مسلسل قبول موسم 1 حلقة 36 مدبلجة

  • last month
00:30If you hit the wall
00:33You know you're home
00:36But you're home alone
01:00You stole my happiness
01:20From many years ago
01:23And today I returned your life
01:26Just for this great person
01:31But don't think I will have mercy on you and forgive your crimes
01:39You will be punished and pay the price
01:43This is a promise
02:11Go away from here
02:14Listen to me
02:15I'm telling you to go away from here
02:17You have to go now
02:19Go, for God's sake
02:43What's wrong mom?
03:00What happened to you?
03:02Oh God
03:04What's wrong?
03:07Take my aunt inside so she can rest
03:09We'll talk later
03:11Come with me
03:12My aunt is going to rest
03:13Let's go mom
03:38Rashid, what's wrong?
03:41What happened to you?
03:43You stabbed me in the eye, didn't you?
03:45Oh God
03:47Rashid, I sent you to destroy this
03:51You're a criminal
03:52You made me a servant all my life
03:54You destroyed me and ruined everything in my life
03:59What are you doing?
04:00You're a criminal
04:01You made my son hate me
04:03And you sent someone to kill Dilshad
04:06How dare you do this?
04:07How can you send a criminal to kill my wife?
04:09I won't have mercy on you
04:10My mom was right and she knew the truth
04:13But unfortunately, no one believed her
04:15You made a cheap conspiracy
04:18And you hurt everyone
04:20I won't forgive you
04:21I swear to God
04:22You have to die
04:23Oh God
04:26Leave me
04:27She destroyed my life and her heart
04:31I didn't do anything
04:36Believe me, I didn't do anything
04:38I didn't do anything
04:39Believe me, Rashid
04:43I didn't send anyone to kill Dilshad
04:46I didn't hurt anyone
04:48Why are you accusing me?
04:50First, your mom wronged me
04:52Now, you're wronging me
04:54I don't know why
04:58Why are you doing this to me?
05:00It's true that I didn't want Rashid to go to Dilshad
05:03Just to save Shirin's marriage
05:05And to preserve our relationship in this house
05:09I'm telling the truth
05:13Shirin, believe me, I'm telling the truth
05:15Rashid still loves her
05:16He loves Dilshad and he can't forget her
05:19And he's secretly meeting her
05:27If you still want to see Dilshad
05:29Go and see him whenever you want
05:30I won't stop you
05:33But please don't accuse me wrongly
05:35And accuse me of hurting you
05:36And that I sent someone to kill Dilshad
05:40I would never do this if I wanted to die
05:42That's enough
05:43Enough of your lies and hypocrisy
05:46Stop this drama
05:50Stop this tragedy
05:54That's enough
05:56I knelt in front of you and served you all my life
05:59And now I'm awake
06:04This criminal
06:05Hired someone to kill Dilshad
06:07To ruin my life
06:08And I won't let him
06:09He must confess
06:12Calm down
06:13Rashid, the law is what must be held accountable for his crimes
06:16Call the police and have them come here
06:18There's no need for anyone to call us
06:26You thought of us and we came
06:29You thought of us and we came
06:36It's good you came
06:37Come on, say it this time
06:39She conspired against me and ruined our lives
06:42We know everything from the beginning
06:44And we know the whole story
06:51I came today
06:53To arrest
06:54I came today
06:55To arrest
06:56The man accused of the murders and crimes
06:58That took place in the toy factory
07:14Come on
07:22Please come with us
07:37Arrest him
07:41What is this nonsense?
07:42The criminal here
07:43Is my wife
07:44And my father is innocent of all this
07:46You have no right to arrest a man who is not a criminal
07:49And I won't let you arrest him
07:52Listen to me carefully, son
07:54You know me well and you know how to think
07:58So there's no need for you to cause us trouble
08:00And I won't let you go to jail with your father
08:06So shut your mouth
08:07And let us know how to work properly
08:10Do you understand?
08:13Yes, sir
08:21Go inside
08:22Don't interfere with my son
08:27Please leave him
08:33My husband is innocent and he didn't commit any crime
08:35And I can't harm anyone
08:44Listen to me
08:46The court is the one who decides if he committed a crime or not
08:50It's not in my hands
09:29Brother Assad
09:32Please let me talk to Assad, it's urgent
09:34He's not answering his phone and I don't know where he is
09:36Give it to me, please
09:38I have to talk to him, it's urgent
09:41The police arrested my father a while ago and they're taking him to jail
09:49Let me talk to him, please
10:06My aunt
10:08What's wrong?
10:09What's going on?
10:11Mom, wait a minute
10:15The police arrested your father and they're taking him to jail
10:17We have to act
10:18Mom, please calm down
10:21I'm fine, don't worry
10:22Don't worry about him
10:23I just want to help your father
10:25Because he's going to jail
10:26He's going to be tortured
10:27I know
10:28I know
10:34What do you mean?
10:36You know
10:41I'm the one who told the police about him
10:48I sent them to him
11:59Here you go
12:03Why didn't you say anything and defend yourself?
12:06Tell them you're innocent
12:08Mom, you taught me
12:10That God sees everything
12:12He knows everything
12:13He sees now
12:16And he will punish the real criminals
12:23The rope of lies is short
12:25And God will prove who the real criminal is
12:28And the day the conspiracy is revealed
12:31The truth will be revealed
12:33And we will know who the real criminal is
12:39Hurry up and finish us
12:40Rasheed, calm down
12:42My husband is innocent
12:43Please don't take him
12:44Leave him
12:45Hands off
12:46Don't touch them
12:48Don't touch anyone from my family
12:51Otherwise what?
12:53You can do anything to save yourself from being accused
12:56And we can do anything as long as you're accused
12:59So don't waste our time
13:00And walk quietly
13:01It's better than acting like a monster
13:03Let's go
13:07Dad didn't kill anyone
13:09That's why you have to leave him
13:11Do you have evidence to prove his innocence?
13:14You will have to leave him soon
13:16And you too
13:19Because I told my brother Assad about this
13:20And he won't shut up
13:23It's impossible for him to throw my father in jail
13:31You're very wrong
13:33For your information
13:34Your great brother Assad is the reason for this
13:37Didn't you tell me he won't shut up?
13:41Assad Ahmed Khan
13:42Son of Sayed Rashid Ahmed Khan
13:44Filed a complaint against Sayed Rashid Khan
13:46That's why he was arrested
13:52It looks like you forgot that Assad is your father's son
13:55But he doesn't have your mother
14:00Forget about my brother
14:28Please mom
14:31Please mom
14:32Tell me what to do
14:34Enough mom
14:39Please help me
14:41My brother Assad won't open the door
14:43And I don't know
14:44What can he do now?
14:46Please help me and do something
14:49My daughter
14:52My daughter
14:53Please go and rest
14:55My daughter
14:56For God's sake
14:57Don't torture yourself
14:58Go and rest
14:59In your room
15:00Go and rest
15:05My daughter
15:23My daughter
15:24My daughter
15:42Of course the freeze is increasing
15:45My brother Assad will never do this
15:52He's not answering at all.
15:54Try again.
15:56I'm sure he'll answer.
16:23Why did Assad do this to my father, mother?
16:27If his goal was to take Btehra and take revenge,
16:30he should have taken revenge on me.
16:33Rashid didn't let him in.
16:36Shirin, my love,
16:39have faith in God.
16:41God tests the people He loves,
16:44and tests their patience.
16:46There is nothing after hardship but relief.
16:48Be strong.
16:49Everything will be solved.
16:51But mother, Rashid will be humiliated.
16:54No, my love, don't be afraid.
16:57Oh God, please bring her back safe and sound.
17:02I don't want anything in this life
17:04but my husband to return safe and sound.
17:12That's enough, mother. Calm down, for God's sake.
17:18Did you see what your dear brother did to us?
17:22My son, Assad, it's impossible.
17:24It's impossible for him to be like your father and mother.
17:29Calm down, mother.
17:31And my father will be fine.
17:34Maybe he will be, Azoub.
17:47in my life and your father's,
17:49promise me, promise me,
17:52that you will free your poor father from prison,
17:55no matter what the cost.
17:57Promise me that you won't leave your father
17:59for the last moment of your life.
18:09Promise me, in my life and your father's,
18:13that you will get him out of prison as soon as possible.
18:28Don't be afraid, don't worry, my son.
18:31I will get my father out, no matter what the cost.
18:36This is a promise from me to you, mother.
18:45That's enough, my dear, that's enough.
18:47Don't leave your father alone, Ayaan.
18:58What I was afraid of happening,
19:00unfortunately, happened.
19:02And the secret that I had been hiding for so long,
19:05has been revealed now and has been exposed.
19:08You didn't know how to act smartly
19:10or how to think right.
19:12I had no other choice.
19:20some strong and scary storms,
19:23we can't face them,
19:26but we can change their course.
19:30Which storm are you talking about exactly?
19:33Assad Ahmed Khan.
19:37He was able to discover what happened in the toy factory.
19:41And if it hadn't been for the storm
19:43that Assad did to Rashid,
19:46we would have been in trouble.
19:49But maybe Rashid was able to discover the truth.
19:51What's the solution?
19:53Didn't you think that the investigation
19:55could reveal the truth?
19:57Maybe he told us what happened that night.
20:01And that we were the ones who sent him to burn the factory.
20:04If you're so afraid of the consequences of the story,
20:06you shouldn't have started this dirty game from the beginning.
20:10I'm sorry.
20:18But if Rashid wanted to reveal the truth
20:20and tell someone,
20:22he would have done that a long time ago
20:24and made the story public.
20:26In any case,
20:28what would he tell the police
20:30if he didn't have any evidence?
20:33And the police don't have any clear and proven evidence against us
20:36to at least arrest us.
20:39I've kept this conspiracy a secret for 17 years
20:41and I know how to manage the game.
20:46And I know very well how to keep Rashid quiet.
20:51And I know how to keep him under my wing.
20:57And more importantly,
21:00if Rashid thinks he can accuse us
21:02or present any evidence against us,
21:04he will lose a lot.
21:08And I will always remember the amount of loss
21:10he can lose if he plays with us.
21:25Mom, did you eat?
21:27Yes, Najma took the breakfast to her room.
21:54Mom, where are you going?
22:06I'm going to see Rashid.
22:09Mom, you know he's a criminal.
22:12So why are you doing this?
22:16Is your father a criminal?
22:19Who are you to decide he's a criminal?
22:21All the evidence is against him, Mom.
22:23What do you want with the evidence?
22:25Even if you confirmed it and saw it with my own eyes,
22:27that Rashid conspired with someone to kill me,
22:32I will never believe it.
22:39Mom, why did you insist on revealing half of the evidence?
22:42I'm not asking you to do anything for him.
22:45You can believe what you want,
22:49and I will believe what I want.
23:00Where are you?
23:02You might think I'm stupid
23:05and that what I'm doing is wrong and not right.
23:08But soon you will discover and believe
23:10that what I did
23:13is right.
23:39I want to see Rashid if I can.
23:43But excuse me, you have to wait a little.
23:48Because Rashid has a visit now.
23:53And the one he's visiting now is
23:56Dilshad Ahmed Khan.
24:09Believe me, Dilshad.
24:13It's impossible for me to do this.
24:26Rashid, I don't know
24:30what happened in the factory back then.
24:33I don't even know.
24:39Why did they burn that place?
24:44And I don't even know
24:47how this crime happened.
24:49But there's one thing I know.
24:52If anything happened in this world,
24:54it's impossible for you to think of killing someone.
24:59But my son,
25:02who is made of flesh and blood,
25:05I completely believe this.
25:12My son, Assad, was always
25:14angry with me and hated me.
25:17Now I become the son of a murderer.
25:23I have to reveal the truth in any way, Dilshad.
25:26I have to prove my innocence in front of everyone.
25:29Dilshad, do you remember me?
25:35I heard voices, but it wasn't very clear.
25:39Talk about a factory, about a toy factory.
25:42Dilshad, do you remember?
25:44Do you remember that there was a recording of the game?
25:47Yes, Rashid, but
25:50I don't have this game anymore.
25:55You don't have it anymore?
25:58Where did it go?
26:02this game is my only hope.
26:05If there really is something recorded on it,
26:07this recording must have happened in the factory.
26:09Because I gave the game to Najma at the time.
26:13I'm sure there's a hidden life
26:16that could be in the game.
26:18That's why you have to find it immediately.
26:20This game must be there
26:22to reveal the plot and prove my innocence.
26:26Don't worry, Rashid.
26:27I'll find the game,
26:30no matter how expensive it is.
27:00You couldn't stay away from me?
27:03Did you forget who you are?
27:05Are you here to meet my husband again?
27:08I can give you an answer to your question, if I want to.
27:14But I can't go down to your level,
27:16because I don't want to hurt you.
27:19I don't want to hurt you.
27:21I don't want to hurt you.
27:23I don't want to hurt you.
27:25I don't want to hurt you.
27:27I don't want to hurt you.
27:29I don't want to hurt you.
27:32Only time will tell who will go down to the lowest level.
27:37Even if you try to do the impossible,
27:40you won't be able to save Rashid.
27:44Even if I fight the world,
27:47and face death to prove his innocence,
27:50I won't back down.
27:53I'll find the game,
27:55no matter how expensive it is.
27:57I'll find the game,
27:59no matter how expensive it is.
28:01I'll find the game.
28:02Let's go, hurry up!
28:04Don't be silly, I'll finish my work and then we'll go home, okay?
28:11Peace be upon you
28:15Is this your daughter?
28:16Yes, and since today is a holiday, I brought her with me
28:32What's your name?
28:33My name is Lakshmi
28:35Oh, how cute!
28:37Even your name is beautiful, just like how you are beautiful and cute
28:41After that, prepare the food for my aunt before I go get her medicine and come back, okay?
28:49Lakshmi, play here in the garden and don't go outside the wall at all
28:52I'll finish my work and come back, okay?
29:02It's a beautiful game
29:10You're beautiful, you drive me crazy
29:22I'm going to see Raja
29:24You can believe whatever you want
29:27And I'm going to believe whatever I want
29:30Mr. Assad
29:33Don't worry about my aunt, she's going to be fine
29:48Najma, I want the phone number of the delivery company that took the game to the cemetery
29:54Come on, my daughter, let's look for it
29:57I have to get the game from underground
30:16Unfortunately, I couldn't do anything, Shireen
30:19And her brother didn't hear from me, even though I tried a lot
30:28But if you want the truth
30:32He can't do anything either
30:35He's still a murderer
30:37That's why, until the case is presented to the court
30:41Rashid is going to be in jail for arrest
30:46After you threw my innocent son in jail, you're shedding tears of Christ
30:50He's more afraid of you than the curse of your toys
30:52And you threw me in jail
30:55All of this happened because of you
30:57You're the one who tried, and we have to let the world know of your evil
31:02You're definitely my heaven
31:06You've always been unfair to me and accusing me of being false
31:10And that I'm Rashid's enemy
31:14But at least now, I'm trying to understand the truth
31:18All these years, I've been protecting Rashid from danger
31:23It's true, there was a fire in the factory 17 years ago
31:26And someone was killed at the time
31:30But I don't know if Rashid was the one who killed that person
31:33Or if he's innocent of all this
31:35I really don't know
31:38And you
31:39What have you been doing all this time?
31:41You've been acting smart and shouting that there's a conspiracy and that my game is dangerous
31:45And now the truth is revealed
31:48Did you see the result of your actions and your intelligence?
31:52Until today, I've been hiding this truth from everyone
31:55Just for the sake of the poor Shireen and her innocent children
32:00But now, no matter what I try to do for them
32:03And even if I do the impossible
32:07Your son Rashid will have to pay for his sins
32:10And he will be punished
32:13Oh God
32:15Oh God
32:19My daughter
32:20I'm sure Rashid is innocent
32:28I've always tried to save Rashid and keep him away from danger
32:36But someone is trying to hurt him
32:45Asad Ahmed Khan
32:55Your grandson is the one who hurt him
33:01This is your brother
33:02Are you listening?
33:06Now you have to wake up and know who really loves you
33:10Now you have to know how to distinguish your enemy from your friend
33:12And who's with you and who's against you
33:16That's right
33:18But you told me that you know the head of the police station
33:21If you'll excuse me, I'll try to make a quick call to him
33:24It's very important
33:26You don't know what's going on
33:27Oh God
33:38Listen to me, my sister
33:40Rashid's case will be brought to court
33:42In just five days
33:45And I have to do everything I can before the trial
33:50Please help me as soon as possible
33:54Thank you, my sister
33:55Thank you
34:01My phone
34:03Has the number of the negotiator
34:05And it has the public prosecutor and all the officers
34:10If you want to talk to anyone, talk to me
34:15They'll answer you
34:21And as long as you don't know everyone
34:25Why don't you talk to them?
34:27What can I tell them if I talked to them?
34:30That I'm trying to protect a criminal?
34:38I can't see you begging someone in front of me
34:42If you want to talk to anyone or know anything, tell me and I'll help you
34:47But this doesn't mean at all
34:49That my position and feelings towards Rashid Ahmed Khan have changed
34:54His crime can't be forgiven
34:58And he has to pay for what he did
35:00Ayaan, you have to convince your brother Assad to change his testimony
35:04What are you talking about, mom?
35:06Yes, my son
35:09You're the only one
35:11Who can convince Assad to change his testimony and prove your father's innocence
35:16And he will definitely listen to you
35:20I didn't let you swear
35:22That you won't meet your brother Assad
35:26And now I'm going to break that promise
35:32And I'm giving you permission and freedom
35:34So you can see Assad whenever you want
35:36You have to convince him to reconsider his position in any way, my son
35:40He has to change his testimony against your father so he can tell the truth these two days
35:45And I'll give him whatever he wants if he changes his words
35:49And if he wants to go back and kneel in front of him
35:52No, mom
35:54I'm willing to do anything
36:00Your father has to come back safe
36:03We can sit and talk to him about everything that happened
36:07And maybe if we cooperate we can find out the truth
36:12Assad will never admit his mistake, no matter what
36:15Mom, they found a body in the toy factory
36:21My brother Assad saw my father with this body
36:25And he saw that my father is responsible for this crime
36:28And that he is the murderer
36:32According to what I know about my brother and his way of thinking
36:35If my father is the real criminal
36:37It's impossible for him to protect him
36:39It's still a crime, a crime, a crime
36:42Why don't you try to forget what happened in the factory
36:45Even for a minute
36:47Why don't you try to believe him just once
36:49That your father is telling the truth and that he might be innocent
36:53Why don't you try to understand that the truth is wrong and that it's a waste of time
36:57I told you more than once
36:59That I heard with my own ears
37:01That this toy
37:02Has to have something to do with what happened
37:04And maybe the truth is hidden inside it
37:07So why don't you try to believe me
37:09Why, Assad?
37:12Didn't you always say
37:15That Rashid hurt me and ruined my life?
37:21But now you're not punishing Rashid and taking revenge on him
37:26You're punishing me and hurting me
37:31And I can't take this pain
37:35This pain caused me a lot of pain and was going to kill me
37:40But I can't take the pain anymore
37:42That you caused me
37:46Your wound was very deep, Assad
38:13Mom, I beg you to stop crying
38:16I can't bear the sight of tears in your eyes
38:22I'm going to meet my brother Assad
38:24And I'm going to try to talk to him
38:26I'm going to try to convince my mother to return his accounts
38:28Maybe that will change his fate
38:30And I'm going to ask him to look for the truth
38:32Before he takes his own life
38:35Believe me, my brother Assad will never say no to me
38:39He never refused me a request in his life
39:02What's wrong?
39:05I didn't expect you to be so cruel and heartless
39:07How could you?
39:10How could you let your mother cry and suffer?
39:15I don't feel like talking to anyone right now
39:20Leave me alone
39:23Okay, I'll leave you alone
39:28Why don't you talk to me?
39:30Who am I?
39:33I'll leave you alone so you can rest
39:38But in any case, you're on your own now
39:44You're still fighting for everyone
39:48And you don't feel anything for the people around you
39:53And you're going to testify in court
39:57What do you mean?
39:59I mean, if you testified against Ayaan in this case, I testified against Ayaan too
40:04If you're going to tell the court that you saw your father digging in the place where the body was
40:08In a toy factory, and you testified convincingly
40:12Then I'm going to tell them that I didn't see anything like that
40:20And you know very well that I can do that
40:34No, you're not going to do that
40:38You're not going to win justice
40:42You're going to tell them what you saw
40:45The truth, that's all
40:47Do you understand?
41:08Mr. Assad, please
41:25Mr. Assad
41:27I'm not going to lie about justice
41:30I'm also going to support the truth
41:33Yes, Mr. Assad
41:35As my aunt said
41:38There are still five days left until the court date
41:42Don't you think we should look at this case from your mother's point of view to be fair?
41:47Especially since she's a strong believer in him and she's defending him
41:53Think about your mother's words
41:56If Mr. Rashid was punished and sent to prison
42:00And then discovered that he's innocent and has nothing to do with what happened
42:08Tell me, what are you going to do?
42:16Don't forget your coffee
42:19Drink it now before it gets cold
42:34Mom, this is the same toy box that we donated to the orphanage
42:38But how did you get it back so quickly, Najma?
42:41I didn't get it back
42:43I was trying to find it all the time
42:45Where did you get it from?
42:47Mr. Assad called our office and said that he wanted to get this toy box back immediately
42:59This toy box might have the evidence to prove it
43:01This toy box might have the evidence to prove your father's innocence
43:09Thank you
43:10You're welcome
43:27Najma, this is the toy that was with us
43:31Mom, I put it in this toy box
43:33So where did it go?
43:34Maybe you didn't donate it
43:36Look for it again, maybe it's still here
43:38I looked for it everywhere in this house
43:40Look for it again, what are we going to lose?
43:42Look for it, you and Zoya
43:43We have to find this toy
43:44This is the evidence that might prove your father's innocence
43:47For God's sake, please Zoya, look for it
43:49We'll look for it
43:51Don't worry
43:52Let's go Najma
44:02Forget about this toy
44:04You're stuck with a fake hope that has no meaning
44:07Even if it had information, it wouldn't change anything
44:10The real innocent can easily prove his innocence, mom
44:14Say whatever you want
44:15But I'm convinced
44:17That this toy is an important evidence for me
44:20And it will prove your father's innocence and reveal the truth
44:22Do you understand, Asad?
44:32The truth is so hard
44:35That you can't stand it
44:37But you have to face the truth, mom
44:39And you have to accept it
44:41That Rashid Khan is a murderer
44:52The truth is so hard
44:54That you can't stand it
44:56But you have to accept it
44:57That Rashid Khan is a murderer
45:07Even if I doubted that he made a big mistake
45:11But in the end, he's still our father, brother
45:13No, Ayaan
45:19He's just your father, not my father
45:23He's just your father, not my father
45:29But, brother, mom
45:32If you asked me for my life, I would have given it to you without hesitation
45:37But right now, I can't do what you want
45:41I swore in my mother's life
45:44That I can't forgive the person who ruined her life and hurt her and tried to kill her
45:48And I promised my mother and swore in her life
45:50That I will bring my father back and get him out of prison, no matter what
45:56And if something happens to my father, God forbid
46:01Mom, your time
46:04Your time to commit suicide and kill yourself, believe me, brother
46:09I beg you to reconsider
46:11Asad, I'm begging you right now
46:13But what if your father gets out?
46:17Mom, I will never be safe
46:21I will never be safe
46:25How can I convince you that my father would never think of hurting your mother or do anything to her?
46:32Even though I know that if he goes back to your mother, he might hurt my mother a lot
46:35But I'm ready to accept the fact that dad still loves your mother and they don't have to separate at all
46:41It's true that they lived separately
46:44But they're very close
46:46Ayaan, you're saying this because you've only seen his love and care
46:50But I've only seen his lack of care
46:57I don't trust him
46:59And I will never trust him
47:01But brother
47:04Ayaan, I can never change my decision
47:10And I will testify in court against Mr. Rashid Khan
47:17For the first time
47:20I will ask you to forgive me because I've let you down
47:27Please forgive me, Ayaan
47:43Brother, there's an important question I'd like to ask you
47:46Are you punishing your father because he started a fire in a toy factory 17 years ago?
47:53Or do you want to take revenge on him because he left your mother and you 17 years ago?
