Forbidden Love S01E05 (2024)

  • last month
00:00Previously on Forbidden Love.
00:04Do you ever miss the Amish community?
00:07My parents, I miss them a lot, but I used to try, you know,
00:11like to go once a month to visit with them.
00:14They still talk to you and let you see them.
00:18At first they didn't.
00:19I wonder if Elmer's parents find out we're having a baby,
00:23they would be open to seeing us.
00:25The kids is what pulls at their heart strings.
00:30Your brother had said a lot of things.
00:33Listen to me, you're not being my brother right now.
00:36From the very beginning of my marriage,
00:38Mohammed's brother, Abdul, and I have been clashing.
00:40One time, Mohammed and I were fighting,
00:42and Abdul kept egging him on, telling him that I was a bad Muslim.
00:46So I smashed his precious little PlayStation.
00:54I feel bad for my brother,
00:56because he choose a wrong wife,
00:59because, like, he's not Muslim.
01:01Inshallah, we're going to move forward.
01:03In the time, I'll give it.
01:07That's a whole lot of people don't believe in Jesus.
01:10You're already condemned.
01:12Pastor Johnson's sermon feels directed at me.
01:16There's a way out for you now, through Jesus Christ.
01:20I am completely shocked.
01:23It's so disrespectful.
01:25Don't have to die in your sin!
01:31I got you now!
01:35I got you now!
01:53The ambitions are strong.
02:01Elmer, it stinks in here.
02:03Why do you have onions over there and over here?
02:05Because, you know, it pulls the germs out of, like, you know,
02:07out of the air out here.
02:09You know, most husbands, they do, like, flowers, sweet things,
02:13sweet little surprises.
02:15I walk downstairs, and there's freaking onions.
02:17He set this up we can prevent from going to the doctor.
02:19Like, I grew up with 15 kids in the house,
02:22and we never went to the doctor.
02:26I'm putting onions around the house
02:28because Lindsey's starting to feel sick.
02:30Onions, they draw out germs from the air,
02:32they draw out all the toxins and the germs from your body.
02:35When we got sick, my mama, the first thing she would do
02:38is cut up onions, put it all over the house.
02:40It's a very old, old, old-school home remedy
02:43passed down from generation to generation to generation
02:46in the Amish world.
02:49And that's one thing, these English people out here,
02:52they don't believe that crap works, but I know it does.
02:55I'm gonna throw this away.
02:57No, you're not.
02:58This is not happening.
02:59No, no, no, no, no, no.
03:00It stinks.
03:01I'll get your socks in a minute.
03:04In the Amish, we used to do it all the time.
03:06Well, you know what?
03:07Out here, there's civilized medicine,
03:09and you can get medications and go see a doctor
03:11when you're sick.
03:12But you don't need to do this weird stuff.
03:14I'm not doing this.
03:15No way.
03:16Some of the other home remedies that I remember,
03:18as kids, we would bump our head, and it would, like, swell up.
03:21First thing Mom would do is rub butter on her forehead.
03:24When we would have an earache,
03:26I would put the potato on our ear.
03:28It's got a cut.
03:29You put raw honey on it,
03:31and that'll draw out the bad stuff as well.
03:33So it's, you know, all kinds of cool stuff.
03:35You're always complaining we don't make time for each other.
03:38Guess what?
03:39We're gonna put onions in your socks,
03:40and we're gonna sit down and watch a movie together.
03:42Oh, that is so romantic.
03:43Well, I'll give you a foot massage
03:44while I'm putting the onions in your socks, all right?
03:47Well, you can do the foot massage, and we'll see.
03:49No, we're gonna put this back where it was, all right?
03:51We'll see about the onions.
03:52We're gonna put it right there,
03:53and I'm gonna cut one more up,
03:54and then I'm gonna put it in your socks, all right?
03:56You can just sit down,
03:57and you're gonna give me a foot massage, so...
04:00The onions in the sock thing is so weird and disgusting,
04:03and when I am in pain and I am in labor,
04:06and we are at the hospital,
04:07if you walk in that door with a damn onion in your hand,
04:10I will freaking kill you.
04:12Put an onion in your sock.
04:14Oh, that's so gross.
04:16I swear.
04:20It's all good.
04:22How much you putting in there?
04:23Two, two slices.
04:25It pulls all your germs out of your feet.
04:28Two cuts of onion about half-inch thick.
04:32Oh, that's so freaking cold.
04:35Oh, my gosh, that feels so gross.
04:37You're fine.
04:38It's like cold, wet worms in my socks.
04:41It's okay. It's good for you.
04:43Pulls all the toxins and the germs out of your body.
04:47A little onion snap.
04:50You need it straight and raw.
04:53Guess I learn something new every day.
04:57That's weird.
04:59Speaking of learning new things,
05:00I learned a lot of stuff from your cousin Wilma yesterday.
05:03Oh, yeah?
05:04Yeah, she said at the party
05:05that she finally can go see her parents now,
05:09and they're open to her bringing the grandkids around.
05:14It kind of gave me hope a little bit,
05:17that you think your parents would ever be receptive to that
05:21if we went up there and...
05:23I mean, the way my dad and mom have been,
05:26I would be very, very shocked if that would ever happen.
05:31Lindsey does not understand how devout my family is.
05:35My parents live up in Michigan
05:37in one of the most strict Amish communities.
05:39The last time I spoke to my parents
05:41was when I told them I'm marrying Lindsey.
05:43I've tried reaching out to them, but they don't respond back.
05:47If they are even caught, like, having communication with us,
05:50they would get shunned from the Amish church.
05:56I never imagined that when I had kids one day
05:58that they wouldn't get to know both sides of their family.
06:02I want them to know the rest of the family and their side
06:06so they can know where they came from
06:08and their heritage and background.
06:11Like, they'd be curious about us having a baby.
06:14I would hope so.
06:17But, I mean, the way they've rejected me so far,
06:19I don't know if they would accept it or not.
06:23I don't know.
06:25Would they be open to us just coming and standing on the porch
06:28for, like, 15 minutes just to say hi and make an introduction?
06:34If we go see your family and I get to meet them
06:37and talk to them and then tell them that we're pregnant,
06:40maybe it'll kind of soften things a little bit.
06:43I'm shunned, okay?
06:45You don't understand how deep that is and where I come from.
06:48Like, you don't talk to me, you don't communicate with me,
06:51you don't eat with me, you don't do nothing.
06:54It's, like, very important that we try to at least go visit your family
06:57and see them.
06:59Like, look at Wilma.
07:00She was persistent and kept trying and reaching out,
07:02and eventually she had a breakthrough with them.
07:05Maybe this is the beginning,
07:07like a small baby step in the right direction.
07:11We should try it, I guess.
07:13I think if we dress in Amish clothes
07:15and move apart down the street,
07:17it might be a little bit more accepting, you know?
07:21I mean, it don't hurt to try.
07:23Yeah, what's the worst that could happen?
07:25I guess we'll have to see.
07:36Okay, here we go.
07:38Here we go.
07:50Yeah, that's fair for me to do that, unfortunately.
07:58It's been a couple of weeks since we went to Missouri
08:00to patch things up with my family.
08:02I really had hoped for an apology from my sister,
08:05so I'm a little bit disappointed that we didn't get that.
08:08But I think things overall are a little bit better, right?
08:13I'm really proud of how he handled himself in Missouri.
08:16It showed me that he does care about this marriage
08:19and that he wants to put in the effort.
08:21And I hope, like, you know,
08:23we do the same things, like, with my brother.
08:25To sit and just, like, try and give it a shot.
08:30I'm being, like, nervous.
08:33Me, like, if I go there, I'll be nervous,
08:35but I got to face it.
08:37Abdul and I do not have a good relationship at all.
08:40He's told Mohammed multiple times
08:42that he should not be married to me.
08:44He doesn't approve of me not being Muslim,
08:47and he doesn't like me being an outspoken woman.
08:50He's literally said in front of me multiple times
08:53that Mohammed should not be with me, that he should divorce me,
08:56that I'm crazy, that I'm controlling,
08:59that I'm fake, that I'm a bad person.
09:02It's crazy to me that he always says that.
09:06Like this, I'm not going to be there.
09:09I thought you were going to sit with us.
09:11You're not going to sit with us?
09:13Well, I mean, honestly, I want it,
09:15but at the same time, like, if I will be there with you guys,
09:18he might not going to see something,
09:20or you might not going to see something.
09:22I feel nervous now.
09:25Ashley and my brother, they are very, very stubborn.
09:28It's really upsetting, like, that they didn't get along.
09:31Each of them, like, feed me information.
09:33Oh, your brother do this, and him, like,
09:35oh, Ashley control you.
09:37She didn't listen to you. She didn't loves you.
09:39It's just kind of like I'm in the middle,
09:41and I don't want to be in that situation.
09:51Hey, how's it going?
09:53How are you doing?
09:54Do you guys want me seated inside or outside?
09:55Outside, please.
09:57This day is extremely important to me,
09:59just like we sit together and solve this problem,
10:02and that will help us and help my wife to become a Muslim.
10:06I'm going to give you both these menus.
10:09Then we are united.
10:11One religion, one bath, and we'll be happy.
10:14Happy couple.
10:16Where did your brother at?
10:18Late, as always.
10:34How are you?
10:35How you doing?
10:36Good, how are you?
10:37I'm doing good.
10:41So, with all respect, I brought you over here, guys,
10:47to discuss about our problems.
10:59I love you both, and things need to be, I guess, fixed.
11:10I'll leave you guys over here and talk, and I'll be back.
11:40So, you're obviously, like, the most important person to my husband.
11:45Like, I feel like me and you not having a good relationship,
11:49it does have a negative effect on my marriage.
11:54I feel like you think that Mohammed and I shouldn't have gotten married,
11:57or that you wish that he would divorce me.
12:04You know why I'm mad at you?
12:06OK, why?
12:07It's a lot of things.
12:09Do you remember, you called the police, and you break the window?
12:14Yes, because you wouldn't let me in my house.
12:20I stood there, and I said, let me in.
12:22I said, if you're not going to let me in, then I'm going to have to call.
12:26And you said, f*** you and the police.
12:29I was mad, because you're breaking my TV.
12:34You're breaking stuff.
12:36I mean, you break my PlayStation, which I bought it.
12:39Like, you know, it's not free money.
12:45Ashley, like, when she get mad, she broke a lot of stuff.
12:49Ask me how many TVs she broke. Ask me.
12:51How many?
12:52Guess. Tell me. Guess.
12:55Yeah, I wish two. I hope two.
12:57Well, now I got to go high.
12:58Go high. Don't go...
13:00Close to all.
13:02She didn't care.
13:03She didn't even, like, say, I'm sorry about this.
13:06Why are you breaking stuff, Ashley?
13:09Come on.
13:10No, I'm not saying that that was right, or I didn't overreact.
13:12That's what I'm saying.
13:14Abdul told us that you broke upwards to 12 TVs.
13:19What the f***?
13:21I've never broken a TV.
13:24I have no idea where he would come up with that number.
13:26He just lies about random s***.
13:29That never happened.
13:30It was just one PlayStation.
13:33It was because he called me a fake Muslim,
13:35and I got so mad that I smashed his stupid PlayStation.
13:40You're not fixing any problem if you break stuff.
13:44The TV, PlayStation, you guys' TV, this, this, this.
13:48It's not really fixing the problem. It's not.
13:51You know how much it cost me?
13:52A lot of money.
13:54You feel happy if you break some stuff on Mohammed Bey?
14:00Abdul is just throwing everything that I've ever done
14:02right into my face,
14:03but he's not taking any of my money.
14:05He's not taking any of my money.
14:07He's throwing everything that I've ever done
14:08right into my face,
14:09but he's not taking any accountability
14:11for any of the actions that he did.
14:13And that pisses me off.
14:16This is a bad idea.
14:20God, he's such an idiot.
14:30Am I blending in okay?
14:31I think so.
14:32Like, you think people are buying it,
14:34so I'm like legit Amish?
14:35I'm sure they are.
14:36I don't think she came from the Amish originally.
14:39The outfit looked Amish enough,
14:41but the makeup and the nails,
14:44all of the above, yeah.
14:46I'm sure anybody Amish that sees them
14:48will realize they're not Amish.
14:51What a surprise.
14:53What are you doing here?
14:54It's kind of weird.
14:56How would you feel about me anointing you with oil?
15:02This is insane.
15:04This is witchcraft.
15:15You got my keys.
15:16You got my keys.
15:32I am hot.
15:36That's the best thing about when church over,
15:38we're getting out these clothes.
15:42I'm pretty upset about how Chris's dad's sermon
15:45went down.
15:46I feel like the sermon was created
15:49and dedicated to me.
15:52That's just, that's not the right approach.
15:55I know it's not Chris's fault,
15:57and I don't want him to feel bad,
15:59but I had to get out of there.
16:01I had to calm down and collect my thoughts,
16:04decompress, until service was done.
16:07I just want to thank you for
16:10stepping out your comfort zone,
16:12having an open mind,
16:14and just allowing yourself to experience,
16:18you know, where I come from.
16:22When Linza got up and walked out
16:24while my father was giving his sermon,
16:26I felt uncomfortable, not only for, you know, me,
16:29but for her.
16:30I think that he was preaching his beliefs
16:33and the beliefs of a Pentecostal Christian,
16:36but it could be a little overwhelming for her.
16:41But I'm really relieved that she just needed some air,
16:46because sometimes, once she's upset,
16:48logic is out the window.
16:53I know it might have been a lot on you
16:55to experience that.
16:57You know, it was definitely geared
17:00a little bit more to open up, you know, your heart.
17:04To convert, to become a Christian.
17:09I'll be honest with you, Habibi,
17:11just the idea of that just makes my stomach twist.
17:21You know, while we were at church,
17:23I did notice that he was singing along,
17:25like he was really singing.
17:27I do see the connection he has to Christianity
17:30and the happiness that it does bring him.
17:33So, for Christopher to leave Christianity,
17:37it might be a bit more difficult than I thought.
17:41We need to come to a decision
17:43on which faith we're going to choose.
17:47I don't know, I would like us to come to that before I leave.
17:52What are you going to wear today?
17:54I don't know, I'm trying to figure out
17:55which shirt I want to wear.
17:57One's got some caulk on it still.
18:22So, we got to the hotel in Michigan last night,
18:25and we're about 20 minutes from my parents' house.
18:28We're trying to, you know, meet my parents
18:30and telling them that we're having a baby.
18:32I'm hoping that maybe it'll soften their heart a little bit,
18:35and maybe they'll have a relationship with us.
18:38Last night, I could barely sleep because I was so nervous.
18:42I haven't had this shirt on in a long time.
18:47A long time.
18:49I'm putting my Amish clothes on,
18:51and Lindsey's also putting some Amish clothes on
18:54as a form of respect,
18:55so that way we have a fighting chance to speak with my family.
18:58Plus, we're also trying to blend in with the Amish community,
19:02so that way we don't alert nobody.
19:05This is the same shirt my mom made me when I was 16.
19:08Aw. Does that make you sad?
19:13I'll probably keep it forever.
19:17My feelings are all over the place this morning.
19:20I do miss my family very much.
19:23Being rejected by my family
19:25is definitely the hardest thing that I've ever had to go through.
19:29I haven't spoken to them since I got married six months ago.
19:33I don't really have any idea what's going to happen to me,
19:36but I'm trying to be hopeful
19:38because I don't want to have that hurt feeling again.
19:44Are you getting dressed?
19:46Oh, yeah, I'm doing the whole nine yards.
19:49You want to know a secret?
19:52I'm wearing my black lace underwear underneath this.
19:55Why are you driving like the granny panties?
19:58I don't even own granny panties.
20:00I don't even know where you buy granny panties, to be honest.
20:04Do you need help?
20:10Oh, my God.
20:16Oh, my God.
20:20Don't take this the weird way, wrong way.
20:23What are you about to tell me?
20:25You look like my sister Susie.
20:27Oh, my.
20:29I'm being serious.
20:31Does that turn you on?
20:35Okay, good.
20:37I feel weird wearing these Amish clothes.
20:40Get up here.
20:43I look like a creepy pioneer woman.
20:45It's so uncomfortable.
20:47The material is scratchy.
20:49I'm just tweaking and itching like a meth head.
20:52But I am willing to suck it up
20:54and do this for Elmer if it will help
20:57with his relationship with his parents.
20:59I'm willing to do what it takes.
21:10I got to fix my look.
21:12Are you ready for this?
21:14Whatever they are.
21:16I want to go to the Amish store
21:19to try to get a little gift or something
21:22to kind of break the ice with Elmer's mom.
21:25But I am completely clueless.
21:28What would you buy for your Amish mother-in-law?
21:33I'm going to go ask about, like, kitchen stuff.
21:36Wilma said that your mom,
21:38we're talking about baking and stuff,
21:40so maybe she'd like some kitchenware.
21:42All right.
21:43A new spatula, you know?
21:45I have a question.
21:47If I am buying my mother-in-law
21:49some, like, baking stuff or cooking stuff,
21:51that would be, what would you recommend?
21:54Look, the kitchen knives over here are a good one for her.
21:57Get her a bunch of knives.
21:58There you go.
22:00Um, they're on the display right there.
22:05I'm definitely not giving my mother-in-law,
22:07who I've never met, and thanks.
22:09I'm the devil because I'm an English woman.
22:12I'm not going to give her a knife.
22:13Like, here's a knife.
22:14Like, what are you going to do with this?
22:15Stab me with it?
22:17Oh, look, there's greeting cards right there.
22:19I remember Wilma suggesting to get a greeting card.
22:23You know, I think the card is the safest bet.
22:27Am I blending in okay?
22:29I think so.
22:30Like, you think people are buying it,
22:32and I'm like, legit Amish?
22:33Oh, I'm sure you are.
22:36I don't think she came from the Amish originally.
22:39The outfit looked Amish enough,
22:41but the makeup, painted nails, all of the above, yeah.
22:46I'm sure anybody Amish that sees them
22:48will realize they're not Amish.
22:50I found a good one.
22:52Why are you being quiet?
22:54Why are you being quiet?
22:55It's just weird.
22:57Are you nervous?
23:02What else here?
23:03Let's look at house stuff.
23:05This visit is so important for me and my family.
23:08I don't know what's going to happen
23:10or how they're going to react to see me
23:13after such a long period of time.
23:17The best thing that could happen
23:19would be my parents opening that door like,
23:22oh my gosh, Elmer, thank you for coming
23:25and giving me a big old hug.
23:27We got our goodies ready.
23:28You got everything?
23:30But I'm worried that the door just gets slammed in our face.
23:33Boom, shut.
23:35Have a good day.
23:37If they reject me again, choosing religion over me,
23:40it's going to mentally and emotionally crush me.
23:43All right, let's do this.
23:46You do say stuff to me that's rude.
23:49Like when you said I'm a fake Muslim.
23:52You don't like wearing a hijab.
23:54I want to see Rosie and you, you know, cover your body.
23:57Like right now.
23:58I always say I don't hate anybody,
24:00but like I really do not like him.
24:02If you want to stay with my brother,
24:05I'm going to stay with you.
24:07I really do not like him.
24:09If you want to stay with my brother,
24:12I would love to see you Muslim.
24:20You're not like a lot of care.
24:22No, I'm not saying that that was right or I didn't overreact.
24:25That's what I'm saying.
24:32I am sorry that I did that.
24:34But like you do say stuff to me that's rude.
24:37Like when you said I'm a fake Muslim.
24:44I do have a desire to make peace.
24:46I want us all to get along.
24:48And like I always say I don't hate anybody,
24:50but like I really do not like him.
24:54Let's see if you're Muslim.
24:55You cannot pick and choose.
24:57Like, oh, you know what? I like this one.
24:59Oh, I'll take it.
25:00For example, you don't like wearing hijab.
25:05I hope.
25:06I wish like I want to see Rosie and you, you know,
25:09cover your body like right now.
25:13So you think that this is like not appropriate?
25:21If you want to stay with my brother,
25:23learn from your mistake.
25:25Just learn it.
25:27The second thing is I would love to see you Muslim.
25:32But that's the point.
25:33I was like, I'm trying to learn.
25:34Like I didn't grow up with all of this.
25:36That's what I told you.
25:37Like you have to read.
25:38It's hard when I see.
25:39You like to read, right?
25:40Of course, I love to read.
25:41So like if you like to read and you like to read
25:43about Muslim religion, read.
25:46Pray, pray.
25:47If you pray, God help you a lot.
25:52I really don't like talking religion with Abdul
25:55or talking about converting with him.
25:57I do feel like there needs to be like empathy towards me.
26:00Like I don't think he understands how difficult
26:02it is to be taught one thing your whole life
26:04and then like wake up one day and realize
26:06like maybe that's not real.
26:09That can be really hard to handle emotionally.
26:14But it is a fear of mine all the time
26:16that if I don't convert to Islam,
26:18Abdul will poison Mohammed against me
26:21and convince him to divorce me.
26:23I'm trying my best to follow the religion.
26:27That's the number one thing that I have to like
26:30figure out what I believe.
26:45I never expected to hear an apology out of him at all.
26:48So I'm pleasantly surprised, I guess.
26:53I feel like Abdul and I still have a long way to go
26:55in our relationship.
26:57But I do feel like he's making an effort
26:59to be civil and get along.
27:02What's the conclusion?
27:05I mean, I don't know.
27:06Like we still, I think, have work to do.
27:11Yeah, you're doing it.
27:13Yeah, do it.
27:15I still have a lot of questions and concerns
27:17about living life as a Muslim woman and wife.
27:20And I'm even more concerned about how my family
27:22is going to react.
27:24With Mohammed and Abdul, I feel like they think
27:26if I convert, that's going to go away.
27:29But I think it could get worse.
27:33And that's very scary.
27:43This is the oil that is used for anointing.
27:46This is insane.
27:48I said, look at God.
27:50Look how great He is.
27:53This is entirely way too much.
27:55When is He going to give it up?
27:57You can't force me into submission.
27:59And I feel like I'm being forced here,
28:00and it makes me uncomfortable.
28:21I've been in Cincinnati for a week now,
28:23and it's been rockier than what I anticipated.
28:28The whole experience of church really shook me.
28:32I feel like I was being cornered into accepting Jesus,
28:35and I didn't appreciate that at all.
28:38It's convincing me that Chris really needs
28:40to get serious about converting to Islam.
28:43And on top of everything that's going on,
28:46I caught a bit of a stomach bug,
28:48and I just overall just feel like crap.
28:59Hey, Mr. Johnson.
29:01What a surprise.
29:03What are you doing here?
29:05It's kind of weird.
29:07Oh, have a seat here.
29:08Oh, OK.
29:09But unfortunately, it's a little too late
29:11to pretend like no one's home.
29:13So I can't just, like, turn off the lights
29:16and, like, turn the TV off like you would do
29:19if a Jehovah Witness came knocking on the door,
29:22because I would have definitely tried to hide.
29:27Where's Mr. Chris?
29:29Chris has been working all day,
29:31and I also haven't been feeling well.
29:33So I've just kind of been laying around.
29:36Trying to get over this stomach bug.
29:39Well, how are you feeling now?
29:41I'm still feeling a little under the weather.
29:43I'm able to keep liquids down,
29:45but I haven't started eating any solids yet.
29:50Well, how would you feel about me anointing you with oil?
29:55Yeah, with oil.
29:56I don't know what that means.
29:59When you anoint a person that,
30:01whatever going on with them,
30:03that the Lord will heal that.
30:07It's for healing.
30:13Where is this going?
30:15Like, what do you mean they're gonna heal me?
30:17Like, magic?
30:19Like, I don't know.
30:20He didn't say anything about medicine.
30:22He said heal.
30:24You know, Islamically, I'm not allowed
30:27to do anything that's ritualistic
30:31or could possibly be equivalent
30:34in the healing power of Allah.
30:37I'm not trying to force you to do it.
30:38I'm just mentioning it and let you know
30:41what we use it for.
30:42OK, OK, OK.
30:44It's for healing.
30:46It's pure oil, nothing in it.
30:48What kind of oil?
30:49It's olive oil, virgin.
30:52It's not the oil.
30:53It's the spirit in the oil
30:55that do the anointing.
30:57How does the spirit of the Lord
30:59get into the oil?
31:01That's something no man, no woman can answer.
31:04The spirit is the presence of God.
31:07That's it.
31:09I have the oil with me out in the car.
31:12Follow me out to the car
31:13and I can show it to you.
31:27I respect my elders
31:29and I always struggle with this, you know?
31:31Like, when an elder asks you
31:33to be a part of something,
31:34it's always been difficult for me
31:36to be like, no.
31:38Yeah, of course.
31:43So, I'm gonna follow Elder Johnson outside,
31:47but I am nervous.
31:50Ooh, it's bright.
31:57This my little kit.
31:59And this is the oil
32:01that is used for anointing.
32:07I anoint you in the name of the Father,
32:09the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
32:13Be blessed.
32:16This is insane.
32:18This is crazy.
32:20I can feel him, like,
32:21putting the cross on my forehead.
32:23And then he's, like, saying, like, the mother.
32:25What did he say?
32:26Like, something, the Holy Ghost.
32:28Like, he was just saying some stuff
32:29that I did not like
32:30and I don't believe in.
32:31It would be funny if it actually worked.
32:35This is witchcraft.
32:37All I could say underneath my breath
32:39was, like,
32:45All of us that accept the Christ
32:47enter into the gates of heaven.
32:49Praise God.
32:54Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
32:55I hope Linza,
32:56you're accepting what I said
32:58is concerning Jesus Christ
33:00as her personal Savior.
33:02Just a little bit more time
33:04when she know everything
33:06that Elder Johnson has said,
33:07it's real.
33:08This is true.
33:11Thank you, Jesus.
33:15At this point,
33:16this is entirely way too much.
33:18When is he gonna give it up?
33:20I said, look at God.
33:22Look how great He is.
33:24You can't force me into submission.
33:26And I feel like I'm being forced here
33:28and it makes me uncomfortable.
33:30It'll be a great joy
33:32to accept Jesus Christ
33:34as your personal Savior.
33:37I love Chris with all of my heart,
33:39but I do feel like his family
33:42is just creating a huge wedge
33:44in between us.
33:46If they don't back off
33:48and respect me for who I am
33:51and respect my boundaries,
33:53this relationship is not going to last.
33:57Praise God.
33:58Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
34:03Wilmer called me.
34:05Your brother?
34:07He got wind that you guys were coming up.
34:09This is...up.
34:11We didn't want his parents to know
34:12that we were coming.
34:13This is bad.
34:14This is beyond bad.
34:15What are we gonna do now?
34:17I think we should just go over there.
34:19If the whole community knows,
34:20they could block us
34:21from even getting on the property.
34:23If you're gonna do it, you better do it.
34:25I mean, we better do it now.
34:27It's colder than a mother-in-law's kiss out there.
34:48I'm gonna work on that greeting card
34:49we just bought for your mom.
34:52There's our little order.
34:55There's our little ultrasound pictures.
34:58Just want to send a little sunshine your way.
35:01Here's a picture of your grandbaby.
35:03We hope that someday you'll let us be close.
35:11Don't put anything about the future?
35:14I wouldn't really write it anymore.
35:19We're on our way to Elmer's parents' house right now,
35:21and Wilma said that Amish people like greeting cards,
35:24so I got a greeting card.
35:26I wrote a little touching note in it
35:28and put the sonogram picture in there,
35:30and I'm hoping that kind of tugs at their heartstrings
35:32and kind of softens his family a little bit.
35:37You think they're gonna actually read this
35:39or throw it away?
35:41I hope they read it.
35:47Right here by the river,
35:48I used to come down here and lay on that culvert
35:50and just think, listen to the river running underneath me
35:53and stuff right here.
35:54So you used to come down here by yourself?
36:02I can tell Elmer's getting more nervous.
36:06His dad is very strict.
36:08Like, he's one of the stricter dads in the community,
36:10it sounds like, and then his mom is even worse.
36:13I guess she's even more strict.
36:15So I am worried if he can handle
36:18if his family rejects him again.
36:22So can we recap this again?
36:24We're gonna go there to Kirk's,
36:27and we have to park there?
36:30That way, out of respect for them, you know,
36:33so we don't park on their property and stuff.
36:36And then we're gonna walk there?
36:41So we're parking the truck at Kirk's house,
36:44Kirk lives about a mile down the route
36:46from my parents' house.
36:47He's not Amish, he's an English guy.
36:50He's basically family to me,
36:52now that, you know, I don't have any really anymore.
36:57We decided to go see my parents at night
36:59because it's dark and none of the other Amish people
37:02can see us.
37:03And it's already a very delicate situation,
37:06so we're treading softly here.
37:11Hey, bro.
37:12Hey, how's it going?
37:13Good, good, good, yeah.
37:15How you doing?
37:16Good, how are you?
37:17Good, good, good.
37:19Come on in.
37:20All right.
37:21Elmer, he shooed the horses
37:22and worked on the horses for the Amish,
37:25so he would take them for a trot.
37:27I'd be out in the barn or something,
37:29and he'd swing by and talk to me,
37:31and I ended up being pretty close with him.
37:33How's everything been?
37:34Good, good, good.
37:36Elmer's mom and dad, they're pretty heavily shunning him.
37:39I'm not no Amish expert by no means,
37:41but I know a lot of their rules come through a bishop.
37:44I can't imagine as a parent, I'm a parent,
37:47somebody telling me that I can't see my own kid.
37:51How was the drive up?
37:53It was good.
37:54It was a little rough there for a minute.
37:57He was doing 98, 98 miles per hour.
38:01You haven't been down to where you grew up at all, have you?
38:03No, not yet.
38:05All right, because Wilmer called me.
38:08Your brother?
38:14He got wind that you guys were coming up.
38:19He said, man, they don't want me coming around the house right now.
38:22How would he know?
38:24I don't know how he knew.
38:26No idea.
38:27That's freaking weird.
38:30Somebody could have seen you in town, don't you?
38:33From the store? Somebody saw us?
38:35Somebody could have seen you anywhere.
38:37At the Collingville store, you mean?
38:39He knew you was coming up,
38:41and he wanted to make sure that no TV crew came to the house.
38:50You know, we drove all this way and stuff like that.
38:53I don't know.
38:55I don't understand why somebody would tip Wilmer off.
39:00My brother, he has a phone in his business
39:03about half a mile down the road.
39:05So my brother called Kirk and told Kirk that we're coming.
39:09And now I know that my parents know that we're coming,
39:12so I'm afraid they're going to be gone
39:14because they don't want to get in trouble with the church.
39:21What are we going to do now?
39:22I think we should just go over there.
39:24Yeah, if you're going to do it, you better do it.
39:26Yeah, I mean, we better do it now.
39:29This is f***ed up.
39:30We didn't want his parents to know that we were coming.
39:32We wanted it to be real discreet that we were in town,
39:35but Elmer's brother knows, obviously,
39:37and then his parents will probably know,
39:39then the community and the bishop will find out,
39:42and then it'll just be a big s*** show.
39:44This is bad. This is beyond bad.
39:47We got to go.
39:48I mean, there's one chance, and it's here. It's now.
39:51Yeah, let's get going.
39:52So we got to go.
39:57Good luck.
39:58All right.
39:59Love you guys.
40:00I love you. Bye-bye.
40:03Woof, woof, woof.
40:05There we go.
40:07With my brother knowing, it changes the whole plan.
40:10Our cover got blown, and I don't know if this is going to work.
40:13If the whole community knows,
40:15they could block us from even getting on the property.
40:18I'm scared s***less what's going to happen,
40:20but we got to do it, and we got to go now.
40:27Woof, woof, woof.
40:30Next time on Forbidden Love...
40:35You're doing so good.
40:38Rosie's getting older.
40:39I want to make sure she grows up as a Muslim.
40:42I'm very afraid Rosie's going to be like one of your family.
40:46You're sitting here saying,
40:47oh, I don't want her to act like people in your family.
40:49She's not Muslim. I'm afraid she's going to be that.
40:51You're being kind of dumb right now.
40:53When she calls me dumb, that means she doesn't respect me as a husband.
40:57We will not be continuing in the future.
40:59Obey, respect, trust. That's why I need you to be a Muslim.
41:05He offered to heal me.
41:06Heal you?
41:07Like, I really felt like I betrayed my religion,
41:10and I don't want to feel that anymore.
41:12Christopher's dad, he's doing everything in his power
41:16to get me to convert to Christianity,
41:18and I'm beyond over it.
41:20I want you to be Muslim.
41:23I'm in.
41:26The hardest thing is what it would do to my family.
41:29Converting over to Islam, that could hurt them
41:31and, you know, potentially push them away.
41:33Let's pump the brakes a little bit on them.
41:40My family has expressed to me
41:42their reservations about me converting.
41:46I just feel like if you really love someone,
41:48they shouldn't have to convert or do anything
41:50to be able to be with you.
41:51The last thing we need right now are doubts.
41:54I think she was just giving her honest opinion
41:56that she thought I shouldn't have to.
41:58Well, her honest opinion sucks.
41:59I mean, it's 2023.
42:03You point out all my flaws,
42:05and you say, oh, you don't do nothing around the house.
42:08What do you do?
42:09Since we've been back, Elmer is regressing hardcore,
42:13and his Amish bad habits are getting worse again.
42:16I need a man to raise a baby with.
42:19You knew I was 23 when I married you.
42:21I didn't know you acted like a child.
42:23If he's not ready to do this,
42:24then how are we going to bring this baby into the world?
42:26I'm done.
42:27Me too.