Unbelievable Mountain Coaster-

  • 2 days ago
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00:00There's a million ways you can go down this side of a mountain.
00:03We're gonna be checking out the craziest mountain coasters ever.
00:06In existence.
00:07Starting with this one.
00:08It's literally a slide that goes down a mountain.
00:11Yo, this is cool.
00:12The grass is so green.
00:14It's got that perfect mountainy view.
00:15This is amazing.
00:16I bet you it's like a perfect seven degrees.
00:19Like this is heaven on earth.
00:20Now imagine if you like put butter on it.
00:22Oh my god.
00:23Get some real speed going.
00:24What if you've got a giant stick of butter like an iCarly
00:27that it makes into the butter statue.
00:29And just rub it.
00:29No, you roll down the butter.
00:31On the butter.
00:31Oh my god.
00:32On a hot day.
00:33Not to cut you off, but these guys are kayaking down a mountain.
00:36Never thought I'd say that.
00:37Hey, look at this.
00:38Don't try this at home.
00:39Just in case you have a mountain in your home.
00:41This looks so dangerous.
00:42I just want to know how do little water streams like
00:46like this become a thing.
00:47Yo, he's going so fast.
00:48He is going really fast.
00:50This looks like a man-made waterway, right?
00:52No, that just looks like a man-made.
00:53The balls just skid.
00:54Wait, where does shirt go?
00:55Is that Mark Rober?
00:56It looks like Mark Rober.
00:58Oh, he's going to get smushed by a Zorb ball.
01:00Oh, oh, it's like Indiana Jones.
01:02Oh, that's such a great idea.
01:04Oh, no.
01:05Yeah, if you know you're about to get hit by the ball,
01:08you should definitely just lay down.
01:09If not, it's just going to go.
01:13Where's the camera guy?
01:14If you haven't already hit that subscribe button,
01:15we want to hit 10 million subscribers in the next two months.
01:19Now, obviously, I'm going to tell you, don't try this at home.
01:22Oh my gosh.
01:23They are flying.
01:23How do you even stop?
01:26That got wiped out.
01:27This is all set up by professionals.
01:29They've got hay bales, so if they wipe out, they're good.
01:32That looks like an ultimate wedgie machine.
01:34That is so high up in the air.
01:36They're going 146 kilometers per hour.
01:39Wait, they're going 100 miles an hour?
01:40No, kilometers.
01:42Put it in the correct form.
01:43Oh, that's fast.
01:45Oh, I thought the rope broke.
01:47He did too.
01:48He was like, oh.
01:50Wait, what?
01:50Look at that.
01:52Oh my gosh.
01:54How fast is he going?
01:56Yo, that's insane.
01:58Oh my gosh.
02:00Imagine if he wiped out.
02:01Look at his legs.
02:03Was he just wearing padding in case he wiped out?
02:05I guess so.
02:06That's so close.
02:07That makes me nervous.
02:07No way.
02:08You know, climbing a mountain wouldn't be so bad if you just had water beside it.
02:11Like, if you ever get stuck, you just jump.
02:13Or you can slide down your butt like this guy does.
02:15You're like, John, what are you doing?
02:16Everybody's skiing, you're just sliding down your butt.
02:19This is something I'd do.
02:22What's up, fellas?
02:23What's up, fellas?
02:24Howdy, boys.
02:25Everybody move out of the way.
02:26This guy can't stop.
02:27Oh, wow.
02:28Oh, wow.
02:29Holy crap.
02:29Why are you doing this again?
02:30This is for a race.
02:32Oh my gosh.
02:35Oh my gosh.
02:35That's terrifying.
02:37Why is everyone cheering him on?
02:38I think they're racing, like, through the city.
02:40I did this once.
02:41I did it in California.
02:42It was really fun.
02:42Why only once?
02:43I don't know, man.
02:44It clearly wasn't fun.
02:45I had a good time.
02:46Never done this.
02:47No way.
02:48He has a parachute, right?
02:49No, he has water.
02:54I bet that would hurt your feet.
02:55Oh, god.
02:56This doesn't look safe.
02:57That looks terrible.
02:58Why is that so large?
03:00That's what she said.
03:01Why is that there?
03:02Yo, we gotta get the boys together and go flamingo surfing.
03:05Oh, there's more.
03:05There's way more.
03:06And by way more, I meant two feet.
03:08Oh, this is bobsledding.
03:09They go, like, really fast in this.
03:12Bobsledding looks like it'd be fun.
03:13I don't know enough about bobsledding to know what the people in the sled are doing.
03:17Are they just sitting there and they have, like, wheels and stuff?
03:20Look, they're sideways.
03:21No, they're not.
03:22They're going fast.
03:24Wait, they're all skydiving at the same time?
03:26I'd be so scared I'd bump into somebody.
03:28Oh, my gosh.
03:2975 seconds to do the formation.
03:31What happens if they don't get it and people are just determined to, like, make it happen?
03:35I want to see them parachute.
03:38We'll never know what happens.
03:39See, I'll just jump without a parachute.
03:41That was the world record.
03:43This looks like it's not safe for a kid.
03:45I don't think a little man should be doing this.
03:47I don't want to be the uncool dad, but it seems like he can hit a wall.
03:50It's the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Skateboard Man.
03:54Teenage skater.
03:55This looks like an evil villain.
03:57It's the evil Transformers.
03:59This is Transformers on a budget.
04:01This is so cool, though.
04:02I want to see him, like, flip onto his back and stuff.
04:05I want to see him just ram into a wall.
04:08Not because I want to hurt, just because I'm curious what would happen.
04:11Look at that dog.
04:11That dog is like, what is that?
04:13You just beat it.
04:14That sounded like Chandler.
04:16It did.
04:24I've noticed that a lot of these are in Dubai.
04:26Are you just allowed to do whatever you want in Dubai?
04:28So you can just be Superman now?
04:29Since when do they have these suits where you just fly?
04:32Why can't we fly?
04:33Apparently, we can.
04:34Let's go fly.
04:34Sure, do you have the suit?
04:36So from people flying around the city to this guy surfing in a sewer.
04:40This is just so awesome.
04:41Ew, that's pooping water, probably.
04:45Yo, that reminds me of the desert we spent 24 hours in.
04:47Yeah, it does.
04:48We are going to spend the next 24 hours in the desert.
04:52So Chris, you used to be a Boy Scout.
04:53Yes, sir.
04:54Chris is the only reason we're going to survive this challenge.
04:57Guys, we have basically ran out of food.
05:01Guys, don't die on me.
05:02At what point are you not biking and you're just falling?
05:05I think somewhere, like, right there.
05:06Oh, I would throw up.
05:07I would barf everywhere.
05:08What if you don't have food?
05:10I would throw up.
05:10I would barf everywhere.
05:11What if you just kept walking?
05:12He doesn't even sound like he's having fun.
05:13I feel bad for that guy.
05:15I know.
05:15I love how they just cut it.
05:16Clearly, the guy wasn't having fun.
05:17So they're just like, happy music.
05:19Yeah, and then it cuts to the end.
05:22Yo, this is going down a mountain.
05:25He threaded the needle.
05:26Those trees look pretty.
05:27You look pretty.
05:28Oh, thank you.
05:29No, I'm not even looking at you.
05:30And even though I have peanut butter and jelly in my hair from this video.
05:33I got a slice of peanut butter and a slice of jelly.
05:35Chris has to film the next video with this on his head.
05:38This is going to suck.
05:39Nice, nice.
05:40All that just to sit down.
05:41Well, he's got to grab the bus probably.
05:43This next clip is from the Cooper's Hill cheese rolling event.
05:46The what?
05:47Basically, a bunch of participants chase cheese down a mountain.
05:50But why?
05:51Oh, they're serious about it too.
05:52Does somebody get something if they get the cheese?
05:55Oh my gosh.
05:56Why is this a thing?
05:57They're just slamming into each other.
05:59They ripped his pants.
06:01The rest of the world probably looks at us and goes,
06:02why did you wait six hours in a drive-thru line for a white castle that just opened up in Florida?
06:07And I'll be honest, even we don't know why we do it.
06:08And so I assume that's what they would say when I go,
06:11why do you chase this cheese down a hill?
06:12They'd be like, we don't know.
06:13Don't judge till you chase the cheese.
06:16If I lived in that area, I would do that every day as a teenager.
06:19I miss being young.
06:20Now we're old.
06:20You're right.
06:21I'm 23 now.
06:23I'm going to be 25.
06:24I'm a kid.
06:24Tucker will be a year old in one month.
06:27You're like a boomer.
06:28I am a boomer.
06:29I'm not funny anymore.
06:30Here, make a joke.
06:31Prove you're not a dad.
06:32All right.
06:32That's not how you bike.
06:35Gosh dang it, we lost him.
06:36He is a boomer.
06:38Geez, bike much, Randy?
06:39Where's the knee pads?
06:41You're going to get hurt.
06:42Why does this look like some super villain's costume?
06:46It looks like that TikTok where they put the vacuum inside the trash bag and it sucks it out.
06:51That's how they get that suit on.
06:52He looked like Red Rush.
06:54Put it in.
06:55For all you that seen Invincible, you're cool.
06:56You're cool.
06:57We're cool because we watch a popular TV show.
06:59Hey, let's go.
07:00Looks like he's dancing.
07:03Oh, look at that guy in the background.
07:09This looks like a really cool music video.
07:11So this is the Red Bull soapbox race.
07:12The roof's on fire.
07:14They made it.
07:14They made it 50 meters.
07:15House is still on fire.
07:16They're just sitting in there while it's on fire.
07:19Yo, that's so cool.
07:20I want to do that so bad.
07:22This dude and his huskies are snowboarding at night.
07:24Yeah, but here's the thing.
07:26Imagine a giant moose comes out.
07:28What do you do?
07:29Imagine he lets go for one second.
07:30Those huskies are gone.
07:31That's a boogie board.
07:32But for snow.
07:33That's a mountain.
07:34That's snow.
07:34I would love to just coast down a mountain.
07:36He's like, yo, get out of the way.
07:37What the heck are you doing?
07:38Oh, that looks like you could easily get hurt.
07:40Log riding.
07:41This is in Japan.
07:42They ride down these mountains in logs.
07:44I'm not going to even act like I know why.
07:46This has got to be...
07:48All right.
07:48Oh, that's Larry the Cable Guy.
07:49That's Larry the Cable Guy.
07:50Yeah, that means the video is over.
07:52I don't know why, but Japan is cooler than us.
07:54And I'm sure they have a reason.