初耳怪談 2024年8月19日 配送先の黒い影

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初耳怪談 2024年8月19日 配送先の黒い影
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00Good evening. Welcome to Hatsumimikaidan.
00:02First, let's welcome the regulars.
00:09Nobu-san, this month's event is approaching.
00:11That's right.
00:13I'm looking forward to it.
00:14This is Osaka's first visit to Hatsumimikaidan 2024.
00:18It's a crazy story that can't be heard on TV or YouTube.
00:22Thankfully, the venue tickets have been sold out.
00:26The live broadcast will be held, so please check it out.
00:32And today, we have a special guest.
00:35Let me introduce him.
00:36He is the first person to visit Hatsumimikaidan.
00:40Mr. Nishiura.
00:42Nice to meet you.
00:45Mr. Nishiura, everyone is worried about you.
00:47You were a little sick.
00:50Have you recovered a lot?
00:51That's right.
00:52I can walk without a cane.
00:55I will do my best without a cane.
00:57At that time, you had a hard time.
01:00That's right.
01:01I was unconscious for a month.
01:04I was unconscious for a month.
01:06I didn't know what I was doing.
01:08I was completely unconscious.
01:10I heard that as you gradually recovered,
01:13you were collecting stairs in the hospital.
01:18Your soul is burning.
01:22I wish you good health.
01:26Now, let's move on to this corner.
01:28This is the Hatsumimikaidan meeting.
01:30In this corner, we will talk about the theme that was decided every week.
01:37Today, August 19th, is the World Photo Day.
01:43So this time, we will talk about photography.
01:46There are a lot of pictures.
01:48There are some pictures that I'm curious about.
01:50What do you think this is?
01:52Is it a black sleeve?
01:54It's a black sleeve.
01:58Is there anything you're curious about?
02:02I'm curious about the warning.
02:05The warning.
02:07This is me.
02:09This is my junior.
02:13It was about 15 years ago.
02:15I happened to see the junior's blog.
02:19It was a blog at that time.
02:21It was a blog.
02:23I was wondering if there was anything to tease.
02:26I was looking at the junior's past blog.
02:29There was an article that caught my eye.
02:32First of all, the four juniors were skateboarding.
02:38Skateboarding will come after that.
02:42I was looking at it like I was skating.
02:45When I saw that picture, I thought,
02:48My junior doesn't have legs.
02:52I called him and said,
02:56I'll take a look at it.
02:58It's true.
03:00When I took this picture, I had legs.
03:03I told him to be careful.
03:07A few months later, he had an accident on his motorcycle.
03:11His mouth was about to burst.
03:13It was a big accident.
03:17I brought you a picture of his legs.
03:21Please take a look at it.
03:23It's true.
03:25He doesn't have legs.
03:26It's true.
03:27It's not that beautiful.
03:28It's beautiful.
03:30I can see the background from behind.
03:35He doesn't have one leg.
03:36That's right.
03:38I'm scared.
03:40This is amazing.
03:42It's a picture that's easy to understand.
03:45I wouldn't have posted it on my blog.
03:48That's right.
03:50I'm sure he had legs at that time.
03:53There's a title for a picture of missing legs.
03:57It's the same story, so can I say it?
03:59It's my story.
04:01It's the same story.
04:03A woman told me this.
04:07About 15 years ago, I watched a TV program called Psycho-Photo Special.
04:11I was looking for a picture of a house with my sister.
04:17I was looking for a picture of a house with a psycho-photo.
04:20I found one.
04:22It's a picture of a family member's mother's missing legs.
04:30I thought it was a picture of a psycho-photo.
04:33At that age, the father of the family had Achilles tendonitis.
04:39The older sister had a human body injury.
04:43The younger sister had a terrible sprain.
04:48All three of them were injured to the point where they were paralyzed.
04:54What's different from now is that the mother who lost her legs is unharmed.
04:59On the contrary, all three of the other family members are unharmed.
05:03It's an old picture.
05:06It's not at that time, but at the age when the picture was found.
05:11There are two mysterious points.
05:14Maybe the legs didn't disappear at that time.
05:20I'm afraid of pictures that change.
05:23I'm afraid of pictures that change.
05:28I'm afraid of pictures that change, but I'm a little romantic.
05:31What's the next picture?
05:33Can I choose?
05:35I'm curious about the verification picture.
05:39This is a picture of a supervisor.
05:43It's a picture of an incident.
05:45It's a picture of a supervisor.
05:47He just left work.
05:49I talked to him on the phone.
05:52I went to the scene of the incident.
05:55I took several verification pictures.
05:58I took several verification pictures.
06:01Sometimes a strange picture was taken.
06:05One of my colleagues brought me a strange picture.
06:09One of my colleagues brought me a strange picture.
06:12It was a verification picture of a man hanged in the mountains.
06:18I took several pictures from the same angle.
06:21I took a picture of the man hanging from a tree a little away.
06:27I took a picture of the man hanging from a tree a little away.
06:33I looked at the picture carefully and the man was the one who was hanged.
06:39I took a picture of the man hanging from a tree a little away.
06:43But I couldn't prove it.
06:46I decided not to investigate deeper.
06:50If the police have solid evidence,
06:53they'll be able to figure out what's going on here.
07:00That's what they say.
07:02If it's a case, it's a different story.
07:05We often take pictures of unusual situations.
07:09Even though it's not on TV,
07:11I'm sure there are a lot of people who took great pictures.
07:18Now, let's move on to the next segment.
07:21The next segment is called,
07:22Hatsumimi Short Stairs.
07:23In this segment,
07:24the staff actually goes out into the city
07:26and collects stairs from the general public.
07:28And then, we have a short segment
07:30where the people on the stairs
07:32introduce the short stairs introduced in the program.
07:35Now, let's take a look at the first short stairs.
07:37Hatsumimi Short Stairs.
07:43On a cloudy night,
07:45when I was young,
07:47I went hiking with a friend to a snowy mountain.
07:51But on the way,
07:52I got caught in a blizzard
07:54and ended up staying in a nearby mountain hut.
07:56I laid down on a futon
07:58and slept side by side with a friend.
08:00Suddenly, I heard a knocking sound.
08:04Knock, knock.
08:05And then,
08:07Open the door, please.
08:09I heard a woman's hoarse voice.
08:12It was still snowing outside.
08:14It was late at night.
08:17On the way,
08:18I heard a rumor about a snow woman.
08:23This must be a snow woman.
08:26I got scared.
08:28I put the futon over my head.
08:31The door opened
08:33and a woman came into the hut.
08:36And when I wondered if she came to me,
08:40I whispered,
08:42It's cold.
08:44Please put it in my futon.
08:46I whispered in her ear.
08:52I desperately chanted the New Year's Ritual.
08:55And then,
09:00As soon as the woman laughed,
09:02It's no use doing that.
09:06She took off the futon
09:08and I felt something cold coming into the futon.
09:12I lost my mind.
09:17The next morning,
09:18I told my friend about last night,
09:21but she didn't believe me.
09:25only the part of the futon where she came in
09:28was wet.
09:33As for the snow woman,
09:35there are many stories about her.
09:40when I wake up in the morning,
09:42I feel cold and I feel like I'm dead.
09:45But this time,
09:46the part of the futon was wet.
09:48I feel like
09:50that woman was just pulled by the title of a snow woman.
09:54What do you think?
09:55I think
09:57women are prejudiced.
10:00Everyone is prejudiced.
10:02I'm prejudiced, too.
10:04My feet are very cold.
10:08when a dead person is prejudiced,
10:11isn't that part strengthened?
10:14Prejudice is strengthened.
10:16So, when I came to this snow woman,
10:19when I came in like this,
10:21I thought I was just prejudiced.
10:24When I was alive as a ghost.
10:27What do you think now?
10:29There is a story about a snow woman
10:31coming to a snowy place
10:33and being frozen.
10:35Even if it wasn't like that,
10:37the ghost of a dead woman came.
10:41It's cold.
10:44there may have been a pattern
10:46of a cold woman,
10:47a dead ghost,
10:48and a snow woman.
10:50That's right.
10:51If it was midwinter,
10:53I would have imagined that it was snow because it was cold.
10:59How about you, Mr. Tanizaki?
11:01The bedding was wet.
11:04I often hear that the back seat was wet
11:07because of the taxi stairs.
11:11I think Mr. Nishiurawa
11:13also knew that.
11:16What was left on the back seat
11:19of the Tottori Taxi Stairs?
11:22There was sand.
11:24It's like Gotouchi.
11:28On a rainy day,
11:30a woman raises her hand
11:32and a wet woman sits down.
11:34That's why it's wet.
11:36If a woman raises her hand
11:38and puts sand on the back seat
11:40while running,
11:42it's theoretically correct.
11:43That's right.
11:44Hey, it's not.
11:46It's this way.
11:47I thought,
11:48but when I looked at the voice,
11:53Let's move on to the next segment.
11:55Hatsumimi Stairs First Take
11:57In this segment,
11:58the stairs will be taken
12:00at once by the stairsmen.
12:02It's called Hatsumimi Stairs First Take.
12:04Of course, Mr. Nishiurawa
12:06will show us the stairs today.
12:12Please move to the stage
12:14and show us the stairs.
12:25Mr. Nishiurawa will show us
12:27the stairs he brought in.
12:29Mr. Nishiurawa,
12:34about this story,
12:36I heard about it
12:38on the Internet recently.
12:41I contacted him directly
12:43and asked him to tell me about it.
12:46He works in the delivery industry now.
12:51He used to work in the delivery industry,
12:55so I heard a lot about him.
12:57At the beginning,
12:59he was a delivery man
13:01for a major online shopping site.
13:04It was very difficult at that time.
13:07He had to deliver 100 to 200 items a day.
13:10There was a rule that
13:12he had to deliver the next day
13:14after receiving an order,
13:16so it was quite difficult.
13:18Now, the system seems to have improved,
13:20but at that time,
13:22he had to find the address
13:24of the delivery address
13:26and deliver the goods.
13:29He went to deliver the goods,
13:31but there was no building
13:33that looked like the address.
13:35He only wrote the name of the apartment
13:38and the room on the second floor
13:40as the address he received.
13:42I wondered where it was,
13:44but I couldn't find the building.
13:47There were many buildings,
13:49but I couldn't find the building.
13:51I thought there might be another building
13:53at the end of the alley,
13:55so I brought my luggage
13:57and entered the building.
13:59There was an apartment building
14:01at the end of the alley.
14:03I thought it was this building.
14:05It was a building with a sign
14:07that said something.
14:09It was a small apartment
14:11on the second floor.
14:13There was a small apartment
14:15on the second floor.
14:17I thought it was on the second floor,
14:19so I climbed up the stairs
14:21and went to the room on the second floor.
14:24I climbed up the stairs
14:26and went down to the left,
14:28and there was a corridor.
14:30There should have been a door
14:32in the corridor,
14:34but the corridor on the second floor
14:36was blocked in the middle.
14:38I couldn't go further.
14:40The corridor was only connected
14:42to the room in front of me.
14:44I thought it was strange,
14:46so I went to the door
14:48and thought it was probably here.
14:50I said,
14:52I'm sorry,
14:54but there was no response.
14:56I tried to ring the doorbell,
14:58but it wasn't a new building
15:00with a doorbell.
15:02I said,
15:04I'm sorry,
15:06but there was no response.
15:08I thought I had to take it home,
15:10but I heard a noise.
15:12I said,
15:14I looked through the glass
15:16next to the door,
15:18and I saw a shadow rising up.
15:20I heard a noise
15:22coming from the doorway.
15:24I thought,
15:26I'm sorry,
15:28but the shadow
15:30stood in front of the doorway
15:32and didn't move.
15:34I thought,
15:36why isn't it coming out?
15:38I thought I should open the door,
15:40but when I tried to open it,
15:42the door wouldn't open.
15:44I said,
15:46I'm sorry,
15:48but the door wouldn't open.
15:50When I looked at the knob,
15:52I was surprised.
15:54It wasn't that the door knob
15:56had a different key.
15:58All the doors had nails
16:00on them,
16:02so they wouldn't open.
16:04I thought,
16:06who's in there?
16:08When I looked at the person
16:10who was talking,
16:12I saw a man
16:14peeking out of the doorway.
16:16He was looking at me.
16:18I said,
16:20no, it's me.
16:22I'm the one who asked for the luggage.
16:24He said,
16:26yes, it's me.
16:28I said,
16:30it's not that staircase.
16:32He said,
16:34it's the other staircase.
16:36I said,
16:38hurry up and bring it to me.
16:40The person who was carrying the luggage
16:42went downstairs
16:44and turned to the other side.
16:46When I turned to the other side,
16:48I saw a small staircase.
16:50I climbed up the staircase
16:52and went up to the corridor on the second floor.
16:54I could see the other side
16:56of the corridor
16:58where I couldn't go.
17:00I went to the door.
17:02I said,
17:04I'm sorry.
17:06The door opened
17:08and the man came out.
17:10He said,
17:12I'm sorry,
17:14but I'm the only one
17:16who lives in this building.
17:18If you have an order here,
17:20please deliver it to me.
17:22I always go to the other side.
17:24It doesn't matter
17:26if you deliver it
17:28to the other side
17:30or to me.
17:32I said,
17:34I'm sorry.
17:36I handed the luggage to him.
17:38I said,
17:40I'm going home.
17:42I went down the stairs
17:44and walked to the car
17:46carrying the luggage.
17:48I heard a voice behind me.
17:50When I turned around,
17:52the man who was carrying the luggage
17:54came down to the first floor
17:56and turned to me in front of the apartment.
17:58He said,
18:00I don't know.
18:02I said,
18:04I got it.
18:06The window of the apartment
18:08on the second floor
18:10was slightly open.
18:12I saw a black shadow
18:14looking at me.
18:16I got scared and ran away.
18:18That's what I heard.
18:22when I deliver the luggage,
18:24I run into strange objects.
18:26But the scariest thing is
18:28when I'm on the stairs
18:30at work,
18:32I'm often told,
18:34You're on the stairs now, aren't you?
18:36Of course,
18:38only when I'm listening to
18:40the ghost stories
18:42in Kyoto,
18:44I'm told,
18:46There's a woman behind you,
18:48but she hasn't gone to pay yet.
18:50That's what he said.
18:52That's what I heard recently.
18:58He said,
19:00You're on the stairs now,
19:02but she hasn't gone to pay yet.
19:04Wow, I see.
19:10I don't know what kind of otaku
19:12the person who delivers the luggage is,
19:14so I'm scared when I think about it.
19:16At the end,
19:18I'm listening to the ghost stories
19:20when I'm delivering the luggage.
19:22I'm sure you were listening to the ghost stories.
19:24Is that what the customer
19:26told you?
19:28That's what I heard.
19:30I was a little surprised.
19:32To be more specific,
19:34I was on the train at first.
19:36I was listening to the ghost stories
19:38when I was on my way to work.
19:40Then I heard a voice
19:42from the other side of the door.
19:44He said,
19:46You're on the stairs now,
19:48but she hasn't gone to pay yet.
19:50I asked him why.
19:52He said,
19:54A few days later,
19:56when I was delivering the luggage,
19:58the woman said,
20:00You're listening to a scary story now,
20:02aren't you?
20:04I said,
20:06No, I'm not listening.
20:08She said,
20:10There's a woman behind you right now.
20:12It's amazing.
20:14For example,
20:16If she said,
20:18You haven't been to a strange place lately,
20:20you'd know.
20:22I don't think I've ever heard
20:24a woman on the stairs in my life.
20:26It's like music.
20:28Even if you can see a woman,
20:30you'd know if she went to a strange place
20:32or a haunted place.
20:34Why did she say,
20:36You haven't been told.
20:38You haven't been told.
20:40Wow, I see.
20:42She hasn't actually been told,
20:44but everyone's been told.
20:46I'm so sorry.
20:48You mean the person who said it wasn't a person?
20:50Or maybe it's a ghost.
20:52I don't think that person
20:54actually said it.
20:56I can't believe
20:58you're listening to a scary story
21:00in your daily life.
21:02Maybe the woman behind you is saying something.
21:04Maybe she's saying something.
21:06Maybe she's saying,
21:08You're listening to my story, aren't you?
21:14How was it, everyone?
21:16We're always looking for strange experiences
21:18to share with you.
21:20We have a lot of unique stories,
21:22so we hope you'll enjoy them.
21:24This has been our guest,
21:26Urawa Nishi.
