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00:00A long time ago, Ravi and his wife Komal used to live in a small house.
00:15Ravi used to work in an office and Komal used to stay at home and do household chores.
00:20Ravi and Komal had two children.
00:22The son's name was Naman and the daughter's name was Naina.
00:25Ravi and Komal always loved Naman and didn't pay much attention to Naina.
00:31One day, Ravi and his family shifted to another house.
00:34Everything is fine here, but I was thinking about Naman's school.
00:39I have to get him admitted.
00:41You don't worry. I have spoken to the school nearby.
00:45My boss has very good knowledge there.
00:48That's why he is able to get admitted there.
00:51Otherwise, it is very difficult to get him admitted here.
00:55Yes, but only one child can be admitted.
00:58Yes, so we will get Naman admitted.
01:00And me? Which school will I study in, mom?
01:03Oh, you will study well.
01:05You won't become a doctor by studying.
01:07After all, you have to get married one day and go to your own house.
01:10Naina cries a lot, but no one is ready to listen to her.
01:14A few days later, Naman starts going to a new school.
01:18One morning, he is about to leave for school, when Naina comes to his room.
01:23Look, my new bag, new bottle.
01:27Do you know how beautiful my school is?
01:32There are so many swings there.
01:35Really? It must be so much fun in the new school.
01:38Madam must be teaching so well.
01:41Come on, who likes to study?
01:44I just like to swing on the swings and play with the kids.
01:50What are you saying, brother?
01:52Do you know how difficult it is for papa to pay for your education?
01:56And you are saying such things.
01:58Whatever I am telling you, you just keep it to yourself.
02:04Otherwise, I will complain about you to mom.
02:06And you know what mom will do to you.
02:12That's when Komal comes there.
02:14How late is it, Naman?
02:16Come on, go to school quickly, or the bus will leave.
02:19Naman leaves for school.
02:21Naina spends the whole day with her mother doing household chores.
02:25She was very sad not to go to school, but she couldn't do anything.
02:29One night, Naina couldn't sleep, so she goes to the window and stands up.
02:34And she is taking the cold air outside.
02:36Naina was standing and thinking about school.
02:39At that time, she hears a voice.
02:44Hey, where is this voice coming from so late at night?
02:48Naina tries to listen more carefully.
02:51So this time again she hears a voice.
02:53Come on kids, now take out your Hindi copies.
02:56Today I will tell you all a story.
02:58Hey, this is the voice of a teacher who is teaching the kids.
03:03But which teacher is teaching the kids so late at night?
03:06But which teacher is teaching the kids so late at night?
03:09Naina looks here and there, and she sees a building a little far away.
03:13There is a light coming from a window.
03:15And from that window, the voices of the kids and the teacher are also coming.
03:19Oh, these voices are coming from here.
03:22But so late at night, I should go and see.
03:25Naina quietly leaves the house without fear and goes near that building.
03:31There is a school written on the building.
03:33Naina enters the school without thinking twice.
03:36Inside, a strange-looking woman is sitting at the reception.
03:39Your class has already started.
03:41Come on, go quickly and don't be late from tomorrow.
03:44My class? But I have come here for the first time.
03:47No problem, let's go and see.
03:49Naina goes upstairs and there is a madam with a file in her hand.
03:53Come on, go to the class quickly or else ma'am will get very angry.
03:57But I...
03:58Talk later, now go to the class.
04:00Naina was not able to understand what was happening to her.
04:04She has come to the school for the first time and everyone is behaving with her as if she is a student of the same school.
04:11Naina enters the class and her eyes are wide open.
04:15There, a witch is teaching the kids.
04:18Naina shouts loudly.
04:20Ah, help!
04:22Shhh, don't make noise.
04:25Can't you see the kids are testing?
04:27And why have you come so late?
04:29Now come inside and sit.
04:30And don't be late from tomorrow.
04:32Naina was not able to understand what she should do.
04:35Because of her fear, she was not even able to run away from there.
04:38Now do you want to stand outside?
04:40I told you to come inside and sit.
04:41Come on, come quickly.
04:43Yes, ma'am.
04:45Naina quietly sits there looking at an empty seat.
04:48There is already a new bag on Naina's seat.
04:51There are new books, new bottles and many things in it.
04:55Wow, this is so beautiful.
04:57This is all yours.
04:59Come on, now you also take out your copy book.
05:01Naina takes out the copy book from her bag.
05:04The rest of the ghosts start studying with the kids.
05:07The witch teacher is teaching the kids very lovingly and nicely.
05:11Naina gets so lost in her studies,
05:13that her fear ends in a while.
05:16She takes full care and understands what the witch teacher has taught her.
05:20And she enjoys a lot.
05:22After the class, the witch teacher gives everyone a toffee.
05:26Thank you, ma'am.
05:27Now come to school on time tomorrow.
05:30Then you will get a toffee every day.
05:32Okay, ma'am.
05:33But remember one thing.
05:34What is it, ma'am?
05:35Don't tell anyone about this school.
05:38Otherwise, no one will let you come here again.
05:41I won't tell anyone.
05:43Naina's school leaves at 3.45 at night.
05:47And then she comes home and sleeps quietly.
05:50Naina wakes up the next day,
05:52but doesn't tell anyone about the night.
05:55Because she is afraid that after knowing about this school,
05:59her parents won't let her go there again.
06:02Naina doesn't tell anyone about the night school because of this fear.
06:06Naina just loves to study so much,
06:08that she doesn't care
06:10that she has to go to a ghost school in the middle of the night.
06:14And all the teachers there are ghosts and witches.
06:17Naina waits for 12 o'clock at night.
06:20As soon as it is 12 o'clock,
06:22she goes to that ghost school again.
06:24And she studies very hard.
06:26It feels so good here.
06:28I am getting to learn so much.
06:31I also love to study.
06:35But how did you all become ghosts?
06:37This teacher too.
06:38One day, this school was on fire.
06:42And many children and teachers died in it.
06:47The owner of this school also died in it.
06:51This school is closed since that day.
06:54But we still study with our teacher.
06:58Naina goes to that school every night
07:00and studies with all the ghosts in the class.
07:04Sometimes a witch teaches them and sometimes a witch.
07:07But all the witch teachers are very good.
07:09And they love all the children.
07:12Naina has been studying in that school for many years.
07:15And her studies are completed.
07:17No one ever finds out about Naina's school.
07:20Naina and Naman grow up.
07:22Naman is useless even after studying in such a good school.
07:26And Naina has become very smart.
07:29One day, Komal and Ravi shout at Naman.
07:32I invested everything in your studies.
07:35But you ruined everything.
07:38You always fail, fail, fail.
07:41This is the limit.
07:42I don't have any money left to invest in your studies.
07:47Do you understand?
07:48If you have invested money in my studies,
07:50then you haven't done any favor to me.
07:52And I have studied on my own.
07:54Now I have failed.
07:56Why are you so angry?
07:58Oh God!
07:59This boy has no shame at all.
08:01Naman never pays attention to his studies.
08:03And on top of that, he was becoming very ill-mannered day by day.
08:07Gradually, he started stealing money from the house.
08:10One day, when Ravi and his family go to Ravi's boss's house for a party,
08:14Naman starts stealing there too.
08:16And Naman's boss catches him red-handed.
08:19Isn't he the one whom I got admitted?
08:23Look, he is stealing in my house today.
08:27Ravi, you don't need to come to office from tomorrow.
08:31Do you understand?
08:32Sir, what is my fault?
08:35I can't hire a thief.
08:40Because of Naman's behavior, Ravi loses his job.
08:43Some time later, they come to the road.
08:45There is no food in their house.
08:48Naina feels very sad to see all this.
08:50She starts teaching the children of the neighborhood.
08:53And starts running the household expenses.
08:55When Ravi and Komal come to know that
08:57their daughter Naina teaches children,
09:00they are very surprised.
09:02Naina has never gone to school.
09:04Then how can she teach other children?
09:07Thinking about this, even I am worried.
09:10One day, Ravi and Komal ask Naina about this.
09:13But she is hesitant to tell
09:15that from where did she study so much?
09:17Komal follows Naina.
09:19And Naina has to tell all the truth.
09:22Hearing Naina's words, Ravi and Komal are shocked.
09:25You used to study in a haunted school in the middle of the night.
09:30This is all our fault.
09:32We never gave importance to your studies.
09:36We spent all the money on that boy
09:39who ruined our reputation.
09:42Please forgive us.
09:44Ravi and Komal realize their mistake.
09:47Naina never goes to that haunted school again.
09:50But she always thanks the teachers there.
