The "Unpacking" of the "Number 1" Story on Headlines

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Leroy is still lost in astonishment about Gosder Cherilus' disorderly conduct urinating on poor little ole "Gertrude."
00:00But you weren't letting go of this pier.
00:03Who wouldn't?
00:04Hold on. Let me hold on.
00:06You don't just move on from that.
00:09Also, don't forget the one where he's just outraged about somebody
00:12peeing on how just he just screams it.
00:14Make sure we have that for the end of show montage today.
00:17No, but I'm just saying, why is it like everybody just shrugged it off?
00:20Like they didn't shrug it off.
00:23Could you wait playing back home?
00:24No, true.
00:25He was acting like a jackass just after he did it.
00:29That's why I got that.
00:30You're not really on a flight unless you get peed on.
00:33That's what I said.
00:34How many times am I going to say, why didn't he just apologize
00:37and own up to what he did?
00:38Because because I would imagine up on the guy.
00:41The guy that he peed on wasn't just taken.
00:44Well, you know what?
00:44The person that was next to him should have peed on him.
00:47Oh, you just keep it going.
00:48You guys are missing the idea that he's a six, seven lineman.
00:51I don't care.
00:53He had me. I pee on your back.
00:54I would take the penalty to make.
00:56OK, you would.
00:57What if it was Gertrude next to him?
01:00What if it was just an old lady like the ladies, the old people
01:03sitting next to me on the way home from Vegas?
01:05Like, you don't know that it's just somebody who's willing to scrap.
01:11One time, Larry Bird peed on.
01:13Yeah. One time I took a golden shower for Bobby.
01:16Oh, it was the greatest honor of my life.
01:22But what's wrong with you, dude?
01:25This is the show montage is going to be great.
01:28It's just saying like there's certain things that happen in life.
01:32You know that you're not going to win, but you got to make the point.
01:36That's one of them.
01:37You got to take a stand. Yeah.
01:39Like, listen, my cutoff is getting peed on.
01:41That's it. Mm hmm. Right.
01:43Like, come on.
01:44That's fair.
01:45On a plane that you're going to be sitting on for 12 hours.
01:48Hmm. So that means, you know, that smell ain't getting better.
01:52Well, they didn't.
01:53Again, they turned around.
01:54They did not fly to Ireland.
01:56That's the only reason why they turned around is because he peed on them.
01:59No, not because he was acting a fool.
02:01I'm pretty sure it's if a guy if a guy like there's been stories
02:05of like rapid diarrhea, like they've had the time to write.
02:08But like, how far were they?
02:10I don't know how far they just took off.
02:14He said the plane took off after 1230 and the cops arrived at around 2 a.m.
02:18So, yeah, they turned right back around.
02:20It couldn't have been too far.
02:22Only six hour, seven hour flight.
02:24Oh, seven hour flight.
02:25Yeah, they should have kept on pull through.
02:27No, no, no.
02:29Then then I'm going to be arrested.
02:31Should I held on?
02:32Listen, first of all, I'm not going all the way across this water
02:37smelling like pee.
02:38I'm not.
02:39Well, don't like international flights have.
02:43A bathroom shower.
02:45A bathroom.
02:46You get your ass up and you go party where the big people party.
02:50This is Delta first class.
02:52I got it.
02:52Told you like I told the kids.
02:54No, I've never.
02:54One time at O'Malley's Tavern, Brewski was sprinkling over everyone.
03:00What an honor.
03:02Three times Super Bowl champion.
03:05Hey, don't know.
03:07No, no, no.
03:10They could have gone.
03:10I love the way you guys are close and kept going.
03:13No, I'm not like.
03:15No, what I'm saying is.
03:17No, no, no, no, no, no.
03:18The only thing I'm objecting to here is you're saying you got it.
03:21You got to beat it on them.
03:22And I'm saying, like, listen, not everybody is, you know,
03:25you're not a small man, like not everybody is going to take the risk of.
03:28I've been peed on.
03:29And now I'm also going to get my ass kicked just to make a point.
03:31Just to make a point.
03:32I, I take it.
03:34So I would take it.
03:35I don't care. You would.
03:37What goes in certain things?
03:38You got to take it.
03:39You listen.
03:40Let me tell you something.
03:41Are you familiar with this world?
03:43Many men have gotten their ass kicked,
03:46protecting the honor of their woman, knowing they're going to get their ass
03:50kicked, but they have to do it, right?
03:52Yeah. You got to do it.
03:53Same thing.
03:54What if you're alone?
03:55You don't have any woman to show up for.
03:56You're just like, this is the same thing.
03:58You got to take us.
03:59There's some.
04:00Come on, dude.
04:03No, you do nothing to play his candle.
04:05No, I wouldn't.
04:06Listen, I'm not going to kick your ass.
04:09Like, by the way, it sounds like from the reports of practice,
04:14Kalea's Campbell took a pee on Liam Eikenberg.
04:16Oh, I can just say, I'm just saying there's certain things.
04:22In life, certain situations
04:25where you might not come out.
04:29You know, the winner, but you won.
04:33You understand, you got to take your stand.
04:35That's just like, guess what?
04:37How many people?
04:38Listen, you have kids.
04:40You're going to defend your kids till the end of time.
04:43If something happened, you're going to defend your kids.
04:46But it might not work out for you.
04:48But you made your point.
04:50We need more information.
04:51You got to make a point there.
04:52Right now, Brad Stevens has the pee pass.
04:55He can urinate on my kid's homework.
05:00What about if a Leroy?
05:01We've established that we come from a long line of peers here in Boston.
05:06You had a moisture salute.
05:08He was moist, all right, on the hands.
05:13What if what if it was a little
05:15like like a little frail old woman who accidentally.
05:19But you're missing you're missing the point here.
05:21If he thought fast, he blamed it on her.
05:23Yeah, you're missing the point.
05:26The part of this that causes the fight.
05:29Yeah, is not that happening.
05:32It's the dude who was the beer, then acting a fool.
05:36Court documents is from Dolphin Cam.
05:37I'm assuming this is real.
05:39He's saying shareless was unhappy with this.
05:42He does see the assignment of 3-D as the plane was 36000 feet above Nova Scotia.
05:48He approached a 70 year old 78 year old Maine woman in C4C,
05:53fully exposed Jones and began urinating on the elderly woman.
05:57For approximately 20 seconds.
06:00Because he wanted to.
06:01I'm sorry.
06:02Now, not on.
06:03I'm sorry.
06:04Leroy wants the old woman to wail on what exactly somebody else
06:08got to stand up and do something right, granny.
06:11Dude, it was sleepy pee.
06:14Wait, that's the way he made it.
06:15I just want to be clear.
06:16Wait, can I just say something?
06:17Can I just say no, no, no.
06:18Let me say something.
06:20In all the years that I have been.
06:25Yeah. Or we've all taken was that sleeping pill
06:28that you take and make you sleep, which make you do crazy stuff.
06:33I know it's true.
06:34Doesn't Hock take it?
06:36No, no, no, no, no.
06:38I forget the name.
06:39So we've all had that situation.
06:42But no matter how messed up I've been in life.
06:46Ambien. Ambien.
06:48Yeah, that's no matter how messed up I've been in life.
06:53I've never peed on myself.
06:55I've never got up and said, you know what?
06:58I'm a pee on somebody else because I'm just so messed up.
07:01OK, but can I just be clear here?
07:02He did not guilty.
07:04Not guilty.
07:06We got DNA on the old lady, dummy.
07:10Harold, you hear, is it a little wet in here?
07:16I came out, believe this.
07:17Two sets of hands.
07:18You think he said it's raining?
07:19No, let me just.
07:20Can I just be clear about something?
07:22Sure. So you're on the plane, right?
07:25And what's his name?
07:27God, sir. Yes.
07:28Goster. Goster is peeing on Gertrude.
07:32Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:33You in a vigilante made of them.
07:37Are you standing up for her?
07:38Be like, no.
07:40As a human being.
07:41You don't know this woman.
07:42I don't know him either.
07:4478 year old woman.
07:45I don't know him either.
07:46Will not stand for the PEO.
07:48No. So everybody just sat there, watched
07:5120 seconds to empty his full bladder is what they're saying.
07:55Is this for real?
07:56I'm trying to find this report.
07:57Yeah, I went to see.
07:59I think he got it from NBC.
08:00He also weighs about 280 pounds.
08:03I don't care.
08:05Six, six.
08:06Jump on little.
08:08Two handcuffs to restrain him.
08:10Are you serious?
08:11It was an old lady, as they say.
08:12Yeah. Wow.
08:15Then he picked her out.
08:16I know. And no, no, I don't want to be on no body in the whole plane.
08:21Did nothing.
08:23Think about that.
08:25That didn't like, come on, nobody did.
08:27Nobody said, whoa, whoa, dude, come on.
08:29Nobody did not want somebody to punch this guy right in the face.
08:32I want him to stop him from doing that.
08:35So, old lady.
08:36So he literally put her out and said, I want to be on this woman.
08:40No, he wanted that seat.
08:41You know what to see?
08:42He wanted to pee on her because it's her that that like like
08:47am I the only one that thinks that that not only is what he did is crazy,
08:51is his own, not only what he did is absolutely insane.
08:57Right. But the fact that everybody just stood around and watched.
09:02You know, I'm the only one that thinks that that's
09:05I want you to know, though, this man is already irate,
09:07already clearly hopped up on Mountain Dew.
09:10You go to defend little Gertrude's honor.
09:13I told you there's certain times in life where you may take a beat down.
09:16But you got to make your voices on them.
09:18What you really want to fight someone with his hog out with his six foot eight.
09:22Hog. I'm not. You're very.
09:24If he's not peeing on you, not peeing on you or one of your loved ones.
09:28Gertrude, poor little Gertrude and 4D is getting urinated on right now.
09:33You're going to come up from 22C because I know you like the back of the play.
09:36And then you're going to go up there and say, hey,
09:40you shall not do this to Gertrude, even though it's too late.
09:43And then he looks at you, pants around his ankles.
09:45Damage is done. She's already. So wait, sir.
09:47No, he's on sleeping pills.
09:49Not like he didn't important.
09:51Who cares the reasoning?
09:53You got to throw some.
09:54If somebody gets up,
09:58if somebody gets up and just start peeing on you, you go, oh, dude, no, that's not me.
10:03That's the sleep. Are you going to be OK with it?
10:05Hell no. I once peed next to Matt like in an alley.
10:08It was the greatest.
10:10What an honor. Such an honor.
10:12You guys like.
10:14Oh, we need more backstory.
10:16No, like what more do you need? I want more.
10:18Like because I want to fight somebody,
10:22fight somebody with their business out.
10:24No, you're not right.
10:26I'm not fighting somebody with their home.
10:27I'm fighting on somebody fighting somebody that's peeing on other people.
10:31I once wanted on a plane.
10:33I once wanted an auction.
10:34Kevin McKay is passing a urinal for the TV goddess.
10:39So what are we doing?
10:40We call it.
10:41We got it. Do you know?
10:42Do you understand?
10:45Do you understand?
10:47You do you do you understand?
10:50Do you understand?
10:52I don't think none of us like you guys.
10:54You guys are just saying, oh, he's big.
10:56He can do what he wants. No, no.
10:58I'm saying I understand what I'm saying is like in a in a thing
11:02where there is like an old woman who's getting beat on.
11:04Am I beating the am I am I knocking this guy's lights out
11:08when he's inebriated?
11:10Oh, being on people, I think crazy.
11:13You're like, this is the time he must be taught a lesson
11:15when he won't know the lesson. Yeah.
11:20It's not it.
11:21All right. There's too much fun.
11:22If it's a family member, obviously you got to stand up.
11:26But poor little Gertrude.
11:27So y'all don't like strange old lady.
11:29You don't believe that was if something's not.
11:33How do you think she'll react?
11:34How do you think?
11:34I see he's peeing on me.
11:37No, I do.
11:39She was in his head.
11:40I'm not hitting that big ass, dude.
11:42Too big. It's with the guy.
11:45I think he might be on ambient.
11:47I believe I'm allowed.
11:52what the hell?
11:53This is seconds going by.
11:55By second, 13.
11:56They're like, he's almost because, you know what?
12:00Hang in there, buddy.
12:02If she sit with her husband after it's all said and done,
12:06you got to take her ball and go, you get nothing.
12:10Right. You go kick his ass.
12:12Oh, he's going to be like, why did you try to kick the man's ass?
12:16Who was being on you?
12:18No. What the hell?
12:20He's almost done, sweetie.
12:22He has to be almost. Oh, wait.
12:27My grandfather was once peed on by red alabaster.
12:35No, we're all good.
12:36Crying and laughing.
12:38This is a very serious, serious thing.
12:40And everybody, everybody in this room,
12:43wait, and everybody here, everybody here is going.
12:48I wouldn't have did nothing.
12:50No, I just don't know what you do.
12:51And that's just some people just react.
12:55They're just like they stay frozen in time for 20 seconds.
12:59Of course, if it's me, hands are going immediately.
13:03If it's a family member, of course, kids.
13:04Yes. Stranger.
13:06Oh, Gertrude, I'm so sorry.
13:09I'm looking like, oh, no.
13:11So this is told.
13:12Hey, yo, yo, Gert, Gert, look, I feel bad for you.
13:16I am so sorry, ma'am.
13:18I'm so sorry that happened.
13:19I'm going to be like, if you see how big we were on a Vegas flight
13:22and and Calais, Campbell was taking a whiz on an old lady.
13:26And you and I were sitting there.
13:27We got to get to the fights and be like, you're right.
13:30Being right on that old lady.
13:32Yes, that's what I'm saying.
13:34He will give me the heads up.
13:36She will give me the heads up.
13:38She's going to stand up.
13:39We got to do something.
13:41She don't know her.
13:43No, no.
13:44Because you know what Jackass would do?
13:46I got you.
13:46And then I would go in there and get my ass kicked.
13:48And he'd be like...
13:50All of a sudden a book bag is thrown.
