Breeding Progress of Ringneck Java Hagoromo Budgies

  • last month
Breeding Progress of Ringneck Java Hagoromo Budgies


00:00Asalam-o-Alaikum guys, my name is Arsalan and you are watching NexusRed YouTube channel.
00:13Last time I showed you the progress of Java and RingNex.
00:16There was not much progress.
00:18I told you last time that I will show you their progress after a month.
00:22And some eggs must have come from some trees.
00:25It's been almost a month now.
00:28Let's see if the eggs have come or not.
00:31I will also show you the progress of Lady Golden.
00:34I will also show you the progress of Java.
00:37I will also show you the progress of RingNex.
00:41Let's start the video.
00:46Here is my cage.
00:48Here is a Hogo tree.
00:50I will also show you the progress of the female egg.
00:59Look at this.
01:01The female has laid about 6 eggs.
01:05The egg of the first breed has already hatched.
01:10I have not separated it yet.
01:12Let's come down.
01:14I have purchased some females.
01:17I have kept them with Lady Golden.
01:20Because I did not have space.
01:22Let's see the progress of Lady Golden.
01:24There are more females and less males.
01:27There will not be much progress.
01:29Let's see the progress in the boxes.
01:35Their boxes are empty.
01:38I have to pair them.
01:40I have to pair them.
01:43Because I am not getting males and females.
01:46I will pair them one by one in the cage.
01:50I have seen that there is no much progress in the colony.
01:54Let's come to Java.
01:56I have planted white Java trees.
02:00Many people were asking for Java.
02:02I will show you at the end of the video.
02:04I have some Java chicks.
02:06If anyone wants it, you will get it.
02:08There is Albino Java, Phone Java, Giray Java and White Java.
02:12Let's show you the progress of Java.
02:15Let's see the progress of the eggs.
02:22Let's see the progress of the eggs.
02:45All the boxes are empty.
02:48There was an egg in the last box.
02:51I will show you.
02:53There is an egg in the first box.
02:55It is a Java egg.
02:57It is a Java egg.
02:59It is a Java egg.
03:03One tree has bred in Java.
03:06The other tree has not bred in Lady Golden.
03:09Let's come to the Ring Neck.
03:12Many people are asking about the progress of the Ring Neck.
03:17This is the first tree.
03:20The females are in the box.
03:22Let's see the result of the eggs.
03:26No, it has not laid eggs yet.
03:29I have put its brood in the box.
03:32It has cleaned it.
03:34It has also emptied the box.
03:37I have put its brood in the box.
03:40I have put its brood in the box.
03:43This female is going to lay eggs.
03:45It has been sitting in the box for a long time.
03:48Let's come to the Ring Neck.
03:50I have a pair of Ring Neck.
03:58This pair has laid 3 eggs.
04:01It is fertile because it is a breeder pair.
04:05It has laid 3 eggs.
04:11This is the first pair.
04:14The Ring Neck has bred.
04:17This is a breeder pair.
04:26Let's come to the Ring Neck.
04:28There is another pair of Ring Neck.
04:30The male is sitting outside.
04:32The female is inside the box.
04:36The female has come out of the box.
04:44It has laid 4 eggs.
04:47All 4 eggs are fertile.
04:50It will hatch soon.
04:53It has been laying eggs for a long time.
04:56It will hatch soon.
04:59This pair has come out.
05:02This is the female.
05:08The male is sitting outside.
05:16This is the male.
05:18The last time it did not lay eggs.
05:21The female is inside the box.
05:26It has laid 4 eggs.
05:30It has not laid eggs yet.
05:33Let's see how long it will take.
05:36Two pairs have bred.
05:39Two pairs have not hatched yet.
05:42Many people are asking for love birds.
05:45Wait for love birds.
05:48I will make a video on love birds.
05:51All love birds are breeding now.
05:54Two pairs have laid eggs.
05:57Two pairs have not laid eggs yet.
06:04Mosquitoes are a problem for love birds.
06:07Mosquitoes are a problem for love birds.
06:10Mosquitoes are a problem for love birds.
06:13I will show you the Jawa species.
06:16I have come to another setup.
06:19Jawa is available here.
06:22Jawa is available here.
06:26I will show you.
06:30This is Albino Jawa.
06:33This species is from my colony.
06:36This species is from my colony.
06:39I will show you.
06:46These are four-month-old chicks.
06:49I will show you.
06:55Albinos and fawns are in red eyes, if you want to make a colony, you can do it.
07:08I am telling you, there is no confirmation of male and female.
07:11Many people are asking to confirm male and female.
07:13In chicks, there is no confirmation of male and female.
07:16There are 11 pieces of albinos in total.
07:23All of them are in black eyes.
07:28Here are the fawns.
07:34There are 19 to 20 pieces of fawns.
07:41These are some species.
07:42If someone needs, he can contact you.
07:45I will end the video here.
07:48I will make a video on lovebirds.
07:50I will show you the progress of Ring Neck.
07:54I don't have Java.
07:56I don't like their cage setting.
08:00I will change their cages.
08:02Their cage is getting disturbed.
08:06I will end the video here.
08:08I hope you like the video.
08:10If you like the video, don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel.
08:12See you in the next video.
