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00:00The World of Ghosts and Witches
00:03Everyone was having fun.
00:06The world of ghosts and witches is something like this.
00:09Someone was drinking blood in a bowl,
00:11someone was tearing someone apart and becoming Bahubali.
00:14The peaceful souls who were entering the world of ghosts and witches,
00:18the terrorist ghosts and witches of that world were troubling them a lot.
00:24Sometimes they were biting someone's fingers,
00:26sometimes they were playing with their eyes.
00:32Look, another soul is entering our world of ghosts and witches.
00:37Come on, let's teach her a lesson.
00:40It will be a lot of fun.
00:43Chhaya and all her friends go to her to trouble that soul.
00:49After that, Chhaya destroys that soul with her ghost power.
00:55Look, how badly I have made her fall.
00:58Poor soul fell down.
01:01Seeing her falling, Chhaya's other friends also start shouting loudly with Chhaya.
01:07That's when he says,
01:09Why are you doing this to me?
01:12What have I done to you?
01:15Whoever comes here, this is what happens to him.
01:19Now see what else I do to you.
01:23That's when Chhaya's friend runs a hand pump,
01:26from which blood starts coming out.
01:28Chhaya's friend fills that blood in a bowl and holds it in Chhaya's hand.
01:33After that, Chhaya starts forcing the ghost to drink that bowl.
01:37As soon as the ghost drinks the blood of that bowl,
01:40her eyes become even more deep red and she becomes more terrifying than before.
01:51What? What have you made me drink?
01:54As soon as I drink this, such a current is running in my body,
01:58as if I have got 440 volts.
02:01I am enjoying a lot.
02:06This is the biggest nectar of our ghost and witch world.
02:11The one who drinks it, becomes immortal like us.
02:19Now have fun.
02:21After drinking the blood of the world of the ghost and the witch, many powers appear inside the ghost.
02:27After which the ghost looks very powerful and strong.
02:31Then a scary witch comes to the ghost and says to him.
02:35Take it brother.
02:36Oh brother, what is the matter?
02:40Are you cutting the hair?
02:45Now I will cut everyone's hair here.
02:51Saying this, the ghost starts having fun in his world and starts troubling people.
02:57Any new ghost or new witch used to come in his world.
03:02So all the ghosts and witches there used to make them like themselves.
03:06In the same way, the terror in his world begins to increase very much.
03:11And they start fighting each other sometimes to kill each other, sometimes to beat each other.
03:17One day a witch says to a ghost.
03:20Na Murad, how dare you touch my mask?
03:25Will you touch me?
03:27Wait, I will teach you a lesson now.
03:32Will you teach me a lesson?
03:35See how I make you a thief now.
03:39They both start fighting each other.
03:42All the other ghosts and witches are watching this and start shouting loudly.
03:55Slowly they start fighting each other.
03:59After that all the ghosts and witches there start fighting each other.
04:04Like a war between ghosts and witches, in the world.
04:08Then a ghost says to them.
04:10By standing up and saying,
04:12wait, my friends, stop!
04:14What are you doing?
04:16If you keep fighting,
04:18then I will end my world and you will end your world.
04:20If you want to save our world,
04:22I have a very good idea.
04:26what an idea, Sir!
04:30Tell me,
04:32what idea do you have?
04:34We ghosts and witches
04:36should go to Earth!
04:38There are a lot of people for us who we can trouble and we can even kill and eat them.
04:47As soon as they heard the witch's words, everyone started talking to each other, after which everyone started shouting loudly.
05:00We are all ready to go to earth.
05:02We liked your idea very much.
05:05Now we will go to earth and trouble the humans and we will drink their blood and cut their hands.
05:14After hearing the ghost, all the ghosts and witches of their world leave to go to earth.
05:19As soon as they reach the earth, they see a village where many people are busy with their own work.
05:26After which the ghosts and witches attack them all at once.
05:32Oh God, what is happening?
05:35Where did these ghosts and witches come from?
05:38What will happen to us now?
05:40Who will save us?
05:42Run, run, run, save your life and run.
05:45Then a ghost picks up Ramdas and throws him in the air and swallows him in his mouth and starts screaming loudly.
05:55These people have a very strong taste.
05:58It is very enjoyable.
06:00I will not leave anyone, I will eat everyone.
06:07Then this girl named Gayatri tells her husband Ram.
06:10Hey, you are Ram.
06:13Drive these demons away from here, else these demons will kill us and eat us.
06:19will kill you and eat you.
06:21Gayatri, I am not the Ram of that era
06:23who will kill Vishal Ravan
06:25with one arrow.
06:27Then do something.
06:29There must be some solution
06:31to escape from these ghosts and witches.
06:35we are all going to be in trouble.
06:37Yes, in a nearby village,
06:39a very famous Tantric Baba
06:41used to do penance sitting under a tree.
06:43I can bring him.
06:45He can get rid of these ghosts and witches.
06:47What are you staring at?
06:49Go from here quickly
06:51and bring Tantric Baba.
06:53Then Ram picks up a cycle lying nearby
06:55and takes it to another village
06:57while riding it.
06:59As soon as he reaches Tantric Baba,
07:01he throws his cycle aside
07:03and asks him to go quickly.
07:07help me.
07:09There are many ghosts and witches
07:11in our village
07:13and they have attacked us all.
07:15Baba, please help me to escape from our village.
07:17Otherwise, they will destroy our village.
07:19After hearing Ram's words,
07:21Tantric Baba gets ready to go
07:23to his village with him.
07:25After that, Ram makes Tantric Baba
07:27sit on his cycle
07:29and brings him to his village.
07:31As soon as Tantric Baba sees
07:33ghosts and witches,
07:35he immediately chants a mantra.
07:45Tantric Baba chants a mantra.
07:51Hearing Baba's mantra,
07:53all the ghosts and witches
07:55start suffering and get together.
07:57After that,
07:59they shout at Tantric Baba.
08:01What are you doing?
08:03Tantric, don't you love your life?
08:05Tell me if you want to die.
08:07What are you doing?
08:09Why have you come here
08:11from your world?
08:13We were bored in our world,
08:15so we thought
08:17to trouble the people
08:19of this world.
08:23You have troubled
08:25these villagers a lot.
08:27Now it is very important
08:29for you to learn a lesson.
08:31Saying this, Tantric Baba
08:33chants a mantra
08:35and then chants the name
08:37of all the ghosts and witches
08:39present there.
08:41They burn in the fire
08:43and turn into ashes.
