Jesse Watters Primetime 8/21/24 Full End Show | Fox Breaking News August 21 2024

  • last month
00:00I think we should make it a duo, just Laura and Waters.
00:02How are you?
00:03Can you believe the Democrats like country music this much?
00:06No, they don't.
00:07I mean, they like camouflage, football, dads.
00:09What happened to the Democrats?
00:10Common was bigger.
00:11Common was bigger yesterday.
00:12It's kind of a lull in the crowd now.
00:14And then we have Stevie Wonder later we're hearing, and a special guest we're not allowed
00:17to talk about.
00:18All right.
00:19Fox News alert.
00:24Democrats are dusting off Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi for night three of the DNC, followed
00:29by Tim Waltz accepting the VP nomination, and he'll be delivering his speech in Mandarin.
00:35We'll also have a performance by Stevie Wonder and John Legend.
00:39Forget the popcorn, Carville's whipping out the Doritos.
00:43She eats Doritos, you see, Doritos, oh God, he's eating Doritos.
01:00Tonight, you're going to hear a lot about Donald Trump and very little about policy.
01:05They mentioned my name, I think, 271 times.
01:08They mentioned the economy like 12 times.
01:11They mentioned the border, maybe none.
01:13They don't talk about the border.
01:16This is the Obama strategy, heavy on hope, light on action.
01:20A party focused on one man can't be focused on you.
01:25Kamala isn't in the building tonight, and she wasn't here last night to hear the Obamas.
01:30Biden's still very upset with Barack for staging the coup, so Kamala thought it'd make Biden
01:36even angrier if she snuggled up to Michelle on live TV.
01:41The Obamas delivered a powerful and persuasive argument last night, but anybody who bought
01:46it is oblivious to political reality.
01:49Their message last night was, claim you're so virtuous, you don't have to discuss your
01:55record or policies.
01:57The Democrats apparently have a monopoly on morality, and if you vote Republican, you're
02:02just a selfish and greedy ghoul.
02:06This is our time to stand up for what we know in our hearts is right, to stand up, not just
02:19for our basic freedoms, but for decency and humanity, for basic respect, dignity, and
02:29The other side knows it's easier to play on people's fears and cynicism.
02:35They will tell you that government is inherently corrupt, that sacrifice and generosity are
02:41for suckers.
02:43Beware of those who brag about how virtuous they are.
02:47Women speak louder than words.
02:49Losing 300,000 migrant kids, pouring foreigners into black neighborhoods, castrating children
02:55behind their parents' back, firing workers for refusing government injections, ruining
03:01women's sports, and making life more dangerous and expensive for working Americans isn't
03:06dignified, isn't honorable, and certainly isn't virtuous.
03:11Bill Clinton is on the stage tonight.
03:14Not decent.
03:16Barack Obama even said Trump has a small Anthony Weiner.
03:21Here's a 78-year-old billionaire who has not stopped whining about his problems since he
03:30rode down his golden escalator nine years ago.
03:33It has been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that's actually been getting worse
03:41now that he's afraid of losing to Kamala.
03:47There's the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories, this weird obsession
03:55with crowd sizes.
04:00Trump has grievances, yeah.
04:02Besides what Democrats are doing to the country, they raided his house, arrested him, and fined
04:07him $300 million, and that was just in one calendar year.
04:12Democrats stab you, and when you cry, they call you a whiner.
04:16They politically torture you, but don't talk about it.
04:18It makes you look bad.
04:20Not only are Democrats decent, but they work harder than Republicans.
04:25Kamala worked her way up to become vice president of the United States of America.
04:31We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth.
04:37Kamala was not born into privilege.
04:40She had to work for what she's got, and she actually cares about what other people are
04:46going through.
04:47Are they implying that Kamala Harris worked harder than Donald Trump?
04:52She didn't even work for this nomination.
04:55Biden asked her to help fix the border.
04:57She didn't lift a finger.
04:59Trump's campaign 10 times harder than Harris, who hides from the press in her plane, and
05:04he didn't inherit generational wealth.
05:06He created it.
05:08What's Kamala ever created besides word salads?
05:12And if you have money, Michelle says you're a bad person.
05:17My mom, in her steady, quiet way, lived out that striving sense of hope every single day
05:25of her life.
05:27She and my father didn't aspire to be wealthy.
05:30In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.
05:36Well, I'm a little suspicious of the Obamas for having four mansions.
05:41Michelle flew to Germany to get paid three quarters of a million dollars for one speech.
05:47Isn't that taking a little more than she needs?
05:51I'm sure her daughters don't mind when they inherit the generational wealth.
05:55Does that make them bad people?
05:58The difference is Trump earned his money in the private sector, and the Obamas earned
06:02theirs from the public sector.
06:04But it doesn't matter, because something's in the air.
06:09Something wonderfully magical is in the air, isn't it?
06:15You know, we're feeling it here in this arena, but it's spreading all across this country
06:22we love.
06:23It's the contagious power of hope.
06:31The anticipation, the energy, the exhilaration of once again being on the cusp of a brighter
06:41Joe Biden took that line personally.
06:44Politico reporting that it stung because Michelle lumped the Biden and Trump eras as one long
06:50gloomy period.
06:52Did Michelle forget that Kamala was VP during that gloomy period?
06:56Where's all this hope coming from?
06:58The first time she was proud of her country was when her husband was running for president.
07:03And now hope is back because Kamala's running.
07:07I hope Michelle's not saying she's only proud and hopeful for America when there's a black
07:12She would never say that.
07:14And hope means nothing without a plan.
07:17Hope isn't a policy.
07:19The Obamas ran on hope for eight years.
07:21Nothing changed.
07:22So we got Trump.
07:24If Michelle says we have to bring back hope, we must've lost it under Biden and Harris.
07:29We're less wealthy, safe, and united, but Democrats have controlled the White House
07:3312 out of the last 16 years.
07:37They want us to give them four more and they promise they'll fix everything, but they won't
07:42tell us how or why they haven't already.
07:45Only that they're more virtuous people than we are.
07:49Former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy joins me now.
07:53So that's going to be the message.
07:54They're good people.
07:55We're bad people.
07:57Let's not talk policy.
07:58Look, one of the things that stood out, Jesse, was their stubborn refusal to engage in the
08:04debate about policy.
08:06What is their vision for the future of the United States of America versus ours?
08:09And I think this presents an advantage and an opportunity for us, Jesse.
08:12The more we make this about our own alternative vision, about what we actually stand for,
08:17the more likely we're going to win this election handily.
08:20I think they're tempting us.
08:21They're goading us to go in the direction of the personality-driven disputes.
08:25I think that's a losing strategy for us.
08:27I think it's going to be a losing strategy for them as long as we don't take the bait.
08:30I'm actually going to be in Chicago tomorrow morning, spend the day at the DNC.
08:33We're going to have some fun tomorrow.
08:35But I do want to keep that discussion focused on our own vision, and if we do, we win this
08:41Well, I hope you have security here at the DNC, Vivek, because we don't want anything
08:45to happen to you.
08:46You're a very special person, and some would say virtuous person.
08:49How do you force the entire media industrial complex to stop protecting and electing her
08:56and force the issue at hand?
08:58Because that's what the people care about.
08:59They care about the economy.
09:01They care about safety.
09:02How do you do that?
09:03Look, I think the reality is holding the media accountable for their own lies is a necessary
09:09part of running a campaign as a Republican.
09:11Like it or not, that's just the way this game is played.
09:14They spent three years covering for Joe Biden, but now you see the sting of that embarrassment.
09:19They feel like it's bought them some air cover, Jesse.
09:22They went for that one month against Biden, so now they've created this illusion showing
09:26the American people that said, you know what?
09:28We can criticize a Democrat.
09:29That's only lasting so long.
09:31You have to use Kamala Harris's own words and policies against her, not just her words,
09:35but her actions.
09:36She is somebody who has stood for a tax on unrealized capital gains.
09:41That is the best formula for a Great Depression if we ever had one.
09:43She's somebody who stood for abolishing private health insurance.
09:47Her words, not mine, raising her hand on the debate stage when asking whether she would
09:51abolish existing private health insurance plans.
09:53So we have to hold her own record against her, hold the media to account for why they're
09:57not asking these questions.
09:59And the reality is we still have several months ahead where Americans are now exiting their
10:03honeymoon period.
10:04This is our chance to say we're not only holding Kamala accountable, we're holding the media
10:07accountable and we're not running against an individual candidate.
10:10That's one of the mistakes we sometimes make in thinking that we're up against Biden.
10:14Then we're up against Harris.
10:16We're not.
10:17We are running against a system.
10:19We want to get in there and dismantle that system.
10:22That's what draining the swamp is about.
10:24That's what Trump's message had the power behind it in 2016.
10:27And I think it's going to have that power again in 2024.
10:30If we remember to keep our eye on the ball, it's absolutely challenging for Republicans
10:34to have to run against the system every single time.
10:37You're never running against one man or woman.
10:39You're running against Hollywood.
10:40You're going against the media.
10:41Even corporate America often tips the scales.
10:44How does the Republican Party fight all of these elements while staying focused on the
10:50actual candidate?
10:54Answer is we're not going to do what the left does.
10:56The left claims victimhood.
10:58Victimhood is their narrative.
10:59Well, we would have a better claim on victimhood for all the reasons you mentioned.
11:02But we choose not to be victims.
11:03We're victorious.
11:05And that is our message to the American people.
11:07That is who we are.
11:08We're not going to claim victimhood.
11:10One of the things I tell young people I teach my two sons is that the number one person
11:14who is most responsible for whether or not you achieve your goal is you.
11:18Are there other factors that matter?
11:19Yes, there are.
11:20But the number one person who is most responsible is yourself.
11:23And I think we would do well to take a dose of that as Republicans right now, preach that
11:27to ourselves, just as we do to the other side.
11:29If we offer our own vision of what we stand for, seal the border, grow the economy, end
11:34rampant crime, stay out of World War III, stand for merit, free speech, these are things
11:39that Americans are united behind.
11:41It's up to us to serve it up.
11:43Is it an even playing field?
11:44No, it's not.
11:45But are we going to win this thing fair and square through the front door?
11:48You're darn right we are.
11:49All right, Vivek, bring your tennis racket when you come here.
11:52You might have to serve up some of these Hamas protesters, all right?
11:55Good luck.
11:56Thank you, man.
11:57Appreciate it.
11:58You're now my co-host on The Five and co-anchor of America's Newsroom, Dana Perino and Fox
12:04News contributor Mark Thiessen.
12:06I love saying Thiessen.
12:10It now looks as if RFK, Dana, is going to make a big announcement on Friday.
12:15Everybody now kind of thinks he may endorse Trump, possibly in exchange for a cabinet
12:22In a race this tight, you think the Democrats are worried?
12:25Well, I think that RFK was at about nine points before Biden dropped out.
12:32So anywhere where he was on the ballot, or if you do like a national poll, he was at
12:35nine points.
12:36It's not insignificant.
12:39But once Biden dropped out, he went to four points.
12:43But why that matters and why Trump would want this endorsement is because if he's at four
12:49percent and he helps Trump just a little bit, if these states are as close as we think they're
12:54going to be, that little bit could make the difference.
12:57I wouldn't promise him a cabinet position.
13:00I would not.
13:01You would dangle it.
13:02Yeah, you could say, you know what, we'll talk about it.
13:04I wouldn't promise.
13:05An ambassadorship, maybe.
13:08So it's symbolically the forces of the Trump and the Kennedy brands coming together.
13:16What does that represent to you?
13:18Well, it represents actually an opportunity for the Democrats right now, because RFK,
13:24the threat that he posed to the Democrats was that Democrats and independents who are
13:28unhappy with Harris and Biden had a place to go that was not Trump.
13:34So if you could, if you don't like this administration, but you can't bring yourself to vote for Donald
13:37Trump, there was an option on the on the ballot today.
13:40And if he gets out of the race, how many of those people are actually going to go and
13:43vote for Trump?
13:44If the reason they were supporting him was because they didn't want to vote for Trump
13:46and they didn't want to vote for these guys.
13:48So I think in a way, him getting out of the race hurts Trump rather than help.
13:52That's a smart answer, but I don't like it, Tisa.
13:54Dana Perino, we're going to hear from Bill Clinton tonight.
14:00Does Bubba still have it?
14:01Does he still have the smoke?
14:03So I was thinking about this.
14:05In 1992, Bush 41 versus Clinton was the first election I ever voted in.
14:10And so he certainly stood the test of time.
14:13And if you think about like we didn't have conventions in 2020, a lot of people here,
14:17they haven't seen each other in eight years and they haven't seen Bill Clinton in quite
14:21a while.
14:22I think everyone's sort of like, how's he doing?
14:24Because we know that he had had health problems before he decided to go on an extreme diet
14:28and he's been healthy.
14:30So he's here to try to figure out a way that to help the woman be elected to the presidency
14:36because they were not successful getting Hillary Clinton elected in 2016.
14:40Tisa, Nancy Pelosi, she was doing a book tour last week when the whole coup thing exploded.
14:47Now she's here.
14:48Everybody keeps asking her, why'd you do it?
14:51How'd you do it?
14:52What happened?
14:53Are you talking to Joe Biden?
14:55She's getting hit again.
14:56Listen to this.
14:58I have to do what I have to do.
15:00He made the decision for the country.
15:04My concern was not about the president, it was about his campaign.
15:09Are we ever going to find out exactly what happened and who was saying what to who?
15:14Oh, once it's over, especially if they win the election, she'll be taking credit.
15:19We'll get all the books coming out and telling us the whole story.
15:21Look, she's basically telling.
15:23If he doesn't win, you are going to hear from a lot of people that work for Joe Biden.
15:27Yes, we're going to say we told them you're right.
15:29And then she is an evil woman there and they'll blame the Obamas, right?
15:33Because the Obamas are the ones who pushed him off the ballot and put Hillary Clinton
15:36on the ballot in 2016 and riding on this election for a lot of Democrats who aren't even involved.
15:45That is their credibility is really on the line.
15:47Like Mark said here.
15:48That's right.
15:49And also you will have.
15:50We've talked a little bit about it, that there's a little bit of animosity, like they're trying
15:54to put on a good face right now, but there's frustration and anger.
15:58And I would say, though, that for everybody in this room, when Joe Biden left on Monday
16:03night, they're like, bye, totally different line.
16:06The vibe has shifted so much from Monday to Tuesday.
16:08We'll see how it is with Stevie Wonder.
16:10I'm looking forward to see who else do we have?
16:13There's someone that we have.
16:14I can't say.
16:16Or go.
16:17I'm supposed to give you this from Sean Hannity.
16:19It's so that you can tip more tonight.
16:22Sean is the greatest tipper I've ever witnessed.
16:26And last night, Barack Obama said Republicans are stingy, not very generous.
16:30All right.
16:31I'd like to see Barack tip like Sean.
16:33That's all I have to say.
16:34Thank you guys very much.
16:35Thanks for having us.
16:36Stevie Wonder coming up and the DNC underway.
16:40Let's go to senior White House correspondent Peter Doocy on the floor.
16:44And we were able to make our way up to where the really good seats are.
16:49California gets the best section.
16:51But here in the front row of Maryland, we saw Connor with a Westmore muskrat.
16:58Why a muskrat?
16:59To represent the eastern shore of Maryland.
17:02And tonight we're going to hear from Speaker Pelosi.
17:08She's been getting some flack for squeezing out President Biden.
17:13Do you think there's much bad blood in the room because of that?
17:18No, I think.
17:19I think everything's kind of.
17:20The parties really come together.
17:21We definitely come together behind Kamala Harris.
17:24I think everything's.
17:25I don't see any bad blood at all, to be honest with you.
17:28And does anybody have an opinion about why now that Harris is the nominee, why she might
17:32be better than Biden was a month ago when we when we look at President Biden's record,
17:39he left a lasting legacy for the American people and for future generations of Americans
17:44like myself was a Gen Zer.
17:46And I think what he's telling future generations of Americans like myself is he's ready to
17:50pass that torch.
17:51And that's why he chose Kamala Harris as his vice president.
17:53And how did you guys get such good seats?
17:57You got to come here early.
17:58You got to come here early.
17:59OK, thank you, Maryland.
18:01All right.
18:02Back to you upstairs.
18:03All right.
18:04Cute muskrat.
18:05I loved it.
18:06Pet it for me.
18:07The economy's check engine light been blinking for about three years and Biden and Harris
18:12have been ignoring it.
18:14They say the economy's great.
18:16Just look at the jobs numbers.
18:18Well, we did.
18:19And they disappeared.
18:20A new report by the federal government reveals that the Biden Harris administration overcounted
18:24the number of new jobs this year by almost a million eight hundred thousand jobs.
18:30Joe and Kamala say they created poof gone, never actually existed.
18:37The Harris Biden administration has been caught fraudulently manipulating job statistics
18:44to hide the true extent of the economic ruin that they've inflicted on America.
18:50They built them up so that they could say what a wonderful job they're doing.
18:54We've never had numbers like this.
18:57They don't exist.
18:58They thought they could do it sometime after.
19:01You know, we have an election coming up very quickly.
19:04But they wanted this to come out after November 5th.
19:07The last time jobs disappeared this quickly was when Obama was president in 2009, when
19:12hope was the policy.
19:15Biden's own commerce secretary totally unaware.
19:19When you hear that, do you potentially think that this new numbers could be a liability
19:23for this campaign?
19:25When I hear that, first of all, I don't believe it because I've never heard Donald Trump say
19:29Truth is, though, from the Bureau of Labor, I don't I'm not familiar with that.
19:34The Democrats are now lying about lying.
19:38What does that say about the true state of the economy?
19:42Stuart Varney is the host of Varney and Company, and he's up very late.
19:48What does this say about the true state of the economy?
19:50It probably makes sense now why a lot of people say things aren't as good as the Democrats
19:54claim they are.
19:55That's absolutely true.
19:56It isn't.
19:57They are not as good as things are supposed to be, as the way they tell it.
20:00It's going to be interesting to see how Kamala pivots on this.
20:04How do you reverse the idea?
20:05Oh, we've got a great, booming economy, but you don't.
20:08How are you going to reverse that?
20:09How do you pivot out of it?
20:11They get everything wrong on the economy.
20:13They said inflation is transitory.
20:15No, it's not.
20:17It was a peak in their period.
20:19They got lots of jobs created.
20:21No, not as many as you said.
20:24The border is under control.
20:25No, it's not.
20:27America is respected.
20:28No, it's not.
20:29How is she going to pivot with these lousy jobs numbers to show that we really do have
20:34a good economy?
20:35You can't do that pivot.
20:36You know how she pivots?
20:37You can't deny it.
20:38You know how she pivots?
20:39She doesn't talk about the economy.
20:40That's how she pivots, by not talking about it.
20:44And a lot of these jobs were from foreign-born workers, the ones they say they created.
20:51Take this forward for a second.
20:52How are you going to raise taxes?
20:54How are you going to clamp down on excess profits?
20:57How are you going to clamp down on prices when the economy is slowing like this?
21:01How are you going to do that?
21:03Kamala Harris's program is raise taxes, hit business.
21:07How do you do that when business is declining?
21:09You're going to head straight into a recession.
21:12Business is declining, and then she's also going to wave her magic wand and say the bacon
21:16costs $4.50 now.
21:18I mean, how do you cap prices?
21:20What kind of American president thinks that's a good idea in this year?
21:23Richard Nixon thought it was a good idea.
21:25And then he reversed it 90 days later.
21:27Two years later, he reversed it.
21:28It doesn't work.
21:29You can't control prices like that, and you're going to say, well, let's cut back on excessive
21:35What's excessive?
21:361.6% profit margins in the grocery business.
21:39That's excessive?
21:40I don't think so.
21:41You know what's excessive is college tuition.
21:43To actually doubt, they should go after that.
21:46Just ain't worth it, is it?
21:47That's not worth it.
21:48All right, Stuart Varney, thank you so much.
21:50You can go to bed now.
21:51I'm sure.
21:53Democrats have made it clear that their number one issue is stopping Trump.
21:58But that's not really the number one issue with voters.
22:01What's normally the number one issue they feel is facing the country right now?
22:07Yeah, support.
22:08Cost of living is high.
22:12They want to see a change in inflation, prices, and violence in the community.
22:17All the immigrants came in, and they gave them the stuff they had for the Americans.
22:23They're giving it to the immigrants.
22:25Who do you think is responsible for giving them the benefits and allowing them to come
22:32Americans trust Trump more on the economy because they've lived it.
22:37Don't the Democrats always talk about the value of lived experiences?
22:42We had the greatest economy in history.
22:44When I was president, we had-
22:46Oh, yeah.
22:47We got a boat.
22:48Yeah, we had the best job numbers.
22:49African-American, Hispanic-American, if you look, Asian-American job numbers, women, men,
22:57We did a lot of good things.
23:00How many cousins of yours are buying boats right now, huh?
23:04Democrats aren't running on policy.
23:05They're running on feelings.
23:07And if you ask their voters, they have no idea what Kamala's policies are.
23:12And they don't care.
23:14But only really what she looks like.
23:15And that makes them feel good.
23:22Kamala's in town.
23:26I'm so excited.
23:27We support her 100%.
23:30Why do you like Kamala Harris?
23:32Well, because she's a-
23:36I like the fact that she's a woman.
23:40I like that she's going to be the next president of the United States.
23:45What is Kamala's economic policy?
23:53You know, I think...
23:55Uh, well...
23:59She, uh...
24:01The economy.
24:05I'm more of an environment guy, I'll be honest.
24:07Kamala Harris's economic plan will end price gouging.
24:10How's it going to do that?
24:12It's going to...
24:13I don't know.
24:15The border.
24:16Big issue.
24:17What is Kamala's plan on the border?
24:19You know...
24:21Honestly, I'm going to be like...
24:23I don't know.
24:27Well, to slow down the flow on the border.
24:30How is she going to do that?
24:34Why are you asking me that?
24:36I forgot.
24:37I believe the numbers have gone down for the last five months.
24:39Maybe in the last five months, from an all-time high.
24:42But it's down.
24:45Hopefully it gets a little bit stricter.
24:47What's Trump's policy on the border?
24:49As soon as he gets into office, the border will be closed immediately.
24:52Is that good?
24:53We do need stricter policies, no matter what.
24:55Because a lot of people do come into our country...
25:00What is Kamala's plan for the climate?
25:05I'm not very informed on this.
25:08Can we skip that?
25:09Another top issue...
25:12How is Kamala going to bring down inflation?
25:14I don't remember.
25:17I wasn't prepared for this.
25:20That's part of the economic plan that I haven't read yet.
25:24Hopefully we hear from her regarding that.
25:26But again, I support her 100%.
25:31The chair of the Democratic Party of Nebraska...
25:34Jane Kleeb.
25:36Jane Kleeb.
25:38I used to book your cars.
25:40I used to book your cars, your makeup.
25:42I used to pre-interview you.
25:44I know.
25:45When I was much younger, when I lived in D.C.
25:47as the head of the Young Democrats.
25:49We both look the same.
25:51Yes, that's true.
25:52Are you embarrassed when you see all these Democrats
25:55not have a clue about who or what Kamala wants to be?
25:59I think a couple of things.
26:00One, we see these types of camera shots at the Trump rallies too.
26:04And I also feel bad for the Trump voters
26:06when they're asked policies on economics or immigration
26:08and on the spot and they get nervous
26:10and they can't get the words out.
26:11I haven't seen those.
26:12Oh, sure.
26:13If you're saying that if you asked a Trump rally-goer
26:16what Trump's plan on the border was
26:18he couldn't answer?
26:19They will definitely say to close it
26:21and round up 12 million people.
26:22We all know that.
26:23We also know that that's not a real immigration policy.
26:25We know that Republicans and Democrats
26:27came together with an immigration,
26:29a bipartisan plan.
26:31Trump wouldn't pass it
26:32because he said it's not good politics.
26:33How could Trump pass it?
26:35He's not even in politics.
26:37This is when he was president.
26:38There was a bipartisan plan.
26:39Democrats and Republicans came together
26:41and Trump said we're not doing that.
26:43It's bad politics.
26:44I don't remember that.
26:45I remember the border was pretty secure.
26:46If you look at the numbers, I'm right.
26:48Why the hat?
26:49You have this beautiful camouflaged hat.
26:51And I'm going to have it on later
26:53because Governor Walz is from Nebraska
26:55and the DNC sold out.
26:57So Nebraska jumped on that wagon.
26:59Ours has an American flag bill
27:01which is a little bit different
27:02and we have the state of Nebraska
27:03since he's from that.
27:04But you mentioned
27:05Democrats are into camo now
27:06and football bats.
27:07And we are.
27:08We want more white dudes being engaged
27:10in our party.
27:11We like that Doug Hemhoff
27:12is a proud and supportive husband
27:14of his wife
27:15and is going to be the first president.
27:16Has Doug ever worn camo?
27:20This is the thing about Doug.
27:21Doug has never hunted in his life.
27:22He would never pretend to be a hunter.
27:24You know, who doesn't have to pretend that
27:26is Governor Walz.
27:27But the Democratic Party is pretending
27:29because the last time I checked
27:30the Democratic Party
27:31is not into camo,
27:32not into hunting,
27:33not into dads,
27:35not into country music.
27:36There's been more country music
27:37this week I've ever seen.
27:38I'm married to a cattle guy
27:39and I hang out with a lot of farmers
27:41and ranchers.
27:42They're Democrats.
27:43Not all of them.
27:44Republicans and independents do.
27:45And they wear camo.
27:46You think this hat's going to fool people?
27:48I was like,
27:49I'm going to give this to you.
27:50I'm sure that you're not going to be
27:51voting for this team.
27:52I don't know that for sure.
27:53But somebody on your team might.
27:54And so yes.
27:55I will accept the hat.
27:56I'm not going to wear it
27:57because the Kamala team
27:58is going to clip it
27:59and then make me look
28:00like a supporter.
28:01We can't do that.
28:02Jane Kleeb.
28:03It's Cleb,
28:04but it's fine.
28:06I was so close.
28:07I know.
28:08Next time.
28:09All right.
28:10Next time.
28:11Good to see you.
28:12Good to see you too.
28:13Arkansas governor
28:14and former White House
28:15press secretary
28:16Sarah Huckabee Sanders
28:17is here.
28:18You know,
28:19you're from a state
28:20with a lot of hunters.
28:21You got the hat right here.
28:22Are people walking around
28:23with this in Arkansas?
28:24Arkansas are not voting
28:25for the Democrat ticket.
28:26They're voting for Donald Trump.
28:27He will win.
28:28Arkansas overwhelmingly.
28:29In fact,
28:30I think this will be
28:31one of the states
28:32he performs the best in.
28:33So I want to play some sound
28:34of Kathy Hochul
28:35and I say that name
28:36purposely mispronounced
28:37to disrespect her.
28:38She said something
28:39about women in politics
28:40that I know
28:41is going to make you angry.
28:42Let's listen.
28:43The guys don't require
28:44any qualifications.
28:45They just step up
28:46and run.
28:47Am I right about that?
28:49we got we got a guy
28:50who's like,
28:52I'm going to run
28:53and I'm going to run
28:54and I'm going to run
28:55and I'm going to run
28:56and I'm going to run
28:57We got a guy
28:58who's like,
28:59I'm a billionaire
29:00and I want to be president
29:01and I'm going
29:02to ruin the country
29:03and he did so.
29:05I just want to say
29:06women should not
29:07have to have
29:08the greatest resume
29:09in the world
29:10to start getting
29:11into the game.
29:12All right.
29:13So should women
29:14not really have a resume
29:15if they want
29:16to be a politician?
29:19Absolutely they should.
29:20But we know
29:21that the Democrats
29:22don't require it
29:23simply because you can
29:24look at who
29:25their nominee is.
29:26She has no qualifications
29:27And that's the reason she's not talking about policy in this entire convention is nothing
29:32more than a focus on Donald Trump because they know they can't win when they actually
29:37tell the American people what they support.
29:39We have seen the absolute failure of Biden and Harris over the last four years and what
29:45Kamala Harris will do over the next four years if she were able to win would be even worse.
29:51Let's think about this for a minute, Jesse.
29:53Even Biden's own advisers who have worked with her for the last four years don't think
29:59she's capable of leading the country.
30:01She's been the laughingstock of this administration.
30:04And now the Democrat Party and their allies in the media want to make it like she's our
30:08country's savior.
30:10It's total BS and it's absurd.
30:12And they know that she doesn't have the ability to run the country.
30:16However, that's a different story of what they're trying to sell to the American people
30:20this week.
30:21Thankfully, I think our people are way too smart and they're going.
