Стани Богат 5 Епизод 10 (2024)

  • last month


00:00[♪ Music ♪, applause and cheers ♪.]
00:25Hello to everyone in this impressive 29th of February.
00:29It happens once in four years.
00:32Unlike me, who appears once in ten years.
00:35But come on, there's no running away from me.
00:38I'm here to share curious facts with you.
00:41Like this one, for example, that in Scotland there's a law
00:44that allows a woman to propose to a man on the 29th of February.
00:49I'm not going to propose to you for two reasons.
00:52First of all, I'm already married, and I'm not a woman yet.
00:55A man never knows.
00:57I hope you've been watching us at night,
01:00when the amazing game of this 18-year-old
01:03future athlete by Aitos, Dimo Stojanov, started.
01:08Dimo, how are you today, how are you tonight?
01:11Nikola is here, hello.
01:13Hello, I'm good, I feel pretty good.
01:16I understood that you switched, because we talked at night
01:19after the show, you switched to the online version of Stunny Bogat.
01:23And so you prepared.
01:25Here, how do you see the switch in the real combat situation?
01:29It's much harder, of course.
01:31Simulation is always easier than in the real case.
01:37Did you leave the Internet from time to time?
01:40Of course.
01:41I do sports.
01:43Basketball, light athletics, I go to the gym.
01:46Okay, what is your discipline in light athletics?
01:50Dear viewers, let's look at Dimo's financial situation here with us.
01:56You have 5,000 levs, but they are not safe.
01:59You wish to save 2,000 levs.
02:01So the fall down will be painful somewhere.
02:04But the climb will be two.
02:06God forbid you answer the question for 10,000.
02:09Next 20, 30, 50 and God forbid 100.
02:14You have only one joker and this is your friend Nikola,
02:17who we will also test live.
02:20Ladies and gentlemen, the game of 18-year-old Dimo Stoyanov.
02:25Are you ready?
02:26Of course.
02:27The whole of Bulgaria is watching you.
02:29You are the future of Bulgaria.
02:30The boys are like you.
02:31Of course.
02:32Will you stay in Bulgaria?
02:33Of course.
02:34I never thought about emigration.
02:35I'm asking.
02:36Look, Nikola is thinking about how to get away from Bulgaria.
02:40Here, he finished something.
02:42And so, the numbers are rising.
02:44The game is getting rich.
02:46The question that follows and opens the show tonight for 10,000 levs.
02:50Let's see it.
02:56Here it is.
03:01Which historical figure has created over 550 paintings
03:07and is the author of the work
03:09Drawing as Entertainment?
03:12Why are you smiling?
03:13Say it.
03:15George Washington.
03:19Otto von Bismarck.
03:22Winston Churchill.
03:25Charles de Gaulle.
03:31I would eliminate Winston Churchill,
03:33because I don't see how he will be able to draw
03:37when his hand was a table,
03:39he was drinking whiskey,
03:40smoking a few cigars,
03:44studying for a job.
03:47He also drinks Bulgarian wine.
03:49It was sent to him by Melnik.
03:51Melnik's Mavrut.
03:53He is a great admirer of wine.
03:57That's why I don't see how he will be able to...
04:05Charles de Gaulle.
04:07I know he was very involved in politics.
04:11During the Second World War he even had to organize
04:16the French Uprising
04:18and the French Foreign Republic.
04:22He was against the Uprising.
04:24Yes, he was against the French Uprising.
04:28As for George Washington,
04:31I'm not sure if he drew him,
04:32but I know he was a good strategist.
04:36Also for Otto von Bismarck,
04:38who was the chancellor of Prussia.
04:42Was there a common denominator for all four of them?
04:45Did you see anything in common?
04:47Strong leaders of their countries.
04:49All four of them are military.
04:52Otto von Bismarck, field marshal of Prussia.
04:55Winston Churchill,
04:58who was also the prime minister of England.
05:01He led the military actions.
05:04Charles de Gaulle,
05:06a general who later became president of the Republic.
05:09George Washington,
05:11the first president of the United States.
05:18Are you going to call your chat?
05:20Are we going to call
05:22F. Reitor Nikola?
05:25To check it?
05:28To use it.
05:31That's your wish?
05:33Let's call Nikola.
05:35Let's use the joker.
05:36Wake up, friend, from the audience.
05:44Nice to see you, Nikola.
05:46I'm glad you're such smart guys.
05:49You're coming,
05:50you're going to study with Bulgaria in the next years.
05:53What would you recommend him?
05:56Directly, do you know the correct answer?
05:59Let's go by the logic.
06:01And let's start to discuss what
06:03Churchill said in full.
06:05On the other hand,
06:07what is characteristic for George Washington
06:09as the father of America is that
06:11the founding fathers of America
06:13were much more than just politicians
06:15or generals.
06:17What I can say,
06:19purely by the logic,
06:21for Charles de Gaulle,
06:23because most of the French,
06:25at least in my opinion,
06:27are very characteristic
06:29and that's why they come to France.
06:31As we know,
06:33the cinema is made in France.
06:35So, if we follow the logic
06:37that maybe
06:39for the first time
06:41the French are responsible
06:43for art,
06:45we may not be wrong.
06:47But I'm not sure.
06:51I don't think you see the question.
06:53But for Otto von Bismarck,
06:55I would say no.
06:57We exclude Churchill.
06:59Because he doesn't
07:05the question we can ask
07:07is who says the exact quote.
07:09Drawing as entertainment.
07:11And, in my opinion,
07:13that's Charles.
07:15At first I thought it was Bob Ross.
07:19Bob Ross.
07:21Ah, Bob Ross.
07:27Charles de Gaulle.
07:29Charles de Gaulle.
07:31Let's see.
07:33Let's hope.
07:35Let's all hope.
07:40Dear viewers,
07:42the question for 10,000 levs.
07:44Dimo and Nikola fight against it.
07:46With a lot of history inside,
07:48and even the biography
07:50of all these leaders.
07:52Maybe the biggest question
07:54is who among these leaders
07:56has the time to draw
07:57and paint pictures.
07:59That means 2, 3, 5 years,
08:01if not more,
08:03to do nothing in your life.
08:07The art is nothing.
08:09I mean to be free from leadership,
08:13fights and so on.
08:15Is there anyone
08:17who has that time?
08:19At least for me,
08:21it's a young hobby.
08:25An additional joker.
08:29And author of the book.
08:31He wrote it.
08:35Who wrote it?
08:37Who has a lot of awards for literature?
08:42Winston Churchill.
08:44Confident answer.
08:49Even in the last movie
08:51with Gary Oldman,
08:53he was constantly calling his secretary
08:54because she was making
08:56pictures of the Greeks.
08:58He wanted his word
09:00to be very bright,
09:04After the failure at Gallipoli
09:06in 1915,
09:08he was excited.
09:10He had a lot of time
09:12to sit down,
09:14to draw,
09:16to write,
09:18and then he said
09:20in the most difficult period
09:22of his life
09:24to Dima Stoyanov
09:26and I wish him
09:28all the best in life.
09:35It was very pleasant.
09:39that you didn't stop the player
09:41and tried to find the right answers.
09:43All the best, my friend.
09:45I want to shake your hand.
09:55Ladies and gentlemen,
09:57we expect more players like Dima Stoyanov.
09:59Only at the age of 18
10:01he will overcome some of our difficult questions.
10:03And now to our next participant.
10:05The pandemic has changed many fates
10:07and his is one of them.
10:09He moved from Sofia
10:11back to Velikoturnovo
10:13and became a bolyar again.
10:15He works in the Land Commission
10:17in the city of Zlatarica
10:19and often tours the region.
10:21He likes to sing in piano bars
10:22and for years
10:24he wanted to sit at the table of wealth
10:26and this moment has come.
10:28Let me introduce to you
10:30Zlatko Zlatkov.
10:43Sing something for us.
10:45The previous participant,
10:47Dima, only at the age of 18
10:49sang one of the best songs
10:50of the season.
10:52He played very well.
10:54I saw it.
10:56I want you to continue his work.
10:58What are your favorite performers?
11:00I like Linkin Park a lot.
11:02I like Pink Floyd.
11:04Depeche Mode.
11:06Can you sing something from Depeche Mode?
11:08Reach out and touch me.
11:12You are
11:18Dave, if something happens to him
11:20you go out.
11:24You meet Martin Gore.
11:28How are you?
11:30It's a real honor for me
11:32to be in your show.
11:36There are so many other shows.
11:38What attracts you to them?
11:40The biggest show.
11:42Because consciousness can silver
11:44what it has learned in life.
11:46It makes my head go silver.
11:48I'm a silver lover.
11:50I'm also from Veliko Tarnovo.
11:52It's great.
11:54I'm glad you're here.
11:56I love this city.
11:58I often remember
12:00the streets of 3rd Mart
12:02Zavojana and Antra.
12:04I like to walk around there.
12:08the rules are clear.
12:10Give me an example of this 18-year-old boy.
12:13Here are the rules.
12:1515 questions for 100,000 levs.
12:17Two safe sums.
12:18One for 500,000 levs.
12:20The other will be decided by you.
12:22Three jokers.
12:24A friend's help to the audience.
12:26Inna's case.
12:30My friend's phone number.
12:32There are three options
12:34to choose the best one.
12:36Good luck.
12:40Ladies and gentlemen,
12:42Zlatko Zlatkov from Veliko Tarnovo
12:44starts his show now.
12:46The first few questions
12:48that I suggest we go through quickly
12:50so we don't overdo it.
12:52The first one.
12:54According to the Bulgarian proverb,
12:56for whom is a quick job a shame?
12:58I want to be quick,
13:02for the woman it's a shame,
13:04for the teacher,
13:06for the cook
13:08or for the student?
13:11I'll mark the answer B,
13:13for the teacher.
13:15I'll mark the answer C,
13:17for the student.
13:19We have a correct answer.
13:21Next question.
13:28On what field
13:30did priests in the past eat?
13:33On the field of airplanes?
13:36On the field of birds?
13:41Or on the nylon sheets?
13:45I'll mark the answer B,
13:47for the birds.
13:51Absolutely correct answer.
13:53Why are you thinking so much?
13:56Are you reading everything carefully?
14:00Next question.
14:03On what animals
14:05are the most common procedures
14:07in grooming salons?
14:11On pigeons and geckos?
14:13On jackals and foxes?
14:16On dogs and cats?
14:19Or on snakes and lizards?
14:23I'll mark the answer C,
14:25for dogs and cats.
14:27Dogs and cats.
14:29At any moment I'll open a grooming salon
14:31for snakes and lizards.
14:33Correct answer.
14:35You're moving up.
14:40And what is a grooming service?
14:42Displacement procedures.
14:43Displacement procedures.
14:45Yes, they make hairstyles
14:47and trim them.
14:49Hairdressing services for dogs and cats.
14:51Next question.
14:55What does grass turn into
14:57after it is cut and dried?
15:00It becomes
15:08or rye?
15:10I'll mark the answer C, hay.
15:11Next question.
15:15Correct answer.
15:22You didn't think it would be easy.
15:24It was a little bit.
15:26Only the commission for Tarica
15:28gives away 500 LE.
15:30We don't.
15:32Here is the first check
15:34for 500 LE.
15:37What does hydrology
15:52I'll mark the answer C, water.
15:54Hydro... water.
15:56Correct answer.
16:08This is the department of hydrology
16:09that studies underground water.
16:17What do you do?
16:19I am a lawyer by profession.
16:21I also do marketing.
16:23What do you market?
16:25Superfoods and supplements.
16:27Do they grow?
16:29Yes, they do.
16:31Here we are entering
16:33a special zone
16:35where I should ask you
16:36if you will
16:38save this amount
16:40and finish it
16:42with a new modern verb.
16:44I won't finish it for now.
16:46Let's play for 1000 LE.
16:51What does the abbreviation
16:53PR mean?
16:55It was once written in Bulgarian
16:57as PR.
17:01Human resources.
17:03Personal relations.
17:07Advertising communication.
17:10Or connections
17:12with society.
17:18In my opinion it is not human resources.
17:22Is there any designation for it?
17:26HR, where is it from?
17:28Human resources.
17:30Human, human.
17:33Advertising communication.
17:37Commercial communication.
17:41Connections with society.
17:47Community relationships.
17:50Personal relations.
17:54Personal relationship.
17:58I translated
18:00these answers
18:02into English.
18:04I translated them from Bulgarian
18:06into English.
18:08Are you sure?
18:11That's why this game is great.
18:18I would like to use Joker.
18:20Which of the three?
18:22Call a friend.
18:24Let's call...
18:26And Georgieva.
18:34Ina Georgieva from Sofia.
18:36Kasmir Stojanov Veliko Turno
18:38or Reneta Ivanova.
18:41Let's call Ina Georgieva.
18:43Let's call Ina now.
18:45Ina in the studio.
18:47Ina on the phone.
18:49You are very diverse
18:51in your connections.
19:06Good evening, Ina, we are looking for you.
19:08Yes, on the phone.
19:10Hello, we are calling from Ostanibogatnik.
19:12Hello, nice to meet you.
19:14Nice to meet you too, Ina.
19:16Thank you for being on the line.
19:18You are just like a friend.
19:20Zlatko is in need of help.
19:22I'm sure you will help him.
19:24What do you do?
19:26Two words for you.
19:28I work as a financial director
19:30in an IT company.
19:31That's what we need.
19:3530 seconds.
19:37There are a lot of terms.
19:39Zlatko, you need to be in shape.
19:41Ina will answer.
19:45What does PR mean?
19:47Human resources, personal relations,
19:49advertising, social relations.
19:55Social relations?
19:59You have time.
20:01Social relations.
20:04What does PR mean?
20:06Human resources, personal relations,
20:08advertising, social relations.
20:14Social relations.
20:20Let's mark it as D.
20:22Social relations.
20:26You were on the other line.
20:28She said it three times.
20:29For the first time I hear a joker
20:31who says it three times.
20:33And you are not sure three times.
20:36And she said it again.
20:38She didn't even change her mind.
20:43To me, PR is like drinking aerial.
20:45But let's not offend the profession.
20:47And whether Ina is right,
20:49we will find out after the PR
20:51ads on BTV.
21:00Hello again.
21:02This is Stani Bogat.
21:04You are watching him on BTV
21:06with very interesting participants.
21:08After Dimo Stojanov from Aitos,
21:10Zlatko Zlatkov from Veliko Turnovo
21:12is at the entrance.
21:14I haven't asked him yet
21:16why he changed the capital
21:18to go back to the beautiful Veliko Turnovo.
21:20But I will ask him what PR is.
21:22He had his own version.
21:24He said it three times.
21:26He said it three times.
21:27He had his own version.
21:29And because he was so deep into it,
21:32on the third confirmation
21:34by his telephone joker,
21:36Ina Georgieva,
21:38which was related to society,
21:40you turned around again.
21:42And rightly so,
21:44this is the correct answer here.
21:52We are already at 1500 levs.
21:54Are we going to finish?
21:57No, not yet.
21:59Okay, let's play.
22:01Let's see the question.
22:03Which American was declared
22:05the best athlete of the 20th century
22:07with his nine Olympic gold medals?
22:12This is Usain Bolt,
22:15Michael Phelps,
22:18Carl Lewis
22:21or Michael Johnson.
22:26Not Usain Bolt.
22:30His career is from the 21st century.
22:32His successes are from the 21st century.
22:36Michael Phelps has
22:40maybe over 20
22:44Olympic medals in total.
22:46I am almost sure
22:48that over 10 were gold.
22:50Bolt, which discipline is it?
22:52Light athletics.
22:59That's why he has so many medals.
23:01He can swim in a high discipline.
23:03Okay, next one.
23:05Carl Lewis
23:08I think he was a player
23:10who played in Berlin for 36 years
23:16the then Nazi invasion of Germany
23:18by the National Socialist Party.
23:20Carl Lewis,
23:21and Hitler was there
23:23as far as I know.
23:25He was watching him for 36 days.
23:28It's interesting that Boris III was there.
23:32There is even a legendary photo.
23:35We learned something new.
23:39Michael Johnson
23:43sounds like Michael Jordan
23:47but I dare to say
23:49that Michael Johnson
23:51doesn't talk to me at all.
23:55Let's use 50-50.
23:57Let the computer
23:59get into the hall
24:01and help him now.
24:10The answer is
24:12Carl Lewis.
24:14Carl Lewis,
24:16according to your knowledge
24:18Michael Phelps has more Olympic medals.
24:19Let's see.
24:23immediately fell down
24:25because he is an American,
24:27but he is Michael.
24:29Johnson is a serious challenger
24:31but the joker helped him.
24:33Johnson is one of the tallest
24:35at 400 meters.
24:37He even compares him
24:39to Bolt
24:41as an achievement
24:43even though it's a different discipline.
24:45And here is Lewis against Phelps.
24:47Phelps is a swimmer
24:49and a champion.
24:56Three Olympics
24:58for three gold medals.
25:00Wow, what a hegemony this is.
25:02Four years ago
25:04let's say
25:0616-20 years ago
25:08he was number one.
25:10Do we conclude?
25:12Yes, we conclude.
25:14So we conclude?
25:182019 is over.
25:22Let's see the question.
25:24And it is
25:27another legend.
25:29Which legendary actor
25:31lives to be 103 years old
25:33and dies in 2020?
25:36This is
25:38Jack Lemmon,
25:40Kirk Douglas,
25:43Paul Newman
25:45or Robin Williams.
25:48It's neither Jack Lemmon
25:50nor Robin Williams.
25:53I'm almost certain
25:55that it's Kirk Douglas.
25:57I'm not a risk player.
25:59How did you come back from Sofia on Tuesday?
26:02You've been thinking about it for a long time.
26:04Life, of course.
26:06Life, it's not easy.
26:10Kirk Douglas
26:12is the father of Michael Douglas,
26:14the legend of American cinema.
26:18I remember
26:20the last time I saw him
26:22he was in a wheelchair
26:24and he was
26:28his 100th birthday.
26:32The answer was Kirk Douglas.
26:34Let's play.
26:36Let's see.
26:39The descendant
26:41of a Jew
26:43who emigrated from today's Belarus
26:45and Sir Danilovich
26:47and Mark Chagall,
26:49another great artist,
26:53Kirk Douglas is back.
26:55Let's continue.
27:06Jack Lemmon
27:08died in 1976.
27:10He was relatively young.
27:12Paul Newman was 83.
27:14Robin Williams
27:15died in 1963.
27:183000 levs.
27:20How are you?
27:24I'm happy for you.
27:26Let's play.
27:28Let's see the question.
27:32Which animal is not a pet?
27:51Do you have them in your collection?
27:58For the first time I hear
28:02and Zubara.
28:04And Zubara.
28:08I hear all four animals for the first time.
28:10Thank God I hear Camel.
28:12Have you heard Camel?
28:15Have you heard anything about Zubara?
28:17I can't remember at the moment.
28:23That's Zubar.
28:25I was Zubar.
28:28Let's use the last joker.
28:30Let's call Inna.
28:32Inna, join us.
28:34It will be interesting
28:36to test your friendship
28:38and your connection.
28:44Hello, nice to meet you.
28:46Nice to meet you, too.
28:48Could you tell us more
28:50about Capybara and Zubara?
28:52I would like to ask you
28:54what is the meaning of Capybara?
28:56That's a good question.
28:58What is Capybara?
29:00As far as I know,
29:02Capybara is the largest
29:04land animal in the world.
29:06That's what I've read somewhere.
29:08We all know what Camel looks like.
29:12looks like Camel
29:14or Horse
29:16if I'm not mistaken.
29:18We also know
29:20what Giraffe looks like.
29:24has a hoof.
29:28the logical answer
29:30is Capybara.
29:35Let's mark the answer.
29:39Let's see.
29:42What did you say?
29:44The largest...
29:46I think
29:48Capybara is the largest
29:50rhino in the world.
29:52No, the largest
29:56But that's the right answer.
29:58It doesn't matter.
30:09Capybara means
30:10an animal on which
30:12two of the five
30:16meet and form a hoof.
30:183,000 leva.
30:20I'm not sure.
30:22Up there, plus 2.
30:24Down there, minus 3.
30:26It's just math.
30:28Do you know how to play?
30:30Look at this question now.
30:34The state of independence
30:36becomes a fact
30:38as a result of the law
30:40of MacDuffie
30:42in 1935.
31:03The Tidings-MacDuffie law.
31:12politician, diplomat.
31:14Algeria is a French colony.
31:25is an interesting
31:31In this part of the world,
31:33the British are very interested
31:35in oil deposits.
31:39In principle,
31:41the sea routes are
31:43the biggest
31:46national priority
31:48of the British Empire
31:50in the last 300 years.
31:53In my opinion,
31:55it should be the Philippines.
32:00In my opinion,
32:02it's not Algeria.
32:05Qatar, in my opinion,
32:06was much shorter.
32:11by the end of the 20th century
32:13it would be the same.
32:16This is your decision?
32:18I look at everything
32:19and I estimate
32:20that I can't agree
32:21with your thoughts.
32:27Let's end it.
32:28Let's end it.
32:29Ladies and gentlemen,
32:30Zlatko Zlatkov
32:31from Veliko Tarnovo
32:32stops his show.
32:33Become rich
32:34with 3,000 leva.
32:43While I'm waiting for you,
32:44of course,
32:46you'll have to mark
32:48that we're out of the game.
32:51He said
32:52a lot of things.
32:54I support you
32:55in them.
32:59If Algeria and France
33:01fall apart,
33:03because the two names
33:04are British.
33:08Let's see.
33:10Ladies and gentlemen,
33:12if this check
33:13could become
33:145,000 leva,
33:16we'll find out
33:17after the commercials
33:18on BTV.
33:32Here we are again
33:33with Stani Bogat.
33:34A moment ago,
33:35Zlatko Zlatkov decided
33:36to keep his independence.
33:38But let's see
33:39if the mark
33:40after his refusal
33:41is correct.
33:42He chose the Philippines
33:43and the question was
33:44the independence
33:45of which country
33:46is a fact
33:47as a result of the law
33:49from 1935.
33:50Algeria, Panama,
33:51Philippines, Qatar.
33:53This time
33:54it's a civilizational question.
33:57in the emanation
33:58of a country,
33:59in its development,
34:01it's about liberating
34:02those who
34:03also have their
34:06So, did the UK
34:07liberate anyone
34:08on principle?
34:09And do they want
34:10to be liberated?
34:12New Zealand,
34:13don't they like
34:14to protect
34:17the queen
34:18and the king?
34:20This is not the UK.
34:21The UK is not
34:22mentioned here at all.
34:23Only in the case
34:24with Qatar.
34:25But this is
34:26much more
34:29Look, Panama,
34:30where I have
34:31an important,
34:33and exceptional
34:34thing like
34:35the Panama Canal.
34:37The Panama Canal.
34:38The United States
34:39are involved.
34:40The law
34:42from 1935.
34:44It's good
34:45that it's rejected.
34:47You're right.
34:48You're lucky.
34:49Look at the correct answer.
34:51The Philippines.
34:54Mommy Sweet,
34:55why didn't you say it?
34:57This was the first
34:58thing that came to your mind.
35:00The only thing
35:01you were talking about
35:02was the UK,
35:03and they're Americans.
35:04There's more logic
35:05in a mature society
35:06like the American one
35:07to liberate their own.
35:08And that's the law.
35:09Liberation, yes.
35:10That's the law.
35:12That's the law.
35:13You're losing 5,000 euros,
35:14my friend.
35:16But you have three
35:17and you have a great friend.
35:18Thank you very much.
35:19The money is hers.
35:21She's in charge.
35:22She's the boss.
35:24Of the animal issue.
35:25The pet issue.
35:27Let's applaud
35:28for Sweet.
35:30Thank you very much.
35:40Another native
35:41living abroad,
35:42but he chose Bulgaria
35:43for his personal
35:44and professional development
35:45is here with us.
35:47I'm really happy
35:48when young people
35:49come back.
35:50This is great.
35:51Now the manager of Malak
35:52is a family business
35:53in the construction industry.
35:55I want to give him
35:56a thumbs up
35:57because his wedding
35:58is coming up soon.
35:59And after that,
36:00we're going on a wedding
36:02Let's welcome
36:03the next Ergen,
36:04Preslav Dimitrov.
36:16Make yourself comfortable
36:17and introduce us
36:18to your bride.
36:20I'm Teodora Vasiljeva.
36:22I'm almost a year old.
36:24My wedding is coming up.
36:26Hello to you too.
36:28Where is the wedding
36:29going to be?
36:30Tell us about it.
36:31The wedding will be
36:32in the village of Arbanasi.
36:33I'm from Gorna Orehovitsa.
36:34She's from Gabrovo.
36:36We decided that
36:37most of the people
36:38we want to invite
36:39are from this region.
36:41That's why we chose
36:42this place.
36:45This is a wonderful,
36:46nice place.
36:47I suggest
36:48we start the game.
36:50The rules are 15 questions
36:51for 100,000.
36:52Two safe sums.
36:53One is 500 levs.
36:54The other one
36:55is decided by you,
36:57You have three jokers.
36:59from your future wife
37:00before the divorce.
37:03Make yourself a friend.
37:04Are you ready?
37:06Are you in the mood?
37:07Tedi is smiling too.
37:08Ladies and gentlemen,
37:09let's play
37:10with the future family
37:11of Dimitrov.
37:20Tedi, will you
37:21accept his family?
37:22I'd be happy
37:23to accept them.
37:25I hope so.
37:26She's ready.
37:29The first question
37:30is from those
37:31who have money.
37:32Here it is.
37:34What is the name
37:35of the knight
37:36from whom
37:37all the problems
37:38are expected to be solved?
37:41White horse.
37:43Yellow dragon.
37:46Green dragon.
37:50the son of Ravoyat.
37:52I think
37:53the correct answer is
37:54white horse.
37:55White horse.
37:56I mark it.
37:57Correct answer.
38:01I suggest
38:03first of all,
38:04to appear
38:05as the son of Ravoyat.
38:06I'm sure
38:07everyone will be impressed.
38:08It will be a big show.
38:10The second question.
38:13How does
38:14the old Bulgarian saying
38:17You are young
38:18if you want
38:19to die of old age
38:25and above
38:30and depression.
38:33I mark the answer
38:42This saying
38:45Theodore didn't hear it.
38:48Admit it.
38:50I heard it.
38:52Is it a correct answer
38:53or not?
38:56Correct answer.
39:03The next question.
39:07In what are
39:08many leading
39:09technological companies
39:11if you believe
39:12in their own
39:14They are based
39:23wooden houses.
39:26I will mark the answer
39:30Let's see.
39:31This is how it is said.
39:32This is how it is said
39:33about everyone.
39:34There are almost no
39:36There are no start-ups.
39:37Garage is like an office.
39:38Correct answer.
39:45The fourth question.
39:50What is the nickname
39:51of the former
39:52national football player
39:53Blagoj Gjurgjev?
40:02Or Zeus.
40:04Correct answer.
40:08But when we look
40:09at how many children
40:10he made,
40:11maybe even Zeus.
40:13A real God
40:14in the corner.
40:15Blagoj, my friend.
40:16Let's see.
40:17Is Jesus
40:18the correct answer?
40:19That's right.
40:25We can define him
40:26as the local
40:27God of fertility.
40:29And other similar ones.
40:31The question is
40:32about the first
40:33poem of Suma
40:34500 leva.
40:36What do the eagle,
40:37the crocodile,
40:38and the rat do
40:39in the poem
40:40of Petko Slavejkov?
40:44are in charge
40:45of politics.
40:47They prepare
40:48a snack.
40:50They study
40:51a song.
40:52A song?
40:54Or a cartload
40:55of goods?
40:59The answer is
41:00a cartload of goods.
41:02Let's see.
41:04correct answer.
41:16According to
41:17Ivan Krylov's poem,
41:18what is the opposite
41:19of the eagle,
41:20the crocodile,
41:21and the rat?
41:23When we all
41:24look in the same direction.
41:27Where did you
41:28meet Teodora?
41:30By chance.
41:32We met
41:36On social media?
41:37Yes, on social media.
41:41Let's get to know
41:42the questions
41:43for 1000,
41:452000 and above.
41:46Will you finish
41:47the first sum
41:48that you have?
41:51Let's play for 1000.
41:54For which colleague
41:55does the legendary actress
41:56Elizabeth Taylor
41:57get married twice?
42:01She was in a relationship
42:02with John Wayne
42:06With Alec Guinness?
42:09With Richard Burton?
42:12Or with
42:13Richard Chamberlain?
42:18I have some
42:20It's a marriage question.
42:24I'm not very sure.
42:27John Wayne and
42:28Alec Guinness
42:29are not the
42:30correct answer
42:31to this question.
42:32But there is a
42:33confusion between
42:34Richard Burton
42:35and Richard Chamberlain.
42:39You say
42:40some Richard?
42:42By chance,
42:43or by you?
42:44Is there a sign?
42:49I'm not sure
42:50and I don't think
42:51I'll use a joker.
42:55Which of the three
42:57will you use?
42:59A friend's future.
43:00A friend's future.
43:03Let's see
43:04which three of your friends
43:05are waiting
43:06for our attention.
43:10These are
43:11Ivan Georgiev from Gorno,
43:12Ivan Pantalev from Gorno,
43:13and Milena Dimitrova
43:14from Gorno,
43:15from the amazing Gorno.
43:17Which of the three
43:18do you think
43:19she knows?
43:22Milena Dimitrova.
43:24Let's call
43:25Mrs. Dimitrova.
43:36Are you looking for Milena?
43:38Hello, Mrs. Dimitrova.
43:39How are you?
43:40Where are you
43:41at the moment?
43:42I'm in Stani Bogat.
43:44Hello, Mr. Kanchev.
43:45I'm at home.
43:47How are you?
43:48Did you have dinner?
43:50I'm drinking wine at the moment.
43:52That's why I feel
43:53you're a little hungry.
43:56Let's not choke here
43:57because we need
43:58quick help.
43:59Let's call.
44:00I'm scared.
44:02It's ready.
44:03The task
44:04we're calling you for
44:05with Preslav, of course,
44:06is to help as a joker.
44:08We understood
44:09that you're
44:10the jokers, the artists,
44:11the weddings and the divorces.
44:14You can say that.
44:17Are you a joker?
44:20Are you a fake divorce lawyer?
44:24You have a sense of humor.
44:27I'm sending you
44:28a list of names
44:29and you read
44:30what you decide
44:32in 30 seconds.
44:35For whom
44:36the legendary actress
44:37Elizabeth Taylor
44:39John Wayne,
44:40Alec Guinness,
44:41Richard Burton,
44:42Richard Chamberlain.
44:49Yes, Elizabeth Taylor.
44:51Richard Burton.
44:53Are you sure?
44:56Are you sure?
45:00Thank you very much.
45:03Let's go.
45:04Let's go.
45:07I think I can trust her
45:08and mark the answers.
45:09Richard Burton.
45:11Are we playing?
45:13Let's see.
45:22Teddy, what do you think?
45:24I fully support
45:26in his decision.
45:29I wish him success.
45:31In his decision
45:32to look for Elena.
45:34To trust another woman.
45:36His mother.
45:39Why don't you say it?
45:41I'm trying.
45:42What are you trying to do?
45:43To see the reaction.
45:45What are you trying to do?
45:49And why did you read
45:50all four names?
45:51Were you sure
45:52John Wayne and Alec Guinness?
45:53I was, but
45:54I wanted her
45:55to confirm me
45:56for all cases.
45:57I didn't exclude them.
45:58I just don't know
45:59if it's Burton or Chamberlain.
46:00But I decided to...
46:01I would have read only Richard.
46:03Now I'm going to
46:04surprise you.
46:05Your mother knows more
46:06than you do.
46:07Verena Odgor.
46:17Two marriages.
46:18The first one
46:19is from 1964
46:20to 1974.
46:22And literally
46:23the next year
46:24they reunite.
46:26Divorce again.
46:27And after that
46:28a very strong series
46:29for Elizabeth Taylor
46:33other gentlemen.
46:34One of
46:35Michael Jackson's
46:38Like a queen
46:39for him.
46:41And she dies
46:42just like Michael
46:43you know.
46:45God forgive them.
46:47How are you?
46:49I'm still in the game.
46:51You'll be in the game
46:52tomorrow night.
46:53Make an appointment
46:54with Teddy Caniavi.
46:55One more game
46:57Turn your eyes
46:58to history.
46:59Tomorrow we have
47:00a lot of questions
47:01prepared by
47:02a team from
47:04Columbia University
47:05and three wise elders
47:06from the village
47:07of Divotino.
47:08This of course
47:09is not true
47:10but it's true
47:11that the news
47:12on BTV
47:13starts right now.
47:14See you tomorrow
47:15dear viewers.
