Saving Nora Episodes 356-360

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Saving Nora Episodes 356-360 Don't forget supporting me by buying for me a coffee ☕️ Click Here For Watch All Episodes :
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00:24The moment the lights in the operating theater went off, everyone outside stood up and looked
00:30at the door. It wasn't because they cared deeply about old Maddie. It was because old Maddie's
00:36survival would determine whether Nora was guilty or not. Yvonne clenched her fists and prayed
00:42inwardly. If he died, everything would be fine. If he died, nothing could be found out from him
00:49while she was praying. Joel rested his chin pensively in his hand. Only, he knew that Nora
00:56was in the operating theater. However, she had gone in so late. Even if she was Dr. Athena,
01:04could she really save old Maddie, who was scarcely clinging to life? He took a deep breath.
01:11If old Maddie died, Nora wouldn't be able to clear her name as a suspect.
01:16It was unknown if Morris had heard the news, but he had already had his officers surround
01:22the hospital. Joel shook his head as he thought. Nora won't be able to escape, even if she grew
01:29wings as everyone waited nervously. The sound of footsteps suddenly came from the end of the
01:34corridor. The noise was very loud and orderly. It sounded like an army had arrived. Joel turned
01:42around and saw Maurice and Justin striding over. Behind them were Morris's plain-clothed
01:47subordinates. A string of twelve bodyguards in black suits followed closely behind. They seemed
01:54to be protecting Justin. This large group of people naturally attracted everyone's attention.
02:01Even Yvonne became nervous. Why is Captain Ford here? Yvonne wondered. Have they found something
02:08out and come to arrest me? Just as she thought this, she heard Joel walk over slowly and ask
02:14Captain Ford, who are all these people? Why have you brought them here? Maurice's voice was very
02:22deep as he replied, I'm sure you've already heard about Nora's escape. All of New York is on
02:27lockdown. I've brought Mr. Hunt to see if she is hiding out here. Yvonne heard this and asked in
02:33surprise. Nora escaped from the police station. How dare she? She thought angrily. And yet, won't
02:43the fact that she's broken out of police custody confirm her guilt in everyone's eyes? Yvonne's
02:50eyes lit up when Nora had said that she wanted to treat old Matty. She had been full of confidence.
02:57It had been her self-assurance that had made Yvonne panic and convince Florence to poison him.
03:02Yvonne was the Smith's eldest daughter. Lately, whenever Yvonne went out, there were always people
03:09buzzing around her trying to curry favor with the Smiths. But the one they always asked for was Nora.
03:16She was in the limelight because she was Justin's fiance. Yvonne couldn't let Nora snatch away
03:22all the glory that rightfully belonged to her. Thinking about this, Yvonne frowned with worry.
03:29Why would she break out of the station, even if it was medical malpractice? Wouldn't it be better
03:34to serve the time than break out? And break out and make the sentence longer? She looked at Joel.
03:40Did Nora contact you? Where is she? Joel narrowed his eyes at her suspiciously.
03:48Sensing his feelings, Yvonne realized she was being too anxious inside. She's just a girl.
03:55I don't know where she could hide after her escape. She probably doesn't have much money on
04:00her. I'm just worried that she'll be in even more trouble on the outside. She frowned again. Also,
04:08has she looked for Cherry? If she plans to escape, she wouldn't leave her daughter behind, would she?
04:15Cherry? Joel thought, surprised as his suspicion grew. Is she indirectly trying to remind Morris
04:23about something? Joel's gaze turned even colder. He glanced at Yvonne and scolded softly.
04:30Shut up. Yvonne immediately covered her mouth. Joel, I'm sorry. I've let it slip. I'm just worried
04:38about Nora's safety. Joel didn't say anything else. Instead, it was Morris who added,
04:44we've already confirmed that she hasn't looked for her daughter. He turned to Joel. Mr. Smith,
04:50do you know that covering up a crime constitutes a crime in itself?
04:55Joel held his gaze. Captain Ford, I don't understand what you mean. Morris looked at
05:01Justin and then back at Joel. Either of these two people could shake New York with a stomp of their
05:07feet, but at that moment, they were feigning ignorance. Morris turned to the operating
05:13theater and was about to continue when someone barged in through the outside door. Captain Ford,
05:19the news is out. Some reporters have sneaked in. Morris, his eyes darkened. The newcomer braced
05:26himself and said slowly, while we were looking for the fugitive, we realized that there were
05:31reporters blocking the exits. Now they are clamoring for the Smiths to give a statement.
05:38They claim that the Smiths treat human beings as disposable and must be held accountable,
05:44no matter how rich they are. Morris asked coldly, and you still need me to tell you
05:50how to handle this. The other man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and looked at Justin and
05:56Joel. He said, well, it's not just a few reporters. There are dozens of them. They have already
06:04blocked the entrance out of the hospital. Our people stopped them, but they're shouting outside,
06:10saying that we're orchestrating a cover-up with the Smiths. They are demanding access for the
06:15sake of transparency. Morris frowned. The greater the media attention, the more complicated things
06:22would become. They couldn't ignore the demands of the public. It could be a pure disaster.
06:29When the man saw that Morris wasn't going to blame the situation on him,
06:33he heaved a sigh of relief. Then he took out his phone and handed it to Morris.
06:38Also look, some of them are live streaming. There are already hundreds of thousands of people
06:44watching, and the number is still rising. Morris looked at his subordinate's phone and saw a female
06:50reporter standing in the hospital lobby, saying, I'm here at the hospital where the man is being
06:56treated. There are police officers at every door, which suggests that there is more going on than a
07:02simple case of medical malpractice. As the police claim, the officers are preventing us from
07:09conducting interviews and refuse to comment on the case. But rest assured, we will be pursuing
07:15this matter to its conclusion. We won't let the Smiths bury the truth and evade justice if they
07:22have committed a crime. No one is above the law. A list of comments was scrolling up the side of
07:28the screen. Andy, be careful. I bet we won't see this reporter tomorrow. Rich people treat everyone
07:36else like toys. Employees are not personal property to be thrown away when you don't want
07:41them anymore. I heard that the victim has mental health problems. He was completely defenseless,
07:48and they took advantage of him. If he dies, he's got no family of his own to ask what happened.
07:54They thought they could make him disappear and no one would care. The Smiths adopted him a few
07:59years ago, but it was just to make themselves look good. He was nothing more than a human test
08:05subject to them. A human test subject? What kind of tests are we talking about? Human experimentation
08:12here. What's going on in that family? He might not have any family to demand justice, but we can fight
08:21for him. We won't let his murderer get away with it. The comments flew up the screen. Each one of
08:28them was full of righteous hate and outrage. The words human experimentation were especially
08:35eye-catching. Morris saw them, and so did two assistants watching the same feed on their phones.
08:41They quickly showed Justin and Joel the comments before they could disappear.
08:45Justin scowled, but he wasn't worried. Joel frowned. Some people in the comments had dug out
08:51that Nora was a Smith, so their ire was spreading to the whole family. Some even specifically
08:57targeted Ayan. The Smiths were already well-known entrepreneurs. Plenty of people knew exactly who
09:04they were, but Joel still didn't speak. Yvonne narrowed her eyes when she saw this. Of course.
09:11She was the one who had called the reporters. She was worried that even if Nora's crime was
09:16confirmed, the Smiths would still manage to sweep the whole thing under the rug,
09:20even if Ayan would never allow anyone to get away with a crime. The Smiths adored Nora. She was the
09:27apple of their eyes. How could they stand by and watch her go to jail? Yvonne could only use the
09:35public's opinion to pressure them into allowing it with this level of exposure. They couldn't
09:41possibly still protect her. As Yvonne tried to reassure herself, Morris' phone rang. He picked
09:48up the call, and his attitude became respectful. Yes, sir, he paused, listening while the other
09:55party said something. Then his expression darkened again, and he said, Yes, don't worry. I'm at the
10:03hospital now. I will arrest Nora and release a new statement to the press. It will all be taken
10:10care of soon enough. It seemed like his boss was putting pressure on him to wrap things up. Yvonne
10:16was relieved, she said. Joel, how did things end up like this? Nora has escaped from police custody,
10:24and old Maddy might die. I think we should invite the reporters up here to wait with us for the
10:30outcome of old Maddy's surgery. Otherwise, the public won't believe us. Joel shot her a fierce
10:37look. How can she make such a suggestion at a time like this, seeing that Joel was still silent?
10:44Yvonne looked directly at Morris. Captain Ford, I'm sure you don't want to be seen as covering up
10:51for us. Morris smiled coldly. We have a clear conscience. Why should we be afraid of the public's
10:59conspiracy theories? Besides, are you proposing that we live stream the moment we solve a case?
11:06Miss Smith, that is not a practical suggestion. A police officer couldn't arrange a live broadcast,
11:13just like Justin and Joel. Morris wasn't afraid of what was happening in the comments.
11:18They didn't take the internet gossip seriously at all. Hearing Morris's words, Yvonne panicked.
11:25But old Maddy hasn't come out yet, which probably means he's dead. Captain Ford,
11:31I'm only suggesting this to prove that even the Smiths are innocent. Otherwise, they'll say that
11:37we're protecting Nora as soon as she said this. The door to the operating theater was pushed open.
11:44Nora is cold and hoarse. Voice rang out. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but old Maddy is not dead.
11:52The entire corridor fell silent. Everyone looked at the entrance of the operating theater.
11:59Nora was standing there wearing a surgical gown. Her face was partially covered by a mask,
12:05but everyone could see how calm and composed she was. As she spoke, she took off her gloves. Then
12:13she casually took off her surgical cap and mask. Her long hair fell down, and her beautiful face
12:19was revealed. As her mask had been relatively tight, there were two red marks on her cheeks.
12:27She looked rather comical, but no one felt like laughing because her eyes were ice cold,
12:32just and stared at her. An inexplicable sense of pride rising in him as he slowly smiled.
12:40Joel, too, was regarding her with great admiration. Morris's expression was still
12:44guarded. He couldn't openly express what emotions he was feeling, but anyone with eyes could see
12:51that he was no longer as nervous as before. The three men each had their own thoughts,
12:58but Yvonne was the one who broke the silence. She cried out in surprise. You? Why are you here?
13:05Nora walked out slowly and tossed her gloves to an officer standing outside the doors of
13:11the operating theater, who automatically caught them. Realizing that he had been treated like
13:16some kind of assistant, he wanted to return the gloves to her, but he didn't know what to say.
13:22Nora rotated her wrists and stretched her stiff neck, loosening strained muscles.
13:28The acupuncture treatment she had given old Maddy earlier had taken a full hour and a half,
13:34coupled with the eight to nine hours she had been detained, plus the surgery. She hadn't slept for
13:40a total of eleven to twelve hours. Her temper had reached its limits. She frowned at her usually cool,
13:47disinterested gaze swept over Yvonne impatiently. She snapped. Don't you have a brain? I'm here to
13:54treat old Maddy. Of course. At this, Yvonne felt a tightening like a fist in her chest.
14:01She bit her lip angrily and pretended to be innocent. Nora, please don't misunderstand.
14:08Captain Ford said you had escaped from the police. I'm just surprised to see you here.
14:14Nora ignored her as well as the strain her body was under. After such a long day. And she looked
14:20at Morris. I've saved him. I'm going back to the police station with you now. As for him,
14:27she pointed at Justin. Can we release him first? After all, we had no other choice earlier.
14:33Justin asked, didn't we already identify the unknown substance in his blood? Joel was stunned.
14:41Unknown substance. Nora looked at Morris and the others followed her gaze. Seeing that everyone
14:47was looking at him. Morris said slowly. Yes, we found an unknown substance in old Maddy's blood.
14:55So we suspected that Nora had used old Maddy to test a new drug. We detained her for privately
15:01manufacturing drugs and testing them illegally on a human subject. Everyone finally understood.
15:09Medical accidents were relatively common. But the accused doctor was usually released on bail.
15:15Pending the trial since this was not the crime that Nora had been accused of.
15:19It made much more sense that she had needed to break out of police custody to perform the
15:24operation. But Nora's eyes narrowed. Research new drugs. These words made her frown. She wanted to
15:32connect everything together, but her mind was too muddled. She decided to put the matter aside for
15:38the time being. She would work it all out after she had rested. She didn't speak. So Justin asked.
15:45So what was the substance? Morris looked at Nora and said it was a pesticide.
15:51It means that someone poisoned old Maddy. The butler has testified that Nora never used drugs
15:56on old Maddy. But this poisoning almost cost a man his life. Nora, you must continue to cooperate with
16:04our investigation. Of course, you'll be bailed out this time. And when we find out who the culprit is,
16:10you'll be released without charges. When Nora heard this, she let out a big yawn and nodded.
16:17All right. With that, she walked up to Maurice and stretched out her hands.
16:24Captain Ford, do you need to cuff me? Morris was speechless. She seemed to be mocking him.
16:32He knew that he had misunderstood her previously. Perhaps she was holding it against him. He shook
16:38his head. Nora, I'm just asking you to make a statement at the police station. There is no need
16:44for handcuffs, okay? She agreed, lowering her hands. She had only taken two steps when she
16:51realized Justin was following her. She asked, where are you going? Justin replied. Honestly,
16:59I just kidnapped Captain Ford. I must be locked up for such a serious crime.
17:05Even if only for a while. Isn't that right? Captain Ford, Morris gazed darkened. There's no need.
17:14No, I should be locked up. Justin took Nora's arm. It's best if you put us in together,
17:20Morris said. You're not married, are you? Justin's dark eyes turned to Nora and a faint
17:26smile appeared on his lips. We're engaged. The corners of Morris's lips twitched. He didn't
17:34want to bother with Justin anymore. The man was only demonstrating his affection for his fiancée.
17:41Joel said, I'll go with you to the police station. I can pick you up immediately after
17:47you finish your statement. Morris nodded and everyone began to walk out. Von, who was being
17:54completely ignored, stayed at the back of the crowd. She glared at Nora, who was surrounded by
18:00the three most powerful young men in New York, and jealousy surged in her heart. She clenched her
18:07fists tightly. After a moment, she lowered her head, got her phone out of her pocket and sent a
18:14message. Outside the hospital, reporters rushed over, swarming them like bees. Morris glowered
18:22at them all and Justin nodded at his bodyguards. Joel spotted Quentin mixed in with the crowd.
18:28The plain-clothed police and the hunts and Smith security guards came together to form a barrier
18:35around them, protecting them as the reporters shouted and jostled to get closer. Nora saw that
18:41the reporters wouldn't let up. She yawned again, heading toward the police car. Our reporter shouted,
18:48Captain Ford, why was the suspect in the hospital? Is old Maddie dead or alive? Shouldn't you give
18:55the public an explanation? Is it true that Nora Smith escaped from custody? And don't you think
19:03this is an admission of guilt? Morris's expression darkened. Nora had indeed escaped from their
19:09custody, and it was going to give him a poor reputation. However, he had refused her requests
19:16to be let out because at the time he had thought she was making excuses. After all, old Maddie had
19:23seemed beyond saving. He had looked at the medical report himself on the way to the hospital,
19:29and other doctors had claimed that it couldn't be done. So what could she have done? But Nora had
19:36stabilized him. Old Maddie's breathing was even, and he had been sent to the I.Q. for observation.
19:44Morris had underestimated and misunderstood her. Not only that, but the presence of pesticides in
19:50old Maddie's blood showed that someone had poisoned him. There was no human experimentation.
19:57Nora had only broken out of the station to save his life. By way of apology, Morris quietly decided
20:04not to charge her with escaping police custody. He would have to cover for her. He stopped in his
20:10tracks and looked squarely at the reporter. Nora Smith didn't break out of the station.
20:16She was here to treat a patient. Treat a patient. The reporter scoffed. How can she be free to treat
20:23patients when she stands accused of serious medical malpractice? Captain Ford, I think
20:29you're colluding with the Smiths in the hunts. This is a cover-up, isn't it? One of the other
20:34reporters asked. What's going on? Shouldn't Miss Smith's medical license be suspended?
20:40How can you permit her to work on patients while she's charged with medical malpractice?
20:46Another reporter asked. Is it true that the patient has a serious mental health disorder
20:51and cannot legally make decisions regarding his own health care?
20:55Do you think it's right to allow the attacker to work on him? Morris replied slowly.
21:02The other doctors have issued their own medical reports on the patient,
21:06but all stated that they were unable to save him. They felt his only chance was to let Miss Smith
21:12operate. The decision to let her come to the hospital and work on him was made to save his
21:18life. This made the reporter who had asked the last question laugh. All the doctors said that
21:24it was hopeless and only Miss Smith could treat him. Officer, do you really expect people to
21:31believe that? Can she bring people back from the dead? Morris frowned. The reporter continued.
21:38I think you brought her here to take credit for it so that she would look like the hero.
21:43I have an insider at the hospital. I heard that old Maddy's illness was incurable.
21:49There is currently only one doctor in the world who could treat him, and that's Dr. Athena.
21:55The Hunts know Dr. Athena, so I believe they called her in to treat old Maddy. Then you
22:01colluded with the Hunts and the Smiths and brought Nora to the operating theater to snatch the credit
22:08and repair her public image. The reporter went on. You thought that everyone would decide that
22:14she hasn't harmed him after all, if she was the one who treated him, but this plan is fooling no
22:20one. All we see is police corruption. How much did the Smiths and Hunts pay you to go along with
22:27this scheme? What kind of police department allows the wealthy to be above the law? Is the attempted
22:33murder of a vulnerable person no longer a crime if the perpetrators were rich enough? The reporter
22:40spoke vociferously, and the other reporters around him were quick to align themselves with him,
22:46calling out to Nora. Do you think you can do whatever you want? Just because you have money?
22:52This is a lawful society. Do you have anything to say to the public in your defense?
22:59The people want an explanation. We will not let this matter rest. We will have justice.
23:06The livestream comments were also flying in. This is too much. I'm so angry. Our ordinary people's
23:13lives, so insignificant. Rich people are despicable. They can get away with anything.
23:20People like them are the scum of society. They should all be thrown in prison. In the hospital,
23:28Yvonne watched Andy's livestream and smiled. Justin and Joel had little regard for public
23:34opinion, but they had forgotten that sometimes public opinion could be very powerful. Yvonne
23:40had observed everything that the reporters had said. The Hunts and the Smiths had brought Nora
23:45to the hospital. Justin had found Dr. Athena, yet he had given all the credit to Nora. Yvonne
23:53wouldn't allow such a thing to go on as she was thinking about this. She heard Marie say on a
23:59livestream, you guys are talking nonsense. I let Ms. Smith come because she was the only one who
24:05could treat the patient. The reporter retorted, the way I heard it, only Dr. Athena could treat him.
24:12Yes, only Dr. Athena could treat him. Nora rubbed her temples. All she wanted to do was go home
24:21and sleep. She barked at the reporter impatiently. Do you know who I am? Who are you? The reporter
24:29asked scathingly, someone who claims they're apparently more skilled than the famous Dr. Athena.
24:35We want to see old Maddy's medical records. The others echoed. Yes, we want to see old
24:42Maddy's medical records. We want to see who the attending doctor is, Nora said.
24:48The attending doctor is indeed Dr. Athena. The reporter heaved a sigh of relief. Then this has
24:55nothing to do with you. You're the one who put him in the hospital and you will be pursued by the law.
25:02You can't be acquitted just because your family hired Dr. Athena to save the patient.
25:07Nora's eyes were cold. She looked at him and said slowly, but what if I'm Dr. Athena?
25:15The reporter is outside the hospital and the audience watching through their phones and TV
25:21screens all fell silent at once, as if someone had suddenly pressed a mute button. Everyone
25:28stared at Nora in disbelief. She was Dr. Athena. This young woman looked to be in her early 20s.
25:36Could she really be Dr. Athena? It was unbelievable. The reporter gulped. You're
25:43joking, right? Nora didn't reply. However, his sound technician leaned toward him and asked,
25:52how could it be a joke? She couldn't lie about something like this. It would be too easily
25:58investigated. And this is a live broadcast. Thousands of people just heard her say it.
26:04If she was lying, she could be sued. Dr. Athena only takes two operations a month,
26:11noted someone else. I used to think that was strange, but now I understand. Dr. Athena doesn't
26:18need to do more than that because she's already rich. So she was telling the truth about treating
26:24old Maddy. She wasn't fishing for fame. Of course not. Dr. Athena doesn't need to boost her
26:31reputation. Then what's going on? If you didn't hurt old Maddy, what happened to him? And why
26:39did the police arrest you? Before Nora could answer any of these questions, Maurice had already
26:45spoken up for her. Old Maddy was poisoned. We found an unknown substance in his blood,
26:52so we have invited Miss Smith to the police station to cooperate with the investigation.
26:57As soon as these words were out, someone said, then you arrested her wrongly, Captain Ford.
27:04Why would Dr. Athena poison her own patient? Yeah, she's not stupid. If she had really meant
27:10to kill the man, she wouldn't have just saved his life. Having heard the truth, the reporters
27:16turned their criticism on Maurice. Didn't you arrest an innocent person? That's right. How can
27:24you have arrested her without first investigating thoroughly? The reporters who spoke up for Nora
27:30kept looking at her to see if she had noticed their change of tactics.
27:34Some even introduced themselves to her, ingratiating, and asked her flattering questions
27:39about her work. Maurice was astounded. The reporters had changed their opinions at the
27:44speed of light. It was as though a switch had been flipped and their hatred had turned into
27:50fawning admiration. This attitude seemed to spread to his own officers and the bodyguards,
27:56whose stance changed significantly. The officers who were originally surrounding Nora,
28:01preventing her from escaping, now guided her much more respectfully. Miss Smith, come this way.
28:09Stand back. Please. Let her through. Maurice couldn't believe it. Their sycophantic behavior
28:16was unbearable to watch. He waved his hand. All right. Listen up. We're not imprisoning Miss
28:23Smith. We're bringing her back to the station to make a statement, and that's all. If there is
28:29nothing else, please move along. The reporters had thought they were chasing a story in which
28:35a daughter of a famous wealthy family had treated an employee with terrible cruelty.
28:40They hadn't expected the twist in the tale. The story had changed entirely, and they had broken
28:46the big news that Nora Smith was in fact the world-renowned Dr. Athena. The new story was
28:52even better than the original. The reporters were excited and agitated, but their aggression had
28:58evaporated, and they obediently made way so that Nora and the others could pass. Nora and Justin
29:05were surrounded by a respectful and watchful crowd as they got into a police car. Meanwhile,
29:12in the hospital, Yvonne saw this news on the livestream, and she clenched her fists tightly.
29:18Her usually elegant face had become even more ferocious and terrifying.
29:23She had planned everything so carefully, but she hadn't known that Nora was actually Dr. Athena.
29:30If she had, she wouldn't have made such a foolish plan to take the other woman down.
29:34She checked a wide array of news platforms on the internet. Every single one of them was
29:40recounting the news about Nora being identified as Dr. Athena, and every news outlet was singing
29:46her praises. The wrongly accused daughter of the Smith family was actually a medical genius.
29:54Furthermore, she was so young, who could say how much power and influence she would have by the
30:00time she turned thirty. Yvonne took a deep breath and wished she could slap herself.
30:07Nora had been keeping a low profile, and Evan's actions had forced her to step into the limelight.
30:13Yvonne had even hired reporters, spending her own money to simply buy Nora's popularity.
30:19She had become a global center of attention. She punched to the wall beside her, angrily,
30:26feeling as if she had shot herself in the foot beside her. Florence asked,
30:31how could old Maddy have been poisoned? Hearing this, Yvonne froze.
30:35Maurice was famous for being quick at closing cases.
30:39Was she going to be exposed to? Joel was following the police car, in his own vehicle. He no longer
30:46had a smile on his face. When Nora had been arrested, he had actually hesitated about
30:52whether to bail her out because of his uncle. Now, he felt a little guilty. His slender fingers
30:58tapped the leather of the steering wheel. Although he had a gentle temperament, he had always been
31:04swift and decisive. He had never been so conflicted and hesitant. Ian was closer to
31:11him than his own father, although he had always called him Uncle Ian. He had always been Joel's
31:18most important family member. Ever since he had acknowledged Nora, Ian had been in bed.
31:24The doctor said that the older man was depressed. It seemed that he was depressed because he knew
31:29that the woman he loved the most had been with his brother. Nora had obviously weighed heavily
31:35on his mind. Therefore, Joel had been indecisive and conflicted as he thought about his uncle.
31:42They arrived at the police station. He got out and walked to the police car. The car was stopped.
31:49But no one got out. Just as Joel was beginning to feel puzzled, he saw the back door open.
31:56Justin made a silencing gesture. Joel frowned, confused. Then he watched as Justin got out of
32:03the car with Nora in his arms. She had fallen asleep. Justin moved her very carefully,
32:10carrying her toward the station. Maurice began to speak, Mr. Before he could say any more.
32:18Justin glared at him coldly, and Maurice swallowed his words. Justin carried her into the police
32:25station on the way. Everyone who looked over was frightened into silence by Justin's gaze.
32:31He entered the interrogation room and carefully placed Nora on the bench.
32:36She grumbled, turned over, and fell asleep again at the door. Maurice looked on, bemused by the
32:43day's events. At that moment, someone walked over. Sir Maurice asked in a soft voice,
32:50What's wrong? I found out who poisoned old Maddy.
32:54Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, comment and like.
