The Answer Run S01E02 (2024)

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00:11Hello and welcome to the Answer Run.
00:14It's the quiz where we're so generous,
00:16we give all our players a 50-50 chance on every question.
00:19It's as simple as that. And here is how it works.
00:21Every question has two possible answers.
00:23On this occasion, we've got Claudia Winkleman and Tess Daly.
00:26The questions will come down the run at random
00:28and our teams must swipe towards the answer they believe to be correct.
00:31So, married to Vernon Kay, we'll go Tess Daly,
00:34unless things have changed in the last few weeks.
00:36And I've bagged myself the value of that question.
00:38If, however, I get a question wrong,
00:40walks in from the left at the start of Strictly,
00:42let's go Tess, it's wrong, and I lose that same value.
00:46And that is it.
00:48So, let's meet the teams taking on the Answer Run today.
00:52I'm Rakhi, this is Rajan, and we are from Watford.
00:55I'm Matt, this is Aaron, and we're from Exeter.
00:58I'm Tilda, this is Tom, and we're from Lydham St Annes.
01:03Welcome, everybody. How are you all?
01:05Great. Lovely. Well, thanks for being here.
01:07It's going to be a fun afternoon, I can feel it already,
01:09but we're going to get to know you as we play the Answer Run.
01:12But right now, we need to find out who is going to face the Answer Run first.
01:15So, fingers on buzzers for your first qualifier question.
01:19Claire Foy and Olivia Colman have won Emmys
01:22for their portrayal of Elizabeth II in which TV drama?
01:27Aaron and Matt. It's The Crown.
01:29It is The Crown. Come on down.
01:37Hello, you two. Hi.
01:39No messing around there, was there?
01:41Straight in with The Crown. So, where are you two from?
01:44We're both in Exeter now, although your accent betrays
01:46that you're not really from there originally.
01:48We're from California. Ah, OK.
01:50So, California to Exeter. I mean, no disrespect to Exeter,
01:53but what, are you on some sort of witness protection or something?
01:56Everyone asks me this. What's going on there?
01:58No, it's this one's fault. Ah.
02:00Well, I presumed it was either work or love, so...
02:03It was love. So, you moved over.
02:05So, where did you meet? How did you meet then?
02:07So, I teach film studies at university,
02:09so I took my students on a field trip to Los Angeles...
02:12OK. ..for nine years, I think it was,
02:14and on the ninth year, I got lucky and met this fella,
02:17and I brought him home with me a year later.
02:19Oh, beautiful. And what were you doing over there?
02:21I was an actor at the time, actually. OK, great.
02:23What sort of stuff were you in? Nothing major,
02:25just background acting and things like that,
02:27but I did a lot of stuff. I was in background for Tenet,
02:29Penny Dreadful City of Angels, quite a few things.
02:31Oh, wow, OK. Brilliant stuff.
02:33So, did you bump into each other? Was it...?
02:35I'm trying to work out how you met.
02:37The modern story. We met on a dating app.
02:39Oh, OK. And just went from there.
02:41So, you've had a successful time swiping, then... Exactly.
02:44And here we are again. Brilliant.
02:46I tell about four different versions of that story
02:48that I met on a dating app. I know.
02:50But, you know, it's the modern world, it's where we are now.
02:52The secrets are out now, mate.
02:54All right, Aaron and Matt,
02:56you get first choice of categories, and they are...
03:02..Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds,
03:04old mates of yours, Aaron?
03:06Back in Hollywood? Sure.
03:08Beaver and Hare, leave it, we're on daytime.
03:12And Wigan and Brighton.
03:14I'm sure for an American, those are two places that you've been to.
03:17I'm very glad we got to go first on this one.
03:21I am fine with the Ryans or the Animals.
03:24I think I'm leaning towards Ryans.
03:26Then let's do the Ryans. Great.
03:28OK, why not?
03:30So, Ryan Gosling, Ryan Reynolds, let's set up the answer run.
03:35You are going to swipe left for Gosling, right for Reynolds.
03:38Now, the questions will be coming out in a random order.
03:41They all have different values.
03:43Obviously, the harder the question, the more it is worth.
03:46If the question reaches the bottom, that will count as a wrong answer
03:49and that money will come off your total.
03:51You have 15 questions, 90 seconds to get as many as you can.
03:54We'll put a clock up for the viewers at home.
03:56And your time starts now.
03:58First to star in a film with Sandra Bullock.
04:02Ryan got Reynolds, Reynolds.
04:04It was Gosling.
04:07Lyrics of Taylor Swift's song Betty
04:09includes the names of three of his children.
04:14Reynolds, quite right.
04:16Was married to Scarlett Johansson.
04:21It was Reynolds.
04:23Appeared on Top Gear as the star in A Reasonably Priced Car.
04:27Oh, no, I have no idea.
04:29OK, so 50-50, let's go that way.
04:31Yeah, it was Reynolds, well done.
04:34Co-owner of a Moroccan restaurant in Beverly Hills called Tagine.
04:38You're my Californian.
04:40Reynolds, Reynolds.
04:42It was Gosling.
04:44OK, we start again.
04:46Is a naturalised US citizen.
04:48He's Canadian.
04:50That's right, he's Canadian, quite right.
04:52500, right, we're back.
04:54Spent three months learning to play piano
04:56for his role as Sebastian in a 2016 film.
04:58I think Gosling.
05:00La La Land, of course.
05:02Played the astronaut Neil Armstrong in First Man.
05:05Again Gosling, I think.
05:07It was Ryan Gosling.
05:09Awarded the Order of British Columbia in 2023,
05:12considered the province's highest honour.
05:14Well done, it was Ryan Reynolds.
05:16Became co-owner of Wrexham AFC in 2021.
05:21First Oscar nomination was for playing a junior high school teacher
05:24in Half Nelson.
05:26Oh, I think Gosling.
05:32Well, that worked out for you there at the end.
05:34Yeah, that was all right, yeah.
05:36Not badly, but picked up.
05:38I think Gosling was...
05:40Well, you would have got yourself another £200 there.
05:43That's all right.
05:44Anyway, well, I've got to say, it was a ropey start.
05:47It was.
05:48We were all there, we all saw it.
05:50Got there in the end.
05:51But you got there in the end, you managed to calm yourselves
05:53and get through.
05:54Well done.
05:55No, I'm happy with that.
05:56Matt, straight away, you handed over the restaurant question
05:58to Aaron, you were like, you're from there.
06:00How am I going to know that?
06:02My thinking on that was, I know Ryan Reynolds has a lot
06:06of business ventures, but he doesn't decide.
06:08Yeah, he's got all sorts of things.
06:09Yeah, makes sense.
06:10So I figured him, but no.
06:11And Ryan Reynolds married to Scarlett Johansson.
06:13Apparently so.
06:14There you go.
06:15Forgot about that.
06:16Married for three years, 2008 to 2011.
06:18Wow, I missed that.
06:19Yeah, we totally missed that.
06:20So, pretty good, 1,100, great start.
06:22We'll see you in the next round.
06:28Who is next to face the answer run?
06:30Here comes another qualifier question.
06:32Rajan and Rakhi, Tilda and Tom.
06:34Fingers on buzzers.
06:36What two-word term is another name for the aurora borealis?
06:41Rakhi and Rajan.
06:42Northern Lights.
06:43The Northern Lights, of course it is.
06:45Come on down to the answer run.
06:53Straight in there, Rajan, no messing around.
06:55You're very proud of him there, Rakhi.
06:58So, how do you know each other?
07:00So, we're married.
07:01You're married, lovely.
07:02How long have you been married?
07:03For seven months.
07:05High pressure to come on a quiz show so early on into a marriage.
07:08Yeah, literally.
07:09We'll let you know if we're still married.
07:11We've had the honeymoon, so...
07:12OK, good, good stuff, lovely stuff.
07:14And who proposed to who?
07:16That would be me.
07:18Yeah, so I decorated our flat
07:19and I surprised Rakhi on New Year's Eve in 2021.
07:22Oh, lovely.
07:23She thought I was proposing, like, well in advance
07:26and was getting really, really irritable.
07:28Christmas wasn't fantastic that year,
07:30but nipped it in just in time.
07:33Made up for it.
07:34Well done.
07:35Well done, we're glad for you.
07:37We're happy for you.
07:38So, married and honeymoon, where did you go?
07:40We went to Southeast Asia, so we did Vietnam for three weeks
07:43and then one week in Bali just to relax.
07:45Wow, beautiful.
07:46So, anything you do in your spare time?
07:48So, I really like the arts and crafts side of things.
07:51I enjoy doing henna art, which is like kind of the designing...
07:54Yeah, on the hands and stuff.
07:55..on the hands and stuff.
07:56So, yeah, I've got that side to me.
07:58Lovely, what about you, Rajan?
07:59Yeah, and I like to keep active through sports,
08:01like golf and football,
08:03and I also sort of create my own board games
08:05as a bit of a side hobby as well.
08:06Do you really? Yeah.
08:07OK, what sort of games do you create?
08:09So, in the past, I've made, like,
08:11my own fully customised Monopoly board
08:13based on, like, my friends and my time at uni,
08:15which was quite fun. Wow, what a good idea.
08:17And then I've hosted, like, a family fortunes for my family as well
08:20at Christmastime, which was a good laugh.
08:22Sounds like fun, that would appear.
08:23They are really fun, to be fair.
08:24Do you know, my brother did that one year.
08:26He did Guess Who?
08:28But with photos of all of us,
08:30and it was a really fun present until we played it.
08:33Cos then you're like, has he got a double chin?
08:35Is it Jason? Yeah.
08:37Is he bald? Is it Dad?
08:38Like, it was really harsh.
08:39I might use that one.
08:40Yeah, you can have that one.
08:41I've got a few double chins in my family.
08:43You can have that one.
08:44All right, well, let's see what we can do.
08:46You're second, so you get a choice of categories.
08:50Beaver and Hare.
08:52Guys, come on, we're all adults.
08:54Wigan and Brighton.
08:57What do you reckon?
08:59Oh, I think the...
09:00It's not quite Vietnam Bali, is it?
09:03Wigan, Brighton.
09:04No, not really, but...
09:05Do you want to... Shall we go?
09:07Yeah, I think the place element of it might help us.
09:11Two very, very different towns.
09:14Let's set up the answer room.
09:17Swipe left for Wigan, right for Brighton.
09:19Once again, you've got 15 questions,
09:21but just 90 seconds on the clock.
09:23We'll put a clock up for the people at home.
09:25And your time starts now.
09:26It's home to the Indian and Oriental-inspired building,
09:29the Royal Pavilion.
09:30I think Brighton.
09:31Brighton, let's go Brighton.
09:32It is Brighton, well done.
09:35It's closer to Birmingham as the Crow flies.
09:37Wigan, Wigan.
09:38Wigan, yeah.
09:39Wigan, that's right.
09:40Just 80 miles.
09:42Birthplace of the music hall entertainer George Formby.
09:44I don't know.
09:45Shall we go Brighton?
09:46Go for it.
09:47No, Wigan.
09:48It's OK.
09:50Where ABBA won the Eurovision Song Contest with Waterloo.
09:53I want to say Brighton.
09:54Sounds better.
09:55Yeah, it was Brighton.
09:58Has won the FA Cup.
09:59Oh, Wigan.
10:00You know better.
10:01Yeah, I remember that.
10:03Uncle Joe's mint balls are manufactured here.
10:05I want to say Brighton.
10:06I reckon manufacturing up north.
10:08OK, OK.
10:09Yeah, there you go.
10:10Cheaper, innit?
10:12Home to an enormous Heinz baked beans factory.
10:14Oh, God.
10:15Go Wigan.
10:18It is Wigan, very good.
10:20The site of its three sisters' nature reserve
10:22has been nicknamed the Blank Out.
10:24It's worth £500.
10:26Oh, I don't know.
10:27Brighton, maybe?
10:29Oh, it's Wigan, unfortunately.
10:31Hosted the UK's first ever Trans Pride Parade.
10:34Yeah, you'd expect it to be Brighton.
10:37It's the home of the animated characters Wallace and Gromit.
10:40I think Brighton.
10:42Shall we go Brighton?
10:44Oh, no.
10:45Northerners, cracking cheese.
10:46It's Wigan.
10:47Of course.
10:48Located on the River Douglas.
10:50More rivers down near Brighton, the sea.
10:52Let's go Brighton.
10:54It's Wigan.
10:59Really annoyed with yourself there.
11:04Lots of logical answers there.
11:06Didn't always work out for you,
11:07but you thought about each one as it came down.
11:10George Formby, you didn't know he was a Northerner?
11:13No, I didn't.
11:14I was thinking George Forman in my head.
11:16Yeah, it's not George Forman, yeah.
11:18If you find yourself with a George Formby grill,
11:20then you've been ripped off.
11:21I was annoyed at Wallace and Gromit.
11:23Cracking cheese.
11:24Yes, of course.
11:26The three sisters' nature reserve, the Wigan Alps.
11:30Uncle Joe's mint balls.
11:31That was good logic there, you thought.
11:33I just thought, you know, there's a lot of sweet shops and stuff.
11:37Yeah, that worked out.
11:38I've never had a mint ball.
11:39No, I don't think I have, to be honest, yeah.
11:41And the first ever trans parade in 2014 is Brighton,
11:44as you'd expect.
11:46And ABBA winning at Eurovision.
11:48That was in Brighton as well, which is what you got.
11:50I just thought, would Eurovision want to be hosted in Wigan?
11:53Yeah, I mean, how very dare you?
11:56But, yeah, interesting, actually.
11:58ABBA won in Brighton, the first year they did it.
12:00And up until a couple of weeks before they sang Waterloo,
12:03they were actually singing it in Swedish.
12:05And then a couple of weeks before, they thought,
12:07do you know what, this is not going to go down well
12:09with an English crowd.
12:10Let's rewrite it with English lyrics.
12:13And here we are, now we know, post-Waterloo world.
12:16So, £650 going forward.
12:19Let's hope it's enough.
12:20Well done.
12:26So, two teams have played, which leaves one team left.
12:29Tilda and Tom, coming down to the answer run.
12:39Tilda and Tom, nice to see you.
12:41Where are you from?
12:42Lytton St, Annes.
12:43Lytton St, Annes.
12:44Posh Blackpool.
12:45It is, yeah.
12:46Yeah, very nice.
12:47I don't think he's posh.
12:49So, how do you know each other?
12:51We're sister and brother-in-law.
12:53Oh, OK.
12:54So, I'm married to Tilda's sister.
12:55We've not had that before on this show, actually.
12:58So, what's the reason that you've entered this, then?
13:00Over to you.
13:01Well, we like quizzes.
13:03And it's fun, you know, so...
13:05And he's the only person who'll come on the telly with me.
13:07OK, that's the reason, then.
13:09I thought there was a reason.
13:11It's not for his general knowledge.
13:13So, what do you get up to?
13:14Do you hang out together?
13:16A bit.
13:17But, I mean, I've lived in St Annes all my life.
13:20So, I still see the same set of mates, how sad,
13:23that I knew from 11 and 12 years old.
13:25That's not sad at all.
13:26And we still meet on a Friday night in the same pub.
13:28We don't do texting.
13:29We just turn up at half-past eight in a pub in St Annes.
13:33And last Friday was seven of us.
13:34Sometimes it could be nine of us.
13:36I love it.
13:37It's good fun.
13:38What about you, Tilda?
13:39What do you get up to?
13:40I like hosting cheese and wine parties for my friends.
13:44Now we're talking.
13:45I told you it was Posh Blackpool.
13:46Give over.
13:48Yeah, I like doing that.
13:49I like playing chess online.
13:51So, a logical brain?
13:54I think so, yeah.
13:55Do you still work or are you retired?
13:56I'm retiring.
13:58What did you do?
13:59I was an accountant,
14:00so a financial controller, director of a company.
14:02What about you, Tilda?
14:03I used to work for NSNI,
14:04which is known as premium bonds, really, to most people.
14:07Oh, right.
14:08So, I worked there for 30 years.
14:10Any interests that might help you in a quiz?
14:13I like nature.
14:15OK, good.
14:16We've got beaver and hare, so...
14:17Beaver and hare?
14:18I mean, that's worked out.
14:19I'm glad.
14:20I would have picked that.
14:21Would you?
14:22I wouldn't.
14:23I'd have definitely picked Wigan and Brown.
14:24You'd have gone for Wigan, I imagine.
14:26Oh, he'd have done what he was told.
14:27Yeah, fair enough.
14:28Yeah, I'd have done what I was told.
14:29You're very much in your place here, Tom, aren't you?
14:32I can feel it.
14:34Tilda and Tom, you have been left with...
14:38..beaver and hare.
14:40They really test me on this show.
14:43Let's prep the answer run.
14:46You're going to swipe left for beaver and right for hare.
14:49Once again, you've got 15 questions.
14:5190 seconds on the clock.
14:53Let's put a clock up for the viewers at home.
14:55And your time starts now.
14:58An Egyptian hieroglyph.
14:59That's a hare.
15:01It's a hare.
15:02Well done, £500.
15:05In the name of a craft brewery founded in 2011 by Robert Plant's son...
15:13A character in Alice's Adventures In Wonderland.
15:20Hosted the Pevensie children in The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe.
15:24I don't know.
15:26Oh, Mr And Mrs Beaver.
15:28We have time.
15:29In the name of an international airport in Chicago.
15:33It's O'Hare.
15:34Oh, yeah.
15:36Are usually solitary.
15:40Beaver's living groups.
15:43Guinness Book Of Records was his brainchild.
15:49Hugh Beaver.
15:52Playwright and screenwriter of Plenty, David Blank.
15:57David Hare.
15:58Well done.
16:00Is classed as a rodent.
16:03Is it?
16:05It is beaver.
16:06Well done.
16:08Scout group for children aged between six and eight.
16:11The Beavers, of course.
16:14Has an arctic species.
16:17It is a hare.
16:202011 film directed by Jodie Foster.
16:23I don't know, Beaver.
16:25The Beaver.
16:28Well done.
16:30I know about beavers.
16:32No messing around.
16:33Right at the end, snuck in there with Jodie Foster's beaver.
16:36What did you say then, Tilda?
16:38I know about beavers.
16:40What are you sculpting on?
16:43Look, £950.
16:44Pretty good.
16:45You've got to be happy with that.
16:47Well happy.
16:48Fantastic stuff.
16:49Let's have a rattle through some of your answers.
16:51So Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe was Mr And Mrs Beaver.
16:54And the other one you got wrong was the Guinness Book Of Records.
16:58I've got it at home.
17:00Hugh Beaver.
17:02But the one I was surprised about was Chicago Airport.
17:04No idea.
17:05Oh, Hare Airport.
17:06Yeah, I've not been to Chicago.
17:08No, there you go.
17:09Beaver Airport, yeah.
17:10I guess it's always easy afterwards, isn't it,
17:12when you're looking back.
17:13Very good.
17:14Well, look, £950.
17:15You've got to be happy with that.
17:16Yes, we are.
17:17Great stuff.
17:18All right, we'll see you in the next round.
17:19Well done.
17:24So at the end of round one, let's take a quick look at the totals.
17:28Rakhi and Rajan have £650.
17:31Tilda and Tom, £950.
17:33And in the lead with 1,100 is Aaron and Max.
17:36Well done.
17:39Time now for round two.
17:42Our teams have all had a go at the answer run.
17:45This time, when they step up to the run,
17:47the money goes up along with the pressure,
17:49and that is because at the end of this round,
17:51one team will believe in us.
17:53Let's see who is going to get the first choice of categories.
17:56Fingers on buzzers.
17:59What monetary unit is the national currency of Japan?
18:04Rakhi and Rajan.
18:06It is the yen, yes.
18:07Very good.
18:08Come on down.
18:16Very good.
18:17Is Japan somewhere you'd like to go to?
18:19Oh, yeah, definitely.
18:20Yeah, we'd love that.
18:21It's on my bucket list as well.
18:22On the list, for sure.
18:23Nintendo World.
18:24Yes, of course, yeah.
18:25That would be fantastic, wouldn't it?
18:27So, pretty solid round last time.
18:28Seven out of 11 correct on that one.
18:30You got 1,500 right, 1,500 wrong.
18:34So, you really need to keep an eye on the values this time,
18:37because now what happens, as the questions come down,
18:40you'll notice they've got two different values,
18:43a higher amount and a lower amount.
18:45If you're confident, go high.
18:47Not so sure, go low.
18:49Your £650 from round one is safe for now.
18:52In round two, there are three new categories.
18:58So, eyes and ears, A&R, Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet.
19:03So, not the bottom one.
19:05Not the bottom one, for sure.
19:07A bit before your time.
19:10My mum loves Duran Duran, actually.
19:12She'll be, like, screaming at the telly right now.
19:15I'm thinking eyes and ears.
19:17Eyes and ears, yeah.
19:18I don't know, A&R.
19:21A&R could just be anything, right?
19:24Although we've both got an R in our name.
19:26I don't know.
19:27Is it a sign?
19:28I don't know, yeah.
19:29And you've both got eyes and ears, though.
19:32I think eyes and ears.
19:33Yeah, let's go with that, then.
19:34OK, eyes and ears.
19:35OK, eyes and ears it is. Let's prep the answer run.
19:39We are going to swipe left for eyes and right for ears.
19:42You have 15 questions, 90 seconds on the clock.
19:45We'll pop a clock up for the viewers at home.
19:47And your time starts now.
19:53I think eyes.
19:55Betty Davis, eyes.
19:57The 500, well done.
19:58In the medical abbreviation ENT...
20:01Are you sure? Yeah.
20:03Ears, nose and throat, well done.
20:04Watch the timing of the amounts if you're sure.
20:06Mark Antony asked people to lend them in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
20:11Well, I don't know.
20:12Let's go for the lower.
20:14Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
20:17In the name of Noddy's best friend in the Enid Blyton stories.
20:21Oh, Noddy...
20:23Noddy's... I think ears.
20:26Noddy and Big Ears.
20:27Big Ears.
20:29A deformity of these commonly affecting boxes
20:32is named after a cauliflower.
20:35Cauliflower ears.
20:38Said to be the window of the soul in a proverb.
20:41The eyes.
20:42The eyes, yeah. Go for it.
20:44It is eyes, well done, for 100.
20:47Location of the lacrimal glands.
20:49Sounds like ears to me.
20:52Ooh, you went low, thankfully.
20:54It's eyes.
20:55Name for a head of wheat.
20:58I think eyes, that is.
20:59I don't know, I'll go for...
21:01Oh, it's ears.
21:03Oh, God.
21:04In the nickname for a dice roll of double one.
21:07Snake eyes, hang on.
21:10Snake eyes, very good.
21:13Has a part called the tragus.
21:15Go for the big one, yeah.
21:17£1,000, it was it!
21:20Well done.
21:23Is it done?
21:24It's done, it's done.
21:25You've done, you've done, you've calmed down.
21:27Breathe, breathe, breathe, Roger.
21:29You knew that one right at the end there, didn't you?
21:31No messing around.
21:32Yeah, cos I want you to get tragus piercing,
21:34but you won't get it, right?
21:36That makes sense.
21:37That's how we knew that one.
21:39So, up and down a little bit there.
21:41A couple of ones that you'll be kicking yourself about, I'm sure.
21:44The phrase, friends, Roman countrymen, lend me your ears.
21:47You've not heard that one from Shakespeare?
21:49No, I've not heard of that.
21:50No, fair enough.
21:51And an ear of wheat it is.
21:53Ear of wheat?
21:54An ear of wheat.
21:55I thought they looked like eyes a little bit.
21:57Well, there you go.
21:59Don't shoot the messenger, guys, I'm just letting you know.
22:02I'm just letting you know what the answers are.
22:04ENT, you knew, of course, ear, nose and throat.
22:06It's an easy one for you.
22:07Although I got the lower amount.
22:09You got the lower amount for that one?
22:11Yes, I know, it is about getting the timing right.
22:13Sometimes coming out first at this point is a bit harder.
22:15The other guys have been able to see now
22:17how you get your timing perfected.
22:19I forgot at the start.
22:20I didn't get...
22:22Bette Davis' eyes, you knew that one, or was that a bit of a guess?
22:26But it makes more sense, doesn't it,
22:28rather than Bette Davis' ears would be a weird thing to sing about.
22:32It's slightly creepy when it's about ears.
22:34But fantastic, £1,850,
22:36and we will see very shortly whether that's enough
22:38to take you through to today's Head to Head.
22:40Well done.
22:46So, Raky and Rajan, we're going to add that £1,850
22:49to what you won in the first round,
22:51which gives you a prize pot of £2,500.
22:55Brilliant stuff.
22:56Time now for another qualifier question.
22:58Matt and Aaron.
22:59Tilda and Tom, fingers on buzzers.
23:08Aaron and Matt.
23:10It is sloth, yeah, of course.
23:12Come on down to the Answer Run.
23:20That looked to me like you buzzed there, Matt,
23:22but, Aaron, you answered.
23:24Yeah, I had no idea.
23:25You just thought, he'll know it.
23:26Aaron knows things.
23:28Very confident, very confident.
23:31So, seven out of ten on the last round,
23:33very strong and a very good finish.
23:35Now, of course, at the end of this round,
23:37one of the teams will be going home, so the pressure is on,
23:40and there are two categories remaining.
23:42They are...
23:46What do you think?
23:47I want nothing to do with Duran Duran or Spandau Ballet.
23:50I'm fine with A&R.
23:52Yeah, A&R.
23:53Wow, Matt, something happened?
23:54Love the music.
23:55Know nothing about them.
23:56Oh, I see, OK.
23:58OK, good, cos it sounded personal, the way you said it.
24:00No, it's really...
24:01Like something had happened in the past.
24:03Don't send Spandau Ballet assassins after me, like, I'm all right.
24:06You don't want to be turning up with Martin Kemp in your garden.
24:09So, here we go.
24:11Let's prep the Answer Run.
24:13Swipe left for A and right for R.
24:16You've got 15 questions.
24:18I mean, it could be about anything.
24:20You've got 90 seconds on the clock.
24:22We'll put a clock up for the viewers at home.
24:24And your time starts now.
24:32I think R.
24:35It's not, it's Mayfair.
24:37OK, great, great.
24:38Appears twice in the name of the pop group
24:40that released Barbie Girl in 1997.
24:47In the name of a large cat
24:48that can reach speeds of around 60 miles per hour.
24:55Cheetah, well done, good timing.
24:58Initials of the first African-American tennis player
25:01to win a Wimbledon men's singles title.
25:03Sports again, I don't know.
25:05Let's just take a guess.
25:06Well, it was a good guess cos it's Arthur Ashe and it was £500.
25:09Appears three times in the name of a type of Middle Eastern market.
25:15Bizarre, very good.
25:17That was bizarre.
25:18First two initials of the author of Winnie the Pooh.
25:20A. Mill.
25:22A. Mill.
25:24In the name of the capital of Barbados,
25:26it's worth £1,000.
25:28This is on you.
25:31Whoa, it's Bridgetown, very good.
25:34Starts and ends a type of lake for storing water.
25:40A reservoir.
25:42I meant to go quicker.
25:43Three in an expression listing the subjects
25:45regarding as the fundamentals of education.
25:47Are you writing arithmetic?
25:49That's right, three Rs.
25:52Initials of a children's TV show hosted by Neil Buchanan.
25:55Art Attack.
26:00That's too good, though.
26:01Oh, that was tough.
26:02It was very good, very good.
26:04Well-deserved a high-five there.
26:06Just missed out on Art Attack there at the end.
26:09Neil Buchanan, classic show.
26:11Just one wrong answer there was the Monopoly question.
26:14I knew it, but my brain just wouldn't go there.
26:16It's odd how the pressure gets to you, isn't it?
26:18Yeah, it was tough, yeah.
26:19So it was Mayfair, of course.
26:20And capital of Barbados, that got you £1,000.
26:22Did you know that?
26:23Was that an educated guess?
26:24Would you believe me if I told you yes?
26:26Well, I was here and I have the eyes.
26:29I was actually aiming for the lower value,
26:31but I was a bit late.
26:32Oh, really?
26:34There you go.
26:35Well, thankfully, because of your terrible timing,
26:37you've ended up with £2,550.
26:39Well done, back you go.
26:44So, Aaron and Mark, we're going to add that money
26:47to your round one total,
26:49which gives you a prize pot of £3,650.
26:55So, Tilda and Tom, you're last to play.
26:57Come on down to the answer room.
27:06So, Tilda and Tom, last up.
27:08And again.
27:09Again, which means you end up with...
27:13..Duran Duran, Spando Ballet.
27:14Is it the one you would have picked?
27:16Yes. I would have done probably, yeah.
27:18Yes, I think so, yeah.
27:19It's our era, isn't it?
27:20Yeah, well, there you go, then.
27:21Well, let's hope it works out for you.
27:23Let's hope so.
27:24So, we'll prep the answer room.
27:25You are going to be swiping left for Duran Duran
27:27and right for Spando Ballet.
27:29You need £2,550 to go through.
27:32You've got 15 questions, 90 seconds on the clock,
27:36and it's all to play for.
27:38Watch the money.
27:39Yeah, I will do.
27:40We'll put a clock up for the viewers at home.
27:42Your time starts now.
27:44A band member played Steve Owen in EastEnders.
27:48Spando Ballet.
27:50Spando Ballet, very good, £400.
27:53Won the Best British Video Brit Award for The Wild Boys.
27:56Duran Duran.
27:57I'm not waiting.
27:58Oh, right.
28:00Duran Duran, you waited too long.
28:02I did.
28:03Their first UK top ten single was To Cut A Long Story Short.
28:07Spando Ballet.
28:09Spando Ballet.
28:10Got to get that timing right.
28:12Had a 1984 UK top ten single with a day of the week in the title.
28:16I'm not sure.
28:18New Moon on Monday.
28:20Duran Duran.
28:21Performed at Live Aid in Philadelphia in 1985.
28:24Spando Ballet.
28:26It was Duran Duran, very good.
28:28Released the 1981 UK top ten single Chant No. 1.
28:32Spando Ballet.
28:34There we go, £500, Spando Ballet.
28:37Lead singer's boat drum capsized during the Fastnet race.
28:42Duran Duran.
28:43It's like you're doing it on purpose, Tom.
28:45Saxophonist is Steve Norman.
28:47No idea.
28:48Spando Ballet.
28:49Spando Ballet.
28:51Yes, Spando Ballet, very good.
28:53Recorded a Bond theme song.
28:55Duran Duran.
28:59A view to a kill.
29:00You keep getting that lower amount.
29:02Their line-up includes two brothers.
29:04Spando Ballet.
29:05I know, I'm waiting.
29:08Spando Ballet it is, very good.
29:10Had more UK number one singles.
29:12This is worth £600.
29:16You did right to avoid that.
29:18What would you have gone for?
29:20What would you have gone for?
29:21Duran Duran.
29:22Yeah, you'd have been correct there.
29:24Worth £600.
29:25Obviously £300 with Tom swiping.
29:27We did all right in the end, though, didn't we?
29:29Mate, look, you did absolutely brilliant work.
29:31I only got one wrong.
29:32No, you didn't get any wrong.
29:33All right.
29:34£2,850 is a cracking amount, so well done.
29:37So, Steve Owen and EastEnders, you knew that one straight away,
29:39that was Martin Kemp.
29:41Wild Boys, of course, Duran Duran, you knew that one.
29:43That's right.
29:44They performed at Live Aid, Philadelphia.
29:46That was, of course, Duran Duran, Spando Ballet were at Wembley.
29:49And the Bond theme, you knew that one.
29:52Do you remember what it was called?
29:53A View To A Kill.
29:54A View To A Kill, very good.
29:55And their line-up, of course, includes two brothers,
29:57which you knew very well as well.
29:59The Kray brothers, weren't they?
30:00Yeah, there you go.
30:01Well, that absolutely landed on your lap there, didn't it, guys?
30:04I couldn't believe it when it came up on the board at the beginning.
30:06Smashed it, fantastic, well done.
30:09Head on back.
30:14So, we're going to add that £2,850 to Tilda and Tom's round one total,
30:19which takes your prize pot to £3,800.
30:22Well done.
30:28Sadly, that means we have to say goodbye to Rakhi and Rajan.
30:31I'm so sorry, guys, you played brilliantly well.
30:35I think, on our best day, we're still not competing with that.
30:39No, honestly, on another time, you'd have been right through.
30:42You've come up against two brilliant teams here, unfortunately.
30:45They had good categories for themselves.
30:47And the categories really, really landed.
30:49You weren't going to pick Spandau Ballet.
30:52No, exactly, fair enough.
30:53Well, I hope you've had a lovely day, anyway,
30:55and it's been a nice experience.
30:56It's been great.
30:57Great to meet you.
30:58Rakhi and Rajan, everybody!
31:04Now it's time for the head-to-head, and here is how it's going to work.
31:08The head-to-head is all about being in control.
31:11Both teams will face the answer run at the same time.
31:13Whoever is in play will answer questions until they get one wrong.
31:17Once a wrong answer is given, play will switch to the other team,
31:20and that will keep happening every time somebody gives me
31:22an incorrect answer.
31:23To decide who will start the round,
31:25we're going to play another qualifier question.
31:27Fingers on buzzers.
31:28In which UK city is the palace of Holyroodhouse?
31:34That's in Edinburgh.
31:36Come on down, well done.
31:42Tilden and Tom, first to the answer run this time.
31:46Feels a bit better, doesn't it? Yes.
31:48You get to start in control.
31:50Today's head-to-head category is...
31:57Could be anything, couldn't it? Yeah.
31:59There's 15 questions.
32:01This time you've got two minutes on the clock.
32:04Remember, if you keep answering, you will stay in control of the board.
32:09But as you can see, Aaron and Matt there,
32:11just ominously hovering in the background, waiting to pounce,
32:14hoping you get one wrong.
32:15Once again, each question has two values.
32:18Tom, I can't reiterate this enough.
32:20There's two values. I know.
32:22There's a higher one and a lower one. I'm always hopeless.
32:25Try and go for the higher one if you can.
32:27If you're not so sure, go low.
32:29Answer run, get ready.
32:31You're going to swipe left for 100, right for 101.
32:35Tilden, Tom, your time starts now.
32:38Cricket tournament launched in 2021.
32:41Don't know. 100.
32:44US route that crosses the Golden Gate Bridge.
32:47Is it 101?
32:50101 for 500. Well done.
32:53US TV series starring Jamie Lynn Spears, Zoe...
32:57100? I don't know.
33:00Oh, stop the clock. It was Zoe 101.
33:03Let's swap over. No.
33:05Erin and Matt in control.
33:08OK, let's restart the clock.
33:11Zeros following one in a Google.
33:15I think 100, not confident.
33:18100, well done. You're in the lead.
33:21Album released in November 2018.
33:23Now, that's what I call music blank.
33:25It could be either. I think it's 100.
33:27OK, 101.
33:29Well done, good timing.
33:31It's a palindromic number.
33:34That's right, same forward as backwards.
33:37Non-emergency police phone number in the UK.
33:42Here we go.
33:44101, good timing.
33:46Age the comedians Bob Hope and George Burns live to.
33:49This is worth £2,000.
33:51I think 100, not confident.
33:54100, well done.
33:56Can check out in darts with treble 17 and bullseye.
34:00I'm going to guess 100, but I don't know for sure.
34:02OK, OK.
34:06One tenth of a millennium.
34:08That's got to be 100 because it's a random number.
34:10Yes, yes.
34:11There we go.
34:13Very good, 300.
34:15Tallest office building in Taiwan is named Taipei blank.
34:19Oh, I'm not confident.
34:21I'm not confident. Let me guess 100.
34:23101, well done. 500.
34:25Room number in George Orwell's 1984.
34:29That one...
34:34Science fiction series first broadcast in 2014.
34:37I have no idea and I wrote my PhD on science fiction.
34:41I'm not confident 100.
34:43It is the 100.
34:46Senators in US Senate.
34:52A US question at the end there as well.
34:55Would have got there.
34:57What would you have gone for?
34:59Now I'm going to embarrass myself. I'm pretty sure it's 100.
35:01It is 100.
35:03It's worth £1,000, unfortunately.
35:05You didn't quite get there.
35:07But what an amount, £8,650.
35:09You've got to be pleased with that.
35:11Well done, Aaron and Matt.
35:13Come on forward, Tilda and Tom.
35:17Aw, lucky Tilda and Tom.
35:19That was bad luck, wasn't it?
35:21Yeah, we lost control.
35:23They weren't letting you have it back, were they?
35:27It was on, it was a TV show.
35:29I'd never heard of it.
35:31Did you know that one, Aaron?
35:33Never watched it, but I knew it.
35:35Were you in it?
35:39Tilda and Tom, safe journey back to Lythampton.
35:41It's been great to meet you.
35:43You too.
35:45Have a commiserations pint with your mates on Friday night.
35:47Tilda and Tom, everybody.
35:49Aaron and Matt, well done.
35:51We'll see you in today's final.
35:53Aaron and Matt,
35:55you've made it through here to the final run.
35:57How are you feeling?
36:01Famous last words, I'm nervous as hell.
36:03I just mean that I did not expect to do this well.
36:05That is the difference between our two countries.
36:07Yes, absolutely.
36:09They'll stride the glow, we'll cower from it.
36:11Misplaced confidence.
36:13Surprised, don't put it that way.
36:15So if you won some money today,
36:17what would you spend it on?
36:19So we are looking to adopt in the next few years.
36:21Our house is a lovely little cottage,
36:23but it still needs some work doing before it's ready.
36:25It needs a bit of child-proofing.
36:27Yeah, absolutely.
36:29Hopefully eight grand's worth of child-proofing to do.
36:33My advice is not to buy anything nice.
36:35Luckily, we don't have anything nice.
36:37Well, there you go, perfect.
36:39We're ahead of the game.
36:41£8,650 is what you are playing for today.
36:43That is a hell of a lot of money.
36:45Yeah, it is.
36:47Do some housework and probably something left over there
36:49Yes, please.
36:51Aaron's not really been many places.
36:53Americans don't travel in the way that we do.
36:55No, of course.
36:57It would be nice to be able to take him somewhere lovely.
36:59See a bit of the world.
37:01Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
37:03Because what stands between you and that money
37:05is one final run.
37:07This time, when you give me a correct answer,
37:09the question will turn into a gold block.
37:11You have just 90 seconds.
37:13Answer eight questions in a row
37:15and that stack will reach the jackpot line
37:17and you'll be walking away
37:19with that £8,650.
37:21But if at any point you answer incorrectly
37:23or if a question hits the top of the stack,
37:25you will have to start again from scratch.
37:27So your thinking time
37:29actually gets shorter
37:31the higher your stack gets.
37:33If at the end of 90 seconds you reach the halfway line,
37:35we will give you half of your prize pot.
37:37Which would still do some work,
37:39wouldn't it, in the house?
37:41So let's have a look at your all-important
37:43final choice of categories.
37:47Yorkshire, Kent.
37:491970s, 1980s.
37:51I've got a feeling
37:53what you might go for.
37:55Both of those are abominations.
37:57Mind you, I went to school
37:59in Yorkshire.
38:01I'm not entirely cognisant
38:03of whether I've been to Kent or not.
38:05Well, they're two very different counties, aren't they?
38:07It doesn't help you, Aaron, unfortunately.
38:09It's just all England.
38:11We were both born in the 1980s,
38:13and the 1980s aren't going to be the best for us.
38:15Oh, Aaron, come on.
38:17I can't do this.
38:19I think
38:2170s and 80s might be the better one.
38:23Only because
38:25that may span
38:27more things that we both would know.
38:29Whereas Yorkshire, Kent is going to be
38:31basically all on me.
38:33And I don't want that burden. I'll cry. I'll really cry.
38:35Let's go with that.
38:3770s, 80s it is.
38:39Alright, let's go
38:41with 70s and 80s.
38:43You're going to swipe
38:45left for the 1970s,
38:47right for the 1980s.
38:49We'll put a clock up for the viewers at home.
38:51Best of luck, guys.
38:53Let's start the clock.
38:55Margaret Thatcher was first elected Prime Minister.
39:01Docklands Light Railway opened.
39:03I was just about to say, it's the 80s.
39:07The fall of the Berlin Wall.
39:11Cold War historian.
39:13The first commercial Concorde flight took place.
39:15That's got to be the 80s.
39:17No, it was 1976.
39:19That's OK, we've got time.
39:21The Prince's Trust Charity was established.
39:2518.5 million people watched
39:27the World Snooker Championship Final.
39:31Steve Davies and Dennis Taylor.
39:33Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale was published.
39:35I think it was 79.
39:37OK, let's do it.
39:39It was 1985. We start again, we've got time.
39:41Space Invaders.
39:43The arcade game was first released.
39:47Jackie Collins' Hollywood Wives was published.
39:51The first Star Wars film was released.
39:55Can we get halfway? Here we go.
39:57Nick Nack's Corn Snacks were launched in the UK.
40:01The city of Bath was listed
40:03as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
40:07Bagpuss was first broadcast.
40:11Blockbuster Video Shop first opened in the UK.
40:15The police had more UK number one singles.
40:19Let's go again!
40:21The first Men's Rugby World Cup took place.
40:27Oh, well.
40:29Oh, guys.
40:31That was on me, I'm sorry.
40:33No, no, it's OK.
40:35We did really well, though, overall.
40:37You're lovely, thank you.
40:39The police!
40:41Never forgive them.
40:43That was such a tough one there at the end.
40:45It's fine.
40:47I was born in 1984, so the 70s, the 80s,
40:49they're kind of a cost bearer for me.
40:51Yeah, of course.
40:53It was a tough question to get there, as well.
40:55It was.
40:57More number ones in the 80s than in the 70s.
40:59Oh, guys, just the way they fall, unfortunately.
41:01I mean, you did get eight questions,
41:03they just weren't all in a row, unfortunately,
41:05on this occasion.
41:07Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
41:09Still proud.
41:11You should be proud, and I certainly hope it doesn't put you off
41:13and you find another way of making that house child-safe
41:15to start your family in the future.
41:17We'll be fine, thank you.
41:19I'm sure you will.
41:21Aaron and Matt, everybody, thanks for playing.
41:25I hope you've enjoyed the show at home.
41:27We'll see you next time when three more teams
41:29take on the next round.