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00:00that's a big boy red dude that's a red rocket right there life hacks baby let's
00:06do this Chandler Chris hey I've used that before what what I didn't I went
00:14to school it's like that always check for your bathroom really that's where
00:25oh that's that's not helpful at all what this is trash boy I had a smack this
00:32life hack in the face this is actual doo-doo butt cheeks spin it you won't oh
00:40that I mean that kind of work no it didn't look at the tip it had ridges in
00:44it look at the tip measure it out yes is he just gonna ladies and gentlemen
00:56this is America this is the 21st century and this is what you came up with why
01:02this man is a chainsaw you used a chainsaw he literally just broke the
01:08glass useless duck company yes you are useless
01:11bottle but the bottle is technically open everywhere knock knock who's there
01:17I don't know this is so you know when you would try to go to the bathroom and
01:21your sister was taking like hours yes and literally you couldn't get in there
01:26this is how you get in there and make sure you can get your teeth brushed
01:29before you go to school this is got the double torch girl he does have the
01:33double torch gun oh this reminds me from that scene from Star Wars where they
01:37close the door he's like they'll never get through that door and you just see
01:40the lightsaber is through big torch one minute and 29 seconds oh so this is like
01:46a test yeah it's like a comparison so it should have been big torch versus
01:49little torch versus door it takes the smaller ones a little bit more time so
01:53ladies smaller means longer longevity but bigger gets the job done quick it
02:01does as you can see perfect the video what what was that I mean I get the
02:12reference there but that was a scary face the shining never seen it what
02:19Chandler's never seen the shining all right let's do a life back hey do a hack
02:25gentlemen and ladies you were like the though the firstborn and I was like the
02:31one that's a growing oh my god that's how we have to go to the bathroom we
02:36need one of those you know that you got a plug it you know what they use those
02:40for they get buggers out of babies no I'm good I'm just leaning are you good
02:44okay are both of you good yeah I'm fine we're both the same thing you know what
02:49this shirt is durable so when you guys pee do like oh yeah I just really I just
02:55turn around yeah I get a pen and I put it in one of these things this is before
02:59I go to the bathroom I got a velcro it just like this I velcro the balls you
03:03can't say that that's what it looks like when I'm doing that's how mine comes out
03:07it's just pellets yeah you people where's green I actually only do kidney
03:12stuff I have that sweater I'm not even joking I swear to God I have that
03:16sweater I've never seen you oh that's how you give somebody a breath mint
03:18Assassin's Creed I don't oh you're resting yeah all right you know what
03:25fun cameo by Jake little I gotta get a new shirt it's a whole lot of hoopla
03:34yo what kind of pee is that that is vegetable who is such a waitress look at
03:40the viscosity this is viscosity in action holy viscosity dude the time
03:46continuum can't handle time is relevant irrelevant
03:52look at the color slowly falling oh he's wiggling it just got a wiggle with it I
03:58love being able to stand up now because I can just walk her back and like look
04:03it makes Connor mad because I slowly start to sound quieter and he doesn't
04:07like it oh yeah life hack oh yeah life hack sorry we like to pick on our
04:15editors and our managers what does flip mean oh he flipped it upside down so the
04:20colors we go the other way yeah oh you can actually do this I've seen people do
04:26this before all right so what you're gonna do is you got to pop the hood uh-huh
04:30yep and you're gonna look around a little bit and zoom in oh it's hot I
04:33will be careful 98 degrees Celsius I think that's a C why are we the only
04:38people who use Fahrenheit I don't know we're weird so you're gonna get this
04:45temple you're just gonna roll it out and then just tear a piece off just like
04:49this you're making you a little uh a little pan basically yes basically pan
04:54oh you're gonna drip drip drip oh the beats got a drop cooking my egg look at
05:04it fry look at it fry give some gas whoo-hoo he was driving for 10 minutes
05:08with a egg on its car and it's cooked that somewhat now this is what you would
05:17get if you went to like a Denny's but did never eat at Denny's Denny's the
05:21worst restaurant ever made I've never been there sorry Denny's if you ever
05:24wanted to sponsor us we're just gonna have to say no on that we're not doing
05:27it yo they got minion tic-tacs they got minion tic-tacs bro and it's got the
05:31little redhead girl and then it's got a minion and he said banana I'm an onion
05:36my name and I love this started any movie by illumination cuz you get to see
05:44a little minion come out and it goes I love minions I want to be one when I
05:49grow up we should be minions for Halloween like let's get shredded and
05:52paint ourself yellow and like washboard abs can't it would be worth it like a
05:59month bro we hit we could do it all we can get abs like painted oh yeah we can
06:03just get fake dude should we do that comment if you think we should be
06:07shredded minions for Halloween or we could be Phineas and Ferb oh yeah should
06:10we be Phineas and Ferb who would be Ferb Ferb's a taller one that's a big boy
06:18red dude that's a red rocket right there that looks like something that I like
06:22not timing what's Roadrunner oh are they showing us how to make it yeah oh oh see
06:30you need three different parts dude North Korea wants to know your location
06:33right now all right let's see this three two one lift off Wow wow dude
06:41don't you hate when your red rocket is burning yeah gotta go to the doctor if
06:45that happens Wow dude that's a cool yeah it took a lot of time probably it looks
06:52like it's spitting like no but that is awesome the fire the end you should sell
06:58an applesauce awesome sauce awesome sauce that's actually just like any kind
07:03of oh yeah like a barbecue sauce but awesome sauce dude that's don't say
07:08don't steal that please that's ours whoa this looks like this is pretty I'm
07:13digging the satisfying this sparkles whoa my laser point is that it's a laser
07:19pointer what is that fire that's inside of lava what is our galaxy how did they
07:26get these space shots I came out of the wound wanting to go to space Wow that's
07:32amazing amazing sauce by its source now
07:41yo it's a topical graph how do you say it topographical topography I know it's
07:49topography but I can't say what it is topographical topographical I think it's
07:53correct that's really cool what is it so how are they I guess it's like moon
07:57sand but no it's regular oh I've actually seen this before that's really
08:01cool dude augmented reality is so amazing did you see what they did with
08:04Minecraft that one time you could like zoom in through Minecraft house it was
08:08like this giant block and they were zooming into it that's cool maps okay
08:13minecraft oh that's cool oh I get it so when you make the sand go up it shows
08:20like topography how tall it is yeah and when you smooth it out that's pretty
08:24cool yeah balance glass on sheet of paper wait what oh is it possible to
08:30balance glass on a sheet of paper yes or no no does not look possible well he's
08:34about to do it again you would just need a printer sheet start by folding one
08:38side this is literally gonna make it like thick and that's it you're thick I
08:42know what is that tea did you see that it was like fancy it reminds me of
08:47the it gave it strength I mean whoa I'm impressed pretty impressive can you
08:56stand on it though the question doubt it why do you doubt everything this is how
09:01you make a paper airplane mm-hmm what are you gonna do just watch cuz he's
09:04going way too fast what is he doing here oh this is that's the jet engine oh got
09:09you yeah you just got it I think he's doing something else man he's got a
09:13pyrex oh wow Oh Danny 20 what did I say 20 something it's probably kilograms to
09:19be honest that's like 40-something pounds do paper strong paper is strong
09:23oh is he gonna stand on it no way is he gonna stand on it oh no way oh he's
09:29going crazy holy oh he's standing on it no way one leg you won't two legs dude
09:34he's got poop on a shoe too oh my gosh this is nice dude honestly he boards
09:39often lost legs just grab a binder clip dot dot dot dot what's the handle let me
09:44talk I have something I want to say just a second also take out the other handle
09:48dot dot now insert the handle into the holes also on the other side dot dot are
09:56you done cuz when I was in right now you have fixed keyboard legs dot dot all
10:04right good when I was in IT this happened all the time and now no one
10:08cares cuz I didn't get to say it when I wanted to I'm gonna go all right Chris
10:13is leaving jet engine car all right guys so I'm alone actually hello hello you're
10:22back yeah I wasn't talking about you what did you say was it nice I just said
10:29I wasn't talking about you all right so anyways so you get a lighter right I
10:34mean who doesn't have a lighter around this looks dangerous whoa what's going
10:38on the fire made the what meal John it's like a shot or a boom shot or YouTube
10:46please let us go back to saying normal words we're not even saying bad words
10:52we're just saying normal everyday conversation English any I know I
10:55literally have to think so hard about what I say before I say it that I mess
11:00up my words all the time boom shot boom shot we can't even say meal gonna say
11:05a bump skilly bumpkins I think we can say crunch time oh dude
11:10hold on that knife is oh let's turn the volume way up shoot oh man I can't
11:21contain this excitement oh guys subscribe for more satisfaction oh yeah
11:28we're out here satisfying I mean look at this it looks like it's so nice oh I'll
11:34spread those yes spread it spread it oh the separation is oh impeccable did I'm
11:41so satisfied I don't know what to do that blade is really nice I'm so
11:46satisfied oh I don't know what to do with my hands
11:50why never hide my back they are in fact behind his back my head itches now the
11:56sound is making me think really got a poop what like I'm gonna poop my pants
12:01do you want us to take a poop break the camera's about to shut off I don't it's
12:05gonna shut off in 15 seconds well then let's restart let's see let's watch it
12:09happen ooh this guy hey what's up buddy oh oh
12:13Elmer's glue great product tastes amazing yeah it does actually the purple
12:18tastes way better yeah the grape flavors are so good ah so it's the stretch
12:22Armstrong's only job to smash the glue uh what is it I think they were just
12:27getting rid of the glue I think that they literally were having a mental
12:31breakdown like actually oh my gosh sir could you be less aggressive what is
12:38wrong with them there it is that's that's a hack I like the blue they
12:42should actually make candy bars like push pops and it's like a candy bar and
12:47you just and then you bite it and you pull it down and put the cap back on it
12:50and then you have a candy bar later meal this one's brought to you by mr.
12:54engineer let's see how he does this he's got a little pencil sometimes little
12:58things they just don't get the job done sometimes they don't you need it did you
13:02fart yeah oh my god I smell it dude stop all right so we're doing it he's gonna
13:09put his pencil inside the syringe so that way it can always be as long as it
13:13needs to be I can still smell the fart through my shirt what do you want me to
13:17do about it I want you to not fart I told you I had to poop I've literally
13:21warned you this is a genius life hack it's actually gonna work pretty well I
13:25feel like look at that it does work very well
13:27hi hi mr. pie see even if it's small you can add length and girth to it and it
13:33makes it way better you just have to put a sheath over that a football cleat
13:42that's a soccer cleat so technically you're right depends on where you're
13:45from though oh oh man that was satisfying you know people will pay you
13:50to do this but you have to be barefoot like what's fruit Oh anything people
13:54crunch things with their toes and guys will pay him guys but hobby they're
13:59weird I wonder if we can say the word hobby I guess we'll find out once it
14:02starts getting blurred a lot I don't want to take my hand off you now I feel
14:07uncomfortable happy birthday Raven dude I gotta poop so bad all right guys
14:12thanks for watching this video subscribe for more awesomeness like the
14:16video because I said too and if you don't I'm gonna blink at you a thousand
14:20times comment your favorite pizza topping and just have a great day we'll
14:24see you later love you love you too back in the comments