
  • last month
00:00Rahul, Rajeev, Andy, Nidhi and Naina used to study in five Madrasas.
00:15During the holidays, they used to sit in five cars and make plans to roam in the forest of Bela Pahadi.
00:24I have heard that the forest of Bela Pahadi is scary.
00:27All this is nonsense.
00:29Everything is not nonsense, Rajeev.
00:31You are already a coward.
00:34Now stop arguing.
00:36Let's go to Bela Pahadi.
00:38I have heard that a spirit of Kinnar roams there.
00:42As soon as Naina said this, Rajeev drove the car towards the forest of Bela Pahadi.
00:50And within a few hours, they all reached the dense forest of Bela Pahadi.
00:55It was night time.
00:57They all set up their tent in the dense forest.
01:01But Andy was feeling a little strange there.
01:05That night, without telling him, he left from there.
01:10Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Nidhi's screams scared Rahul and Naina and they came out.
01:17Seeing Rahul's body hanging on a tree in front of them,
01:22Rajeev and Naina's hands and feet swelled.
01:26How did this happen, Nidhi?
01:28Who killed Rahul?
01:30Rahul, I was talking to him in the tent.
01:33That's when Rahul realized that someone was peeping from outside.
01:38Rahul left the tent.
01:41After a while, when I heard Rahul's voice, when I came out, then...
01:47So what, Nidhi?
01:48Go ahead.
01:49What did you see?
01:52I saw Rahul's body hanging on a tree.
01:58And a very dangerous Kinnar was eating Rahul's flesh.
02:04Suddenly, he turned into smoke and disappeared from my sight.
02:09That means, about this place, it seems that the spirit of a Kinnar named Bela really lives here.
02:16And all this is true.
02:17What are you talking about, Rajeev?
02:20There is no time to tell all this, Naina.
02:22We have to get out of here immediately.
02:24We can't stay here anymore.
02:27All of our lives are in danger.
02:29But Andy, where is he right now?
02:32Suddenly, suddenly, a very strong wind started blowing.
02:37And in a little while, that wind took the form of a storm.
02:42That's when there was a loud rumbling in the sky.
02:46That sound was so loud that their hearts began to tremble.
02:51After a while, the storm suddenly stopped and it started raining very heavily.
02:57The four of them were terrified and their eyes were torn.
03:02Because it was raining blood.
03:05Run away from here.
03:07Saying this, Naina had increased her steps to run away.
03:12That a strange sound began to echo all around.
03:17It seemed as if many Kinnars were screaming and coming towards them.
03:24That's when Naina started seeing a very scary black shadow in front of her.
03:30It looked very scary as soon as she saw it.
03:34Seeing it, that scary shadow came in front of Naina and stood up.
03:40Naina saw that it was a woman of about six feet who was wearing a sari.
03:47Who are you?
03:52Seeing the scary face, Naina and Sabih screamed loudly.
03:59He was a Kinnar whose face was completely burnt.
04:04Naina felt as if her feet had sunk into the ground.
04:10Suddenly, he grabbed Naina's neck with his own hands.
04:14And in a single shock, he separated her head from her body.
04:19Naina's heart-rending scream echoed in that forest.
04:24In a little while, that scary woman did the same to Rajiv and Nidhi.
04:30The scream that shook both of their hearts shook the entire forest.
04:36There, Andy saw a very old palace on his way.
04:40He was about to go towards that palace when someone came from behind and grabbed him.
04:47Andy saw that he was a monk.
04:50Don't go there, son.
04:52Who are you?
04:53I am a monk.
04:55That's when Andy heard the scream that shook all of his friends' hearts.
05:01This is the sound of my friends screaming.
05:04I think they are all in trouble.
05:06What is happening?
05:08It's of no use, son.
05:10Their screams are saying that Bela has made them her prey.
05:15It's useless to go there now, son.
05:18But all my friends are in trouble, Baba.
05:21How can I leave all of them alone?
05:23If you go there now, your end will be like your friends.
05:30That's when they heard a scary scream of a monk.
05:35This is Bela's voice.
05:37Who is this Bela?
05:39I have heard many stories about her.
05:41And as far as I know, this mountain is named Bela Pahadi because of her.
05:47Those stories are not fake, son.
05:49Many years ago, this area was under the rule of King Sangram Singh.
05:55It is said that there used to live a handsome man named Bela.
06:00He was very loyal to the palace of King Sangram Singh.
06:04He used to bring and take Bela's flowers to the palace of the king.
06:10King Sangram Singh was happy with his loyalty
06:14and named this mountain after him.
06:17King Sangram Singh's wife was very beautiful.
06:21He had kept Bela Kinnar for his wife.
06:26Sangram Singh's wife liked Bela in her heart.
06:32What are you saying?
06:33How can a woman like a Kinnar?
06:36Bela was a very beautiful Kinnar.
06:39And she didn't care about love or caste.
06:43Bela also started loving Sangram Singh's wife.
06:47And one day, when Sangram Singh entered his wife's room,
06:51he found Bela and his wife in a state of distress.
06:56Seeing this, Sangram Singh got furious.
06:59He brought Bela to this forest at night and burnt her alive.
07:04But that was a dark and gloomy night.
07:07Her soul still wanders in this area.
07:10Whenever he sees a girl and a boy together,
07:13he kills them before their love is fulfilled.
07:19But Baba, there must be a way to kill them.
07:24There is one way, but it is very difficult.
07:27No matter how difficult it is, I am ready to do it.
07:31You are looking at that palace, right?
07:34It is said that whenever an ordinary person is seen in that palace,
07:39the same incident happens in that palace again and again.
07:44I didn't understand what you are saying.
07:46I mean, it is a cycle of time that you won't understand.
07:52So, it means that the same incident is happening in that palace right now?
07:58If a person who has not touched a woman,
08:02if that person goes back in time,
08:05enters this palace and kills Bela,
08:09then Bela will be finished.
08:11Then I am ready that I have not touched any woman till date.
08:16Then don't delay, go quickly.
08:19Because after this, this time will come after so many years.
08:22Nothing can be said.
08:24Andy immediately entered that palace.
08:28He saw a very beautiful girl in a room
08:32and a very beautiful woman were in each other's arms.
08:37Andy understood that she is Bela.
08:40Andy reaches near her without delay.
08:44Seeing a stranger near him, Bela was shocked and said,
08:49Who are you?
08:51Your death.
08:52Saying this, Andy cut Bela's neck with that knife.
08:58As soon as he cut Bela's neck, Andy felt everything spinning.
09:04And he fell unconscious there.
09:07After opening his eyes, he found himself at the same place.
09:11But there was no sage present there.
09:14Andy ran and reached the same place where his friends were.
09:20But he saw that the bodies of his four friends were hanging on the tree.
09:26The first ray of the morning sun had come out.
09:30Andy was sad and went away from that forest.
09:34He had understood that Bela's end was near.
09:39It was midnight.
09:41All the people of the village were sleeping soundly.
09:45Bhima was preparing to plough his fields at night.
09:50But his wife Rukmini was stopping him from going.
09:55If you want to plough your fields, then go in the morning.
10:00What is the need to go at midnight?
10:03Can't you hear?
10:04The dogs are crying continuously.
10:08The fields need to be ploughed now.
10:10And should I go in the morning?
10:12Rukmini, it is important for me to go now.
10:15Otherwise, the whole crop will get spoiled.
10:18And dogs often cry at night.
10:20People say that whenever dogs cry at night,
10:24there are some ghosts around the old ruins of that forest.
10:29And people get lost mysteriously.
10:33They never get to know anything.
10:36You are too much, Rukmini.
10:39I don't believe in such things.
10:41No, please listen to me.
10:44Don't go today.
10:46I don't feel good.
10:48Don't stop me, Rukmini.
10:50I am not going alone.
10:52I am taking my friend Rajan with me.
10:55Bheema left after saying this.
10:58On a cold night, Rajan and his neighbor Bheema
11:02went to plough the fields.
11:04The cold was on its peak.
11:07They had lit a fire to save themselves from the cold.
11:11They were not far from that ruin.
11:17Suddenly, they heard a heart-rending scream.
11:22It was a woman's scream.
11:24Hearing the scream, Rajan's body was filled with fear.
11:30Bheema, did you hear anything?
11:34Bheema, who was as tall and strong as his name, said,
11:40Yes, I heard that scream clearly.
11:43It came from that ruin.
11:45Suddenly, they heard the screams of help and rescue.
11:53Hearing this, both of them got worried.
11:57Suddenly, Bheema picked up a stick in his hand
12:02and walked towards the ruin.
12:05What are you doing, Bheema?
12:07We should leave from here.
12:10I feel something is wrong.
12:12And anyway, I was not ready to come here.
12:15I have come here only because of you.
12:18Get lost, coward.
12:19Think about it.
12:20If there is a girl in danger,
12:24shouldn't we help her?
12:25Should we leave her to die?
12:28Rajan became silent because of Bheema's question.
12:32And Bheema ran away and entered the forest.
12:42After a while, they were standing in the middle of the dense forest.
12:47They were trying to see through the dense fog.
12:54After a while, they heard the screams of that girl again.
13:01Bheema and Rajan started running in the direction of the screams.
13:05They reached a little far.
13:08Suddenly, someone came running from the front.
13:11He came straight to Bheema and hit him.
13:15He fell on the ground.
13:18There was a woman who hit him.
13:21She got scared and hugged Bheema.
13:24She was screaming.
13:27Mama, save me.
13:29They will kill me. Save me.
13:34Saying this, she lost her senses in Bheema's arms.
13:39She fainted.
13:41Bheema lost his senses after seeing her beauty.
13:46He looked at Rajan and said,
13:49Go and get water quickly.
13:51Because it is important to make her conscious.
13:53Come to your senses, Bheema.
13:55I don't feel good.
13:57Pay attention.
13:58I don't see any other person here except this woman.
14:03Okay, if you don't go, I will go.
14:07Okay, I will go.
14:09Rajan went to get water from there.
14:12A little far away,
14:14there was a ruin.
14:16There was an old well near it.
14:20As soon as Rajan reached near the well,
14:23he heard the sound of thousands of bells.
14:28As soon as he saw it,
14:30the ruin shone with light.
14:33Suddenly, Rajan heard
14:35the scream that shook Bheema's heart.
14:39Rajan started running towards Bheema.
14:42But as soon as he reached near Bheema,
14:46he saw the scene in front of him.
14:50In front of him,
14:52there was a woman with a terrible black face.
14:56And Bheema's dead body was lying on the ground.
15:02As soon as he saw it,
15:04the woman with a terrible black face
15:07started eating the flesh of Bheema's dead body.
15:12Seeing this, Rajan screamed.
15:15Before Rajan could run away,
15:18suddenly, Rajan was surrounded by black shadows.
15:22All their faces were very terrifying.
15:25Suddenly, the woman with a terrible black face
15:28flew and sat on Rajan's chest.
15:31Rajan's heart-rending scream
15:34shattered the silence.
15:37The next day,
15:38news of Bheema and Rajan's disappearance
15:41spread like wildfire in the jungle.
15:44A man from the village asked the chief.
15:48Chief, it's enough now.
15:51Whenever dogs cry in this village,
15:53it's always wrong.
15:56The incident of the people living here disappearing,
15:59our forefathers have been going on since their time.
16:04And we are not able to do anything.
16:06How long will our youth
16:08disappear from the fear of that ruin?
16:12What do you think?
16:13I am not worried about this.
16:15That ruin has been tried a thousand times.
16:18Whenever we would go to break that ruin,
16:21the next day the ruin would stand on its own.
16:23Did you understand?
16:25So that means,
16:27we should leave this village now.
16:30Now, this secret will not be revealed.
16:33Many sages and tantrics have tried to find out.
16:37But they couldn't.
16:39Some even lost their lives.
16:41This time, I have called such a miracle
16:44that he is a very powerful tantric.
16:46It is said that he is so powerful
16:48that he can easily come in the past and future.
16:52Then, the villagers heard
16:55the voice of the tantric Aghora.
16:58Alak Niranjan!
17:01Aghora came close to the chief and stood up.
17:04The chief joined his hands and told Baba the whole matter.
17:08It is night now.
17:10This is the right time.
17:12Come with me.
17:14And yes, take all the petrol that anyone has in this village.
17:20And all the villagers gather
17:22and come with me to that ruin.
17:25Saying this, all the villagers
17:28came with Baba to that ruin.
17:31The tantric Aghora closed his eyes.
17:35As soon as Aghora closed his eyes,
17:37a strong wind started blowing.
17:40After some time,
17:41Aghora suddenly opened his eyes and said,
17:45Alak Niranjan!
17:47Did you see anything with your miracle?
17:50Yes, chief. Yes, I saw.
17:53I saw everything in the past.
17:56The tantric Aghora screamed and said,
17:59Kalo! His name is Kalo.
18:03For many years, he has been killing the youth of this village
18:06and eating the flesh of his body
18:09along with the bones.
18:11Hearing the words of the tantric Aghora,
18:14terror began to spread in the eyes of all the villagers.
18:18This is the story of the British era.
18:21When this village was known as the revolutionaries,
18:25there used to be a woman in that ruin at that time
18:28whose name was Kalo.
18:31Kalo was a very beautiful and dangerous woman
18:35who had an illicit physical relationship
18:38with many British officers.
18:41Kalo was an expert in black magic
18:44to please the devil.
18:47And to always look beautiful and beautiful,
18:50she used to forcefully catch the women and men of the village
18:53by the British and take their sacrifice.
18:58And by sacrificing them, she used to eat their raw flesh.
19:02When the revolutionaries found out about this,
19:05they threw the living Kalo into the wall.
19:08But Kalo had already traded his soul with the devil.
19:13After death, Kalo became a devil.
19:16But now his time is over.
19:19Saying this, Aghora started reciting the mantra in a loud voice.
19:24Suddenly, the walls of that ruin burst.
19:29And a woman with a terrible black skin came out of it.
19:34Who are you?
19:36But Aghora did not respond to her words.
19:40Fearlessly, he went near Kalo.
19:44And suddenly, Aghora held Kalo's hand.
19:48As soon as he held Kalo's hand,
19:50she started screaming badly.
19:53Everyone put petrol on it and set it on fire.
19:56Everyone put petrol on it and set it on fire.
20:00And as soon as she saw it, Kalo started burning.
20:04And she started screaming in a terrible way.
20:07Suddenly, Kalo turned into smoke
20:11and settled in the ground.
20:13And that ruin broke and fell down on its own.
