Jesse Watters Primetime 8/22/24 Full End Show | Fox Breaking News August 22 2024

  • last month
00:00Fox News alert it is finally here the last night of the DNC and I'm not saying
00:06that sarcastically I've enjoyed Chicago not as much as Harold Ford but it's been
00:12nice tonight Kamala Harris takes the stage this is the biggest speech of her
00:17life and she is freaking out yesterday Kamala locked herself in a hotel room
00:23and studied all night the last Democrat who over prepared this much ended up
00:28dropping out Kamala's aides told the DNC you better not be running behind
00:33schedule and Kamala warned them not to cut her tribute video like they did with
00:38Biden now we know why our staff always quits Kamala's people say this week has
00:44been a crescendo building to her so we expect an emotional entree with a side
00:51of substance very small side team Harris says they're gonna stay vague quote this
00:58is a rallying cry not a policy speech if this sounds familiar it is the slogans
01:05about hope and change we're going forward not back to focus on decency it's
01:10all plagiarized from the Obamas yes we can turned into yes she can
01:21if you want to know what Kamala's gonna say tonight just watch Obama's DNC acceptance
01:37speech I will restore our moral standing so that America is once again that last
01:44best hope for all who are called to the cause of freedom who long for lives of
01:49peace and who yearn for a better future the greatest risk we can take is to try
01:53the same old politics with the same old players and expect a different result
01:59morality hope freedom peace future she's gonna recycle the same buzzwords but
02:05it's just more empty calories Kamala may snatch the Obama's essence but she
02:10doesn't have the backstory to support it Obama came fresh off eight years of Bush
02:15the Iraq war the financial crisis getting a young black Democrat president
02:20was massive change Kamala is already in the White House the country's lost hope
02:26because of her policies the country wants a change because of her policies
02:32the only change she's offering is what she looks like and that's how they're
02:38hoping to fool you Barack Obama was already a star after his soaring DNC
02:43speech in 2004 he took that momentum and faced off against the Clinton machine in
02:49the primary and then he buried him Obama was battle-tested and he earned it
02:54Kamala didn't earn it and she doesn't have the muscle tone or the a single
02:59scar she's Joe Biden's yes woman all Democrats did was trade a one-eyed horse
03:06for a blind one and you don't hitch a ride with a blind pilot you have to
03:11trust the pilot of the plane in the first place and the problem right now is
03:16that Donald Trump is not a trustworthy pilot and what these guys are winning
03:20they're winning the babysitter contest who do you want whose values do you want
03:25to be in charge of the plane before we get where we're going and and I think
03:29and I think you're getting smoked on that I have to tell you please the
03:32current pilot of the plane is Kamala Harris if the pilot dozes off and the
03:46plane starts nosediving it's the co-pilots job to stop the crash Kamala
03:52didn't stop the crash she pointed the plane straight at the mountain and then
03:56told the passengers the pilots awake he's as sharp as ever she's responsible
04:01for crashing the border in the bank hope isn't gonna distract from that we
04:07need to change administrations and move forward right Oprah let us choose the
04:13sweet promise of tomorrow over the bitter return to yesterday we won't go
04:19back we won't be set back push back bullied back kick back we're not going
04:26back and together let's all choose two-thirds of the country say we're
04:39going in the wrong direction why would we stick with the co-pilot who's been
04:43flying the plane the wrong way it's time to change pilots Oprah Stevie Wonder
04:49Spike Lee the Obamas the Clintons we already did that why go back to 2008
04:54this country has too many problems we don't have time for a reunion tour you
05:00can't just tape Kamala's face on a hope poster and call her the pantsuit Messiah
05:04the California machine spit her into the Senate she failed up in the Democratic
05:09primary into the VP office where donors just anointed her after a coup now her
05:15presidential campaigns being thrown together at the last second and held in
05:19place with rubber bands and superglue she inherited Biden's war chest didn't
05:23earn it and the Obamas seeded her campaign with speechwriters and loyalists
05:28Biden world hates Obama world and Kamala's caught in the crossfire the
05:33conventions already over and she's only been here once Johnny talked to more
05:38Democrats than she did tonight she has to read a speech she didn't write and
05:42deliver it with genuine emotion Kamala hasn't delivered during big moments she
05:49spoke at the 2012 and 2020 DNC nobody remembers what she said but speeches
05:54won't win this election even Gutfeld can read off a prompter the
05:59debates will clinch it Trump turns debates into memes and memories Harris
06:05debated Pence in 2020 the only thing people remember is the fly Kamala won't
06:10have Obama or Oprah on stage with her they won't be on the ballot with her
06:14either she's on her own now it's Trump Vance against Harris walls who do you
06:21trust to fly this plane former director of speechwriting for President Obama and
06:27co-host of pod save America John Favreau as a speechwriter how impressed are you
06:33with my co-pilot analogy it was a little hard to follow how did I get here I don't
06:40know you know you're on Fox right now no I don't know I was just sitting around
06:43in our studio and suddenly I ended up here I think we muscled you up here
06:47against her will but now you're here you have to answer some of our questions go
06:51for it you really think that you can just do this hope and change thing on
06:55Kamala you think people are gonna buy that I think people are pretty excited
06:59about Kamala Harris this is this is like the most excited convention I've seen
07:02I've been to a convention since 2004 what the RNC in Milwaukee that was
07:07pretty I was at the RNC in Milwaukee a little cocky little cocky there well
07:12that's who we were running again yeah you guys had her had it wrapped up yeah
07:17we thought we were like Biden you were figuring out like you know how big the
07:20electoral landslide was gonna be yeah it's getting a little nervous and no
07:23one's nervous everybody knows I don't think you know anything about Trump do
07:28you really think that you can just take Kamala and just make her the hope and
07:33change candidate you could just do this with any candidate she was very unpopular
07:37like a month ago I think if you look at the polls now she's pretty popular and I
07:42think that she is it's a pretty close race I think she's maybe a head by a
07:46point or two but I think this is always gonna be a close race and you know she's
07:50gonna have an opportunity tonight to talk to the country to lay out her
07:53vision to talk about why we don't want to go back to Trump and we don't want to
07:57go back to like the ten years of Donald Trump in our lives just like whining and
08:00complaining about everything all the time he's complaining it because you
08:04guys are throwing him in prison I'd complain so no one wants to go to
08:07prison so let me ask you a serious question mm-hmm is she gonna do the Fox
08:13debate Kamala Harris she's gonna do the debate they agreed to on ABC but why is
08:17she afraid of coming on Fox your guy Obama he went on Fox a lot well they're
08:22gonna do the they're gonna do the ABC debate they're gonna do the I think the
08:25NBC debate that confirmed they said that in a debate they said that in a
08:29statement that they were gonna do the NBC debate yeah we have these debates
08:32locked in mm-hmm what is she running on what is she running on she's running on
08:36a plan to bring down costs a plan to make sure that we have the fundamental
08:41right to choose in this country protected for everyone how is she gonna
08:44bring down costs and why isn't she doing it now she's gonna she's gonna build
08:47three million homes incentives to build new homes and about the first time home
08:51buy that's the number one issue $25,000 credit for first-time homebuyers is
08:54pretty good she's gonna do a child tax credit so that up to $6,000 for family
08:59so she's spending a lot of money that's what got us into this place who wants a
09:02trial tax credit JD van right your friend JD but he likes it too it's a
09:05good idea yeah but he's not into the $25,000 check to go buy a house it's an
09:09incentive that's not how you bought your house it's an it's an incentive it's an
09:13incentive that's what a lot of first-time homebuyers are working their
09:15asses off all right and they can't buy a head and they can't get to buy a house
09:18in the Biden-Harris administration but seriously how is she gonna do this your
09:22guy ran on I'm gonna get out of Iraq I want health care reform those were
09:28concrete issues yeah what is she saying third of women in this country right now
09:32are living under a Trump abortion ban and I think if Kamala Harris wins and we
09:36get a Democratic Senate and Democratic House she's gonna sign into law a
09:40guarantee that every single woman in America will have a guaranteed right to
09:43choose I think that's a pretty big deal okay so it's gonna be an abortion I get
09:46that that's gonna be big I definitely understand that I also think that for
09:51economically like you know Trump gets elected he's gonna do another tax cut
09:54that goes mostly to rich people to billionaires like Donald Trump okay and
09:58like she doesn't want to do that they don't I know you guys you don't need
10:00another tax cut I don't need another tax cut I don't we need a tax cut I
10:03definitely did it come on how different is Kamala from Biden a difference Kamala
10:14from Biden I mean because you're laughing because she's a woman and she's
10:20an african-american woman and she's younger besides all that from a
10:24different place oh look she has she's put out plans last week she talked about
10:28plans to go after corporate price gouging she didn't Biden do that Biden
10:33no she's not not with not the plan that she proposed that she's gonna have the
10:36FTC go after corporate price gouging she's also gonna have this homebuyers
10:39tax credit she's also gonna build these new homes she's also going to extend the
10:42child tax credit she can do a lot of stuff so she's the to the left of Joe
10:46Biden no there's a lot of stuff that Joe Biden wanted to do but he couldn't do
10:49because the Republican Congress was blocking it like you know he was gonna
10:52he would have passed the child tax credit there was a vote why didn't he do
10:56that when he had the house in the Senate he was there was a vote just a
10:59couple weeks ago to extend the child tax credit something that JD Vance and most
11:02Republicans want to do they didn't want to do it because they thought it would
11:04help Joe Biden and now they think it's gonna help Kamala Harris were you happy
11:07with Kamala not competing for this did you want a more competitive primary well
11:13no one else challenged her you know it was an open process and then within 48
11:17hours all the potential challengers said it was a 48 hour process yeah they all
11:21decided not to run okay so you're happy with Kamala Harris oh very happy so
11:25because Obama said he likes Kamala because she was the best-looking
11:28Attorney General is that why he likes her ten years ago he did say or 20 years
11:34ago now yeah he said that she was good-looking yeah he did say that but um
11:37but he's pretty proud of her and he was you know what he said in his speech
11:40Monday night when the homeowner crisis happened and there was a homeowner
11:44settlement she out of all the ages in the country she pushed the Obama
11:49administration harder than anyone else even though he's a Democrat even though
11:52she was knocking on doors for him in Iowa to make sure that homeowners who
11:55were defrauded by big banks got their money from that settlement because she's
11:58really tough and we like we like to push Obama and in many different ways you do
12:02do you think Kamala is a moderate or is she a progressive mainstream Democrat
12:07because before you said a couple years ago that it was laughable that people
12:11were calling her moderate I said that yeah you said it right here I have it
12:15right here flashback former Obama speechwriter hilarious some media
12:20outlets calling Harris a moderate she's she's I mean she's progressive right
12:24she's like a Democrat she's not like center of the spectrum so like I said
12:26she's mainstream Democrat so mainstream Democrats those are progressive
12:30Democrats yeah I'm far left what do you think is far left I think given taxes
12:34far enough to get tax cuts to the middle class is far left do you think I love
12:38tax cuts secure borders and a pathway to see this is not a secure board do you
12:42think that given every woman a right to choose is far left no I I think she's
12:46left when you look at her record on with police on police on drugs what's
12:52her record on police you think she's for bail reform you think funding the
12:55police she bailed out rioters one of them got out and raped and murdered
12:58somebody I think that's far left we agree to disagree
13:02Jon Favreau my mother loves you thanks for coming on tell your mom I said hi
13:05to save America I will save America Jon Favreau I think that's French it is
13:12executive vice president of the Trump Organization Eric Trump joins me now
13:16all right Eric so now you're running against Kamala Harris they're gonna hide
13:20her for the rest of the campaign what is the plan well just it's been 27 days she
13:27won't get out there she won't do an interview and frankly if I were her I
13:30probably wouldn't do an interview either right I mean she's been a disaster in
13:33terms of the economy she's been a disaster on the borders are she was
13:36supposed to take on AI and she was incapable of doing that you know as
13:39borders are she's let in 13 million people into this country and now she's
13:43promising that every single one of them is gonna have free health care we're
13:4730th in the world in terms of educating our children our schools are failing yet
13:51every illegal immigrant that comes across an invisible line is gonna get
13:55free health care Jesse it doesn't make any sense then she comes down promises
13:59on day one I'm gonna tackle high prices yet she's going out and saying that she
14:03wants to add an extra 30% to taxes for every individual and every business in
14:08this country let me ask you a question I mean I'm business guy but how do you
14:11reduce costs if you're going to add 30% in terms of taxes to all those
14:15businesses not to mention the war on natural gas the war on gasoline
14:20utilities are double the cost foods double the cost has ever been you can't
14:25have a mortgage in this country anymore because there's 7% and 8% were under my
14:29father there were two and a half percent right I mean inflation is eating
14:33everybody alive you have stagnation of wages people are suffering in this
14:38country but yet on day one even though she works about seven feet away from Joe
14:42Biden you know her office is about ten feet away from the Oval Office you know
14:46on her day one she's gonna take on prices give me a break no one believes
14:50it Jesse no one believes it do you believe that the Obamas are gonna be
14:54able to pull this off you know they're gonna just sprinkle her with the hope
14:57and change all the speechwriters are writing her speeches she's gonna be
15:01coddled she's gonna be on Time magazine every single issue that's a heavy lift
15:06Obama had talent he didn't need that much help he was coming off two terms of
15:11Bush and he got swept in there through the financial crisis Kamala Harris is
15:16not a talented politician they are trying everything possible here how
15:21close is this gonna be listen Jesse it's the greatest rebranding of somebody I've
15:27ever seen I mean the media was laughing at her a month ago they were Larry
15:30telling her they I mean in all the biggest publication Kamala it's your
15:33duty to step aside you know let the next generations you know come in let
15:37the next generation of politicians it's amazing Joe Biden gets forced out and 24
15:42hours later she has 4,000 delegates lined up tell me that whole thing wasn't
15:47pre-planned and she wasn't working that behind the scenes but but but Jesse I
15:51mean it's actually really disgusting to say them see the mainstream media I mean
15:54people in this country there's not a single person watching the show right
15:57now that's not hurting as I said before wages haven't gone up in this country
16:01and people are getting crushed under the prices of absolutely everything you
16:04go to the grocery store you can feel it right I mean people are seeing people
16:08die in this country 300,000 kids to fentanyl because these people I mean
16:12they'll put up three walls around the DNC in Chicago but they won't do a damn
16:16thing about our southern border which is letting drugs across and rapid numbers
16:22I've been here for four days I don't even believe I've heard the word fentanyl
16:26the entire time of course not you know and you probably don't and you've never
16:30heard the fact that she chairs the National Space Commission and yet Boeing
16:34can't get one of the rockets out of inner you know I mean it's Larry docked
16:36at the International Space Station with two astronauts stuck up there and you're
16:40gonna have to have a Elon Musk go rescue them I mean what has this
16:43administration done you have wars breaking out all over the world Russian
16:47Ukraine we're paying hundreds of billions of dollars so young kids can
16:50shoot each other in point-blank ranges and in trenches and in on the Russia
16:55Ukraine border the Middle East has become a hornet's nest we're not focused
16:59on our economy we've spent more time wondering whether or not guys my height
17:02should be able to swim in women's sports I mean Jesse people are laughing at us
17:08around the world the greatest country I'm laughing at the greatest country in
17:15the world we've got on we've got unlimited potential and we're being run
17:19by a bunch of clowns and I'm telling you the country's gonna reward Donald Trump
17:23he was the best president this country's ever had and he's gonna win on November
17:275th because people feel it in their soul people know that this country is
17:29going in the wrong well I mean if this country has common sense that'll be the
17:32outcome Eric Trump thank you so much good to see you good to be on my friend
17:37thanks now Johnny gets friendly with Democrats at the DNC that's right back
17:44Fox News alert the final night of the DNC has begun let's go down to senior
17:49White House correspondent Peter Doocy on the floor Peter and Jesse of course the
17:54headliner tonight will be Vice President Harris but there is so much
17:59talk about who else the Hollywood Democratic types might be having come to
18:04help excuse me I don't mean to interrupt you guys know which celebrities are
18:08coming tonight yeah but they're gonna have the the chicks and pink pink it's
18:21Beyonce coming this is about issues this is about issues this is about
18:29America are you gonna go backstage and tell them to tell the celebrities not to
18:35come out or should I ask you you should tell them there I'll go back so you guys
18:39don't want Beyonce to come out no no no okay apologies okay all right all right
18:45okay we'll keep it going we'll keep it going so there is some debate about the
18:52effectiveness of celebrities down here with the Ohio delegation Jesse you got
18:58scolded that was fun to watch I guess what we're here for a lot of people
19:03enjoyed seeing that Peter Doocy not the first time not the last
19:08this race is either a Trump landslide or a toss-up nobody knows but if Kamala is
19:13going to be competitive she needs a lot more white dudes the New York Times says
19:18white dudes it's her most telling area of weakness white guys over the age of
19:2365 have shifted six points towards Trump that's why Kamala is bringing in Colts
19:28waltz to give white guys a little pep talk so let me let me finish with this
19:37it's the fourth quarter we're down a field goal but we're on offense and
19:46we've got the ball we're driving down the field and boy do we have the right
19:53team they think football metaphors are going to win white dudes they don't know
19:58anything they think Tiananmen Tim and Dougie Fresh represent real manliness
20:03unburdened by testosterone and walls being one of them Doug Emhoff last
20:10night who can speak to men out there who might not be the sort of testosterone
20:19laden you know gun-toting kind of guy who wants to listen to Hulk Hogan in
20:26addition understand that it's okay in 2024 to be a man comfortable in his own
20:33skin who supports a woman what's really been fascinating is to watch the men of
20:38the Democratic Party model a kind of masculinity that is simply 21st century
20:43masculinity hmm Democrats are pandering to low testosterone men with football
20:49camo hats and country music I don't think that's gonna work co-hosts of the
20:55five Harold Ford jr. an anchor of the story Martha McCallum who knows a thing
21:00or two about men about testosterone what are we hearing you know I what I'm
21:10seeing and it's also older voters that are staying with Trump and that are
21:14difficult for Kamala to peel off and what I see is is voters who care about
21:19things you know when you're a little bit older you care about things like the
21:23border about nuclear war about national security about real stuff so they might
21:28be short on that there's been a lot of emotion here a lot of feelings that
21:32matter a lot of discussion that you might expect to hear at like circle time
21:36in in school as a grade in grade school but I think that you know with these
21:41older voters they're not gonna be peeled off by that kind of stuff because they're
21:44very concerned with what's happening in the country and they're gonna be the
21:47tougher the tougher mountain to move here but some of these mountains have
21:50moved women tick-tock younger voters people who spend time on all of those
21:55have have gone there's been a big swing like a seven-point swing in the swing
21:59states since this happened from May to August since Kamala Harris entered the
22:02scene so these changes are real in what's going on but that group is is not
22:07moving for now Harold how embarrassed are you as a Democrat that you guys are
22:11now pandering to low testosterone men look this this convention has been has
22:17been good for Democrats Republicans you guys I believe in I said it on air you
22:22had as good a convention as I've ever been to I've been to 14 conventions over
22:25my life Democrat and Republican I was out today at lunch and I got to tell you
22:29this has been a great week for me reconnecting and renewing old
22:32friendships as we all get to do every four years I met the chair of the Lehigh
22:36Democrats in Pennsylvania and she said we didn't think six weeks ago this is
22:39what we would be doing but the switch happened and we're ready to campaign
22:42we're looking for the issues we're looking for the specificity and open the
22:46vice president gives us a little bit of that tonight she's gonna focus on her
22:49bio though her disposition will be important Jesse because of some of the
22:52invective being hurled at her trying to make paint her as being outside of the
22:55mainstream being not for everyday Americans so tonight like I said at the
22:59Republican Convention the pre-act was great but everybody wanted to see the
23:02stones and that was Donald Trump tonight everybody wants to hear from Kamala
23:06Harris and you notice how Harold ignored the question about testosterone he just
23:13talked about that the question that was the question Harold how embarrassed are
23:20you your party's a bunch of low-key guys I want to play some of Gavin Newsom he
23:24was just on with Brett bear listen to this he got pressed on how vague Kamala
23:28is listen if you were running for president wouldn't you say what you were
23:32for specifically and if it differed dramatically from where you were just a
23:36few years ago you would explain to people why you change and she's been our
23:40nominee for how many minutes 30 days okay but I mean how about getting
23:46through the convention having the former roll call event with the 482 votes that
23:51we put her over the top from the state of California how about a little grace
23:54under the circumstances this remarkable moment in US history Kamala just needs a
24:00little grace just give her some grace some grace you know you do get grace
24:05like if you're late for your reservation for dinner they give you about 10
24:08minutes 30 days 30 day great it is high time for her to sit down and do a real
24:13interview I don't know why she would be you know afraid she's been vice
24:16president for three and a half years a senator Attorney General of California
24:20she's got a ton of experience she knows her mind she knows where she stands on
24:23things she's got to deal with a lot of difficult video if she is tacking to the
24:28middle and she's gonna have to explain how she got from A to B and that's where
24:31I think you get those older voters and maybe some white male voters who are not
24:35so easily persuaded by feeling and emotion joy those sticky older white
24:43male voters too many I'll answer this question I think you're right yeah
24:51specificity is going to have to come I thought Brett and he that interview was
24:55a good one they both it went back and forth it was like a Gavin returned to
24:59serve and then Brett returned it back so it was a good interview and I think
25:02people should want those kind of tough ones to she serves at the pleasure of
25:06the president as of the last three and a half almost four years this is the
25:10coming-out party right here this is the beginning of a long test over the next
25:1470 or so 74 75 days how she performs tonight I think is critical and then
25:19after tomorrow she's got to begin to talk about specifics and substance and
25:24the American people are going to judge her and determine is she overly
25:28ambitious for some of the changes she's made or is it authentic that
25:32circumstances in fact change it made her change as well well we don't want
25:36to call a woman ambitious that's I was told never to do that ambition make
25:39political and political ambition sure why isn't he speaking right now why is
25:45Gavin Newsom talking to Brett bear I mean remember I'm with his coat slung
25:51over his shoulder walking in and out of the White House and he was very you know
25:55he picked his lane he's like I'm sticking with Joe Biden no matter what
25:59they know each other well they're both in California I I mean maybe he's being
26:03punished you can't be overly ambitious if you're a man either all right thank you
26:09guys so much see you later last night Democrats found the one border sheriff
26:16in America who likes Kamala Harris and put him on stage Donald Trump comes down
26:20to Texas stands next to officers in uniforms just like mine he's not there
26:26to help us don't think that not for a second now Kamala on the other hand has
26:30been fighting border crime for years she's gone down to Mexico and worked to
26:37stop the traffickers and when the traffickers didn't stop she put him in
26:41jail nobody's buying that just because he's got a hat on the same sheriff ripped
26:47the Biden administration for botching the border just two years ago listen
26:51right now what I'm asking for is for the president or a member of his
26:55administration that can make decisions to come down and talk to not just me but
26:59at least 12 other Texas sheriffs from major counties in the state of Texas
27:03that are dealing with this issue firsthand so I'd like to see somebody
27:08from Washington come down here get boots on the ground get eyes on the on the
27:12issue at hand and then talk to us Kamala never did it she never went there
27:17didn't talk to him didn't do her job and probably promised that sheriff if she's
27:22elected presidential probably make him head of Border Patrol if he just says a
27:27few nice things about her here at the DNC the Border Patrol endorsed Donald
27:32Trump he was there today in Cochise County Arizona with your vote we will
27:37seal the border stop the invasion and launch the largest deportation effort in
27:41American history we will impose tough new sentences on illegal alien criminals
27:47these include 10-year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human
27:52smuggling a guaranteed life sentence for anyone guilty of child trafficking and a
27:59death penalty for anyone guilty of child or woman sex trafficking will also
28:05impose the death penalty on major drug dealers and traffickers Kamala Harris
28:11who's supposed to be more compassionate than Trump poured millions of foreign
28:15nationals into black neighborhoods and then when they raise their voices she
28:18just ignored them illegal immigration is crushing the whole country I'm going
28:26to put this at the feet of the Democratic Party the Biden
28:31administration because we've never seen a surge in immigration like we have seen
28:37under this administration we don't want them here the crime rate has gone up
28:42since they have been here that's a fact nobody wants to talk about it but we
28:45live it every day they could shut the sanctuary cities down and start
28:49deporting all illegals who have not come to this country and been there put no
28:56money on the books no taxes bled no wars you've contributed nothing
29:01intellectually here and you get to come here you get all these resources that
29:05the average American can't what about our homeless children building a wall is
29:10an excellent idea look at the DNC Convention you build all kinds of walls
29:15and security they have all kinds of police they wanted to defund the police
29:19they didn't want police protection but listen when it comes to them it's always
29:23hypocrisy the black vote is dwindling because the Democratic Party has not
29:29delivered for the black community in the way that the black community has
29:35delivered for the Democratic Party Texas senator Ted Cruz joins us now
29:40senator the border basically starts everything it relates to fentanyl it
29:44relates to crime it relates to housing inflation if Republicans can just
29:49package that into a way that everybody understands this should be a no-brainer
29:54look that is exactly right and and it's it is in particular applicable because
30:00Kamala Harris was the borders are for the last four years she was responsible
30:04for the disaster for the invasion but I'll tell you what Jesse I want to break
30:08a little bit of news I heard your earlier reporting on the show about the
30:11secret guest I'll tell you there was a leak from the Biden White House so I
30:15know who the secret guest is going to be tonight it's a big secret but it's going
30:20to be El Chapo yes I know he's in jail but they were trying to say who has
30:26benefited the most from borders are Kamala Harris and there's nobody that's
30:30benefited more than Mexican drug lords who've made billions and yes he's in
30:34jail but I'm also told that Kamala Harris personally paid to bail him out
30:39of jail so he could come and talk about how good life has gotten for the Mexican
30:43drug cartel yeah El Chapo is going to come on right before Beyonce we're just
30:46we're hearing that right now senator I want to play you some sound at all
30:50seriousness just the family devastation that's taking place Donald Trump was
30:56there with Rachel Morin's parents there was the woman that was jogging in
31:00Maryland who was brutally assaulted and murdered listen to this we're gonna end
31:06up being a third world country if it continues this way and I hope I truly I
31:12hope that you will just take my words to heart because it's devastating to lose a
31:19child but even more devastating when you see the pictures or you see the body and
31:25you really understand what's happened to that person you know they're in
31:31Milwaukee there senator there in Milwaukee we there was a lot of personal
31:41stories a lot of American people that the president put on a pedestal and
31:46listen to you see him doing that right there again you're not hearing that here
31:49in Chicago why is that I thought this was the party of the people at look this
31:55is unfortunately the party of special interest this is the party there's a
31:58reason you just had Randy Weingarten the head of the teachers unions there who
32:02was in charge of the school lockdowns that hurt kids across this country
32:06because this is all about power and in contrast look what happened to Rachel
32:10Morin was a travesty a beautiful mother of five raped and murdered by an illegal
32:15immigrant that Joe Biden Kamala Harris released President Trump today also
32:20appeared with with Alexis Nungari the mom of Jocelyn Nungari a beautiful 12
32:26year old girl in Houston Texas my hometown who was raped and murdered by
32:31two illegal aliens that Kamala Harris released and and it is these are real
32:36people as I talked about in Milwaukee every damn day another American is
32:42murdered another woman is raped another child is brutalized by illegal immigrants
32:47that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has released and I got to tell you my
32:51opponent the Texas Senate race Colin Allred is standing on that stage tonight
32:55proudly standing next to cut borders are Kamala Harris and and and and they have
33:01nothing to say for the victims for the families that have been devastated by
33:06the criminals they're releasing every day yeah well as you said we actually
33:10just got the embargoed speech from El Chapo and it is just a full-throated
33:15endorsement of Kamala Harris it's it's gonna be it's must see TV senator thank
33:19you as always keep it up down there thanks Jesse we are hearing there's a
33:25surprise perhaps El Chapo perhaps Beyonce and Johnny goes toe-to-toe with
33:30Democrats next
33:45what's up
33:56I'm we are within the net
34:12what's up
34:21what's the sound
34:30we don't so soon
34:39we don't so we hi
34:44how we have a little so I
34:55what are the do
35:07what does the dam
35:17what I do may I get some more
35:30what's on the bar
35:35you'll be able to get it
35:51it will be a bomb
36:11it'll be long
36:48so don't wanna say
37:07it's a customer
