Birds Market Lalukhet Sunday Video Latest Update 25-8-24 in Urdu/Hindi

  • 2 days ago
Birds Market Lalukhet Sunday Video Latest Update 25-8-24 in Urdu/Hindi
00:00Hello viewers, how are you all? I hope you're all doing well.
00:03My name is Shahil Ahmed and you're watching Shahil Ahmed TV.
00:05So we're here at Laluket Market.
00:07There's a lot of rush today.
00:09It's been a busy day since last Ramadan.
00:13So there's a lot of rush today.
00:16It's evening now, so there's less rush.
00:20But it was a very good market.
00:23We'll show you the whole video.
00:26And as you know, we have a DNA test.
00:30If you want to get a DNA test done on a bird,
00:33you'll get a DNA test.
00:36And if it's a quantity test, you'll get a discount.
00:39So let's start the video and I'll give you an overview of the market.
00:46How are you, Khurram?
00:48Tell me, what have you brought today?
00:50I've brought Red Pied and Diamond Pied.
00:54Red Pied is Rs. 10,000.
00:56And Diamond Pied is Rs. 3,500.
01:00Are the Pieds big?
01:01Yes, they're big.
01:02They're ready?
01:07Red Pied Pied is Rs. 5,000.
01:10And Diamond Pied is Rs. 2,500.
01:13Diamond Pied is Rs. 2,500.
01:15And Red Pied is Rs. 10,000.
01:17Red Pied Pied is Rs. 5,000.
01:20How old are the Pieds?
01:22The Pieds are 4 months old.
01:244 months old?
01:25Yes, 4 months old.
01:26And the big Pieds?
01:27The big Pieds are above 8 months old.
01:28Above 8 months old.
01:30And what else?
01:31Other than that, these are Hogos.
01:33All of them are in full flower.
01:36All of them are ready.
01:37All of them are 6 months old.
01:39And what's the price of these?
01:40These are for Rs. 2,500 for all three foods.
01:43Rs. 2,500 for all three foods?
01:46And the third one is Black Wing.
01:48Black Wing is also for Rs. 2,500.
01:56Other than that, there is Kata.
01:58Big Pieds of Kata.
02:00Big Pieds of 3 Pieds of Kata.
02:02Ring Neck?
02:03Yes, Ring Neck.
02:04And what's the price?
02:05These are Rs. 10,000 Pieds.
02:07Pieds are ready.
02:11What's the number?
02:15Rest of the location is Abul Hasan Asfani Road.
02:18Assalamu Alaikum.
02:19Walaikum Assalam.
02:20How are you?
02:21I'm good.
02:23What have you brought?
02:24I've brought Albino Red Eyes.
02:27These are ready to breed pairs.
02:28There are Cremino, Deccino, Parbleu, Parbleu.
02:32How old are Albino Red Eyes?
02:35Albino Red Eyes are between 8 to 12 months old.
02:40Other than that, there are Cremino.
02:42These are also ready to breed.
02:43These are around 8 to 9 months old.
02:45These are Deccinos.
02:47All these birds are of the same age factor.
02:51What's the price of Albino Red Eyes?
02:52Albino Red Eyes are 9,000 Rs.
02:55Deccino Cremino are 14,000 Rs.
02:5814,000 Rs. per pair?
03:01Parbleu Offline is 3,000 Rs.
03:04Simple Parbleu is around 1,000 Rs.
03:09All these birds are ready to breed.
03:12What's the number?
03:13It's in a good category.
03:18What's the reason for such a low price?
03:21There are too many breeds available.
03:24I've heard that all the exports are closed.
03:29Let's see what happens.
03:30For a new fancier, the benefit is that the price is very low.
03:34At the time when we bought these birds,
03:36we bought a very expensive breed.
03:41Anyway, there must be some improvement.
03:46What's the contact number?
03:50Mohammad Talha, Location Garden.
03:53Assalamu Alaikum.
03:54Walaikum Assalam.
03:55How are you?
03:56I'm fine.
03:57How are you, brother?
03:58I'm fine.
03:59What are you doing?
04:01First, tell me about Jawa.
04:02My pair of Jawa has been completed.
04:05So, I bought an extra pair.
04:06It's a bonded pair of silver and gold.
04:09How much are you asking for it?
04:10I'm demanding 15,000 Rs.
04:12And he's demanding 4,000 Rs.
04:14Jawa is demanding 15,000 Rs.
04:15And silver is demanding 4,000 Rs.
04:17It's still negotiable.
04:22Apart from this,
04:23all the green opalines are Sprit Eno.
04:28And the blue opalines are possible B2.
04:30They're made of Par Blue opalines.
04:33You can take any of these pieces.
04:35A piece for 2,000 Rs.
04:37No Tino Fisheries or whatever it is.
04:39And below that is Par Blue Sprit Eno.
04:43Par Blue Pastel Eno.
04:44Blue Pastel Eno.
04:46Black Eye Sprit Eno.
04:48These are almost DNA based.
04:49I'll give you a piece for 15,000 Rs.
04:5115,000 Rs.
04:52A pair for 3,000 Rs.
04:53If you take an empty piece,
04:54it's for 2,000 Rs.
04:55That's it.
04:56And the King's Palace is for 4,000 Rs.
05:00Not King, sorry.
05:02Tell me your contact number.
05:03Zubair Bukhari is my name.
05:050336 080
05:070336 080
05:11Azizabad, 9-0 location.
05:17How are you?
05:18I'm good, how are you?
05:19I'm good.
05:20Tell me, what are you selling?
05:22Sir, I've brought Karimno, Jaikino, and Karimino.
05:25These are the two breeds.
05:26A piece for 7,000 Rs.
05:27This is the final.
05:29And I have...
05:31Karimino is for 7,000 Rs.
05:32Jaikino is for 7,000 Rs.
05:33Jaikino is for 7,000 Rs.
05:34I'll take any of them.
05:36There are some visual pieces here.
05:37This blue one is a pair.
05:39This is for 6 months.
05:40This is the final.
05:42A pair for 18,000 Rs.
05:44And this is...
05:46This is for 22,000 Rs.
05:48This is the final.
05:50And I have the rest of the split.
05:52The blue offline is for 10,000 Rs.
05:55The green offline is for 5,000 Rs.
05:59And the blue ones are for 7,000 Rs.
06:03And the blue offline is for 10,000 Rs.
06:06This is the split.
06:09What's your contact number?
06:110302 032 7564
06:14That's my mobile number.
06:15My name is Safaaz.
06:16And I'm from Bihar.
06:19Assalamu Alaikum.
06:20Walaikum Assalam.
06:21How are you?
06:22I'm good.
06:23What have you got?
06:25I have Karimino, Jaikino and Albino Red.
06:29Karimino, Jaikino and Albino Red.
06:31How old are they?
06:33They're ready to first breed.
06:35Some are 7 months old.
06:37What are you asking for?
06:397,000 Rs. per piece with DNA.
06:426,500 Rs. without DNA.
06:44The Albino Red is ready to first breed.
06:48This one is for 9,000 Rs.
06:51This one is for 6 months.
06:537,500 Rs.
06:59There are 4 pieces of split.
07:01I'm asking for 5,000 Rs.
07:03for the split.
07:06Split Albino Red Eye.
07:08What's your contact number?
07:10My contact number is 0313 26 26 55 865.
07:15My name is Bilal Shah.
07:17Location, Kalapur, Chennai, Sirkot.
07:20Assalamu Alaikum.
07:21Walaikum Assalam.
07:22How are you?
07:23I'm good.
07:24What have you got?
07:26White Java.
07:27All of them?
07:28Albino, Pinches, Duff.
07:30All of them are big?
07:31All of them are breeders.
07:34This is Albino Red Eye.
07:36Albino Red Eye Java.
07:39What are you asking for?
07:403,000 Rs.
07:41If someone buys all of them, it's 3,700 Rs.
07:43If someone buys all of them, it's 3,700 Rs.
07:45If someone buys all of them, it's 2,200 Rs.
07:49Okay, 2,200 Rs.
07:51This is Albino.
07:5212,000 Rs.
07:5310,000 Rs.
07:56All of them are Red Eyes?
07:57Yes, Albino Red Eyes.
07:59There are 2 pairs of Opal.
08:01How much is the final price?
08:0210,000 Rs.
08:03The final price is 10,000 Rs?
08:05The pair?
08:08Grey is 2,000 Rs.
08:11And Grey Java is a pair of 2,000 Rs.
08:15Opal is a pair of 3,000 Rs.
08:20Which one is it?
08:21Okay, this one.
08:23What has happened to it?
08:24It has got a little fungus.
08:25It will be fine after applying some oil.
08:28This is not a fungus.
08:30This is called Air Sac Mite.
08:32It's a small fungus that sticks to the skin.
08:36It's called Scat.
08:41It's from the Vita Farm.
08:44If you drop a drop of it in the flesh of any animal,
08:47you have to rub it.
08:49Within a week, all of them will be gone.
08:52It will be clean.
08:53Okay, let's do it.
08:54It won't harm you if you apply oil.
08:57It's not dry.
08:58It's called Air Sac Mite.
08:59What is this?
09:00It's a pair of pinches.
09:01What is this?
09:02It's a pair of pinches.
09:03It's worth 500 Rs.
09:06It's worth 500 Rs.
09:07It's a pair of 1,000 Rs.
09:10It's a different mutation.
09:14What's the number?
09:17Name, place and location, Asal Square.
09:23How are you?
09:24I'm fine.
09:25What have you brought?
09:26Silver Java.
09:27Are they all big?
09:28Yes, they're ready to breed.
09:30How much are you asking?
09:31Rs. 3,500.
09:33Rs. 3,500 for a pair?
09:36Ready to breed, Rs. 3,500.
09:38Are they soft?
09:39Yes, they'll be soft.
09:40What's on the bottom?
09:41It's the same.
09:42Silver Java.
09:43It's silver on the bottom too.
09:48What's your contact number?
09:49My contact number is 0343-2649-559.
09:54It's on the side of Metro Bridge.
09:56Okay, thank you.
09:59How are you?
10:00I'm fine.
10:01I hope you're well.
10:02Yes, I'm fine.
10:04So, Iqbal,
10:05I've brought this.
10:09It's a black wing.
10:11I'm giving it for Rs. 10,000 per piece.
10:13Rs. 10,000 per piece?
10:15Anyone can buy it.
10:16It's Rs. 10,000 per piece.
10:17Otherwise, you know,
10:18it's sold for lakhs of rupees per piece.
10:20At one time.
10:22I've brought Green Golden.
10:24It's in quantity.
10:26Some pieces are left.
10:27It's empty at the bottom.
10:28It's sold for Rs. 7,500 per piece.
10:31Rs. 7,500 per piece?
10:33Other than that,
10:34Sheroz, remove it.
10:37Is it Lotino Goldian?
10:38Yes, it's Lotino Goldian.
10:40Lotino Goldian is in the market.
10:42I'm selling it for Rs. 13,000-14,000 per piece.
10:44It's sold for Rs. 9,000 per piece.
10:47It's in quantity.
10:48Other than that,
10:50Sun Kinoor is here.
10:52Sun Kinoor is sold for Rs. 65,000 per piece.
10:54Sun Kinoor is sold for Rs. 55,000 per piece.
10:56Other than that,
10:57Sun Kinoor is sold for Rs. 50,000 per piece.
11:00It's a big pair.
11:01Yes, it's a big pair.
11:02There's one more male in it.
11:04Blue Turquoise is sold for Rs. 35,000 per piece.
11:07Pineapple Kinoor is sold for Rs. 14,000 per piece.
11:10Albino Kinoor is sold for Rs. 6,000 per piece.
11:13There's a sale on Pied Duck.
11:17Banglaize is sold for Rs. 800 per pair.
11:19It's a bonded pair.
11:21It's a pair of Albino Kinoor.
11:23Look at the size, Sohail Bhai.
11:25I'll give you a final of Rs. 14,000.
11:27It's a big pair of Rs. 1,000 per piece.
11:28Gire Jawa is sold for Rs. 1,000 per piece.
11:32It's a pair of Rs. 2,000 per piece.
11:33If you buy Pied Duck,
11:34I'll give you a pair of Rs. 7,000 per piece.
11:38I'll share my contact number.
11:45If the name is correct,
11:46I'll give you the location.
11:47Sakhid Khan Serena Mobile Market.
11:49Assalamu Alaikum.
11:50Walaikum Assalam.
11:51How are you, brother?
11:52I'm fine.
11:53May Allah bless you.
11:54How are you, boss?
11:55Sohail Bhai,
11:56I've brought Jawa today.
11:58These are all from my farm.
11:59There are White Jawa, Silver Jawa and Fawn Jawa.
12:03White Jawa is for Rs. 3,200 per pair.
12:05Silver Jawa is for Rs. 3,500 per pair.
12:07Fawn Jawa is for Rs. 15,000 per pair.
12:10I'll give it to your friends in Rs. 14,000 per pair.
12:12Fawn Jawa is for Rs. 15,000 per pair.
12:15I'll give it to them in Rs. 14,500 per pair.
12:17I'll also give you the quantity of White and Silver Jawa.
12:20I'll also give you the quantity of White and Silver Jawa.
12:26My number is 0334-037-4178.
12:30The location is 2 minutes away from Churangi.
12:32There are many people who get sick.
12:38So, with my knowledge,
12:40I'll help them as much as I can.
12:42I'll also inform them.
12:43I get messages from people saying that someone is sick.
12:46So, with my knowledge,
12:47I'll definitely help them.
12:51Assalamu Alaikum.
12:52Walaikum Assalam.
12:53How are you?
12:54I'm fine.
12:55What have you brought?
12:56I've brought Pied Dove Pears.
12:59There are two pairs of pears.
13:01The rest of the pears are not ripe yet.
13:04I'm going to go out soon.
13:07So, I'm going to finish the pears.
13:09All of them are not ripe yet.
13:11I'm asking for Rs. 2,500 per pair.
13:13Rs. 2,500?
13:14Rs. 2,500 per pair.
13:15I'll give you the pears for Rs. 1,500.
13:18You can see two pairs of pears here.
13:20These are washed pears.
13:22I've taken out all the pears.
13:24All the pears are not ripe yet.
13:26These are common pears.
13:28These are common pears.
13:30I've taken them out.
13:31I'm giving you Rs. 300 per pair.
13:32If someone asks for Rs. 1,500,
13:33I'll give him Rs. 2,500.
13:35What's your number?
13:36My number is 0315285194.
13:39My location is Barabur.
13:41Assalamu Alaikum.
13:42Walaikum Assalam.
13:44How are you?
13:45I'm fine.
13:47What do you want?
13:48I have all these plates.
13:49I have a phone net and white clay.
13:53These are plates for 12-13 months.
13:57I have silver clay and a phone net.
14:02These are plates too.
14:03These are also for 12-13 months.
14:04These are grey clay and a phone net.
14:08These are also for 12-13 months.
14:11I'm giving you these for Rs. 6,000.
14:13You can take these or these or these.
14:15This is a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a phone case, a
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