Brian Flores addressed Tua's comments on the Dan Le Batard Show

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Brian Flores addressed Tua's comments on the Dan Le Batard Show. Tobin gets some things off his chest after hearing the former Dolphins head coach says he has evolved since his time in Miami.
00:00The Miami question for me is, which I think they're going to find out if people are honest
00:05in the interview, right?
00:06Like a lot of people are never honest in the interview.
00:09They tell the owners what they want to hear.
00:10They tell the GMs what they want to hear.
00:12But if you're really honest, are you going to sit there and say, I can build a team around
00:17Because that's what Ross wants to hear.
00:19That's what Brian Flores wouldn't say.
00:21I mean, we've seen all the conversations that Flores basically was, you know, had with Tua
00:28where Flores told Tua at halftime of the Tennessee game.
00:30This has all been reported.
00:31I mean, look, I don't think Flores was shy about telling him, hey, I should have picked
00:35Mac Jones.
00:36I mean, I don't think he was shy on that.
00:37In fact, I know that he was.
00:38I've said that multiple times.
00:39I don't know if I can be more clear.
00:40I mean, I don't know how many times I'm going to say, you know, I don't know how much more
00:52clear I can be here.
00:53I don't, I don't base my emotions off of who says anything about me or who's saying what.
01:04I mean, all I can do is my job and do it to the best of my capability.
01:08So everything else, I mean, you know, it's out of my control, but I have the utmost confidence,
01:14you know, and trust that, you know, I am the quarterback of this team.
01:20F off.
01:22Welcome back.
01:23Everybody told me Leroy here with your five 60 WQ a.m.
01:29Just laughing hilariously as I read this, I was reading this tweet from Florio who's
01:35lashing out at a Dolphins reporters because his tweet is the biggest story of the week
01:41so far came from to his comments about former Dolphins coach, Brian Flores.
01:46When current Dolphins coach Mike McDaniel met with reporters Wednesday morning, he
01:49wasn't asked a single question about it and everybody's like, he was asked a day ago.
01:53Dumb dumb.
01:54It was somebody didn't tune in and do their homework, Florio.
02:01He did not do the research.
02:02He did not do the research, Florio crazy.
02:05He was literally asked about it.
02:06The morning the comments came out, Florio, Florio's, can I just tell you something about
02:14Tell me something.
02:15He's a big beak in the Dolphins business, do it.
02:17And when it's not any business to be had, he just makes up Dolphins business.
02:23He just makes it up to you.
02:24Want to know something?
02:25Remember this whole cheat motion thing?
02:28He's like, Ooh, every, the, even the officials came out to Dolphins report and said, there's
02:34no change in the rules.
02:35Nothing has changed.
02:37Florio is always like a damn Pelican stick in his fat beak in the business and it's time
02:47for him to shut the hell up because he calls his website pro football talk, but doesn't
02:52act like a real professional.
02:54He acts like a carnival Barker, right?
02:56A propagandist.
02:58That's what the pros should stand for propaganda.
03:00Football talk.
03:01You just say what you want, Florio, hey, jackass, all transcripts are available.
03:07Why don't you look up the day beforehand when the news came up, he wasn't instabooted.
03:13Uh, actually he was Mike.
03:16Hey, Mike, why don't you do your research?
03:22You and your little carnival friend there, Chris Sims, the guy who runs the dunk tank,
03:27who we all want to throw snowballs at and make fall.
03:30Why don't you go out there and you guys have your little podcast.
03:34Two is good to it.
03:37Was he treated to dolphins?
03:39Because that's all you guys are obsessed with.
03:48Got to the greatest, the greatest line of Floyd Mayweather's career.
03:54Got to get water when you're in Miami.
03:58What does that mean?
04:00He just support you dog.
04:01Anyway, uh, Brian Flores, he addressed the comments yesterday because he
04:08hadn't addressed the comments yet.
04:10I will say it lined up good.
04:11Cause the coordinators don't talk all the time.
04:13And so, uh, he had said like, I haven't talked to you guys in like three weeks,
04:18lined up swimmingly, he got there and two of his players were standing up there
04:25like to support them.
04:27You there, we got your flow.
04:28So it's nice.
04:30But, uh, Brian Flores, this was him addressing the comments that to a made
04:35on the day and Levitard show and a flow, uh, says he wishes to a success.
04:41Now here was him addressing the comments, uh, that to a made on Levitard.
04:46That said, I think that's, there's some other questions that had some other
04:50things that you guys want to talk about.
04:52So I'll address those too.
04:53Um, you know, specific to, uh, you know, the comments that were made by
04:59Um, I just want to say, look, I'm, I'm, I'm happy.
05:03Genuinely happy.
05:04Uh, genuinely, uh, genuinely happy for the success that two was had.
05:09Um, and I really wish him nothing but the best.
05:16And damage is gone.
05:17I think, you know, player relationships are very important to me.
05:20Um, they, I think that's kind of the foundation of coaching.
05:25And I got into coaching because I was impacted as a, as a, as a, a young
05:30guy, but my high school coaches, my college coaching, my going all the
05:33way to pop Warner.
05:34Um, I got into comp coaching because I want to make that same kind of
05:37impact, positive impact, pour into young people, uh, help them become,
05:43you know, as chaos says all the time, the best versions of themselves.
05:46Um, and you know, that's really my goal always in coaching.
05:51Um, so I wish nothing but the best to tour.
05:55Um, and, um, you know, really more than anything, I'm just focus on the, on
06:02the, on the Vikings, 2024 Vikings, the players we have, um, we saw a couple
06:07of guys up here, you know, just a couple minutes ago, Mattel is in HP.
06:11I think, you know, their leadership, their, uh, their friendship is important
06:17to me and I'm just, uh, you know, I'm excited about this group.
06:23That's not the comment I heard.
06:25Oh, we got more.
06:26We got more.
06:27Here's the deal.
06:35I get him saying that now, but don't you have to acknowledge that the
06:46reason why he might not have been successful was because of you.
06:53Say that after the fact, when you're no longer at, and, and here's, you
06:57know, when people say actions speak louder than words, if you would have
07:04felt that way while you were here, you'd probably still be the coach.
07:09So to say that now, three years removed from it is, is like, you know, I'm
07:19you know, I'm not going to say that he's not being sincere because I do
07:24believe that people can sometimes acknowledge the error of their ways.
07:33But by us hearing that first with what we have in our mind of the, what
07:42happened doesn't come across that way.
07:46I don't think it comes across as very sincere.
07:48Um, you know, I think that it was pretty obvious that the guy was
07:52rats up a ship on him when he was here.
07:55Um, and by the way, I think this is an important thing to say.
07:59The dolphins organization gets some blame in that too.
08:03Like I didn't give him much support either.
08:05They did not give him much support.
08:06The ownership didn't give him much support.
08:08Chris Greer didn't give him much support.
08:09A lot of them left that poor, the poor kid out to dry.
08:13But do you think that a lot of that came because they entrusted
08:20Brian Flores with that determination?
08:25You understand what I'm saying?
08:27Like what Flores was doing here, uh, was really good as far as
08:33turning the team around.
08:35So when he was saying stuff like that, you think maybe they were
08:39just kind of, because he was having success kind of looking at it
08:45and saying, well, he must know what he's talking about.
08:47I think that Stephen Ross, I mean, we've seen Stephen Ross be
08:50influenced by a lot of the guys who have had parts of the
08:53And so, um, when they, when they've had a little bit of success,
08:56my thing is, is that because he was saying it, it kind of progressed
09:02through the organization or up the organization so that others
09:08started believing that too.
09:10And if you don't like somebody, right, if he didn't like Tua, then
09:16he could go to Tua and, and, and, you know, go to management and
09:21say, he can't do this, or he can't do that, or he can't do this.
09:25Instead of, oh no, like this is what he can do.
09:28And these are the things he can do really well.
09:31So that whole attitude kind of went up the chain.
09:37You see what I mean?
09:38Because that's what I'm saying though.
09:41Like the organization was openly flirting with getting another
09:44quarterback and we're following, yes, following his lead because
09:48look, that's what Stephen Ross does.
09:50If his, if his head coach doesn't believe in the quarterback,
09:53he's like, all right, what's the other direction that we get going
09:56now, once the whole Deshaun Watson thing blew out and more bridges
10:00were burned with him and it did get super frosty with coaches and
10:04with Chris Greer and a guy in Chris Greer, who he's been with a lot
10:07longer yet felt like Stephen Ross took a side and then they were
10:10done with Brian Flores.
10:12But there was a time where they were harboring like everybody
10:16harboring it.
10:17Everybody felt the same way about Tua that Brian Flores did.
10:22Now they just weren't as they may be just not like we're as I live
10:26through crushing about it.
10:28I lived through this.
10:29Um, Bernie was our quarterback.
10:33Bill came in.
10:35He liked Vinny.
10:38And he had to go to ownership and management and say why Vinny would
10:44be a better fit.
10:47Because everybody loved Bernie.
10:50It wasn't necessarily a situation where, you know, Flores had been
10:53here a long time.
10:54So it's a little different.
10:56But everybody in Cleveland, including the ownership, the owner,
11:01the gym, everybody loved Bernie Kosar and Bill came in and he wanted
11:07to go with somebody who had a stronger arm was, you know, a little
11:12more stout and he wanted Vinny and they made they made that move.
11:19Here's a little bit more flow.
11:20He was asked how it felt when Tua referred to him as a terrible
11:26Terrible person.
11:27I'm just curious how that hit you.
11:30Look, I'm human.
11:31So, you know that hit me in a way that you know, wasn't I wouldn't
11:35say it was positive for me.
11:40You know, I've got to use that and say, hey, how can I how can I
11:43grow from that?
11:44How can I be better?
11:46And that's really that's really where I'm at from from that standpoint.
11:52Do I feel like, you know, that's me?
11:56No, but you know, how can I grow from that situation and create
12:02a create a world where that's not, you know, the case that anyone
12:06says that about about Brian Flores?
12:09I got a couple of ideas.
12:10I got a couple ideas that if you have a problem with something
12:15being hurtful, try not doing it.
12:18Also never hired Chan Gailey.
12:21What is it?
12:22What even I'm flabbergasted at the first words out of his mouth
12:29as if wasn't he as if tour couldn't feel the same way.
12:33He was with the things.
12:34He was saying the tour.
12:36Right, basically, he basically explained to his feelings.
12:44In a nutshell.
12:45Yeah, right.
12:47How did that feel?
12:47Not great, you know, positive.
12:51Oh, no, it wasn't very positive.
12:53Like what was it?
12:56Wait a little.
12:56Kind of like, I feel like when you called him a bum.
13:01Oh my goodness.
13:03And to it didn't text you and say you're a terrible person.
13:10Like and you want to know something?
13:12I really feel this way.
13:13I bet you because two is such a nice guy whenever he speaks to
13:17the media, which I think will be today probably because he
13:19speaks once a week.
13:21I bet you he even walks that back a little bit because he's
13:23just such a nice guy.
13:24I bet you he walks that back a little bit, but it's but I
13:28would like even floors yesterday was like the first words out
13:31of your mouth when explaining what to a said cannot be the
13:37explanation that tool was saying about what you said it was
13:43Um, I it wasn't very positive and I'm like what?
13:49Being more aware.
13:51Yeah, that did.
13:52I don't know.
13:53I didn't feel like a, you know, he says he's changed.
13:55I'm sure he's learned some things but that being said all
13:59this being said we're having some fun with it or whatever.
14:04Here's the thing that gets lost in all of this.
14:08Brian Flores is an excellent football coach.
14:13He understands where he went sideways.
14:21And so I do believe that he will learn from it just as many
14:26other coaches have learned from going in with, you know, trying
14:32to swing a big stick right away.
14:34That's good.
14:35It is gonna be interesting though, because now this is kind
14:37of on the future of tour, right?
14:40Because if to it does become a big time winning quarterback,
14:44if he does lead the Dolphins to the promised land, that's going
14:47to be something that follows him his entire career.
14:50So when he says like, oh, I wish to another we got success.
14:53I'm like selfishly.
14:54I wouldn't if I was in his position.
14:56Like if I was if I if I had that kind of a break from a guy
15:01and you're like, wait, you're you're saying that but do you
15:06do understand that if you were saying that you're the cause
15:11of it?
15:12Oh, well, yeah, but that damage is done already.
15:15That's why you got to be petty against the player.
15:20Yeah, of course.
15:21Why you need him to fail even if you were wrong?
15:25Oh, yeah.
15:28By any means.
15:31Hey that I gotta tell you.
15:34I've known you a long time.
15:35Yeah, that's not very becoming.
15:38I understand, but but but and this goes back to a lot of
15:43discussions that we have when you're wrong and you try to
15:46wiggle out of it.
15:47I'm not wiggling out of anything.
15:48No, you're not.
15:49You say you stay strong with this one.
15:53I mean, we're here has to already proved that Flores was
15:59Um, well, there's a guy the way the guy that he called the
16:02bum led the league in passing.
16:04I mean, he's right because his bank account is going to be
16:06very fat for the rest of his life.
16:08But I would say not yet.
16:11Not yet.
16:12Got to be Flores.
16:13Wait, the whole point of this whole two years, the first two
16:18years of to his career.
16:20Was that to a could know I'll explain why he hasn't done
16:23it yet.
16:23I'll explain why make it about and look, I get I will the
16:27playoff thing and whatever but.
