EastEnders 24nd August 2024

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00:37Breezy you in there?
00:46Now you look like a bloke who enjoys a good knees up.
00:49We're having a house warming party over at number one. Everyone's welcome, yeah?
00:53Can I do a punch that'll put hairs on your chest?
00:55Sounds good to me, mate.
00:59Oh, here she is.
01:02Now my Harry tells me you're a bit of a celebrity around here.
01:04Now I can see why.
01:06No, you're not going to get round me that easily.
01:08Oh no, you kicked out a mother.
01:10My niece, out of her house, which was formerly my house,
01:14because my late husband built it for me and my kids.
01:16And now you're going to have a party and rub it in her face?
01:18No, we didn't exactly kick her out.
01:20No, no, no, hey, hey, please.
01:22Let the lady say her piece.
01:24Yeah, you lot are out of order.
01:26Chelsea has been paying off that disgusting man's mortgage for years.
01:29So what, she just walks away with nothing?
01:31First, I'm very sorry about your family trouble, I really am.
01:34But the bottom line is this deal was a hands-off sale.
01:36And I bought it to be closer to my own family.
01:39In some ways, you're lucky I did.
01:41Because you could have ended up with all sorts on this square.
01:43And who's to say that we ain't?
01:45Come on, please, let's let bygones be bygones
01:47and you come to my housewarming party.
01:49Because I can tell you're a girl that loves a cocktail.
01:52Or maybe two or three.
01:53Well, I have been known to partake in the odd G&T and dirty daffodils.
01:57Brilliant, because I make a mean cocktail.
01:59And my party's a legend.
02:01Great music, great company.
02:03We might skip the 3am limbo this time.
02:06I was almost left singing soprano the way I landed on that part.
02:09I used to love a limbo.
02:11Mate, I used to be called the limbo champion once upon a time.
02:15Oh, yeah.
02:16But now it's all about the dodgy mind.
02:20But unfortunately, I can't make it because I'm going to the carnival.
02:24And Penny's got a carnival theme at Peggy's,
02:27so I've got a lot of sequins to sew.
02:32It's hardly going to be a party if no-one turns up.
02:35Some of them are going to need a bit more buttering up, that's all.
02:38What's all that about moving here for family?
02:41You want me to tell her the truth?
02:43Mate, that's the party line.
02:45If anyone asks, we moved here for the school and family.
02:48Catch you later.
02:51Thanks for letting me crash last night.
02:53Oh, anything, Bob. You're more than welcome here.
02:55But you might want to think about smoothing it over with Ginny.
02:58Only because Cat's back next week and the house is full of big boys.
03:02Might as well turn on the old Monroe chart.
03:05Yeah, well, I had to, mate, because my back can't take another night on your sofa.
03:09Your back?
03:11I've been working with a back-back all week.
03:14Sorry you've had one single night of discomfort.
03:17Wait, Jean, please. Let me try and explain.
03:20I'll get you a drink in a bit later.
03:21Harvey, you know I only drink on special occasions,
03:24so are you calling this a special occasion?
03:27You think a few sips of wine is going to sort this?
03:31You put our family in danger,
03:33and right now I am too angry to listen to anything that you have to say.
03:39I'm so disappointed in you.
03:49Do you want a cake with your coffee?
03:51Um, no. I've had way too much for this week.
03:55Let me buy you that cake, Kirstie. At least I can do it.
03:58No, thank you.
04:00And just so you know, your brand of flattery might work for some,
04:03but I know men like you.
04:05You are a Mitchell after all.
04:09Well, it's totally fair that you might think that,
04:11but I like to think I'm the bloke that gives men a good name and not a bad one.
04:15And you'll have to forgive my boy,
04:17because he tends to put his size nines in it more times than I care to remember.
04:21So, please, just tell me what I can do to make this right.
04:26Nothing. It's fine.
04:29Do you know, I bought that house to be nearer my own family.
04:33More importantly, to get my youngest, Barney, into a different school.
04:37I never meant to step on anyone's toes.
04:40And I'm sorry if I have.
04:44Well, I guess you want to know.
04:47I just always thought I'd be raising my son in that house.
04:51You know, I do get it.
04:53It might seem insensitive to be throwing a party when you've only just left again.
04:58But it's for the kids, really.
05:00For them to meet everyone.
05:02It's been really tough for them, the youngest especially.
05:05So I'd love it if you could come along.
05:08I'd even name my new cocktail after you.
05:11How about that?
05:13Well, I am due a cocktail with my name on it.
05:17I'll think about it.
05:21OK, let's go.
05:27Oh, yeah, please. Let me.
05:30Sorry. My gas bill must have come out of my account.
05:34Another fun day as a single mum. Thank you.
05:37It's all right.
05:39Listen, that girl has been through a lot.
05:41She don't leave men like you coming in here for her and their weight around.
05:44Yeah. Has anyone heard anything from Rhys or Sonia?
05:47Still at the police station, maybe.
05:49They kept him in overnight. It must be serious.
05:51I can't get my head around it. Sonia!
05:53No, Sonia can't have anything to do with that.
05:57She's under us. It's her job to care for people.
06:02Maybe they're just holding her for information.
06:04I am sure there's nothing to worry about.
06:07Take it from your face as you've heard, then.
06:10Heard what?
06:12I just spoke to Uncle Jack.
06:14Sonia's been charged with murder.
06:22What's going to happen to me?
06:24You'll be transferred to prison later.
06:28I'm going straight to prison?
06:30What about bail?
06:32You don't get bail for murder, love.
06:35You should eat, especially in your condition.
06:48Have you heard from Sonia?
06:50Yeah, they've charged her.
06:52Are you kidding me? With what?
06:56I've just told them.
06:58This is crazy. What are you going to do about it?
07:00Is she going to make bail?
07:02No, they won't give her bail, not in a murder case.
07:04What about Rhys?
07:05They've let him out, apparently.
07:07Well, I put my money on him pinning it on Rhys, not Sonia.
07:09Why? What have you got against Rhys?
07:13He's got money problems.
07:15He conned me and Phil out quite a bit.
07:17He's not the sweet, bumbling guy we all think he is.
07:19You know, he stole from Debbie and her parents and all.
07:21Mum slipped her hand.
07:23He was after the life insurance.
07:24She don't trust him as far as she can find me.
07:26I am telling you, there is something not right about this.
07:28Maybe she's covering for him.
07:30Sonia's not a murder issue.
07:31There's no way she'd know anything about this.
07:33I'm going to speak to Rhys. He's got something to explain.
07:38Rhys, there's not anything you can do, Uncle Jack.
07:40Do the police even know all this about Rhys?
07:43I don't know. I'm going to find out.
07:50Morning. You ready?
07:52Just need your scroll on there and we're all done.
08:01What's the problem?
08:03I thought this deal was done.
08:05My client's very keen to get this wholesale tied up today.
08:08I know he is.
08:10We won't mind agreeing to just one more term,
08:13before we make it official.
08:21Rhys, I know you're in there.
08:22Just open the door and I'll let you know as soon as you open it, all right?
08:31She's been charged with murder.
08:33Did you know that?
08:34I can't talk right now, Martin.
08:35I'm going to the police station.
08:36Sonia did not do this.
08:38And yet you're walking around and she ain't.
08:40Look, what is going on?
08:42What am I supposed to tell our daughter?
08:45Look, Rhys, I know you stole all the money.
08:49So why do the police think it's Sonia and not you?
08:53Look, they've got DNA.
08:55Sonia visited Debbie on the day she died.
08:57And her DNA, well, it's on the pillow they claim was used to.
09:02Used to what?
09:04They say they can prove that Debbie was smothered.
09:07And the pillow had Sonia's DNA on it.
09:10That's got to be a mistake, innit?
09:11Yes, it is. It's a huge mistake.
09:14Right, so Sonia's was the only DNA on it?
09:17Well, mine was on it too.
09:19So why haven't they charged you?
09:21Because I've got an alibi and they've checked it so they know it wasn't me.
09:25There's surely loads of people going in and out of that room, mate.
09:27You know, exactly.
09:28And the police get it wrong all the time, don't they?
09:30The statistics are dreadful.
09:33So what are you going to do about it?
09:35I've got all the medical documentation about the IVF,
09:37you know, how fragile the pregnancy is.
09:39I mean, they can't keep her locked up, can they?
09:42Sonia will be home with me tonight on the sofa like she's meant to be.
09:46Well, you better hope she is, Rhys.
09:48Because this is all on you.
09:53Hey, please, come in, come in.
09:56Glad you could make it.
09:57Well, Chelsea said we should give you a chance, so I thought, you know, why not?
10:01Oh, you better not let me down with the limbo, though.
10:04Great tunes.
10:06What's your name?
10:08It's happened, Rhys.
10:09It's happened. Please.
10:10Harry, Al, go and get that big stick from the back
10:13and please put some proper music on.
10:15Where's your brother?
10:16I'll give you a clue.
10:17It involves sitting in a corner and reading a book.
10:22So did you tell Mo about Will?
10:24No, not yet.
10:25He got top marks in his GCSEs.
10:27All eights and nines.
10:29Proper little brain blobs.
10:30What's eight and nines?
10:33A stars.
10:34Well, why don't they say that, then?
10:36I don't know where he gets his brains from, but they're definitely not from Billy.
10:40Very intelligent, I'll have you know.
10:42Anyway, he got the marks he needed for his college course, which is...
10:46Health and social care.
10:47Health and social care.
10:49Very proud of him, aren't we, bub?
10:51Oh, well, then, how's he going to celebrate?
10:54Oh, he's going to one of those, you know, big music festivals.
10:57I mean, they all go to them, don't they, when they don't go to GCSEs?
11:00Yeah, but you say music, and I had a look at the line-up,
11:03but there was not one name on there that I knew.
11:05I mean, who is Fred again?
11:09It's not for you, is it, Billy?
11:10No, it ain't.
11:12You have to be careful at them festivals.
11:15All sorts go on there.
11:16No, it'll be absolutely fine, Mo.
11:19I've packed him off with plenty of underwear and a decent stash.
11:23You can never have enough condoms at a music festival.
11:25I was talking about toilet roll.
11:28Oh, well, he's a good boy.
11:29Won't be getting up to any of that.
11:31Are you in charge of the music here?
11:32Oh, yeah.
11:33Yeah, any chance of playing something that we've all heard of?
11:35Who's bad as the old man?
11:37So, what was so bad about your old school, Barney?
11:41Well, Billy said you were moving house because of your old school.
11:45That's a bit bad, moving the wall for night.
11:47Yeah, no, it was, um...
11:49There weren't enough books at the old place, right?
11:52They didn't have the subjects I wanted to study.
11:55And the chess club was rubbish.
11:57Ah, and, well, we wanted to be near our new family, didn't we, Dad?
12:01That's right, son.
12:02See, family, the most important thing.
12:05Here we are.
12:07I'm sorry, sir, but that just isn't possible.
12:10You have to let me see her. This isn't right.
12:12It's all right. I've got this.
12:14Jack, how is she?
12:16How do you think?
12:18She's been charged with murder.
12:20And what is going on?
12:22Cos I know in my gut that Sonia wouldn't have had anything to do with this,
12:24but they've got DNA evidence.
12:26She would plump Debbie's clothes all the time.
12:27Of course her DNA would be on them.
12:29Weren't you doing anything to help?
12:31I can't get involved in the case, can I?
12:33She's pregnant.
12:34They can't lock her up. It's inhumane.
12:36Please, Jack, I don't know what to do.
12:39What do you think happened to Debbie?
12:42Well, I'm not a medical professional or a coroner.
12:45I don't know.
12:46But I've brought Sonia for vitamins.
12:48It's really important she gets them cos she's so ill in her pregnancy
12:51and we've been through so much.
12:53I don't know if she'll be happy at them, but I'll ask her, all right?
12:56I need to see her. I need her to know it's going to be OK.
12:59You can't, Rhys.
13:00You're being useless at everything else.
13:01Why can't you at least help me see her so she knows I'm going to sort this all out?
13:04I'm going to go and see her now, all right?
13:18Hey, I heard about Sonia. It's dreadful.
13:20It's lunacy.
13:22As if Sonia could hurt a fly.
13:24What is it? Anything I can do to help?
13:26Well, we'll know more later.
13:30How's things with Jean?
13:31A little bird told me you're keeping at Alfie's.
13:34Oh, no, it's fine.
13:36Just letting the dust settle.
13:39Yeah, well, don't let it settle for too long.
13:42The longer you let it stew, the longer it takes to sort out.
13:49Right, come on. Get me a glass of wine.
13:52And let's work out how we can get you back into the good books, eh?
13:59I didn't... I didn't do it.
14:02I didn't do it.
14:04I didn't.
14:08I don't understand why this is happening to me.
14:12She was alive when I left.
14:15Who could have done this?
14:18Is there any possibility it was Rhys that killed Debbie?
14:25Look, it just... it don't add up, Son.
14:28I mean, he lied to you in the beginning, didn't he?
14:30Yeah, but he was under a lot of stress.
14:33OK, look, he lied about where he got the IVF money from.
14:37And Martin said that he...
14:39he stole money from Debbie and her parents,
14:41and they haven't got a good thing to say about him.
14:43Yeah, well, Rhys said that they never liked him.
14:47Do you know about the money that he took from Phil and Sharon?
14:50It takes a lot to swindle a mutual.
14:52Look, just stop it, all right?
14:55He's a good man. I know he's made mistakes,
14:57but you're making him out to be some sort of monster, and he's not!
15:00I'm just stating the facts.
15:02Look, no-one thinks it's you, all right?
15:05But him, well...
15:07I know it's your job to be suspicious.
15:10But you want to know how to fly.
15:12He cries at nature documentaries.
15:14He cries at nature documentaries and stupid films.
15:19He brings me tea and toast in bed.
15:22Darling, I know a few bad boys are quite a rungle, it's not...
15:25I know him.
15:26All that money stuff, that was for us.
15:30So we could have a family.
15:33Anyway, the police have let him go.
15:35He's got an alibi.
15:38Look, it's easy to fix an alibi.
15:40Look, me and this baby...
15:44they mean everything in the world to him.
15:47He wouldn't leave me in here. He couldn't.
15:50You're wrong, Jack.
15:53If you just let him in here to see me, you'll see.
16:00I judged Rocky so harshly.
16:02I pushed him, and...
16:04it turns out I'm no better.
16:06I've been lying to Gina all this time.
16:08No, it's not the same.
16:11I just feel like...
16:13I'm never going to be able to put one of the mistakes I made with Aaron behind me.
16:17I go through everything. I could have done differently over and over.
16:22It keeps me awake at night still.
16:26I know what it's like to wonder if you've done the right thing.
16:30Time is a great healer, though, Harvey.
16:33And Gina loves you.
16:35She'll see that everything you did, you did out of the goodness of your heart.
16:40I can't imagine what Rocky would make of all this stuff, his son.
16:43We'd all be wearing free Sonia T-shirts by now, or...
16:46I don't know, he'd have...
16:47some famous detective that he knew would turn up and help,
16:50because Rocky helped him solve a case way back in the day.
16:53We'd all be waiting for Kojak to come through the door.
16:59I just wish I could do more for Sonia, you know?
17:02I feel so helpless.
17:03She's got plenty of people who love her.
17:05And they'll reach out if she needs anything.
17:07And Gina loves you, Harvey.
17:09I know she'll forgive you.
17:15You're a bit early.
17:17It's a pub, right?
17:19Since when do you put a pun away from having a drink?
17:26What happened with Maxine?
17:29Gina mentioned you knocked it on the head.
17:33Need to have a little word with my flatmate about speaking out of school.
17:37Just fizzled out.
17:39That doesn't mean I'm getting back with Monique, though.
17:41I don't want to interfere.
17:43That's funny, cos it sounds like that's exactly what you're trying to do.
17:45I just want you to find someone who makes you happy,
17:48like Lainey makes me.
17:50I've made a lot of mistakes,
17:52cos we always think there's a lot of people out there for us,
17:54but special ones.
17:56Well, they're few and far between, aren't they?
17:59They're few and far between, aren't they?
18:24It was the cocktail that swung it for you, weren't it?
18:27I just wish you weren't named after one of my least favourite football teams.
18:32I like what you've done with the place.
18:34It's a work in progress.
18:36I hope it weren't any trouble getting her babysitter last minute.
18:39I know how these things can be.
18:41No, my mum's having him.
18:42So I will be having a couple of these famous cocktails, I was promised.
18:45You deserve it.
18:47You're a single parent, love. It's tough.
18:49I'm lucky. I've got lots of family around.
18:52Look, I'm not sure how you're going to take this,
18:55but I spoke to your ex's lawyer,
18:57threatened to pull out of the sale unless he coughed up a few quid.
19:01He agreed and he's put 30 grand in a trust fund for your boy.
19:06Well, why would you do that?
19:08You don't even know me.
19:10Well, I thought it was the least I could do,
19:12as I kind of bought this house from underneath you.
19:14Well, that was never my intention.
19:16I don't even know if I won his money.
19:19From what I do know, it sounds like he owes you, big time.
19:26I don't know what to say. Thank you.
19:29Don't mention it. It was the right thing to do.
19:32Although, I will be hitting your boy up for a very nice bottle of scotch
19:36when he's old enough to buy me one.
19:38Let me make you this cocktail.
19:56Kicking me out, are you?
19:59It's for me.
20:02Where are you going?
20:05I can rest my back and...
20:08He's promised to look after me.
20:12Oh, so...
20:14I'm so, so sorry, Jean. I really am.
20:16But I'm here now.
20:18I'll make your favourite dinner, yeah?
20:20That cheesy pasta you like. Yeah.
20:24You don't have to go. I do.
20:28I know you were trying your best,
20:30and I do want to forgive you.
20:33It's just...
20:35Well, what is it they say?
20:37Judge people by their actions, not their words.
20:43I just need some time and space away from you, Harvey, so...
20:47So, please, will you just respect that?
21:03What are you doing here?
21:05Got a new date. On to the next one.
21:07I was an idiot.
21:09Yeah, well, I won't argue with that.
21:11I've been thinking about what you said.
21:15I've been thinking about what you said.
21:17You want to watch yourself.
21:19Don't want to wear yourself out.
21:21I only want you.
21:24You've been stood up.
21:26Am I your backup plan? I mean it.
21:28You're the only one I want.
21:30I'm all yours.
21:32I went too far with Maxine, but from now on, it's just me and you.
21:37A glass of white wine, please, George.
21:40Yeah, coming right up.
21:45I'll text you later.
21:59You've got a couple of minutes, otherwise I'm in a lot of trouble, yeah?
22:06I didn't kill Arthur.
22:08I know you didn't.
22:09I was so worried you'd think that I'd done it,
22:11but I couldn't do that to you, Arthur.
22:13I know, I know.
22:15You're OK. You're eating.
22:17You need to stay calm for the baby.
22:19How can I stay calm?
22:35I need to ask you something.
22:37I don't want to, but I need to hear it from you.
22:44Did you do anything to Debbie?
22:54Dave, can I have a word, please?
23:00I've just had a call.
23:02You know who's been sniffing around back home.
23:05I want to know where they've moved to.
23:07Do you trust your old man? Yeah, of course I trust you.
23:09Well, you know I've got everything under control here.
23:11Yeah, but...
23:12Look around you, son.
23:14This is our new home.
23:16We've got the neighbours onside, and I've got big plans for us.
23:19You ain't got nothing to worry about.
23:21Unless I have it right.
23:23Whenever I ever let you down.
23:26Come on, go back out there and have some fun.
23:35Maybe, um...
23:38Mum, maybe you thought that Debbie had suffered enough.
23:41You know, I can understand it.
23:44If you wanted to help her on her way.
23:47I didn't kill her.
23:50Do you know I couldn't do something like that?
23:53I loved her.
23:55I'm sorry, I know.
23:57I think I'm recovering something now, Mum.
24:00I really do. I'm going to get to the bottom of all this.
24:03I'm just really scared.
24:05I'm just really scared.
24:07Because everything we've been through to get pregnant...
24:10I'm terrified all of it's going to go away.
24:14Joe, please, can't you do something?
24:16You know it wasn't him.
24:17And you know he couldn't have been me.
24:19Look, I can't. My hands are tied.
24:29I wanted it to be different with this baby.
24:32Pregnancy yoga.
24:35And the antenatal classes.
24:38And balancing a cup of tea on my bum.
24:42I never had that with Bex.
24:44We're still going to have all that this time.
24:46Are we?
24:47Do you know what stress does to this kind of pregnancy?
24:51All right, and even if I go full term,
24:53it's going to happen again, isn't it?
24:55They're going to take my baby away from me, aren't they?
24:58Please don't cry, please.
25:05There's a lot of strong science about the power of meditation
25:09to help keep calm.
25:12And to close your eyes.
25:17Now imagine you and me on the beach.
25:21I can't see you on the beach.
25:25In the countryside, then.
25:28In a field.
25:31The sun in our eyes.
25:36Having a picnic with our little one beside us.
25:44I want to imagine all of that.
25:46But look around you.
25:48This is where I'm going to be pregnant.
25:50This is where I'm going to have our baby.
25:52I won't let that happen.
26:00I need to tell you something.
26:06You are not having our baby in prison.
26:09I promise.
26:13I'm sorry, Sonia.
26:15I'll be ready for you now.
26:17I'm going to transfer you to the prison
26:19where you're on a weight trial, all right?
26:21They're going to put you in the medical wing,
26:23so they'll take care of you.
26:24I don't want to go.
26:25No, Jack, please, I'm scared. I don't want to go.
26:27Don't make me regret bringing you in.
26:29Oh, no, please, Jack, I'm really scared.
26:31I'm so sorry, Sonia.
26:32I'll do everything I can to get you out.
26:34I promise.
26:36I love you.
26:38I love you.