How to get rid of body-identification as a woman? || Acharya Prashant (2019)

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Video Information: Vishranti Shivir, 05.05.2019, Mumbai, India


What is body identification?
How to get rid of body-identification?
How do we get body-identified?
What is the root cause of all evil in the world?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00A woman being seen just as a body, it hurts a lot.
00:14And from my own experience.
00:20How can this stop?
00:21Like, when will it stop?
00:24Like, how can you see a person just as a body?
00:38What is the root cause?
00:39Where does it start?
00:41You answer it.
00:43You know already.
00:46You attended enough sessions and you have lived through enough life to know the answer.
01:00The start point though.
01:04The beginning point is the birth of the being, driven by nature, driven by Prakriti.
01:12So it might begin with the birth of the body, but then it is exacerbated by social conditioning.
01:28And when there is nothing beyond the body in your life, you have no option but to consider
01:35yourself as a body.
01:43The ego needs something to identify with, right?
01:51And if that great, that tremendous is not available, then what else is there to be identified
01:59The body.
02:00And there is an incentive in getting identified with the body.
02:04The body offers a lot of pleasures.
02:17What is the solution?
02:19You know the solution, right?
02:23Just as a lot of conditioning brings a man or a woman to be more and more body-identified,
02:37similarly rigorous spiritual education is needed.
02:43And one has to remember that body identification is not merely a spiritual matter.
02:49It is not merely an otherworldly concern.
02:52Body identification is the root cause of all evils in the world.
02:59You name any problem and you will be able to trace it back to body identification.
03:08Unless there is rigorous spiritual education, you cannot get rid of body identification.
03:15One needs an identity, right?
03:19If there is no other identity, the body is the obvious identity.
03:24You cannot live identity-less.
03:29The ego needs an address, a name.
03:34The ego has to be something or somebody.
03:41The easy choice is the body.
03:55And when your body identified, then you have no option but to destroy the world.
04:02Because if your body identified, then the only reality to you is the world.
04:07What is it that the body can perceive?
04:10The world, nothing else.
04:13And identified with the body, you are greatly hungry.
04:19You haven't identified with the body for nothing.
04:22You have identified with the body for a purpose.
04:24What is that purpose?
04:27I want satisfaction through the body.
04:30Now what will the body do?
04:33The body will consume the world in order to get satisfaction.
04:40But even if you consume away the entire world, that satisfaction doesn't come.
04:46So we see what is happening now.
04:49In order to get satisfaction, man has burnt down the entire world and is still not satisfied.
04:58And will never be satisfied.
05:00Even if the entire universe is burnt down to ashes, man will still not gain contentment
05:06Because man is choosing a false route.
05:12You can never get contentment through the body.
05:17It is not a spiritual axiom or something.
05:21It is a matter of practical observation.
05:43Lack of spirituality is destroying human beings and the world.
06:06Human beings are being destroyed from the inside.
06:11The world is being destroyed from the outside.
06:23There is fire in man's mind and there is fire in the forests.
06:36One is visible, one is not.
06:39But both are the same thing.
07:03That is starting even before birth.
07:10So we said, you are already body identified when you are born.
07:17That is why rigorous spiritual discipline is needed to get rid of this.
07:21Forget about getting totally rid of this, even to keep this in check.
07:29Even to limit it to seen levels, you require rigorous spiritual education.
07:41Otherwise there is just inner and outer destruction.
08:10I was thinking about the bondages.
08:37So one thing that I observed is that I am afraid of losing money, as in I am very confident
08:50as long as I have money.
08:52So it gives me a sense of freedom that I don't have to depend on anyone, there is nothing
08:58that I should be afraid of.
09:00So as long as I have my stable income, I don't care about anything else.
09:10So if I have to leave everything and join the foundation or even any other noble cause,
09:20I know that I will not earn as much money.
09:23So there is that bit of hesitancy.
09:27You have to clearly know how much is enough.
09:44Don't leave it vague.
09:49The more clearly you define what is and how much is enough for you, the easier would it
09:59be for you to act.
10:05It is great that you do not want to be dependent on someone.
10:08It is great that you earn for yourself, but you must know how much is enough.
10:20I would strongly advise you to never, never move around with a begging bowl.
10:28It's great that you must have something in hand and not bad if you have something in
10:34the bank as well, fine.
10:37But how much?
10:47And as much as is needed, must be arranged.
11:03So my initial thinking was that I will work for a couple of years, arrange for certain
11:09things and then I can do whatever I want.
11:11But then there is this confusion where that by the time I arrange things, am I too late
11:18in starting off the issue?
11:21Arrange with respect to what?
11:25First of all, you have to clearly figure out who you are and how much is enough for you.
11:32Otherwise the question of arrangement of a particular level of funds would remain very
11:39open-ended and unanswered.
11:46If I do not know who I am, how would I ever know how much money do I need?
12:00I feel a very strong pull towards something in this direction.
12:08At the same time, it's very overwhelming.
12:10I get panic attacks sometimes before the camp begins or before I have to do any task.
12:16I purposefully find an excuse to, you know, maybe not do something like I attended this
12:26camp late.
12:28I came for all the three days, but I attended it late because I just feel overwhelmed.
12:32At the same time, there's something extremely captivating, which I can't…
12:38These two are the same thing.
12:40It is because there is something very, very enthralling, something very compelling.
12:50That is why you also feel the awe and therefore the resistance.
13:02Nobody likes things to go out of control.
13:09Nobody wants to be attracted without measure.
13:15One wants everything to be capped, controlled, limited.
13:24So when something is hugely overpowering, then one is compelled to resist it.
13:34So these two are two aspects of the same thing.
13:37The attraction and therefore the panic and the resultant resistance.
13:45All that is only as long as you keep a safe distance.
13:54What if you had taken over upon yourself, the responsibility of arranging something
14:01in the morning or afternoon of the first day itself, would you have then afforded to come
14:06late in the evening?
14:08That's what.
14:09So all these mental games are only as long as you maintain an arm's length.
14:17I feel I am doing that, I am maintaining an arm's length.
14:26Sooner than later, you see, without your conscious choice, without the thing coming
14:36in your notice, you will find that you are unable to maintain that separation, that distance.
14:44Better sooner than later.
14:48It's anyway going to happen, not because you will necessarily choose that it happens, but
14:54because it is bound to happen that way.
14:58You cannot remain in a magnetic field and yet afford to be stagnant for long, especially
15:11when the field is becoming stronger and stronger.
15:15So at some point you will have to get sucked in.
15:20If you know that that is destined, then better sooner than later and these are stories.
15:31If you stay away from something, what else can you have?
15:34Not facts but stories.
15:38The moment you join the action, all these things just vaporize because there is no space
15:44left for them.
15:46You see, there is so much to do here, after this or rather when you are into this, how
15:55will you manage to think about this and that?
15:58Did this Vishanti actually go perfectly well?
16:01It didn't.
16:02So, there was a lot to do, a lot to do and if we get into that, then the various miscellaneous
16:14thoughts and these things not only go away, but also one comes in touch with a reality
16:20that is beyond our conception, our imagination.
16:27What I am saying and what I am up to and what do I want for myself and for you, that you
16:34will know in a much better way when you are an activist rather than merely a passive participant.
16:50But how do I come, overcome that fear that I won't be able to handle it or I won't be able to…
16:56Let's try, let's see.
16:59How do I know that I'll be able to handle your question?
17:04Look at me, poor me.
17:07You keep throwing all kinds of things at me and I don't even have the option to say, no,
17:14no, no, no ball, no ball, only two bouncers allowed per hour.
17:21You can throw six bouncers, you can throw a beamer, you can bowl underhand.
17:28You can even come right up to my nose and then throw the ball at me.
17:36I have to play, I have to engage you.
17:41I cannot declare your query, your delivery illegitimate and walk away.
17:50So let's just try, let's see, let's see whether we have the appetite for it.
17:58And I have great trust, when I invite somebody to try something out, within I am smiling
18:07because I know the result of the trial and advance.
18:12I know I don't have to sell something to you.
18:17I know I don't have to advertise or try too hard with you.
18:23I know I just have to get you agree to try.
18:30I don't need your consent.
18:34I only need your experimentation.
18:41Once you experiment with it, consent is obviously forthcoming.
18:47So let's try and try with all the skepticism that you can muster.
18:54I'm not asking you to try as a believer, try as a skeptic, try as a critic.
19:07You may even try with the intention to disprove me, okay with that.
19:19I have just too much of a deep belief in something to be dissuaded by your lack of belief.
19:36So let's try, let's see.
19:53You don't have to straight away take a decision and jump, proceed as carefully as you want
20:01to, one step at a time.
