Superior Meats exotic Venison sticks Review

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00:00Hello everyone, this is Paul Branson Reviews and Much More, and when I mean much more,
00:07I do more than just reviews.
00:09I review snacks, food, healthy snacks, bad snacks, movies, and even do festivals, Toronto
00:16Island tours, talk to the Ribfest people, and much more.
00:20But today I'm doing Superior Meats exotic venison sticks.
00:28And I figured, give it a try.
00:30Give venison a try, I don't think I've ever had deer, I think venison is deer, I don't
00:35think I've ever tried it before, or I just can't remember.
00:38But I've never tried the sticks, I might have tried the meat one time when I was somewhere
00:43when I was very young, but I definitely don't remember what they taste like.
00:47But these are the sticks, and there's seven here.
00:50And basically Superior Meats also has Superior Cheese, and it's a huge farm, and you can
00:55buy these exotic meats at the Farmer's Market in Peterburto, Ontario at the Lansdowne and
01:02Memorial Centre area.
01:04Now this, I'm tongue tied, no MSG, MSG free, gluten free, obviously it's a Canadian farm,
01:18no added filters, naturally smoked, doesn't need to be refrigerated.
01:24And then on the back, oh my word, I can't read it, 120 calories, basically it's pork,
01:31venison, salt, and as you see back there, that faded away.
01:37So I'm not really sure, but very little ingredients because I've tried some of these other ones
01:41like crocodile, kangaroo, and you can check those reviews out as well.
01:44But now I'm going to open this up, and as usual I keep on forgetting to bring my knife
01:49to cut this open.
01:50So hopefully this will be an easy cut with my teeth.
02:03I keep on forgetting to bring my, I have this wonderful Swiss Army knife that I lost one
02:09a long time ago, so I bought a new one and I barely use it because I keep on forgetting
02:12to bring it with me.
02:14How stupid is that?
02:17Alright, now I'll bring this out.
02:21Smells good.
02:22Not an ordinary stick, there's seven here.
02:32Doesn't smell spicy or anything.
02:34Oh, it's a bit rubbery, I can't see, oh, so you can see the inside there, I don't see
02:44anything unusual in there.
03:01I find it a bit tough to chew.
03:17The flavor is good, and it's a bit greasy on my hand, it's not super greasy, I'm not
03:21sure if you can see that there.
03:26It sticks in my teeth that I don't like.
03:44Would I buy venison again, I'm thinking.
03:47I like it, but it has a unique taste, and it's supposed to be very healthy for you.
04:01It's supposed to be like a vitamin shot.
04:04I also think it gives you some health benefits, I just can't remember them all right now.
04:10Yeah, it kind of sticks in my teeth, and it doesn't, it's a unique flavor.
04:18I don't know, I like it, I'd probably buy it again.
04:39Now, I'm pretty sure I've never had venison before, because I don't think I've ever tasted
04:50a flavor like this.
04:52It's good, it kind of gets stuck in my teeth, it's a bit chewy, as I said earlier, but it
05:00has a nice flavor to it, no aftertaste, it was a little bit hard to swallow, so you have
05:06to make sure you chew it really well.
05:09Other than that, I would probably, and it does have health benefits, like a vitamin
05:13shot, or a vitamin pill, I should say.
05:18I would give this an 8 out of 10.
05:20I actually, I do like it, I do like it quite a bit, actually.
05:23I would give it an 8 out of 10.
05:25I had to think about it for a bit, because I always put in the factor of chewing and
05:28swallowing, because sometimes I eat food, and I have a hard time swallowing it.
05:33The first time I chewed it, it was really tough, rubbery as you saw, but I still give
05:40it an 8 out of 10.
05:41I actually do like it, and I would eat it again, and I think sometimes when I leave
05:45them out for a little bit, they do soften up.
05:49Some of the meats do, and some don't, because I've tried many sticks before of these, of
05:55superior meats, but I would give this an 8 out of 10.
05:57I actually really enjoyed it.
05:59Yeah, alright everyone, bye for now, check out my other movie reviews, I actually had
06:04to think about this one.
06:05Bye for now, and have an incredible day, and thanks again for watching.
