Disney’s Peter-Pan-(1953) 00I - An Part 08

  • le mois dernier


00:00Capitaine, pas de splash, pas de chanson, pas de flûte de flambeau, c'est un chingue, c'est ce que c'est, pas de splash, pas de signe de la voie, avez-vous entendu un splash?
00:14Je dis à vos amis, c'est un jour noir, moquez-moi, nous sommes d'accord avec ça, les vaisseaux sont riches, pas de splash, Capitaine.
00:23Sir, vous voulez un splash, Mr. Starkin.
00:28Je vais vous donner un splash!
00:30Qui est le prochain?
00:32Vous êtes le prochain, Hook! Cette fois, vous êtes allé trop loin!
00:35Dad, c'est moi!
00:37Et Wendy!
00:38Ce ne peut pas être!
00:39C'est un fantôme qui flûte, Mr. Starkin!
00:41Dites vos prières, Hook!
00:43Je vais vous montrer que ce fantôme a de la sang dans ses veines!
00:47Je vais le courir!
00:49Je vais le courir!
01:01C'est ça, Hook!
01:04Allez, tout le monde!
01:10Vite, Michael, vite!
01:12Don't stand there, you big rats! Get those scabby brats!
01:42This is no mere boy!
01:44She's some fiend fighting me!
01:46A flirtin' devil!
01:56Don't you fire?
01:58Steady, Wendy, steady!
02:01Clouded with the violence!
02:05Let me out!
02:09Let me out!
02:11Down, you beggar!
02:39Oh, no, my hands are burning!
02:43We're gonna kill him!
02:45Life, life, life!
02:47You coward!
02:49Coward? Me?
02:52You little...
02:54I'm gonna kill you!
02:56I'm gonna kill you!
02:58I'm gonna kill you!
03:00I'm gonna kill you!
03:02I'm gonna kill you!
03:04I'm gonna kill you!
03:06I'm gonna kill you!
03:08You wouldn't dare fight old Hook, man to man!
03:12You'd fly away like a cowardly sparrow!
03:15Nobody calls Pan a coward who lives!
03:18I'll fight you man to man, with one hand behind my back!
03:22You mean you won't fly?
03:25No, no, Peter, it's a trick!
03:27I give my word, Hook!
03:29Good! Then let's have at it!
03:54Insolent, you! Prepare to die!
03:58Life, life, Peter! Life!
04:01No! I gave my word!
04:07You're mine!
04:09I'm gonna kill you!
04:11I'm gonna kill you!
04:13Leave him to the brisket!
04:15You wouldn't do old Hook in now, would you, lad?
04:20I'll go away forever!
04:22I'll do anything you say!
04:25Well, all right, if you say you're a codfish!
04:30I'm a codfish!
04:34I'm a codfish!
04:39Hook is a codfish, a codfish, a codfish!
04:43Hook is a codfish, a codfish, a codfish!
04:46All right, Hook, you're free to go!
04:49And never return!
05:43Hooray for Captain Pan!
05:47All right, you swabs!
05:49Alas with you! We're castin' off!
05:52Heave those halyards!
05:55But Peter, oh, that is Captain Pan.
05:58At your service, madam.
06:00Could you tell me, sir, where we're sailing?
06:03To London, madam.
06:05Oh, Peter!
06:07Michael! John! We're going home!
06:11Man the capstan!
06:14Boys, anchor!
06:20Pixie dust!
06:30Pixie dust!
07:00George, I'm so glad you changed your mind about Wendy.
07:03After all, she's still a child.
07:05Oh, sure, Mary. You know I never mean those things.
07:09Do I, Nana?
07:20Wendy, what on earth are you doing there?
07:24Oh, Mother, we're back!
07:27All except the lost boys. They weren't quite ready.
07:30Lost boys? Ready?
07:32To grow up. That's why they went back to Neverland.
07:37Yes, but I am...
07:41Ready to grow up.
07:45Well, my dear, all in good time.
07:50After all, perhaps we were...
07:52Oh, but, Mother, it was such a wonderful adventure.
07:55Tinkerbell and the mermaid and Peter Pan.
07:58Oh, he was the most wonderful of all.
08:00Why, even when we were kidnapped...
08:04I knew Peter Pan would save us, and he did.
08:07And we all called him a codfish.
08:10Oh, Captain Hook, I mean.
08:12And then we sailed away on a ship in the sky.
08:16Mary, I'm going to bed.
08:20Oh, Mother, he really is wonderful, isn't he?
08:25See how well he sails the ship.
08:28George! George!
08:30Oh, what, Mary?
08:36Nana, did you see?
08:40You know, I have the strangest feeling...
08:43...that I've seen that ship before.
08:45A long time ago.
08:47When I was very young.
08:50George, dear.
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