Pellicola di genere western all'italiana con Giuliano Gemma, primo dei quattro western "ciociaro-andalusi" di Tessari.
Nonostante il titolo, la pellicola non ha nulla a che vedere con Il ritorno di Ringo (sempre di Tessari) e ritenuto da molti un sequel del presente film ma così intitolato in seguito al grande successo di questo primo western all'italiana di Tessari.
Nonostante il titolo, la pellicola non ha nulla a che vedere con Il ritorno di Ringo (sempre di Tessari) e ritenuto da molti un sequel del presente film ma così intitolato in seguito al grande successo di questo primo western all'italiana di Tessari.
Short filmTranscript
00:00:00Hey, Timoteo, auguri, auguri a te, ragazzo, e per te, è arrivata adesso.
00:00:19Beh, leggi, è dello sceriffo di Crystal City, faccia d'angelo è stato assolto, legittima
00:00:35difesa, ha detto il giudice, per l'Indo è sempre legittima difesa, è una notizia che
00:00:41non piacerai, Benson, Phil era il più giovane dei 5 fratelli, Phil se l'è andata a cercare,
00:00:47corringo chiunque se la va a cercare, ecco dove sono andati, e io che mi domandavo come
00:00:52mai partivano proprio prima di Natale, chi è partito, i Benson, tutti e quattro, stamattina
00:00:57prima dell'alba, beh, cosa ti fischio adesso, Timoteo, tu faccia d'angelo lo conosci, dove
00:01:04può essere andato, a San Jose, lo sanno tutti, lo sanno, già, e anche i Benson lo sapranno,
00:01:14che bisogno c'è da frettarsi tanto, i Benson non l'hanno mai visto in faccia, prima che
00:01:18riescano a ritracciarlo fai in tempo a fermarli dieci volte, già, ma se non ci riesco qualcuno
00:01:23ci rimane e con una palla fra gli occhi, ehi vecchio, svegliati, conosci uno che abita
00:01:41da queste parti, conosco tanti che abitano da queste parti, quello che stiamo cercando
00:01:46noi si chiama faccia d'angelo, tutti cercano Ringo in questo paese, e chi ha sfortuna prima
00:01:52o poi riesce anche a trovarlo, chi ha sfortuna, Riga, devi tornare indietro, Riga hai la ragione,
00:02:06Riga, hai toccato di nuovo la Riga, mai conosciuto giocatori più pignoli di voi altri, ehi, tu,
00:02:25conosci faccia d'angelo, e adesso bambini mettetevi da parte e state a vedere, perché, cosa vuoi
00:02:31fare, un nuovo gioco più divertente, il primo di quei quattro signori che passa il muretto
00:02:36lo stendo con una palla fra gli occhi, che cos'è questa buffonata, non è una buffonata,
00:02:42è un nuovo gioco, l'ho detto, e poi i bambini si divertono, cercavate Ringo faccia d'angelo,
00:02:49Beh, l'avete trovato, Ringo faccia d'angelo sono io, gliel'avevo detto di non passare
00:02:58il muretto, fermo dove sei Ringo, e tieni le mani lontane da quella pistola, salve sceriffo,
00:03:15cercavate me?
00:03:16Veramente stavo cercando i quattro Benson, e loro cercavano me, e m'hanno trovato, poveretti,
00:03:21t'hanno trovato e tu li hai ammazzati, legittima difesa, sceriffo, legittima difesa, ho i testimoni,
00:03:28certo, lo racconterai al giudice il giorno del processo, ehi mi fai sedere, però solo
00:03:32che questa volta ti facciano stare al fresco come minimo per un paio d'anni, beh, visto
00:03:38che sono vostro ospite potreste almeno offrirmi da bere, ho qui un vecchio whisky che aspetta
00:03:42solo un amico, no, no, niente alcol Tim, appanna la vista e fa tremare la mano, preferirei
00:03:48del latte sempre che ci sia qualche mucca da mungere qui nella zona, vuoi mantenerti
00:03:52in forma per continuare a uccidere?
00:03:54No, per continuare a vivere, sceriffo, è differente.
00:04:22Mi dispiace per te, amico, ma se hai delle grane in famiglia, risolvile a casa tua,
00:04:49e poi non è mica bello abbandonare la moglie nei giorni di Natale.
00:05:19No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:05:48no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:06:18Happy Christmas.
00:06:20Merry Christmas, Sheriff.
00:06:21Merry Christmas to you, too, Logan.
00:06:24Merry Christmas, sir.
00:06:25Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas,
00:06:27Only at Christmas we have the Christmas greetings.
00:06:28At Christmas you greet,
00:06:29On other days you will go back.
00:06:33Hey! I'm telling you!
00:06:34I'm listening!
00:06:35I don't like to talk to myself.
00:06:39What do you think?
00:06:42You go back to the office and wait for me there.
00:06:44Of course.
00:06:45When there are women,
00:06:46it's better to get rid of me.
00:06:48Mortaretti, mortaretti, ah, ecco qua, signorina.
00:06:52Guardi, questi sono i migliori petardi di tutto il Texas,
00:06:55il che vuol dire che sono i migliori petardi di tutta l'Unione.
00:06:57Già, quando c'è da sparare, a voi non vi batte nessuno.
00:07:00Ecco qui, ecco il regalo che mi avevo ordinato.
00:07:03E' il miglior...
00:07:04Buongiorno, Ruby.
00:07:05Buongiorno, Ben.
00:07:06Perché non mi hai fatto sapere che saresti venuta in presa?
00:07:08Volevo farti un regalo senza che tu lo sapessi.
00:07:10Il regalo me l'hai fatto innamorandoti di me.
00:07:13Che cosa nascondi?
00:07:14Ah, ah, niente da fare fino a domani sera.
00:07:15Il regalo di Natale deve essere una sorpresa.
00:07:17No, non sono d'accordo.
00:07:18I regali sono sempre regali anche se non sono una sorpresa.
00:07:21Anzi, anzi, i regali migliori sono proprio quelli che uno fa a se stesso,
00:07:25soprattutto quando sono inutili.
00:07:29Dom Perignon dell'84.
00:07:33Arrivato dalla Francia apposta per noi.
00:07:35Con tutto quello champagne potrai festeggiare sia il Natale che l'addio al celibato,
00:07:39sempre che tu non abbia cambiato idea.
00:07:42Ah, ah, ah.
00:07:44Anche se non ti amassi più, ti sposerei lo stesso,
00:07:46solo per il gusto di avere tuo padre come suocere.
00:07:48Ah, ah, ah.
00:07:51Ehi, sceriffo, ti stanno cercando.
00:07:53Non so che cosa vogliono, ma ti cercano.
00:07:55Allora domani sera si va a tavola alle 10 e mezza.
00:07:58Alle 10 e mezza.
00:07:59Non è un po' tardino?
00:08:00A Boston si cena sempre alle 10 e mezza.
00:08:02Dovrai abituarti.
00:08:03Ti stanno aspettando, sceriffo.
00:08:05Bisogna abituarsi a un sacco di cose una volta sposati.
00:08:08All'idea di Boston non mi abituerò mai.
00:08:10Mai e sempre sono avverbi che non esistono.
00:08:12A domani sera.
00:08:15A domani.
00:08:17Ti aspettano.
00:08:41È una donna quella che ti sta cercando.
00:08:43Non te l'ho detto perché anche Ruby è una donna
00:08:45e io le donne le conosco.
00:08:46Sceriffo, oh, sceriffo, grazie a Dio.
00:08:48Finalmente siete qui.
00:08:49È successa una cosa terribile.
00:08:50Signora, vi prego, cosa vi è successo?
00:08:51Sceriffo, una cosa terribile.
00:08:52Non potete neanche immaginare.
00:08:54Calmatevi adesso.
00:08:55Venite nel mio ufficio.
00:08:57Mi racconterete tutto.
00:08:58Scusa, posso entrare anch'io o devo andarmene?
00:09:00No, dico, basta sapere, o almeno uno sa come regolarsi.
00:09:04Ah, beh, meno male.
00:09:05Perché restare sempre all'oscuro delle cose in ufficio
00:09:07non è piacevole, sai?
00:10:08There are $50,000 in this bag, and you're not going to wait for them, is that clear?
00:10:14Excuse me.
00:10:17Good morning, Director.
00:10:19And who are you?
00:10:20A friend.
00:10:25Excuse me, Mr. Director. Do you need anything?
00:10:28No, thank you. I don't need anything. Don't bother.
00:10:32Is everything okay?
00:10:34He stopped grumbling, boss.
00:10:36It can be seen that the Christmas spirit is good for him too.
00:10:45Do the gentlemen want anything?
00:10:47I don't, Furbacchione.
00:10:49And do you want anything?
00:10:51No, thank you.
00:10:53Nobody wants anything, Furbacchione.
00:11:01Oh, Casi.
00:11:03It's you.
00:11:04Sorry for the delay.
00:11:06Be kind, please.
00:11:08Bring me the second key to the safe. I need it to verify...
00:11:12Right away, Mr. Director.
00:11:18Stop there!
00:11:20Hands up, gentlemen.
00:11:22All of you.
00:11:23Quiet, Sombres.
00:11:25It's just a robbery.
00:11:27So, this key to the safe...
00:11:30I don't know where to keep the safe, Casi.
00:11:33Don't worry, friend. We'll do without the key.
00:11:39Will you let me turn it on?
00:11:40Right away, yes, of course. Right away.
00:11:54What are you doing?
00:11:55Haven't you ever seen dynamite?
00:11:57What are you doing standing there?
00:11:59Behind the desk it's safer.
00:12:01Look, friend, how your safe opens.
00:12:15So, the beast is gone.
00:12:17The house has been destroyed. My son is seriously injured.
00:12:20My husband is dying.
00:12:21And those murderers, not even the shadow.
00:12:25You have to do something, Sheriff.
00:12:27You have to do something.
00:12:29I'm sorry, ma'am, but your story wasn't clear.
00:12:32Besides, you didn't see them face to face.
00:12:34And you don't know who they are.
00:12:36And then the fact that the shooting took place.
00:12:38But what happened?
00:12:39Hurry, let's go and see.
00:12:41Stay away from those rifles.
00:12:42You too, Sheriff.
00:12:44Leave it alone.
00:12:50Stay away from those weapons.
00:12:51Don't force me to kill you.
00:12:56Ma'am, sit down.
00:12:57Excuse me.
00:12:58Sit down.
00:13:00Well, if you have nothing against it, I would continue the game.
00:13:03Never interrupt the game when you're winning.
00:13:06It's a matter of principle.
00:13:51Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:13:53See you.
00:14:06Music, amigos.
00:14:08I like happy people.
00:14:18Stop where you are.
00:14:20And don't move until we get away from here.
00:14:23Hurry, Dolores.
00:14:24Let's go.
00:14:42The horses, hurry!
00:14:49Go, go!
00:15:22Ho, ho, ho!
00:15:23Hey, hey!
00:15:25Hey, hey!
00:15:46Ho, ho!
00:23:20What do we do now?
00:23:22Let's call the soldiers.
00:23:23In the meantime, we don't move from here.
00:23:25Have you seen how they have behaved in the village?
00:23:28They are angry dogs.
00:23:29They will exterminate us at any cost.
00:23:31Calm down, Colonel. Think of the hostages.
00:23:33Major Clyde.
00:23:36You think about it, Sheriff. It's your job.
00:23:39I just tell you that we don't move from here.
00:23:42There is only one way to save them.
00:23:45And it is to be able to get them to escape.
00:23:47And if one, armed and determined, manages to enter the factory...
00:23:49Maybe he'll make it.
00:23:50But who?
00:23:51It's my job to think of the hostages.
00:23:53I'm paid for this, right?
00:23:55So I'm the only person suitable...
00:23:57Yes, to make them fall as soon as you put your nose in the garden.
00:24:00Did you forget the woman of the bandit?
00:24:02She spent an hour in your office watching how you did.
00:24:05The only salvation is someone they don't know.
00:24:08And I, this someone, maybe I would have it.
00:24:13No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:24:15Nothing to do.
00:24:16It's a matter of principle.
00:24:17Never look for trouble.
00:24:18They come alone.
00:24:19Don't think about the danger of the hostages.
00:24:22I think about the danger I would run.
00:24:24He's a wild beast, that Sancho Ringo.
00:24:26More reason not to deal with him.
00:24:28He's one who only shoots in the back and against unarmed people.
00:24:31He's right.
00:24:32When you want to kill someone, it's stupid to take unnecessary risks.
00:24:35Let's lose, I told you.
00:24:37For people like him, words like honor, loyalty, justice have no meaning.
00:24:42No meaning, Sheriff.
00:24:44You said it.
00:24:48I telegraphed to Crystal City.
00:24:50The colonel was not there, but by tomorrow morning we have the answer.
00:24:53Very well.
00:24:54With the cavalry of all those canals, there will be no one left alive.
00:24:58Only that even the hostages will do the same.
00:25:00Unfortunately, it's a risk we have to run.
00:25:02Pity, Ringo.
00:25:03You miss a good opportunity to get rich, to make a lot of money.
00:25:06Here you see.
00:25:07These are words that have meaning.
00:25:09Explain yourself better.
00:25:10At the bank, they took away the country's savings.
00:25:12If you recover them and save the hostages, you get 10%.
00:25:16It's an interesting proposal, but the percentage is limited.
00:25:20It's a matter of principle.
00:25:22Never enter a business for less than 30%.
00:25:2530% is a lot.
00:25:27Yes, but 70% would go back to the bank.
00:25:29So basically, it would also be a business.
00:25:31And then, judge, think of Major Clyde, Ruby and all those poor peonies.
00:25:35But I'm not authorized.
00:25:37You are the judge, the mayor, the most important citizen of the country.
00:25:40You are authorized to everything.
00:25:41Let him out.
00:25:42Hey, wait a minute.
00:25:43You arrested me on the charge of murder.
00:25:45I want the trial first.
00:25:46Otherwise, I won't move.
00:25:48You'll have the trial as soon as this case is over.
00:25:50Nothing to do.
00:25:51The trial first.
00:25:52It's a matter of principle.
00:25:56All right.
00:25:58Let's give him the trial, judge.
00:26:05United States of America, court of appeals.
00:26:07December 23, 1894, Ringo's trial.
00:26:09I don't know how you said it.
00:26:10What is the charge?
00:26:11The murder of the Benson brothers.
00:26:12The defendant has something to say.
00:26:14Legitimate defense, Your Honor.
00:26:15Legitimate defense.
00:26:16The defendant is acquitted.
00:26:17Release him.
00:26:25No, thank you.
00:26:26No gun, Tim.
00:26:27If they see me coming armed, they want to shoot me.
00:26:30And here, if there's someone who has to shoot, it's you.
00:26:32Shoot against who?
00:26:33Against me, of course.
00:26:40There's someone coming!
00:27:05Throw the gun.
00:27:09I don't have a gun, so you can't shoot me.
00:27:11It wouldn't be fair.
00:27:13What's going on?
00:27:15Excuse me.
00:27:21Let him pass, Paquito.
00:27:23Hey, this country is agitated.
00:27:25They shoot me from the hills.
00:27:26And you receive me with the guns flat.
00:27:29Good morning, gentlemen.
00:27:31Good morning.
00:27:32Who are you?
00:27:34And where do you come from?
00:27:35Well, I'm one who got bored with the law.
00:27:37But it's all a misunderstanding.
00:27:38A damn misunderstanding.
00:27:39Excuse me.
00:27:40I hope you are understanding and don't want to report me.
00:27:43For me, this snitch is a bit of an idiot.
00:27:46I've already seen you somewhere.
00:27:48Of course, ma'am.
00:27:49In the sheriff's office.
00:27:50It's just that I was on the other side of the bars.
00:27:52Were you in prison?
00:27:54I like that you're in prison.
00:27:56And how did you escape?
00:27:58With a little imagination.
00:28:01I hate prisons.
00:28:04One moment.
00:28:06So you're not the owners of the factory?
00:28:08I'll tell you.
00:28:09It's as if I were.
00:28:10But I know.
00:28:11But where do you want him to go?
00:28:12With that face.
00:28:13The only place where he can go is the cemetery.
00:28:17I really want to plant a bullet in your eyes.
00:28:19And I think I'll do it.
00:28:20Hey, wait.
00:28:22Let me see.
00:28:23Ouch, ouch, ouch.
00:28:24What a bad wound.
00:28:26Here, if you don't immediately remove the bullet, you go to cancer.
00:28:29And if you go to cancer, you have to cut your arm, even if it goes.
00:28:32I would like a doctor, but there are plenty of them around here.
00:28:35Don't worry, ma'am.
00:28:36Fortunately, there are those.
00:28:38In Dallas, I was an assistant to a barber who was also a surgeon.
00:28:41I operated at least ten horses with him.
00:28:43Hey, I say.
00:28:44One moment.
00:28:45I'm not a horse.
00:28:46And I'm not a surgeon.
00:28:48So you can trust me.
00:28:49On the other hand, friend.
00:28:51When there is no choice, you always have to trust us.
00:28:53It's not like that.
00:28:56The tree must be finished for tonight, Paco.
00:28:58I recommend in the kitchen.
00:28:59Check that the soufflé...
00:29:00Yes, reasonable, Ruby.
00:29:01We have a house full of bandits.
00:29:03You taught me everything.
00:29:04The soufflé must be cooked properly.
00:29:06It's not too clear.
00:29:07Okay, okay.
00:29:08I taught you, dear.
00:29:09But at this moment, I don't think it's very clear.
00:29:11Come on, come on.
00:29:12I'm going to the rubble.
00:29:15Let's see.
00:29:19Here's the place.
00:29:22Let's get everything out of here.
00:29:26Give me a hand.
00:29:32Can I help you with something?
00:29:33Yes, good.
00:29:34Whiskey, and good brand.
00:29:35There's tequila.
00:29:36We use it in the pigsty.
00:29:38I think it's more suitable.
00:29:39I don't like the way you talk.
00:29:41Oh no?
00:29:42Listen, girl.
00:29:43With your permission, ma'am.
00:29:48It comes from Kentucky.
00:29:49Twenty years old.
00:29:51Ah, thank goodness.
00:29:53So you calm down.
00:29:54Nobody has a knife?
00:29:58Nothing more sharp?
00:29:59My razor.
00:30:00How much better a factory in London in this period.
00:30:04It seems to me to have returned to the old days.
00:30:08You're too kind, Major.
00:30:10I don't like it.
00:30:11But why?
00:30:12You're never kind enough when it comes to a wound and a beautiful lady.
00:30:16It's a matter of habit.
00:30:19I miss the soap and the brush.
00:30:24What's wrong?
00:30:25The gun.
00:30:26You have to take it off.
00:30:27The gun?
00:30:28I don't even take my gun off when I sleep.
00:30:30Then no operation.
00:30:33You do the operation.
00:30:34And right away.
00:30:35Do you understand?
00:30:36No, it's a matter of principle.
00:30:38Never operate a man with a gun.
00:30:42Come on, shoot me.
00:30:43Worse for you.
00:30:44So you'll get your arm back and maybe your life.
00:30:47All right, you won, son of a dog.
00:30:49But go.
00:30:50If you kill me, son of a dog,
00:30:52I'll give you back in pieces, son of a dog.
00:30:59You saw that he was right.
00:31:00If I had the gun, you'd shoot me.
00:31:04We'd better get away.
00:31:06Don't you think?
00:31:11Hurry up with those bands.
00:31:14The ceiling is punctured.
00:31:15Defective construction.
00:31:23A little control.
00:31:24The horses have much more dignity than you.
00:31:26But I'm not a horse.
00:31:28I'm not a surgeon.
00:31:29I've already told you.
00:31:31Then I was a flag bearer in the 4th Cavalry.
00:31:34When my wife died, Ruby was still a child.
00:31:37And so I resigned to stay with her.
00:31:40I took her to Europe, London, Paris.
00:31:42Ruby was very attached to her mother.
00:31:45Then we settled in Boston.
00:31:46You don't know Boston?
00:31:47No, never been.
00:31:49Too bad.
00:31:50I hope that when this story is over,
00:31:52you want to come.
00:31:53It would be an honor for me to have you as my guests.
00:31:56In Boston, in your house.
00:31:58Don't swear.
00:31:59Are you kidding me?
00:32:01There are beautiful shops in Boston.
00:32:03Nothing to envy to those in Paris.
00:32:05It's the only city where a lady can do shopping.
00:32:08It would be such a joy for me to help you choose your purchases.
00:32:12If it's a joke, I don't like it.
00:32:15But damn it, do you realize who I am?
00:32:17You are a woman.
00:32:18A splendid woman.
00:32:20That's enough for me.
00:32:21And a woman must only be admired.
00:32:23It is always understood that my admiration does not offend you.
00:32:26Major, you are crazy.
00:32:28My word.
00:32:30Really crazy.
00:32:34You know, you're a really good guy.
00:32:37Of course I am.
00:32:38Why? Did you have any doubts?
00:32:40That's it.
00:32:41In a couple of days, the wound will heal and you can throw away the bandages and bandages.
00:32:44Very good, friend.
00:32:46Very good.
00:32:47You really deserve a reward.
00:32:49Do you know what I do?
00:32:51Today I appoint you my trusted doctor.
00:32:54Let's celebrate the appointment of the whiskey for the boy.
00:32:57No, thank you. I only drink milk.
00:32:59What did you say? Milk?
00:33:13Drink, boy.
00:33:15If you want to be one of us, you have to change habits.
00:33:18Because I decided so.
00:33:23But you know you laugh really badly.
00:33:26Yes, you laugh like a fool.
00:33:28I like people who laugh.
00:33:30But it bothers me who laughs like a fool.
00:33:32Oh, what a fear.
00:33:34And what do you do to those who bother you?
00:33:37But then, in addition to being stupid, you are also curious.
00:33:40Okay, keep laughing.
00:33:43No, no.
00:33:48And now try to take the gun.
00:33:51Calm, calm.
00:33:53And now let's say why I came here.
00:33:55What do you mean?
00:33:56I mean that escaping from prison to enter another prison is stupid.
00:34:01And here the only stupid is him.
00:34:03So tell me, why did you come here?
00:34:05Well, because while I was in prison, I heard a lot of interesting things.
00:34:08Of the shot to the bank, of you here bottled up, of the sheriff who asked for reinforcements.
00:34:13Cavalry, two squads.
00:34:16And I said to myself, I know the area.
00:34:19I know the positions of the sheriff and his men.
00:34:21Those poor bandits need someone to give them a hand.
00:34:24And I have the right idea to get them out of jail.
00:34:26So what am I doing in prison?
00:34:28Get the idea out.
00:34:29First of all, do you have dynamite?
00:34:31From the shot to the bank, there was a lot left to blow up a country.
00:34:35It was what I thought.
00:34:36Get the idea out.
00:34:37First of all, we have to agree.
00:34:39It's a matter of principle.
00:34:40Never do anything for nothing.
00:34:42How much do you want?
00:34:43Not so much.
00:34:44Forty percent of what's in this bag.
00:34:46As soon as we're safe.
00:34:47Forty percent?
00:34:48But you're crazy.
00:34:49Take or leave.
00:34:50You have time until tomorrow morning to give me an answer.
00:34:53Think about it.
00:34:56I like the kid.
00:34:58Maybe the idea in his head is good seriously.
00:35:01You don't have to be greedy.
00:35:03Especially if the investment is good.
00:35:04Yes, but forty percent.
00:35:05That's right.
00:35:06Forty percent is enough.
00:35:08But we'll have to pay him once we're out of here.
00:35:11And once we're out, I'll kill him.
00:35:14If you think you're going to kill me once we're out of here,
00:35:17you're wrong.
00:35:18Hey, you snitch, wait a minute.
00:35:20I'm not a snitch.
00:35:22My name is Facciadangelo.
00:35:23Oh, Ringo for friends.
00:35:24Excuse me.
00:35:27I think that woman, Dolores,
00:35:29is becoming the center of your attention.
00:35:32She's the only one in the gang who has influence on Sancho.
00:35:36And she's the only one who can prevent those bandits
00:35:38from unleashing against us.
00:35:42I didn't know you were so diplomatic.
00:35:44And above all, she's a beautiful woman.
00:35:46And this dear one is never enough.
00:35:49Sorry for the intrusion, but I'm looking for a light.
00:35:51It's getting dark.
00:35:52Come on, you guys in line.
00:35:54Which women and men from this side?
00:35:56We'll let the kids get lost for today.
00:35:57For today.
00:35:58It's getting dark, so one of you has to die.
00:36:01But since we don't want anyone to blame us tomorrow
00:36:04for his death,
00:36:05we'll let fate decide.
00:36:13He doesn't know where the projectile went.
00:36:16He doesn't know.
00:36:18I don't know.
00:36:19And you don't know.
00:36:21No one worries, and we have more fun.
00:36:30It went well, didn't it?
00:37:04I'm going to have a good time.
00:37:35What are you doing here?
00:37:37You want a bullet for me?
00:37:39Who do I love you to?
00:37:44I love you.
00:37:47I love you too, Dolores.
00:37:49Let's go.
00:37:56No, I'm sorry.
00:37:57Not this one.
00:37:59Hey, Sancho.
00:38:00I'd worry about you.
00:38:02In Barrosto, this old scoundrel is much more suitable.
00:38:08When are you?
00:38:09I can't wait.
00:38:20I like it when it's dark at night.
00:38:23Like a old man.
00:38:24And I like you too.
00:38:26Damn, if I like you.
00:38:28I've always told you.
00:38:31Once in a while, it proves to have good taste.
00:38:33Please, sit down.
00:38:35Do you want to eat something?
00:38:36Don't compliment me.
00:38:37What do you prefer?
00:38:38Thigh, chest or shoulder?
00:38:40I prefer the chest, my friend.
00:38:42Cut a slice for me too.
00:38:44You're fast, Furbacchione.
00:38:46I'm hungry as hell.
00:38:48My mother used to make a great roast.
00:38:51You should have met my mother.
00:38:53Hey, Furbacchione.
00:38:55I ordered you to bring me some meat.
00:38:58My name is not Furbacchione.
00:39:00I've already told you.
00:39:01If you don't mind, I'd like to play some music.
00:39:06It's a phonograph.
00:39:07A friend of mine from Boston gave it to me.
00:39:09Mr. Edison, this spring.
00:39:11Paco, the record.
00:39:13And now, Mr. Tagliatelle.
00:39:21Hey, doctor.
00:39:22You're so refined.
00:39:23Why don't you invite the lady to dance?
00:39:25Come on, invite her.
00:39:29If the lady allows it.
00:39:30No, the lady doesn't allow it.
00:39:32The lady is already engaged to you.
00:39:41Do your thing.
00:39:47Hey, wait a minute, Furbacchione.
00:39:51You're right, I forgot, sorry.
00:39:58Pedro, don't get mad.
00:40:00Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.
00:40:03And knife for knife.
00:40:29Is she your mother?
00:40:32You look a lot like her.
00:40:34I'd like to look like her.
00:40:35My mother was an extraordinary woman.
00:40:37Your father is extraordinary too.
00:40:40I've never met a guy like him in my life.
00:40:43My father is out of this world.
00:40:45It's a collection of defects that his sympathy makes quality.
00:40:48Dolores is not nice to you, is she?
00:40:50What does it matter?
00:40:52That woman with my father.
00:40:54I would say it matters.
00:40:56I saw her looking at her while they were dancing together.
00:41:01I don't see what's so funny.
00:41:03Of course, a stepmother like Dolores.
00:41:05Well, it should be a disconcerting experience for you.
00:41:09A stepmother?
00:41:11Are you crazy?
00:41:13Why? I'm not in love.
00:41:15Speaking of love, greetings from the sheriff.
00:41:18No, a moment of calm.
00:41:20What does the sheriff have to do with it now?
00:41:22It matters because he's in love with you.
00:41:24Since he wants to marry you.
00:41:27Is this watch for him?
00:41:30Nice as a Christmas gift.
00:41:33You love him, don't you?
00:41:35Of course I love him.
00:41:36But what does it have to do with someone like you?
00:41:38What? I didn't tell you.
00:41:40I'm so distracted.
00:41:43Well, he was the one who sent me here.
00:41:45You know, he offered me 30% of what's in Sancho's bag
00:41:49to get you out of trouble.
00:41:52Ah, did I miss something?
00:41:54Thank you.
00:43:07I'm going to shoot.
00:43:14They're going to kill us!
00:43:16They're going to kill us all!
00:43:17Felipe is right.
00:43:18If we don't leave quickly, they'll kill us one at a time.
00:43:26I'm going to call Sancho.
00:43:28You gather the hostages.
00:43:30The peons and the masters.
00:43:32On the terrace.
00:43:34It's the only place where you're sure you won't get shot.
00:43:38Good morning.
00:43:39Dead, right?
00:43:41I've always said that.
00:43:42Getting up early in the morning is bad for your health.
00:43:54Thank you, dad.
00:43:55You're welcome, dear.
00:43:58Thank you.
00:44:00Come on, Burattino.
00:44:02It's too late.
00:44:07And walk.
00:44:11Good morning, ma'am.
00:44:12Good morning, Major.
00:44:13Have you already had breakfast?
00:44:15No, thank you.
00:44:16I've already done it.
00:44:19Excuse me if I disturb you.
00:44:21I need some hot water.
00:44:23Make yourself comfortable.
00:44:24It's in the kitchen.
00:44:25A place that I think you know well, ma'am.
00:44:27Unfortunately, the servant has been taken by your friends.
00:44:30But I can give you a hand.
00:44:32I guess it's for your bath.
00:44:34A bath?
00:44:35Ah, yes, tomorrow is Christmas.
00:44:37But no, it's for Sancho, for the beard.
00:44:39I would have preferred it to be for you.
00:44:41Anyway, if you accept my help.
00:44:48Your presence makes my day cheerful.
00:44:50Major, you are incorrigible.
00:44:52In front of a beautiful woman, all men are incorrigible.
00:44:57Let's go.
00:45:20Send him to the sheriff with our best wishes.
00:45:24And weigh well, so we don't separate a happy couple.
00:45:34Never cry over a dead boy.
00:45:36It's useless.
00:45:46It's not bad as a good morning.
00:45:48It's quite funny.
00:45:49But I don't think the sheriff appreciates your spirit.
00:45:51In fact, he knows so much that he will be angry.
00:45:53He will be very angry.
00:45:55And it will be more and more difficult to get out of here.
00:45:58You know what I tell you, Ringo?
00:46:00That you talk too much.
00:46:02And you too little.
00:46:03Remember, I'm waiting for an answer.
00:46:07Come on, friend.
00:46:09But is it possible that you really believe
00:46:11that I and my men risked all this
00:46:14to then give 40% to the first come?
00:46:17But I'm not the first to come.
00:46:19I'm the last.
00:46:20And you know why I came?
00:46:22To get you out, friend.
00:46:23You and those bastards of your men.
00:46:26And you know who sent me?
00:46:28The sheriff.
00:46:30And you know how much the sheriff gives me?
00:46:3230% of what's in that bag.
00:46:37What do you mean? Explain yourself better.
00:46:39Either you are with me at 40%
00:46:41or against me at 30%.
00:46:51You're a little presumptuous, my friend.
00:46:53You need a lesson.
00:46:55We just ran out of bullets.
00:46:59A bottle.
00:47:07Hey, you.
00:47:11If I really meant to kill you,
00:47:14believe me, my friend, it wouldn't be so difficult.
00:47:17Damn, Ringo.
00:47:19Why didn't you tell me right away
00:47:21that you were in agreement with the sheriff?
00:47:23Well, because you would have gotten me out.
00:47:25Now you can't anymore, it wouldn't suit you.
00:47:27Then decide.
00:47:28The hours go by and the troops approach.
00:47:30And what guarantees do I have that you won't betray me?
00:47:33The 10% you give me in addition to the sheriff.
00:47:37You're a seller.
00:47:39Yes, miss.
00:47:40To the best offer.
00:47:42Excuse me.
00:48:19You never think about it.
00:48:20Ringo thinks about it.
00:48:22Don't worry, he thinks about it.
00:48:26So the Pharisees decided to kill him.
00:48:28And for 30 denarii, Judah betrayed his master.
00:48:31Betrayed his master.
00:48:33And the Pharisees, recognizing him, dragged him away.
00:48:36I don't know much about this story.
00:48:38Open the case to the other column.
00:48:40But it never occurred to me that four bastards...
00:48:43These mortars are beautiful.
00:48:45That four bastards took advantage of a disarmed man.
00:48:48Jesus was not disarmed.
00:48:50He had understanding, kindness, weapons.
00:48:52Weapons that are useless.
00:48:53A good colt.
00:48:54That's what he needed.
00:48:55Ringo is right.
00:48:56With a colt, they wouldn't have killed him.
00:48:58Don't be silly, Chico.
00:48:59I'm not silly.
00:49:00For example, without a colt, I feel naked.
00:49:03And you don't want a naked man around the house, do you?
00:49:08Do you know where...
00:49:12Where I could find a gun?
00:49:15The path.
00:49:19So what?
00:49:20All the weapons were acquired by your friends.
00:49:23And then I would never give a gun to Judah.
00:49:26If you intend to kiss me, don't do it.
00:49:28The sheriff would be jealous.
00:49:30And then he's nice to me too.
00:49:38It could be a trick.
00:49:40I wouldn't trust myself.
00:49:42I know Ringo.
00:49:44By name.
00:49:45I'm sure I've never had anything to do with the law.
00:49:48I know him too, but I wouldn't trust myself.
00:49:51I'll tell you again.
00:49:52I don't like Ringo.
00:49:54I don't like him either.
00:49:57I like the kid.
00:49:59I don't like anyone in this damn place.
00:50:02And I don't even like to end up with a rope around my neck.
00:50:05And if the troops arrive, well, they don't go so far.
00:50:07Even if we get rid of all the hostages, they get rid of us.
00:50:12Dolores, the other wine.
00:50:16But where the hell did she go?
00:50:21Stop screaming!
00:50:23She can't hear you.
00:50:25She'll have her ears occupied by the beautiful words of the Major.
00:50:35Those sheep, let them in.
00:50:38We'll have to call the veterinarian as soon as the bandits leave.
00:50:41The sheriff loves you.
00:50:43You love the sheriff.
00:50:45So you admit to love.
00:50:47But then...
00:50:48Then why don't you admit that even your father can fall in love?
00:50:51Of course I admit that my father falls in love.
00:50:53But not with someone like that.
00:50:55And then...
00:50:56What stupidity.
00:50:57My father would never fall in love with someone like that.
00:50:59Tell me.
00:51:02The Major doesn't seem to be of your opinion.
00:51:06There was also the Marquise of Bedford that day.
00:51:14And then, all in all, they're a nice couple.
00:51:18Ah, when they get married, will you call her mom?
00:51:21Or will you keep calling her one like that?
00:51:24You are crazy.
00:51:26I'll be crazy, but you're jealous.
00:51:28Oh, I understand you.
00:51:30But if you hate her so much, why don't you kill her?
00:51:33Maybe in your sleep.
00:51:34So you don't notice it.
00:51:35How did you do as a child to solve your problems
00:51:38if the only means you know is to kill?
00:51:42Ah, but I started when I was very young to kill.
00:51:46For legitimate defense.
00:51:48Do you understand?
00:51:49But let's go, come on.
00:51:50Well said, guys.
00:51:51But why talk about death on a day like this?
00:51:54Sorry, Major, it's my fault.
00:51:56But since your daughter is jealous of Dolores...
00:51:58But what are you saying?
00:52:00So I advised her to kill her.
00:52:01Right advice.
00:52:02But to kill you have to know how to use a gun.
00:52:05And I don't think they taught you that in Boston.
00:52:07You learn a lot in Boston.
00:52:08Maybe, but I don't hate her.
00:52:10Only those who hate can kill.
00:52:12And only a real woman can hate.
00:52:25Okay, you can shoot, but you can't kill.
00:52:30What's going on?
00:52:31What's going on?
00:52:32Is it possible that you can never make a sound in peace?
00:52:36Who shot here?
00:52:37So, can you tell me who shot?
00:52:40Women's stuff.
00:52:41And what are you doing here?
00:52:43Did you bring the old man to get some air?
00:52:48Be careful what you do, old man.
00:52:51You joke with fire and the fire burns.
00:52:53Don't force me to teach you to stay in the world.
00:52:56He could teach you something.
00:52:58For example, how to treat a lady.
00:53:00Wait, sweetie.
00:53:01I know how to treat a lady like you.
00:53:20Hi, Max. Is everything okay?
00:53:22Yes, Sheriff.
00:53:23Steve's wife had a baby.
00:53:25Steve's wife always has a baby.
00:53:27James had to go to the post office.
00:53:29All right, guys, but you have to do a double shift.
00:53:31And be careful, keep your eyes open.
00:53:40I came to give you the change.
00:53:43I just wanted to play a game.
00:53:51Play your game, gentlemen.
00:53:53Fifty dollars on black.
00:53:55I can see that this time it's his turn.
00:53:57Twenty dollars on red.
00:53:58Indio, thirty dollars on black.
00:54:00It's a piece that doesn't come out.
00:54:09I'm playing.
00:54:58It's just that the colonel doesn't care about the hostages.
00:55:01You care about what's in there.
00:55:03What do you mean?
00:55:05That if they don't decide to give up,
00:55:07you're the end of the line.
00:55:09But I don't want to be the end of the line.
00:55:11I don't want to die.
00:55:16Maybe the sheriff decided to let us pass.
00:55:19But how do you know?
00:55:24There's a way to find out.
00:55:29I'm going to find out.
00:55:31Felipe, go back.
00:55:32Felipe, kill him.
00:55:34Felipe, Felipe, go back.
00:55:42The sheriff didn't decide.
00:55:47Forty percent?
00:55:50Forty percent.
00:55:53This is the factory.
00:55:54Around there are the sheriff's positions.
00:55:56This, this is the rocky strip that leads to the canyon.
00:55:59And here's the mill.
00:56:02Now, tonight is Christmas Eve.
00:56:04And those who are on guard around here are not bastards like you.
00:56:08Those people have wives and children.
00:56:10And a jump at home tonight, they do.
00:56:13Maybe not everyone, but many certainly do.
00:56:16And leave my mill alone.
00:56:18You're always the usual idiot.
00:56:20Come on, go on.
00:56:21So the guard will be discouraged.
00:56:23Look, the four of us on horseback, pitico, pitico, pitico.
00:56:26Through the plain.
00:56:27Then drag it all the way to the mill.
00:56:29Bam, bam, bam.
00:56:30Get the guards out.
00:56:32The passage will be in our hands and we can winch it without anyone noticing.
00:56:35What if someone notices?
00:56:37They'll kill us all before we get to the border.
00:56:40That's why we put the dynamite here, isn't it?
00:56:42And if they follow us through the canyon,
00:56:44we jump the dynamite and boom!
00:56:46Explosion and down.
00:56:47And the pursuers stay below us.
00:56:50Or anyway, they're stuck for as long as we need to winch it.
00:56:54No, but it's not easy to jump the rock the right way.
00:56:57That's what I need you for.
00:56:59I did the artillery when I was in the army.
00:57:02From the north.
00:57:04I mean, first in the south, but then the south was losing and then ...
00:57:07Never be with those who lose.
00:57:09It's a matter of principle.
00:57:14Take the blankets and let the horses pass.
00:57:19And hang yourselves all in black, even behind your ears.
00:57:23Take off your boots.
00:57:25They must not see or hear us.
00:57:29When they see us, it will be too late.
00:57:31And when they hear us, they'll be dead.
00:57:37Hey, Ringo.
00:57:40It's from Miss Ruby.
00:57:42No, I didn't steal it from her, she gave it to me.
00:57:44But she says you have to give it back to her.
00:57:46You know, it's a gift.
00:57:47Yes, I know.
00:57:48Instead, I stole this.
00:57:50I know you can't do it, but I think you need it.
00:57:53Better than nothing.
00:58:00Anyway, in a little while, I hope I'll have a better gun.
00:58:05Let's see if we understand each other.
00:58:07Get ready for ten o'clock sharp.
00:58:09We'll organize a shooting from here.
00:58:12No one will pay attention to your shots.
00:58:15Let's go.
00:58:18So, did you understand?
00:58:20Another thing, at eleven.
00:58:22When the sheriff gives the check signal, what do you do?
00:58:26Repeat it to me.
00:58:27I answer him.
00:58:29But I shake the flashlight six times instead of three.
00:58:33So the sheriff doesn't get suspicious.
00:58:36And I know the shot was successful.
00:58:38Come on, horse.
00:58:41This is for you.
00:58:43Good job.
00:58:44Come on, guys.
00:58:50One thing.
00:58:51What is it? What else do you want?
00:58:53A gun.
00:58:55I don't think it's a good idea to go around unarmed on an occasion like this.
00:59:00No gun, Ringo.
00:59:01There are my men and there is me.
00:59:03We think of protecting you.
00:59:05You have to have faith in this world, friend.
00:59:07I have it for you.
00:59:10And you must have it for me.
00:59:14Give me a gun or we'll all jump into the air.
00:59:22First a gun.
00:59:24It's a matter of principle.
00:59:39Be careful, the fire continues to burn.
00:59:42Oh, yeah.
00:59:49There is an old proverb in Texas.
00:59:52God created men equal and the colt made them different.
01:00:09Let's go.
01:00:40Pedro, Sancho is looking for you.
01:00:42Come on, hurry up.
01:00:44Come on, hurry up, I said.
01:00:48You are a lucky girl.
01:00:50You have an extraordinary father.
01:01:09You are a lucky girl.
01:01:40Hurry up with these pants.
01:01:47Dressed like this, even a stingy peon can look like a bandit.
01:01:51And the bandits, as they should.
01:01:53The gringos shoot you in the eye.
01:01:57Or the sneaky sombrero looks like a bandit.
01:02:03A cactus.
01:02:05A good cactus.
01:02:06That's what you want.
01:02:09Let's go.
01:02:11Let's go.
01:02:36Hey, Timoteo.
01:02:38It's ten o'clock.
01:02:39Hurry up with the signals.
01:02:53For an hour now we can be calm.
01:02:56I say, what kind of Christmas?
01:02:58Anyway, if nothing else, one being up here,
01:03:00avoids the breakage of boxes and passing the...
01:03:03Damn it!
01:03:09Keep your eyes open.
01:03:11In an hour we'll give you the change.
01:03:21There is nothing better than a good cactus on the
01:03:28to make a horse run.
01:03:30Hey, one of the bandits is getting closer.
01:03:38Stop there.
01:03:40Stop, where are you?
01:04:09Watch out, Timoteo.
01:04:24I've never seen a black man shoot like that.
01:04:27Timoteo, come out.
01:04:29The others too.
01:04:30It's all over.
01:04:32I've never seen a black man shoot like that.
01:04:35Timoteo, come out.
01:04:37The others too.
01:04:38It's all over.
01:04:39It's all over, it's all over.
01:04:41How is it all over?
01:04:42If they don't do anything but shoot.
01:04:44And then who are you?
01:04:47There's a friend of mine who shoots like you.
01:04:49And he's not a black man.
01:04:51I'm your friend.
01:04:52And I'm not a black man.
01:04:54I'm just made up.
01:04:55Made up?
01:04:56Oh, beautiful.
01:04:57I thought only women did it.
01:04:59Oh, forget it, Tim.
01:05:01Where is the sheriff?
01:05:02I urgently need to talk to him.
01:05:03The sheriff?
01:05:04Do you say the sheriff?
01:05:05He's not in the office.
01:05:06He's not here, I wanted to say.
01:05:07I see he's not here.
01:05:08But I'm in a hurry to talk to him.
01:05:10Why didn't you say it right away, blessed boy?
01:05:12He's not here, but I know where to find him.
01:05:14And then go, fast.
01:05:19What are you doing?
01:05:20Come with me.
01:05:21But then it's useless for you to bring the sheriff here.
01:05:23No, I'm not coming with you.
01:05:24See you here soon.
01:05:26I have dynamite to fix.
01:05:28What does dynamite matter now?
01:05:30Come in, come in.
01:05:31Then I'll explain to you.
01:05:33Do you think they succeeded?
01:05:35We'll know at 11.
01:05:36In the meantime, we're going to eat.
01:05:38You always eat on Christmas Eve.
01:05:41Traditions must be respected.
01:05:43Let's go.
01:05:52Come on, we're hungry.
01:05:55Dinner is scheduled for midnight.
01:05:57But I'm hungry now, miss.
01:05:59At midnight, who knows where we'll be?
01:06:01Stay with us.
01:06:02The peons will think of us to serve us.
01:06:04Well, what do you think?
01:06:14Please, madam.
01:06:29Merry Christmas, gentlemen.
01:06:31Haco, get some tables.
01:06:33We have guests.
01:06:34Cara, do you want to play something?
01:06:36I think these gentlemen will sing with us.
01:07:00In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
01:07:06Let's go.
01:07:07Let's go.
01:07:08Let's go.
01:07:09Let's go.
01:07:10Let's go.
01:07:11Let's go.
01:07:12Let's go.
01:07:13Let's go.
01:07:14Let's go.
01:07:15Let's go.
01:07:16Let's go.
01:07:17Let's go.
01:07:18Let's go.
01:07:19Let's go.
01:07:20Let's go.
01:07:21Let's go.
01:07:22Let's go.
01:07:23Let's go.
01:07:24Let's go.
01:07:25Let's go.
01:07:26Let's go.
01:07:27Let's go.
01:07:28Let's go.
01:07:29Let's go.
01:07:30Let's go.
01:07:31Let's go.
01:07:32Let's go.
01:07:33Let's go.
01:07:34Let's go.
01:07:35Let's go.
01:07:36Let's go.
01:07:37Let's go.
01:07:38Let's go.
01:07:39Let's go.
01:07:40Let's go.
01:07:41Let's go.
01:07:42Let's go.
01:07:43Let's go.
01:07:44Let's go.
01:07:45Let's go.
01:07:46Let's go.
01:07:47Let's go.
01:07:48Let's go.
01:07:49Let's go.
01:07:50Let's go.
01:07:51Let's go.
01:07:52Let's go.
01:07:53Let's go.
01:07:54Let's go.
01:07:55Let's go.
01:07:56Let's go.
01:07:57Let's go.
01:09:00It's too beautiful this jewel for a woman like you.
01:09:04But on the other hand, it's beautiful enough for me to take it.
01:09:09I gave that jewel to the lady.
01:09:11So do me the favor of returning it immediately.
01:09:14What do you say?
01:09:16The friend is always a kind man.
01:09:20Good, Sancho.
01:09:33It's only your fault.
01:09:35But don't get your hopes up.
01:09:36A kind man can also do the court like you when it comes to saving his people.
01:09:40Is that so, Major?
01:09:41It was like that at the beginning.
01:09:43It's just that it's too dangerous to joke with fire.
01:09:45And now it's not like that anymore.
01:09:50I don't know what this wine is called.
01:09:56But it seems that there is nothing better
01:09:59to drink together on Christmas Eve.
01:10:05And the souls of the sinners,
01:10:07sent by the purifying fire,
01:10:09will enjoy in the blue of the heavens the gaze of the Lord.
01:10:13O Lord,
01:10:15O Lord,
01:10:20Has the sheriff arrived?
01:10:21No one has been seen yet.
01:10:23It's half past ten.
01:10:24It's late, I can't wait.
01:10:25Wait a minute, Ringo.
01:10:27Until the sheriff arrives, don't move from here.
01:10:29It's late, I have to go back, or they'll suspect.
01:10:31I'm sorry.
01:10:32Order of Timoteo.
01:10:36It's nice to have saved your life.
01:10:38Forgive us that to survive we are forced to kill.
01:10:42In less than half an hour we will know how it went.
01:10:45And if it went as it should go,
01:10:48tomorrow at this time we will be at home.
01:10:51Spending the money of these scoundrels.
01:11:02Shut up!
01:11:12Hey, Rubico, kid.
01:11:14Major Dolores preferred to stay at home.
01:11:17When you want to be calm, you always stay at home.
01:11:22Do you like Miss Ruby?
01:11:25So wake up and get to work.
01:11:30I know how to keep her company.
01:11:32That one.
01:11:42Finally, Sheriff.
01:11:46For years one believed to know everything.
01:11:48What is good, what is bad.
01:11:50Shut up!
01:11:52At this time the boys must be in bed.
01:11:59You are too old to go to sleep.
01:12:02To go to sleep alone, I mean.
01:12:05That's why, Pedro,
01:12:07To go to sleep alone, I mean.
01:12:10That's why Pedro is here.
01:12:12To keep you company.
01:12:14Come with me to the stables.
01:12:16I have to take a look at the horses.
01:12:19And I don't want to go there alone on Christmas night.
01:12:23And then answer the signal, understood?
01:12:26But shake the flashlight six times instead of three.
01:12:28Six times, okay?
01:12:31And when Sancho will pass with his men in the canyon,
01:12:33I'll think about making the dynamite jump.
01:12:36In a single shot, we'll kill them all.
01:12:39Without risking anything.
01:12:40And we'll get the bag back.
01:12:42Kill them all, you say?
01:12:44Kill them all without having the possibility of surrendering.
01:12:47Come on, Sheriff.
01:12:49You have feelings to teach.
01:12:52You'll never learn to stay in the world.
01:12:57Let's hope nothing happens to Ruby.
01:12:59Don't worry, Sheriff.
01:13:00Ruby is in good hands.
01:13:06Come on.
01:13:36Come on.
01:13:42Get out of the way.
01:14:21Is this your image?
01:14:26Keep your scent.
01:14:28You'd better admit it.
01:14:30It's humid tonight.
01:14:32What happened to you?
01:14:34Don't worry.
01:14:35Think about getting off your feet.
01:14:37Come with me.
01:14:38Wait, Furbacchione.
01:14:40This time you won't get away with it.
01:14:45What's up?
01:14:46Who's calling me?
01:14:47Me, Ringo.
01:14:48Do you need help, Furbacchione?
01:14:51Do you hope that Sancho will come to protect you?
01:14:54You're wrong as always, friend.
01:14:56Since I'm going to kill you,
01:14:58I'd like Sancho to be present.
01:15:00Who's talking about killing here?
01:15:02Is it possible that you can't stay calm for a minute?
01:15:05This big idiot still hasn't understood
01:15:07that if something happened to the lady,
01:15:09the sheriff would go mad.
01:15:11It's an easy concept, but he hasn't understood it yet.
01:15:13And one who doesn't understand it,
01:15:14it's better to get rid of it before it causes any trouble.
01:15:17This big idiot.
01:15:18You talked too much, Furbacchione.
01:15:20Nothing, guns, guys.
01:15:22If we run away tonight, I need all the men.
01:15:24Him and you.
01:15:26At least until we're safe.
01:15:28You can't stop me, Sancho.
01:15:30This bastard needs a lesson, right now.
01:15:32Give him a lesson if you think so, but no guns.
01:15:34Sancho is right.
01:16:00Come on.
01:16:30Come on.
01:17:00Come on.
01:17:30Come on.
01:17:33Come on.
01:17:58Watch out.
01:18:00The knife is yours.
01:18:02You hurt him.
01:18:07A legitimate defense.
01:18:09You all saw it.
01:18:10I'm sorry, Sancho.
01:18:11But I was forced to do it.
01:18:14I placed the dynamite.
01:18:17With all this story, I forgot to tell you.
01:18:20Everything went well.
01:18:21As soon as Slim will give us the signal, we'll be able to get it.
01:18:26Indio, let the horses saddle.
01:18:28Let's get ready.
01:18:31Thank you for the warning.
01:18:34Ah, your watch.
01:18:36Please, keep it.
01:18:38You can still use it.
01:18:50It's 11 o'clock.
01:18:52That's the mill area.
01:19:01And six.
01:19:03Everything is in order, I told you.
01:19:05And now we just have to hurry.
01:19:10I'm sorry, my friend.
01:19:12But Slim had to give a different signal.
01:19:15From the one you knew.
01:19:25And now you'll talk, damn you.
01:19:28Of course you'll talk.
01:19:31I'm curious to hear what you're going to say now.
01:19:35I have to give this one a chance to calm down.
01:19:37You shut up.
01:19:40After Slim attacked the mill, I went to fix the dynamite.
01:19:43And I fixed it.
01:19:45But I took longer than expected.
01:19:47And I went back to the factory without going there again.
01:19:50So I don't know if something new has happened.
01:19:52Maybe he's telling the truth.
01:19:54Whether he tells the truth or not,
01:19:56I don't care.
01:19:58We don't need the friend anymore.
01:20:00Because, you see,
01:20:02if you agree with the sheriff,
01:20:04if you have any idea for the head,
01:20:06I'll kill you.
01:20:09Because you're a dirty traitor.
01:20:12If you tell the truth, I'll kill you.
01:20:15I'll kill you anyway.
01:20:16You read the plan, you fixed the dynamite.
01:20:19So what do I need? Right?
01:20:24It's stupid to keep a partner alive
01:20:26that costs me 40%.
01:20:28I'll give you 40%.
01:20:32Adios, amigo.
01:20:33Not 40%.
01:20:3550% now.
01:20:40You thought you were smart, didn't you?
01:20:42You're smart and Ringo is stupid.
01:20:44All wrong.
01:20:45Ringo is not stupid.
01:20:47Did you really think you could get to the canyon without looking?
01:20:50Didn't you ever ask yourself
01:20:52what agreements I had with the sheriff?
01:20:59It's simple.
01:21:00Take advantage of the Christmas night
01:21:02to make a mess and make you drunk.
01:21:04At dawn, I made the sentries.
01:21:07I loaded the hostages on a cart.
01:21:09Once the hostages were safe,
01:21:11the sheriff attacked you.
01:21:13And then?
01:21:14And then it's enough that on the cart
01:21:16along with the hostages, we are hidden too.
01:21:18Got it?
01:21:19And so we add the mill
01:21:21while the sheriff attacks the factory.
01:21:23Am I right?
01:21:24Very well, amigo.
01:21:25Do you see what it takes to make the brain work?
01:21:27And when the sheriff arrives at the factory
01:21:30and realizes the joke we made for him,
01:21:32we'll be at the canyon
01:21:34and we'll jump the dynamite.
01:21:36And so, mill or not mill,
01:21:38on Christmas Day, you pass it to your house.
01:21:41The idea works.
01:21:43Only now we don't need it anymore.
01:21:45And this idea doesn't work either.
01:21:46It doesn't work,
01:21:47because now I want 60%.
01:21:53I don't want an accident!
01:21:55To you!
01:21:56It's an accident to me
01:21:58that every time I open the mouth
01:22:00of this damn bastard,
01:22:01I put the percentage!
01:22:04Now spit it out!
01:22:09Figaro, you bastard!
01:22:12And let me untie.
01:22:21I agreed with the sheriff
01:22:23that I should be driving the cart.
01:22:25Otherwise, he takes advantage of the deception
01:22:27and, hostage or not hostage,
01:22:28starts shooting.
01:22:34It's a matter of principle.
01:22:36I don't like to be beaten
01:22:38when I can't defend myself.
01:22:41My gun.
01:22:42Not even for the idea.
01:22:44No gun, amigo.
01:22:45In fact, I would spend the night in the stable.
01:22:47Far from the hostages.
01:22:48So at least you don't have temptations.
01:22:51If there's one thing I hate,
01:22:52it's the lack of trust.
01:22:55even Jesus was born in a stable.
01:22:59By the way, what time is it?
01:23:04It's midnight.
01:23:05What do you care?
01:23:06Well, it's Christmas, isn't it?
01:23:08Merry Christmas, friends!
01:23:09Cheer up!
01:23:11Don't push, it's Christmas, isn't it?
01:23:15Buon Natale!
01:23:46No, Major.
01:23:47Not you.
01:23:48Go back home.
01:23:49David will accompany you.
01:23:53Wait, what do you want to do?
01:23:55Prepare a nice surprise for the soldiers
01:23:58when they arrive.
01:23:59And thank God
01:24:00that I won't let you stay, either.
01:24:02Get in!
01:24:03Now you're wrong, Sancho.
01:24:05If he stays, I'll stay, too.
01:24:07And you won't do anything to anyone.
01:24:09No, Major.
01:24:10No, Major.
01:24:11No, Major.
01:24:12No, Major.
01:24:13And you won't do anything to anyone.
01:24:15Is that clear?
01:24:33It's your fault!
01:24:38Come on, get in!
01:24:39All the hostages around!
01:24:41We won't get lost in the middle!
01:24:44I'm sorry.
01:25:03Come on, hurry up!
01:25:05Chico, come on!
01:25:11You get in, now!
01:25:12Let's go.
01:25:17Get the horses, quick!
01:25:18Get the horses!
01:25:19David, stop the carriage!
01:25:23Get out of the way!
01:25:30Let's go!
01:25:39Hey, Ringo, he's alive!
01:25:41Let's go!
01:26:11Let's go!
01:26:42The canyon is blocked!
01:26:44What do we do, Sancho?
01:26:45Let's go back to the factory, quick!
01:27:11Let's go!
01:27:47Oh, my love.
01:27:50It's all right.
01:27:51The bandits have gone back to the factory.
01:27:53Now that you're safe,
01:27:54as soon as the troops arrive,
01:27:56we'll have a clean square once and for all.
01:27:58To the factory?
01:27:59But there's Ringo down there.
01:28:00They'll kill him.
01:28:01They'll kill him.
01:28:10I have a gun.
01:28:11My life for a gun.
01:28:14Someone must have told you.
01:28:17A gun?
01:28:18But there's one hidden in the canyon.
01:28:20I hope it's loaded.
01:28:26Find me Ringo!
01:28:27Find him and I'll die happy!
01:28:29Find him and kill him!
01:28:31Sancho, I found him!
01:28:40Paquito, get on the roof, quick!
01:28:45Do you have any more ammunition?
01:28:47I'm afraid not.
01:28:48One shot for three bandits.
01:28:50We have to save money here.
01:28:53Chico, you stay with the Major.
01:28:56Help me up.
01:28:57There's an old family memory that could be useful.
01:29:27I'll take care of it.
01:29:49Hurry, take the men to the shelter.
01:29:51All men on horseback.
01:29:52Timoteo, tell the others to attack.
01:29:57Let's go.
01:30:10Sancho sent me!
01:30:11We can go!
01:30:12Let's go!
01:30:52No, Jesus!
01:31:27I'm going to go check out his employment story so that I can tell you what to do next.
01:31:57I'm going to go check out his employment story so that I can tell you what to do next.
01:33:06It's Ringo.
01:33:10He was looking for a gun, and he found it.
01:33:19He left.
01:33:20He left this!
01:33:28And he left this for you.
01:33:30He says the sheriff needs a good watch.
01:33:47Wait a minute.
01:33:48I'm telling you, $15,000 is missing.
01:33:51Yes, $15,000.
01:33:53It's 30%.
01:33:55That's what he expected.
01:33:57He withdrew it on his own.
01:33:58Ringo doesn't have much faith in the next one.
01:34:00It's a matter of principle.
01:34:25He had a mind to get gold.
01:34:32Rivers, you know how is the story.
01:34:39You know Ringo, he was called Angel Faye.
01:34:56He was called Angel Faye.
01:34:58He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:00He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:02He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:04He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:06He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:08He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:10He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:12He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:14He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:16He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:18He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:20He was called Angel Faye.
01:35:22He was called Angel Faye.