25 Beautiful Exotic Birds You Can Own as Pets

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25 Beautiful Exotic Birds You Can Own as Pets
00:00When we talk about exotic pet birds, the first thing that comes to mind is probably a parrot with its bright colors, long tail, and large beak.
00:11What if I told you you could also own one of these beauties?
00:15Go ahead, take another look at this peach of a bird.
00:19While parrots come in different colors, there are several other pet birds that you can own as exotic pets.
00:27Each type comes with a unique personality, song, and appearance.
00:33Although these birds may not be as common as cats or dogs, they make for wonderful companions.
00:40Given time, they'll grow on you, and some are intelligent enough to learn commands and sometimes speak words.
00:49In this video, we'll be presenting 25 beautiful exotic birds you can own as pets.
00:56Hello, and welcome to another awesome episode of Nexus Birds English.
01:01If you want to know why this bird was named after Dracula, I suggest you stick around for our number one pick.
01:09Alright, let's get to it.
01:12Number 25, Victoria Crown Pigeon
01:16The Victoria Crown Pigeon is a beautiful, unique, large bird that is surprisingly gentle and easy to tame.
01:25These birds are a member of the pigeon family and happen to be the largest of them all.
01:31They can grow up to 29 inches long, about the size of a turkey, and weigh as much as five pounds.
01:39Their plumage is generally deep blue-gray with a small black mask on their heads, and they have crimson irises on their eyes.
01:49These generally ground-dwelling birds were named in honor of the British queen, Queen Victoria.
01:56Although they are heavy birds and stick to the ground, they have no problem flying to a tree for safety.
02:03Their crazy headgear distinguishes them from other pigeons.
02:08Raising this bird needs a wide space to live and roam freely, as they're not birds that can be caged up.
02:16These rare birds are definitely a conversation starter.
02:21Number 24, Golden Connas
02:24You may or may not have heard of these smaller birds called the Queen of Bavaria, but these large, colorful, striking birds with their bright yellow and green feathers are such a sight to behold.
02:37Originally from northeastern Brazil, these birds have been caught and sold to all parts of the world.
02:45These beautiful and popular pet birds have had so many of them captured, making them reduced in population and extremely hard to get your hands on in the pet market today.
02:58Therefore, they've become uncommon to find in homes or captivity.
03:03If you want to buy one of these, you must be ready to pay top dollar for them.
03:10Golden Connas are social birds and require a lot of interaction with their owners.
03:16They can dance, be very chatty and lively, and even cough.
03:21Number 23, Rainbow Lorikeet
03:25The Rainbow Lorikeet is one of the most colorful species that can be kept as a pet.
03:32These sweet-natured, vibrantly colored, long-lived, medium-sized parrots are busybodies that like to be in the center of all the action.
03:42They are native to northern Queensland to southern Australia, living in the rainforest trees, woodlands, and bushes.
03:51Rainbow Lorikeets are sweet, affectionate birds known for their comical antics and friendly personas.
03:59Generally, they are easily sociable and value interaction with their owners.
04:05They are highly intelligent birds that can learn a few tricks and pick up some lines.
04:11Being such smart birds, they have a reputation for being capable escape artists, so caged door locks are a must.
04:20Overall, these birds make for excellent pet birds but require a great deal of attention.
04:28Number 22, Archangel Pigeon
04:31Of all the pigeon species in the world, the Archangel Pigeon is the most exotic and most adorable.
04:39Archangel Pigeons are an ancient breed, but it's hard to trace their origin.
04:45However, many believe that they must have originated from an area now occupied by Croatia.
04:52They are small to medium-sized birds that, when fully grown, weigh only 400 grams.
04:59These birds were bred as show birds, hence their peculiar look, which is still used in the show business.
05:07Even if you're not looking to enter breeding shows with the Archangel Pigeon, you could still have them as pets,
05:15as they are one tremendous pet if you want an exotic bird with ancient history.
05:21Number 21, Kia
05:24Unlike many other exotic birds native to jungles and warmer regions like the Amazon rainforest,
05:31this parrot lives in the cold and challenging Alpine region of New Zealand.
05:37Its name, Kia, was given due to the kia sound of its cry and call.
05:43Along with being a cold-weather parrot, Kia is quite an intelligent bird,
05:48but when I say quite, I mean it's very intelligent for a bird.
05:53On average, a Kia weighs about 2 pounds and is approximately 19 inches in length.
06:00So if you're lucky enough to own one of these rare and endangered birds,
06:05you have one brainy bird on your hands.
06:09Number 20, Black Palm Cockatoos
06:13Cockatoos are exotic birds that you've probably already seen with several different species,
06:19but the Black Palm Cockatoos are the rarest and biggest of the lot.
06:24All cockatoos possess distinct feathers that stick out from the top of their heads, their crest.
06:31There are a range of different colors for Black Palm Cockatoos.
06:37Their crests are usually very smoky gray in color, just like their feet and legs.
06:43The Black Palm Cockatoo is native to Australia, just like other species.
06:49Although they can be a good pet, don't expect them to be as affectionate as other parrots.
06:55They require a lot of patience and time to be tamed and trained,
07:00even though they are an intelligent breed.
07:03Their vocal ability is very suited for learning words,
07:07and they make human-like sounds, including their signature hello.
07:12And they also happen to be very good drummers.
07:16Number 19, Hyacinth Macaws
07:19Next, we've got another exotic bird, which is also the largest flying parrot.
07:26Hyacinth Macaws, or the Blue Macaw, are gentle giants
07:31and are a delight to look at because of their flashy appearance and social disposition.
07:37These parrots, like every other parrot, rely on their beak a lot.
07:42Owning one of these adorable birds has been regarded as a full-time adventure,
07:48as they require a lot of attention and commitment.
07:52That being said, macaws are social, charming, and chatty birds,
07:57and they won't even need your help with their bath at some point.
08:01Number 18, Golden Blue Macaws
08:04From their name, one would imagine these are offspring of a golden and blue macaw.
08:11Well, they're not, only for a couple of reasons.
08:15One, there are no golden macaws, we only have the golden-colored macaw.
08:22And secondly, golden-blue macaws got their common name from their two most prominent colors.
08:29Typically, these birds have green foreheads fading into a teal blue
08:34covering the back, tail, nape, and wings,
08:38while their chest and the underside of their wings and bellies are a bright golden yellow.
08:44They are intelligent birds that are capable of nailing the British accent.
08:49Their sociability and sweet disposition make them great pets,
08:54and their niftiness, willingness to learn, and talking ability is a plus.
08:59Number 17, Green Ericari
09:03Being the smallest of the toucan family,
09:06the green ericari weighs only about 125 grams,
09:11and their overall length from beak to tail is only two and a half inches.
09:16They are found in northern South American countries like Venezuela,
09:21Colombia, Suriname, and Ghana.
09:24Generally, green ericaris are one of the few species of toucans that is dimorphic.
09:31The males have a black head and neck,
09:34whereas the females have a chestnut-brown head and neck.
09:38They have a serrated beak that helps them in gripping fruits
09:42and preventing them from falling down off their long beak.
09:46The green ericaris are very friendly, lovable birds that qualify as excellent pets.
09:53On top of that, they relate with other pets in the house really well.
09:58Number 16, Peacocks
10:01These are birds you can opt to own as pets
10:05if you're up for the challenge and rigors associated with giving them the care they need.
10:11They need room and lots and lots of care.
10:14Peafowls are beautiful birds that can make a stunning addition to your yard.
10:20Having one as a pet requires more than just admiring their plumage,
10:25and since they're also an endangered species, we wouldn't encourage you to get one.
10:31That being said, the most ideal species of the peacock to have as a pet is the blue peafowl
10:38because they are more adaptable, less wild, and less aggressive than the other two species.
10:44As I've earlier stated, peacocks cannot be house-trained.
10:49They'll fail obedience school on the first day and have no problem wandering off searching for food.
10:57If you then feel you can deal with all these excesses, get one.
11:02Number 15, Sun connas
11:05Sun connas, or sun parakeets, are medium-sized birds from northeast South America.
11:12They measure about 30 centimeters and cannot be visually told apart sexually.
11:18Their males and females don very brightly colored yellow crown, mantle, and nape,
11:24as well as chest and wing feathers, with face and belly being orange and red feathers around the ears.
11:31These birds could be hostile with other birds, but they are best kept in pairs.
11:37These birds are chatterboxes, and their cute shenanigans will leave you smiling from ear to ear.
11:44Sun connas are very noisy birds, some don't really like strangers.
11:50On the bright side, they make for excellent guard birds.
11:55Number 14, Scarlet macaw
11:59The national bird of Honduras, these big birds with red, blue, and yellow plumage
12:05are pleasing to the eyes and make wonderful pets.
12:09They are very intelligent, social, and learn fast.
12:14However, they could get aggressive and make very annoying screeching sounds.
12:19Other than that, they're very cute and get extremely attached to their owners,
12:25which is why they crave their owner's attention and make loud noises.
12:30Words like hi, wow, or even other pet names aren't a problem for these guys.
12:36They can learn simple tricks and imitate sounds and develop a vocabulary of up to 10 words.
12:44Number 13, Australian king parrot
12:47The Australian king parrots are the only parrots with an entire red head.
12:53Their royal appearance is completed by deep forest green wings and purple tail feathers for the male,
13:01while the females have slight color variations.
13:04Furthermore, they are a popular pet in their homeland,
13:09with their popularity spreading to all parts of the world.
13:13Thanks to their calm personality, unique and vibrant look, and great intelligence,
13:19they are a highly sought-after breed.
13:22One thing that stands out with these birds is that they are less noisy than other exotic parrots.
13:29That being said, they're very social, cool, and will join you in singing or chatting,
13:35but they're not much of a talking bird.
13:38Number 12, golden-collared macaw
13:42If you feel the regular-sized parrots would be an issue for you to raise
13:47or prefer things that come in small packages,
13:50then the golden-collared macaw or mini-macaw is the bird for you.
13:55Like their larger counterparts, mini-macaws are native to the South American continent.
14:02They're basically everything you get from the large macaw, only in a smaller body.
14:08These goofy, affectionate, and smart birds are friendly and close-bonding companions with a showy look.
14:17They will even eat your face if they love you enough.
14:21Given just about the right amount of love and care, they'll reach a lengthy lifespan of 50 years.
14:28Number 11, toucans
14:31These brightly-colored, long-billed birds are so pleasing to the eyes.
14:36In the wild, toucans love to eat fruits and some small animals for some protein.
14:43They love to live freely without any restrictions and are very loud.
14:48In fact, they are the world's loudest birds,
14:52so they're not ideal pets for those who live in condominiums and rented apartments.
14:58In addition, they don't do well in busy households with lots of people and other pets.
15:04When provided with a proper feeding schedule and lots of room in a relatively quiet house,
15:11they can be lovely and are rarely destructive.
15:14Number 10, pterychos
15:17When hand-reared from an early age, pterychos can be hand-tamed,
15:22but even this doesn't guarantee that they'll be tolerant of humans naturally.
15:28These Sub-Saharan African native birds are aggressive towards humans,
15:33don't like to be touched, and are messy.
15:36Barring all that, pterychos are just as expressive as parrots,
15:41with each bird having its unique personality.
15:44Add that to their beautiful feathers and unique crest,
15:48and you've got yourself an amazing bird.
15:51Number 9, mandarin ducks
15:54If you're more of a duck person, this is your bird.
15:58Brightly-colored and adorable, mandarin ducks are for sure one to keep.
16:04As with all ducks, the male is the showier and more colorful of both sexes.
16:10Their plumage is a beautiful combination of brown iridescent red, orange, green, and more.
16:18They are generally neater than domestic ducks and relatively less noisy.
16:23Instead of the usual quacks, these guys make little whistling quacks.
16:30They're originally found in eastern China, southeastern Russia, North Korea, South Korea, and Japan.
16:38However, these birds are not easily tamable.
16:42In most cases, people who keep them only have them for ornamental or breeding purposes.
16:49Number 8, Siamese fireback pheasants
16:53The Siamese fireback, or Dyrd's fireback as they are often called,
16:59are Southeast Asian endemic and can be found in the lowland forests of Laos, Cambodia,
17:05eastern Thailand, and north to Vietnam.
17:09Being the national bird of Thailand, they're ranked as one of the 10 most wanted bird species in...
17:18Like the Mandarin ducks, it's the male with the most striking appearance.
17:23Most notably, their unusually long crest of purple-black feathers,
17:27which could be as long as 9 centimeters and becomes erect when the bird is excited.
17:34They have bright red facial wattles, gray with white and black streak wings, and red legs and feet.
17:41They are relatively easier to get, but the real work lies in caring for them.
17:477. Owls
17:49Although many stories portray them as wise and loyal, owls are not suitable for captivity.
17:56They are solitary, antisocial birds that may not thrive in human environments.
18:02They are often illegal to own as pets, and their unique dietary requirements make them uncommon as pets.
18:116. Finches
18:12These social birds are best kept in groups and are fun to watch and listen to, even though they don't talk.
18:20They make pleasant beeping noises and are ideal for those who want a feathered pet without the challenges of owning a parrot.
18:285. Lady Amherst Pheasant
18:31Named after Lady Amherst, these ornamental birds have striking feather colors,
18:37with a long, impressive tail that makes up 80% of their body length.
18:43They have yellow eyes, blue or gray feet, and are popular among ornamental chicken hobbyists.
18:504. Golden Pheasant, the close cousin of the Lady Amherst
18:55These birds are equally beautiful and are often considered the most beautiful birds in the world.
19:02Males sport brilliant gold and red plumage and make excellent pets if you have the space and resources.
19:103. Piscats Parrot
19:12Also known as the Dracula Parrot, these rare and exotic birds are endemic to New Guinea.
19:19They are distinct for their black color, featherless faces, and bright red feathers on their wings and belly, which give them a vampire-like appearance.
19:30Dracula Parrots are truly exotic and unique pets.
19:342. Rose-breasted Cockatoo
19:37The Rose-breasted Cockatoo, also known as the Gala, is a charming parrot with distinctive pink plumage on its chest, face, and crest, contrasting beautifully with a pale gray body.
19:50These birds are native to Australia and are known for their friendly and affectionate nature.
19:57Galas are highly intelligent and enjoy social interactions with their human companions, making them excellent pets for those seeking a loving avian friend.
20:08They may not talk as much as some other parrot species, but their playful antics and endearing personalities more than make up for it.
20:18If you're looking for a delightful and beautiful pet parrot, the Rose-breasted Cockatoo is a fantastic choice.
20:271. American Crow
20:29While American Crows are highly intelligent and resourceful birds, they are not typically considered pet parrots.
20:38Crows are wild birds and are protected by laws in many places, making them illegal to keep as pets without the necessary permits.
20:49Additionally, crows have specific dietary and habitat requirements that can be challenging to meet in a domestic setting.
20:57So, while crows are fascinating and intelligent birds, they are not typically ranked as number one among pet parrot species.
21:07And that's a wrap for our list of the top 25 beautiful exotic pet birds you can own as pets.
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21:25If you want more amazing content about birds, exotic pets, and the fascinating world of avian companions, don't forget to subscribe to our channel, Nexus Birds English.
21:39Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in the next video.