• last year
Part 3 of 6 of the 1983 drama series. Life at the squat for Stella and Lipton isn't easy. Jake has disappeared again. Both Lipton and the mysterious "Colonel" want to find him - and the Colonel isn't too fussy about his methods. However, Turner is in work, if not earning money, and Jarvis is busy at Technical College, where he gets a girlfriend.


01:00Johnny Jarvis had gone on a day release course.
01:03Well, you've got to have qualifications.
01:06I'd gone back to see my father in the hospital
01:09and, of course, he'd done his usual disappearing act.
01:12On the way out, I got the shock of my life.
01:16It was the man who wanted my father dead,
01:19the one they called the Colonel.
01:22I ducked out of sight and watched.
01:26There could only be one reason why he was there.
01:30As he went towards the wall, his hand groped for his pocket.
01:36I was certain that he was going for a gun.
01:41You what?
01:42Gun, you know, pistol, bang, bang, shooter.
01:44Well, has he been dropping them little pills again or what?
01:47I'm damn sure what it was for.
01:48It was one of them cigarette...
01:49Shut up!
01:51...container bullet meant for my old man, I'm sure of it.
01:54That's why he'd done a bunk.
01:56This geezer's probably in the Mafia.
01:58Now, let me say something.
02:00You ain't done no regular work for nearly a year.
02:03In my opinion, you're living in a fantasy world.
02:05I mean, what's all this pistols, eh?
02:07I mean, what's real to you?
02:09And where do you think you're going?
02:10Same place as you, John Jarvis.
02:12Yeah, and where's that?
02:13A big black hole in the ground.
02:14Speak for yourself, nutter.
02:15I've got a lot of work to do.
02:17Therefore, the speed of the leg is 333 revs a minute, all right?
02:26All right, off you go.
02:43I've got a letter for you, Dad.
02:45Social Security.
02:55Asking questions.
03:03Johnny will have a look at it when he comes in.
03:06He'll understand it.
03:09Got a question?
03:13Can I ask anything else, huh?
03:15No, it's all right.
03:26Yeah, sure.
03:28You've only been at it a month.
03:30It'll all come clear.
03:31In a flash of light, you'll see the whole thing.
03:34Do you reckon?
03:35Sure of it.
03:37Thanks, Mr Lauer.
03:39Johnny needed a bit of support.
03:41There was his new work at the college,
03:43three days a week at the factory,
03:45and on top of everything, Pauline,
03:49his first real girlfriend.
03:52Pauline was, well, quite simply, dreadful.
04:23Thank you, Daddy.
04:35That was the year we went to Spain, wasn't it, Daddy?
04:39It was, Mum. It was.
04:50Daddy's mad on ruined things.
04:57Aren't you, Daddy?
04:59I am.
05:01I've never been abroad.
05:05Oh, well, we only went there once.
05:10We prefer country holidays in this country.
05:15Don't we, Daddy?
05:17We do.
05:18Hey, Mum.
05:19Oh, yes, Daddy.
05:37Welcome to the family, John Jarvis.
05:43I'm on again
05:46Taking a plane up the mountain
05:49There's the usual
05:51People don't know
05:53Laying down roots at the cemetery
05:57No, cause I'm back, back
06:05I'm on again
06:09Taking a plane up the mountain
06:20Where's the girl?
06:22Out. She does that a lot.
06:25I want your Daddy.
06:27Well, I ain't seen him.
06:33Of course you have. He dotes on you.
06:36Well, I ain't seen him.
06:39Don't be silly.
06:43Look, I thought you two was mates.
06:45Listen, it may suit Mr Lipton to take an optimistic view of our relationship,
06:50but he is not playing fair with me.
06:54I thought you'd come to some agreement.
06:56So we did.
06:58But he was keeping something from me, you see.
07:01So you put men in on to him?
07:03That is correct.
07:19Now I need to know where he is, OK?
07:23And this time it's serious.
07:26So as soon as he shows, you call me on this number, OK?
07:57Mrs Jarvis, is Johnny in?
07:59You what?
08:00I need to speak to Johnny, Mrs Jarvis.
08:04Look, it's urgent, Mrs Jarvis.
08:06He went down to the shops.
08:09He went with little Pauline.
08:16I do like weekends, don't you, John?
08:20Of course, I like college too.
08:26No one thought I'd stick being a student again.
08:29You've done nearly six months.
08:32It's broken all the time.
08:34What do you make on those machines of yours?
08:37Stuff for oven machines.
08:39You're really a making-things sort of person, aren't you, John?
08:44I've got to have a skill.
08:46Oh, you're right if you've got a skill.
08:48You've got to have a skill.
08:52My father's got a skill.
08:54Yeah? What's that then?
08:57All your old men worked in Sainsbury's?
09:00Sort of.
09:04What's the matter?
09:05You've got to come.
09:06Come where?
09:07Alan is.
09:08What's the matter, Stella?
09:09Alan's got done again.
09:10Again? Done what is this?
09:11You haven't been round, have you?
09:12Stella, listen.
09:13Look, come, can't you, now?
09:14I'm coming, I'm coming.
09:15Pleased to meet you, I'm sure.
09:31Are you all right?
09:33I broke the guitar.
09:35I bought it out of his own money.
09:37Oh, it's getting good.
09:39Really good.
09:40Who's that?
09:41Geezer I told you about way back.
09:44Calls himself the Colonel.
09:46Funniest Colonel I've ever seen.
09:48He told you about him before?
09:51He's got a gun.
09:52He's got a gun.
09:53He's got a gun.
09:54He's got a gun.
09:55He's got a gun.
09:56He's got a gun.
09:57He's got a gun.
09:58He's got a gun.
09:59He's got a gun.
10:00He's got a gun.
10:01He's got a gun.
10:02He's got a gun.
10:03He's got a gun.
10:04He's got a gun.
10:05He's got a gun.
10:06He's got a gun.
10:07He's got a gun.
10:09Oh, I had another gun before.
10:11Saw him at the hospital.
10:13And he called it before Christmas.
10:18And I reckoned you was dreaming.
10:20I never was reliable, was I, Johnny?
10:24Look, I was being stupid. It was a stupid argument.
10:26You're too specialised in them, don't you?
10:29All right. Safe ways.
10:36Oh, no!
10:42Oh, yes.
10:44Somebody introduce me, please.
10:48Brilliant. Pauline. Like I was a dog.
10:51Bags of charm, huh, Johnny?
10:53What do you do, then?
10:54Not a lot. They're out of work.
10:56I'm secretarial.
10:58You are, ain't you?
10:59Charmed, I'm sure.
11:01So what's he want, then, the Colonel?
11:04I told you, Johnny. He wants my old man.
11:07But he wants him badly.
11:09He seems to think I know where he is.
11:12Which I don't.
11:14He's been twice. We'll have to move.
11:18Oh, I don't know what you mean.
11:20Oh, I don't know what he thinks he's playing at, your old man.
11:26He hasn't told the Colonel about some deal he's got on, that's all.
11:30I don't know.
11:32Well, go and see your old lady.
11:34I can't.
11:35Oh, come on. She won't eat you.
11:36I haven't seen her for more than a year.
11:38Well, now's your chance. She might know where he is.
11:41And she might not.
11:42Well, it'll get you out of this place anyway.
11:47Would you fancy a drink, then?
11:49No cash, Johnny.
11:51All right.
11:53Oh, we'll fix it up. We'll go round my mum's.
11:57That's it.
11:59How's the singing?
12:01Oh, great.
12:06Took me a few days before I could face the prospect of my mum.
12:10But I went, in the end.
12:12I took the others with me. I'm all support.
12:15I can quite see why you moved, Alan.
12:18I swear we live.
12:21Him and his mum.
12:22And what's wrong with that?
12:24Nothing. He likes his mum.
12:27She'll consider the same as mine.
12:28Hi, Darvies.
12:32My mother and I have a very good relationship.
12:42This is it.
12:44Well, he's gonna knock me.
12:46I will. I'm very good in emotional situations.
13:02Look, Johnny, I can't face it. Would you mind waiting for me?
13:10Hello, lovey.
13:12You're a stranger.
13:14Can I come in, Mum?
13:16Yeah. Yeah, I suppose you can, lovey.
13:25I'll catch your room for you, lovey.
13:33I left a note for you.
13:35I left all your aeroplanes up.
13:38Mum, I'm... 18.
13:42Yeah, you've been away a long time.
13:45More than a year.
13:47I kept on at him to write or call Mrs Lipton.
13:49But you know what he's like.
13:51You're a punk still, are you?
13:53No. I'm a housewife.
13:59Mum, have you, um, seen Dad at all?
14:02Why are you so keen to know?
14:04Some, uh, some geezers after him.
14:09Well, he seems to think I know where he is.
14:11And he keeps trying to break my ribs when I tell him I don't.
14:14What are you up to, lovey?
14:16Mum, have you seen him?
14:19That's why you come round?
14:21No. No, I've come to see you, Mum.
14:25Look, if I just knew anything about him at all,
14:27like who he was or what he'd done or...
14:30Look, I've done you a favour telling you nothing about your Dad.
14:33Cos if I had told you at all, you wouldn't like it.
14:36And now you've got the nerve to come back.
14:38And all you want to know is about that bastard.
14:40Thanks a lot.
14:42I will tell you one thing about him. He...
14:44Yeah, what?
14:46Just look at you.
14:48Your tongue hanging out.
14:50You can't get enough of your Daddy.
14:52Well, why should I tell you, eh?
14:54Why should I tell you anything about your Dad?
14:56I don't know.
14:58Why should I tell you anything about him?
15:00Was it him brought you up, was it?
15:02Washed your clothes and cooked your meals, eh?
15:05No, it wasn't.
15:07What did I do so wrong, eh?
15:19I don't know, Mum.
15:21I really don't know.
15:26Come on, let's go, Stella.
15:50All right.
15:58I'm going in now. My old girl will be worrying.
16:00I'll come, shall I?
16:06Look, it's just... some other time, eh?
16:08Thanks a lot.
16:10Look, my old man gets funny.
16:14Come on, Pauline.
16:16Sometimes you can be the rudest person,
16:18sometimes I don't know why I bother with you.
16:25Hello, Mum.
16:27I heard voices.
16:29I get scared on my own sometimes.
16:33Are you all right, Johnny?
16:35Thought you might need a bit of looking after, Mum.
17:44You going to invite me in?
17:46Do I have any choice?
17:48Not really.
17:59He come round here a lot.
18:03You know, the kid.
18:05Alan. Does he come round here a lot?
18:07He came to see me.
18:14Bit tricky, is that?
18:16I'm his bloody mother.
18:18If we're using this place to drop messages,
18:20I don't want him hanging around here.
18:22What is this bloody deal of yours, anyway?
18:26It takes forever to arrange.
18:28There's rather a lot at stake.
18:30When you thought he might be useful to you,
18:32it was all over him.
18:34Now it gets important, you just want to switch him off.
18:37You can't treat the kid like that.
18:39He's lost.
18:41He doesn't know which way he's facing.
18:43He doesn't understand your grubby little rackets.
18:45That is problem.
18:47You take everything I have and...
18:52how about trying to be nice to me?
18:56For a change.
18:58Oh, no change!
19:00I knew nothing about my family.
19:02Mummies and daddies were for other people, not me.
19:05People like Paul Turner.
19:07His parents had fixed him up in the carpentry game.
19:10With Kenny.
19:12I don't think it was the easiest of apprenticeships.
19:14I don't think it was the easiest of apprenticeships.
19:16I don't think it was the easiest of apprenticeships.
19:18Right, make way for the master.
19:24I place the wood, saw.
19:26I pick up the saw, saw.
19:29But now, what I do next?
19:32You saw it.
19:34You see, Arthur?
19:36This is one intelligent boy.
19:38Him come to me highly recommended.
19:40I saw it.
19:42But now, tell me this.
19:44How I saw it?
19:46Side to side? From top to bottom?
19:48How, eh? How?
19:50Through. You saw it through.
19:52You see what I'm saying, Arthur?
19:54This is one intelligent apprentice.
19:56I saw it through.
19:59Come on, Kenny. Come on.
20:01What's up?
20:03It's a madhouse here. A loony bin.
20:11They have moved Islington again.
20:13And Islington full of rich people.
20:16They need a shelving.
20:18I don't know why they don't let me read the map.
20:20Why use the apprentice?
20:22It's not your responsibility.
20:24Now, we go left at page 29
20:26and straight on to the man.
20:28And then on to page 45.
20:30Look out!
20:35I don't believe this.
20:48Yes, boy?
20:50You have a criticism of my driving?
20:56If you want to get on in this life,
20:58you'll have to lose that sullen expression.
21:00You got my wages this week?
21:02We hoping to acquire them soon, boy.
21:04Kenny, it's four o'clock on a Friday afternoon.
21:08The weekend starts here, Kenny.
21:10Boy, at the moment, we're not in profit.
21:12We're showing a deficit.
21:14A deficit at all?
21:16I ain't been out in two weeks.
21:18With me, you're safe.
21:20With me, you have steady employment
21:22and you're safe from trouble.
21:24There's no hanging round some sound system
21:26and stealing a record.
21:28Nah, there's driving around in your van
21:31that ain't taxed, insured or MOT'd.
21:33Who say this was my van?
21:35I don't possess a logbook for this vehicle.
21:37I may be driving it, but I not responsible for it.
21:39I don't believe this.
21:44I amuse you, huh?
21:46Kenny the Clown.
21:48Let me tell you something.
21:50Kenny is a survivor.
21:52Now you,
21:54you won't last two minutes out there on the street
21:56with that sullen look.
22:01Eh, eh.
22:03But like this, boy,
22:05still thinking go find better?
22:09You can't educate the young.
22:13Like you feel the fine weather coming or what?
22:17Tell your boy,
22:19spring is of short duration.
22:30I'm sorry, right, Kenny?
22:32It's not you, OK? I like you.
22:34I like you fine.
22:38You tell your parents.
22:40Yeah, I'm going to tell them.
22:42Firm keep your place for you.
22:46I'll see you around, all right?
22:56More time for him.
22:59Whoa, whoa, whoa!
23:01It's the carpenter.
23:03All right, Papa.
23:05How you been, carpenter?
23:07All right.
23:09So how's the job been? All right, is it?
23:12Hello, carpenter.
23:14All right, Karen?
23:16Each part is professional.
23:18Back to you.
23:20Why you always look so worried, Turner?
23:22Forget your worries and dance.
23:24We love to educate this carpenter.
23:26Teaching some righteousness, eh?
23:28Yeah, trouble more like.
23:30Trouble to the wicked, carpenter.
23:32Trouble to the wicked.
24:12What is she doing here?
24:14He's got his exams in a month. Summer term, right?
24:17Yeah, I forgot about terms.
24:19He loves those machines.
24:21Yeah, I believe he does.
24:23You might talk to a person.
24:25I am talking to a person.
24:27I'm talking to you, ain't I?
24:29What you up to now?
24:31I'm looking up EMI.
24:33I see.
24:35Record manufacturers.
24:37Yeah, I know.
24:39Record manufacturers.
24:41Oh, really?
24:43Who just saw it?
24:45I don't know why you let her in.
24:47You're starting to talk like her.
24:49And how's that? Sarcastic.
24:51Do you blame me for being sarcastic?
24:54Which one of you said that?
24:56I don't know, I'm sure.
24:58Neither do I.
25:00Well, I'm fed up with it.
25:02With what?
25:04You keep out of this.
25:06Who, me?
25:08I can't take much more of this, Alan.
25:10What have we done in the last year, eh?
25:12Signed on, that's about it.
25:14But if it isn't your dad, it's crouching over that guitar you nicked
25:16and phoning up some record company.
25:18Honestly. Honestly.
25:20You shut up and all. Sorry, I'm short.
25:22No record company's gonna look at you.
25:24You can't play two notes together.
25:26They don't look at blokes like you.
25:28Look at you.
25:30You've got glasses, you're short, you don't even dress well.
25:32Elvis Costello.
25:34You can't sing, you can't play the guitar, you look all hunched up.
25:37Yeah, Elvis Costello.
25:39I like Elvis Costello. Shut up!
25:42Look, I told you, Stella.
25:44I'm not the settling-down kind, right?
25:49You'll end up inside, Alan.
25:51You're nicking more and more stuff.
25:53First the guitar, then clothes, then the case, then...
25:57Are you listening to me, you little shit?
26:01Will you stop playing that guitar?
26:03I'm talking to you.
26:05I'm warning you!
26:36I'll leave you to work.
26:40Thanks for talking to me.
26:42I know I'm not a very instant sort of person.
26:45Yeah, well, I'll just get down to it, shall I?
26:56Shall I be late, Dad?
27:05It's comfortable.
27:07We never left you when you were small.
27:09Never went out.
27:11I lost the habit, I suppose.
27:13I don't know why.
27:15I don't know why.
27:17I don't know why.
27:19I don't know why.
27:21I don't know why.
27:24I lost the habit, I suppose.
27:26Go on, you go out and enjoy yourself, Mum.
27:30I'm going to see a nice film.
27:32About rabbits.
27:37I don't want to go.
27:42Didn't you get to be a big boy?
27:44Go on, off you go.
27:46I'll see you.
28:12Hello. Hello.
28:14Can I come in? Yeah, of course you can.
28:20Are you not studying?
28:22Just a bit.
28:24What's falling about? No, no.
28:26How's your dad?
28:28Still the same.
28:30I saw your mum down the shops.
28:32Yeah, I sent her down the pictures to give her a break.
28:34Do you want a cup of tea?
28:36Sit down.
28:53What you got planned, then?
28:55Staying with them engineers, are you?
28:57No, they weren't last summer, they told me.
28:59I'm going for some interviews, though.
29:01Yeah? Yeah.
29:03Not a lot of joy, though.
29:05They're laying off engineers.
29:07You'll get fixed up.
29:09You always said you was lucky.
29:11Who's he, then?
29:13You know.
29:15Kettle's on.
29:17Sit down.
29:20Where is he?
29:22I don't really care.
29:24Oh, I don't know, still.
29:26I keep getting into things
29:28and I think it'll be all right, and it ain't.
29:30Well, try something else, then.
29:32Like what?
29:34You know what.
29:36No, I don't.
29:38Do you and Pauline...
29:40Oh, you must be joking.
29:42I'm not joking.
29:44I'm not joking.
29:47I'm not joking.
29:50He's my best mate, still.
30:03Still, the kettle's on.
30:05I don't know what I'm at it these days.
30:09I've lived a life that's full
30:15I've travelled age and every other body
30:22And more, much more than this
30:29I did in my wild regrets
30:38I've had a few, and then again
30:45Too few to mention
30:48Oh, I did what I had to do
30:54I saw it through
30:57Is that exception?
31:00To think I did all this
31:05And may I say
31:08Not in a shy way
31:12Oh, no
31:15So where was you, soldier?
31:17All over.
31:22I'm going to be a musician.
31:26Sing a songwriter.
31:28Going to audition for EMI.
31:30Nice. Where's that, then?
31:32I'm not sure.
31:34I rung them up. They seem interested.
31:38Yeah, they're phoning me back.
31:40The one the colonel gave you?
31:45Now, look, I can't tell him much.
31:47Oh, surprise, surprise.
31:49Next time you see your friend the colonel,
31:52tell him I want to talk.
31:54He can leave a message for me there.
32:07What made you eye for him up to now?
32:10I wasn't ready to deal with him.
32:12Why me? You know how to find him.
32:14Oh. Etiquette.
32:16I want him to come to me.
32:19You two are a great double act, aren't you?
32:25Will you do that for me?
32:28Yeah, I suppose I will.
33:16What keeps you at home?
33:19That much.
33:21I don't know why you don't get dough.
33:23I just don't fancy.
33:25Go to some factory, then.
33:29My mum says I should work in a bank.
33:31I've got O-levels and everything.
33:33But I'm busy.
33:36I'm not on being bad.
33:38More fun.
33:40Hello, darling.
33:42Get lost.
33:44You fancy a drink?
33:48I know a few nice places.
33:50Oi, get lost.
33:52Don't you fancy something a bit more sophisticated than that, then, eh?
33:55Look, piss off, right?
33:57Cheeky black sod.
34:05Stop laughing, you bastard!
34:19I just want to see my mum and dad.
34:21Of course you do.
34:23Normally, we'd have you out of here by now.
34:27They're not preferring charges against this other fellow.
34:31Do you know who he was?
34:33They searched me.
34:35I've never seen him before in my life.
34:37But my girlfriend...
34:39Are you sure he was trying to pick her up?
34:41Of course I'm sure.
34:43And did you start insulting him?
34:45Did you call him honky?
34:47What is this? I never insulted no-one, right?
34:49I've never even been in trouble before.
34:51Anyone think I've broken into a bank or something?
34:54There are certain peculiarities about this case.
34:59Look, were you aware that the man...
35:03the man who you were in a scuffle with was a policeman?
35:08You what?
35:10He was.
35:12You're joking.
35:14I'm afraid not.
35:16Well, why didn't you tell me before?
35:18His account of the incident is very different from yours.
35:21Well, it would be, wouldn't it?
35:23You're not in work. You're...
35:25Who do you believe?
35:27I believe you, actually.
35:29I don't normally believe the accused in assault cases,
35:32but I've come across this particular policeman before.
35:35I've reason to believe he was involved with a client of mine last year.
35:39Nasty business.
35:42Kid went to Borstal.
35:44Don't look so glum.
35:46We'll be OK.
36:35Look, I'll see you later.
36:37See you later.
36:40Know what? I ain't as stupid as what I look.
36:42No problems.
36:44I've settled it. I know I've settled it.
37:03Surprise for you.
37:17Don't see me here since we saw you into that place.
37:20Nah. Did OK, did ya?
37:22The old exams.
37:25Yeah, all right. Still doing well.
37:27Yeah, I've got myself fixed up for a firm day on the river.
37:30They're gonna sponsor me. It's not too far.
37:34Jammy sod is our Johnny.
37:36Lucky Johnny Jarvis.
37:38Sails through life.
37:40This is for you, Lucky Johnny Jarvis.
37:42And the next time you decide to knock off someone else's bird,
37:45try and pick a geezer.
37:47Ain't supposed to be your best mate.
37:49Never come near me or speak to me again, you bastard.
37:51And the same goes for you and all.
37:53Difficult, considering we live in the same bleeding room.
37:55Not from today, we don't.
37:57I'm moving out, and don't bother to try and find me.
37:59Oh, John, you didn't...
38:02And you can shut up. I've had enough of your bright ideas.
38:04Once, though. Only to once.
38:06Oh, yeah? Just to see what it was like, eh?
38:08Well, once was quite enough for me, all right?
38:54Are you a group?
38:56I could be. In an emergency.
38:58On your way to a gig? No.
39:01On your way home? No.
39:04Have you got a home to go to?
39:07Why, do you want to know?
39:09Sort of.
39:11I don't know.
39:13A bit pissed. I run a hospital.
39:15Oh, thanks.
39:17There's no religion or any of that bollocks.
39:19I beg your pardon?
39:21No, all that's completely out the window.
39:25And it's cheap, and it's reasonably clean.
39:27That is, if the little bastards have done as they promised.
39:36Are you coming?
39:38Yeah, OK.
39:45Yeah, you're not bent, are you?
39:47I'm a red-blooded heterosexual.
39:55Me too.
40:02Help yourself to tea and coffee.
40:13Oh, come on! Sorry, boys.
40:15What's the matter with you, lads?
40:18Who's this, then? It's a vagrant.
40:20It's a referral, lads.
40:22No, we just met. Oh, yeah, where did this occur, though?
40:25That'll be your bed there.
40:27He says he's called Lipton.
40:29Keep the noise down, please. Good night.
40:32What's with him, eh?
40:34Oh, he's OK. He's dead straight.
40:38Oh, yeah.
40:40Well, no, actually, he's bent as a nine-bobbed note,
40:42but he's straight with it, you know what I mean?
40:44Yeah. No.
40:46Oh, well, he's never laid a finger on us, has he, lads?
40:48Oh, no, Dane, come!
40:51So what have you done, then? Borstal?
40:53Oh, yeah.
40:58What for?
41:00What for?
41:02Hey, didn't I see you at Watford?
41:04Oh, very likely.
41:06I was all over. Not a prison in the country could hold me.
41:09Now, come on, where was you?
41:11Maximum security.
41:13I am extremely dangerous.
41:19I stole a traffic warden.
41:23Here. Give us a tuner.
41:27I'll play music.
41:29Don't I, lads?
41:31Oh, yeah, you play music.
41:59I've got a gun in my bag
42:01I've got a gun in my bag
42:03I've got a gun in my bag
42:06I've got a gun in my bag
42:08I've got a gun in my bag
42:10I've got a gun in my bag
42:12I've got a gun in my bag
42:14I've got a gun in my bag
42:16I've got a gun in my bag
42:18I've got a gun in my bag
42:20I've got a gun in my bag
42:22I've got a gun in my bag
42:24I've got a gun in my bag
42:26I've got a gun in my bag
42:29Well, well, well.
42:31Well, what?
42:33It's been a long time.
42:35I'll say.
42:37I've just been transferred here.
42:39You been here from the start?
42:43Don't bother me and I won't bother you, OK?
42:46I've got three months to do it, that's all.
42:48Fair enough.
42:52What's this like, David?
42:58There is some very bad language in this place.
43:02I've got a gun in my bag
43:04I've got a gun in my bag
43:06I've got a gun in my bag
43:08I've got a gun in my bag
43:10I've got a gun in my bag
43:12Well, well, well.
43:15I've got a gun in my bag
43:17You and me.
43:19Well, well, well.
43:21Look, that was a long time ago.
43:23Let's forget it, eh? All of it.
43:25I can't see your face
43:27Oh, oh, oh
43:29I can't see your face
43:31I can't see your face
43:33Hey, I'm in trouble, you know?
43:35Not particularly.
43:38I'm in no trouble, man.
43:40You see, when that guy get released,
43:42I'm going to do all kind of things, man.
43:44Yeah, somebody fit him up, you see.
43:46Somebody out there doing my whole heap of wrong.
43:49And when I'm released, I'm going to seek my revenge.
43:52I'm the same.
43:55So on who you going to seek your revenge?
43:57On all that Babylonian society out there?
43:59Oh, no.
44:01I've got someone very particular in mind.
44:03Announcing the departure of charter flight HCF08 to Amsterdam.
44:10Will passengers now please proceed to the apron and board the aircraft.
44:14Passengers for onward flight to Karachi
44:17are reminded to check in at the PIA desk on arrival at Amsterdam.
44:22I didn't see the colonel for about a year after the Turner affair.
44:26In fact, I thought I'd finished playing cops and robbers.
44:29I was starting something new.
44:31Breaking all the old connections.
44:33And especially Johnny Jarvis.
44:45Remember that geezer Turner?
44:50He was in my class.
44:52Been done for assault.
44:54I sent a paper. Got a ball still.
44:58We'll all be in there, give us half the chance.
45:00The whole of 5C in the same cell.
45:05Are you all right?
45:08It's your dad.
45:12He ain't right.
45:16Look at him, Johnny.
45:22It's all right to me?
45:24No, he ain't right.
45:26Oh, leave it.
45:29There's a letter for you.
45:33I told him you got your exam.
45:37I like telling him things that happen.
45:49Well, tell him this, then.
45:52Dear Mr Jarvis,
45:54with reference to your conversation with Mr Rankin on the 6th of June,
45:59we regret to have to inform you
46:01that the place provisionally offered to you by Mr Rankin
46:03is not now to be filled by a trainee.
46:06This is due to staff cutbacks since our last offer to you.
46:09We regret any inconvenience we may have caused you.
46:12Does this mean you haven't got no job?
46:14Yeah, it does.
46:17Not to go to?
46:19I've tried every other place near.
46:25do you think when you do bad things,
46:27that bad things happen to you?
46:32Don't make no difference.
46:35What next, Mum? What do you think?
46:39Pick your dad.
46:50George! George!
