does do all the work.
01:31All right, I'm sweating a little bit
01:33because there's so much pressure, all right?
01:34I mean, look at this heat from this beautiful.
01:36I can feel it, I'm sweating.
01:38Wow, this is pretty cool.
01:39You know, who would have thought
01:40you put a heat ray to paper?
01:42And it would burn so beautifully.
01:44This is great for the environment, I heard.
01:46I would definitely put this,
01:47you know those TVs people use
01:49and they make it as like a fireplace?
01:50I would do this instead.
01:53Just toilet paper burning.
01:54But that's so terrible.
01:57What would you do if you came over
01:58to my house one night for dinner
01:59and I had a TV where the fireplace is,
02:02but instead of it being a fire show, it was this.
02:04What would you do?
02:05I would probably laugh.
02:06I'd probably laugh.
02:07Another one, great.
02:08What do you think is gonna happen?
02:09You know what?
02:10I would never know until I see.
02:12You know, is it gonna,
02:13no way it's gonna just float in the air.
02:16It's gonna melt midair.
02:18Is it?
02:19Is it?
02:20It used the force.
02:23What is happening?
02:25Look at that little.
02:26Can we try this?
02:26Like actually try this.
02:28Or a ping pong ball.
02:28Can we go get one?
02:29Trey, go get us a heat bed and a ping pong ball.
02:31On it.
02:32Oh, wow, wow, wow, wow.
02:35Oh my gosh.
02:36Hold on, we're playing that back real quick.
02:38Did you see what happened?
02:38You can't.
02:40Just did.
02:41He doesn't know.
02:42Oh, I'm not supposed to play it back?
02:43That's awkward.
02:45I played it back, sorry.
02:46You son of a.
02:49Thousand degree ball versus chicken.
02:52Take your gasses.
02:52Ain't no way that's a $25 chicken.
02:54They really say $25?
02:56Yeah, I would not pay $25 for that.
02:58I was at Walmart one time, right?
02:59Hold on, hold on.
03:00Oh, look at that, excuse me.
03:01Look at that drip.
03:02I went to Walmart.
03:03Hold on, hold on.
03:04Hold on, let me tell a story.
03:05Can I tell a story?
03:06So I went to Walmart,
03:07and you know how you get the chicken breast packs,
03:08but they're normally like $12 to $15?
03:11I found one that was like $3 for like five.
03:15Seriously, if you saw four chicken for $3,
03:17what would you do?
03:18Not get it?
03:20That's like terrifying.
03:21This is cheating.
03:22Yo, this low-key looks amazing.
03:24Is that hot sauce or barbecue sauce?
03:25I don't know, but he cooked it
03:27with the thousand degree ball.
03:27I feel like that's what it sounds like.
03:30I don't even hear it.
03:31Actually, he's cooking it with the oil.
03:35That's fire.
03:36And he basically just had fried chicken.
03:38His heat source was the ball.
03:42Jake and Chandler, we're on elephant toothpaste.
03:47Hydrogen peroxide.
03:48That was really quick.
03:49I couldn't read it, but now we're going on.
03:51I'm wrapping bars on the track like I'm elephant.
03:56This is very cool, right?
03:57Be careful, that is very hot.
03:59Oh, touch it.
04:00Touch it.
04:01This is almost...
04:03Be careful, it's very hot.
04:05Can we do this?
04:07What is it?
04:0735% hydrogen peroxide.
04:10Ready, go.
04:14I want to do that so bad.
04:16Can we get some?
04:17Let's go to Lowe's.
04:18They probably have everything at Lowe's we need.
04:21That's so cool.
04:23Is it basically just like soap coming out?
04:25Or what is it?
04:26Is it foam?
04:29What is it?
04:33These are really...
04:34Open up.
04:35It's the Demogorgon.
04:36This is so soothing.
04:39That's so clean.
04:40Don't break it.
04:41Oh, that was so good looking.
04:43Oh, that hurt to watch.
04:47Turn it off.
04:48I'm a fan of this.
04:50Was it MJ?
04:52Oh my gosh.
04:53These are cool.
04:54Did you watch them make those?
04:59What was that even?
05:00Why would they do that?
05:02I'm so satisfied right now.
05:03It's cool.
05:04It's like really cool, but it hurts to watch.
05:05Who keeps digging us?
05:07My chin itches.
05:08I think it's Telegram.
05:09Do you remember all those really old vines?
05:11Where he's like, I got watermelon instead.
05:14Those are my favorite.
05:15They got helmets on their heads,
05:17but I got a watermelon instead.
05:19What is he doing?
05:20So he cuts out the outside, of course,
05:22because no one likes the head.
05:23That looks like a really good watermelon.
05:24I would eat that.
05:25I would too.
05:26Oh, what?
05:28That's kind of weird.
05:29What the?
05:31Spot on.
05:33Spot on.
05:34Good job, dude.
05:35You can barely tell the difference.
05:37Challenge cleared.
05:38What's going on?
05:39Is he going to use that as an eye?
05:41He's going to use that as an eye.
05:42Oh my God.
05:45This is so wrong in so many ways.
05:47Why would you want this to happen?
05:49Guys, look at my watermelon fish I made.
05:52It looks such like a real thing.
05:54And I'm going to cover it.
05:55Wait, what?
05:56Oh, he's like getting the juices up.
05:58Got to make it all nice and presentable.
06:04Is it a watermelon fish?
06:05Don't ruin watermelon.
06:07Did he ruin birthday cakes too?
06:09Oh my.
06:09Creative fish cake?
06:11Kids don't like fish.
06:13They like cake and ice cream.
06:14Can we boycott whoever made that?
06:15How dare you?
06:16Watermelon instead.
06:18Here we go.
06:19Hot cleaver versus boom powder.
06:22I said boom.
06:23What is that?
06:23A cleaver?
06:27Holy cannolis.
06:28Oh, I probably just.
06:30Look at that.
06:32It just.
06:33Who would have thought?
06:34It's like my butt.
06:39Why is it doing that?
06:40Who would have thought a super hot knife
06:42touching that powder, boom powder,
06:44would make it go off?
06:46Why are you so obsessed with it?
06:50I don't know.
06:51It's kind of weird.
06:55It's like whale talking from Finding Nemo.
06:59We're going to take a moment to bring you an ad.
07:01GamerSup's code Chandler.
07:03Please, please, please.
07:05Building something useful with magnets.
07:11Is it the Eiffel Tower?
07:13I might be onto it.
07:13What'd you guess?
07:14I might be onto it.
07:15Is it the Eiffel Tower?
07:16I think it's the Eiffel Tower.
07:17This seems so time consuming.
07:18Wait, what the?
07:21Why don't we just do that the first time?
07:22It's a pyramid.
07:23How heavy?
07:24That's dope.
07:26What the?
07:27What are you doing, dude?
07:28He's like, yeah, that was cool.
07:29Not anymore.
07:30Yeah, he's like gone.
07:31Oh, we saw it for a second.
07:32Give me that back.
07:33Hey, this is really cool,
07:34but we're just going to take it away now.
07:36All right, buh-bye.
07:37He's making it.
07:38How heavy do you think this thing is?
07:39Oh, dude.
07:40This thing has to be so heavy.
07:41Oh my, yeah, look at it.
07:42He's like.
07:43You got to be so careful.
07:46Now put the pins on.
07:48I mean, you can spin it.
07:49Oh, don't do it to us.
07:50Spin it.
07:51Can I get one?
07:53Hey, can I get one of these that's already built?
07:55I'm going to hire Bob to build it for Handy Manny.
07:57I feel like it would take me forever to build that,
07:59but I just want to get someone,
08:00I want to get someone to build it,
08:01and they just give it to me.
08:05All right, that's not vegetables.
08:06That's a bottle cap.
08:07That's a bottle cap.
08:09Oh, that's what it is.
08:10They don't cut vegetables.
08:11They just cut bottle caps.
08:16They're building the cutter.
08:17Are you sure?
08:20I don't know.
08:21This looks dangerous.
08:21They're gluing.
08:22This looks dangerous.
08:23They're building something.
08:24I would definitely cut my finger on this.
08:2512 million percent.
08:27Yeah, that's why he has those white gloves.
08:29White gloves?
08:30Those aren't like safety gloves.
08:32They're magic gloves.
08:35Did he glue, oh, did he glue them down?
08:36Yeah, yeah.
08:38I was confused for a second.
08:39Isn't that great?
08:40This is actually useful.
08:41Cucumbers, cucumbers.
08:42I wonder if he's going to put pickles up here.
08:44I hope not.
08:45Did y'all know Chandler has a massive fear of pickles?
08:49Yes, they all know.
08:54Oh, awkward.
08:55Rubber ducky.
08:57Did you ever play with a rubber ducky on the tub?
09:00Me neither.
09:03That looks like straight up vanilla ice cream.
09:06And I would believe it's vanilla ice cream
09:07because it looks like it's on ice.
09:08It looks like snow cream.
09:09It looks like it's on ice too.
09:11I'd eat that.
09:14It's a whole peanut.
09:17Okay, that was cool.
09:20Does it stay together like that?
09:22They're trying to make us eat it.
09:24I would put that in my drink.
09:25Are they brownies?
09:26Okay, why are they doing this?
09:28Speed it up, speed it up.
09:29Come on, you've got like 40 left.
09:31Hurry up, get to the next one.
09:33There's not much time.
09:38I'm so glad the last 30 seconds of that clip
09:41was him taking them out of their slots.
09:43He didn't even get the last one either.
09:45I know, what is this?
09:46I'm kidding.
09:48I finally found a Coke that says,
09:50share a Coke with a Jake.
09:52And I was like.
09:54I've never seen one with my name on it.
09:56Dude, I've never seen one with Jake
09:57and I finally saw one.
09:57It was at the airport and I almost bought it, but I didn't.
10:01I've never seen one with Chandler.
10:02My next goal is to find one that says William
10:04because that's my first name.
10:05What the heck's going on?
10:05It's a pen top.
10:07Like a dreidel or a spinner top?
10:08It's a spinner, pen top, yep.
10:11Dude, what do you do?
10:12Oh, shoot.
10:13Okay, I've never done that before.
10:15What's really cool is you can adjust
10:16where that weight is so it can stay up longer.
10:21That's what she said.
10:23Well, that was fun.
10:24Did you have fun?
10:25GamerSupps, co-Chandler, do it now.
10:27Jake the Viking, okay, we're peeing, bye-bye.
10:30I said bum.