1-000 Degree Knife vs Coca Cola

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00:00Triple torch action upon the knife.
00:02With a metal handle, that's pretty smart.
00:04Yeah, that is not very smart.
00:05I don't know why he's doing that.
00:07Welcome back.
00:08How should we intro the video?
00:09What's our intro, dude?
00:10This is the intro.
00:11I don't want to do an intro.
00:12Life hacks.
00:14Rasta candle, ooh.
00:17That was a green syringe.
00:18We haven't seen one of those before.
00:19That was weird.
00:20That's how you give someone the flu.
00:21Green tape, too.
00:23I'm just going to blow past you giving old people the flu.
00:26I got my flu shot today.
00:27Look, guys.
00:29There was about 100 other old people in there.
00:32And there was some seats open.
00:33And you know what I did?
00:35I sat on the floor so the old people could sit in the seats.
00:38I'm a good person, everybody.
00:40Tell me how great I am.
00:41Tell me how awesome I am.
00:43Say in the comments, go, oh my god, Chris,
00:45you're so good to old people.
00:46No, the comments are always so mean to me.
00:48And it makes me feel bad.
00:50What did I do to y'all?
00:52I'm just here living my life.
00:53I saw it in a comment of one of the previous videos
00:55that I was in.
00:56They were like, who's the new guy?
00:57Bring Chandler back.
00:59And so I commented on it.
01:00And I'm like, no, I'm staying.
01:02So he just cut some syringes.
01:04And he's got cardboard ready to go.
01:06They have so many syringes on this thing.
01:07Rubber bands, glue, everything you can think of.
01:10Everything you could possibly ever truly want, they have.
01:14I'm so confused.
01:16He said it's a money maker.
01:18What is going on?
01:21Oh, it's a trick.
01:31The whole time, you're just like, is it?
01:33I thought I was the same as you.
01:35I thought it was a coin dispenser.
01:36No, I, look at this trick.
01:38Ha ha, we made money.
01:39Ha ha ha.
01:40They probably would have fooled you, though, in real life.
01:43What's up with all these machines?
01:46That's what Black Mirror, that's their description.
01:48What's up with all these machines?
01:52Oh, yeah, EDM from 2009.
01:55Wait, how did he just get that off so cleanly?
01:58Oh, I've used those before.
02:00What is that?
02:00I forgot what they're called, though.
02:01A belt?
02:02Is it a little belt?
02:03They're mechanical belts for your wrist.
02:05All right, so he put the belt on the Coke can, and then.
02:08He's going to put it in his bike?
02:09He's going to glue his bike.
02:10Don't glue stuff to your motorcycle.
02:12Yeah, dude, that's a nice bike.
02:13What are you doing?
02:14What are you doing?
02:15Is that an exhaust?
02:16Like a DIY exhaust?
02:17Yeah, he's going to catch all the carbon,
02:19so he saves the planet.
02:20Oh, dude, I know what's about to happen.
02:25Listen to this.
02:25Listen to this.
02:26Because I used to do this with a can.
02:27You can do it with your mouth.
02:28What are you doing?
02:29What is it?
02:29It's going to make it's going to sound like a, just wait.
02:31It doesn't.
02:32It's going to make it sound more like.
02:33You hear it?
02:35That's the woodpecker right there.
02:36That's just like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
02:38Yeah, I love that noise.
02:40Oh, it's that Jake's on his way.
02:43What happens when you hydraulically press coins?
02:46Who would ever want to know that or need to know that?
02:49It got blurry once.
02:50I didn't see that.
02:51All right, here we go.
02:53Here we go.
02:54I thought this was like a PowerPoint presentation.
02:56Oh, they're squashing.
02:57That's pretty cool.
02:58Make it into one coin.
02:59Bit more.
03:00Bit more.
03:01He said bit more.
03:03Yeah, squish it a bit more.
03:04It's not flat as a pancake, though.
03:06That's what I was expecting.
03:08Oh, that's pretty cool.
03:09It's pretty flat.
03:10It's the Hydraulic Press Channel.
03:11Shout out to them.
03:11They're pretty cool.
03:12Give them a check.
03:13Bit more.
03:14You know what?
03:15I have a funny story about a vacuum.
03:17It involves one of my buddies, and not me this time.
03:19Oh, OK.
03:20One of the time, we told one of my buddies,
03:22if you take a vacuum and put it to your neck,
03:25it looks like you've got a hickey.
03:27And he's just sitting there with a vacuum on his neck.
03:29Ha ha ha.
03:33Doesn't work.
03:34Everyone's going to think I'm so cool.
03:36Everybody's going to think I've got a girlfriend.
03:39They'll be like, wow, James, your neck is so clean.
03:42Oh, wow, he's swiping pills.
03:45Dude, I'm telling you, this is how we get the anti-vaxxers.
03:48No, that's how old people get their medicine.
03:51Dude, no joke.
03:52I was at the doctor today, and I was talking to the doctor,
03:54and she said she had somebody came in and was an anti-vaxxer
03:58and was genuinely upset.
03:59She asked if she wanted a flu shot.
04:01Starting to gain movement.
04:02How is not vaccinating your children gaining movement?
04:05Because the internet's a terrible place.
04:07Whoa, M&M's.
04:08Those are big M&M's.
04:10You know what?
04:10They're the peanut M&M's.
04:12Dude, are we going to see some peanuts right now?
04:13Dude, we are.
04:14I love peanut M&M's.
04:15They're the best M&M's.
04:16They are good.
04:16It's like a pleasant surprise.
04:17Like, oh, we're even going to see some peanuts.
04:18Dude, do you ever say something so many times it sounds weird?
04:20Because M&M's sounds weird.
04:22M&M and M&M.
04:23M&M and M&M.
04:24I think it should not be called just M&M's.
04:26You open a pack, and you're like, hey, check out my M&M and M&M.
04:29Yeah, there's a lot of M&M's in there.
04:31There's just not two M's.
04:33It's a lot of M's in there.
04:34It's a full pack of M's.
04:35There's a lot of M's.
04:36Hey, Brooke, can I get a couple of M's?
04:38That's how you should ask for M&M's.
04:39Or if you want to be extra, just be like, hey,
04:41can I get some M&M and M&M and M&M?
04:43Yeah, Brooke, can I have at least four M's?
04:45Yeah, I got you.
04:46Thanks, man.
04:46M. Oh, OK.
04:47I thought we were going to act it out.
04:48No, no, no.
04:50Box of pain.
04:51Oh, that sounds like my ex-wife.
04:54Say what?
04:55I don't have an ex-wife.
04:56I just wanted to make that joke.
04:58By the time this video comes out, Katie's going to be.
05:00Ha ha ha ha, I'm kidding.
05:02Katie's going to just divorce me just so that bit hurts.
05:04Wait, what?
05:05Oh, you know, no, yeah, she's just doing it for the bit.
05:07Guys, I'm just getting divorced just for the bit.
05:10I love you, babe.
05:11Truth and comedy.
05:11That's a book.
05:12I highly recommend it, truth and comedy.
05:14Oh, so this is like that game where it's like punch your boss.
05:17Did you ever play that game?
05:18I feel like I would get fired if I played that game.
05:21It's a game all about just hitting your boss.
05:23Is his boss Captain America?
05:25He probably shouldn't be allowed.
05:26I feel like when you're when your therapist goes,
05:28what kind of healthy coping mechanisms do you have?
05:31And I go, oh, well, I make a little box
05:33and I have a little voodoo doll of my boss.
05:35And then I just punch him.
05:37More like.
05:39C, me, P.
05:40What does that even stand for?
05:44What would that even stand for?
05:46Colgate and paste.
05:53Ew, you mixed it up, too.
05:54Why would you do this?
05:55And the glue.
05:56The glue's great.
05:57It's a prank.
05:58That's terrible.
05:59This is the worst thing I've ever seen.
06:01Look, those are definitely C&P.
06:03Oh, no.
06:05Darn it.
06:07It's just a prank, bro.
06:08How did I get toothpaste on my hand?
06:10He's a chip.
06:11I'm suing Lay's.
06:14These darn factory-made chips.
06:18That reminds me of my senior prank.
06:20Oh, it does.
06:20What was your senior prank, buddy?
06:22Shaving cream and balloon and water in balloons.
06:26And we threw it at everyone in the school.
06:28And we went out like big dogs, even though we almost
06:30didn't graduate.
06:31We had to beg them to let us graduate.
06:33It was a great, great, great ending to our high school
06:36Oh, look at this.
06:37Oh, that looks like it would be fun to squeeze.
06:39Dude, it was so fun to squeeze.
06:41Oh, wow, it's big now.
06:43Dude, is this a fishbowl?
06:44Is this why fish look so big all the time?
06:51That is, that's fun.
06:52Wow, he's just putting his hands in there.
06:54I mean, it's just water.
06:55Yeah, but there's so many chemicals.
06:57And we threw it at everyone in the school.
06:59That's really blue water.
07:00It is.
07:01That's like really blue.
07:02This guy doesn't care about his watch.
07:04I would like at least pull my watch up a little bit.
07:06Oh, man, that makes me, that makes me uncomfortable.
07:09That wet watch all day.
07:09Yeah, like just imagine him now having to deal with the watch.
07:12Oh, my legs are tired.
07:20Yummy, Coca-Cola, the main company
07:23polluting our entire ocean.
07:24Love that.
07:25Triple force action upon the knife.
07:27With a metal handle, that's pretty smart.
07:29Yeah, that is not very smart.
07:30I don't know why he's doing that.
07:32All right, what's going to happen?
07:34Oh, yeah, light it on fire.
07:37Plastic in the atmosphere.
07:40Dude, that did nothing.
07:42OK, side action.
07:45He's regretting his decision to do that because Coke
07:47is getting everywhere.
07:49Look at him, he's like, oh, gosh, why did I do this?
07:51Oh, God, why did I do it again?
07:52Oh, gosh.
07:53My camera.
07:53Oh, my goodness.
07:54Oh, gosh, why did I do it again?
07:55And the music just came back on out of nowhere.
07:57Oh, yeah, turn up.
08:01There's so much Coca-Cola in my eyes.
08:04Energy ice hack.
08:05Energy ice.
08:06Oh, no.
08:06This is a wonderful trick if you like Red Bull.
08:10OK, so what you're going to do is
08:11you get your little mini tray, put some Red Bull in it,
08:13freeze it, obviously.
08:14And then you're going to bend it because it looks cool.
08:18And then take it out.
08:19So you put Red Bull in your Coke.
08:21In your Coca-Cola cup.
08:22Don't know if there's Coke in there yet.
08:24I'm trying to have a heart attack.
08:26Nope, that's Coke.
08:26That is.
08:27Coke and Red Bull.
08:30Someone's like, I have to stay up for the next four days.
08:34What am I going to do?
08:35Coke and Red Bull.
08:36Coke and Red Bull.
08:37Also, Red Bull doesn't look that appetizing
08:39when it's not in the can.
08:40It just kind of looks like a dirty water.
08:43Orbeez, fish, and water.
08:45Do you hate your fish?
08:46Yes, I do.
08:47Oh, it's an Orbeez frog.
08:48Look, it's a frog.
08:50Oh, and look, it's a puffer fish.
08:51Oh, I love puffer fish.
08:52Oh, look, he's just having a good time.
08:54He doesn't even know the cameras are rolling.
08:56Is this supposed to be a life hack?
08:57Oh, the Orbeez are going to get big, and then the frog
08:58gets close.
08:59Oh, no.
09:00Oh, no.
09:02Oh, Billy.
09:07The slow-mo.
09:07It's hard to watch.
09:08Those look like eggs.
09:09That's how salmon reproduce.
09:11Oh, not the puffer fish.
09:12I love puffer fish.
09:14Oh, god.
09:15Oh, that's terrifying.
09:16That is terrifying.
09:18Guys, this is why you shouldn't put plastic in the ocean.
09:21Somehow, this is correlated.
09:23This is what happens to fish when you put plastic in the ocean.
09:25I'm not reacting to this anymore, by the way,
09:27because it got kind of boring.
09:29All right.
09:32I am Team Sponge because I'm Team Underdog.
09:34Oh, never mind.
09:35The sponge is losing.
09:36You've got to stop gambling.
09:37I know.
09:38I can't.
09:38I can't do this.
09:40Look, I go for the week.
09:41I don't know why.
09:42I just go for the week.
09:43Look at this sponge.
09:44The sponge is just losing.
09:45It's cooking the sponge.
09:45It's honestly losing.
09:46I don't know.
09:47Oh, my gosh.
09:48This is insult to injury right now.
09:50I'm ready.
09:51This is SpongeBob.
09:53I'm ready.
09:54This is SpongeBob.
09:55I can't.
09:56Poor SpongeBob.
09:57Poor, poor SpongeBob.
09:58This is SpongeBob's cousin, Yellow Bob.
10:01Yellow Bob.
10:01Or no, Blue Bob.
10:02Blue Bob.
10:03Wow, this is kind of satisfying.
10:05He looks like Sponge Gary.
10:06Sponge Gary.
10:09OK, do you comb your hair?
10:10Are you the guy that combs his hair every morning?
10:12I don't comb it.
10:13I brush it.
10:14I brush it.
10:14OK, what's the difference?
10:16So comb is like it separates the hair,
10:19whereas brush kind of blends it together.
10:23Like this.
10:24Yeah, like this.
10:25This is what it has become of that.
10:29I don't know what you want me to say.
10:30Are you really going to make a butterfly knife?
10:31I used to play CSGO.
10:33And the butterfly knife was one of the knives you could get.
10:36Personally, I didn't like the butterfly knife.
10:38But I had one.
10:39Did it look like this?
10:41No, it did not.
10:43It did not look like a comb.
10:44You know, butterfly knives are banned in most countries.
10:47I did not know that.
10:48Dude, the UK is going to get really mad about this.
10:50They're like, ah.
10:52They're making it easier.
10:54Oh, that's not how they talk.
10:56Oi, gov'nor, you got a license for that comb.
10:58Let me see that knife, please.
11:00Right on.
11:01Right on.
11:0140, yeah.
11:02You watch football?
11:03You's my youngest, man.
11:07Bruv, you's my youngest, man.
11:10I'm going to just start talking in ad libs
11:12if I keep on eating Migos chips.
11:15All right, this next hack is going to be an ad libed hack.
11:18All right, so you got to get your popsicle stick.
11:23And your cap.
11:25No cap.
11:26Glue it up there.
11:28After you do that, you're going to glue some more together.
11:33Isn't this ad libing?
11:34I don't know.
11:34Someone help.
11:35Yeah, yeah, yeah.
11:37That says all.
11:39Please recycle me.
11:40Please recycle me.
11:43Oh, look at that.
11:45Look at it.
11:47Look at the frickin' lip squints.
11:50Can we do that?
11:51Is that too copyrighted?
11:52Who knows?
11:53Who knows?
11:53Hey, this is actually pretty cool, though.
11:55Look at that.
11:56Wow, it makes hitting the switch a lot easier.
11:57I got so dead.
11:59Ad libing is a lot harder than it looks, guys.
12:02This took a lot of thinking.
12:03Don't make fun of rappers.
12:04It's not that easy.
12:05I love the word calligraphy because it's
12:08such an overcomplicated word for you could
12:10have just said fancy writing.
12:11Stop it.
12:12Nice penmanship.
12:13Ooh, they're making Ikea.
12:15Oh, that's a good shadow effect.
12:17Oh, is that calligraphy or is that just a nice painting?
12:20Whoa, that looks three dimensional.
12:22That does look three dimensional.
12:23They got the shadows on everything looking good.
12:25Oh, wow.
12:26Dude, that pops off the page.
12:28What is that, acrylic pastel?
12:30That's nice.
12:32The best thing is when you used to blow
12:34people's mind with the box.
12:35You know what I'm talking about?
12:36You draw a box and then draw another box
12:38and then connect the lines.
12:40And then it would shift.
12:41Whoa, this guy's really good at what he does.
12:43I would love for him to create me a sign.
12:46Hey, this guy, if you want to make a sign, I'd love that.
12:49Send it to my PO box.
12:50Yeah, can you make me a sign that
12:52looks like that that just says, can I stay at your place?
12:56Do a lot of couch surfing these days.
12:58Yeah, it's fun, man.
12:59Oh, just dying on the inside.
13:02Oh, I like it.
13:03I like it so far.
13:04For my mini lawn in my mini house.
13:06If this works, we could give this to ants.
13:09And then the ants could cut our grass for us.
13:11And they could be like serfs.
13:13And we could be like the lords of the land.
13:15This is your song, thank you.
13:18Chris, is this your Bugs Life sequel script
13:20you've been working on?
13:21Oh, look at this.
13:23This is pretty cool.
13:24You take your nut, you unscrew it.
13:25You unscrew your nut, you put a blade on it.
13:27Look at this.
13:28I'm actually really excited.
13:30Look at that.
13:32It's a little weed whacker.
13:33Oh, wow.
13:34It's whacking weeds.
13:35Also, you can give your friend a haircut.
13:38Oh, I don't know if you should do that.
13:41Hey, stand still.
13:42No problem.
13:43I made this.
13:44It's my prototype.
13:45I'll just go to Great Clips.
13:46Get off.
13:46What are you doing?
13:47We'll find out one day, baby.
13:49One day.
13:49One day we'll learn.
13:50Hey, that's a cool dude.
13:53Wait, what?
13:56Oh, you shave it down.
13:57And then you paint it black.
13:59No way he did that.
14:00Well, I got one part, right?
14:03It's basically painting.
14:04Who does that?
14:06Wow, oh, you got me.
14:08Like, who cares?
14:09Wow, oh, look at all these used matchsticks.
14:11No says I.
14:15That's something I would definitely use in the future.
14:17That's something you would do.
14:18I would definitely waste an hour of my time
14:21to prank someone for two seconds.