Jesse Watters Primetime 8/19/24 Full End Show | Fox Breaking News August 19 2024

  • last month
00:00Nancy Pelosi, the ringleader of the coup, says they didn't steal anything.
00:06There are some critics who say that this was a coup.
00:09They say that Kamala Harris didn't get any votes in the primary, even though she was
00:14on the ticket, she wasn't the head of the ticket, and that it's anti-democratic for
00:18this to happen.
00:19What do you say to those critics?
00:20Well, I think that that's stupid.
00:22I think it's really stupid.
00:25Why is that?
00:26Yeah, that's really stupid.
00:27She decides not to run.
00:29She puts her name out there.
00:31Anybody else could have put their name out there, too.
00:33They didn't.
00:34The president endorsed her.
00:36That was a big boost, of course.
00:39But the word coup, unless they don't know what that word means, it's really a dumb statement
00:46for them to make.
00:48Are we never going to hear from Joe Biden again?
00:51Is he going to stay in California for the rest of his term and throw rocks through Nancy's
00:56Oh, listen, nobody wants to have a fight with Nancy Pelosi at this time because we're a
01:00united party and we're going to be moving forward.
01:04The Democrats are like, Nancy, we don't want any trouble.
01:09Just put the knife down.
01:12Joe Biden was asked about the coup today.
01:15He said he couldn't hear.
01:17Donald Trump claims that you were pushed out in a coup and a takeover of your party with
01:22Harris now at the top.
01:23What's your response to that?
01:24I'm having trouble hearing you.
01:26Donald Trump claims that you were pushed out from the top of the ticket and this was amounts
01:31to a coup from your party.
01:33What do you make of those claims?
01:35Stability is still a question.
01:39His what?
01:43Biden couldn't hear because it was a silent coup.
01:47Biden's friends tell Axios the president is still stunned and pissed about the way he
01:51was pushed out of his reelection race.
01:54He's not being fooled by the patronizing praise by public officials who were just knifing
01:59him just last month.
02:01Even Biden knows he doesn't belong on Mount Rushmore.
02:05It's gotten so bad.
02:07Biden world and Obama world are almost coming to blows.
02:11Axios reports that one of Obama's top White House officials ran into one of Biden's morning
02:16Joe hosts.
02:18Isn't it great that the effing guy finally figured out he had to quit?
02:24The morning Joe guy responded, what guy?
02:27Joe Biden, Obama's official said.
02:30The morning Joe guy shot back, you know something, F you and F all your friends with their anonymous
02:36quotes of the papers.
02:39Biden apparently got a huge laugh when he heard about it.
02:43Biden's inner circle is astonished at how quickly the media that forced him out turned
02:48Kamala into a glamorous star.
02:51Biden and his aides always felt that Harris wasn't up to beating Trump and she wasn't
02:55ready for primetime.
02:57They had doubts about her governing chops and reliability.
03:02Biden's right hand man told The New York Times they wanted Kamala to be successful, but couldn't
03:08find the path to do it.
03:11This might be the only thing the Bidens and Obamas agree on.
03:14Kamala doesn't have what it takes.
03:16This is still a very competitive race.
03:20If the election were today, I'm not sure who would win.
03:22And I think it may well be President Trump because it's an electoral college fight.
03:27So if the Bidens and the Obamas don't think Kamala can win, what are the voters think?
03:33Don Lemon has been going to blue cities asking about Kamala.
03:37Here he is in Cincinnati.
03:39Cleveland is lit.
03:40How are y'all feeling about the election?
03:42Kamala Harris all day long.
03:43I'm going for Trump.
03:45I'm excited for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.
03:47I think Trump's going to win.
03:48I feel like he's leaning towards Trump for sure.
03:51Trump or Kamala Harris?
03:52Donald Trump!
03:53I don't vote.
03:54I have to go Trump, man.
03:55I have to.
03:56Or, yeah, Trump.
03:57I gotta go Trump.
03:58Kamala Harris.
03:59Kamala Harris.
04:00I'm running for Trump, so.
04:01I'm supporting Trump.
04:02Kamala is doing a great job.
04:04But I'm probably not going to vote.
04:06It's like they just pushed her in.
04:07Now I vote more for what fits me better as a person rather than voting for the black
04:14Gas wasn't this high when Trump was our president.
04:16Food wasn't this high.
04:17I'm going for Trump.
04:19Don Lemon got fired and turned into Johnny, which works for me.
04:23I'll play his interviews and we don't have to pay him.
04:28And if half of Cincinnati is for Trump, it's a landslide.
04:33Here now, Democrat congressman and Biden ally, Jared Moskovitz.
04:38I ran into you at lunch today.
04:40You came over to me and said you were going to be on my show.
04:43I said, you are dead.
04:45I said, are you the guy that clowns around with Comer in those hearings?
04:49Well, Comer is a clown, so you have to hang with him, you know?
04:53OK, so do you really think Joe Biden deserves to be out Mount Rushmore?
04:58Well, look, I think Joe Biden has 50 years of service to the country.
05:03I think he's been an amazing public service, but I don't think we'll be adding Joe Biden.
05:07OK, all right.
05:08So you realize that it's just like over the top flattery.
05:11You just have to say this to make the guy feel better.
05:13We're just trying to compete with the Republicans.
05:15I mean, the flattery with Donald Trump, right?
05:17I mean, he's the best golfer, the best basketball player, best at baseball, best president,
05:22tallest person ever.
05:24He's better looking than Kamala.
05:25I mean, what man's like?
05:27I'm better looking than Kamala or I'm better looking than a woman.
05:31Do you think if you're a guy, you can't say, well, I'm just generally better looking than
05:35another woman?
05:36All I know is if I ever said that my wife would change the locks at the house and I'd
05:40see my kids with a monitor.
05:42Well, you probably married up.
05:44I did.
05:45I did.
05:46So Moskowitz, am I saying your name correctly?
05:50Waters is easier.
05:51Much easier.
05:52It's with two T's, by the way.
05:53When Kamala Harris comes in the room, what changed to make everybody love Kamala Harris
05:57so much?
05:58Because two months ago, everybody thought she was pretty pathetic.
06:02Well, I mean, honestly, I think this is her opportunity to come out of the shadow of being
06:06vice president.
06:07And being vice president is a place where they give you the crappy assignments and they
06:11staff buries you if they don't like you.
06:13And so now she's coming out.
06:16And so this idea that, you know, America doesn't like her, she's been out here for a month
06:19and the polls and the enthusiasm, if we use the Donald Trump matrix, right, of how we
06:25find out if we're doing well.
06:27Look at the crowd size.
06:28Look at the people waiting in line to see Kamala.
06:30So there's a whole new ballgame.
06:31I don't.
06:32Jared, I saw a crowd.
06:33It was about 12 people in a tent in Pennsylvania.
06:35AI, baby.
06:37OK, so tonight, are we going to hear anything about what Kamala Harris believes in?
06:42Because the only thing we heard she believes in is price controls.
06:46The princess is just going to tell us what the cost of bacon is going to be.
06:49Well, I think she's going to do that on Thursday.
06:51I think what you're going to hear really tonight and then tomorrow is we're we are transitioning.
06:56The party is transitioning.
06:57You're transitioning.
06:58Well, I'm going from a man to a woman, but we're transitioning from old to young.
07:03OK, that type of age transition.
07:07I mean, the party is moving.
07:08Obviously, we're going to a different generation of leaders.
07:10You can see who they're talking tonight.
07:12Robert Garcia, Jasmine Crockett, you'll hear from Maxwell Frost on Thursday, younger generation
07:17of people.
07:18And so, look, this is Joe Biden's swan song, right?
07:21He's this is retirement for Joe Biden.
07:23It's at the end.
07:24Maybe him and Trump could finally play that round of golf when they're both in retirement
07:27after Kamala wins.
07:28And there is this six handicap, right?
07:30He's a six handicapped.
07:31Another one of those things.
07:32You say three hole in one.
07:34I don't know.
07:35I'm not sure.
07:36All right.
07:38Great to see you.
07:39I'll see you at lunch tomorrow.
07:40Thanks, Jesse.
07:41Get the salmon.
07:42I will.
07:43Ohio senator and the Republican nominee for vice president, J.D. Vance, joins me now.
07:47I just have to tell you, Senator, the vibe here compared to Milwaukee is so different.
07:54There's there's just it's not the same energy.
07:57It's not the same type of people.
08:00What do you expect to see this week at the Democrats convention?
08:04Well, first of all, just to keep your head on a swivel, because I know there are a lot
08:08of pro Hamas protesters out there, so you got to got to keep keep your eye on your six.
08:13I mean, they're also giving these guys for free.
08:15So I got to really pay attention.
08:18Well, it is funny, the Democrats accuse me of lying when I say that they're anti child
08:24and they schedule free vasectomies at their convention.
08:27I don't know what to take from that, Jesse, but I think the reason the energy is different,
08:32Jesse, is because these guys know that they're running a candidate who's fundamentally a
08:37a phantom.
08:39There's no actual evidence that Kamala Harris knows what she believes.
08:43She's not talking to the media.
08:45And her entire argument so far, of course, scripted via a teleprompter, Jesse, is that
08:49if you elect her president, she will somehow fix the inflation and border crisis that was
08:55caused by her leadership and promoted by her policies.
08:59So the entire idea that Democrats can run this fake campaign for another 80 days where
09:05their argument is fundamentally that Kamala Harris has nothing to do with the administration
09:09where she's the vice president, Jesse, just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
09:13And I think that's why the Democrats convention is low energy.
09:16I'm sure the Hamas protesters don't help.
09:20When you hear Kamala Harris says she wants to pick the price of bacon, she's going to
09:25say what cheese costs in Cincinnati.
09:28She's going to say what a head of lettuce is going to cost in Las Vegas.
09:31How do you guys process this?
09:34You're running against someone that is just completely out of touch with how capitalism
09:40Well, you know, Jesse, it's a it's a scarcity versus a prosperity mindset.
09:46I think Kamala Harris's basic approach is that she's going to increase the cost of fuel,
09:52increase the cost of food, increase the cost of housing, and then try to use her government
09:56magic wand to control the prices that people are charged for things.
10:00And I think you contrast that to Donald Trump's prosperity mindset, which is we're going to
10:04unleash American energy.
10:06We're going to unleash American workers.
10:07We're going to reduce the regulatory burden so that we can make more things in America
10:11and drive down the costs using the ingenuity and the talent of American workers.
10:16It's just a totally different approach.
10:18And I don't think that any person believes that Kamala Harris can wave a magic wand and
10:23bring down the price of bacon.
10:25I do think that we believe that she can wave her magic wand and actually make things even
10:29worse than she's already made them, which is why Americans are not going to buy into
10:33this idea that Kamala Harris deserves a promotion, Jesse.
10:37It just doesn't make us make sense.
10:38Just one more point on this.
10:39This price control issue, Jesse.
10:42This has been tried in multiple different countries by failed governments.
10:46And what it does is it makes the problem even worse.
10:49We know what we need to do to bring down the cost of American food and American housing.
10:54We just need to enable Americans to do more without the government controlling how they
10:59live their lives.
11:00That is the path to prosperity here.
11:02And it's shameful and ridiculous that Kamala Harris doesn't want to try it out.
11:07You've seen the Republican Party really unite behind this ticket.
11:11And you saw that unity there in Milwaukee.
11:14The Democrats here are saying they're united, but Biden's hightailing it out of here after
11:18he speaks tonight.
11:20The Obamas hate Biden.
11:22Biden hates Nancy.
11:23Nancy's not talking to Joe.
11:25The Clintons are here.
11:26It's a disaster.
11:28Do you think the Democrats are as unified as they say they are?
11:32We just heard Don Lemon in Cincinnati talk to a slew of African-American voters, half
11:38of them in Cincinnati say they're going Trump.
11:42No, I don't think that they're united at all, Jesse.
11:45Again, it's all a phantom.
11:46It's all a mirage.
11:47Remember, a month ago, these are the guys who are telling us, backed up by the media,
11:52that Joe Biden, who couldn't complete a sentence, was Albert Einstein, right?
11:56He's the most brilliant president that we had ever had.
11:59And the minute it became obvious that he was political deadweight, they threw him overboard
12:03and they're not trying to pick up the pieces, Jesse.
12:05I think that we've just witnessed in this country a year-long, or sorry, a month-long
12:10campaign to completely separate Kamala Harris from the administration where she is the vice
12:18It takes a lot of aggressive lying and a lot of shamelessness to pull it off.
12:22But you don't feel good when you look at yourself in the mirror after lying about Kamala Harris's
12:27record for the past month.
12:28And so I think Democrats just recognize this doesn't make any sense.
12:32Our entire pitch to voters is elect Kamala Harris, the person who's been vice president
12:37for three and a half years, and she'll change all the bad policies.
12:41I think they all realize, and this convention really drives it home, they don't really.
12:45Kamala Harris and Tim Walz spent the weekend on a great American bus tour to Chicago, hoping
12:51the trip would make her look folksy and likable, while the press lobs softballs as she hops
12:56off her personal Greyhound.
12:58How is your preparing for your speech on Thursday night?
13:01Yeah, it's almost done.
13:03I mean, there's some little tweaks and I'm going to, you know, work on it probably starting
13:09CBS News has a new poll that shows that you're three points up nationally.
13:13What's your response to this?
13:14Do you still consider yourself the underdog here?
13:16I very much consider us the underdog.
13:18We have a lot of work to do to earn the vote of the American people.
13:22Kamala just said she wants to set the price of bacon.
13:26And reporters ask her, how's your speech shaping up?
13:30These questions have to be scripted.
13:32Not a single American cares how Kamala's preparing for her speech.
13:35She's not even writing it.
13:37They're writing it for her.
13:39The Harris campaign smells unnatural.
13:43Some customers in Pennsylvania claim they were kicked out of a restaurant for a Princess
13:48Kamala photo op.
13:50Why is she so afraid of regular Americans?
13:53I mean, I know she prefers child actors, but come on.
13:56Kamala in Walls also emptied out a convenience store to buy a bag of Doritos.
14:01Dougie, there they are.
14:05I knew you wanted those.
14:07These are, this is my go-to.
14:09The original nacho cheese.
14:11Do you see corn nuts over there, Chip?
14:13Oh, yeah, that's it.
14:15There you go.
14:17Kamala walked into a convenience store and couldn't find the chip section.
14:21She had to have two guys help her find the chips.
14:23Are white dudes for Harris just a bunch of servants?
14:27Trump doesn't kick people out of fast food joints.
14:29He walks in, buys chicken, and leaves a tip.
14:32No tax on tips.
14:34Kamala stole that, too, by the way.
14:36She stole the no tax on tips.
14:38That's her plan now.
14:40The people running these stores don't like Princess Kamala because she says she's going
14:46to prosecute them for selling ding-dongs for $4.50.
14:51The lack of details.
14:53There's nothing there.
14:55You can't just throw things against the wall and expect everybody to say, oh, that's great.
14:59As a grocery store owner, we work on such low margins.
15:02It's going to affect us totally.
15:04It won't work for us at all.
15:06The beautiful price princess can't wave her magic wand and lower the cost of sausage.
15:12It's communism dressed up as populism.
15:16That and her $25,000 check to anybody who wants to buy their starter home are making
15:21her handlers sick.
15:23The Washington Post called her plans a gimmick.
15:27The princess wasn't supposed to tell you what her plans were.
15:30And now that she's been scolded, she's not going to release any proposals anymore.
15:35Her website's just her bio and a donate button.
15:38Oh, and you can buy tight tank tops with Doug E. Fresh's face on them.
15:43The little princess's puppeteers call this brave.
15:46Vice President Harris has been incredibly brave to roll out an ambitious economic agenda
15:52because we all know how this works.
15:54The more details you share, the more your policies are going to get picked apart.
15:58But she's saying, I trust the American people.
16:00I trust the journalists to explain these policies and our values to folks.
16:06And how's the media supposed to explain her policies if she won't share them?
16:10The media says Kamala's favorability is up.
16:13Look at that.
16:14Everyone hated her until she became the nominee.
16:17She didn't deliver an amazing speech.
16:19The only thing that changed was her title.
16:22It's like when they promote a goofy slacker at work and everybody starts kissing his butt
16:27because he's the boss.
16:28He's still the same goofy slacker.
16:30He just has power.
16:32The left is getting behind Kamala because the machine told them to.
16:36She didn't earn it.
16:37She didn't compete for it.
16:40She didn't razzle dazzle anybody.
16:42She failed up.
16:44Voters trust Trump on all the major issues because they know Trump will get it done.
16:50But most Biden voters, they don't even know what Kamala stands for.
16:54They're completely unaware of Kamala's policies.
16:57Look at this.
16:58No idea about eliminating private health insurance, abolishing ICE, being the most liberal senator,
17:03pushing for the Green New Deal, or even defunding the police.
17:06They have no idea.
17:07It's up to Trump now to break through the cover up.
17:10Even the liberal media is saying enough is enough.
17:15She has served as an undistinguished, nearly invisible vice president.
17:19Thus far, Harris has had a free ride.
17:21She's not given any media interviews, hasn't faced voter questioning.
17:25Sooner or later, she's going to be held accountable and face pressure that she has thus far largely avoided.
17:32That's the point.
17:33And people are starting to notice.
17:35The Little Princess's crowds are shrinking back to Biden's size.
17:39That's called shrinkflation.
17:42Kamala's popping into small little tents with just a few dozen people,
17:46speaks for 15 minutes, then runs back to the safe space on her bus with walls as her security blanket.
17:52Poor Princess Kamala.
17:54Campaigning is hard.
17:57O'Leary Ventures chairman, Kevin O'Leary, joins me now.
18:02Kevin, I know you're a Wall Street guy.
18:04You're a tycoon.
18:06I mean, your watch costs more than people's homes.
18:09And you have two, because you need to know what time it is in Dubai.
18:12What are people on the street saying about Kamala,
18:16telling everybody that she is going to side how much a steak costs in Albuquerque?
18:22Well, the last 48 hours have been interesting.
18:25Remember, I'm an investor, so I have to work after election night with whoever is president.
18:31And I want them to be successful.
18:33I want whoever wins to be wildly successful.
18:35But I am looking for policy now to determine what I can and cannot invest in.
18:41And so every investor, including foreign investors, are hungry for information.
18:47So over the last 48 hours, what we've learned is the potential to take corporate taxes from 23 to 28 percent.
18:55That's a 21.7 percent increase that takes America's competitiveness in the G20 down to almost the bottom quartile.
19:03I'm sorry, I don't want to be partisan.
19:06That's bad policy, whoever puts it out there.
19:09So I don't want to be pegged to be pro or con, Harris or Trump.
19:13I'm telling you, I smell good and bad policy.
19:16Number two, price fixing.
19:18We tried that in the 70s.
19:20That's beyond crazy.
19:22Can you imagine America where there's a ministry of pricing for groceries
19:28that tells a farmer what an apple can be sold for and what you can buy it for?
19:33I mean, that is a horror film on Netflix no one's even written the script for.
19:38That's not America.
19:39There's no chance in hell that's going to happen.
19:42And I understand why she would throw it at the wall.
19:44But price fixing was tried in Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, USSR in the late 80s.
19:52It just reduces supply like crazy.
19:55It's a really bad idea.
19:58And I'm not trying to be partisan.
20:00She doesn't even know.
20:01And if you can see on the screen, there's a lot of empty seats in this convention.
20:05I don't know if it's because Biden is speaking tonight.
20:08So it's like, oh, God, do we have to sit and listen?
20:11But I thought this place was going to be packed with emotion.
20:15I thought the Democrats were going to be pumped.
20:18They keep on talking about how energized they are.
20:21There's a lot of empty seats, people sitting on their hands.
20:23I'm walking through the convention.
20:25It's like a ghost town.
20:27Why do you think that is Hillary?
20:30My assumption here is all of these ideas will be tested by you and the press after Labor Day.
20:38So when you talk about price fixing groceries, you're going to have to explain how you're going to do that.
20:43And I think that's where it may fall down.
20:46I really need these policies and these ideas of which, for example, $25,000 to an individual to buy a home in a constrained market.
20:56I'm a real estate guy.
20:58That's beyond insane.
21:00The amount of inflation that would create all of that capital, all of that would go to the seller.
21:05If you have a street with three houses and there's nothing for sale and you give everybody $25,000, that's nuts.
21:11So she's going to have to answer to that.
21:15Offering white dudes for Harris a free snip and primetimes hearing the lines wrapped around the block.
21:21We sent Johnny to get a free vasectomy and he's on a waiting list.
21:25This country cannot afford any more Johnnies.
21:29And don't worry ladies, abortions are on the house too.
21:32After all, Democrats take depopulation very seriously.
21:36And there seems to be a real market for that kind of thing.
21:39Protestors are dressing up like abortion pills.
21:45What is that?
21:56But it's not all peace, love and abortions in Chicago.
22:00Pro-Hamas radicals from across the nation have descended onto the DNC with one goal in mind.
22:07One of them rushed the stage and grabbed the mic at a Dem party.
22:11You are funding a genocide.
22:13The Harris-McCartney administration keeps funding the money to the DNC.
22:20I think that was queers for Palestine.
22:22These protestors aren't Republicans.
22:25This is the Democrat base.
22:27They've radicalized their voters to the point where they've become just unmanageable.
22:32Peggy, Peggy, go back home!
22:36Or we'll bring the war home!
22:40DNC, go home!
22:44Or we'll bring the war home!
22:49For Democrats, war is already home.
22:51It's a civil one.
22:53The same party who championed defund the police is now protecting itself from itself.
23:00After years of saying walls don't work,
23:02Democrats have suddenly decided that good fences do, in fact, make good neighbors.
23:07The city put up a wall around the perimeter of the DNC
23:11and armed security is checking everyone's IDs at the gates.
23:15So racist.
23:17But Kifa and Tifa, they don't like walls.
23:20That's why they've been tearing them down.
23:23Suffocating my son to death!
23:28I can't hear it!
23:30You can't hear it!
23:32End the occupation now!
23:34This city is a paradise!
23:38End the occupation now!
23:47Several people have already been arrested
23:49and the clash between protestors and police seems to be getting worse.
23:52But why is this protection only provided to the DNC
23:56and not regular Americans?
23:58This weekend, 30 people were shot in Chicago.
24:02Five were killed.
24:04Where's the surge of police on the south side?
24:07Where are the fences?
24:09The answer is Democrats only care about their security, not yours.
24:14But we've discovered the most dangerous members of Kifa and Tifa
24:17aren't the ones with the bats and the smoke bombs.
24:20They're the ones carrying banjos.
24:22Fewer warning.
24:25Oh, you fascist cow galoos!
24:30You cow galoos!
24:32You fascist cow galoos!
24:48Co-anchor of America's Newsroom, Bill Hemmer is here.
24:51Also plays a mean banjo himself, I hear.
24:54What's going on out there?
24:56You've covered some of these conventions with the protests.
24:58Where do you see this going?
25:00I give it to the cops here in Chicago.
25:02How'd you like to be the cop who's standing there next to that megaphone
25:05for 15 minutes getting that thing slammed inside of your ear?
25:08Call them pigs.
25:10I will tell you this. I've got some news I can bring you tonight.
25:12There's a pro-Israel group in Chicago that wanted a permit.
25:16More applications and no response, okay?
25:19The first response was that your application
25:22will interfere with other planned activities.
25:25So I just ran into the mayor outside, Brandon Johnson.
25:28I said, why was this group not allowed to go ahead and have their protest here?
25:31Or their march.
25:33It couldn't be even a march for peace here in Chicago, right?
25:35He said, there's a process, the police handle it, and we have deadlines.
25:39So I called the group back and I said,
25:41the mayor's insinuating that you guys missed the deadline.
25:44And they said, well, the law says you gotta put it in two weeks prior to the events.
25:48I said, we put our application in June.
25:50We got the response we got.
25:52We put in two more applications and there's no response given.
25:55Tomorrow, now, here in Chicago, Jesse,
25:58there's a private lot about three blocks from here
26:01that has been donated to this group.
26:03From 9 a.m. to 5 o'clock,
26:05they will have a moment where they recognize October 7th.
26:08They'll also recognize the hostages who are still there.
26:11Only the pro-Hamas, we call them Kifa and Antifa protesters,
26:16they're allowed to have freedom of assembly.
26:19They're allowed to have freedom of speech.
26:21They're allowed to call cops pigs.
26:23But the Jewish protesters were banned from constitutionally protesting.
26:28I did not put that question in those words.
26:31That's how I see it.
26:33However, the leading organizer said the mayor has shown his hand on this.
26:38And has shown his hand.
26:40He sure did.
26:41His hands are not clean.
26:43Bill Hemmer, go play some more banjo.
26:45That was beautiful out there.
26:46That was a wonderful rendition.
26:47Yes, it was.
26:48We're off to an interesting start here on the floor, Jesse.
26:50We sure are.
26:51Thank you so much.
26:54So how does Chicago feel about hosting the DNC?
26:57Johnny hit the streets to find out.
27:04Are you in town for the convention?
27:05I have no clue what the convention is.
27:07Are you excited for the convention that's in town?
27:09You see the traffic? Not really.
27:10On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say about a negative 3.
27:13Yeah, and I'm a delegate.
27:14What is a Democrat?
27:15Someone that stands for the people.
27:17What have Democrats done for the people?
27:20I mean, we've done a lot for the people.
27:22Alright, are you sure?
27:23Give, give, give everything away for free.
27:25Democrats are not for the people.
27:28I don't think Kalama is for her people.
27:31And so now we got some work to do.
27:33Lots of liberals going to be walking the streets.
27:35Anyone you're excited to see?
27:37Not at all.
27:38Oh, there's Nancy Pelosi.
27:40I'm just kidding.
27:42Of course Kamala, of course, right?
27:44She's not going to be walking the streets.
27:45Well, you never know.
27:46Yeah, girl, I'm out here in these streets.
27:51What have the Democrats done to improve your life?
27:54I couldn't tell you one thing.
27:56And I'm not saying that just to be rude.
27:58Not much.
27:59I can't name anything.
28:01Gas is sort of rough, you know what I mean?
28:03I'm sure if I dug deep, I'm sure there may have been some things.
28:07You'd be digging for a long time.
28:09I don't have a big enough shovel.
28:13Who is our current vice president?
28:15It's not Pelosi, right?
28:17Or whatever the hell...
28:18No, that's...
28:19I have no idea.
28:20Kamala Harris.
28:22What do you think of her?
28:23To me, she just does a lot of flip-flopping.
28:25If she's in it, I feel like it's going to be her husband.
28:26So her husband is really going to be president
28:28because he's supposed to be the most dominant one in the relationship.
28:32Can we just give it up again for my husband?
28:35Kamala Harris rolled out a big economic plan this week.
28:38What have you heard about it?
28:40Absolutely nothing.
28:41Not nothing interesting.
28:42Whatever she says mimics exactly what Donald Trump does.
28:46I knew it.
28:47I knew it.
28:48$25,000 for first-time homebuyers.
28:50Kamala says she's going to do that on day one.
28:51Let's do it.
28:52But now she's on day 1,000.
28:541,000 days of what?
28:55She's in office.
28:56As vice president, yes.
28:58They don't do much?
28:59She's done a lot.
29:00I'm not a big fan of his brain.
29:01Kamala's VP pick wants to give little boys tampons,
29:05illegal immigrants, driver's licenses,
29:07and let rioters destroy his city.
29:11Tell me you're joking.
29:12Stay psyched right now.
29:13That doesn't sound good.
29:14I'm like America's dad.
29:16Your dad put tampons in your bathroom?
29:18No, my dad didn't.
29:19I'm not crying.
29:20You're crying.
29:21They shouldn't be here.
29:22It's illegal.
29:24In my opinion, we already have too many people here.
29:26Donald Trump's getting a lot of heat
29:27because he said illegal immigrants are taking away black jobs.
29:31I believe that.
29:32And I agree with that.
29:34He's trying to protect black jobs.
29:36You're right.
29:37Tonight's theme is for the people.
29:39Has Kamala done anything for the people?
29:41It's slid down to $35 for our seniors.
29:42Did she do that or did Biden do that?
29:44It's a team effort.
29:45Well, then if it's a team effort,
29:46why isn't she doing the things now
29:47that she's promising to do if she gets elected?
29:51Well, that's a great question.
29:53She locked up a lot of my people.
29:55I think she's a little fake.
29:56Turn that off!
29:59Trump's tower in Chicago down the block.
30:01Is he for the people?
30:03That man, he got my vote.
30:04He's for the money and I'm for the money,
30:05so let's get the money.
30:07I just love him because he's kind of like I am.
30:11He's a Trump voter.
30:13I don't think we have to worry about him, do we?
30:17What do you want to tell Jeffy Waters?
30:19I'm Frankie and this is my space,
30:22so Johnny, get out of my face.
30:28Kamala's running mate now under investigation.
30:41I'm free.
30:43And I don't say for a while here where it hurts.
30:48I'm just lucky to have the words.
30:56Sunday morning, I'm too tired to go to church.
31:01But I thank God for the world.
31:05Moments ago, the Great Walls of China arriving at the DNC.
31:09There he is and Democrats are fully embracing him,
31:11hoping he can make history as the first Chinese vice president.
31:17It's hard to remember this, but before we had the real black president,
31:22remember when Bill Clinton was supposedly the first black president?
31:28Well, Tim Walz is going to be the first Chinese vice president of our country.
31:34When he broke out in Mandarin with me like five years ago,
31:37my jaw dropped.
31:38I said, really?
31:40The CCP loves Walz more than Hunter.
31:44And Tiananmen 10 loves him back.
31:46He went to the mainline 30 times on his little communist sabbaticals,
31:51including his honeymoon with his wife and giant groups of students.
31:56She didn't seem to mind.
31:58How many Americans are visiting China like this in the 90s?
32:01Not many.
32:02Not many.
32:04Walz was a part of the first wave of Americans to teach there.
32:07The guy routinely carried around Mao's little red book to every palace and temple he visited.
32:12If there's one thing Walz and Kamala have in common,
32:15it's their love for communism.
32:17According to a local news article from the 90s, Walz told his students,
32:22China has a system in which everyone shares and gets free food and housing.
32:27But not everybody in China is treated the same.
32:30Walz was paid twice as much as any Chinese teacher while he was there.
32:35He had the only air-conditioned department on campus,
32:38which came in handy after long days of Tai Chi and the quad.
32:42Walz was the only one allowed to watch TV in color.
32:46Everybody else stuck with black and white.
32:49But Tai Chi Tim would often repay their generosity,
32:52hosting epic birthday and Christmas parties for the Chinese.
32:56Bet that little red book was a huge hit at Secret Santa.
32:58Walz told a local newspaper,
33:00no matter how long I live, I'll never be treated that well again.
33:04It's almost like they were grooming him.
33:07Walz was enlisted in the National Guard for all of these trips.
33:11Why would the Chinese give a member of the U.S. military such access?
33:15Who's to say that China, the world's biggest surveillance state,
33:19doesn't have anything on Walz?
33:21Democrats cried for years that Trump was compromised
33:24because he stayed one night at a Ritz in Moscow.
33:26But Walz spends decades going back and forth to China,
33:30then rises through the U.S. military and political ranks,
33:33and no one seems to care?
33:35The FBI isn't concerned, of course.
33:38Not even a little.
33:40But Congressman James Comer is.
33:42And now the House Oversight Committee's
33:44launching a fresh probe into Walz and his Chinese ties.
33:48Was the first Chinese vice president targeted
33:51or recruited for CCP influence operations?
33:55We might just find out.
33:57House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is here.
34:02Congressman, how is it that the FBI
34:05doesn't seem to care about this at all, and you do?
34:10Well, it's very concerning that the FBI, to my knowledge,
34:14has never even investigated this.
34:16Now, we're still trying to determine
34:18what extent they have as far as all the trips
34:21this high-level official from the United States government,
34:24even before that in the military, made to China.
34:27Look, if you look at Walz's background
34:30and you look at his ideology and the things he talks about
34:33when he ran for attorney general, when he ran for governor,
34:36this is a guy that really has embraced
34:39China's view of the world, the Chinese ideology,
34:43which is communism.
34:45And I think you look at Walz,
34:47and I fear we have a guy that,
34:48who's never been in the private sector.
34:50He's worked for the government his whole life.
34:52From looking at his financial background,
34:54it doesn't look like he owns any stocks.
34:57You know, his retirement's in a government pension plan.
35:00This guy's very dependent on the government.
35:02And I believe he thinks that China,
35:04the business model that China's had,
35:07might be the ideal model for the United States.
35:10Let the government make the decisions for the people.
35:13Let the government control the markets.
35:15Let the government control the people.
35:16Let the government control the markets.
35:18Let the government control the businesses.
35:20Let the government get the people out of poverty.
35:22And this is something that should be a concern
35:24to every American.
35:26The media's not examining this.
35:28I don't think that, I hope.
35:30Well, I am, because I know about China.
35:32And you know about China, Congressman.
35:34You did this when you looked into Hunter.
35:36When you go to China, they surveil you.
35:38If an American goes to China 30 times in the 90s,
35:41they have surveillance footage of him.
35:43They have surveillance footage
35:45probably of his honeymoon night.
35:47What kind of compromise is that?
35:49They were worried about Trump
35:51and a p-tape situation.
35:53That that was all made up.
35:55This is serious business.
35:57It's very serious.
35:59China thinks long term.
36:01It's very possible that China
36:03would be grooming an up-and-coming rising star
36:06in the political process
36:08to try to have a foothold in our government.
36:11I mean, they've done this in the military.
36:13We've caught them with spy rings
36:15This is how China operates.
36:17They think long term.
36:19And again, I can't say this enough.
36:21When you look at Hunter Biden's ties
36:23with Communist China, it was for money.
36:25It looks like Walt's ties may be for ideology.
36:28And this is something that we should be concerned about.
36:30And we're trying to gather as much information
36:32as we can, as quick as we can,
36:34to present to the American people.
36:36It says it a lot about Kamala Harris
36:38that she picked this guy to be her number two.
36:40What a mess.
36:42All right, please keep us posted on these developments.
36:43Thank you, Congressman.
36:47Fox News alert.
36:49The DNC is starting to heat up.
36:51We've got some big players taking the stage soon.
36:53We've already seen L.A. Mayor Karen Bass,
36:55Senator Dick Durbin,
36:57the good old Reverend Jesse Jackson,
36:59and Maxine Waters.
37:01No relation.
37:03And a performance by Mickey Guyton.
37:05Coming up, we'll have Hillary Clinton,
37:07AOC Jill Biden,
37:09excuse me, Dr. Jill Biden,
37:11and President Joe Biden.
37:13But in the meantime,
37:15let's go to Johnny on the floor.
37:17He's talking to a very special DNC delegate.
37:21Jesse, it was very hard to find a delegate
37:23on the floor of the DNC
37:25that would want to talk to you.
37:27But luckily, I went to New Hampshire
37:29and I found Uncle David Waters,
37:31Senator from New Hampshire.
37:34Hey, Jesse.
37:36What's it like being Jesse's uncle?
37:38Well, now, Jesse didn't just fall
37:40out of the coconut tree.
37:41So it's all family.
37:43It's all family.
37:45And we all love each other
37:47and we do talk to each other.
37:49We do.
37:51Now, when you're together,
37:53you know, he's Jesse Waters.
37:55Do you guys fight about politics?
37:57Oh, I always win if we do.
37:59But we make fun of each other.
38:01And I think that's the best way.
38:03So who's more liberal?
38:05Jesse's mom, Mom Tex,
38:07or Jesse's uncle?
38:09I'm going to, I'm sorry, Anne,
38:11I'm going to go with Grandpa Frank.
38:13Grandpa Frank.
38:15Now, you knew Jesse since he was growing up.
38:17When did you realize
38:19that something went terribly wrong?
38:21Well, Jesse,
38:23it was when you started to watch
38:25Beavis and Butthead.
38:27And I knew there was something different.
38:29And that's the first,
38:31I think that was the personality development.
38:33Beavis and Butthead.
38:35Beavis and Butthead.
38:37Now, Jesse, how do you feel
38:39that your uncle is on the floor right now?
38:41I feel proud
38:43that my uncle is participating
38:45in the democratic process.
38:47And I feel
38:49sorry for him that Trump
38:51is going to demolish Kamala Harris.
38:53We love you, David,
38:55but I'm sorry it's not going to go well in November.
38:58All right.
39:00Well, he says it's his world down here.
39:02That's right.
39:04It's the Earth world, democratic version.
39:06I don't know about that.
39:08I don't know if he knows how to do it.
39:12All right.
39:13Thank you so much.
39:15I know someone that knows how to do it.
39:17Sean Hannity.
39:19He's got it.
39:21Practicing all night.
39:23No, she's not here.
39:25Thank God.
39:29Enough already.
