• 2 months ago
Sundowners want to play cocktail music, but Thanet District Council has concerns it might impact neighbours' peace
00:00Almost 40 people packed into Fannock District Council's public gallery last night.
00:06They're here supporting the application for sundowners to play background music on this terrace.
00:13But that bid has been recommended for refusal, leaving staff and punters at the LGBTQ plus bar miffed.
00:21It is important to consider the fact that to have amplified music on the deck
00:25could be considered to have increased potential user attraction to the venue.
00:31However, obviously you've seen the comments of Environmental Health in the report,
00:34which do raise strong concerns with any music, even at background noise level, on that terrace.
00:41There is no sound mitigation at all. It is open.
00:45Even if there was mitigation by forms of a structure or a barrier,
00:49it will still be open at the top and also a structure itself would be problematic.
00:53The application for a single speaker saw huge support, with most of the objections coming from neighbours.
01:00To allow amplified music to be played on the terrace deck for any hours, days or months of the year
01:05would quite simply be incompatible with the adjoining residential land uses in Albert Terrace.
01:11It would represent an inappropriate, unably and wholly unacceptable form of development.
01:16The decision now lies in the hands of these councillors.
01:20For sundowners to play their music on the sun deck is their choice.
01:26The residents don't get a choice. They've got to listen to it.
01:30There could be a balance to be struck.
01:34And I think that balance to be struck is for the sound level to be at a certain level.
01:43I just think it has an intolerable effect on residents.
01:48They've lived through it already and at whatever level I think it will be very, very difficult for them
01:55just to get on and live their lives.
01:58And I think there's an incredible amount you can do to diffuse the sound
02:01by some reasonable planting between the houses on the top side of that development,
02:07which would break that noise up.
02:09The committee decided to defer the decision to a later date,
02:13allowing the seafront barn to come back with more details on what music they'll be playing
02:18and how loud that will be.
02:20Gabriel Morris in Margate.
