• last year
00:30How do you get that?
00:32I... I just feel it.
00:34I hope the two of them understand.
00:36Michael is a doctor. He knows about the effect.
00:39Erik, I can't look him in the eye anymore.
00:42We have to tell the truth.
00:45Anna is an adult woman and Elegante is a very reliable horse.
00:51Isn't that Elegante?
00:57Okay, not good.
01:30Er hat keine Hufeisen.
01:34So wie die hier? Schau mal.
01:46Reden hilft bei der Kommunikation.
01:48Ach, halt doch deine Klappe!
01:50Wie bitte?
01:51Du bist doch überhaupt erst schuld an der ganzen Sache, wegen deiner blöden Rede bei der Feier.
01:54Bist du jetzt vollkommen durch?
01:56Anna ist nur abgehauen, weil wir zwei uns gestritten haben.
01:59Dabei weiß sie ganz genau, dass sie in so einer Verfassung nicht aufs Pferd steigen darf.
02:02Du machst doch mich gerade schlecht. Genau wie jetzt wieder.
02:10Wenn hier jetzt wirklich was passiert ist...
02:18Bitte. Nicht bitte.
02:20Wir müssen ehrlich sein. Wir haben miteinander geschlafen.
02:22Ja, aber doch unabsichtlich.
02:24Stichwort Pilze. Ergo bedeutungslos.
02:27Ja, natürlich.
02:28Jedes Gericht auf dieser Welt würde uns für unzurechnungsfähig erklären, weil wir unter Drogeneinfluss standen.
02:32Unter Drogeneinfluss?
02:33Ja, aber wir müssen uns nicht vor einem Richter, sondern vor unseren Partnern rechtfertigen.
02:38Was ist absichtliches Schweigen für dich?
02:40Richtig und klug.
02:41Nein, es ist feige und illoyal.
02:43Jetzt erzähle ich dir mal was aus meinem Nähkästchen.
02:47Als ich damals erfahren habe von dem Betrug von Yvonne mit Christoph Seifeld,
02:51hätte ich sie fast nicht geheiratet.
02:53Und was glaubst du in der Zeit danach,
02:55in der ich mir gewünscht habe, dass ich es einfach nie erfahren hätte?
02:58Ich kann aber keine Geheimnisse von Michael haben.
03:00Es geht doch jetzt gerade...
03:01Ich fühle mich dabei total mies.
03:03Das kann ich nachvollziehen.
03:05Aber glaube mir eine Sache, das geht vorbei.
03:08Ach komm, schlafende Hunde soll man nicht wecken.
03:11Wir reden aber nicht von Hunden, sondern von unseren Partnern.
03:14Ja, was er nicht weiß, macht ihn nicht heiß.
03:18Erik, und Lügen haben kurze Beine.
03:20Reden ist Silber und Schweigen ist Gold.
03:22Ehrlich wird am längsten...
03:23Und der Ehrliche ist am Ende der Dumme.
03:25Dummheit und Stolz wachsen auf einem Holz.
03:27Den kannte ich noch nicht.
03:36Wir beiden.
03:38Wir gehen jetzt raus und wir werden mit unseren Partnern
03:41ganz normal und einfach glücklichst weiterleben.
03:49Und das kann ich nur, wenn ich Michael die Wahrheit sage.
03:53Nicole, Nicole, warte mal.
03:54Ganz kurz, ganz kurz.
03:55Was ganz anderes.
03:56Jetzt hab ich es fast vergessen.
04:00Habe ich mich da gerade eben irgendwie missverständlich ausgedrückt, oder?
04:03Erik, was du machst, ist deine Sache.
04:06Ich werde mich mit Michael aussprechen.
04:08In Ruhe.
04:09In der Ruhe ist es dann aber vorbei, wenn ich Wunder von erfährt.
04:12Ja, deswegen wäre es besser, du sprichst gleich selbst mit ihr.
04:24Und als ich ihnen die Handtücher gebracht habe,
04:26haben die beiden sich wieder total lustig gekabbelt.
04:28Das machen die im Fitnessraum auch immer.
04:30Die Fahndewehns aus dem Rosenzimmer.
04:32Achtung, hinter dir!
04:34Das war knapp, danke.
04:36Da fällt dir immer dein Rücken frei.
04:38Ich bin mir sicher, mit 80 sind wir auch noch so gut drauf wie die Fahndewehns.
04:41Die reisen auch noch total viel.
04:43Voll schön.
04:44Ja, die kommen gerade aus China.
04:45Und sie hat mir erzählt, dass ihr Mann im Souvenirshop gesagt hat,
04:48guck mal, hier ist ja alles made in China.
04:50Das ist ja genau wie bei uns.
04:51Boah, ich glaube, ich muss noch was trinken.
04:53Ich bring dir was.
04:54Oh, danke.
04:56Wusstest du, dass Lale und ich den gleichen Musikgeschmack haben?
05:00Wir haben sogar das gleiche Lieblingslied.
05:04Bin ich auch, total cool.
05:06Ich bin mir sicher, dass ihr nicht den gleichen Film...
05:10den gleichen Filmgeschmack habt.
05:12Na ja, Tornado der Leidenschaft sind wir beide schön.
05:14Und ich wette, du stehst hundert Pro auf romantische Komödien,
05:17genau wie ich.
05:18Da kennst du Lale aber schlecht.
05:21Lale steht aus knallharten Kopfhörern.
05:23Genau wie Theo.
05:25Ich bin ja auch knallhart.
05:26Bist du.
05:27Aber hin und wieder schauen wir auch mal eine Schnulze
05:29oder eine Komödie oder sowas.
05:30Ja, aber am liebsten killen wir eklige Wettkämpfer.
05:36Bist du sicher, dass du nicht mitspielen willst?
05:38Ja, ich kann das noch nicht so.
05:41Sollen wir was anderes machen?
05:44Ja, es ist ja schon so,
05:45sollen wir was anderes machen?
05:47Ja, es ist ja noch so früh.
05:48Wie wäre es mit dem Bräustübel?
05:50Ja, warum nicht?
05:53Super, oder?
05:54Nee, keine Lust.
05:56Dann gehen wir zu zweit, zumindest kurz.
06:02Geht ruhig.
06:05Dann lerne ich noch ein bisschen für die Berufsschule.
06:09Schon fertig.
06:14Bis dann.
06:17Ups, hab ich.
06:57Das war's.
07:02Endstation. Keine Spur mehr.
07:04But just a moment ago she was also interrupted for a short time.
07:09Yes, just a moment ago she was interrupted for a short time.
07:11But there are tire tracks here. A tractor drove along here.
07:14Yes, I see that too.
07:16Then please don't ask so stupid questions.
07:20But what are we going to do now, Doctor?
07:24I would suggest we go into the forest.
07:28If you extend the track, it leads directly into the forest.
07:31There are a few nice paths there.
07:33Have you ever been there?
07:35Yes, Philip, thank you. I've been to the forest before.
07:37Yes, and maybe she wanted to...
07:39Anna wanted to gallop.
07:40How do you know that?
07:41Because she barely lost her balance in the step, Philip.
07:44And maybe the horse wanted to shake her off.
07:46No, not elegant.
07:47You can't know that.
07:49But I know what Anna's favorite track is when she rides out.
07:52And it's back there. So let's go look for it now.
07:55I'm going into the forest.
07:57Philip, please let us stay together. That makes the most sense.
08:00And I say it makes more sense if we follow the track and it leads into the damn forest.
08:03Can you be of my opinion now?
08:05Please, just once.
08:08I know Anna.
08:12And I've known Anna for a long time.
08:15That's not the point at all.
08:17It's about me riding too, like her.
08:20You don't ride.
08:21That means I know best where she could have gone.
08:24Does that make sense to you? Can we agree on that?
08:30Then please let us stop arguing, shut up and keep looking.
08:48What are you doing here all alone?
08:50Is something wrong?
08:53Actually, I was supposed to stand over it, but...
08:56Can I help you?
08:59In that case, unfortunately not.
09:01It's about Christoph Saalfeld.
09:05Werner tried to mediate between us.
09:08He's still mad at you that you notified the police
09:12when he wanted to burn this candlelight.
09:16You just wanted to help them.
09:18Yes, but he still ended up in prison because of that.
09:22I probably would feel the same betrayal at his place.
09:25Yes, but that was yesterday.
09:30I'm afraid that forgiveness or even forgiveness
09:35doesn't exactly count to his strengths.
09:38Yes, he's reticent.
09:41But he can also do it differently.
09:44He forgave me, for example.
09:47And because of Tom, I was really very mean and very unfair to him.
09:53Maybe he still needs some time to realize that you didn't want to hurt him.
10:01At the moment, I can't even imagine that.
10:04Oh, God.
10:23Draa, there's a dance party tonight.
10:25Cool, isn't it?
10:26I'm looking forward to it.
10:27Come on, you didn't want to celebrate at the hotel either.
10:29Only when I persuaded you.
10:30And look how much fun we had.
10:31Yes, but I want to go home.
10:33And what if I ask if you play our favorite song?
10:36Hmm, I really have to learn, Stella.
10:40For my further education.
10:41And if I ask you?
10:43I would have to learn for that, too.
10:47I would have to learn for that, too.
10:52We'll definitely catch up on the dancing.
11:04But it's thin.
11:05Oh, that's fine.
11:07No, I'm already freezing when I think about going out.
11:10Yes, me too, but I just took the shortcut and I thought it would fit.
11:14Then at least take this one.
11:17And you?
11:18Do you have a warm jacket?
11:20Really now?
11:22I'll go in now.
11:24I'll pay for both of us.
11:26Yes, that's 19.20, please.
11:40No trace.
11:42It was gold again, wasn't it?
11:43Can you please not start with that again?
11:46Because otherwise I'll lose track of time.
11:47I know that.
11:50If something happened to Anna ...
12:00Is everything okay?
12:03I just miss a horse under me.
12:05Elegant is alone back to the farm.
12:07And how is he?
12:08He's fine.
12:09How are you?
12:12Hey, what happened?
12:14Did he throw you off?
12:16That was my fault.
12:17I wanted to change direction way too suddenly and pulled him too hard.
12:22Do you have pain?
12:25My skull still hurts.
12:28Actually, I wanted to get up, but I immediately got dizzy, so I sat down again.
12:33Not good.
12:35Were you unconscious?
12:37How long?
12:39No idea.
12:41Then you call the hotel.
12:43They have to send a shuttle.
12:44Anna has to go to the hospital.
12:45That's not necessary.
12:46Anna, please go to the hospital.
12:50I'm just cold.
13:03Hey, if your skull hurts, then ...
13:08How do you know that?
13:11You just said that.
13:15Just now.
13:23Hi, this is Vincent Ritter.
13:25We need a shuttle.
13:26Anna Alves fell off the horse.
13:41That was a really nice little party.
13:49Hey, I put all the levers in motion to go there with you.
13:56Did you have fun?
13:59Where now?
14:00At the party.
14:03I didn't expect that at all.
14:05I'm so happy.
14:07At the party.
14:09I didn't expect that at all.
14:11And on the way back, you didn't say anything either.
14:15What's wrong with you?
14:18Does it always have to be something?
14:24Something's bothering you.
14:27I can feel it.
14:31My darling, do you want to tell me something?
14:40Yvonne, I...
14:44I think I made a huge mistake.
14:51I think I'm going to get sick again.
14:53My throat is dry.
14:55And Nelas, I think I'd rather sleep on the bridge tonight.
14:58Really, so you don't get sick and I don't want you to get hurt.
15:01Because I don't want you to get hurt.
15:04Because you're the woman I love.
15:06Oh, Snuffi.
15:10Go wash up.
15:16Ah, a wonderful party.
15:19I'm looking forward to the tea.
15:23Wait, I'll help you.
15:26You're a little reserved tonight, I'd say.
15:32Well, otherwise...
15:34you can hardly get off the dance floor.
15:38Well, I don't belong directly to the hotel anymore.
15:41Oh, I see.
15:42I thought I'd better watch and let the others party.
15:46Or were you afraid?
15:50Afraid of...
15:51a movie break again?
15:56There's no reason to have a bad conscience.
16:00How about a little...
16:06A glass of red wine?
16:19I really need to...
16:22Sorry, I have to go.
16:24I'm not ready yet.
16:30Nicole Alves?
16:32Yes, it's her.
16:35Yes, yes, I understand.
16:37No, I'll be on my way.
16:41God, Anna is...
16:43She's in the hospital?
16:44Oh, then she's an emergency.
16:46Oh, God.
16:47Does she need surgery?
16:48No, Nicole.
16:49She fell off the horse.
16:51She's conscious.
16:52I have to examine her.
16:53Then we'll know.
16:54Listen, Nicole.
16:55It's all good.
16:56Everything will be fine.
16:57Everything will be fine.
16:58She's in the best hands, okay?
17:08My app is selling well.
17:13Oh, I had a lot of fun with Stella.
17:15Yes, she's...
17:17Yes, I think so too.
17:18I'm a bit weird, aren't I?
17:20I like weird.
17:25Bad news?
17:27Whatever you call it.
17:28My father.
17:30We're meeting tomorrow morning in the lobby.
17:34He had an appointment anyway.
17:36He doesn't even ask if I have time or when exactly.
17:39This is not a date, but an instruction.
17:41That's totally typical.
17:42I don't feel like going to the meeting anymore.
17:44Moving him doesn't help either.
17:46I think it doesn't help at all.
17:48It does.
17:49Believe me.
17:50Believe me.
17:52Why are you so sure?
17:55I talked to him yesterday.
17:57And I hinted to him that you would like to talk to him about the past.
18:02My father doesn't understand hints.
18:04Believe me, the message has arrived.
18:07Theo, I know I shouldn't interfere, but I can see how it's affecting you.
18:12It's all good.
18:13Very good, thank you.
18:16Maybe he'll understand when it comes from you.
18:20Who knows, maybe he'll apologize and we can talk it out.
18:26You decide the time.
18:28He'll have to adjust.
18:30That's a good idea.
18:51Episode 2
19:01What if Anna was unconscious and she had a headache?
19:06I know you're just a vet, but what do you think?
19:11It can mean a lot, Philip.
19:13But it can't mean anything in the best case.
19:15And in the worst case?
19:18In the worst case, severe brain trauma, internal bleeding.
19:35You talked to Dr. Niederbühl.
19:37Couldn't he tell you anything?
19:39Philip, he can't tell me anything.
19:42Was he worried?
19:43I don't know, the man has a poker face.
19:46But why is he in there for so long?
19:48To thoroughly examine her.
19:50But for so long?
19:54I mean, if something really bad had happened, he would have sent Nicole out.
20:03I have no idea.
20:06Episode 3
20:14You were waving.
20:18I'm sorry.
20:19I was the idiot.
20:21At the party, our fight, of course it was my fault.
20:24If I hadn't provoked you like that, we wouldn't be sitting here right now.
20:36It's okay.
20:40In a fight, two people are always two people.
20:48Maybe we can pull it together in the future.
20:53Episode 4
21:19Mr. Licht.
21:21How are you?
21:22Do you like the prince's court?
21:24Great house.
21:26Very solid.
21:28I mean, the roof.
21:29Oh, what?
21:30As far as I can tell from down here.
21:32The view always goes up, it's an old rooftop disease.
21:35I understand.
21:37Well, my son is well-off here.
21:40Yes, I hope so.
21:42We are happy to have him.
21:44Then you have already met him.
21:46No, I had a business meeting today, but we will do something together tomorrow.
21:51What are you up to?
21:52I don't know yet.
21:53The main thing is that we have fun together.
21:55Yes, sure, after such a long time.
21:57Fathers and sons, that's always a very special relationship.
22:01I have three and I had my difficulties with everyone.
22:04From my experience...
22:05Mr. Seifeld, it's nice that you want to give me advice from father to father.
22:09But I know my son and I know exactly how to deal with Theo.
22:13Have a nice evening.
22:21I love you.
22:33Hello, my dear.
22:35She got a light sedative to calm her down.
22:39The good thing is, Anna doesn't have any fractures.
22:43A nice mental trauma.
22:45That sounds bad.
22:46No, it's not bad.
22:48She was clearly conscious and was double-checked that she was delivered.
22:51She had a slight concussion.
22:53And can that deteriorate later?
22:58That's why she's staying here tonight.
23:00So we can monitor her and intervene in an emergency.
23:04Tomorrow we'll do another CCT and then...
23:07What's that?
23:08Cranial computer tomography.
23:10That's an ACT of the head.
23:13But it was fine now, so there's really no reason to worry.
23:18I'll stay here tonight anyway.
23:21Honey, honey.
23:23That's not necessary.
23:25She's being monitored.
23:28The hospital doesn't like to see such a light case.
23:34Well, I'll ask the nurse if she...
23:41I want to ask her if she can put you in a free bed, okay?
23:45I'll go.
24:16How did you sleep?
24:20Honest answer?
24:22I beg you.
24:28I can't get the conversation with Katja out of my head.
24:32But you don't feel responsible, do you?
24:37Well, not for the argument between her and the hall.
24:41At least not directly.
24:43But indirectly, yes.
24:45That's nonsense.
24:48Why didn't I notice that something was wrong with Tom?
24:52How should you have noticed?
24:54Nobody noticed.
24:56Not even Schwarzbach.
24:58Oh, I should have noticed something.
25:02You can't look into other people's eyes either.
25:06It's not your fault.
25:08And certainly not what Christoph Saalfeld accuses Katja of.
25:11Yes, but maybe I can mediate.
25:14Or I can somehow help.
25:17Well, I had the impression that Katja could help herself quite well.
25:22I didn't have that impression yesterday.
25:25The two of them should do that nicely among themselves.
25:30And you...
25:32You should try to leave the whole thing behind you.
25:42Have you heard from the CCT results yet?
25:45No, not yet.
25:48Anna is not back yet either.
25:54Thank you again, both of you, for looking for her.
25:57Not at all.
25:58Of course.
26:00But that also shows that you have a bad conscience.
26:03Because you're both not completely innocent.
26:15Anna is doing quite well so far.
26:16She just had a slight concussion.
26:19She's still a bit weak, but she'll be back soon, yes.
26:22And what's next?
26:24She should stay here until the visit.
26:26But then she can go home.
26:29And in the next few days she should be fine.
26:44Well, it's nice that we're doing something together again.
26:49As far as that is concerned, I've been thinking,
26:51there's a nice little café here in town, my favorite.
26:54We could talk there in peace.
26:56Certainly not.
26:59Talk in peace, you.
27:02That's not for you.
27:05You can't even sit still for five minutes.
27:07Of course I can.
27:09Even fifty.
27:11Are you seriously going to sit in a café with me all day and talk?
27:14I didn't say all day.
27:16No, we're going hiking.
27:17Look, I left that at the reception.
27:20Yes, and I also have the camera with me.
27:22A really modern digicam.
27:24You want to take pictures.
27:26There are many of them.
27:27We'll do a photo safari, like we used to.
27:31Okay, like we used to.
27:33Come on, it'll be fun.
27:35Let's go.
27:38Okay, then.
27:57And, how do you feel?
28:00As if I'd fallen off a horse.
28:03One time probably wasn't enough for you.
28:06I'm trying to get used to it in the future.
28:09I have a really good trick for that.
28:11Just stop riding.
28:13That's not an option.
28:15Still not full yet?
28:18It was just my fault.
28:20Not elegant.
28:21I was way too excited, and you really don't belong there.
28:25Michael told me that you were on guard all night.
28:29Even though I'm being watched here?
28:32Philipp and Vincent also wanted to stay here.
28:37We were really worried, but Michael sent them home.
28:41Worries because of a slight concussion?
28:44Yes, it wasn't clear whether it would stay that way.
28:47I promised to tell the two of them.
28:51I promised to tell the two of them.
28:54If you want to see them.
28:55And I would really understand if you don't want to.
29:00Can you give me my cell phone?
29:12I want to thank the two of them at least.
29:15I wanted to keep my distance, but...
29:17This is a special situation.
29:28Can I make you something delicious today?
29:31I'd love to. I'm really hungry.
29:34Okay, what would you like?
29:42Philipp would like to visit me, and...
29:46A surprise for Vincent, too.
29:49And? What are you writing?
29:54Two yeses.
29:57Thank you very much.
29:58You're welcome.
29:59And I have to tell Nicole.
30:00Thank you for jumping in, and she'll be here soon.
30:03Yes, of course, I understand.
30:05Yesterday we wanted to have a nice evening, and then...
30:08It was over in one fell swoop.
30:10Yes, that's a shock, of course.
30:29All I can say is that I'm...
30:35I'm really sorry that this happened.
30:51How do you know about Anna's accident?
30:57No, no, please, don't worry so much.
30:59It's not that bad.
31:01She had a slight concussion.
31:03Oh, God, you...
31:04You don't know how happy I am.
31:07Yes, we're also very happy, of course.
31:10Did you talk to Nicole?
31:15How do you know?
31:17Hanno called.
31:19Oh, Hanno.
31:22And, and, and...
31:23Did you talk to Nicole?
31:25Did she tell you anything?
31:26How are you?
31:27Did she say anything else?
31:31is relieved, of course,
31:33because it went so smoothly.
31:34I can understand that.
31:39Thank you for feeling that way.
31:44Yes, imagine what could have happened, Michael.
31:52It's nice to have a friend like that.
32:00You're not in there, are you?
32:07It's incredible what this thing can do.
32:09You have 25 frames per second,
32:12autofocus in 0.3 seconds,
32:14a great zoom.
32:16With that, you get every...
32:18without a huge telephoto lens or something,
32:20you get so close.
32:22As long as it doesn't run away.
32:24You're right, I'd better shut up.
32:27To be honest, I was hoping
32:29that we could talk in peace.
32:31About us.
32:33Yes, your girlfriend, Lali...
32:36Lale, she's already prepared me for it.
32:38Yes, I know.
32:39She told me.
32:41I know why you're doing this.
32:44Maybe my parenting methods
32:46weren't always optimal.
32:50they were a nightmare.
32:52Yes, it wasn't easy for me either.
32:56You know what's going on with me.
32:59What I'm trying to say is,
33:01when I had to lock you up in the cellar,
33:03and you cried so terribly,
33:06my heart also bled.
33:09You're not allowed to lock anyone up.
33:11Not even a small child.
33:12I didn't know what to do.
33:14You just weren't calm.
33:19Do you regret it at least?
33:22Theo, you weren't always in the cellar.
33:25Your childhood was beautiful.
33:28It wasn't.
33:29It wasn't beautiful,
33:30and it wasn't loving either.
33:33We're lucky.
33:40Now we'll get our snapshot.
34:04There you go.
34:06There you go.
34:16Mr. Seifert.
34:18Can I talk to you for a moment?
34:20Yes, please.
34:22It's about Katja.
34:24I talked to her yesterday,
34:26and she was so depressed.
34:28Yes, we all have a lot on our minds right now,
34:30but to buy a wine here
34:32in addition to your two tasks
34:34was obviously your own decision.
34:36That's not what it's about.
34:38The argument with you,
34:39that's what she takes with it.
34:42Of course I know
34:43that you're still going to repeat
34:44what you said to the police.
34:49Keep talking.
34:51Yes, but you just wanted to help
34:53clear things up.
34:54Knowing that you're going to
34:55put me in jail with that.
34:57But that was neither your intention
34:59nor your fault.
35:01Tom deceived you all.
35:03He put false evidence around you.
35:05I don't care who you're trying to fool.
35:09I won't let my employees tell me
35:11what to do and what not to do.
35:27Hey, that was quick.
35:34How are you?
35:52I like both of them,
35:54so please don't argue.
35:56Don't worry,
35:57we don't intend to.
35:58No, I promise.
36:00I hope you like him.
36:05Mine isn't quite as big.
36:07Also pretty.
36:08Small but fine.
36:14Fit again?
36:16Yes, I was lucky in bad luck.
36:18I'm very grateful to you
36:19that you found me.
36:21You're my heroes.
36:24thanks to an elegant trace
36:26and, to be honest,
36:27also thanks to Philip's
36:28newly discovered
36:29spiritual side.
36:30He had a kind of
36:33that something had happened to you.
36:40It all started with that fortune teller.
36:43She predicted my future
36:44with her tarot cards.
36:49I know this sounds a bit strange,
36:54it made me more open.
37:05I can't really explain it to myself.
37:08But suddenly I had this
37:09numb feeling that
37:10something could have happened to you.
37:15she predicted my fate
37:16in Bichelheim.
37:23back and forth,
37:26the real hero is
37:29When we lost the elegant trace,
37:31I wanted to look for you
37:32in the woods,
37:34he was sure
37:35that you had gone to the lake.
37:38All I could think of
37:40was how you
37:41flashed by the route.
37:43I think all in all
37:44it was pretty good teamwork,
37:46wasn't it?
37:52Am I imagining things
37:53or are you
37:54really nice to each other?
37:57We noticed
37:58that before your accident
38:00we took you for granted.
38:05we made peace.
38:08Then the accident
38:09was good for something.
38:16We won't get a good price for it,
38:18but at least we caught it.
38:20What do you mean, we?
38:21If the deer had noticed us
38:22a little later, man.
38:24Or if it hadn't run off so fast.
38:26That's why you used to
38:28take pictures of the deers.
38:31Yes, those were pleasant
38:32slow motifs.
38:33Do you remember
38:34when we used to
38:35run race races?
38:37It was fun for both of us.
38:39I hated it.
38:40Yes, because you didn't
38:41have a chance against me.
38:42But you did well
38:43to beat yourself up
38:44outside in the fresh air.
38:47You could...
38:48Oh no.
38:51Do a race race?
38:53You don't feel like it, do you?
38:55Of course, I've become
38:56really fat.
38:57I don't mind
38:58a little race race.
39:01The tree there as a target?
39:03That one?
39:11From here?
39:13Three, two, one, go.
39:17Like before.
39:21I see you.
39:22That's right, me.
39:23I see you, too.
39:25Then go.
39:34I won!
39:37Who's the eagle now
39:38and who's the deer?
39:47I'll be right back, Revanche.
39:48Get some air first.
39:51I see them.
39:55I see them.
39:56That's right, me.
39:57I see you, too.
39:59Then go.
40:08Take that, old man!
40:25Yes, of course.
40:26We have cottage cream.
40:27It's clotted cream, actually.
40:28Yes, this.
40:29We have two, Lord Turner.
40:31He looks like a chicken.
40:32I thought so, too.
40:33I could have an espresso
40:34before I have to go to practice.
40:35Do you like the village here?
40:36The village is even better.
40:38I'll do it.
40:39I'll do it.
40:40I'll do it.
40:41I'll do it.
40:42I'll do it.
40:43I'll do it.
40:44I'll do it.
40:45I'll do it.
40:46I'll do it.
40:47I'll do it.
40:48I'll do it.
40:49I'll do it.
40:50I'll do it.
40:51I'll do it.
40:52I'll do it.
40:53I'll do it.
40:54I'll do it.
40:55I'll do it.
40:56I'll do it.
40:59Can I ask you something?
41:00Yes, of course.
41:01Do you also think
41:03that Eric bahses
41:04somehow strangely?
41:08So no more than usual?
41:12Because of the party
41:13he was pushed to work.
41:16He was there yesterday.
41:17Yes, because
41:18I persuaded him.
41:19And then think about it.
41:20While dancing.
41:21The partners' swap ...
41:23Yes, he didn't feel like it.
41:28The doctor wanted a dor-bi-o.
41:31Oh, I see.
41:33He definitely didn't want to dance with Nicole.
41:37And he hardly ever talks to me and is constantly lost in thought.
41:43Now that you mention it...
41:47Earlier at the Café Liebling, he was kind of...
41:53What do you mean?
41:55Well, he was lost in thought, but with his thoughts elsewhere.
41:59Oh, I see.
42:01And he was very curious about Nicole.
42:04Which one?
42:08Eric and Nicole.
42:10Do you think they're having...
42:13...a fight?
42:20No, I can't imagine that.
42:23Nicole would have told me, and...
42:25Eric would have told you too, wouldn't he?
42:27But could you still feel my husband's teeth?
42:30Yes, of course.
42:32I'll try.
42:41Vincent and Philipp got together.
42:46Well, let's see how long they can keep it up.
42:50I'll keep my distance.
42:53If fate allows it.
42:56It's strange what Philipp told me.
43:00Is he really meant for me?
43:03If he is, you can't change that anyway.
43:06So I'll let the future decide.
43:09For now, I'll focus on myself and Guttalheim.
43:16Sounds like you had a good time together.
43:20Well, I don't know.
43:23We had a race.
43:25And photos, like old times.
43:28So you have fond childhood memories with him.
43:31A few.
43:33But he even wanted to take a picture of me,
43:36so he could have a picture of me.
43:40And he said,
43:42his parenting methods weren't always optimal.
43:45But then it was all about how he felt about it.
43:49It's hard to admit a mistake.
43:51It's true.
43:53It wasn't an apology.
43:55I would have liked to talk to him more,
43:58but then he had rediscovered a deer.
44:00And took the chance to get undressed.
44:03It was uncomfortable for him to talk about the basement.
44:06Well, hopefully.
44:08But at least the door is open for a little while, right?
44:13To work on the past with him.
44:16It's the beginning of the end, Theo.
44:41It's time to say thank you.
44:46For what?
44:48You just met Michael,
44:50and he didn't tear my head off,
44:52so I assume you didn't tell him anything.
44:54I was just about to.
44:56But then I had other things to worry about.
44:59Oh God, yes, with your daughter.
45:01I didn't get that.
45:03I'm really sorry.
45:05But it turned out well, didn't it?
45:10Because of the distance,
45:12it had to be clear to you that the decision I made for us
45:14was the right one?
45:16No, not at all.
45:22The accident was the only reason I didn't talk to Michael yet.
45:24Now I have.
45:26You've come to your senses.
45:28I'm staying honest, above all.
45:30It has nothing to do with honesty.
45:32Madness is madness.
45:34And I don't want anything to do with it.
45:36Can you get me out of this somehow?
45:38Yes, that could be a little difficult.
45:40We were under drugs.
45:41I'm sure he won't.
45:43You've forgiven him, haven't you?
45:45Michael is not as stable as I am.
45:47Also mentally.
45:49He's a burnt child.
45:51Here, Caroline Lambrecht,
45:53she lied to him from head to toe.
45:55Rosalie Engelmann, it was just chaos.
45:57And Natascha Schweitzer,
45:59please never mention that name.
46:02Nicole, if you tell him that,
46:04you'll break his heart.
46:07And you'll lose him.
46:14Hi, my boy.
46:23The trip today was nice, by the way.
46:25Yes? I thought so, too.
46:27We can repeat it,
46:29if you're still here for a while.
46:31Of course, whenever you have time.
46:37Just a reminder of my app.
46:38Time for my medicine.
46:40What kind of medicine?
46:43You know I have ADHS.
46:45After all, you read the article about my app.
46:48Not ADHS again.
46:50That's a joke.
46:53You're not taking a serious medicine
46:55against an ingrown illness, are you?
46:58You know what? I'll give it to you.
47:02Sure, if you like it. Take it.
47:06It's so sweet of you.
47:08I don't even know what to say.
47:10Stella, it's just a scarf.
47:12A vile demand for an animal-friendly attitude.
47:14Can we go through this together?
47:16I could just come with you to Thalheim.
47:19Then we'll look at it together on site.
47:21Dirty towels in the bathroom,
47:23and that after we fought our way back
47:25to our place among the top 500.
47:27Without Ms. Richter,
47:29you wouldn't have made a mess.
47:31Sun, beach, sea, doing nothing all day.
47:33A dream.
47:35What are you waiting for?
47:36How did I deserve this?
47:38Because I love you so much.
47:40And also because of last night.
47:42Isn't it beautiful?