• last year
Dig Deeper
The Build [Weeks 9–12]
With your increased muscular endurance and power created from the prior two collections, now it’s time to build.
These workouts are positioned as your final collection in the 12-week process because your body is primed to lift heavier than you might have thought possible.
Isolating the muscle you’re training each day allows you to realize your gains and find your peak strength for each independent
muscle group.
And then build upon it.
Day 1 -Chest
Day 2 -Back & Abs
Day 3 -Arms
Day 4 -Legs
Day 5 - Shoulders & Abs
Day 6 -Steady State Cardio 3
00:00I am so excited for you today because we are working shoulders and let me tell you about
00:13the shoulders.
00:14They're a small muscle group, but we're going to make them strong.
00:16This is split three.
00:17We're going to work and we're also going to work the core and I'm going to ask you, are
00:20you ready?
00:21The answer is yes.
00:22Let's go.
00:23Here we go.
00:24Let's do some external rotations.
00:25Let's open up right here.
00:27We're going to push through.
00:29You need some pretty significantly heavy dumbbells, but not too heavy.
00:33Like if you're doing a large muscle group.
00:35So one thing you have to understand, the muscles that we're working today are your shoulders
00:40and they're small muscle groups.
00:41So you don't have to go crazy heavy, just heavy for the shoulders.
00:45I would tell you to start very light, lighter, heavier side, and then progress forward if
00:51you need to, because I want you to be very, very, very safe.
00:56And something that's very important, safety.
00:58You don't have a spot with you right now, so it's very important for you to do exercise
01:02that you can do here.
01:03Let's go to some goalposts.
01:05Let's push.
01:06So just create a goalpost, working that sub-scratch shoulders up and down, core stays nice and
01:13tight and push through.
01:15So you'll need a few sets of dumbbells.
01:17You need, like I said, heavy for the shoulders and then a medium and then a light medium.
01:24And I'm telling you to use these kind of dumbbells today because I want you to test it, make
01:29sure you're good, again, so you can stay safe.
01:32We're also going to work the core.
01:33Make sure you have a towel and some water.
01:35Give me about five more of these.
01:37Here we go in three, two, and one.
01:42We're going to one of my favorite exercises ever, the shoulder press.
01:46One of the things that I love about my bodybuilding journey is how I was able to build my shoulders
01:51bigger than I ever thought I could build them before.
01:54I'm starting with 60 pounds.
01:56Again, I want you to start on the lighter side because this is a small muscle group,
02:02but we're building it.
02:04So make sure your back is against your bench, elbows here, extend up and down.
02:10You're pushing through the shoulders.
02:12We have a set of 10.
02:14We're not going too fast.
02:15We're just going to focus, keep the core nice and tight.
02:18Grab the dumbbells.
02:19Let's sit them on top of our knee.
02:22Firm grip on the dumbbells.
02:23Lift it up.
02:24Three, two, one.
02:26Here we go.
02:2710, nine, core is tight, eight, seven.
02:34You got it.
02:35Come on, push.
02:36Six, five, four more.
02:40Exhale during the work.
02:41Three, two more.
02:42Come on.
02:44And one more here.
02:47Let's make sure you bend the knees as you put those down.
02:50We're going into another favorite exercise of mine, which is the upright row.
02:54I'm going to grab 35s here.
02:57Now what you want to do, put the dumbbell down, firm grip on the dumbbell, palm right
03:03in front of your quads.
03:04You're going to lift it up.
03:06Your elbows go out.
03:09So I'm going to show you this.
03:11Hands here, act like you're taking off a shirt, elbows out.
03:14You've done this a few times in the program, except now it's heavier.
03:18So if you feel like you have to rock, we're not doing clean and presses, okay?
03:23So stay a little bit lighter so you could actually use the shoulder.
03:26Everybody set up.
03:28And three, two, one.
03:31Firm grip, 10 reps.
03:33Come on.
03:35Lift it up.
03:37Get that chest nice and high.
03:38Flex those quads and your core.
03:41Come on.
03:42Push it through.
03:43Lift and down.
03:45Stay committed to it.
03:46You got it.
03:48Last two.
03:49Give me one more right here.
03:52All right.
03:53Of course we have those abs today.
03:56We have dumbbell knee twists.
03:57Let me show you exactly what that is.
04:00First of all, clear those heavy dumbbells out the way.
04:04I'm going to grab a 17.5.
04:06You can grab a 10 or a 12, something that you can actually do.
04:11Now we're working on details for this particular exercise.
04:15A lot of times when we do core, I'm looking for the burn, I'm looking for the detail.
04:20So right here, you want to work in those oblique here, push.
04:25Just that little section right there, that's what we're going to work on.
04:29Squeezing down.
04:30I'm going to show you what it is.
04:31We're lifting.
04:32Just a little tilt in.
04:34And here's a secret.
04:36I like to let that weight fall in my hand while keeping a firm grip.
04:40Let that weight fall in there to work through your oblique.
04:43Four, three, two, let's go.
04:47Come on.
04:49Now here's the thing.
04:51I want you to squeeze the oblique, okay?
04:55Don't wait for the burn.
04:56Every single time, squeeze.
04:57You almost want to drop that elbow into that oblique there on the side.
05:05Also with this working, you're working a full core.
05:09So your entire core is working here.
05:12It's not that burn like you're used to, but you're creating a burn and you're creating
05:17a form there.
05:19This is that mind-muscle connection and building through.
05:23Eight seconds to go.
05:24Come on.
05:25Four, three, two, and one.
05:31Take a break.
05:32All right.
05:33So here we go.
05:34Your dumbbells are here.
05:36So I did 60s the last time.
05:39I'm feeling good.
05:40I can grab 65s for this time.
05:43I don't have much time in the break.
05:44So I'm going to go grab 65s here, pushing through.
05:48So if you have heavier dumbbells at home and you can do it, great.
05:53Here we go.
05:54Your boy, Shaun T, is pushing.
05:57Here we go.
05:58Sit it back.
05:59Three, two, set up.
06:02Let's go.
06:04Come on.
06:05Core tight.
06:06Exhale, doing the work.
06:07Come on.
06:08You got it.
06:10Come on.
06:11You got it.
06:12Come on.
06:13Breathe through.
06:14Stay in it.
06:15Two more.
06:16One more.
06:18You're going to hit the upright row.
06:28So grab your dumbbells for upright rows, but something very important.
06:33You see how at the very end I was struggling?
06:35I know I can push it up.
06:37If you're struggling too much, just drop the weight.
06:40It's fine.
06:41You'll still work it.
06:42Here we go.
06:43Upright row.
06:44Get your weights.
06:45Three, two, one.
06:47Come on.
06:49Firm grip.
06:50Act like you're taking off that shirt.
06:53Come on.
06:54One of the things I love about fitness is it just keeps us young.
06:58It keeps us moving.
07:00Come on.
07:03You're up here.
07:04You got it.
07:05Last two.
07:07One more here.
07:09Dumbbell knee twist.
07:10We're going to make it quick.
07:11Come on.
07:12And five, four, three, two.
07:13Let's go.
07:14Come on.
07:15Remember, this is our first ab exercise, and we're just working on the details.
07:16Don't worry.
07:17Next round, you'll burn.
07:18Come on.
07:19Pull it in.
07:20Come on.
07:21Come on.
07:22Come on.
07:23Come on.
07:24Come on.
07:25Come on.
07:26Come on.
07:27Come on.
07:28Come on.
07:29Come on.
07:30Come on.
07:31Come on.
07:32Come on.
07:33Come on.
07:34Come on.
07:36This is the front.
07:37This is the back.
07:38Inhale, pull it in.
07:39One of the reasons I love shoulder day is because those gains that happen with
07:45your shoulders give you such incredible shape.
07:49So if you're wearing in a sun dress or a tank top or you're just out
07:56on the beach, walking down the street and people be like, who that?
08:01It's your shoulders that's giving you that shape.
08:04Four, three, two, and one.
08:10Now here's a little tip for you.
08:13Technically, I can grab 70 pound dumbbells
08:17to push up for this third set and final set.
08:20However, I don't have a spot.
08:22So I'm like, yo, I'm fatiguing a little bit.
08:26I'm feeling it in my shoulders,
08:29but I can still hit that mind-muscle connection
08:33and power up and engage before I even push up.
08:36So grab your weight and that's how you're gonna assess
08:40whether or not you wanna go up and wait.
08:43Now, you might be getting a little strong
08:44and you're like, I could do it.
08:46Do it, set up, here we go.
08:48And three, set up, two, firm grip, let's go.
08:52Come on.
09:00You got it.
09:02Come on, fight through it.
09:04Fight through it, fight through it, fight through it.
09:07I'm feeling it.
09:08You can do it, come on.
09:11Last two.
09:13Get stuck if you need to.
09:18Right away to the upright row.
09:20Come on.
09:22Grab those dumbbells.
09:25Four, three, we move faster in Dig Deeper Land.
09:29Three, two, one, let's go.
09:32Pull it up, come on.
09:38You can do it.
09:39You can do it, you can do it.
09:41I promise.
09:43Pull it up, shoulders back, chest up, core tight.
09:47Last two.
09:49Give me one more, burn.
09:53Here we go.
09:54Dumbbell knee twist.
09:57Here we go.
09:59Grab that weight, come on.
10:00Four, three, two, let's twist.
10:05Come on, detail.
10:07I'm with you, I'm with you.
10:11Come on, squeeze, squeeze.
10:14Now, the only reason why I'm gonna stop this
10:16is because I'm gonna show you something.
10:17Keep going.
10:19Again, I'm taking this here.
10:22Look at this now.
10:24See those little triations there?
10:27That's what we're working in there, so squeeze down.
10:30Try to create that every time, come on.
10:33Only a little bit longer to go.
10:3615 seconds to go, come on.
10:39Pushing through.
10:43You got it, you got it.
10:45Four, three, two, and breathe.
10:51All right, clear your dumbbells from around your back.
10:55So clear everything.
10:56I'm gonna clear everything out the way.
11:00Grab water, clear your dumbbells,
11:03and also put your bench flat, okay?
11:10Put that bench flat.
11:13All right, so when I say clear,
11:16just make sure they're not, everything is out of the way.
11:21We're gonna go hit some lateral raises now.
11:24I'm gonna start with 35s.
11:29Push it through.
11:31Now, here we're gonna hit lateral raises.
11:33Let me show you what they are, even though you know.
11:36Now, very, very important, find a weight that works.
11:41Lateral raises, you're pulling from here, okay?
11:46We're lifting from here.
11:47We're not lifting from up here.
11:50We're lifting from right outside the shoulder,
11:53pushing down.
11:54If you have a heavy enough weight
11:56and you only get to hear it, that's good.
11:58If you start to shrug, it's too heavy,
12:01I just want you to lift here, out and in.
12:03We have a set of 10.
12:04Here we go, five, four, three, two, let's go.
12:12Notice I don't get all the way up,
12:13but I'm using the outside of my shoulders.
12:17That's how you really, you get shoulder boulders,
12:21shoulder boulders, come on.
12:24Yes, come on, come on, keep the form, last two.
12:30One more right here.
12:33Now, we're doing hammer front raise.
12:37We're hitting them and this is gonna be good.
12:41We're hitting them together, okay?
12:43So, palms are gonna be in,
12:46shoulders, chest up, shoulders back.
12:49You're lifting, this time we go with that front
12:52of the shoulder here, okay?
12:54Firm grip on the dumbbell, 10, three, two, let's go.
13:01Come on, come on, just go right up to shoulder height.
13:12Come on, don't go higher than your shoulders.
13:15Come on, yes, core is tight.
13:20Last two, one more.
13:25We're working those abs right away.
13:27You've done these before, seated, in and out.
13:32It goes like this, okay?
13:3545 seconds in four, three, stay with me, let's go, come on.
13:42This is not time under tension, but you have to control.
13:45Make sure that bench is sturdy.
13:47Hold those knees in.
13:50Last exercise, we're working on details.
13:54This time we're working on strengthen the burn.
13:57So, feel it, exhale when you close your body.
14:02You got it, come on, stay with me, stay with me,
14:05stay with me, come on, keep it going.
14:12Stay with me, push, you got it.
14:18Five, four, three, two, time.
14:25Oh, this is why I got to do this.
14:29Get my hips, Mac.
14:32Woo, shake it out, shake it out.
14:36If you don't feel like that, you're not engaging that core.
14:40We got a little bit more.
14:41Remember, we got those lateral raises.
14:42I'm purposely, purposely pushing
14:46so I can't go all the way up here or even here.
14:49I just want to use the outside of my shoulders.
14:52Four, three, two, let's go.
14:58Exhale, come on, let's go, take it out.
15:05Think of the outside of that shoulder.
15:08You're lifting with the shoulder, outside of the shoulder.
15:13Come on, push, let's do one more.
15:19Come on, we came here to party, y'all.
15:21Let's party, switch that up for your front raise.
15:25Three, two, one, only come up to shoulder height.
15:33Come on, you got it, sweat through it.
15:38Use challenging weight, stay with me.
15:43Come on, exhale, doing the work.
15:47Push through, last two.
15:51One more right here.
15:53Keep those feet flat on the ground.
15:55Sometimes I have this mistake of coming on my toes.
15:59Don't do that, slightly bend the knees, keep flat.
16:03See, even me sometimes, I be like,
16:06Seanson, you got to pull it together.
16:08In and out abs, sit on your bench.
16:10Five, four, engage your core, 45 seconds, let's go.
16:19Now I'm just gonna be quiet because at this point,
16:23you should know how to engage, come on.
16:31Come on, just me and you, halfway there.
16:40Come on, come on, eight, seven, six, come on.
17:00Three, two, and one.
17:04You don't have to do this, but give me that hip shave again.
17:07Ha ha, hey, I isolate the core,
17:12this is giving you a little more core exercise.
17:14Just so you know, when I'm in the gym, I do exactly that.
17:19I get up and when stuff is burning, I just be like,
17:23hey, hey, I bring it to my little Latin dance.
17:26All right, here we go, lateral raises.
17:28Don't come over to me, Mac.
17:30I know you want to see me dance, but we're here to live.
17:32Here's three, two, one, let's go.
17:37Mm-hmm, exhale on the work.
17:41You got it, come on, outside of the shoulder.
17:45Lift with that outside of the shoulder,
17:47connect it to your mind.
17:49We're building here, come on, last two, one more.
17:58Right away, hammer front raise, let's get this.
18:02Working here, push down and go slightly bend the knees.
18:05Three, two, one.
18:10I even have to tell myself, slightly bend the knees,
18:14comes up shoulder height, firm grip.
18:17Don't come on to the toes.
18:20Exhale, doing the work.
18:23Come on, don't swing it, lift it.
18:26You can get stuck here.
18:28Woo, I'm gonna get stuck on these last two.
18:31One more.
18:36Ready for the abs?
18:37Seven, find your way to your bench.
18:41And four, three, two, one, lift up, let's go.
18:48Yes, come on, I know you want it.
18:52We're building, we're building.
18:56Uh-huh, feel good about where you are.
19:01Bring those knees to your shoulders
19:04in a situation that rounds up, come on.
19:09Yes, if you feel any of your hip flexors,
19:14put it in your abs.
19:17This is where it starts to burn.
19:19Oh, seven, six, three, two, one.
19:30No hip shake, no hip shake.
19:35I can't even stand up, but we gotta move on.
19:38I love this next exercise.
19:41All right, we're gonna hit some Arnold presses, guys.
19:46All right, I'm gonna show you this Arnold press.
19:48Very, very important.
19:51Make sure the bench is up, sitting back, okay?
19:56You're gonna hold the dumbbells here, elbows in.
20:00You're creating a motion in and out.
20:04So you're gonna work all the way through the shoulder, okay?
20:07We have to push.
20:09I'm gonna grab, I'm gonna grab 50s.
20:14We'll see how that works out, okay?
20:17Okay, here we go.
20:19We got a set of 10, so get ready.
20:24Hopefully you grabbed some water.
20:27Ready, set up, in three, two, firm grip, let's go.
20:32Come on.
20:35Use a little bit of time and attention here.
20:39Yes, core's tight.
20:42You got it, you got it.
20:45Exhale, doing the work, meaning pushing up.
20:49You got it, come on.
20:52Stay with me.
20:55Last two.
20:58Give me one more.
21:02Yes, all right.
21:06We're doing behind the knee, rear delt raise.
21:12So let me show you.
21:13You're gonna be in a flat back here.
21:15Dumbbells are here, lifting through.
21:18Get up here, Matt, get up here on my shoulder.
21:21See how that squeezes up back there?
21:24Back of the shoulder, that's where we're going, okay?
21:26I'm gonna start with 25s on my first set.
21:30And then we're gonna push.
21:32Grab your dumbbell, make it quick.
21:35Back flat, knees bent, palms back.
21:39Hands behind the knees, let's go.
21:46Breathe, you got it.
21:51Stay with me.
21:56Come on, last two.
22:00One more here.
22:05Feel it, feel it.
22:07We're gonna see the crunches.
22:08Knees, no explanation.
22:09Here's five, put the weights down.
22:11Three, both knees up.
22:13Two, let's go right away.
22:16Come on.
22:19Come on, close in.
22:22Come on, crunch it in.
22:26Exhale, come on.
22:30If you feel like you're struggling,
22:32I want you to turn that mindset around, okay?
22:36Turn that struggle into strength
22:38because it's exactly what you're doing, come on.
22:43Use your core, come on, come on.
22:45Squeeze, create the burn.
22:48Come on.
22:50Come on.
22:53Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
23:02I'm a firm believer for what we know
23:06that we're only doing this life one time.
23:10So you have to take this,
23:12and even if you're struggling,
23:13be like, this is gonna make me stronger.
23:15This is gonna make my quality of life better.
23:18And I got Shaun T with me.
23:20If you say that to yourself, you're in good hands.
23:24Here we go.
23:25Grab your weights, feel your arm, no press.
23:29We got 10.
23:30This time, now that you know, we can go a little faster.
23:34Make sure your weight selection is good to control.
23:37Ready, set up.
23:38Three, two, firm grip, let's go.
23:47Come on, challenge yourself.
23:51You can do it, come on.
23:55Stay with me.
23:57I'm gonna push all the way through the shoulder.
24:00Think about your shoulder.
24:02Exhale, doing the work.
24:05Last two.
24:07One more.
24:12Rear delt raise.
24:16You know what?
24:18If you're out there cussing me out,
24:20that means you're doing something right.
24:22Cussing me out all you want.
24:23Here we go.
24:24I'm gonna face front so you can see the angles.
24:27Here we go.
24:28Three, two, one, rear delt raise, go.
24:33Notice my shoulders are away from my ears.
24:38I wanna push my hands down before I lift back
24:43to isolate the back of the shoulder.
24:46Come on.
24:48You got it.
24:51Last two.
24:53One more.
24:56Bend the knees.
24:57Set up, wait for the seated crunches.
25:02Five, four, I'm laughing because this is ridiculous.
25:06Let's go, come on.
25:08Let's go, right away.
25:11Come on.
25:13I want you to act like you have
25:15one of those exercise balls right here.
25:18And every time you're trying to squeeze it
25:21as hard as you can in here.
25:23The ball's here, but squeeze it
25:26from the midline of your core.
25:32By now, you should be creating that burn.
25:36Come on, create it, create it.
25:37Don't say, oh, it doesn't hurt yet.
25:40Create the burn, come on.
25:44Eight, seven, six, five, come on, you got it.
25:49Four, three, two, and one.
25:57Find a moment.
26:00Grab water if you need.
26:03We got one more set of this, and you can do it.
26:08This is a time, if you feel really good,
26:12challenge your weight as long as you can stay safe.
26:15Challenge your weight.
26:16Don't get complacent.
26:18Don't get complacent.
26:20Hitting our arm presses.
26:25I'm struggling on my last three or four.
26:28That's where you should be.
26:29Set up, three, two, back against the bench, let's go.
26:39You're so good, you're so good.
26:44Come on, connect to your shoulder.
26:46Think about the shoulder.
26:48Squeeze it on purpose.
26:50Come on, fire it up even more.
26:56Last two, this is where I struggle.
26:58This is where the work happens.
27:00This is where the build happens.
27:07Here we go, rear delt raise.
27:12Sticking to 25s, five, four, three, let's go.
27:19Head into the spine.
27:21Neck is long, shoulder away from the ears, core tight.
27:24Bend the knees, push down and out.
27:28Come on, it's a very small muscle
27:32that's gonna make you feel and look good.
27:34Come on, you got it.
27:38Last two, one more right here.
27:43Come on.
27:47Cedar crunches, five, four, three, two, let's go.
27:58The joy of this workout,
28:01and I know I sound like a broken record,
28:04but your small muscle group is taking on a lot of load.
28:08That is the definition of building, okay?
28:13You don't have to overdo it.
28:15You don't have to overdo it with just small muscle groups.
28:20As long as you have great form and you feel the burn,
28:24and each time you'll get better at the selection.
28:31Come on, up weights.
28:36Five, four, three, two, one.
28:43Grab some water.
28:45We're going into our dig deeper moment.
28:48This is gonna be something.
28:50Okay, you got three rounds
28:52of what I'm about to explain to you.
28:53Grab water, grab water.
28:55There are no breaks in between here.
28:59Do you notice we're doing an ounce of cardio
29:02and I'm breathing heavy?
29:05I don't know what's going on with Shaun T today.
29:13Hopefully you're making yourself nice and wet
29:18with that sweat.
29:20All right, here's what we're gonna do.
29:23Let me grab the correct weight for this.
29:26We're gonna hit reverse grip shoulder press.
29:32Six right, six left, six together.
29:37And then you're gonna do what I call,
29:39drive the car for 30 seconds with a single dumbbell.
29:43Actually, let me show you what this is without the weight
29:45so I can actually hang in there.
29:47This is the reverse grip.
29:49Palms facing you, dumbbells in your hand.
29:51Six on the right, six on the left, six together.
29:57Here's the thing.
29:59Stay there, stay right there.
30:01This is not one of those exercises
30:03where you're gonna be able to extend.
30:06Because if you extend too far,
30:08the weight goes out here away from your body.
30:10Not good for the shoulder.
30:12You know how I say, get stuck?
30:14This is the movement.
30:15You just wanna get stuck right here.
30:18Keep that energy in there.
30:20Six right, six left, six together.
30:23Get stuck, set up.
30:26And three, and two, let's go.
30:31Six, five, four, three, two, one.
30:38Six, five, four, three, two, together.
30:49I'm gonna get really stuck here.
30:51Six, five, four, three, two, one.
31:03Come on, steering wheel, 30 seconds.
31:08I'm gonna grab my 17.5 dumbbell.
31:12I'm gonna show you what it is.
31:14It's gonna hit it out here.
31:16Steering wheel, hands in line with the shoulders.
31:2030 seconds, here we go.
31:22And four, three, let's go.
31:31Come on.
31:34You're burning, you're burning.
31:39Come on.
31:42We're just more than halfway there.
31:44Come on, push.
31:50Five, four, three, two, and one.
31:56Reverse grip shoulder press.
31:58I'm going from those 45 to 35s.
32:00Woo, a brother is spent.
32:04Here we go.
32:06If you got to change weight to make it lighter or heavier,
32:08do it now.
32:09Three, two, six, right, six left.
32:16Oh my God, last two here.
32:20One more here.
32:24Come on.
32:28Two more, we got six.
32:30I'm gonna get stuck here.
32:33Five, four, three, one more.
32:40Notice that my extension was not high,
32:45but I keep it in my shoulders
32:48and I'm grabbing a lighter dumbbell for those.
32:53For those steering wheels.
32:55Those 17.5s can take their ass to that bank
32:59and grab some money
33:00because you ain't getting nothing from me.
33:02Let's go.
33:12Come on.
33:15Feel the burn.
33:17Come on, guys.
33:20Drop the shoulders away from the ears.
33:21Try to straighten out the arms as much as possible.
33:24Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
33:34I'm even going lighter here.
33:36Reverse your shoulder press and I will be grabbing 12s.
33:41Yeah, here we go.
33:44Oh my gosh.
33:46This is like literally hell on earth,
33:50but it's gonna make you feel good.
33:52Three, two, one, let's go.
33:54Six, five, four, three, two, one.
34:00Two, one, come on.
34:08Last two.
34:10I'm gonna move like an inch.
34:11Come on.
34:16Two more.
34:17One more.
34:19Oh my God.
34:22Talk about feeling like I'm about to throw up.
34:26Look, if you have to go less weight,
34:29that doesn't mean you're weak.
34:30It's not a sign of weakness.
34:31It's a sign of strength
34:33because you are using that mind-muscle connection.
34:35Here we go.
34:36Last 30 seconds.
34:37Come on, here we go.
34:45This sucks.
34:50Come on, think about those fibers.
34:53Come on, think about those fibers
34:55and your shoulders to get you through.
35:05Five, four, three, two, and one.
35:18Just find it.
35:20Just find it.
35:23Clear your weights from where you're standing
35:26and let's cool down.
35:36Let's just do some shoulder shrugs
35:38and push your knuckles all the way to the ground.
35:43Oh man.
35:48Tell your body, calm down.
35:50Calm down.
35:51Calm down.
35:52Let's roll the shoulders back.
35:57I'm just starting to feel a little bit better
35:59because before this moment, I had an attitude problem.
36:03Like me and Shanti, like we ain't it today.
36:05Me and Shanti ain't it.
36:07And if for some reason you don't feel like that,
36:10mind-muscle connection or choose weight
36:12that's going to challenge you, come to the front.
36:16Calm down, muscles.
36:18I'm gonna make you look good.
36:21Here we go.
36:23Here we go.
36:24Let's cross body stretch and switch.
36:29Make sure, because you did work a small muscle group,
36:32your steady state is very important.
36:35Do one of my cycling workouts, B25 is perfect.
36:38You can even do a let's get up to dance.
36:41So you could try one of my steady state fun workouts
36:43that we have here in Dig Deeper.
36:45Or, you know, if you just want to get outside,
36:49walk the dog, let's shake it out.
36:52That's cool too.
36:54Just get some steady state in there.
36:55Minimum of 20 minutes, maximum of 30.
36:58Let's take a deep breath, inhale up.
37:01And exhale down.
37:02I'm sorry for my lack of energy.
37:05It's just the fact that I'm depleted, as you should be.
37:08Give me one more inhale up.
37:11Prayer hands.
37:14Thank yourself for getting through it.
37:17I'll see you tomorrow.