What is Science Behind Prayer for Dead?

  • last month
Universal truth says, that whatever you have done for the dead person is for your Self and not for that who has left. By praying, we are sending good vibrations, which gives that person happiness. Whatever karma he has charged, he is taking with him and we are not able to give anything to him. If you do prayers you will charge merit karma which will be helpful to you in the next life.
00:00Many major cultures of the world, they continuously continue to pray for the
00:13dead so the spirit may rest in peace. Prayers are being said on behalf of the
00:22soul that has changed from one body into another. Does that benefit the
00:29departing soul or the person who has died only receives what he has done
00:37during his life and all these other rituals after death? What is your
00:43opinion? You know real thing or people know about relative thing? You know, you
00:49want to know real or relative? So the real has left in joint and... No, that is
00:58correct but real truth, universal truth, you want to know or... Universal truth.
01:05Universal truth says that whatever we are praying for that person, died person,
01:10it is for ourself only, not at all for that gone person and whatever we are
01:18praying, good vibration we are sending, he will feel happiness, that's
01:24it. But we are... So whatever he has charged his karma, he is taking with him. We are
01:33not able to give anything to him. So but if you do prayers and everything, it is
01:41helpful to you. You will get merit karma for you and you will charge merit karma
01:47that will helpful to you in next life. So if that died person, he has done for
01:57anybody like puja, path, sadhya, he will get merit karma for him. For himself.
02:04But we are really that gone, that died person, he's not receiving anything from
02:09us. It is a law of karma.
