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P90X2 -Phase 3 Performance (3-4 weeks)
Day 1 P.A.P. Lower
Day 2 P.A.P. Upper
Day 3 X2 Yoga
Day 4 Rest orX2 Recovery + Mobility
Day 5 P.A.P. Lower
Day 6 P.A.P. Upper
Day 7 Rest or X2 Recovery +Mobility
00:40Hey boys and girls, welcome to post activation potentiation this thing's gonna change your life, let's rock and roll
00:50It's a long way up almost broke my ankle. Holy cow. So what is post activation potentiation?
00:55It's a contraction followed by explosive movements. And then we're gonna add a little isometrics on top of that
01:01This is brand new to you folks. This is at the end of the program because it is for athletes
01:05We're not just shaping your calves making your butt all pretty this is for performance. All right, so let's go you kids ready to go
01:12We're gonna some heel walks
01:14Right here. Now, what are we doing this for? Right? Why are we walking on our heels?
01:17We're getting our Achilles and our calves ready. We're preparing the muscles so they fire better. All right, this is about performance
01:25This is about power. This is about strength. Hello, doctor. Doctor. How are you? Doctor doctor doctor doctor?
01:33Doctor. All right time. Let's smack the feet
01:37Now I know this looks goofy, right
01:39But I want you to spend some time as I spin around on the ball of the feet get the toes up get the heels
01:44Up. All right, prepare smack him Wayne smack it smack it
01:52Smack a few more seconds
01:54All right, warming up getting the body ready getting the legs ready and time. All right getting your positions, you know where they are
02:01We're heating up fast. Inhale up
02:05Exhale down jump back do that push-up jump up now slowly up
02:13Reach up exhale down
02:16jump back
02:19Do that push-up jump up inhale up
02:24and down
02:26two more back
02:29Do that push-up
02:31Heating up the body getting the blow of the blood flow exhale down one more back
02:39Do that push-up
02:41Come on up
02:43I'm already heated up everybody
02:45world's greatest stretch
02:47Take your position same thing at home. Here we go
02:50Right leg forward left back
02:53Hands are on the inside left arm out and up and
03:00Then down and then the right and then down switch sides left side
03:07Now you've seen this a few dozen times everybody right good Christina
03:12Inside little arm fantastic now come up to that frog position good. We're gonna do six
03:18Robert good open around. Oh, man, is that crazy that first move dude?
03:22You're fired up man fired up. I know you are dude. All right, little frog squat nice and switch
03:28Good keep some rhythm keep a pace
03:31Check out Wayne very muscular dude. All right, but also very open very flexible. That's awesome
03:36Good. Come on up do them together pretty
03:42Up you go
03:44Other side
03:49frog squat one more back
03:51outside arm up first
03:53And then down inside up
03:57and down nice now
04:00Let's start an inchworm. All right
04:02He's Oh Robert's warming up already sure. It's coming off
04:07Feet together inchworm lock it out
04:11Straight legs straight arms everything gorgeous down we go. Hang and enjoy that little stretch there now walk them out
04:19You know the drill perfect plank perfect
04:22Keep the hands on the floor walk the feet in now walk the hands out
04:27Now walk the feet in stay down
04:33And walk the hands out
04:36Good perfect plank walk the feet in
04:40He's now walk the hands out
04:43Last time doing this at home. I'm no, I know you are good and now come up
04:49time for scorpion take your places boys and girls I
04:53Don't get this way so you can kind of see me. All right, so
04:56I'm down
04:58Arms out shoulders down right knee bend it a lot to the sky
05:03Over slightly keep that right shoulder down come back down other side repeat
05:09So, I know I'm the broken record yada yada you guys keep going
05:15So Christina here good other leg come on up big contraction
05:18She's holding it high as she can and coming around hip maybe six inches off the floor and back down nice other side
05:25Good up you go maximum height. Keep that knee bent the whole time
05:30We're warming up the lower back contracting the glute and hamstrings getting them ready for this routine
05:35All right, good girl shoulder down fantastic good form
05:39Look at that. They're facing one another look so pretty for the camera
05:42Good Robert, you look pretty too back there, bro. Nice job. We got groiners
05:48Working on the hips working on the glutes getting the blood flow. Here we go. Right leg forward hands on the instep
05:54Let's see those hips up so you guys can float three two one. I will join you one two
06:00three four five are gone one two, three
06:04Four halfway one two, three four fifteen there
06:15Fantastic, all right
06:16Foam rolling time kids are getting theirs. I don't know you're getting yours as well. So you kids ready?
06:22Ready, you're doing it. Let's do it. Christina has the modified version
06:28For those of you that travel you don't have your foam roller with you
06:31No excuses doesn't matter
06:34She's nice and tall. She's engaged. You've seen this before
06:38Both sides she's breathing and smiling apparently, which is good. All right
06:44Robert upper body
06:46Dude, what are you working on today? What's your real?
06:49Triceps triceps are killer
06:52Really? Oh, yeah too many kickbacks maybe too many in your life not cash kickbacks. That's different. Hey, look, he's got his eyes closed
06:59He's focusing. He's not rolling around right? We've learned this already
07:03Finding those spots nice dude. Now, we're gonna only spend
07:08You know 90 seconds per side I said it before
07:11What I want you to do is spend as much time as you need to get the most out of this myofascial release
07:18All right
07:18This internal deep tissue massage that you provide for yourself you find the knots you find the hot spots
07:26You do the work because it's you doing the workout. All right, so let's check out Wayne over here
07:32This guy's like one giant not look at him over here. It's like a muscle fest
07:36So what's your major area the lats lats? Yeah lats lats
07:41He's trying to find that spot that little trigger point, right?
07:45also, we're doing
07:47Pull-ups with towels. All right, so they should be shifting over the other side by now. So she so should you but you know
07:52Here's the thing
07:53You might only need three minutes today if three minutes is kind of gonna get it done
07:57Fantastic, you know what they did before the whole thing started
08:00They were on the foam rollers before the workout because they understand that three minutes is not enough
08:06Not for what they're gonna do today. This is post activation
08:10potentiation this is retraction
08:14multi-body movements on top of explosive plyometric movements and on top of that we do some isometrics and we go fast
08:20So I'm gonna say right here
08:22Use that pause button, especially if it's the first few times, okay
08:26How we doing? We got some shoulders great fired up you guys fired up fired up those triceps Robert
08:33Yes, look. I love that the whole Zen thing eyes are closed
08:37He doesn't care that his eyes are closed
08:39He's trying to find that spot that little trigger point right gonna work it out gonna settle on that thing
08:44Beautiful and while we're here because I only have 30 seconds
08:47I'm gonna work on my right
08:50Lat myself right there. I know that spots. I don't have much time but I
08:57Haven't found it. I better get up there. She blows
09:00There she blows. Oh, that's a hot spot
09:03That thing right there Oh with the rumble roller three times fast
09:08Rumble roller rumble roller rumble rumble see possible don't have it in me
09:13Rumble roller say it say it Robert rumble roller rumble roller rumble roller
09:18Something for you to work on too. Okay. All right. So here we go
09:23Still have our foam roller out. Don't put it away. All right get in that right position
09:27Christina's gonna do her technique. All right, everybody
09:32We're basically in plank here, okay, so the hands are out heels are back butt is down. Let's see if everybody's in the right spot
09:40Do your soft ah
09:43Do it again. Can you see that camera man? Watch nothing something go back to nothing now. Give me something
09:49See that that's called engagement
09:51Beautiful dude, hang out. You're chilling legs are up heels are back heels are back
09:57Heels are back. These are up good height. Look how flat that is man you can
10:03Serve shake ology on that thing. It's beautiful. All right
10:06Serve shake ology on that thing. It's beautiful. All right planche push-ups. So move your foam roller out of the way
10:15Here's the difference between a planche push-up and a regular ugly one you guys ready
10:22Let's go point out the beauty of these things. So
10:25Go down chatter on the push-up elbows go back
10:28Nice now come up to the top and hold the top high high high low low low good and down again
10:34See if you can get this little higher next time
10:36Good nice
10:39Good Robert turn profile so the folks can see at home
10:42There you go, man. Good. Nice adjustment. Come on up. Let's see it
10:47Get around you. Yeah now look at this good. Don't hold it too long. Just hold it for a beat
10:52Nice keep some rhythm and some flow. Come on up hold and then down
10:57Come on up hold tilt the pelvis forward nice
11:00Everything's activated shoulder blades separated super activated
11:05Pelvis is tilted butt is squeezed. Nice. What number you on dude? Hey, then we're only in the warm-up
11:12Yeah, that's so good nice job
11:14All right. Good. Come on up if you're close to being done, come on up. All right, grab your resistance bands
11:21Here's what we're gonna do
11:23Grab me one. We a man
11:26Real quick
11:29What a wise guy
11:33All right, so I'm gonna go closer together
11:35Here's the movement. I'm not gonna do them you guys hold on a second
11:37It's this all right, even with a band this small and tiny if your hands are close together
11:42You're gonna feel what this is supposed to do
11:44All right, so you kids get going those are get it closer closer closer with your hands now you got something
11:51By the way, I want to introduce everybody. We got Christina. She's a registered nurse, right? You got five kids
11:57Super ripped and sweating already for the warm-up. That means it's working. You're fired up girl. I'm fired to go ready to go
12:03Robert Hudgens everybody good friend of mine. I wonder where he's from
12:07Don't miss Japan together didn't we did awesome work with the United States military
12:12Army Air Force Marines Navy it was a fun trip man two weeks
12:17Wayne what's up, Tony? I don't know. He barely made the audition cuz he wasn't buff enough
12:24He's an orthodontist right what about the spike cusp take a look
12:28Yeah, that thing is crooked man, we gotta fix that a couple more nice and you know
12:32What's also really cool everybody in this cast our coaches team Beachbody coaches
12:37So you want more information have a great career and be fit
12:40team Beachbody calm
12:42All right kids. We got our Atlas move
12:45We're gonna break out our stability balls
12:48All right
12:49You ready wide feet, you know the drill. Okay in close no good wide is better three two one
12:56full extension and down
12:59full extension and down
13:01Preparing the body for the routine right legs back core
13:07Christina nice nice job big turn. I'm gonna do a little something for though. She didn't know this is coming
13:13Good other side grab that towel and keep going
13:18Surprised her so right. You don't have a stability ball on the road. That's fine
13:22I like her extension though big turn pivoting on the feet good. Here's your last one nice
13:29Let's get this party started post activation potentiation upper body, what are we gonna do exactly?
13:34We're gonna break it down into two complexes. What is a complex? It's a series of four movements
13:40Some power some explosive some isometric. We're gonna do four in a row
13:44Then we're gonna take a break and then we're gonna change the complex into a different series of exercises a completely different group of four
13:50Exercises there are no breaks between these groups of four. So here the first one is
13:55Renegade row and oh, by the way, the tip of the day is bring your swagger
14:00All right. I want you guys to attack this thing. You need to hit the pause button hit it
14:04I'm cool with that. Otherwise don't come in here timid. You're ready to go dude
14:08Our time you guys are already ready a 45 seconds isn't even up yet, but let's get this thing going
14:12I'm gonna get some dumbbells to first move is called renegade row
14:17All right, so you're gonna do a push-up do a row and a plank
14:20You're gonna do two rows and then repeat now you got it. We're gonna do a total of ten alternating right left
14:26All right. Now I'm picking away. I picked away here. That's 25 feels right for me too heavy
14:31It'll mess with your plank too light. You won't get the most out of the exercise you guys go what you like
14:35What do you got weight wise there dude 30 30
14:3825 we'll talk about those in a second with Christina. Here we go right away party is starting
14:43three two one push up
14:47Row row
14:49push up
14:53Nice. All right. I'll get in the game later
14:56Let's see what Christine is doing because I want everybody to know when they're traveling you can still work really hard holding that plank
15:02She's doing a little lat pull just like that from the door. It's a different resistance, but it's a beautiful move
15:09You see that she's got a push-up
15:11One row then another row don't do a push-up in between the row moves. All right ten
15:16Everybody does tense you have to pick a dumbbell or a band that works for you
15:21How is that you guys great get those out of your way
15:25plyo push-ups
15:28Everybody does six six times you ready? No delay. It's a hands-on only no feet three two one
15:36one two
15:39three four
15:42Six good. All right. Now we're gonna do a little plank on a med ball. Christina doesn't have one
15:48All right, so these guys have their med balls out
15:53Good feet up on that bench
15:56Rock-and-roll, let's get this party started right away. Three two one go. So
16:02Here's what's interesting when you when you're doing a plank
16:07your feet elevated
16:08Now normally when you're in a plank
16:1160 seconds, by the way on the ground
16:14You don't have this butt rise here
16:15But the butt is up because she's engaging her abdominal muscles her core right keeping this flat same thing with the fellas
16:22All right, you see Wayne over here just chilling
16:26Just relax. I'm killing it. All right, so he's lifting his butt to create flatness here
16:32What I don't want him to do is dump in the lower back, right? He's raising his legs up. He's causing
16:38Stability here. We're working isometrics and stability by driving his heels back
16:43You got 15 more seconds Robert. How you feeling? Oh, it's killer. Look at this man first move
16:48First complex the man soaking wet
16:52This stuff works really. Well, you got five more seconds
16:56Good four three
16:58two and one last move first round first complex here it is Superman, so
17:08We have these really fancy
17:10Bars here, right? He's way five pounds each
17:13You got a broomstick at home. Of course, you've got that option or a towel
17:17We're gonna be here for 45 seconds. It looks like this
17:22Get a right spot. Here we go. Three two and up
17:30How high can you get your knuckles how high can you get your heels?
17:34Now, why are we putting this exercise at the end of this complex?
17:40Because in plank right first time this thing's plank. We're working on engaging the front side now
17:47We're working on engaging the backside
17:49This is athletic training now, of course big muscular guy here Wayne
17:53I'd love his arms to be straighter, but he's fighting he's working. You got 15 more seconds. Look at Robert
18:00It would work. He's been practicing. Nice job. My man. That's pretty good. Wait till the fourth one. Hey
18:07five four three
18:10two one
18:12Good Christina also don't lift the head. All right, don't lift the head. I want that crown of the head going forward
18:18So we're back to our renegade Rose right away
18:21You boys are ready Christina. You ready ready?
18:24All right. So here we go
18:27Here we go might jump into this one occasionally three two one go
19:10Let's go
19:13This is 100% explosion six reps we're gonna go now
19:18Are you ready? You got your swagger?
19:22Three two one go
19:24one two three
19:27four five six good
19:32All right
19:34Here comes the hold on the bench
19:37So 60 seconds you're ready
19:52Robert is my back flat
19:54Flat fantastic. It's my butt up a little look good leg straight
19:59Straight as an arrow. So here's the deal everybody
20:01The backs of my knees
20:04to the sky
20:06Quadriceps the muscles in the front of your leg
20:09mildly contracted
20:11Pulling my toes in
20:14Toward my nose
20:16Heels back
20:20under the shoulders
20:27Under the shoulders hands wide if you can get him Robert
20:35Belly button tucked in toward the spine
20:40Marcus Elliott the king the master of p3
20:44Peak performance project
20:47Says find the relaxation in the exercise that comes
20:51With your breath in your mind in your face times up
20:56Superman time
21:01So last but not least
21:03Watch me suffer
21:05Everybody you want to see me suffer watch how hard this is for me. Ready to go ready
21:19We're up
21:23Knuckles forward
21:26Arms high
21:30Second round first complex
21:35Straight arms
21:40Lower back you got lower back issues. It's gonna help
21:49Swagger baby
21:59Five four three two one
22:05Got the swagger
22:12Whatever here we go
22:14Third one we're halfway through
22:17Let's go renegade Rose
22:20Now you have to decide
22:22You want that same weight lighter weight?
22:25You got swagger, but you have to have smarts when you swagger
22:28What do you got this time?
22:31Dropping for four he's dropped down ten whole pounds big strong guy. You know why he's strong cuz he's smart. We're gonna go in
22:42One let's go Robert
22:44pull pull
22:45Nice. Now, here's what I want him to do
22:48As he's pulling as he's pushing. I want him to go to his happy place
22:53All right, and that is not fear that comes from strength
22:58Core is solid, you know the routine you've done it before
23:02And before you know it will be over my man
23:04So good crown of the head forward legs strong
23:10Nice, then we move on
23:12All right right now. This is the contraction
23:15All right. This is the contraction. This is the resistance work that we're doing
23:20Christina how you doing? Nice all ten get those weights out of the way time for your plyometrics
23:27Here we go
23:34Go one two three four five
23:40six nice
23:43Get your med ball
23:44Get your med ball
23:46Get your med ball
23:48Get your med ball
23:51Get this stuff on my way moving our way through the third round
23:58We in Christina ready, I'll join in two on this one. Here we go
24:06We're all in on the clock
24:09What I love about this sequence this routines philosophy of fitness is
24:16We're moving up above and beyond and past
24:21The numbers on the scale and the waistline measurements
24:28And how big my biceps are
24:30And you know, those are all great
24:32ways to track
24:34Your progress, let's go Robert, you know, but here we're focusing on things that help you perform better
24:43To be more powerful to be more
24:46More athletic be stronger to be more flexible
24:49Right, and if that is your focus
24:52The other numbers will happen automatically
24:55Without having them be the focus
24:59four three
25:01Without having them be the focus five four three two and one
25:09Now what's crazy is
25:12That's easy for me. I don't know
25:14But the next one superman
25:19My lower back needs to be stronger. Robert
25:21You should try to sweat more dude you and me man. No, i'm just gonna i'm gonna uh spot you
25:26All right. I'm gonna talk about how good you're forming is why all right
25:29So here we go we're down last move
25:34Three two one start the timer
25:37Now for a big man like this robert
25:40Look at the height. This guy's got on this bar
25:42This thing is weighted. This is hard with a towel. It's hard with the band nearly hit me in the face
25:47That is crazy. His lower back is so strong
25:50Because he does this
25:52Because he's good at this because he reaches so high with his legs and his feet
25:56He will never ever if he keeps doing it have lower back issues
26:01It's just the nature of the movement. It's the nature of the combination of the movements
26:05Now my good man here
26:07Wayne struggles
26:09Struggles, he's got great power great strength great great strength
26:14Come on now right here. I'm gonna help you a little bit a little bit a little bit of help three two and one
26:21All right, so, you know we could have got three ballerinas here to make that look perfect
26:26But the idea is you're using pap
26:29To work on your strengths
26:31Also work on your weaknesses. That's why it's beautiful
26:33All right, keep up with the old man, even though i've had breaks, you know, let's face it everybody home. He's taking breaks
26:37Yeah, okay, so i'm down. Yeah you in
26:44Three two one go
27:00Engage that core five straighten those legs six relax the face
27:23I'm done
27:27Plyo time
27:29You got a rubber
27:32The classic p90x counter and we're gonna go in five four three
27:42one two
27:44three four
27:46five six
27:50Med ball
27:55And we're gonna go in five four
28:01Three two
28:06So I know i've said it a lot but here's a little reminder
28:10We know that the dorsiflex
28:13and flex
28:15Are the same thing, right?
28:18That's plantar flex you see what i'm doing with my feet pointing is plantar flex
28:25Flexing the other direction is dorsiflex
28:31Check to see if you feel like your lower back is dumping down
28:36I'm looking around
28:38Good robert butt squeezing. Yeah tilt the pelvis in
28:42Wayne smile. Don't don't don't do that go like this
28:46Yeah, man lower back's dumping dude flex the quads flex the quads, that's right. Come on, man
28:55Bring it
28:588 pull the heels in pull the heels and that'll help
29:01Butt up tilt the pelvis. I got it. Guess what? Got it. We're
29:08Now good
29:10Wayne suffered immensely as you might as well
29:13Here we go superman time now we get to watch me suffer
29:19That's my favorite part
29:21I love it
29:22Love it. Love it. Love it what I found
29:26Got one of these at home
29:28Here you go
29:31Three two go
29:41Height's great barber's got that
29:45All right as you reach don't crunch the neck up separate the shoulders
29:53All I want you to do is keep your hands and toes off the floor at first you'll get height later
30:04Fist forward knuckles up heels up fist forward knuckles up heels up
30:12Fist forward knuckles up heels up crown of the head forward four three two
30:23Halfway point boys and girls
30:28Look at this
30:29This is what most people look like when they've just finished a 10k
30:33All right that happens in your house in front of your tv set
30:40They're taking their breaks they're getting their towels ready we're going to talk about that right now so
30:45You guys ready got them up there
30:48Now right here doing this for the first time
30:52Hit that pause button because you don't have your towels ready. They've learned right here and now
30:56To prepare them so I roll it up, right?
31:02I spray here and here
31:05Here and here
31:06I loop it over the bar
31:09It's index finger
31:11So i'm wrapping around with three fingers
31:13That's where the bar goes
31:15If you do the forehand wrap you're going to slide down
31:18This is the anti-slide technique
31:21Think of everything
31:23So ready to go ready. Christina's ready
31:26Our time is up
31:28I'm over here you guys ready robert's writing down his success. Look at this. Do we see what robert has done to the floor?
31:35What a mess
31:37So you're going to go up. I showed you the hand technique. I showed you where to wet the towels
31:41Your maximum is always 10. All right, no more than that
31:44If you don't get 10 who cares start a second complex first move. Here we go
31:4910 if you can do them 3 2 1
31:57Halfway for me
32:10Next move right away medicine ball pikes. This is a core move. It's explosive. It's not like the traditional pike
32:16It sounds like because it's in the title, but it's different. Are you ready?
32:20you guys
32:22I'm going to cue it first time. I'll join you later
32:2510 times the ball doesn't go past here. We're going to go go
32:31three go four
32:38and ten christina
32:41Strongest abs for a mother who had five children plus twins. All right. So here we go step up hammer press
32:48right away
32:50Get a very sturdy strong bench
32:53We have these fancy
32:55plyometric stands
32:57Get a weight that you like
32:59Here we go
33:02So right leg up
33:05Hammer curl press. I want more energy in this foot up than the one that's down bend the knees slightly. Are we ready to go?
33:09Ready, let's go. Wayne
33:13You're holding up america wayne got it got it got it
33:18Three two one
33:28I hate to stop but there's important things. I got to talk about first of all christine
33:33Bend that knee a little bit. All right now you can put energy here feel like you're almost going to step up
33:38Good because of the bands. She's got to do a standard curl. All right with me hard to do hammer here
33:44Actually in the second round i'm gonna show you a trick. All right good five and five switch at five
33:50Nice robert
33:51No sway here
33:52energy there
33:54Good almost as if you can stand up on that thing. That's pretty tall you get both sides I did
34:00Right down your weight
34:03Roller angel feels like a break. It's not all right. So get your foam rollers
34:07Get your stuff out of the way
34:10I'm gonna talk about this one
34:12Everybody immediately no time
34:15Swagger meets move
34:17We're gonna start robert in five
34:21two on your back
34:23Good. This is not relaxation time. Get your hands as close as your elbows get your hands and bend them more bend them
34:30Feel the difference tilt your pelvis up so that your lower back is not floating up
34:34I don't want to see that little arc in the lower back
34:38Look how tight wayne is so i'm going to change things here
34:41All right go
34:43Elbows close get them close. You feel this push. I want you to do this on your own without me go
34:49Give me the bridge no space here. See that spades. So tilt your pelvis up
34:54Is that 10?
34:56Nice. All right. Here we go
34:58Towel pull-ups already. Ha ha you ready ready robert ready
35:04Christina wayne, i'm ready. You can't do 10. No big deal write it down three two one ready set go
35:28How high can you get your chin past your hands?
35:32It's only forehead or nose whatever but get those hands down there. All right speeds the key
35:38right away
35:40Three two one without the ball christina go
35:44Go quickly quickly quickly quickly three
35:48Five for christina six faster seven faster eight two more quick explode go
35:55Good. Nice job
35:57That's the speed. All right
36:00Step up hammer press
36:02I'll get wayne. Is this your is this your uh stool wayne? Yes, sir. Thank you. This is the right spot for you, man
36:07Yes, sir. All right
36:10I'm gonna do this side
36:12We know what to do. I can still cue and go
36:15Look at all our stuff. We're gonna go
36:18in five
36:30So three i'm pressing down with this right foot four which helps me engage my core
36:39Five switching sides whole foot on press down bend that back leg
36:49two relaxations in the face and the breath
36:52Three eyes forward
37:01Nice work, that's me i'm done. Okay roller angel get your get your ball your foam roller. I got that
37:13I'll join in
37:18Ready to go ready
37:25Now what i'm trying to do here is pelvis is up up up up up that's in my way
37:34Christina has the toughest job of all
37:36Because she's trying to get her lower back up against that
37:40While trying to scrape her elbows forearms
37:43Wrists and back of her hands against that door
37:46Now if you're flexible
37:47This feels like a break lucky you but for the rest of us
37:50Especially wayne. Yeah, this thing is murder murder, but we're trying to get really strong muscular guys more open
37:57That's what this is all about
37:59Here we go
38:00into that one
38:02towel pull-ups
38:03Robert, let me take the middle one
38:05I'll take the middle one. All right. I got something for you. Tony. What do you got? Oh, that's that's funny. That's funny
38:11You know what? I'm teeny but powerful. I might look small but i'm stronger than you. Let's go
38:15Let's get this complex going
38:17Need the stool wise guy. I know who put you up to that one
38:20three two one
38:22Let me try to make it pretty watch the leg split
38:26Two here's the no kip variety
38:29Or something to aspire to
38:39Watch my hands where they go
38:45Very good medicine ball pikes i'm gonna join the party throw me an eight. Will you dude?
38:52I'm small. Oh, you can throw it. That's cool. Very kind of you get that out of the way
38:59Here we go fast three two one go
39:04One two three four
39:18As you can see i'm not very good at those either that's okay
39:24Step ups. All right, so get your bench out
39:28So what was your weight the first first time 25 second time 25 third time 25
39:34Nice robert i'm stepping i'm doing the right thing. Tony. Good man
39:38Christina that band work for you. Yes, indeed. You got variety over here. All right, good. Let's go now
39:47Go nice
39:53Now it goes to show you
39:55the tremendous
39:57Muscle doesn't always necessarily come
40:01Lifting heavy weights, right? You can go to the gym and do that bench press all day long
40:05What's great about this for wayne is it's variety in your fitness, right? My man
40:09It's smart training not heavy training
40:11Also nutrition, right?
40:13Makes it from that power guide that uh food guide
40:17Nice now watch the arch in the back good bend the back knee put energy there. Whatever you want last one push down
40:24Good job. Awesome. Okay
40:27Now we do the roller angel
40:30Here we go, here we go
40:32We're doing real fitness
40:34Okay, so roller angel. I want to work with christina this time. All right
40:40So here's the deal
40:41I'm gonna try no space rock and roll. Let's see you do it
40:45Just band in your way
40:47Move that out of your way
40:49Good. There you go
40:51Elbow forearm wrist get the wrist. So right now that's the one spot that's hardest for you, right? So focus on the wrist
40:58Elbows are easy for most people but the back of the hand and the wrist good push the wrist push the wrist
41:04Oh, see how the space opened up tilt the pelvis good. See the change. Keep going. No space. No space
41:10What never be on no space keep going keep going reach up bring those elbows down lower
41:15That's when that space appears good all the way down all the way down. Keep it there good
41:20Last round last round
41:25We're gonna go now last round you ready to go girl, all right, I want you to back away from that wall more
41:37Who's your bud? Oh, you got the yellow already? Yes. Okay. I was gonna give you something. Oh, you already got the yellow
41:42You want me over here again, dude? Sure. No, why you go in the middle? I'll go over here. Sure
41:47You get the glory. No, you
41:49All right, we get the glory that way people can see use the assist. We're gonna go now get it up. It's no delay
41:55This is a dream. Here we go. How many of you been doing you've been doing 10 each time Wayne? Yes
41:59Doing 10 again. All right, good, man
42:03This is so folks at home could see how the pull-up assist works. We're all gonna go christina started without us
42:07She's not waiting for us ready. Three, two, one go
42:33Medicine ball pikes. Here we go
42:36High speed
42:38I got that. I know I don't have that. I can't reach that high
42:41Get it
42:44Thanks, thanks swagger man, let's go robert christina's ready
42:51So I haven't messed with you yet on this one have I oh you've messed i'll take a seat while I do it
42:56Why don't you go away go mess with somebody? Nope. It's you and only you three two one go one two
43:04Three four. I can't make it better than that. I can't make it better than that to go fast
43:08Good three more perfect
43:11Oh, yeah
43:13And a little bonus
43:15at the end
43:16You are gross man. Thank you, babe in a good way
43:20step up hammer
43:22Pressy press press
43:24Here we go go
43:26What weight this time final round what feels right for you robert 20 sounds good to me 20
43:30Wayne 25 you're going you're going up again in the last one. Nice. Good 25 is for you 25 for me. Nice
43:38You know, you're good with that band. It's heavy
43:43All right, all right, there you go, let's go time to go
43:46I'll join you on this one, too. Here we go
43:52Right foot forward three two one bend that knee push down
44:03Pull your belly button in four breathe gauge your core
44:10Other side right away
44:21Swagger baby, come on now go get it
44:35Roller angel time
44:38All right
44:40Get on down there last move last. This is it
44:43Last night nice man. Look at you, dude
44:47Trying to find a dry spot on that shirt. Good luck
44:51I'm going to show you robert here because he's pretty open, right?
44:54I've been doing this for a while
44:56Ready 10 reps everybody ready 30 seconds. Whatever happens first
45:01Good now
45:02See the backs of your hands how far away they are from the floor
45:05Forget about your elbows right now put your back to your back your hands close to that thing
45:12Think wrists hands wrists hands
45:17Good. Good. Good. That's it. Bend the elbows more though. You can bend them more get the hands closer to your head
45:23Good reach
45:25Look at the face that's too much face get rid of that face dude relax this the relaxation's in the face nice
45:35chris data
45:37on fire with the bands
45:39awesome robert
45:41Standing up dude, beautiful
45:45Oh, that is the nastiest
45:47Group of people i've ever hugged in my life
45:51That is wrong. All right, so
45:53Let's shake that out
45:56Giant sweaty men that's disgusting shakers. All right. Good job
46:06See this
46:08That looks like he just finished a race looks like
46:11He just did a cardio workout. He didn't though. That was a strength workout
46:15That was an explosive power workout. That was a range of motion workout. That was an athletic workout
46:21That was everything right there those complexes pap. That is where the magic is boys and girls. That's why it's here. It's brand new
46:29All right
46:30They've started the huggers
46:33Nice so
46:36We did it guys. Yes, we did
46:39I got two words to say
46:40Results and recovery add a third word formula. All right
46:45Nice. All right some twisters
46:49Yeah, you earned it man you earned it, you know, it's really neat
46:54Is that we've got uh
46:57We've got all the ingredients, you know, there's so many companies that make just fitness products
47:01Some good not some some not so good, right?
47:04All right, shake it out. We're gonna do a little neuro integrated stretching everybody. We're going to use the balls the stability balls
47:11but here at beach body
47:13We're fans of our customers
47:15We want them to come back
47:17So if we sell you a piece of crap
47:19So that we make money we don't see you again
47:22But what we've done is we've added
47:24You know state-of-the-art fitness
47:27With state-of-the-art nutrition. All right
47:29All right
47:30state-of-the-art supplements
47:33You know neuro integrated stretching on the ball. Now, let me show you what we're gonna do here
47:36Which is a little bit different. All right, you guys so find your position
47:39I'm gonna move the ball away a little dude, so it's hands only palms up
47:42so right now
47:43Christina is going to use the chair drop the head down drive the palms of the hands down on the ball creating tension go one
47:50two three push four five and relax and settle for one
47:56two three
47:57Four five again push down nice two three four contract and release and now release
48:06Feel how your body settles more. Mr. Muscleman. This is perfect for you
48:11Neuro-integrated stretching is the magic for you. All right that and yoga ready push down one two hard three crush the ball
48:19Four five and now settle good
48:23All right now
48:25Working across working muscles and opposing directions, right? That's how we get strong and flexible and prevent injury. So let's do our
48:32Shoulders and chest everybody. Here we go
48:37So put the ball the palm down right
48:40Collapse onto the hand or onto the forearm
48:43Now here's how we create the contractions right now. We're basically at three o'clock with the ball
48:48All right, so fingers up
48:50the fingers down
48:52fingers up
48:54Fingers down fingers up and down now, let's move the ball to two o'clock
49:01Fingers up
49:03Fingers down fingers up
49:07Fingers down one more fingers up fingers down. Let's come to one o'clock fingers up
49:16Fingers down fingers up come this way a little bit fingers down fingers up
49:23The fingers down one more, let's see it fingers up and down good other side
49:31You ready you're at nine o'clock fingers up fingers down fingers up
49:40Fingers down
49:42Fingers up
49:44And fingers down let's go to ten o'clock over there
49:48fingers up
49:50Drop the shoulder feel the stretch fingers down fingers up
49:56And down last one fingers up lead with the middle finger and index finger
50:02Oh, what happened to your face wayne busted good. I'm relaxing. Yeah, 11 o'clock. Here we go
50:08fingers up
50:11Down different stretch new angle fingers up
50:15and down
50:17fingers up
50:19And down oh lord
50:22One of my all-time favorites, especially since we were doing those tight contractions on the towels forearm stretch everybody. So
50:31Christina is going to show us without all right on the floor
50:35Stabilize the ball first with your knees
50:37I'm gonna get kind of a weird squat with your knees in
50:39Now place the fingers wherever you need to so you feel that stretch in your forearms the closer your fingers are to your knees
50:45Not so much now that I have my hands on the stability ball i'm just going to move my hands forward
50:51And then put the knees down
50:54And i'm going to settle
50:56Let's see the face last face relax. How's the lane face watch watch gonna make an adjustment. So turn your fingers in more
51:02Good, you can go back that way if you want less. That's pretty good. Nice flexibility, man
51:07Hey, you should get some veins and some vascularity and some striations. I'm gonna be like you tell me seriously, dude
51:11The guy's got perfect teeth. He's 15 feet tall. What were you saying about your head before?
51:15Bald is sexy. Well, I said so there you go. That's the only person that matters. How do you go robert?
51:21wow, dude, look at you you're like
51:24Gumby on crack over there christina. Nice. You can even go back with your heels more if you can if you want more. Aye
51:30Awesome. All right, everybody we're coming out of that. Here we go
51:35It's shavasana time christina's going to show us classic shavasana. We're going to do it here on the stability balls everybody
51:42So you go back
51:44I'll tell you man if there's any single reason to buy one of these it's this right here because this
51:56a supported back bend
51:57My spine my organs are all kind of falling into the right place
52:01Now some folks find this troublesome on their neck, right?
52:04Because you got to go this way to make contact with your head
52:06So just interlock the fingers and place the head here that works better for me
52:11I'm more comfortable like this and besides I get a little shoulder opener. You see the opener I get here with the shoulders
52:17So you're just going to breathe
52:18Relax, let the feet roll out
52:22And while they're finishing up I just want to say
52:25That my friends is upper body
52:29post activation potentiation
52:32It is for people who want to improve become athletic get strong and powerful
52:37You cannot beat it. It is really it is the magic in the program
52:41It all is really
52:43and in five
52:47Two let's hear it for the team
52:51Oh nice, dude
52:53Robert christina fantastic. Okay, tony. Come here. Come here
53:00No, don't hug me they're trying to hug