Стани Богат 5 Епизод 12 (2024)

  • last month


00:00In the next episode
00:25Good evening ladies and gentlemen
00:27Have you heard what is the newest fashion among young people?
00:31They say that recently girls prefer not boys with a fast car, but with a fast mind.
00:37Young gentlemen were looking for ladies not with big eyes, but with big libraries.
00:43Don't laugh, there are really such people and they are not small at all.
00:47This can be confirmed by Maria Petrova-Collins,
00:50who preferred Kynchev to Clarkson and came back from London
00:54for her special participation in the Bulgarian Wall of Fame.
00:58Maria, do you watch the English edition of Jeremy Clarkson?
01:04I watched it, but I don't watch it as often as I watch Stanislav Bogat on Bulgarian TV.
01:10Of course. Why are you here? What do you want to achieve? Money? Game?
01:17It's certainly not about money.
01:19To congratulate the Roma?
01:21It's certainly not about money.
01:22First of all, I am an adventurist and I like to surprise myself and the people around me
01:29with the four things I do.
01:32And maybe because I like the quiz culture that is developing in Bulgaria,
01:39maybe this is the culmination of the quiz culture.
01:43Absolutely, the emanation.
01:45I suggest we start with the actual game, but you have something else to tell us.
01:51This is Laura. Hello to you, Laura. Good luck.
01:55You will be called to help Stanislav Bogat, so listen carefully to absolutely everything.
02:01Ladies and gentlemen, Maria Petrova-Collins starts her show, Stanislav Bogat, now.
02:16The first question for 1,000 leva, we will conclude it as a sum.
02:20No, not yet.
02:22To be sure. Good. Maria, here is the question.
02:28Which of the actors has not participated in the episode from the series Friends?
02:33Only I have not participated.
02:37Let's see. Brad Pitt.
02:40Alec Baldwin.
02:43Danny DeVito.
02:45Richard Gere.
02:50Brad Pitt, for sure, was Rachel's partner.
02:57Danny DeVito, I also think he is.
03:00Richard Gere, he participated...
03:03I can imagine Richard Gere being a partner of some of the actresses in the series.
03:12But I don't remember him, he has such a specific physiognomy.
03:16I don't remember him participating.
03:18Well, then?
03:22Well, did Alec Baldwin participate?
03:24Alec Baldwin, did he participate?
03:30I think that here, in any case, we will use Joker.
03:34And this will convince not only my friend, but also my friend in the audience,
03:38because she surely knows the series Friends.
03:40She surely knows.
03:42Well, let's call Laura.
03:44Laura, speak to us.
03:47We use Joker.
03:52Do you know the answer?
03:54No, I don't.
03:56Brad Pitt, for sure.
03:58Danny DeVito, for sure.
04:00Alec Baldwin, even if I don't remember him, I can imagine him.
04:04Richard Gere, in my opinion, no.
04:06I don't think so.
04:08In any case.
04:12In this case, I mark Richard Gere.
04:14He didn't participate.
04:16Richard Gere, the answer is David.
04:18Let's ask.
04:20Richard Gere didn't participate.
04:22The final answer.
04:24Let's see.
04:32A little info for everyone who loves Friends,
04:35but these are several generations of viewers of BTV at the moment.
04:39Brad Pitt,
04:41let's say that Gadget and Post are the wife of Jennifer Aniston.
04:46He is the founder of the Anti-Rachel Club.
04:49He plays as an accomplice to Monica and Ross.
04:54Danny DeVito.
05:00The police.
05:02Alec Baldwin played Gadget on Phoebe,
05:04so Richard Gere is the right answer.
05:06He didn't participate.
05:14Dear friends,
05:16Friends Forever
05:17continues with the question for 1500 leva,
05:23but before that,
05:25I will ask how to get into the prestigious 30 under 30 rating.
05:29What did you do, Maria?
05:31I, personally, to get into the rating,
05:34I didn't do anything.
05:36I was noticed.
05:38I was noticed.
05:40What I do is,
05:42I am a lawyer in the British office of human rights
05:45and public law,
05:47but what I am trying to do is to change the policies
05:51of state bodies,
05:53in the private sector.
05:55Which case are you most proud of?
05:57All of them.
05:59Because there is no small victory when you are in court.
06:02Let's play.
06:04Will we conclude the sum of 1500 leva?
06:06No, we won't.
06:08Let's see the questions.
06:10During which historical event
06:13the novel of Charles Dickens develops?
06:16A story about two cities?
06:20During the October Revolution?
06:23The French Revolution?
06:26The First World War?
06:29Or the Civil War in the United States?
06:3412 of the City.
06:3612 of the City.
06:41It is inevitable to ask you,
06:43did you read a story about two cities?
06:45I read it,
06:47as part of the compulsory literature,
06:49in 11th and 12th grade,
06:51I finished English high school,
06:53and there we studied English literature.
06:55Which of these two cities?
06:57I really don't remember.
06:59I know.
07:01Tell me.
07:03Yes, Burgas and London.
07:05I don't remember the October Revolution.
07:07Of course, as all your participants say,
07:10it is much more different
07:12when you are on the side of the rich.
07:14No matter how difficult the question is,
07:16in The Rich Man,
07:18even if we have not read
07:21this story or this novel,
07:23there is always a key,
07:25there is a code,
07:27there is something that should...
07:29There is. When did Charles Dickens live?
07:31To unravel this puzzle in some way.
07:35Either the October Revolution
07:37or the French Revolution.
07:39When is the October Revolution?
07:43So you exclude the First World War
07:45and the Civil War in the States?
07:51Oh, I'm so sure
07:53it's the October Revolution.
07:55Come on.
07:57Do you think I'm trading with two jokers?
07:59Is that how you bargain in court?
08:04That's your decision?
08:06Yes, that's my decision.
08:08Let's see.
08:10Instead of the 50-50 joker,
08:12now in the game of Petrova-Kolinitsa.
08:15Oh, thank you.
08:19The French Revolution
08:21versus the Civil War in the States.
08:24Now it's much easier.
08:26And if you start thinking about the question...
08:28The French Revolution
08:30coincides with the time
08:32when Charles Dickens lived
08:34and created.
08:36And the Civil War in the States?
08:38When did Dickens create?
08:40You can answer a serious question.
08:42We don't want his birth date
08:44and his zodiac.
08:461600-something, 1700-something.
08:49Okay, let it be the Civil War too.
08:53Final decision?
08:55Is there another joker?
08:57The Civil War in the States.
08:59Let's mark it.
09:01Let's see.
09:06Petrova-Kolins decision
09:08and the correct answer
09:10we'll find out
09:12after the commercials on B-TV.
09:24Ladies and gentlemen,
09:25you're watching
09:27Stani Bogat on B-TV.
09:29Maria Petrova-Kolins
09:31is playing a good historical question.
09:33During which historical event
09:35is the novel of Charles Dickens
09:39A story about two cities.
09:41This man is very connected
09:43with England,
09:45with London.
09:47One city is London.
09:50Which is the other city?
09:52If it's the Civil War in the States,
09:53which are the cities then?
09:57At the moment I'm so shocked
09:59that I can't think, Terezo.
10:02Why? What's shocking?
10:06I can't imagine what it is.
10:08I started with the October Revolution.
10:10Where did I end up?
10:12So don't expect it at the moment.
10:14The only thing you should do
10:16is to be a little more careful.
10:18When Charles Dickens lived,
10:20when he wrote,
10:21he wanted the event to be after.
10:25No, no, it's not possible.
10:27It was quite possible.
10:31How can you write about an event
10:33that he didn't experience?
10:35Yes, that's what I want to say.
10:37The October Revolution
10:39was in 1917.
10:41He died a long, long time ago.
10:43So it's not possible at all.
10:45The First World War
10:47is close to the same.
10:49I'm serious.
10:51It was very easy.
10:53You had to turn off the Civil War in the States
10:55which lasted from 1861 to 1865
10:57and left you with one answer.
10:59The French Revolution.
11:01That's unbelievable.
11:03It's a pity.
11:05This is Stanislav Bogat.
11:07Adrenaline up, down and in the middle.
11:09It was a pleasure to be your guest.
11:11It was a pleasure.
11:13Maria, all the best.
11:15Greetings to Mr. Kolenits.
11:21It's a pleasure to introduce you
11:23to a man who can first
11:25take out a reed
11:27and then sing you a rock ballad.
11:29When he's not in the clinic
11:31and doesn't participate in the group
11:33he's usually in the mountains
11:35climbing the next peak.
11:37He dreams of the Himalayas
11:39but dreams of Stanislav Bogat
11:41and that's why he's here with us.
11:43Let's welcome Dr. Borislav Stoyanov.
11:52Are you the singer of the band?
11:54Yes, I'm the vocalist of the band Rockstage.
11:58Rockstage is an old name.
12:00What's your style?
12:02Hard rock, heavy metal.
12:04Oh, a bit of everything.
12:06You're a serious man.
12:08How much would you spend on a reed?
12:10Oh, 10.
12:12That's 5,000 levs.
12:14With or without the reed?
12:16No, no, no.
12:18We were 21 at the time.
12:19Only with the reed.
12:21Only with the reed.
12:23For the reed Paulina invited.
12:29It's a pleasure to have you both here.
12:33So, you'll be in the show.
12:35Dr. Stoyanov is visiting Dr. Kanchev.
12:37We're starting the show
12:39but before that, the rules.
12:4115 questions for 100,000 levs.
12:43Two safe sums.
12:45The first one is 500 levs
12:47and the second one is up to you.
12:49You can also call your friend.
12:51Let's play now.
13:02First question.
13:04How do supermarkets call their weekly sales?
13:24They call their clients to be active.
13:32Second question.
13:37What can be seen on the package of ethyl spirits?
13:43Consume with pleasure and moderation.
13:47Smoking kills.
13:51Play responsibly.
13:53Only for the external application.
13:56Consume with pleasure and moderation
13:59with specific drinks.
14:01When we're talking about ethyl spirits,
14:03the answer is yes, only for the external application.
14:05So that no one messes things up.
14:07No one messes them up.
14:09So that they spill.
14:11They spill, yes.
14:13Otherwise, it means external application.
14:16On the skin.
14:17Yes, on the skin.
14:19We mark it and say that this is the correct answer.
14:25Next question.
14:31Which of the professionals is directly responsible
14:34for the way the cover of a given book looks like?
14:38The corrector.
14:40The graphic designer.
14:42The director.
14:44Or the paint killer.
14:47In any case, the answer is B, the graphic designer.
14:50The person who makes the cover.
14:54We mark it and say that this is the correct answer.
14:59And the journalists and the editors are the graphic designers.
15:04Fourth question.
15:07What does the player do in the game
15:10when he throws a six?
15:12He takes the opponent's pawn,
15:15throws it again,
15:18starts from the beginning,
15:21makes a copy.
15:23The answer is B, he throws it again.
15:25Let's see.
15:27And here is the correct answer.
15:29We've played enough.
15:35Fifth question.
15:37Your last chance to start from scratch.
15:39Don't use it.
15:41I have no intention to.
15:43Here it is.
15:45Who is not a member of the famous family Adams?
15:48One is not.
15:50This is Morticia Adams.
15:52This is Gomez Adams.
15:55Or Bratovce Datto.
15:58Or Briar Adams.
16:03The last family can easily include him in this list.
16:06But Briar Adams is a very famous Canadian singer and musician,
16:10so the answer is D, Briar Adams.
16:13That's right.
16:15One of our favorites, obviously with you.
16:18Even his company called him Badams.
16:21B, Adams.
16:23The correct answer is B, Badams.
16:37For the information of the audience,
16:40the Adams family first appeared as fictional characters,
16:44and were invented by Charles Adams,
16:47after which their potential was brought to the cinema
16:50and became one of the most famous and beloved characters.
16:53Borislav Stoyanov, Dr. Stoyanov is playing.
16:57Bobby Frisich in a special zone.
17:00Are we going to save the sum of $1,000?
17:03Not yet.
17:04Let's see the question.
17:10Which agricultural plant was not brought to Europe from the American continent?
17:24Or Bamiya.
17:28The correct answer is D, Bamiya.
17:31All of them.
17:32The correct answer is D, Bamiya.
17:34All of them come from the American continent.
17:38Let's see.
17:45Where does Bamiya originate from?
17:47Africa, I think.
17:49Paulina, what do you think? Where does Bamiya originate from?
17:52Something from Turkey.
17:54Something from Turkey.
17:56Absolutely. From Asia Minor.
17:58Correct answer. Keep going up.
18:03Who were the other answers?
18:07Cucumber, beans and potatoes.
18:09And potatoes.
18:11Do you know who the three sisters are?
18:14You must have been young when I asked this big question here,
18:18about 15 years ago.
18:20I wasn't that young.
18:22Who are these three sisters
18:24who help each other,
18:27sit together and each of these sisters
18:29do something?
18:31Since ancient times.
18:33I don't remember.
18:43She does the most important thing.
18:45She absorbs nitrogen from the soil.
18:49And the third sister is a lady who wasn't here.
18:53Tikvata Firlia.
18:57Not so much. Sianka.
18:59Do we conclude?
19:01I think we should wait a little longer.
19:03Wait, wait.
19:05The question for 1,500 levs. Let's see.
19:10Which Bulgarian team goes out on the pitch with purple teams?
19:24Or Black Sea?
19:26Let this question be a greeting to one of my good friends,
19:30who is from Veliko Ternovo,
19:32but has been living in Varna for many years.
19:35His name is Radoslav Cvetkov.
19:37He will watch the show, I suppose.
19:39And he is a big fan of this team.
19:41The team is C. Eter.
19:43Eter. Veliko Ternovo.
19:45We are parking.
19:47I would like to greet my friend Anatolij Petrov,
19:50journalist from Veliko Ternovo.
19:52He took part here.
19:53He is a fan of Eter, probably.
19:55Not only a fan, he wrote a book recently.
19:57I would also like to greet my friend Kiryakov.
20:00Nice to meet you.
20:10This is the traditional color of Veliko Ternovo.
20:13Even the coat of arms of the city is in purple.
20:16Do we conclude the sum of 2,000 levs?
20:21Let's play.
20:24Let's see.
20:26What is depicted on the background of the famous painting
20:29by Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa?
20:41Or curtains.
20:45There is a landscape behind Mona Lisa.
20:48The answer is C.
20:54And what can we see in front of us?
20:57Mona Lisa.
20:59Even more in front.
21:01People in their underwear.
21:03You give a correct answer.
21:14We would have built the whole landscape
21:17with a flat surface,
21:19but there is a mountain and a pond.
21:24I'm trying to imagine what's behind.
21:27But in any case,
21:29it was none of the other answers.
21:34Once again...
21:36You play great.
21:40Shall we conclude?
21:42Let's conclude.
21:44Palinative Jokers.
21:46We conclude the sum of 3,000 levs.
21:47If we have a good start,
21:49we become rich.
21:51Then the sum was 3,000 levs.
21:53The second one, for sure.
21:55Let's play.
22:00Which ancient city was built
22:02on the banks of the Euphrates River
22:04in Mesopotamia?
22:21Ephesus and Carthage
22:23are categorically excluded
22:25as variants.
22:29Ephesus is in Turkey.
22:31Today's Turkey.
22:33Carthage is today's Tunisia.
22:35The Euphrates River flows in Asia,
22:37in the Middle East.
22:39So they are far from there.
22:41But they remain as variants
22:43in Babylon or Nimrud.
22:46Babylon in Mesopotamia
22:48is a categorical question.
22:50And now to think about it,
22:52where was Nimrud?
22:55Is he also in the region as a whole?
23:00Babylon is categorically in Mesopotamia.
23:02There is no doubt about that.
23:04Okay, 50-50.
23:06These Jokers won't lose at home.
23:08Your estimate, if you are sure?
23:13Let the computer enter
23:15Dr. Stoyanov's show now.
23:23Babylon vs. Carthage.
23:25Categorical answer.
23:27Let's play.
23:31Let's mark it.
23:33Will Dr. Stoyanov answer
23:35up to the 10th question?
23:37We will find out immediately
23:39after the commercials on BTV.
23:53Before the commercials,
23:55Dr. Stoyanov from Stara Zagora
23:57likes Babylon,
23:59another big, beautiful city like his.
24:01It's time to find out
24:03how close is it to the top
24:05of the tower of the walls.
24:07More importantly,
24:09you didn't miss a Joker.
24:11Nimrud is a serious answer.
24:13Nimrud is a brother of Efrat,
24:15of Tigris,
24:17and it's a bit lower
24:19in today's Iraq.
24:21The correct answer is Babylon.
24:23Congratulations, Dr. Stoyanov,
24:25with a prize of 3000 euros.
24:36Babylon is located
24:38about 50 kilometers
24:40from today's Baghdad.
24:42I was sure about him.
24:45Nimrud is a bit...
24:47Al-Hilal is the closest city
24:49to the ruins of Babylon,
24:51but it's the symbol
24:53of the future of humanity.
24:55I mean, everyone should understand each other,
24:57everyone should live under one roof,
24:59at least in different languages.
25:06Who lives there, by the way?
25:08It's very famous.
25:09Our brother,
25:11the commander,
25:13Aleksandar Makidonski,
25:15he dies there,
25:17in Babylon.
25:19Are you going to die
25:21for 5000 euros?
25:23Let's see.
25:25Is there still life in you?
25:27And two Jokers.
25:29Are you still nervous?
25:32I feel great.
25:36Invite people to play.
25:37The doctor is here.
25:39Without support, right?
25:41Without support, absolutely.
25:43The emotion is terrible.
25:45Are you in the health insurance?
25:47I have an agreement with the health insurance, yes.
25:49But yes, I would really invite people
25:51to be afraid.
25:53There is nothing to be afraid of.
25:55The emotion is guaranteed.
25:57What profession and personality
25:59gave you the name
26:01of the Paris Sorbonne?
26:05A politician.
26:07A priest.
26:10A scientist.
26:12A general.
26:15Another exquisite question
26:17from Stani Bogat.
26:19And our treasure.
26:23Of course,
26:25the first thing that comes to mind is a scientist.
26:27I'm talking about
26:29a prestigious scientific institution,
26:31but it's hard to come up with
26:33an answer for 5000 euros.
26:35This can be a person
26:38who not only gave his name,
26:40Sorbonne can be called
26:42a person who financed
26:44the creation of this institution.
26:46Absolutely possible.
26:48A patron.
26:50A mentor.
26:59The bad thing is
27:01that in this case
27:02it's hard to come up
27:04with a logical conclusion.
27:06There is.
27:08There is, doctor.
27:10There is.
27:13Everywhere there is a logic.
27:15Yes, maybe.
27:17Especially in the case of
27:21In principle, medicine
27:23is not uncommon.
27:25Here, maybe some additional
27:29if I manage to get
27:30to eliminate the answer.
27:32I don't know it directly.
27:34I confess.
27:36What are these institutions
27:40When is it?
27:42From when?
27:44I can't remember exactly
27:46when it was discovered.
27:53Well, let's call
27:55Mrs. Pedakieva
27:57to see what she thinks.
27:58All right, Paulina,
28:00call her in.
28:05Nice to meet you, dear guests.
28:07Nice to meet you, too.
28:09And we say to the audience
28:11that you are a teacher,
28:13a teacher,
28:15you teach children,
28:17a school.
28:19What school are you in?
28:21Petroosnovno, Stara Zagora.
28:23I am the head teacher
28:25and I greet my first-year students.
28:26Mithio Stanev.
28:28I have something to teach you.
28:30Who was Mr. Mithio Stanev?
28:32He was more famous
28:38But he is worthy of being
28:40a patron of Stara Zagora
28:42and the children.
28:44And we are a big school.
28:46Here, Mithio Stanev.
28:48Here is Sorbon or Sorbonov?
28:50My intuition
28:52leads me to a priest.
28:55there is something religious.
28:58Yes, and a long time ago,
29:00when I think it was created,
29:02the priests
29:06sanctifying people.
29:08Yes, something at the same time
29:10as a religious institution,
29:12a monastery,
29:14with teaching and education.
29:16Because, in general,
29:18at that time...
29:20I am a priest,
29:21I don't want to confuse you,
29:23because I don't know the exact answer.
29:25But this is at the level of intuition.
29:27My opinion.
29:33You have one more ass,
29:35I remind you.
29:37And I'm going right there.
29:39Come on, don't smell it.
29:41This is the female courage.
29:43One day a man will praise you
29:45and you will immediately
29:47hit the handbrake.
29:48Let's call a friend.
29:54Paulina, greetings to the whole school.
29:58From here,
30:00Dr. Stoyanov,
30:02let's see your three friends.
30:10These are the gentlemen.
30:12Alexander Seuret.
30:14Strange name.
30:22Chavdar Zlatev.
30:24Stara Zagora.
30:26Who are we looking for?
30:28Let's call Chavdar.
30:30What is his profession?
30:32Education, geographer.
30:34He works as a sports journalist
30:36in the Bulgarian national radio
30:38Stara Zagora.
30:40Great, colleague.
30:53Mr. Zlatev?
30:57Good evening, sorry for the inconvenience.
30:59Kanchev from Stani Bogat.
31:01Nice to meet you, Mr. Kanchev.
31:03Are you ready?
31:05Well, yes.
31:07Here it is, the real question.
31:09I will read it, of course, Borislav.
31:11Good question.
31:13Help me.
31:16What is his profession?
31:18He gave his name to the Paris Sorbonne.
31:20Politician, priest, scientist, general.
31:23What is his profession?
31:25He gave his name to the Paris Sorbonne.
31:28Politician, priest, scientist, general.
31:3212 seconds.
31:47These 30 seconds are not enough.
31:49We have to talk to the producers
31:51to make it 5 minutes.
31:55It is clear that he will play.
31:59In this case,
32:01let's say that the Sorbonne
32:03was created a long time ago.
32:05Somewhere in the Middle Ages.
32:08So, the politician, priest, scientist, general,
32:10as you have seen,
32:12will accept Napoleon's logic
32:14of the version
32:16of the Sorbonne.
32:18In the end?
32:22You do not lose anything here.
32:24You are afraid of the future.
32:27Has this happened more often in your life?
32:31To ask you for advice
32:33and then not to listen to it.
32:35In this case, listen to my advice.
32:37I listen.
32:39But you check through foreign sources.
32:41I advise him.
32:43Parts and adjectives follow you.
32:44Verena, answer!
32:56Robert de Sorbonne,
32:58personal confessor and priest of Louis IX.
33:01A very easy question.
33:03A very easy question.
33:05First, a politician.
33:07A politician.
33:09Only a king.
33:11Second, a general.
33:12General Napoleon.
33:14Third, a scientist.
33:17In the Middle Ages,
33:19scientists were a bit like fiction.
33:22Sorbonne began as a theological school.
33:25The Lord was the leader.
33:29A theological school.
33:31Do you know who Harvard is named after?
33:33Harvard? No.
33:35No? Kirill Petkov?
33:37The priest, John Harvard.
33:39Also a priest.
33:40Also a priest.
33:42I like the first version a lot.
33:45I'm sure he likes it too,
33:47but he doesn't answer the truth.
33:49Now, the truth.
33:51The truth is that you are 5,000
33:53and your two jokers are huge.
33:55A little, yes.
33:57It's just a joke.
33:59You'll listen to more than half of it.
34:03What wise teachers are there in the myth of Stanev?
34:05It would be a miracle if I wrote
34:07the second condition.
34:08Three jokers were in history.
34:10Now you don't have them.
34:12The sum is not certain.
34:14Let's see.
34:16Your bet is yours.
34:18Are you going to play or not?
34:20Of course.
34:22Who is the economist
34:24who receives the Nobel Prize for six years
34:26after this was predicted
34:28in the predictions of the Simpson family
34:30in 2010?
34:35This is Mr. Richard Taylor.
34:39This is Bengt Holmström.
34:43This is Amos Oz.
34:46Or this is Ian McEwan.
34:51The only one I know of
34:54is Richard Taylor.
34:56As a name.
34:58What is it?
35:00I'm thinking of the origin,
35:06I can't remember the details.
35:08Bengt Holmström,
35:12Ian McEwan.
35:14The economist
35:16of the Nobel Prize.
35:18It happens very often
35:20to be an American.
35:22Bengt Holmström sounds
35:24Scandinavian to me,
35:26not Swedish.
35:28Ian McEwan is more British.
35:30Richard Taylor is American.
35:32This doesn't mean anything.
35:34Amos Oz.
35:36How does this sound to you?
35:38There was the Wizard of Oz.
35:42Some people called him
35:44the Wizard of 03.
35:48Nothing to do with Boris III.
35:50Skopje, Boris III.
35:52Boris III, yes,
35:54like one of our famous coaches.
35:58We like him.
36:00Boris III, of course.
36:02I was very happy until 1994.
36:04I was thinking
36:05if a question comes up
36:09in which I have no idea
36:11what the question is,
36:17if I have to rely on pure chance,
36:20there is a 25% chance
36:22that I'll get the right answer,
36:24and if it's not my strength,
36:26I'll stop playing.
36:29That's the situation at the moment?
36:33I'm still playing,
36:35I'm still playing.
36:37Ladies and gentlemen,
36:39Dr. Borislav Stoyanov
36:41from Stara Zagora
36:43is stopping his participation
36:45with the remarkable 5,000 levs.
36:52I'll start the ceremony
36:54of signing the cheque,
36:56and you, outside the game,
36:58can say
37:00what you actually think.
37:02Why don't we ask
37:03the two of you,
37:05Poli, what do you think?
37:07Give me a good intuition
37:09for the priest here.
37:11For the Swedish sound of the family.
37:13A little bit of Swedish.
37:17You, sir.
37:19I'll put on Richard Taylor
37:21what I know.
37:28We mark Richard Taylor
37:30at the request of
37:31Dr. Stoyanov.
37:33As we recall,
37:37has signed the cheque
37:39to Holmström.
37:41Two words
37:43for the two answers below.
37:45Amos Oz,
37:47a very famous Israeli writer,
37:49very famous.
37:51He was in Bulgaria.
37:53Ian McEwan is also
37:55a writer.
37:56They also appear
37:58in the Simpsons predictions
38:00for the Nobel Prize.
38:02In some of the episodes,
38:04Richard Taylor is the economist
38:06who won the Nobel Prize.
38:08He won the Nobel Prize
38:10for behavioral economics,
38:12but the Finnish Ben Holmström
38:14is the right answer,
38:16which means
38:18that Poli is already known
38:20as the prophet
38:22from Old Zagora.
38:23I said it right.
38:25You won't listen to us again.
38:27Let me help you
38:29for the second time.
38:34together with Oliver Hart,
38:36won the Nobel Prize
38:38for contract theory.
38:40What does that mean?
38:42When you come back home,
38:44you'll learn.
38:46By the way,
38:48the Simpsons
38:50are the best
38:51in the world.
38:53The Simpsons
38:55make such predictions
38:59It's like an internal game.
39:01Someone should watch it.
39:035,000 euros.
39:07They predicted
39:09that Trump would become president.
39:11They also predicted
39:13the Ebola epidemic.
39:15That's all.
39:17Thank you very much.
39:22As a child,
39:24she dreamed of becoming a footballer.
39:26But today she is a successful manager
39:28in an international trading company
39:30in the construction industry.
39:32There is no more passionate player
39:34than her.
39:36As a child,
39:38she even stole money from the game.
39:40She likes heavy movies,
39:42in real cases.
39:44I hope, however,
39:46that our movie with her
39:48will be light and have a happy end.
40:01Good evening.
40:03Good evening.
40:05How are you?
40:07I'm excited,
40:09but I have a child's dream today.
40:11Get rich, make dreams come true.
40:13More and more beautiful ladies
40:15are coming here.
40:16Can we take a break?
40:18By the way,
40:20I want to change the subject
40:22because I have a question.
40:24Gabi will surprise you.
40:26Have you ever thought
40:28about committing suicide?
40:36Even when I found out
40:38that my favorite manager
40:40left the team.
40:42On January 26, 5 p.m.,
40:44Jurgen Klopp announced
40:46that he will leave Liverpool.
40:48Is this a sign of Liverpool?
40:52He is coming with me today
40:54to KSMET
40:56and I hope that KSMET,
40:58which is my team,
41:00will follow me here tonight
41:02on European nights.
41:04Why do you love Liverpool so much?
41:06I think that this is the team
41:08that chooses its fans,
41:10not the other way around.
41:12Since the first game I watched,
41:14I decided that this is my team.
41:16This is the team
41:18that chooses its fans.
41:20Come on, come on.
41:22I suggest we play.
41:24We should know the questions
41:26and you will tell us
41:28many more things here.
41:30Who are you in the show with first?
41:32With my friend Siana Angelova.
41:34Siana, hello to you.
41:36Wonderful company.
41:38Ladies and gentlemen,
41:40Gabriela Ilieva is playing
41:42her show Stay Rich.
41:44Gabi, first question.
41:47What accessory
41:49from the women's bag
41:51matches the part of the mountain?
42:05Here we will mark the answer
42:07D. Comb.
42:11The mountain comb,
42:13so we say.
42:18The other word for comb
42:20is bio.
42:22Next question.
42:26What is the name,
42:28logo or visual name
42:30of a trademark?
42:33We call it rebranding,
42:41or recycling.
42:44Here I am sure
42:46that the correct answer is A.
42:50Again, this brand rises
42:52or recrowns
42:54or whatever it is.
42:56It happens often.
42:58Correct answer.
43:03Restyling is when we change
43:05only the font of the logo
43:07or something like that.
43:09Third question.
43:11How does the Bulgarian proverb
43:15Dumam ti dashte,
43:17seshte i se,
43:21There we have to add
43:31I, as a snaha
43:33from a few years,
43:35know this proverb
43:37and we mark the answer D.
43:38Correct answer.
43:42Where are you?
43:46I am in Snaha,
43:48in Dobrich.
43:50Are you Zavriana there?
43:52Nobody lives there anymore,
43:54but everything started there.
43:56Next question.
43:59What is the silence
44:01with which Georgi Minchev
44:03and the Turks won the contest
44:05in 1967?
44:07This silence is
44:15or freezing?
44:20Here I think the answer
44:22is B, white silence.
44:24We mark white
44:26and this is the correct answer.
44:35The truth is that
44:37we won the contest
44:39Melody of the Year.
44:41We owe a lot to the music
44:43of Boris Karadimchev,
44:45one of our greatest composers.
44:47He also wrote Bogatstvova,
44:53our city.
44:54The answer is C,
44:56500 levs.
45:00Which of the five
45:02is served
45:04with the highest temperature?
45:13or cognac?
45:18Beer and champagne
45:20are certainly drunk cold.
45:24but I think the correct answer
45:26is C, cognac.
45:28We mark?
45:32Let's see.
45:34Why are you so blind?
45:39I don't drink alcohol often.
45:41You should have started
45:43with that.
45:45Look, the highest temperature
45:47for every alcohol
45:49has a temperature.
45:51What is the temperature of beer?
45:53It's about 5%.
45:59Champagne is also quite low.
46:01Between vodka and cognac,
46:03you chose cognac.
46:05I think vodka is the hardest.
46:07But here it is served,
46:09I mean...
46:11It's warmed up.
46:15Someone holds it for you.
46:28you even warmed it up a little
46:30with your hands
46:32to get the secret temperature.
46:34I promise,
46:36I'll pour some cognac
46:38when I get home tonight.
46:42The cognac is closer to you.
46:44Get some rest.
46:46Thank you very much.
46:48Thank you very much.
