BTCC Crashes 2013

  • 2 months ago
BTCC Crashes 2013
00:00He's aiming for second on the outside line, he might get hung out to dry,
00:03there's a really sideways Honda of Gordon Shedden, gets all crossed out but they've all missed him somehow Tim.
00:07Turkington is working his way through the group, he's into ninth at the moment.
00:12And there's contact and that turns around Jason and they're both off, both into the gravel.
00:16Jason nails his foot to the floor, now where's Rob Austin in all of that?
00:20Has he found a way through? I don't think he has.
00:21Playzo leads the way.
00:23Rob Austin is second, third is Andrew Jordan and look at Rappert on the inside and there's contact,
00:26he turns Turkington sideways and off goes Colley.
00:30A former champion is in the gravel, he's nailed his foot to the floor,
00:33he's going to dig the BMW out the other side.
00:35This is on board for Turkington, so Rathall is looking up the inside, looking up the inside.
00:40Rathall's committed, there's not enough room there.
00:42There's a touch on the back of course, rear wheel drive BMW, you just can't save it.
00:47Rathall's committed but there just wasn't room was there?
00:50So fortunately Turkington keeps going but...
00:56This is what we've just had with Jeff Smith and also Ollie Jackson going through the gravel
01:02and Ollie Jackson loses it, goes across the road and kerrunch.
01:05Oh, we didn't see that one did we?
01:07Rathall looking, has he done it? He's done it!
01:10Oh, not quite, I mean Austin just goes a little bit...
01:13Oh, now he's done it.
01:14Oh, what a shame, what a shame, what a shame.
01:18Didn't like to see that, Rob Austin left room going in because he saw Rathall up the inside.
01:23So Rathall doesn't make the move going into Druids but he has a go now.
01:27Yeah, there just wasn't room there was there? Rob Austin was keeping out of the way on the way in
01:32and Frank sort of read that as being there's a gap on the inside
01:36but of course that gap closed up as Rob took his racing line and...
01:40Oh, David Nye in the gravel, I think that's Druids as well.
01:44Now is that car going to be far enough out of the way so we don't need a safe...
01:47Oh, he's gone over the back wheel arch of Warren Scott.
01:51Look, that second place battle, no, fourth place battle rather was behind in the top three
01:56is whether Jordan can hang on ahead of Gordon Shedden and look at this,
01:59Smith and Rathall and there's contact, off goes the Toyota.
02:02Matt Neil got involved in that but Frank Rathall is off the road, he's in the gravel
02:06and Matt Neil back third on the run-up towards Paddock
02:08and you've got Smith and Jordan overlapping and Colin Turkington locks up and he's off,
02:11he's in the gravel, oh no, Colin, he steers away from the tyres,
02:15can he put himself back on the tarmac?
02:17There's a huge beach to drive across there
02:20and Morgan is third, Jason Plato is fourth, Jordan is fifth, Tordoff sick,
02:24Jeff Smith runs seventh and it's Newsham, Nick Foster and Rob Austin,
02:27oh, off goes Austin, he's been collected by a spinning Newsham, that is a big, big impact.
02:32The Audi is demolished, Rob Austin is in the middle of the road,
02:35that's certainly going to be a safety car, it may even be a stoppage
02:38but Rob Austin has hit the Armco and the tyre wall, a mighty blow.
02:43That was a scary accident, very scary accident.
02:47He looks to be okay, so we look back further at the top of your screen,
02:54Newsham gets sideways, just clips the back, that turns the car around,
02:58it goes out of shot but almost goes backwards square on into the wall
03:03because the actual Armco is at a bit of an angle, here we see the reverse shot,
03:08this should show us the angle of contact for Rob Austin,
03:12look, backwards and he just clips that sideways wall.
03:16Fortunately it was slightly up the hill, a bit further up than I thought
03:19but a massive impact at barely unabated speed.
03:23So Dave Newsham lost it, slithered across the track and of course
03:26Rob Austin saw a car slow ahead of him, he darted up the inside,
03:30just look at the force with which he hits the barrier, that is huge.
03:33Down towards red gate, Jordan slots in behind him, everybody goes to the inside line
03:37and drama in the background, James Kay has gone sideways,
03:39David Nye gets involved, they're in the pit wall,
03:42that's two gone already, we haven't even got to the first corner,
03:45one out wide, that's Jeff Smith at red gate, he's in the weeds,
03:48he's back on the circuit, they're three abreast going into Hollywood.
03:51In front of him we see some bunching, Kay on the right hand side gets into contact with Nye,
03:57they just ran side by side, wheel to wheel and those two initiated the contact
04:02and they were the only two involved as it happened.
04:05From another angle, David Nye gets airborne into the side of James Kay,
04:09that turns the VW Golf through 90 degrees, lucky that Moore weren't involved in that.
04:14And it's really nobody's fault here, because in fact Nye and Kay are running virtually side by side there.
04:20There was a little bit of pincering movement, I think, from James Cole on the other side,
04:25it was just really just not enough room, but certainly no races.
04:28Well, ah, Warren Scott's off, not sure where that is at the moment
04:32and might be boss with the old hairpin.
04:36Well, the X-Bike racer, the farmer as he's known, is off,
04:39and the old hairpin, well, he was on the grass coming into the corner,
04:42that's a big, big lose, isn't it? He's got a long way through the gravel.
04:44Yeah, he's, fortunately the gravel and the tyre have all done its job.
04:47He's on to lap 14, now let's have a look and see what happened to Rob Austin,
04:51through the chicane, Dan Welch behind him.
04:53Well, Rob Austin, he lost drive, something happened to the car.
04:56So there is a three-wheeled Audi, it sheds the wheel going into the chicane,
05:01the wheel bounces, Will Bratt did get over the line in 19th place, the wheel was 20th.
05:06And let's find out what happened to Rathal, ahead of him is Will Bratt and Lee Wood,
05:09diving into the chicane.
05:12Well, there was a bang there, there was a contact,
05:15I think he backed off when the others slowed up, and look there, he got hit from behind.
05:20That was by Ollie Jackson, at the moment.
05:23At the moment, he did.
05:24In the meantime, he's about to get past the hard-shod car.
05:27On the corner, he's in.
05:28You should be sideways!
05:30Are they all going to miss him?
05:31Yes, somehow.
05:33Plato is the one that's worse off in the sense that he's all over the grass,
05:36and you should be that slap in the middle of the road,
05:39they go left, they go right, belching oil all over the front tyres and the right rear.
05:44Then as he leans on the right rear, yep, the tyre goes round.
05:48And you can even see the sheen on the tyre, it's covered in oil.
05:52The team need to get him off the track as soon as possible.
05:55He is in the pit lane, he managed to go from the grass on the outside of the chicane
05:58into the pit lane.
05:59There's the spin from another angle.
06:01And look, Andrew Jordan, completely sideways behind us,
06:05presumably he also.
06:06Jordan's second, and round the outside tries to come Jason Plato.
06:09There's a bit of a nudge between the MG and the Honda,
06:11and there's more contact off there.
06:13Goes shed, and he's in the barrier.
06:15Big impact into the guardrail.
06:17That's going to give Andrew Jordan a chance to pick up the race lead.
06:20Yeah, Plato is up the inside of it, backs out of it.
06:23But there's just the tiniest of touches there,
06:26as I think it's possibly Gordon moving back over to take the normal racing line.
06:33He gets a tap there.
06:34Now, Gordon's coming back to the normal racing line,
06:37but Plato is half up the inside of him,
06:40and it's just that unfortunate contact on the side of the car.
06:43This is a better view of it, look.
06:45As the cars come together, it just turns the Honda.
06:51And he's up to the complex, that's Adam Morgan having a go on the inside of Jeff Smith.
06:54Is there a gap? Not quite.
06:56He backs out of it, slots in behind it, a spin.
06:58Which of the BMWs is that? Nick Foster has gone around.
07:01Maybe if this were race 3, he'd have a real go at the chicane on the last lap.
07:04But Andrew Jordan's got a puncture tyre!
07:06He's got a puncture!
07:07On the last lap, the tyre goes down.
07:09He's off the road, he's heading for the wall as well.
07:12Disaster has struck Andrew Jordan on the last lap.
07:15Oh, a spinner there! Half spin anyway.
07:18Oh, and he's still spinning!
07:21Oh, hold your breath, Ty.
07:23Aaron Smith all over the circuit.
07:25Here's a replay. Watch Aaron Smith.
07:27He gets completely sideways, collects it up,
07:30but then it flicks across the road the other way.
07:33Oh, huge, huge evasion by Frank Rathall there.
07:38Looking down for the hovercam, you can see the top three breaking away.
07:40Matt Jackson goes sideways and he's lost it!
07:42He's heading for the grass, he's heading for the barriers as well.
07:44If he's not careful, that is an enormous loose.
07:46But he's still just about saved it.
07:48And he's got it back in the right direction.
07:51Nothing he could do about it. Look at this, he's gone early.
07:53He's just missed the back of Jordan's car.
07:58Not convinced we're going to see that in race three, that proton.
08:01No, no, and here we see it's coming into the chicane.
08:06I'm presuming he's lost it before...
08:09Yeah, look at that! Lost it on the brakes.
08:12Lost it on the brakes.
08:13Fortunately, there's a fair bit of runoff
08:15and he has a reasonably gentle impact into the tyres.
08:19I noticed the rear left was at a bit of an odd angle.
08:22I wonder if something happened there to cause him to spin on the brakes.
08:26Going to the complex, Morgan leads the way though.
08:28Second is Gough and there's contact.
08:29He gets tagged sideways.
08:31Off the road he goes, bouncing all over the grass.
08:34A problem for Jack Gough right from the start.
08:36But he gets back on the road.
08:37I think it was Jeff Smith because he's aggressive.
08:39Very loose at the rear at the start of this race.
08:42The car's set up to oversteer to save the tyres.
08:45Pre-abreast there!
08:46And it's going to put Gough right off.
08:49Oh, well, he was obviously in trouble with some damage at the back of the car.
08:54If he's had a spin coming out of the chicane,
08:56he's gone a long way backwards here.
08:58It may have been a bit of a tank slapper.
08:59He sorts himself out, tries to rejoin.
09:01Let's try and find the answer.
09:02Yeah, he does lose it coming out of the chicane
09:04and goes backwards.
09:06Yeah, it's the same problem that his teammate had in qualifying,
09:09Turkington, along the start line.
09:12Well, this is Ollie Jackson.
09:14He's got out on the grass.
09:15It's lifted the car up.
09:17That's the Speedworks car.
09:19It's up in the air.
09:20Hopefully he doesn't collect anything and keeps going.
09:23Don't listen to the car on the loop.
09:25...offer a huge amount of retaliation there.
09:26Maybe looking after tyres.
09:27Matt Neill is on the outside of Jeff Smith,
09:29who gets sideways and they touch.
09:30Can Matt Neill find a way through?
09:32Jeff Smith's going to spin.
09:33Matt Neill goes over the kerb in the middle of the chicane.
09:35Jeff Smith is off the podium.
09:37He's off the road, I'm afraid.
09:38He's down in sixth.
09:39And this was how it all started.
09:41Well, Matt Neill's on the outside,
09:42but Jeff Smith's been having trouble stopping the car for the chicane all race.
09:47He just could not stop the car.
09:49Coming up Clay Hill now towards Druids,
09:51but it's going to be on the outside line.
09:52Can he go all the way around the outside as Onzo Cole hits the dirt and gets sideways?
09:55And goes off, off, off through the grass,
09:57over the gravel track, back onto the grass.
09:59An enormous dust cloud is picked up.
10:01And somewhere in all of that, places are shuffling again.
10:04Collar gets a better exit from Nickerbrook with the rear-wheel drive car.
10:09Side by side.
10:10And as they come up to approach Druids,
10:13Onzo Cole gets on the graph.
10:15Well, if he does, there'll be an MG in the way.
10:17But Tornoff goes wide.
10:19And up the inside goes Matt Jackson.
10:20And they touch.
10:21And that delays Jackson.
10:22It puts Tornoff on the grass, but he keeps his foot in.
10:24He's back on the circuit.
10:25Bent the rear suspension.
10:27Coming through his locks.
10:28And a big, big slide there by Gordon Shadman.
10:30He recovers from that.
10:31And drama in the middle of the pack as round goes on.
10:34Don't think anybody else has been caught up in that.
10:41There's smoke.
10:42There's leaning.
10:43There's rubbing.
10:44There's dust.
10:45It is all happening at Alton Park.
10:46Well, this is what...
10:47Oh, no!
10:48We don't want to see a car go off there.
10:50That's Newsham gone off.
10:51Thank goodness he didn't hit the barriers
10:53or come back onto the circuit.
10:55That's a frightening place.
10:56And it did look like that was going to happen.
10:58The driver there is Andrew Jordan.
10:59If Andrew keeps applying pressure,
11:01that might happen because Smith flings it sideways
11:03at his locks.
11:04And off he goes.
11:05It goes left.
11:06It goes right.
11:07So the race order is Andrew Jordan leading the way.
11:09And that's Smith off again.
11:11Big time.
11:12He hasn't been able to clean those rear tires up at all.
11:15And Adam Morgan right up behind him,
11:17down towards Clairvaux Corner.
11:19Oh, piece of bodywork coming off the car there.
11:22And through the gravel then.
11:24Oh, and hitting the tires.
11:26Oh, my goodness.
11:27That must have done a lot of damage to the car.
11:29He must have got sideways through the gravel.
11:32And in correcting it, it spins into the gravel.
11:34Oh, look.
11:35It's broken the left rear suspension.
11:37Turkington just managing the gap.
11:40This is Dan Welch locking up into Tower.
11:43Just getting the car turned in a little bit
11:46through the gravel.
11:47But at least he avoided going head-on into the barriers.
11:57Last lap, it was 0.6 between them.
11:59Now it's down to 0.5.
12:01And Will Bratt getting it wrong at Sonny.
12:03Yeah, we didn't quite see that early enough.
12:05I mean, I'm not suggesting, but it's possible.
12:08Yes, there's a bump in the rear.
12:09I think he got a tap from Rathel in the brake.
12:11You've got Dave Newsham going strongly as well in this.
12:14Over the timing line.
12:15End of lap one.
12:16As Tom Oswald-Cole takes a weird line.
12:18I think Jake Hill's gone straight on.
12:19He has.
12:20And there's somebody else.
12:21Two cars involved.
12:22Lee Wood is one of them.
12:23Ollie Jackson has gone straight on.
12:24Jeff Smith was involved.
12:26There are cars all over the place.
12:27Yellow flags wave.
12:33And Neil, I think, hands on to it just.
12:35You can see how the car is twitching.
12:36And look at the background.
12:37Adam Morgan is completely sideways.
12:39Can he hold it?
12:40Can he?
12:41And off in the background also goes Gordon Shedder.
12:43And there are cars slithering off the road.
12:45Morgan has lost it.
12:46Shedder's using as much of the escape road as he could.
12:48It was Matt Neil you saw getting sideways.
12:50It is.
12:51That's a Hawthorne.
12:52Adam Morgan off the road.
12:53Sad to say.
12:54And we're getting a replay of it coming through Clairvaux.
12:57One of the MGs goes wide, first of all.
12:59And Shedder's body work.
13:00And Morgan has done what he did in free practice
13:02at Clairvaux Corner.
13:03He's gone straight on having locked up.
13:05And that's the second such impact.
13:07Yeah, there's a lot of side-by-side racing.
13:09But fortunately, all clear at the moment.
13:11I'm glad to say.
13:12Oh, no!
13:14Dan Welch.
13:15Dan Welch gets spun round on the...
13:17What happened to Dan Welch?
13:18He goes up the inside of Matt Neil.
13:20Goes up the inside, coupled with Collard.
13:23And just as he comes back onto the circuit,
13:25there's contact.
13:26Adam Morgan and then Rob Collard.
13:28And that's Will Bratt being given an assist.
13:30I think Ollie Jackson was the aggressor.
13:32Yeah, that's unfortunate.
13:33In fact, Will Bratt...
13:34Gets Jeff Smith.
13:35Right, it all starts now.
13:36Adam Morgan very nearly ends up on the A11.
13:39Yeah, he does.
13:40But then watch what happens in front.
13:43Jeff Smith dives down the inside.
13:45Tanks Rob Austin.
13:47And as...
13:48Just as Morgan goes through,
13:50he clips the front of the Honda.
13:52This is on board now.
13:54You watch Morgan slide.
13:56Very similar to the one that Adam Morgan...
13:59That Aaron Smith had in practice.
14:01But he gets away with it.
14:03If Aaron Smith can get out of Matt Neil's way,
14:05we'd see...
14:07Jordan goes through.
14:08Turkington all over the graph.
14:09That was contact.
14:10Let's have another look.
14:11Andrew Jordan for the inside.
14:12Turkington moves across.
14:13There's contact.
14:14Yeah, I mean,
14:15Andrew Jordan was already on the inside fractionally.
14:17Yeah, as I said,
14:18he's looking up the inside here.
14:20And just as Turkington's moving over to close the door,
14:23well, that's...
14:24That'll just have to be a call from the clock of the course,
14:27won't it?
14:28Matt Neil could win this,
14:29because there's contact between him and Smith now.
14:31Down towards Brundle.
14:32Then Nelson.
14:33More contact.
14:34Rob Culloch.
14:35It's all crossed out.
14:36Torn off.
14:37Nips past him.
14:38And going backwards out of that gangle.
14:39By the look of it, it's Gordon Shedden.
14:40Adam Morgan has joined the party.
14:42A big, big lose.
14:43That's Culloch going off the road.
14:44Look at the rear wheel.
14:45The left rear wheel,
14:46and if he comes round again,
14:47he's towing out.
14:48So a broken tow link on the rear.
14:50Celebrates Aaron Smith up into second.
14:52Colin Turkington is still going eighth,
14:54and that's Rob Culloch's demise.
14:55Yeah, that was a broken rear tow link,
14:57so he had...
15:05Jason Plato and Sam Tornoff.
15:07It was 18th,
15:08and there's more drama.
15:09There's an M.G. off.
15:10Big accident.
15:11Over goes the M.G. in the background.
15:12Look, Matt Neil was off,
15:13and that M.G. is Jason Plato.
15:17Well, this is drama.
15:18This is certainly going to be a safeguard of thought.
15:20Now we can see what happened with Newsham and Neil.
15:24Matt gets a bit wide,
15:26and Newsham is looking up the inside,
15:28and the two of them get together.
15:30And in the background,
15:31you see Jason also getting wide
15:33and having a moment.
15:34Whether there was contact again,
15:35you just don't know.
15:36But very similar looking.
15:38How did he get involved in this?
15:39Let's have a look,
15:40because as the Newsham and Matt Neil battle heads one way...
15:43Oh, Jason gets tagged in the background.
15:44Will Bratt was behind him,
15:45so you've got two incidents roughly the same place.
15:47Jason hits the barrier.
15:48Up it goes.
15:50Rolls right the way over.
15:52And that was the second incident, wasn't it?
15:54Third place right in the very first race of the season.
15:56It's been a long time since then.
15:57And more contact.
15:58Dan Welch getting attacked,
15:59going down towards the first corner.
16:00Will Bratt with the aggressor.
16:02Ollie Jackson has now spun the other speed works.
16:04Toyota, are they all going to miss him?
16:05Yes, they are.
16:06In the wall is Will Bratt.
16:07All over the grass is Dan Welch.
16:09Ollie Jackson heads back towards the tarmac as well.
16:12Look, the distance between them is quite substantial,
16:16but clearly breaking later.
16:18And, well, the contact's on the left rear.
16:21Morgan's flying.
16:22He's done the best middle section of anybody.
16:24And Paul O'Neill is in real strife.
16:25And he's in the barriers as well.
16:27And that is a big impact.
16:28And I fear that BMW was involved again there.
16:30The two of them look pretty close.
16:36And that was that.
16:52Very disconsolate.
16:53Sam Tordoff walks away.
16:55Oh, no!
16:56That's Frank Rathaloff.
16:57He's gone off.
16:58Here's a replay.
16:59Watch Frank Rathaloff in the back.
17:01That gets sideways.
17:02Coming through Leslie's.
17:05It's really through the Seat kerb.
17:07The car goes all the way wheels off that thing,
17:09giving 100%.
17:11Sen's got nothing to lose.
17:12Here comes Nick Foster up the inside.
17:15And Jackson's going to let on some kung fu.
17:18Matt Jackson hands on to his place.
17:19And that is his teammate Aaron Smith,
17:21who is in the tyres.
17:22So both Airwaves Racing Ford Focuses
17:24having grief on the same lap.
17:26Aaron Smith off the road.
17:29This is the onboard.
17:30Dives down the inside.
17:31Mike Bushell ahead.
17:32There's contact.
17:33Bushell gets turned around.
17:34And a bang!
17:39Matt Neal is third.
17:40And here's the replay.
17:41The engine let go.
17:42The engine let go.
17:43You saw the explosion.
17:45And that's oil then burning on the...
17:48But his teammate Andrew Jordan leads the way
17:50as they work their way towards Graceland
17:51for the first time.
17:52And also there, look, Matt Jackson
17:53going great down for Airwaves Racing.
17:54Rob Austin's going backwards and off the road.
17:56He's wheeled.
17:57Bratt's out him.
17:58Off the road.
17:59He's done.
18:00Welch off the road.
18:01He's top of the slope.
18:02Andy Neat does a head-on for Dan Welch.
18:04And that's taken those two out of the race.
18:06There was another car play in that shot.
18:08And here, there's contact.
18:09And it puts Will Bratt off the road.
18:11And then there's a secondary incident.
18:13Dan Welch gets caught up with Tom Onslow-Cole.
18:15And as they come across the road...
18:17Everyone spreads out.
18:19And Paul Rankin...
18:20As they break for the deep headwind.
18:21Here comes Shedden up on the outside line.
18:23Can he get past Andrew Jordan?
18:25They're levelling to the corner.
18:26Collard goes up the inside of Turkington.
18:28Foster exits stage right.
18:29He runs wide.
18:30There's contact in the mid pack.
18:31Involving Jeff Smith.
18:32A sideways Ollie Jackson.
18:36This is Plato on the first lap.
18:38Just tapping the back of Gough.
18:40Which, with cold rear tyres,
18:41sets him into it on the tyres here at Rockingham.
18:44About a second and a half.
18:46Lock-up there!
18:47Big lock-up from Gough!
18:49And Neil!
18:50So there must be something down on the circuit.
18:52They both locked up.
18:53And went straight on.
18:55He's lost out to Sam Tordoff though.
18:56And the BMW a little bit crossed up.
18:58Try him in the background.
18:59Jeff Smith, Jack Gough.
19:00Nick Foster into the...
19:01Sorry, Rob Collard into the barrier.
19:03And there's another one.
19:04It's Adam Morgan back onto the circuit.
19:07So Adam Morgan was the other one
19:08that got involved in that.
19:09But I'm afraid...
19:10Here we go back to Brookshire Cape.
19:11Austin against Newsham.
19:13And there's not really a gap there, Rob.
19:16There's not really an opportunity.
19:18Can't break the toe.
19:19Turkington is second.
19:20Look at Newsham in the Toyota.
19:21Right round the outside.
19:22He's sideways.
19:23He's lost it.
19:24And off he goes!
19:25Well, that's that cold right rear tyre.
19:27We've talked about it in qualifying.
19:29It's the coldest tyre on the car.
19:31The recovering Newsham then
19:33goes over the line in 12th place.
19:35And there are two cars off.
19:36Andy Neate is one of them.
19:37Nick Foster is the other.
19:39You don't often find cars in that gravel track.
19:41But there's another car.
19:42The Airwaves racing forwards.
19:43Looking a lot pacier today.
19:45Oops, contact.
19:46Who is that?
19:47Hitting Matt Jackson.
19:48That was got off by Turkington.
19:49Really tried hard.
19:50But Plato to Wallington.
19:51Contact at the back.
19:52Rather in the background.
19:53Austin in the background.
19:54One of the Airwaves cars as well.
19:56Pushing wide.
19:57This is a corner.
19:59Thank goodness.
20:00There was a little bit of room
20:01for Neil to control the helmsteer.
20:02But here.
20:03Fell down on his hand.
20:04He's getting pushed again.
20:05Now by Tornoff.
20:06And this is going to possibly allow
20:08Aaron Swell.
20:09It's going to be big off here.
20:12They were pushing all the way
20:13around that corner, weren't they?
20:14Tornoff just keeps it out of the gravel.
20:16You can see the damage.
20:17And, well, look at this.
20:19We'll see if Adam Morgan gets...
20:21Oh, someone's really swung...
20:22Oh, and his traffic just got round.
20:24He's been struggling on that corner
20:25several times.
20:27Oh, he's got broken rear suspension.
20:29Coming through Cox Corner.
20:31He rides backwards.
20:33Oh, what a set of contacts.
20:36Paddock Jordan's got the inside line.
20:37Plato, Tornoff is the top two.
20:39Shedden thirdwards.
20:40BMW's come to grief.
20:41And that's Turkington having a big old slide.
20:43Are they all going to miss him?
20:44Nick Foster, his teammate, headbutts him.
20:45Turkington gets done head-on
20:46by his teammate at the very first corner.
20:48And this is what happened at Turn 1.
20:50Watch the two BMWs.
20:51They get a little bit slidey.
20:53There's just some contact.
20:54I think Turkington was trying to hold his car
20:56away from Collard, actually.
20:58Side-by-side with him.
20:59As they come to the corner,
21:00he just...
21:01Little bit of contact there.
21:02And slightest contact is enough
21:04for the BMW on a rear-wheel drive car
21:07to spin and then crunch.
21:08Does give you the inside
21:10if there's somebody there
21:11for the next corner.
21:13Oh, he's had a little tap.
21:14Can't recover from that.
21:16That was...
21:17That was Ollie Jackson, I think, right?
21:20Here we are.
21:21Oversteer at the top of the bend.
21:24Holds it all the way down the hill.
21:26Runs out of steering lock.
21:27And there's nothing he can do but hit the brakes.
21:30Fortunately, he just stops before...
21:32Gets forced out wide.
21:33Andrew Jordan's dropped a place or two.
21:34Gordon Shetton gets sideways.
21:36Can he save it?
21:37Right ahead of Andrew Jordan.
21:38He's gone one way, he's gone the other.
21:39So far, so good.
21:40There are cars all over the grass going uphill.
21:42But amazingly,
21:43everybody has avoided a sideways Civic.
21:46Aaron Smith was a real hero in the first race.
21:48He's doing it again.
21:49He's got past Neil.
21:50He's having a go to get past Jordan.
21:51He's done.
21:52He's going to make contact with Collard
21:53right ahead of Andrew Jordan,
21:54who just misses it.
21:55But there's contact...
21:56Now he's front of the rear suspension.
21:59And in a heartbeat,
22:00everything has changed
22:01and Andrew Jordan may not even get to the pit lane
22:03because he loses it going through Hawthorne.
22:05We don't want any more damage to the car,
22:07but he's off the road.
22:08Let's have a look on board with Andrew Jordan.
22:11Down the inside is Aaron Smith.
22:13So Aaron Smith has a slight tap on the back of Collard.
22:16Jordan moves to the left wing side
22:18and tags Neil coming through.
22:22This is on board with Matt Neil.
22:24Here comes Aaron Smith up the inside.
22:26A legitimate maneuver,
22:28but just a slight tap on the BMW.
22:30He gets sideways.
22:31Jordan swerves to the left to miss him
22:33and tags Neil.
22:35And that's put both of them out of the race.
22:37Yeah, good clean start.
22:38Oh, jack off.
22:39Oh, torn off sideways.
22:41Doesn't hit anyone,
22:42but he's going to hit the barriers.
22:45One damaged MG.
22:46Is he going to be able to rejoin from there?
22:48What else has to happen this weekend for Matt?
22:50He's had crashes in qualifying
22:52and now a burning Civic.
22:54And he's ushering fire marshals to come to the car.
22:57There they are.
22:58Extinguishers ready.
22:59Wow, that is a big, big glaze.
23:01And Matt's saying,
23:02come on, quicker, quicker, quicker.
23:03Matt's only got one hand.
