• last year
Dig Deeper
The Build [Weeks 9–12]
With your increased muscular endurance and power created from the prior two collections, now it’s time to build.
These workouts are positioned as your final collection in the 12-week process because your body is primed to lift heavier than you might have thought possible.
Isolating the muscle you’re training each day allows you to realize your gains and find your peak strength for each independent
muscle group.
And then build upon it.
Day 1 -Chest
Day 2 -Back & Abs
Day 3 -Arms
Day 4 -Legs
Day 5 - Shoulders & Abs
Day 6 -Steady State Cardio 3
00:00Today is back and abs. Oh my goodness. Today is going to be great. It is a pull day, which
00:16means you have to focus on the pull and the extension. I'll get into that later. For now,
00:20let's warm it up. All right, let's get some knee drives guys. Come on, push it through.
00:25I just got to let you know. I know there's a lot of people out there working out right
00:29now, but guess what? Today, it's me and you. We're going to push through. I'm cutting these
00:34knee drives up here, kind of rounding the back a little bit because we are going to use our back
00:39all the way through today. I'm very, very excited because the education that you're going to get
00:44and how you're going to work your back and build is going to be really beneficial for your safety,
00:50for you to feel good, ultimately for you to just be strong. So let's try to slow it down
00:54just a little bit. Round it up, pulling it through. Here we go. Give me four more of these.
01:01Three, two, one. All right, now I just want you to take your feet apart. Come down. We're going
01:06to do a little cat cow. Just round, tuck the hips under and release. I want you to do this slow.
01:12Round and release. Here we go. Let's round and release. We're going to do one more
01:21and then release it up. I have to tell you something. Here's what I want you to do.
01:25I want you to bring your hands behind your head like this. I want you to put one of your feet
01:29forward and round the back and tighten up the abs because we're going to work the abs too.
01:35Now just feel around there. Some of you might see your abs. You might not. I don't care. They're
01:40under there somewhere and you're going to push. All right, so today we have back, we have abs.
01:46We're going to flip flop back and forth. Right now we have to do some mid rows. So I'm going to
01:50grab some dumbbells. I'm grabbing 65s and something else that's really exciting. Today we are working
01:57on an increase in reps. We got six, eight, ten, twelve. So you have four sets of the workout
02:05and let me show you exactly what you're going to do. I'm not going to do it with weight because
02:08I want you to see how you're going to work. First and foremost, you're going to come down. Your
02:12hands will be here, weights will be here. You're pulling it up. Act like you have a bar and you're
02:17trying to pull that bar to your belly button. What are we working here? Well, you will always work
02:23the lats. You're not staying from the underarm all the way down to dig deeper. You're also going to
02:28work your erectors a little bit. So these two muscles right here as I flex, watch this. Those
02:34two muscles that drive down the center of your back, you're going to work there. Set of six.
02:39Have a few different sets of dumbbells today, but grab something that's heavy enough for you to
02:43finish six, but you're feeling it at four. I'll give you about five seconds. I'm going to show
02:48you this one more time. Remember to extend all the way down, pull up, extend all the way down,
02:55get full range of motion. I hope you're ready. In five, four, three, two, for six, core stays tight.
03:03Come on. Place those knuckles to the ground. Yes. Come on. You got it. You got it. You got it.
03:10Exhale against gravity. Give me one more right here and pull it up. All right. Very simple,
03:17right? Easy pulling. My muscle connection there. We're going to hit some seated crunches. Get right
03:23on the end of your bench. Your heels tap down, feet behind. You just pull it up with the crunch.
03:29Are you ready? 45 seconds. Three, two, one. Let's go. Come on. Pull through.
03:35There we go. Now, when you tap those heels down for just a second, I want you to really squeeze
03:42the abs even more. Exhale when those knees come to the chest. Anytime you close your body
03:50in a movement, you want to exhale, pulling through. Now, here's what I want you to do.
03:55Round that back a little more because you know when we're in that mid-row,
03:59we're using our back. Sometimes people let the lower back get involved, which I don't want you
04:04to do. I want you to pull through. These abs in this way are going to take you so that you stay
04:12safe in there. Three, two, and one. All right. Take a couple seconds. We have mid-rows again.
04:20This time, we're pushing eight. Remember, I have 65s. I'm going to keep my 65s through this.
04:27Very, very important. Using the full range of motion, punch the knuckles down, engage those
04:35lats and erectors, and pull up. Punch the knuckles down, engage. You want to really push so you can
04:42get full range of motion. This break is necessary because I want you to connect before you even
04:49contract. All right. Here we go. Get those weights set up. Bend the knees. Reach down.
04:58Set up three, two, one. Here we go. Pull eight, seven. Notice how I push all the way to the
05:05ground. Six. Come on, push. Keep going. Squeeze, squeeze. Last two. One more.
05:14Four. Come on, right to those seated crunches. Get there quick. Get there quick. Three, two,
05:22one. Here we go. Come on. Yes. Go through. Let's work it. Come on, you're there. Right under.
05:32Come on, connect. I want you to connect the core here. Okay. You got it. Here's a little tip.
05:41It might be a little hard to do. Keep going. I want you to take those elbows, almost
05:48move them out of your peripheral vision, but keep that rounded back. That's where the burn
05:56comes some more. Come on. Eight. Come on. Five, four, three, two, and one.
06:08All right. You're doing good. Here's the assessment. Is your weight good in the mid-rows?
06:16We're going up to 10 reps. If you're feeling a little too fatigued, I want you to really,
06:21really focus on, do I have the right weight? Also, if it's easy for you, you can go up and wait.
06:28It depends on the day. Some days we feel really good. Some days we feel a little mentally
06:35struggling. We have to change the weight with how we feel and with the energy in our body.
06:39We're going to push. Here we go. Set up. Five. We got to set a 10. Four, three, set up two.
06:46Let's go. Come on, pull. Let's go. Come on. When it starts to get hard, just say,
06:54I belong here. I belong right where I am because I'm going to push through. Knuckles down,
07:00full extension. Last two. Come on. Yes. Breathe through. We're going to hit those
07:08seated crunches. Come on. Yes. Three, two, one. Let's go. Come on.
07:18Let's go. Come on. That's right. I'm working right along with you.
07:24Sometimes, you just have to think, this is the place I'm supposed to be right now.
07:28When it gets tough, you just have to say, listen, dig, dig. That's why right here,
07:35push. Just keep digging. Come on. If you need to take that break because it burns,
07:41it is designed so that your boy, Shaun T, has to take a break too. That's why this is designed this
07:48way. Because if I'm not digging deep, I can't expect you to dig deep. Four, three, two.
08:01Okay. We got one more set here. We have 12 reps in the mid-row. You have to push,
08:09squeeze, isolate. Look at my back for a second. Back is relaxed. Watch this. See,
08:16I just squeeze it in there. Now, with my lats, watch how my back spreads out like this.
08:24As we come up, you want to spread the lats, engage them, push those erectors in,
08:29core stays nice and tight, and we go. We got a set of 12. I know you got this. Come on.
08:34Push and dig. Three, two, one. Come on. Let's go. Come on. We're working. We're working. We're
08:42working. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Just say yes. Come on. Come on. Yes. If you're in the pain,
08:54it's good. Last two. One more. Let's get these seated crunches.
09:05Now, I'm just going to be very honest right now. You will see me take a couple breaks,
09:10not because I can't do this for a minute, but because I'm over-emphasizing the isolation in
09:15my core. I want to burn it out. Let's go. Three, two, one. Come on. I want you guys
09:24to get out of this headspace of like, oh my gosh, I don't want to take a break,
09:28because let me tell you what happens when you don't want to take a break. You start doing this.
09:32You start doing this, right? No, no. I want you to get to the point you dig so deep that you have
09:41to take a break so that next week and the week after that, because you worked so hard, you get
09:48a little further. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Come on. Fight through it. Fight through
09:55it. Fight through it. Fight through it. Come on. Seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one.
10:07Breathe through. We're going to something that's literally my favorite, twisting hip flies. Let's
10:14go to the mirror. Here we go. So, arms are down right under my arms. You're going to see this
10:23spread here. Push. See? Here's my lats. Here's my underarm pit out here. This thing, act like you
10:32can grab it or someone's next to you. Grab it softly. Push. That's what we're working in those
10:39hip flies when we twist. So, what's going to happen is we're going to come down with the dumbbell.
10:43Palms are going to face each other. You're going to squeeze through, engaging that. Here we go.
10:50I'm going to start with 35. I'm going to move my dumbbells out the way here.
10:58I want you guys to know as you set up and get your dumbbells that here's what I can promise you.
11:05I promise you no one believes that you can do this more than me. The reason why I do this is
11:12because I know that you need somebody to believe in you, to push through, to help you work. We're
11:20twisting hip flies. I'm going to show you one of these. Push. Okay? It just hits like that.
11:29Are you ready? Four, three, set of six. Go. Six, five,
11:39four. Come on. Engage the lats. Lats two.
11:43You're probably saying, Shanti, you used to be somebody that I love. Well, guess what? Don't
11:47love me. Love your body and love the work you put into it. We're doing bicycles, toe touches. Watch
11:56this. So, you all know what the bicycle is except we're coming down touching the toe as we go. Okay?
12:05Get set up. Five, four, three, two. Head on the bench. Let's go. Come on. There you go.
12:14Breathe through. Shoulders up. If you ever see me with my eyes closed,
12:19it's just because I'm just finding a way. I'm just finding a way.
12:26Come on.
12:26Come on. You got it. Feel it. Keep pushing through. Keep pushing through.
12:36Come on. You got it, guys. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
12:52Now, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Come on. I want you to feel that.
13:06I want you to feel the pain. Like, go after it. Go after the pain. Don't go after easy. Okay?
13:13This bodybuilding journey that I've been on, every single day I worked out. There was pain.
13:22There was burn. And I just pushed through. And not to say that it can't be fun, but you have
13:27to have work if you want the result. All right. Get down there, twisting. We're hitting eight reps.
13:33Grab those weights. Four, three, two. Let's go. Head in neutral spine. Come on. Engage your lats
13:42before you even twist up. Come on. Come on. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. If you're rocky,
13:50bend those knees a little bit more. Plant the feet. Give me one more. Yes. Right to the bicycle
13:58toe touches. I'm just being honest right now. I'm just going to go 10 seconds at a time in my head.
14:04Here we go. Five, four, three. Bicycle toe touches. Let's go. Come on. Come on.
14:15You got it. Come on. Abs are working. Press that lower back into the ground. Now, if you can't
14:23touch the toe, you can touch the knee or you can touch your heel. Okay? I say touch the toe
14:30so that you can get that extension. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Yes. Some of you guys
14:37are probably like, Sean, why are you stopping? Because I'm creating the burn. I'm digging.
14:41I'm digging. Come on. You got eight seconds to go. Just do it. Come on. Four, three, two, one.
14:59You and me, we're pushing our bodies together. I wish you were here. I would hold you close
15:08because I would just give you that love that I know you are giving to yourself. Here we go.
15:13Now, I'm going to change from 35s to 30s because we're going to 10 reps.
15:20So, if you need to go down, it's okay. Ready? Grab it. Make it quick. Make it quick. Make
15:27it quick. Five, four, bend knees. Core tight. Three, two, one. Come on. Here we go. Ten,
15:37nine. Plant those feet. Eight. Come on. Push through. Squeeze through.
15:44Come on. Push. Push. You got it. You got it. You got it.
15:48Stay with me. Stay with me. I got your back. Last one right here.
15:53It's okay to look at this entire situation as a war zone, okay? That's what we're doing.
16:00We're battling ourselves, though. We're not battling the person next to us
16:03trying to get their results. We want our results. Let's dig. Three, two. Come on. Toe touches.
16:10Come on. Toe touches. Bicycle. Come on. Let's push. Let's push.
16:23Come on. You got it. You got it. You got it. Come on. Stay with me. Come on. Stay with me even in
16:30a break. Stay with me even if you have to take a quick break. Come on. Push. Keep going. Keep
16:36going. Stay with me. Stay with me. Come on. Scream if you need to. Come on. Push. Come on.
16:44It's just tough love, people, because I know you can do it.
16:51Five, four, three, two, one.
17:00Grab water. Grab water if you need it. We got one more set of 12.
17:13Let's get ready. Come on.
17:14Come on. Hip flies, guys. Me and you. Come on. Get near your weights. Bend those knees.
17:25Core tight. Hinge at the hips. Grab the dumbbells. Set of 12. Three, two, one. Let's go.
17:34You have to isolate that lat, my muscle connection. That means not just thinking about it,
17:42but squeezing it, taking action on it. Come on. Push through. Push through. Push through. Yes.
17:50Head and neutral spine. Come on. You got to go. Come on. Stay in there. Stay in there. Squeeze,
17:54squeeze, squeeze. Last two. One more.
18:03Bicycle toe touches. I can't even tell you how glad I am that this is the last time I'm doing
18:08this for this workout, but I'm going to show up next week and do it again, okay? And so are you.
18:13Five, four, three. Head on the bench. Let's go. Come on. You know, sometimes when stuff gets hard,
18:25I'm like, but you know what? I'm alive, and this is the life. And guess what? You had a choice to
18:33show up today. You had a choice to say, I'm going to press play, or I'm just going to throw in the towel.
18:38But you know what? Lay on the towel. Lay on the towel. Live. Come on. This is the true keep going
18:46definition of living your best life when you can dig deep and push through. Come on. Yes. Eight,
18:55seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
19:08I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. It's hard. It's crazy. But like I've said for many, many years,
19:15you can do it. We're going to real delt flies. I'm going to show you what we're going to work on here.
19:20Watch. Here's my flex, right? Now, watch my hands as I twist back. Now, we are working the back of
19:27our shoulders, not our back, but it is details on the backside of your body, right? So, when I,
19:34when you see me punch my fist back this way, the rear delt is back here. So, watch how I punch.
19:41And you want to isolate that. When you're in the move, that's going to go like this.
19:46Push. So, you want to push away from the body, squeeze the back of your shoulder,
19:54and it goes into your lats a little bit too, because you have to use that spread to push
19:58through. Here we go. I'm going 20 pounds. So, you know that you can go a little bit lighter on this
20:05one. Come on. Hey, let's go, let's go, let's go. And over. Hinge. Back flat. Three, two,
20:20lead with the pinky. Let's go. Come on. Lead with the pinky. Come on, you got it.
20:27This shouldn't be heavyweight. It should be detailed. Last two. One more right here. Good job.
20:35Ah, here we go. Iron cross, baby. I know, I know, I know. I'm crazy. You don't even got
20:45to tell me. That's why you showed up. You knew this was going to happen. We're doing the iron
20:49cross. That means we're back. We're hitting a hollow hold here. Arms up. You're just going
20:55out and in. Feet is up. Core is tight. Back into the bench. Three, two, one. Let's go.
21:02Here we go. Come on. Come on, you got it. Come on.
21:17There you go. Core is tight. Breathe through. You know that if I stop talking, I'm concentrating.
21:25You're probably like, Sean, I was into you, but I'm over you now. Come on. Come on.
21:33Be over me. Be into your abs. You see my legs shaking. Come on. Three, two, one.
21:49Sometimes you just got to move your way through it. Don't let anybody out there,
21:53don't let anybody out there. You see on Instagram and all these social media things
21:57when they're doing these workouts and they're like, and they don't get tired. They don't look
22:04like that from not getting tired. Nope. They look just like that. They look just like that when
22:08they're tired. They want to scream. They're breaking. They're stopping. You don't get
22:12results from being lazy. You get results from working hard. Grab those dumbbells. Here we go.
22:17Five, four, three, two, one. Let's go. Come on. Push away from the body.
22:24Target the back of your shoulders. Engage the lats as you go up. Push through. It doesn't
22:31have to be high because if you engage, you feel it right away. Come on, last two.
22:35One more. Yes. Here we go. Back to the iron cross. Lay down. Four, three. Get there. Two.
22:47Let's go. Come on. Now, you can bring the legs up if you need to. I want them slightly on the angle,
22:56but if you get a little bit tired before you stop, you can bring it up. Something else you
23:00can do before you just stop is take your knees at 90 degrees. There's so many levels before you
23:07quit, okay? Come on, or before you take that break because I know you're not quitting because you're
23:12pushing through. Come on. Come on. I'll go 90 because I want to stay in it. Come on. Come on.
23:25Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
23:39Go ahead. Say it. F*** you, Sean. Good because that just means you're working hard. Get up.
23:46We got those rear delts. You know what I'm going to say? F*** you, Sean.
23:53Sean, put my light on. Sean, you can say this to yourself because you're working hard. You're
23:58getting on my nerves, but guess what? You're working hard, so let's keep it up. Grab your
24:04dumbbells. It's okay to talk to yourself, people. You got to do what you got to do to get through.
24:08Ten reps. Three, two, one. Let's go. Push away from the body. Come on. Come on. Yes, yes, yes,
24:13yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Just say yes. Just say yes. Come on. Squeeze. This is detail,
24:21so squeeze the back. Come on. Stay with me. Stay with me. Last two. One more.
24:33Iron cross. Let's go. All right. We're going to make this good. Okay. Here we go. We're going to
24:41start at 90. Here we go. We're going to start at 90. Press the lower back into the ground. Let's
24:46go right now. Come on. Come on. We're pushing. Now, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to
24:53say extend, and you're going to angle. Extend. Come on. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Come on.
25:03Legs straight up. Yeah. Come on. Grab up there. Come on. Squeeze up toward the toes.
25:10You got it. You got it. Come on. Go to 90. Stay with me. I just want you to hold on. Hold on.
25:19Come on. Extend. Angle. Yes. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one.
25:32Okay. All right, guys. We got one more. All right. Come on. Let's push. 12 reps.
25:45You know what I'm going to do since you're grabbing water right now? I'm going to dance for you.
25:52And I'm going to flex my abs. I'm going to flex my back. Come on. You can do the same thing. We
25:58got to push. Get near your waist. Here we go. Bend the knees. 12. Let's go. Come on. Push.
26:11Exhale on the way up.
26:17Yes, yes, yes, yes. Come on. Come on. You got it. Stay with me. Stay with me.
26:24Come on. Keep pushing. Last two. And one more.
26:34Last time you see the iron cross. Come on. Remember, we do these abs because we are in
26:42that hinge position. Okay? Back and abs go together. Back and core. Come on. Three, two,
26:50one. Let's go. Here we go. I'm going to take this opportunity to say congratulations for
27:04getting this far. You might have people in your life who think you're crazy for working out,
27:08who don't understand why you show up every day, why you destroy your body in this way.
27:14But guess what? Congratulations for sticking to the plan. Come on. Let's build. Let's build.
27:21Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. It's okay to shake. It's okay to shake.
27:27Shaking's good. Come on. Push through. Five, four, three, two, and one. Good job, guys.
27:40Guys, here's what I need you to know and understand. We're going to single arm J rows.
27:47I have 80 pound dumbbells. This is one where you can go heavy if you know how to control.
27:53I'm going to show you exactly what it is. Let me move my dumbbells out the way
28:00so we don't trip. Take this opportunity to clear your dumbbells. Grab water while I show you this.
28:10Yes, I have a lot of dumbbells here. The J row, you're here. I say put your foot back
28:21because you have to take that dumbbell in your hand, row it up here, pushing through. One thing
28:27I want you to understand, we're going back to that lat, except here's what I want you to see.
28:33When I hit my lat spread, you see how my lat goes? You'll see it's out. Your lat comes all the way
28:40here. Almost act like your lat comes all the way to here. When you hit that J row, you go all the
28:46way down. Squeeze it all the way in there. Here we go. Grab your dumbbell. Again, we're going six
28:56reps each arm. Four, three, two, one. Here we go. Five, four, three, two, one more. Go to the other
29:14side. Come on. I'll give you a couple seconds to set up. Five, four, three, two, one. Here we go.
29:26Five, four, three, two, one. Yes. All right. We're going to hit some bench flutters. We sit on the side
29:44of the bench here. You're going to grab. Don't pull back. Just hands lightly here. Lean back
29:51and you're going to hit some flutter kicks here. Make sure your back is rounded. 45 seconds. Three,
29:59two, one. Let's go. Come on. Come on. My abs are toast, so I'm just letting you know. This is what
30:14it is. Come on. Keep going, guys. Come on. Push. Put it in your core right here. You can take a
30:29break if you need to. I don't even care. I just want to get through in the best way. Come on.
30:37Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one.
30:47All right. We're hitting those J rows. How did the six reps feel? We're going to eight,
30:53but if it was too light, you can go up. If you didn't engage, stay the same. Engage that lat
30:59a little more. Isolate, engage, fire it up, and then pull with the lat even though you have to
31:04drive the elbow back. We're going for eight reps. Set up. Five. Right arm. Four, three, two,
31:17one. Let's go. Come on. Push it back. J. Elbow scoots back, scoots back, scoots back.
31:24Come on. Yes, yes, yes. Last two. One more. This is a perfect opportunity for me to say,
31:37when your arm comes down on the row, again, reminding you to push those knuckles to the
31:44ground, that would immediately stretch out the lat so you can pull back. Set up. Grab it. Three,
31:52two, one. Let's go. See how I extend. Come on. Come on. You got it. Stay with me.
32:05Last two. Scoop the elbow back. One more. Bench flutters, guys. Come on.
32:14Come on. Stay with me. Four, three, two. Let's go.
32:34I'm having flashbacks to me prepping for my competition when everything was so hard
32:43and I just had to say, conquer your mind. Conquer your mind. Come on. Come on.
32:53Come on, guys. You got it, got it. Flex those feet. Put it in the core.
33:01Eight. Come on. Four, three, two, one.
33:09Come on. Yes, we're building. We're building. Here's another time to assess your weight.
33:18So instead of these 80s, we're going 10 reps. I can do this. If you need to go down and wait,
33:23it's okay because the reps are getting higher. I want you to feel fatigue on those last four.
33:29Okay? Feeling fatigue on those last four. Get ready.
33:32We're okay. We're okay. It's okay. I know it's hard. I know there's somebody out there,
33:43you might be that person right now and it's like, there's no way I can do this. And I know you can
33:48do it. Just do the best that you can do. We go. Okay. Here's five, four, three, two. Come on.
33:57Ten. Come on. Come on. Just say, I have no time. I have no time to dwell on the negative. Come on,
34:07pull. Come on. You got it. Last two. Come on. And remember, we're not being shallow because we want
34:18a good body. We're being wholesome. We're being full because we want to change our lives. Three,
34:23two, one. Let's go. Come on. Come on. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Come on. You got it. Come on,
34:34push. Exhale on the work. Last two. One more. Floater kicks. Let's just get right into it.
34:47Let's just get right into it. Seven, six, five, four, three. Let's go. Now, if you find this
34:57tough, right, and you're burning, I don't care if you just hit a knee tap on the floor, a toe tap
35:05on the floor, bringing the knees up. That's okay to do too. I just want you to push. Come on.
35:11Come on. I don't care what happens. Be proud. Be proud. Come here, Mac. Come here. Come here.
35:22This is where it gets tough. Get this tattoo. Always forward. Come on. You don't have to go
35:28backwards. Always forward. Come on. Come on. Seven, six, five, four, three, two. Good job.
35:43Come on. We got one more. One more set. Okay. Come on. This is it. You're building. You're
35:51pushing. We have 12 reps. I'm going to keep my 80s. Where are you feeling? Are you there?
35:59Be safe. Have control. Set up. Grab your dumbbell in five, four, three, two. Let's go. Come on.
36:14Remember the J. Elbow scoops. Elbow scoops. Come on. Yes, yes, yes. Punch the knuckles to the ground.
36:22Get full activation. Full activation.
36:26People say, oh, I don't get results when I do rows. Not doing a full activation. Come on.
36:36Last two, guys. Come on. You got it. You got it.
36:44Exhaustion is what you want. It's okay. You have a lot of load on the back. That's what you want
36:51to push through. Burn the glycogen. Grab your dumbbell in four, three, two. Let's go. Scoop
37:03that elbow back. Punch the knuckles to the ground. Come on. You got it. Yes, yes. I'm so proud of you.
37:12We're working together. Engage. Last two. One more.
37:30Flutter kiss. Come on. Yes, yes, yes. This is what we want. The way you feel is what we want.
37:38This is what we want. This is how we want to feel. Don't run away from it.
37:43Five, four, flutter kicks. Let's go. Come on.
37:53Here's what I want you to do. Hang up something in your workout space that you can look at that's
38:00going to give you motivation. Maybe it's a sweat towel you used when you were burning during another
38:06one of my programs. Maybe it's your medals like me. Maybe it's a picture of your family, your why,
38:14but it helps to visualize what you're doing and visualize what motivates you. Come on.
38:25Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
38:33We're going into our dig deeper moment. We're going to push. We have close grip rows
38:42and then something else fun. Here we go. Grab water.
38:47All right. Let me show you the close grip row first. I'm actually going to do this with
38:5230 so you know. First I'll tell you, sometimes if you've seen people at a gym
39:00that this cable machine where you sit down and they row the cable toward them, right?
39:07So stay there. So if I turn around, I engage. See how I engage this? Push. See the muscles that
39:16engage? Erectors, upper back pulling through. That's what we're going to do. Same thing with
39:22dumbbells. You just have to isolate the core. Slightly bend the knees. You're going to bring
39:27the dumbbells together. Take your feet wide and you pull it through. So basically like you're
39:34pulling that cable from the floor. Okay. Then we have something fun. The isolat plank. This
39:44is really going to push you into that activation. So see how I'm like this? Come close, man.
39:50See how I'm like this? Watch what happens when I come back. I engage my lats here. Okay. So I'm
39:58here. Some people are in plank like this and I say pull back. So the entire time it's like you're
40:03trying to push your wrists to the floor that engages the lats as you go. Okay. Here we go.
40:13Close grip row. I'm going to hit,
40:18since it's only six, I'll go 50s. Watch out for that dumbbell in your workout space if you left
40:26it around like me. Come on. Set up six. Set up. Dumbbells next to each other. Feet are wide.
40:36Hinge back. Core tight. Dumbbells together. Bend the knees. Three, two, pull. Come on. Bring it
40:44close to you. Come on. Come on. You got it. Two more. One more. Here we go. Iso plank hold. Here
40:58we go. Lat plank. Here we go. Just pull it back. Now, while your hands on that bench,
41:06squeeze the lats. Squeeze your core. Come on. You have to activate it. Feel it. Push those
41:15heel of your hand towards your feet. Engage. Come on. You should be shaking. Come on.
41:23Come on. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Three, two, one. No break. Back to the row.
41:34Come on. You can do it. Keep the core tight. Three, two, one. Let's go. Come on.
41:43Come on. Push the knuckles to the ground. One more. Here we go. Back to the iso. Come on. You
41:55got it. I'm going to go on this side so you can see my other lat. Push through. Fire up. Yes.
42:03There it is. Now, I'm just going to let you know while you hold this, I'm going to give you a
42:09message. I'm just being me and being real. This tattoo says, figure it the out. Don't give me
42:17excuses. Just figure it out. Figure it out. Whatever you need to do to get through. Come on.
42:23I tell myself the same stuff, y'all. Push. It's not easy. Four, three, two, one.
42:33It just is what it is. At this point, you're in a place where it is what it is.
42:37One of the things I say to motivate myself, when I start getting negative in the head, I'm like,
42:42I don't have time for that. I only have time to move forward. Here we go. Last round. Are you
42:48ready? Three, two, close grip row. Pull it. Come on. Come on. You got it. You got it. Last two.
43:00One more. Squeeze. Last time. Here we go. Push, pull back. Yes, core tight. Stay in it. Now,
43:13I'm only going to stop this because I need to motivate you and talk to you. Stay in that
43:17position. Pull down. Think about this is the end of your workout and you want to isolate, squeeze,
43:24use every tip I gave you to push you to go toward the end. This is the detail.
43:29Working on details at the end. Come on. Squeeze that lap. Pull the shoulders away from the ear.
43:33Core tight. Five, four, three, two, one. Grab water.
43:55Good job. Let's cool down.
44:08We're going to start in cat cow. Round, round. We're going to reverse what we did in the warmup.
44:17Let's slow this down. Slow it down. Round and release. Push the chest out. Round
44:27and release. Bring your chin to your chest. Roll up. Here we go. We're just going to alternate
44:35the knees. Pull it through. I really want you to isolate the crunch, rounding up the back here.
44:44Okay. Try to bring that butt under and give me four where we drop our elbow in.
44:53All right. Shake it out. Remember, do your steady state. Come on. Let's continue to burn. Let's
45:00continue to push. It's going to help you out. You did an incredible job today. Doing back is one of
45:06the hardest things because it's one of the muscle groups that you actually can't see when you're
45:10working it. You have to rely on the mind to connect to the body and actually use it and
45:16take action. Continue to take action. I'll see you tomorrow.