Car cartoons for kids & Helper cars cartoon full episodes - Fire truck cartoon f

  • le mois dernier


01:00C'est à droite.
01:01Il a un bouton bleu.
01:04Le moteur de feu se tourne à droite.
01:07Et ici est le magasin de réparation.
01:13La porte s'ouvre.
01:15Vous y allez.
01:19Le moteur de feu vient pour une inspection.
01:23Voyons les roues.
01:26Elles se tournent de côté en côté,
01:28et de côté en côté.
01:30Et de l'autre côté?
01:36Tout va bien aussi.
01:37Les roues sont en bon ordre.
01:39Les lumières sont allumées.
01:44La porte s'ouvre.
01:45Le canon d'eau est en place.
01:51Le miroir est mou.
01:53Voyons le nettoyer.
01:56Oh non!
01:57L'escalier ne fonctionne pas.
01:59Il tourne légèrement.
02:02Et il ne s'étend pas.
02:06Mécanique de voiture.
02:10Nous devons lubriquer l'escalier avec de l'huile machine.
02:17L'arme robot de la mécanique prend l'huile
02:20et lubrique l'escalier.
02:28Voyons voir.
02:30Un peu plus.
02:32Un peu plus.
02:36Et maintenant, il monte.
02:38Et descend.
02:40L'escalier s'étend même.
02:43Merci pour votre aide.
02:48La voiture de feu a passé l'inspection
02:50et peut partir au travail.
02:53Qui a besoin d'aide?
02:58Appel urgent.
02:59La voiture de feu a besoin de l'aide.
03:02Un chien s'est trompé sur l'escalier.
03:12La voiture de feu arrive le plus vite possible.
03:20Et voici le chien.
03:21Il ne peut pas descendre.
03:24L'escalier est cassé.
03:28La voiture de feu monte l'escalier.
03:31Descend, chien.
03:38Tu es en sécurité maintenant.
03:41Tu pourras y aller encore
03:43quand ils auront préparé l'escalier.
03:48Sortir de la voiture de feu,
03:49viennent le véhicule et le train.
03:52Le véhicule a une roue d'escalier dans son conteneur.
03:56Les voitures d'aide vont réparer le voyage amusant.
04:06Tu es en position.
04:07Train, sort de la nouvelle roue d'escalier.
04:16Attachez-la au moteur.
04:18La roue d'escalier fonctionne à nouveau.
04:22Bien joué, voitures d'aide.
04:49Une petite voiture rouge va sur le grand chemin.
05:02Qu'est-ce que c'est?
05:04Une haute montagne.
05:12La voiture de feu est en position.
05:15La voiture d'aide est en position.
05:19La voiture de feu veut monter.
05:25Ça ne marche pas.
05:31Non, voiture, c'est trop steep.
05:33Tu ne peux pas monter la montagne.
05:36Appelez quelqu'un pour aide.
05:38Vuitures d'aide, sortez.
05:45Appuyez sur la porte.
06:02Qu'est-ce que c'est?
06:04Un train de printemps.
06:05Hello Cars! Can you build a road up the tall mountain? Let's try!
06:20An excavator, truck, bulldozer and crane are going to help the small car.
06:50The excavator digs into the mountain with its large bucket.
07:20The bulldozer removes the excess land.
07:43The crane unloads road segments from the truck.
08:08The bulldozer unloads road segments from the truck.
08:28The bulldozer unloads road segments from the truck.
08:49Look! The little car is already driving along the new highway.
08:58Please be careful, the road isn't finished yet.
09:12The crane caught the car.
09:30So that no one falls, fences need to be installed.
09:52Now everything is ready!
09:58The helper cars drive back to the garage.
10:09Thank you so much!
10:18In this garage, there live little cars.
10:23Red! The garage doors are opening!
10:27Yellow! The cars are getting ready for a race!
10:31Green! And they're off!
10:47The cars are driving very fast.
10:50They're trying to overtake each other.
10:59The cars are going up, accelerating, driving around a transparent tube.
11:05Oh! Green car! Catch up!
11:10There's a lift ahead. The barrier has come down.
11:14The cars can only go into this lift, one by one.
11:22The next car is the yellow one.
11:26Now the blue one.
11:32The barrier is going up.
11:34Who's next?
11:37It's the red car!
11:40Oh dear! The green car has broken the barrier and driven into the lift with the red car.
11:45That's no good.
11:47The lift can't go up.
11:50What a disaster! The cars are stuck.
11:54Help! The little cars can't get out by themselves.
12:02Blue car! Call someone to help, please.
12:11This is the garage where the helper cars live.
12:18Helper cars!
12:21They've heard him.
12:27Out of the garage come the crane,
12:30the tow truck
12:32and the big truck.
12:34They're coming to help.
12:45The blue car is showing them the way.
12:53And here are the trapped cars.
13:01The crane is taking the lift apart.
13:19One more piece.
13:22Don't worry little cars, your friends are going to save you.
13:30He's taken the roof of the lift off.
13:33Now it's the tow truck's turn.
13:37The tow truck is letting its hook down into the lift.
13:46He's got the green car out of the broken lift.
13:54And now the red one.
13:58The little cars can go on their way.
14:10The crane is repairing the broken lift.
14:14The lift is working again.
14:21The crane is putting all the parts back.
14:44And that's the broken barrier.
14:49The truck has brought a new barrier.
14:52The crane is putting it into place.
15:03Hooray! It works!
15:08The broken barrier needs to be taken out of the way to be repaired.
15:13The crane is checking the lift is working.
15:18The helper cars have repaired everything.
15:29Drive more carefully next time, racing cars!
15:34In the helper car's garage comes the ambulance.
15:38On top of his cabin, there are flashing lights.
15:43On the side, there's a red cross.
15:47Behind, he's got doors.
15:49And inside, there's a first aid kit with medicines.
15:58There's another ambulance.
16:07Oh! This other ambulance is missing one flashing light.
16:11Go back into the garage and have a look for the other flashing light there.
16:20That's better. Now you can answer an emergency call.
16:34A kennel.
16:38And inside, someone's coughing.
16:41It's a puppy.
16:48This puppy has a sore throat and he needs help quickly.
17:00Shall we see what the ambulance has in his trunk?
17:09That's right! A first aid kit for pets.
17:12And inside, there's some cough mixture just for dogs.
17:16Pour out one spoonful and give it to the puppy.
17:21There's a good boy! Now you'll feel better in no time.
17:28Thank you, ambulance!
17:42The blue ambulance is answering another emergency call.
17:48A traffic jam.
17:51The ambulance has turned on his siren.
17:54Everyone is getting out of his way.
17:56I wonder where he's off to so fast.
18:01It's a kitten.
18:03She's got an itch behind her ear.
18:12It's itching again.
18:16Look, kitten, the ambulance has arrived.
18:27Are you using it to give yourself a scratch?
18:30Let's look for some special cat ointment for you.
18:33Jump in the trunk.
18:39Open the pot.
18:41Take out some ointment with your paw and rub it into the place where it itches.
18:53That's enough. Now the kitten is better.
18:58Thank you, ambulance!
19:15The ambulances are all returning to the garage.
19:18They'll have a rest before answering another emergency call.
19:28To be continued...
