The Starry night The Starry sea ep 12 chinese drama in urdu & hindi dubbed

  • last month


00:00Nothing is forever alone
00:03Like the wind, the sky, the sea and the sea
00:06Even if it is just a dream
00:10Let's embrace our dreams
00:23What were you looking at?
00:26You know I have liked Lu ever since I was a kid
00:28So instead of helping me, you were helping Bujulal?
00:33Am I your friend or not?
00:35Yes, but Luo doesn't like you at all.
00:38And you can't force her.
00:42Leave it.
00:43I think Bujulal is a good man.
00:45And he really loves Luo.
00:47And we should be happy for Luo.
00:49Should we leave her alone for life?
00:55Where did you go?
00:56I looked for you everywhere.
01:00Bhuvan, wait!
01:03Why did you say that to her?
01:08Let's go.
01:09Wait, I'm coming!
01:36You can't see me.
01:37You can't see me.
01:38You can't see me.
01:39You can't see me.
01:40You can't see me.
01:41You can't see me.
01:44Come on.
01:45I've seen you.
01:53Just think that you haven't seen me.
01:55I don't want to meet you.
01:58Actually, I want to say something.
02:01You can't say it.
02:04I like you.
02:09And today I'm expressing my love.
02:13I want you to think about it.
02:16What's there to think about?
02:19Look, I think you're having an illusion of love.
02:22You really don't like me.
02:24Look at me.
02:25I'm so simple.
02:26And I'm a miser.
02:27And I'm angry too.
02:28So how can you like me?
02:33Do you really think so?
02:35Believe me.
02:36One day you'll think like me.
02:41That will never happen.
02:46You said you're a simple girl.
02:49But I like you.
02:50I like you.
02:52You're angry.
02:53But I'm calm.
02:56We're perfect for each other.
02:59You said you're a miser.
03:00And that's a good thing.
03:02At least you'll save money.
03:04Look, you're talking nonsense.
03:06I can never love you.
03:20Let's go.
03:31It's windy.
03:32Let's go home.
03:39If you faint,
03:40you'll have to carry me.
03:45Don't dream.
03:47And stay away from me.
03:51Stay away from me.
04:04Stay away from me.
04:24Walk slowly.
04:25I can't walk fast.
04:28Stop for me.
04:29What's wrong with you?
04:34What's the matter?
04:35You're asking me?
04:36Why are you walking so fast?
04:37You're not even stopping for me.
04:39You're hiding something from me, aren't you?
04:41You're doing all this for people, aren't you?
04:43Tell me.
04:44Why are you doing this for people?
04:46Tell me.
04:47You're doing all this for people, aren't you?
04:49Tell me.
04:50Tell me.
04:51What's the matter?
04:52Tell me.
04:53Stop it.
04:55Listen to me.
04:57Stay away from me.
05:03I'm coming.
05:08When you were explaining to Bhuvan,
05:11you looked really cool.
05:17I said everything from my heart.
05:21To be honest,
05:22I'm helping Vujulan only for people.
05:26And if Vujulan hurts people's feelings,
05:29I won't spare him.
05:33Isn't it nice?
05:34And this way, I'll get my girlfriend.
05:37And people will get their true love.
05:44But you're not my type.
05:46How is this possible?
05:47I'm so handsome.
05:48Then what's your type?
05:55I have an idea.
06:00Look, Luo.
06:01Ever since I met you,
06:03I couldn't think of anyone else.
06:06I can't live without you.
06:12don't say anything now.
06:14I know
06:15that I'm very attractive.
06:17People get attracted to me.
06:19But what can I do?
06:21We can't be together.
06:25forget me.
06:28No, Luo.
06:29Don't leave me.
06:31I'm requesting you.
06:35leave me.
06:38I know you can't find a beautiful girl like me.
06:42a girl less beautiful than me can be easily found.
06:45A person like you shouldn't lose hope.
07:01Eat something.
07:02You must be tired of acting.
07:10He heard everything.
07:35I didn't know you were inside.
07:37I'm leaving.
08:04I didn't see anything.
08:05I didn't see anything.
08:16Oh, my fate!
08:26I forgot my button here.
08:44I can't believe that I can't get you.
09:01Calm down.
09:02Calm down.
09:03Let's sit and talk.
09:07So, Jian,
09:08how dare you?
09:10You wanted to trap me with that stranger.
09:13Now, tell me
09:14what should I punish you for?
09:16There's no need to punish me.
09:19You two are happy together, right?
09:23How dare you look at me like that?
09:25I'll hit you if you talk nonsense.
09:26No, no.
09:27Don't hit me.
09:28I was just kidding.
09:33It's your fault
09:34that Wujulan fell in love with you.
09:36I'm scared now.
09:38Whatever it is,
09:39you'll keep him away from me.
09:41Got it?
09:43I can't do that.
09:47if you really don't like Wujulan,
09:49then do something to make him leave.
09:52Do something?
09:55Come, come.
09:57Real seashell necklaces
09:59made by hand.
10:01Only ten rupees.
10:02Only ten rupees.
10:03Come, take a look.
10:05Oh, pretty lady.
10:06Do you want it?
10:07No, no.
10:08But it'll look good on you.
10:09No, no. I don't want it.
10:12Mr. Handsome,
10:14can I
10:15take a picture with you?
10:21Ask him.
10:22Ask him.
10:23She can say yes.
10:27Excuse me.
10:28Can my friend and I
10:30take a picture with him?
10:37Yes, of course.
10:38But before that,
10:39you'll have to buy something.
10:40No problem.
10:41I'll call my friends.
10:42Yes, of course.
10:43I'll be right back.
10:47did you see how stingy I am?
10:49I can take advantage of you for money.
10:51Do you still like me?
10:54It's a man's duty
10:55to earn money for his family.
11:07Take a picture.
11:09Make a line.
11:10Make a face.
11:11Make a line.
11:12Make a face.
11:13Make a line.
11:16What is she doing?
11:17I want ten necklaces.
11:20I'll be the first one to take a picture.
11:24Cutie pie.
11:42Let's go.
11:45You ruined my mood.
12:05If you tell anyone
12:06about what happened just now,
12:09I'll kill you.
12:11Okay, I won't.
12:13That's good.
12:15Yes, but
12:16I can't guarantee those girls.
12:19You take care of them.
12:46Someone is calling you.
12:48Are you listening?
12:57I'm calling from Island Bar.
12:58I called to check your reservation.
13:03If your reservation is confirmed,
13:05we'll start preparing.
13:08I think it's a surprise for me.
13:18I think it's a surprise for me.
13:19I think it's a surprise for me.
13:20I think it's a surprise for me.
13:21I think it's a surprise for me.
13:22I think it's a surprise for me.
13:23I think it's a surprise for me.
13:24I think it's a surprise for me.
13:25I think it's a surprise for me.
13:26I think it's a surprise for me.
13:27I think it's a surprise for me.
13:28I think it's a surprise for me.
13:29I think it's a surprise for me.
13:30I think it's a surprise for me.
13:31I think it's a surprise for me.
13:32I think it's a surprise for me.
13:33I think it's a surprise for me.
13:34I think it's a surprise for me.
13:35I think it's a surprise for me.
13:36I think it's a surprise for me.
13:37I think it's a surprise for me.
13:38I think it's a surprise for me.
13:39I think it's a surprise for me.
13:40I think it's a surprise for me.
13:41I think it's a surprise for me.
13:42I think it's a surprise for me.
13:43I think it's a surprise for me.
13:44I think it's a surprise for me.
13:45I think it's a surprise for me.
13:46I think it's a surprise for me.
13:47I think it's a surprise for me.
13:48I think it's a surprise for me.
13:49I think it's a surprise for me.
13:50I think it's a surprise for me.
13:51I think it's a surprise for me.
13:52I think it's a surprise for me.
13:53I think it's a surprise for me.
13:54I think it's a surprise for me.
13:55I think it's a surprise for me.
13:56I think it's a surprise for me.
13:57I think it's a surprise for me.
13:59Jiyang, you?
14:02What were you doing?
14:04What happened?
14:05Now I look handsome, right?
14:08Yes, I know.
14:09You liked my style.
14:10And now,
14:12no one can stop you from loving me.
14:17Who told you that I like this?
14:20Why? Didn't you like my clothes?
14:23I hate boys in black clothes.
14:26Do you understand?
14:27Now leave before I get angry.
14:30Wait a minute.
14:31Tell me something.
14:32Don't I look handsome like her?
14:37I'm leaving.
14:38I'm leaving.
14:57I'm leaving.
15:22What are you doing here?
15:24Lu, I want to take you out for dinner.
15:27If you don't have time today,
15:28we can go day after tomorrow.
15:29Whenever you want.
15:31I'll wait.
15:33But please don't refuse.
15:36I was going out.
15:41Let's go.
15:57Let's go.
16:23Does anyone do this much for dinner?
16:26I wanted a romantic atmosphere for what I wanted to tell you.
16:31Do you remember what I said when I left the island?
16:36I don't remember anything from my childhood.
16:40I was waiting for you on the way.
16:43But unfortunately, you didn't come.
16:49all these years,
16:52I've always...
16:53Big Head!
16:55I have to go to the washroom.
16:56I'll be right back.
17:01Why did you stop me?
17:16So, he's hiding everything from me.
17:25I'm sorry.
17:27I'm sorry.
17:53Jiyan, what are you doing here?
17:54I'm surprised to see you.
17:55How did you come here?
17:56When you came here,
17:57why didn't you say bye to Big Head?
18:03If I tell him,
18:04he'll feel bad.
18:05That's why I didn't tell him.
18:09But I don't want to go without telling him.
18:12Jiyan, listen.
18:13You tell Big Head.
18:14You tell him
18:15that I'll always be his friend.
18:43Why does he still remember all this?
18:46It's so strange.
18:47Both of them confessed to me.
18:49Did they plan it?
18:56Actually, I've always...
18:57I'm here.
19:01Sorry, I had to wait for you.
19:03What are you doing here?
19:05Don't pretend.
19:06I know everything.
19:10Stop her.
19:11Tell me, what do you know?
19:13Because of what happened in the fair,
19:15you want to apologize to me.
19:17That's why you did all this, right?
19:19Come on.
19:20Go away.
19:21Get up.
19:22Come on.
19:23Get up.
19:24Here are your champagne and flowers.
19:27All this is for me?
19:28This is so nice.
19:30Leave her.
19:32This is very beautiful.
19:33I'll explain everything to you.
19:35what are you doing here?
19:36You get lost anywhere.
19:38You're right.
19:39What am I doing here?
19:41Champagne and flowers
19:42are for Luo,
19:43not for you.
19:44Got it?
19:47What are you saying?
19:48Just look at her.
19:49She can't get all this.
19:51All this is for me.
19:52Give it back.
19:53Why are you angry with me?
19:56go and look at yourself in the mirror.
19:58What kind of clothes are you wearing?
20:00Stop talking nonsense.
20:02She's right.
20:03She's absolutely right.
20:04I live in poverty.
20:06I don't deserve all this.
20:08I think I should go now.
20:14Let her go.
20:15Wait here.
20:16Why are you going?
20:24Luo, listen to me.
20:26She doesn't understand.
20:27She doesn't know what to say.
20:29Don't feel bad about what she said, please.
20:31No, no.
20:32I don't feel bad.
20:33I have work at home.
20:34I'll go.
20:36But I haven't finished yet.
20:41I know what you're trying to say.
20:43Don't say it.
20:44We're not right for each other.
20:46So is that woman okay?
20:48She's a poor man.
20:49What can she give you?
20:51I'm different from her.
20:52I'm rich too.
20:53I'll fill your life with happiness.
20:55I'll give you everything.
20:57All your problems will be solved.
20:59No one will laugh at you.
21:00Big Head.
21:01Why don't you understand?
21:03We're very different.
21:05I don't want what you want.
21:07I don't think I'm worried.
21:09I don't feel bad when people laugh at my poverty.
21:15I remember what happened in my childhood.
21:17But my decision is still the same.
21:20I can't accept your love.
21:27Bujula brainwashed you, right?
21:29It's not like that.
21:30Trust me.
21:31I'm the best for you.
21:33Let go of my hand.
21:35Let me go.
21:36I won't let you go.
21:37Let me go.
21:38Let me go.
21:39I'm the best for you.
21:42This is between me and Luo.
21:43Stay away from her.
21:44Stay away from her.
21:46I like her.
21:48You should stay away from her.
21:53You're overconfident.
21:55You're overconfident, not me.
21:59What did you say?
22:01Shenlo is poor.
22:03And she makes fun of her poverty.
22:07Don't be mean.
22:09But she doesn't run after money.
22:12She doesn't show her principles in front of others.
22:16That's why she stays away from everyone as a poor girl.
22:21Am I right?
22:25You don't even know what kind of person she is.
22:27And you say you like her.
22:28So what if you're not overconfident?
22:31Okay, let's make a decision.
22:33Okay, that's enough.
22:34Look, don't fight.
22:40I told you, didn't I?
22:42Try to understand me.
22:45Let's go from here.
22:50Let's go.
22:51Let's go.
22:52Let's go.
23:04Don't misunderstand what happened just now.
23:06I didn't say no because of you.
23:08If I'm honest, I wouldn't have accepted you both.
23:11Because I don't believe in love.
23:13But what's the reason?
23:21When I was young, my parents used to fight a lot.
23:31And when they were angry, they used to call each other bad.
23:35And in the end, they got divorced.
23:41So I understood that whether it's love or marriage,
23:44it's just a momentary happiness, nothing else.
23:47So you can't depend on them.
23:50That's why I don't want to waste my time.
23:55So you too, step back.
23:57Did you say what you wanted to say?
23:59You're a coward.
24:01Am I a coward?
24:02You must be hurt by this fear.
24:04Won't you do anything new in your life?
24:06So what if you're a coward?
24:21Would you like to try something new?
24:32Don't you understand what I'm saying?
24:54Listen to me.
24:55Why did you buy champagne and flowers for Luo?
24:58Because I love him.
24:59Did you hear that?
25:01I don't believe you.
25:03You're doing all this to annoy me.
25:05How can you be so stupid?
25:07Everyone can see that I love Luo.
25:09Can't you see that?
25:10And tell me this.
25:11Who did you ask and say all that?
25:13How dare you say all that?
25:15I hate you.
25:16I hate you.
25:17I hate you.
25:18I hate you.
25:19I hate you.
25:20I hate you.
25:21How dare you say all that?
25:22I hate you.
25:59Stop it.
26:00Stop drinking.
26:01I want to drink more.
26:02Stop it.
26:03I want to drink.
26:04Leave me alone.
26:05Don't bother me.
26:08What are you doing?
26:13Did Big Head bother you?
26:15It's not his fault.
26:18It's Luo's fault.
26:21What's so special about Luo?
26:23Why does Buwei always take his side?
26:29Look at me.
26:31Tell me.
26:32Who's more beautiful?
26:33Me or Luo?
26:36Tell me.
26:37Look at me.
26:40You're more beautiful than anyone.
26:43Are you serious?
26:47You're a very nice guy.
26:49I'll buy wine for you.
26:51Give me my wine.
26:53Stop drinking.
26:54Give me my wine.
26:55Stop drinking or I'll get angry.
26:58Let me drink.
26:59You said I'm beautiful.
27:01I'll drink.
27:03Let me drink too.
27:20I'll do anything to make you happy.
27:27You're very beautiful.
27:29You're very beautiful.
27:47Mr. An, did you want to meet me?
27:50I want the last 30 years death records from the hospital.
27:54What? Death records?
27:57You heard it right.
27:58Get it quickly.
28:00That too, 30 years.
28:02It's a little difficult.
28:04Mr. An, can you give me a hint about the records?
28:08Like male or female.
28:10Zoboyan, what did I tell you earlier?
28:12The people who act smart in front of me,
28:14they don't live long.
28:17I'm sorry, but...
28:19I was asking so that the work can be done quickly.
28:25Do what I told you.
28:29Okay, I'll get to work right away.
28:57Excuse me.
28:59Are you lost?
29:00Can I help you?
29:05It's okay if you say so.
29:11Have you come for sightseeing?
29:12I've never seen you before.
29:14I just shifted here.
29:16So I thought I'd take a walk.
29:18But I forgot the way.
29:20Oh, so you live here.
29:22You've chosen a very nice place.
29:24You know, this island is very small.
29:26But one day you'll like this place.
29:28The people here and the food here.
29:30You'll like it a lot.
29:33I'm also waiting for that day.
29:43Trust me.
29:44Shen Lio went shopping.
29:45There must have been a sale somewhere.
29:46That's why he must not have been paying attention to time.
29:48You guys know how much he likes shopping, right?
29:50Oh, man, he's fine.
29:52Why are you guys so worried?
29:54Listen to me.
29:56I don't know why, but...
29:58I feel really bad.
30:05What's this?
30:07Shen Lio's bag?
30:09No, if his bag is here, it means he's in trouble.
30:26Did you find out anything about the black magician?
30:29You suspect Ann.
30:31But he left from here.
30:33Are you sure he didn't come back?
30:39If he had come, I would have known.
30:56You haven't picked up the phone for two days.
30:59If you want to break up, say it clearly.
31:09What's the matter?
31:15My dad passed away.
31:17I'm so sad.
31:19I don't know what to do.
31:21I don't know what to do.
31:23I don't know what to do.
31:25I don't know what to do.
31:27What did he say?
31:29He's been very sick for a long time.
31:34But he didn't tell me that I would be worried.
31:38It's all my fault.
31:41He died because of me.
31:43Ann, don't think that it's all your fault.
31:47If he finds out that you're thinking about this,
31:51he'll be very sad.
31:53He won't like it.
31:56Everything will be fine with time.
31:59Just give yourself some time.
32:13What's this?
32:15I didn't have a choice.
32:17I want to bring my dad back to this world.
32:22So you chose black magic?
32:23This is just for now.
32:25As soon as I get that spiritual pearl,
32:28and my dad comes back to life,
32:31I'll leave all this.
32:34You know that my family
32:37has been protecting the people of the sea for centuries.
32:40Stealing the pearl means
32:42having enmity with me.
32:44You haven't even seen the people of the sea.
32:46So why are you being so loyal?
32:50My dad was different from everyone else.
32:53You know that
32:55I was an orphan.
32:57He adopted me
32:59and gave me a new life.
33:02If he wasn't there,
33:05you wouldn't have seen me today.
33:09Liang Liang,
33:11I know that you love me.
33:14And that's why
33:16I want you to help me.
33:19How can you be so selfish?
33:22Do you want me to leave my family?
33:25So won't you support me?
33:28When you have decided,
33:31let's end this.
33:48Let's go.
34:01So you're finally here.
34:03I've been waiting for you.
34:12So you're still against me.
34:14I told you not to come back.
34:16I can't stay away from you.
34:18I'm leaving.
34:29Why are you leaving so soon?
34:31Don't you want to know where Shen Luo is?
34:34Where is she?
34:36You're worried about her
34:38because she's Du Xiaolin's granddaughter, right?
34:40Shut up and take me to her.
34:42That's the point.
34:44But I don't have her.
34:49Shen Luo
34:59What happened?
35:00Where is Shen Luo?
35:01I don't know where she is.
35:02We've been looking for her.
35:04I'm sure
35:06she must have gone with Wu Julan.
35:08Are you out of your mind?
35:09Are you still talking about Wu Julan?
35:10Forget it and find Shen Luo.
35:12Is she really missing?
35:13Yes, she is.
35:15Think about it.
35:16Is there anyone
35:17who hates Shen Luo?
35:22I remember.
35:23I have an urgent work.
35:25I'm leaving.
35:26Find her.
35:27Let me know if you find her.
35:29What happened?
35:30Shen Luo is missing
35:31and you're still thinking about money?
35:43She was just taking her stuff.
35:46Why did you kidnap her?
35:48What do you mean?
35:50Okay, I won't ask you.
35:52But listen to me.
35:53When the high tide comes,
35:54the container will be filled with water.
35:56Then it will be difficult to stay here.
35:57Have you thought about it?
35:58Stop your nonsense.
35:59I can't think of anything right now.
36:04I won't ask you anything.
36:06Okay, fine.
36:08Don't worry.
36:09I'll give you the money.
36:11She won't recognize us.
36:12We're wearing masks.
36:14Yes, that's right.
36:16I'm just kidding.
36:21Zhu Yang, Bu Yan.
36:23Why have you tied me up?
36:26I'm not Zhu Yang.
36:27I'm Guo Yang.
36:29This is Zhu Yang.
36:31Don't talk nonsense.
36:32You're wearing a golden chain.
36:34This is not a golden chain.
36:35This is a dog chain.
36:38Why are you lying?
36:39Is this a joke?
36:40Is this a joke?
36:42When she has recognized us,
36:43we should have thrown her out.
36:49We have kidnapped you.
36:51What will you do now?
36:52Tell me this.
36:53Why do you always seduce Bu Yan?
36:56Today we will teach you a lesson.
37:04Leave me!
37:07Leave me!
37:08Stop it!
37:12Now tell me, Liu.
37:14Will you act in front of Bu Yan?
37:18You're mistaken.
37:19I don't have any interest in him.
37:21Why don't you answer me?
37:23Why do you do this?
37:24Zhu Yang!
37:25Stop it!
37:28Stop it!
37:30I've already told you.
37:31I don't have any interest in him.
37:33Then why are you doing this?
37:37Bu Yan.
37:38I think she's telling the truth.
37:41Let's leave her.
37:42Shut up!
37:48Don't think that I don't know anything.
37:50Do you want me to let you go
37:52and you keep seducing Bu Yan?
37:57Do you think I'm a fool?
37:59Keep doing it!
38:04Don't do it!
38:14Why are you looking at me like that?
38:16I'm hungry.
38:19I'm hungry too.
38:20Let's eat something.
38:25Both of you are hungry.
38:26Let's go and eat something.
38:28Shut up!
38:30Listen, Liu.
38:31I'm going to keep you here.
38:34You're hungry, right?
38:35You won't get anything.
38:38Let's go and eat something.
38:46Stay here.
38:47We'll be back.
38:49Don't go!
38:50Don't go!
38:57Don't leave me alone and go!
39:21What are you doing?
39:22You scared me.
39:24We made a mistake.
39:25We thought you were our friend.
39:26So sorry.
39:28It's okay.
39:29Pretty girl.
39:30You look like our friend from behind.
39:41Where did he go?
39:42I can't find Liu.
39:43He disappeared too.
39:49Someone help me!
39:52Is anyone there?
40:00Someone help!
40:04Why is she doing this to me?
40:11Zhu Yang!
40:13You really want me to die, right?
40:18Liu, where are you?
40:29Someone help me!
