Saving Nora Episodes 271-275

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Saving Nora Episodes 271-275 Don't forget supporting me by buying for me a coffee ☕️ Click Here For Watch All Episodes :
00:00Before listening from Episode 271 to Episode 275, don't forget supporting me by buying for me a
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00:20Miss Smith, what is Mr. Hunt doing? I can't see anyone over there he would want to talk to.
00:26While Yvonne was watching, someone else asked curiously.
00:31Those people are all rich, young, good for nothing. They're nothing like Mr. Hunt. Why
00:37would he go talk to them? Maybe he thinks their behavior is inappropriate and has gone to tell
00:43them off. That must be it. What kind of place do they think this is? Those people should look at
00:50where they are before they start hooking up with each other. Mr. Hunt cares a great deal about his
00:56grandmother. He must have become angry that they're behaving this way at her party. Nora was completely
01:02unaware that she had become the focus of the woman's discussion. She merely watched the men
01:08swarming toward her and raised her eyebrows, feeling as though something wasn't quite right.
01:14No matter how frivolous they were, they weren't the sort of people who overstepped boundaries.
01:20So why were they doing this to her? Moreover, she believed that she usually scared men off.
01:27Lily had always said that she had a strong presence. Just a glare from her was enough
01:32to scare Lily. While she had been abroad, all the men had kept their distance from her despite her
01:38good looks. So why would this happen the moment she returned to the States? She narrowed her eyes.
01:44All around her, people were trying to talk to her.
01:48Do you know who I am, Miss Smith? If you have time, we should have a chat.
01:54Excuse me. I was here first.
01:58Shouldn't I be the first to talk to? Do you like her, Miss? Miss Smith, should I take you there to
02:05do some shopping? Hermes is so tacky. I have a villa in the suburbs. Would you like to visit it?
02:13Their offers became more and more explicit. Even Cheryl and Melissa frowned when they heard them.
02:19Why were they acting like rich young men, lavishing attention on and flattering on
02:24beautiful celebrity? They were becoming pushy and disrespectful. Melissa reprimanded them.
02:32Who do you guys think you are? Stop bothering her and leave her alone. But they didn't leave.
02:39Instead, they laughed and one said playfully, I'm not fooling around. I meant what I said.
02:46You're the Andersons, right? How about you and Miss Smith have dinner with me so we can discuss
02:52a partnership between our hospitals and ideally, and pharmaceuticals? Another said I'm not bothering
02:59Miss Smith. She seems unwell. I'm just trying to help. Cheryl was so mad that her cheeks had
03:06turned red. Stop. You're all too much. Nora doesn't need your help. And she's not interested
03:13in any of you. So please step aside. We're getting out of here. How do you know she's not interested?
03:21You don't get to decide how she spends her time. That's right. Don't be jealous that she's getting
03:27all the attention. Miss Smith, I don't mind that you've got a child. You're still young.
03:33And I like women with experience. Nora's expression turned frosty and anger roiled in
03:40her cat-like eyes. If this wasn't Mrs. Hunt's birthday party, she would have shown these guys
03:46in no uncertain terms what she thought of them. Not one of them would still be standing. She had
03:52been trying to control herself for Mrs. Hunt's sake. But they had just pushed her too far.
03:57No one could blame her for what happened next. She lowered her head and flexed her wrists.
04:03Then she said to Jerry, stand back. Jerry hurried back and hid behind Melissa,
04:10hugging her leg. Don't be scared, Jerry said. Melissa, Jerry replied. I'm not scared,
04:17but she shouldn't have to get angry. Melissa's cheeks reddened. Sometimes you do have to get
04:23angry. You can't let people push you around. I'm angry too. Jerry blinked her big dark eyes in
04:30puzzlement and said, I meant these people shouldn't make her angry. She makes people
04:35pay when she's angry. Melissa looked down at Jerry in surprise. Before she could say anything more,
04:43the shadow flashed in front of her. Nora had already drawn back her fist to punch the man
04:48closest to her who had said the most awful things out of the lot. Melissa stared in utter shock.
04:56Beside her, Cheryl was also dumbfounded. Not as much as the man who was about to be punched.
05:02He had never expected Nora to attack him. However, just as Nora's fist was about to connect
05:09with the man's face, a large and strong hand suddenly reached over and grabbed her wrist,
05:15stopping her. Short and a deep voice said, you can't hit him. The voice was very familiar.
05:22Justin was standing beside Nora. He was holding her hand, preventing her from throwing the punch.
05:29Everyone stared at him in amazement. Every person in the hall had heard the altercation
05:34and were watching riveted. The man who had almost been hit said, thank God you got here in time,
05:41Mr. Hunt. She was going to hit me. The man turned to Nora and asked angrily,
05:48how can a great beauty like you be so violent? The other man echoed him. Yeah, what kind of a
05:54place do you think this is? How can you hit him? All I did was compliment you. You're out of
06:01control. She's crazy. She should be kicked out for trying to start a brawl. In the distance,
06:07Yvonne breathed a sigh of relief at the sight. As expected, Justin was angry. Nora had been
06:14incredibly stupid. They were in public, surrounded by witnesses. She should have
06:20tried to diffuse the situation diplomatically rather than resort to violence. Rachel couldn't
06:26hide the smug expression on her face. She said, do you see that? I told you,
06:33women from small towns have no class. Look at how angry Mr. Hunt is. Her friends agreed.
06:41Exactly. This is Mrs. Hunt's birthday party. What's she trying to start fights for? Here I was
06:48thinking that she'd be a proper lady because she's wearing the blue enchantress. I didn't expect her
06:53to behave in such a low class manner. Civilized people resolve problems through words, not
06:59violence. Didn't you even have the most basic common decency? Justin's actions shocked Cheryl
07:07and Melissa. Melissa frowned and defended Nora, saying they provoked her. Justin.
07:15Cheryl and Cherry both nodded repeatedly. But Justin said sternly, I don't care. She's still
07:23not allowed to hit anyone. Melissa balked. She was angry that Justin would disregard the way
07:30those men had treated Nora just to prevent causing a scene. The man who had almost been hit
07:36threw himself up triumphantly. That's right, he declared. If you're not happy,
07:43then we can just talk about it. You don't have to start throwing punches like a mad woman.
07:49If you looked, Justine. It's okay, though. Mr. Hunt, I'll let the matter pass.
07:57As long as she apologizes to me, I won't hold it against. It was only after he had spoken that he
08:04realized Justin wasn't looking at him at all. Instead, he was looking at Nora. Nora's eyebrows
08:12were raised. She asked with a hint of displeasure. Why can't I hit him? Was that a
08:18serious question? It sounded like it. The man scoffed. Because take a look at where you are.
08:26But before he could finish speaking, Justin had already said, because force goes both ways.
08:32What if it hurts your hand? Everyone's jaw drop. For a moment, it was as if someone had
08:39pressed the mute button on the entire party hall. There was no sound aside from the soft music the
08:45Hunts were playing. Evan's friends, the rich young men, the guests of high status and influence,
08:53even newcomers. All of them were looking at Justin in disbelief. His voice had been neither too loud
09:01nor too soft, but because everyone was watching him to see how he would react.
09:06His word had reached everyone's ears as clearly as if he was standing right next to them.
09:11Then they turned their incredulous, masked gaze onto Nora. All of them were wondering the same
09:18thing. What's going on here? Why did the tension between Mr. Hunt and Nora feel strange? And why
09:25was Mr. Hunt still holding her hand, even though she was no longer trying to punch anyone?
09:31Evan's friends started to speculate again in whispers. What's going on? Why does it look like
09:38Mr. Hunt knows her? Why do I feel like there's something going on between those two? One of
09:46them looked at Evan and asked, surely Mr. Hunt doesn't have anything to do with her, right?
09:52Evan bit her lip. She lowered her head and said slowly, I don't know what kind of relationship
09:59they have, but even if they're strangers, a host won't stand idly by and watch as someone
10:05bullies one of their guests, will they? After all, those men went too far. Rachel was so jealous that
10:14she was almost out of her mind. She said, yeah, what kind of relationship could Nora and Mr. Hunt
10:22possibly have? They have nothing to do with each other. Mr. Hunt must have decided that those guys
10:28were being rude. It's just a shame he doesn't know what that woman is like. The girls exchanged
10:34looks with one another, all of them sensing that something was amiss. Why did Yvonne look so unhappy?
10:42It seemed like that woman's presence was really bothering her. They hadn't noticed that in the
10:47beginning, but now things seemed different. Could it be that Nora's good looks had caught Mr. Hunt's
10:54attention? Just as everyone was speculating, Nora, the subject of the drama, shook Justin's
11:01hand away in disdain. Her voice was low and impatient as she asked, if I can't hit him,
11:08then what should I do? Her shoes were too uncomfortable. She wanted to deal with these
11:14people as soon as possible so that she could get out of them. Justine's icy voice rang out,
11:20where is the butler? The butler, in charge of the Hunt's external affairs, had noticed Justin
11:27the instant he had appeared. Upon hearing these words, he hurried over. Sir Justin pointed casually
11:35at the men. These people here politely see them out. The meaning behind his deliberate emphasis
11:41was obvious. There would be nothing polite about the man's ejection. The butler nodded immediately,
11:48yes, sir, with a wave. A few security guards rushed over. They grasped the young man by their
11:55arms, secured their hands behind their back, and dragged them out of the hall. The men couldn't
12:01believe what was happening. One even shouted, Mr. Hunt, what are you doing? All we did was talk
12:09to her. Do you know who she is, Mr. Hunt? She's a climber. We were just chatting. We didn't force
12:18her into anything. Slammer, the word made Justin's gaze darkened. Stop, he said. The security guards
12:26stopped and let go of the man who had called out. He wasn't from an influential family.
12:32He had come to the party by tagging along with someone else so that he could network.
12:38Thus, when Warren had encouraged them to go over, he had done so accordingly. He wasn't
12:44willing to be driven out just like that, and he had the guts to speak up. He said,
12:49are you doing this because you don't know who she is? Don't let her beauty fool you. I heard that.
12:57Who did you hear that from? Just don't ask. Interrupting him, the man subconsciously glanced
13:05at the crowd, and Warren nervously shrank back and hid behind a van, who turned to stare at him.
13:11The man didn't see Warren, but he didn't dare drag the Smiths into this. So he said, oh,
13:18I just overheard some people. So you think it's sensible to go around publicly spouting things
13:23that you hear through the grapevine? Justin turned to the butler and said, find Miss Smith,
13:29a lawyer, and sue this man for slander. Yes, sir, said the butler. Yes, no need for that,
13:35said Nora. She lowered her voice and added, I don't care about all this. I just want to get
13:42out of here and change my shoes. Justin fell silent for a moment. Then he looked at the butler
13:48and said, never mind then, don't sue him. His voice was deep and tinged with displeasure.
13:54The butler inwardly said a prayer for the man. If they sued him, all he would have to do was
14:00pay damages for harming Nora's reputation. But they weren't going to sue him. The man would
14:06probably have to pay an even higher price to appease Mr. Hunt. The butler wasn't the only
14:12one who understood that the man understood it even better. He panicked at once. I was wrong,
14:19Mr. Hunt. Please let me off. Unfortunately, Justin was no longer paying attention to him.
14:26What more did he have to say to the man when his girlfriend's feet were uncomfortable?
14:31He waved casually, and the security guards resumed, dragging the men towards the door.
14:38Once they were outside, the man would really have to pay the price for his actions.
14:43He was so terrified that he yelled, isn't she just a woman who looks a little better than most?
14:49Mr. Hunt, who is she to you? Why would you protect her like that? You could have heard a pin drop.
14:58Everyone looked at Justin curiously. Yvonne balled her hands nervously into fists.
15:03Justin wouldn't admit it, would he? After all, Nora's status was too low. She wasn't worthy of
15:10him at all. If he admitted it on an occasion like this, everyone would hear of it. Having a
15:17girlfriend in private and showing her off to everyone were two completely different things.
15:24Nora raised her eyebrows. Unhurriedly, she said. We don't have anything. Before she could finish,
15:31a warm arm suddenly snaked around her waist and her feet left the floor.
15:36Justin had picked her up and was carrying her in his arms. She stared up at his face.
15:42With his gaze lowered, he carried her to the nearby couch. When they reached it, he gently put
15:48her down. It was only then that everyone noticed that he had been holding an exquisite bag all this
15:55time. He opened the bag, took out the shoes inside and slowly squatted down. He took off the shoes
16:01that Nora was wearing, and then he changed her shoes for her. His actions came so suddenly that
16:07even Nora herself was dumbfounded. She would never have imagined that this lofty man would actually
16:14get down on the floor and change her shoes for her. Then he stood up straight as if he hadn't
16:21just been crouching at her feet. He looked out imperiously over the crowd and said,
16:27Let me introduce you. This is my girlfriend, Miss Nora Smith. The entire hall was filled
16:33with silence. Everyone looked at them in disbelief. Melissa and Cheryl were shocked
16:38that Justin would disregard everything and reveal his relationship with Nora on an occasion like
16:44this. To be honest, the Andersons were no longer as powerful as the Hunts had been 30 years ago.
16:51They had been able to make everyone take notice of her because she was simply that outstanding.
16:56So much so that the Hunts and the Smiths considered it an honor to have her marry into the family.
17:03But the Andersons were just a down and out family these days. Cheryl leaned toward Melissa and
17:09whispered, Mom, Mr. Hunt is serious about Nora. Melissa believed her. She knew her daughter and
17:17she trusted her insights. However, she asked, Why does Nora look a little unhappy to me, though?
17:24Cheryl followed her gaze and saw that Nora was frowning. She was indeed unhappy. She had kept
17:31a low profile ever since she had been a child and had never wanted anyone to pay any attention to
17:37her. Once she officially became Justin's girlfriend or even the future Mrs. Hunt,
17:44people would definitely pay attention to her. Of course, this had also been the reason she had
17:50kept pushing Justin away and forbidden herself from developing feelings from him. Yet he had just
17:57announced their relationship in public. Had he asked her for permission? Had she agreed to it?
18:04But there's no use crying over spilled milk. She frowned and started thinking of a way to
18:10get out of the situation unscathed, seemingly having sensed her displeasure. Justin lowered
18:16his head sheepishly and tried to justify himself. He said, I'm sorry. I couldn't listen to them
18:23talking about you like that. I couldn't help myself. Nora regarded him in disbelief. He couldn't help
18:31himself, she thought. Does he really think that I would believe such nonsense? She knew him.
18:40If he had said that he had almost done something and had to hold himself back,
18:44she would have believed him. But he had never been impulsive. He was the head of the Hunt family
18:51and the leader of the biggest conglomerate in the States. His self-control was infallible.
18:57The corners of Nora's lips spasm. She saw that his usually deep and fathomless eyes
19:04looked a little tentative and nervous, as though he really was sincerely apologizing.
19:09He even exuded a vague silkiness, as though he had suffered an injustice,
19:15dissuading her from pursuing the matter. She considered her response carefully,
19:20turning her words over a few times in her head before she voiced them with resignation.
19:26Never mind, she whispered. Justin nodded. Okay, although we're not going to get married,
19:33you're still the children's mother, so it's okay to let outsiders know about our relationship.
19:39Right, Nora? It was only then that Nora noticed that at some point the man had started addressing
19:46her by her first name. However, it did sound pretty nice. When he uttered her name with his
19:52deep and slightly raspy voice, she lowered her gaze to the new pair of shoes, although they were
19:59also high heels. Their soles weren't so slippery, so she could manage them. Meanwhile, just outside
20:07the hall doors, the man that the security guards were holding onto was stunned. He stared at Nora
20:13in disbelief, and then he looked toward the crowd, trying to find Warren. Hadn't. Warren said that
20:21she was a social climber, but there was no way Mr. Hunt would publicly acknowledge such a nobody
20:27as his girlfriend. He had been tricked. By the time he reacted, the butler had already given
20:34another wave, and the security guards were dragging him away from the door. He was utterly despondent.
20:41What could he do? He had finally realized just what kind of mistake he had made.
20:48Further away, Yvonne and Rachel were speechless.
20:54The two of them had been ready for a good show when Nora was surrounded by that group of men,
20:59and when sly rumors of her being a cheap social climber had started spreading,
21:03once a rumor like that made the rounds, Nora should have been pretty much finished.
21:09Little did they expect that Mr. Hunt would openly admit their relationship.
21:14With that, Nora definitely wasn't a climber anymore. Everyone trusted his testimony and his
21:21taste in women. Their friends nearby were initially startled by the news. Then gloating looks appeared
21:27on their faces. They couldn't even keep their voices low anymore. Nora is actually Mr. Hunt's
21:34girlfriend. What a revelation. She's beautiful enough, though. I just thought of something.
21:41If she is with Mr. Hunt, she's not going to mess around with other people's husbands.
21:47And they wouldn't dare mess around with her. Oh my god, what a relief. My husband was practically
21:54dazzled by her, but there's nothing he can do about it now. Who would be crazy enough to lay a
21:59hand on Mr. Hunt's girlfriend? Someone glanced at Yvonne and said, I knew something was up.
22:06I couldn't work out why. It felt like Yvonne had been competing with Nora the whole day.
22:12Now we know. So Yvonne had been painstakingly waiting for Mr. Hunt for over 20 years,
22:19but in the end, he didn't want her at all. It's a little sad. Nora has stolen all the limelight
22:26today. This means that Mr. Hunt must have been the one who borrowed the gown for her.
22:32Nora has totally eclipsed Yvonne. Keep your voice down. She'll hear you. So what if she hears me?
22:40She's just the Smith's adopted daughter. Does she really think she's a real young lady of the Smith
22:46household? The gossips gradually walked away. Yvonne clenched her fists tightly and tried her
22:52best to suppress her anger. She could not make a folks pass. Under such circumstances, she would
22:59make up for this embarrassment later. Rachel had also heard the women's conversation. She looked at
23:05Yvonne and saw that she looked calm and still smiling gently. She couldn't help but sigh in
23:10admiration. Devonshire had outstanding mental resilience, just as everyone was entertaining
23:17their own thoughts. Mrs. Hunt, the elderly birthday girl, finally made her appearance.
23:24She sat at the main table and looked at everyone with a kindly expression.
23:29One by one, everyone started to present her with gifts and pay her compliments.
23:34The Hunts went first, starting with Raymond. People went forward to offer her their well wishes.
23:41After the Hunts were done, it was the guests' turn. By rights, the Smiths should have been the first.
23:47But because of Justin's announcement, the Andersons' status had just risen.
23:52In fact, Justin even personally led Melissa, Nora, and the others forward. Everyone's gaze
23:58instantly fell on them. Rachel, standing next to Yvonne, sneered at the sight. She said,
24:04It doesn't matter how much Mr. Hunt favors them. We'll just see if they can present a decent
24:10birthday gift. The younger guests stood around with gifts in their hands. The larger presents
24:17were already placed on a table to one side. They brought smaller ones to Mrs. Hunt with their
24:22congratulations. After the gift-giving, Mrs. Hunt would keep what she liked and give the rest away.
24:31For example, there was a very naive landscape painting that she liked very much.
24:36She could hardly stop looking at it. Someone asked Mrs. Hunt, Who gave this to you?
24:44Why do you like it so much? Mrs. Hunt smiled and glanced at Nora.
24:49While she was upstairs, earlier she had witnessed everything that had gone on downstairs.
24:56She had seen Justin expose his relationship with Nora to protect her.
25:00Mrs. Hunt had not been happy at that moment. She lowered her eyes and said very seriously,
25:07My great-grandson Peter painted it. Peter. This was the first time this name had been
25:13mentioned in public. At first, no one was quite sure who she meant, but Mrs. Hunt clarified.
25:20He's Justin's son. A murmur went through the crowd. So Justin's child was a son.
25:27Over the last five years, the child had been a secret that Justin had guarded closely.
25:33No one had even known whether the child was a boy or a girl. Finally, Mrs. Hunt had put that mystery
25:41to rest. What was more, she was demonstrating her love and approval of the boy. She wanted everyone
25:49to know that her great-grandson status would not change just because Mr. Hunt had a girlfriend.
25:56Of course, no one had seen him yet, but at least his name would be known among high society.
26:03When everyone heard this, they all looked at Justin and Nora. Mrs. Hunt's intentions were
26:09all too obvious. Everyone understood. At first, they thought that Nora would look antagonized.
26:16She and Mr. Hunt seemed perfectly indifferent. It didn't affect Justin's reputation at all.
26:23After all, the boy was his son. But just when Nora had looked very important and of high status
26:29within the family, suddenly she didn't seem to matter so much. She was only a girlfriend.
26:36She wasn't blood. Rachel smiled and said to Yvonne,
26:40Mrs. Hunt is warning Nora to behave. Yvonne lowered her eyes and didn't speak. However,
26:47Rachel became smug. So what is? She's with Mr. Hunt. She's not the boss of anyone. It's not like
26:55her opinion matters. As she spoke, Justin led Melissa to Mrs. Hunt. Rachel instantly became
27:02even more excited. The Andersons are in dire straits now. Their family can't afford a decent
27:07gift. As she thought about this, she heard Melissa say, Happy birthday, Mrs. Hunt. My family and I
27:15wish you many happy returns. We've prepared a small gift. I hope you'll like it. Having said that,
27:24she looked at Nora, who handed her a box of pills. Mrs. Lewis took a step forward. She was very
27:30respectful in front of Justin and everyone else. After all, she could not lose the Hunt family's
27:36approval. Everyone saw that Melissa was holding an intricate box without a label. Nora had wanted
27:43to use a paper box, but Melissa had felt it would look too ridiculous. So she had opted for this fine
27:49box instead, even though it looked rather shabby. Rachel laughed mockingly. Her laughter attracted
27:57attention from people around her. Someone asked, What are you laughing at? Rachel said, I'm guessing
28:04that's a box of the carefree pills that the Andersons manufacture. Each one is worth three
28:09thousand dollars. But look at the size of that box. There can't be more than 50 pills in it.
28:16The gift was worth one hundred fifty thousand dollars for any ordinary family. That was
28:21extremely generous. However, for the Hunts, especially when Justin had just announced
28:27their relationship, Nora's gift should have been more valuable. The crowd began to whisper to each
28:33other and chuckle. However, they didn't dare to say anything out loud. Someone made a weak attempt
28:41at flattery. Fifty carefree pills. That's very impressive. You usually need to provide proof
28:49of identity to get those, and they only let you buy one a month. Only the Andersons could buy 50
28:57at once. It was a stilted, badly affected compliment. Mrs. Hunt's mood further darkened.
29:04She maintained a grateful smile. Mrs. Anderson, you're too kind. At my age, there's really nothing
29:11more useful to me than pills. Mrs. Lewis handed her the box, but she placed it casually beside
29:17her without bothering to open it. When Melissa saw this, she didn't say anything. She couldn't
29:25possibly try to convince Mrs. Hunt that this was a gift that they had put a lot of thought into.
29:31It would sound like she was complaining if Mrs. Hunt didn't open the box and didn't ask about it.
29:37She couldn't explain why they had chosen it. Instead, she simply smiled and led Cheryl and
29:43Nora aside to let others past. After them, it was the Smith's turn, represented by Warren,
29:50who had a van in tow. After saying a few polite words, he offered Mrs. Hunt the gift the Smith's
29:57had brought. It was a very expensive red coral tree. After Warren had walked away, Yvonne stepped
30:05forward and smiled. Happy birthday, Grandma. Seeing her, Mrs. Hunt smiled. Yvonne, you're here too.
30:15If I nodded and took out a carefully packaged box, yes, I also prepared a small gift for you.
30:23As she spoke, she held out the medicine box. Mrs. Lewis took it and handed it to Mrs. Hunt.
30:30Mrs. Hunt smiled and opened the medicine box. What medicine is this? It looks so good. Let me
30:38see if it's some miracle cure. She opened the box and the faint fragrance of calming pills floated
30:44out. Mrs. Hunt recognized the scent immediately. Surprised, she asked, are these the Zombie
30:52Corporation's calming pills? Her surprise spread to the guests round about. Someone said, didn't
31:00the Zarb Corporation stop making those? The person standing next to them said, I heard that Sylvester
31:06Sayab still makes them for his personal use. The Smith's must have asked him to make them
31:11specially for Mrs. Hunt. Only the Smith's have that kind of pull, said someone else admiringly.
31:19When Yvonne heard all this praise from the people around her, she affected humility and said,
31:25it's really the least I could do. The Andersons are the real pharmaceutical experts here.
31:31I'm sure my pills are nothing compared to theirs. Although Yvonne was doing her best to sound
31:36self-effacing, it was clear that she was drawing attention to the superior quality of her pills
31:42over those of the Andersons and Nora. Melissa's brows knitted together. Some people laughed.
31:49Someone even said the Andersons may be pharmaceutical experts, but Dr. Zarb is a
31:55highly respected figure in the herbal medicinal world. His skills far exceeds the Andersons,
32:01and he has access to ingredients that no one else has. This pill contains 500-year-old ginseng.
32:08I heard it costs millions, 500-year-old ginseng. Isn't that too old for the manufacturing process?
32:16Ask someone. That's why the Zarb Corporation stopped producing the calming pill,
32:22said the first speaker. Usually, a single ginseng root would be enough to create an
32:27entire furnace worth of pills. However, this medicine is extremely difficult to form.
32:34Doctors have created a furnace full of pills a few years ago, and only one succeeded. This
32:40medicine is excellent for calming the mind, but hardly anyone can afford it. What an extraordinary
32:46gift. The Smiths are even more powerful than I had realized. Nora's gift was so thoughtless
32:53by comparison. It makes you wonder why Mr. Hunt is interested in her. She's pretty.
33:00That's why men only really care about looks. As everyone was talking, Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Lewis
33:06looked at each other. Yvonne had put the focus on the Andersons' deficiencies. Although Mrs. Hunt
33:13didn't like Nora, she couldn't be overt about it in public. Instead, she smiled and said,
33:20Thank you so much, Yvonne. That's extremely generous. I'm very touched.
33:26She hadn't thanked the Andersons. It was obvious that she wasn't impressed with their offering.
33:32Yvonne's eyes glittered as she smiled. She didn't speak again. As she turned to leave,
33:39Rachel saw that Yvonne had missed a good opportunity. She called out Mrs. Hunt.
33:45Show us the pills the Andersons gave you. Are they the carefree pills?
33:50Everyone looked at Mrs. Hunt. Her expression soured. She glanced at Nora and saw that the
33:57girl looked entirely indifferent, as though she couldn't have cared less what Mrs. Hunt
34:02thought of their gift. Her insolence made Mrs. Hunt even angrier. She looked at Melissa again
34:10the moment their eyes met. Melissa understood her silent inquiry. After some thought,
34:16Melissa subtly shook her head. Internally, Mrs. Hunt scoffed. However, she smiled and said,
34:23It's my medicine. I'll open it when I feel like it. Mrs. Lewis, take these medicines to my room.
34:31Hearing this, Mrs. Lewis nodded. She took Nora and Yvonne's medicine boxes and turned to go upstairs.
34:38In the crowd, Cheryl looked at Melissa in confusion and asked, Mom, why didn't you let
34:45Mrs. Hunt open the pills we gave her? That would have shown everyone. Melissa smiled and said
34:51gently, First of all, Nora might not want anyone to know that she can create those pills. It could
34:58cause a lot of trouble. Secondly, we have no enmity with the Smiths. There is no need to make
35:05things difficult for Yvonne. She continued, Sometimes unnecessary comparisons only make people
35:12more and more concerned about other people's opinions. We don't live for other people's
35:17opinions. We live for ourselves. Cheryl was stunned, but her mother had always been a proud
35:24and self-reliant woman. She had never cared about others' opinions. Cheryl couldn't say the same for
35:31herself. Just as she was thinking about this, she heard Nora say, She's right. Cheryl suddenly felt
35:39very immature by comparison. Even Nora feels this way, she wondered. Nora said, It'll be too much
35:46trouble if someone finds out. Nora had forgone sleep for two days to make those pills. If people
35:53found out that she could make such medicine, they might start to demand it from her. The gift-giving
35:58continued, but Nora was a little hungry, so she took Cherry to the dessert table by the far wall.
36:05When she got there, she picked up a cake slice and was about to claim a piece of cake when another
36:11hand reached over. Their silverware met in the air. Nora looked up and saw a woman in her 30s
36:18looking at her. Nora abandoned the cake she had been reaching for and took a piece closer to her
36:25just as she was about to leave. The woman asked, You are Cherry's mother, right? Nora frowned,
36:33perplexed. The woman smiled. I'm Brandon's mother. Brandon always talks about Cherry.
36:40It's a pleasure to meet you. Oh, hello. Brandon's mother, Maureen, who was also Warren's wife,
36:48was a straightforward woman. She told Nora quite openly that she didn't approve of her husband
36:53doting so much on his little sister. But there was little she could do about it. One cause of
36:59friction within the family was that Yvonne always wanted the best of everything. In particular,
37:05she demanded the most exquisite food, no matter how much trouble it put others to.
37:10Maureen could tell that Haven's demands were a way of asserting her dominance,
37:15because she wasn't Ian's biological daughter. It made her feel insecure, as though people would
37:21think it made her less important in the family. However, Maureen felt that they shouldn't
37:26constantly indulge her. Yvonne had been pampered since she was young. It wasn't good for her to
37:32get her own way all the time. Over the years, the two women had come into conflict many times,
37:39and a huge grudge had formed. She hadn't expected to bump into Nora at the dessert table.
37:45When their forks had clashed, she had decided that she had better choose another piece of cake.
37:51After all, Nora was Justin's girlfriend. She would do well not to offend her.
37:57But Nora had given way first. This humble gesture had made a good impression on Maureen.
38:04She was about to say something more to Nora when she received a text message.
38:08She checked her phone and said, I have to go, Nora. I have to meet up with my brother and uncle.
38:15But we should talk again sometime. With that, she left, leaving Nora confused.
38:21At the door, Joel pushed Ian into the hall in a wheelchair.
38:26Ian's body was weak, and he could no longer walk very far. As they entered,
38:33Ian looked up, his eyes searching eagerly for someone in particular.
38:37He wanted to see what she looked like. Did she look like her mother?
38:42Thank you so much for watching. Don't forget, subscribe to my channel, comment and like.
