• 2 months ago
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00:00You received my instructions in your dressing room.
00:02Respect my instructions all the time.
00:04We respect my instructions all the time.
00:06Protect yourself all the time. We protect ourselves all the time.
00:08Much love. Good luck.
00:12All right. These rounds go quick.
00:14Two minutes.
00:16So expect all action from Lizbeth Crespo,
00:20who was born in Bolivia,
00:22but her adopted homeland
00:24and where she became a fighter
00:26is Argentina,
00:28out in Chebu, Trulu.
00:30That is the homeland of Lucas Matisse
00:34and other fighters like Omar Narvaez.
00:38So she comes from a fight town in Argentina,
00:42but she's up against Leila Budwine,
00:46the local fighter who throws a lot of punches
00:49and has a really good technique.
00:51And you can see that left hook landing on Crespo.
00:56Well, you already know what the mission is for Crespo.
01:00It's to close that distance on Budwine.
01:04Budwine was like a matador right there
01:07just for a few seconds ago.
01:09Stepping around, not allowing Crespo to get inside.
01:13Picking up those feet. That's a strategy.
01:15That's called a tactic.
01:17Using lateral movement, angles,
01:21to create escape routes for yourself
01:23and to set up your offense.
01:25And if Crespo is not creative tonight,
01:28she's going to struggle.
01:30She's going to be on the outside all night
01:32taking leather from Budwine.
01:37They're actually getting a feel-out round here
01:40in female boxing, which is a rarity.
01:44I wouldn't call that a feel-out round,
01:47to be honest with you.
01:48It's just the fact that Budwine knows how to control distance
01:52and Crespo knows that.
01:53And it's a rarity.
01:55It's a rarity.
01:56It's a rarity.
01:57It's a rarity.
01:58It's a rarity.
01:59It's a rarity.
02:00It's a rarity.
02:01It's a rarity.
02:02It's a rarity.
02:03It's a rarity.
02:05And Crespo knows that.
02:06She doesn't want to rush things
02:08because she knows she's going to get hit with something,
02:10but this is exactly the fight that Budwine wants,
02:13and Crespo's following suit.
02:15Nice right hand there from Budwine, once again.
02:17Tonight's main event features Christian and Billy,
02:19a super middleweight monster.
02:21But one year ago, Carlos Ngongora pushing Billy to the limit.
02:24He says that's when he learned
02:26this about himself.
02:30The only fight that you showed any vulnerability
02:33was Carlos Goncalves.
02:34What happened?
02:37With Carlos Goncalves, it was a very tough fight.
02:40He hit me from uppercut, and I had this guy had
02:43something in his hand, you know?
02:45Every punch was very hard, you know?
02:47I never been in this situation before.
02:49And he tried to finish me, you know?
02:52And I was saying to myself,
02:53no, I don't want to go down.
02:57I will not go down. I will not go down.
03:00The voice, I will not go down.
03:01Where does that come from?
03:04My head, I think.
03:05Yeah, I was saying, no, no, I will not knock you out.
03:08It's me. I'm going to knock you.
03:11I learned a lot of myself, you know?
03:13Every time I say to myself, I'm solid.
03:15But I never have a situation to prove myself that I'm solid.
03:21That's your nickname, Sal.
03:22My nickname is solid.
03:24And you can't break me.
03:25You can't. You can't break me.
03:28What do you think about that spirit?
03:30It reminds me of the resilience you had to show
03:32against Provodnikov to, you know,
03:35keep coming back from that brutal fight.
03:38You know what? That can separate you.
03:40You know, you have the special fighters,
03:42but if you have that type of resilience, man,
03:43you can overcome someone that's special,
03:46that's extremely talented than you are.
03:49So I like it.
03:50You know, this is a fighter in Billy
03:53that he pushes himself past the limits of his own strength.
03:57Past his limits, you know?
03:59And so when he goes into fights, he's extremely confident.
04:02You know, I preach to my daughters all the time.
04:04I say, look, your first mission
04:06is to get yourself in supreme shape
04:09because when you do get yourself in pristine shape
04:13or prestigious shape,
04:14what happens is that now you can follow directions.
04:17The minute you start to get fatigued
04:19is when you start making bad decisions
04:22and you start making mistakes.
04:24So the more in shape you are for soccer or for any craft,
04:28the better you are.
04:31I think that goes for life in general.
04:33The better prepared you are,
04:34the better you are at handling those stressful situations.
04:39Again, you see that lead hand
04:40just controlling that space in between,
04:43giving her something to look at.
04:46Budwine just using it, and then she can just turn that
04:48right into a stiff jab,
04:50and you saw her turn it right into a right hand.
04:52Setting it up.
04:53There it is once again as Crespo's trying to open up
04:56with a right.
04:57She got a right off the hands of Budwine.
05:01Oh, Crespo just going to have to sell out.
05:03Again, she got to be creative.
05:05She got to find ways to slip inside, take that jab away,
05:09either right hands down to the body
05:11or looping shots over the top.
05:13Level changes.
05:15There she is.
05:16They're changing up the rhythm right now
05:18to see if she can sneak in behind that jab of Budwine.
05:24Stop, stop, stop.
05:29Nice right hand right there from Budwine.
05:31Beautiful change up.
05:33In transition, coming right back with the right hand
05:35instead of the jab.
05:42You feel okay?
05:51Keep the jab going.
05:54It's so easy for you.
06:02Get in, get out.
06:03Get in, get out.
06:05And then bring the right over the top.
06:07Easy work for you.
06:09You look great.
06:13Throw that jab, keep moving.
06:16Yeah, throw the jab and the right will be there
06:18waiting for you all night.
06:24The right comes after the jab.
06:26The right sets everything up.
06:28The jab sets everything up for your right.
06:31Merci, monsieur.
06:32Marc Cheneux, très bien.
06:34That's pretty good.
06:36That's pretty darn good, man.
06:39I don't know a lot.
06:42Marc picking up that Francais.
06:44Francais, la-dum.
06:47Francais, la-dum.
06:48I don't know how to sound, man.
06:49I don't know not even a word of French.
06:53You can say oui, that means yes.
06:55Oui, oui, oui.
07:00All right, so Boudouin and Crespo,
07:02round three of a scheduled 10-round fight.
07:05Crespo back down to 130 pounds
07:07after her last four fights were at lightweight,
07:10dating all the way back to the last time
07:12we saw her against Michaela Mayer.
07:18That's been a while.
07:19Oh, nice time right hand.
07:22By Crespo right there.
07:24That was nice.
07:25Good change up right there,
07:26just anticipating what was coming.
07:30She feels a lot better at 130.
07:32You see that confidence, too.
07:34No, but you know what she's doing now?
07:36She took it a back step
07:37and starting to use her movement and angles,
07:40and she's forcing Boudouin to come forward.
07:44There, nice right-left combination from Boudouin.
07:48Just a small little change in the strategy
07:51has allowed her to be able to land
07:53some significant punches on Boudouin.
07:56See, now she's in the footwork.
07:57She's bringing a taller opponent to her.
08:00See, there's the best two ways to beat a taller opposition.
08:03You can bring her towards you,
08:05you can box on the outside, let her throw,
08:08time her with something, or you can get inside.
08:12But this is experience you're seeing right now
08:13from Crespo right now.
08:16She's trying to get Boudouin over anxious
08:19to be able to land a shot.
08:36All right, three rounds in the book here
08:40in Quebec City, Canada,
08:43and there is one of the brightest young prospects
08:47in the sport today, Abdullah Mason.
08:50As smooth as they come and a great finisher,
08:54he gets mean when he needs to,
08:57and he comes from a boxing family.
09:00Born in Bedford, Ohio, but he resides in Cleveland.
09:03Four consecutive knockout wins all in under four rounds.
09:08All five Mason brothers box,
09:10and they're trained by their father, Valiant Mason.
09:14And Tim, a lot of times we talk about
09:15that father-son dynamic, and this one just works.
09:19It's different. It's different.
09:20You know why?
09:21Because the father doesn't try to control his son.
09:25You know, you understand that his father's in there
09:28for the best interest.
09:29It doesn't matter how much money he makes
09:31and this and that.
09:33They have an understanding.
09:34They have a close-knit family,
09:37and that's what it's all about at the end of the day.
09:38A lot of times, I have a lot of problems with fathers
09:41that like to control their kids,
09:44use them as basically bank accounts, you know,
09:47and stir them in the wrong direction
09:49at the end of the day.
09:50So I like this bond that he has with his family
09:53and his father,
09:54and as long as it stays that way,
09:56the sky's the limit.
09:57The Mason Five, Amir, Adel, Abdurahman,
10:00Abdullah, and Ibrahim.
10:03So Abdullah Mason shining bright so far as a professional
10:07in his 14 professional fights.
10:09A dozen of those have ended before the final bell.
10:14And then after he's done,
10:16we will get to see Osleas Iglesias,
10:18the vicious, punching Colombian
10:22who left his last opponent convulsing
10:25in the center of the ring.
10:26Stop, stop, hey, stop.
10:28Listen to me, don't punch after, okay?
10:30Let's go.
10:32Warning for Crespo and the crowd letting her have it,
10:38favoring the local Leila Budwine.
10:44We mentioned the fact that Budwine is a huge advocate
10:48for men's mental health not being taboo,
10:53and that's because her ex-boyfriend committed suicide.
10:57She found him, and she just believes
11:01that if he had gotten the right help
11:03and not succumbed to that,
11:07his outcome would have been so much different.
11:10Yeah, I mean, she can feel that way,
11:12but you just never know, man.
11:13To be honest with you, you never know.
11:19She's an advocate for men finding the help,
11:24getting therapy and whatnot.
11:26Heads up, heads up.
11:27She tries to advocate for that
11:30every time she steps into the ring.
11:34Man, these rumps go by fast, Tim.
11:37Yeah, but not a lot of action, like you said.
11:38I mean, you know,
11:41Budwine is just doing what she wants to do.
11:43She's fighting out at distance, and she's not...
11:46She doesn't want to fight to fight at Crespo.
11:53Good job.
11:55You feel okay?
12:09You got to just keep moving.
12:12Side to side, stay off the line, keep moving.
12:20Be active, use your jab,
12:21come underneath, come over the top.
12:27All day long, that left.
12:28You can use your jab, you can use the left,
12:30but you got to keep moving.
12:31Stay active.
12:33Step, step, step, step, step, step, step.
12:36That's good.
12:39You got to work on your jab.
12:41Let's go.
12:47Budwine, Crespo, scheduled for 10 rounds.
12:50Mark Chinook with the translation in that corner.
12:54We need things to heat up here, Tim.
12:57Yeah, we do.
12:59We do need things to heat up, because as of right now,
13:01it's just a, I mean, it's a still match.
13:03I mean, again, it's about strategy.
13:06Budwine is doing what strategy that works for her.
13:11Crespo, again, needs to get inside.
13:12She's the shorter opposition.
13:15She wants to get close and let her hands go,
13:17but Budwine is really good at controlling range and distance.
13:23Crespo told me that from her losses
13:26in her opponent's hometown,
13:28she has learned that you have to fight to impress the judges.
13:33You don't have to walk her down.
13:34She's not doing that yet.
13:37Well, she's gonna run into problems, and she's trying.
13:40I mean, she's sneaking in sometimes behind the jabs,
13:43sneaking in behind the single right hands
13:45that are being thrown by Budwine.
13:49She's finding her moments, but not enough of them.
13:59See how she just ran in with that running man
14:01with the accommodations and landed that right hand
14:03over the top? That's what she's got to do.
14:08Crespo has to let those hands go.
14:10She has to take one to at least get one or two.
14:20Because if you notice, Budwine is only countering
14:23with a single shot.
14:24But if Crespo was to stay low and get underneath
14:27that second shot, she's inside to be able to operate and work.
14:39Good right hand.
14:41Ooh, nice right hand again from Leila Budwine here,
14:45and we say we wanted things to heat up,
14:47and that's exactly what happened.
14:50Guido Vianello, he found a Quebec Nordiques sweater.
14:55He walks into the building.
14:57No, yesterday he was wearing the Montreal Canadiens sweater,
15:01and the hockey experts told him,
15:06do not wear that. You will get booed.
15:08Smart man, born in Lazio, Rome, Italy,
15:12coming off of a bad injury.
15:14He's got to get out of here.
15:15He's got to get out of here.
15:17He's got to get out of here.
15:18Guido Vianello, born in Rome, Italy,
15:21coming off of a loss against Efe Ajagba,
15:23but he started camp sparring with Francis Nganou,
15:26closed camp in Nganou's gym in Las Vegas,
15:28was a representative of Italy in the 2016 Olympics.
15:33He's a former officer in Italy,
15:35comes from a family of tennis players.
15:37Today he's going to have to volley
15:39against the dangerous Arslanbek Makhmoudov.
15:43He's going to get booed anyway.
15:45He's not from here.
15:48I'm like, you're going to get booed anyway.
15:50What are you talking about?
15:52Wear the jersey, man.
15:53He went out and bought a new one.
15:561995, you know how difficult it was to find that jersey?
16:00Had to probably go on eBay, like go into the thrift shops.
16:04Yeah. It looked pretty clean, though,
16:05so maybe somebody had one lying around from 1995
16:10when the Quebec Nordiques ceased to exist.
16:13I hope he feels special now that he found something,
16:16the right jersey.
16:17What he needs to find is a victory tonight,
16:19and it's desperate times for both he and Arslanbek Makhmoudov.
16:26Sure is.
16:27Makhmoudov has suffered a loss.
16:32Villanello has suffered a couple of losses,
16:34couple of setbacks.
16:35Really just one, though.
16:37If we're being honest, the cut came,
16:39and it was, oh, things heating up here.
16:41It was only that loss against F.A. Jacques,
16:43but it was a close fight.
16:45It definitely was a close fight,
16:46and he learned a whole hell of a lot
16:47from that fight about himself,
16:49and I think he's gonna use that information tonight,
16:51or he's gonna have to use that information tonight
16:54to be able to pull off this victory against Makhmoudov.
16:57And the mindset of Guido Villanello is different.
17:01It is different, and that's very important.
17:03You know, I worry about his mindset.
17:05You know, I asked him in the fighter meeting,
17:07I said, hey, is this all or nothing?
17:10You know, do you have that same mindset
17:12when you fought against F.A. Jacques?
17:13He said, absolutely, but it's a smarter one,
17:16and at the same time, a more conditioned one,
17:18because he said, I know what my problem was.
17:21I faded in the midway of the fight.
17:23He said, I'm not gonna fade this time.
17:25I've done over 200 rounds of sparring.
17:27I've ran, I did everything I need to do,
17:29and I believe in myself.
17:30So we'll see what happens tonight.
17:32And tonight, he's gonna have to make a believer
17:35out of himself once Arzlanbek Makhmoudov
17:38starts throwing those big power punches.
17:40He's gonna have to be a ghost.
17:42He's gonna have to be just like them flies in my damn room.
17:45I could not sleep, man.
17:47I swear, man, look, I got an experience last night.
17:50I said, damn it.
17:52I swear, I swear, I thought of Shakur Stevenson.
17:55I don't know why, but I thought of Shakur,
17:57I said, this is what it's like to fight Shakur Stevenson.
18:00Dude, these flies out here are different.
18:03I'm letting you know.
18:04As soon as I raised my hand up, it was gone.
18:07Every time I even raised, it was gone.
18:09I said, man, what the hell?
18:10They got extra eyes or something out here?
18:12Can we work, brother?
18:13I could not believe it, man.
18:15Let me do some work really quick, Timmy,
18:17because this is what's going on
18:20in the super middleweight division
18:23where Christian Nabili is the number one
18:26rack fighter by the WBC.
18:27He's number two by the WBA,
18:30and he's number three in the WBO and IBF.
18:34And you'll remember that Berlanka became number one
18:37in the WBA by jumping over
18:40David Murrell, who was a, quote-unquote,
18:42regular champion at the time,
18:44and Nabili from, like, number nine to number one.
18:48How much money are you willing to pay
18:50for that position, baby?
18:51That's how it go.
18:52Money talks, bullcrap walks.
18:55That's how he was able to move.
18:56Look, man, I was rated number 15,
18:58and then I ended up being number two
18:59for the WBC overnight.
19:02You had cash?
19:03I could not believe it.
19:04My motor had cash, and they moved me damn well.
19:08And then the rest is history.
19:10Now the man's, like, dragging his right hand
19:13all over the place with these Hall of Fame rings.
19:16Yeah, you won it.
19:20Round seven of a scheduled ten-rounder
19:23inside the Videotron Center in Quebec City, Canada.
19:29Ooh, they getting after him.
19:30And Crespo going at it.
19:33They're having these little exchanges,
19:3550-50 exchanges,
19:37and when Crespo is at the right distance
19:40that she likes, well, she's landing on Boudouin.
19:44And it's particularly that right hand.
19:47Boudouin has a tendency of dropping that left hand.
19:50You know, when you're watching and you're studying boxing,
19:53you know, the first thing you look at,
19:55or the first thing I would say I look at
19:57is how your opponent deals with you.
20:01It's how your opponent deals with the jab, one.
20:04And I look at the hand placement,
20:06where they place their hands,
20:07where they're comfortable placing their hands,
20:09because guess what?
20:10They're gonna always go back to that.
20:12They might pick them up, you know,
20:14they might change positions.
20:15However, when they start getting fatigued,
20:18the comfortable position that the hand position's in,
20:21that's a mistake.
20:22So if the lead hand, that's the lead hand,
20:23that's the problem, it's always low.
20:26She started off that way.
20:28Boudouin, and you're gonna be able to land
20:30a right hand on her occasionally.
20:32See, another right hand again, yep.
20:34Those are called tendencies.
20:35Tendencies, tendencies.
20:36I see those tendencies in every fighter.
20:44You have a tendency of collecting rings nowadays.
20:47That's the only tendency I see.
20:49Precious, precious.
20:51Oh, nice left hook there from Precious.
20:52Switch it up.
20:54Yeah, change up.
20:57That's what it's about.
21:00Let's go.
21:07Tonight's main event will feature
21:10Sergei Darabinchenko giving Christian and Billy
21:14the toughest test of his career.
21:16That's what we expect from the number one
21:19super middleweight contender in the WBC.
21:22He's very calm, he's very confident.
21:24This is his hometown, per se.
21:28But, Tim, what's really at stake for him
21:30as we see Arslanbek Mahmudov next,
21:32when they share the same trainer in Mark Ramsey,
21:35but what is tonight about for him, Billy?
21:37It's a step-up fight.
21:39This is one of the biggest fights of his career.
21:41You're fighting the old veteran,
21:43the one that fought for a world championship,
21:45the one that no one has been able to stop,
21:48and he's fought a hell of a...
21:50I mean, Darabinchenko fought a crazy schedule.
21:55Yeah, everybody, right?
21:56Now, if he can be the first one to stop him,
21:58then guess what that means?
22:00That he's ready for the elite level
22:02in the champions in the division,
22:03which is Canelo Alvarez.
22:06Even at 38, a stoppage over Darabinchenko
22:08carries that much weight.
22:10It does, absolutely.
22:11Darabinchenko is tough for anyone
22:13at from 160 to 168 pounds.
22:16He's shown that throughout his career.
22:18I think he's gonna ask questions of Christian and Billy
22:20that not even Carlos Gongora was able to ask
22:24because if M. Billy hurts him like Gongora did,
22:28it's different.
22:29I agree.
22:30You know, I think the X factor in the fight is dimensions.
22:34I really do.
22:36I think that Darabinchenko has more dimensions
22:39than M. Billy.
22:40You know, we haven't seen M. Billy
22:42have to change anything.
22:43I mean, he puts the pressure on you,
22:45he starts fast, you know,
22:47he just completely outworks you
22:49and outpowers you, you know,
22:51and then eventually gets to you and he knocks you out.
22:53However, tonight, he's in there with a technician,
22:57a guy that knows how to fight,
22:58knows how to survive, knows how to protect himself,
23:01but not only that, knows how to punch back.
23:03You know, we look at the numbers
23:04and M. Billy throws 85 punches per round, landing 37.
23:07But Darabinchenko, 60.
23:09He throws 61. I mean, he's no slouch.
23:11That's what I've said. He's not a slouch at all.
23:13And you can look at age and, you know,
23:15matchmakers can believe,
23:16ooh, she got buzzed with that shot.
23:20And matchmakers can, you know, look at your last fight
23:23and think that you're done.
23:25But you know what they say, man.
23:27A feisty dog is a feisty dog.
23:28It don't matter if he got eight teeth
23:30or two teethises in his mouth.
23:32He still can bite.
23:33He's still chomping. He's still chomping.
23:34And guess who's going to be chomping tonight?
23:38That's going to be a heck of a main event tonight
23:40when we move over to ESPN at 10 p.m. Eastern Pacific.
23:45I mean, Eastern time and then 7 p.m. Pacific
23:48immediately following the prelims for UFC.
24:04Ooh, that was a head start there from Prespo on Dwyane.
24:09Let's see what happens here with the warning.
24:11We stop holding, okay, and then we box.
24:13Let's go, both of us. Box.
24:15You know I still ain't caught them damn flies.
24:18He's still on those flies, bro.
24:19I'm telling you, I haven't caught him yet, bro.
24:22I've done everything. I've tried everything,
24:24and I can't catch him.
24:25I can't kill him for nothing in the world.
24:27Stop brushing your teeth.
24:29Maybe that's just a lie to repeat myself.
24:35I'm tired of repeating myself.
24:37Listen, you've got to listen to me, all right?
24:40You're making this a lot harder than it needs to be.
24:45Get down. Get placed.
24:47Throw your punches.
24:49Lead with the jab.
24:53That's an easy translation.
24:54Jab, jab, jab, and then come over the top with the right.
24:57You got to listen to me.
25:04Keep moving. Keep your feet moving.
25:06Take a step back if you have to.
25:07Take a deep breath.
25:09You're boxing well, but box smart.
25:14Let's go.
25:18Let's go.
25:28Round 9 of a scheduled 10-rounder,
25:312-minute rounds between Laila Budwine
25:33and Lisbeth Crespo.
25:36A warning at the end of the round
25:38from referee Martin Forrest was stop holding.
25:44Nice uppercut from Budwine.
25:47That's a perfect shot to use against a shorter opponent.
25:51That uppercut as they're trying to close distance on you.
25:54And they're leaning forward.
25:56Things are starting to get a little bit frisky in there, man.
25:59Starting to get roughed up.
26:01Yeah, they're roughing each other up now.
26:02Don't put her down one time.
26:04Don't put her down one time.
26:06Don't come in with your head.
26:12Not because I know French, but just because I can tell.
26:15You can tell.
26:16Directing Laila Budwine here.
26:18Yeah, things are rough between Crespo and Budwine.
26:21Well, Crespo's trying to make it rough like that,
26:23trying to get Budwine uncomfortable.
26:29Trying to turn it into a dogfight.
26:34Yeah, Crespo, if she's selling out,
26:37that's what she's doing right now.
26:38She's selling out.
26:39She knows she's behind on the scorecards.
26:42She's pressing forward.
26:43She doesn't care if she gets hit anymore.
26:44She's just letting her hands go, trying to close distance.
26:49Another head clash right there.
26:56That's a nice right from Budwine
26:59as Crespo was leaning in with her chin exposed.
27:12You know, in that main event tonight,
27:13I'm just wondering if Debranchenko,
27:18if he can make Nbili think.
27:23You know, make him think, make him slow down.
27:26Does he have the technique and the ability
27:29to slow a machine down, a juggernaut, like Nbili?
27:35You know who has not been able to be slowed down as of yet?
27:40The man we're gonna see on September 3rd.
27:42Naoya Inoue fighting through broken orbital bones
27:46against Nonito Tonere.
27:48You'll see him at 5 a.m. Eastern time
27:51on September 3rd against Doheny.
27:53And then on September 20th,
27:55it will be Mugiha against Bazinyan.
27:59That'll be out in Arizona
28:00as Jaime Mugiha makes his top-ranked boxing on ESPN debut.
28:05And September 27th, we head back to the field.
28:08MSG once again.
28:09Mikayla Mayer seeks to become a multi-division champion
28:13at 147, lost the IBF title against the Saucers, Jonas,
28:18but she'll be on that card,
28:20headlining with Xander Zayas,
28:21who's coming off of a unanimous decision win
28:24against Patrick Teixeira.
28:25He'll be taking on Damian Sosa.
28:27And Shushu Carrington coming off of that big win
28:31against Brian DeGracia.
28:32He will now face Suli Sagawa,
28:35who's coming off of that huge upset
28:37against top-ranked Ruben Villa at Featherweight.
28:40That's gonna be a test for Shushu,
28:43but this time, Sagawa's not gonna come out of nowhere.
28:46Shushu knows what he's up against.
28:48Oh, yeah.
28:49A guy that's gonna be right in his face all night long,
28:52and Shushu like those type of guys.
28:55You know, he has the right tools to be able to
28:58extinguish a fighter like Sagawa.
29:00However, it's not gonna be easy.
29:03And that's why that's such a tantalizing matchup
29:06because it's a huge step up in level of competition
29:10against a guy who's proven himself worthy
29:12like Suli Sagawa.
29:15After that upset against southpaw Ruben Villa.
29:18Sagawa has nothing to lose.
29:20Everything in the game.
29:21So those are the most dangerous guys in the sport.
29:26And he has the upside.
29:27If you don't even have to beat Shushu,
29:31you're competitive with him.
29:32You continue to get fights.
29:35And if you beat Shushu Carrington,
29:37that's a huge name to have on your resume.
29:40Stopping that progress would be great for Sagawa,
29:43but that's easier said than done
29:45based on what we've seen out of Shushu Carrington
29:47so far in his young career.
29:49And he could stamp his way to a world championship opportunity
29:52with a win over Shushu Carrington.
29:53Stop. Step back. Stop.
29:54Step back. Step back.
30:00Tampo. Tampo.
30:03Stop. Let's go.
30:04Lujuan looking like she's trying to get aggressive
30:06and get on the inside and work the body of Crespo.
30:12Her corner probably told her,
30:13hey, stand your ground. Stand your ground.
30:16Don't let her back you up.
30:19Head clashes like crazy, and it's crazy.
30:22You know, one thing is that I would think that by now,
30:25with all these head clashes, that someone would get cut.
30:29It hasn't happened.
30:3410 rounds in the books
30:35between Leila Lujuan and Lizbeth Crespo.
30:39Started to heat up there at the very end.
30:43Someone who's warming up right now
30:45inside the locker room is Abdullah Mason,
30:48his fourth scheduled eighth rounder,
30:50fourth fight of 2024.
30:53All fights ended in knockouts in four rounds.
30:56Unless he'll be up next taking on Mike Ohan Jr.,
31:01the 21-fight veteran.
31:05Tim, what are you looking for from Abdullah?
31:07The best young fighter active in boxing right now,
31:10I'd like to say, in my opinion.
31:16What are you looking for from Abdullah, Tim?
31:17Continuous growth. That's it.
31:19Fundamentals behind that solid jab.
31:21I love his jab. It's a professional jab.
31:25I'm looking for him to stay underneath himself,
31:26break this man down, and get him up out of there.
31:29Just be who he is and continue to develop.
31:31And one thing that I was watching on film
31:33was that what he can do a little bit more of,
31:36and I'm just waiting to see,
31:38is move his head a little bit more.
31:40You know, be a little bit more loose
31:41if he keeps his head in one spot too often.
31:44You know, sooner or later,
31:45somebody's going to catch on to that.
31:47Getting a little bit too comfortable by finishing, guys.
31:50Now, the important thing for Abdullah Mason
31:52is that Tiger Johnson,
31:54well, he stopped Mike Ohan Jr.
31:57in December of 2022, and that's a situation
32:01where Abdullah Mason wants to measure himself
32:03and his results against the best in the game.
32:06And Tiger Johnson is an Olympian himself.
32:10So, it's not just winning, it's how you win.
32:13It's how you win.
32:14Tiger Johnson is an exceptional fighter as well.
32:16He's on my double-slam prospect list as well.
32:20Of course, you want to try to outdo the next man
32:21and see if you can do it even faster.
32:23So, I think that could be on the mind of a lot of people.
32:26That could be on the mind, on the back of the mind
32:28of Abdullah Mason tonight.
32:29All right, what's on the mind of Marc Chinook
32:31is the official decision.
32:33After 10 rounds here inside the Videotron Center
32:42in Quebec City, we go to the judges' scorecards
32:45for the official decision.
32:47Robin Taylor scores about 100 to 90.
32:50Richard Blouin scores at 99-91.
32:54And Benoit Roussel scores at 98-92.
32:58For your winner by unanimous decision,
33:01and now the WBO International Junior Lightweight Champion,
33:07Leila Boudouin.
33:13So, Boudouin comes away with her 12th professional victory.
33:17Once again, she does it in front of the fans
33:21here in Quebec City.
