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Word and Spirit of God

SUPERNATURAL FIRE ~ https://tinyurl.com/supernatural-fire (1st edition)

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K3T9KYC (2nd edition)

IMAGES of JESUS ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B39PSGP6

Imágenes de Jesús - (Spanish) ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BBJR9Q2Z

WAVES OF GOD ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1723991627

FAITH TO CONQUER ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FHD3L2F

WINGS OF WORSHIP (fully illustrated) ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTRXDY2Z

GOD vs RELIGION ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/1723898589

Tinyurl.com/PaulFDavis-Books (Paul's Books)
Zelle Pay ~ RevivingNations@yahoo/com

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00:00John chapter 8 verse 31 Jesus said if you continue in my word you are my disciple indeed.
00:08So may God help us to hunger for his word and to feed and feast on the word of God which
00:14is the source of strength and life and hope and peace and light illumination revelation
00:21transformation you'll be changed and transformed by the renewing of your mind to that word
00:27of God that will enlighten you and lead and guide you and then the Holy Spirit Jesus
00:31said in John chapter 6 verse 63 the flesh profits nothing but the spirit the words that
00:38I speak unto you they are spirit and they're life so the word helps you grow up the Holy
00:43Spirit helps you accelerate like gas in the car you've got to have the fuel of the fire
00:49of the Holy Spirit which prayer will accelerate and accomplish and enable you to do so some
00:54churches they are focused entirely on the spirit so they think but they neglect the
00:59word of God yet they're exuberant in prayer and praise and worship which is wonderful
01:04but then they lack the stability of the word of God we need them both if we only have the
01:09word with no spirit will dry up because we need the word inspired by the Holy Spirit
01:15we need the Spirit of God to breathe upon the scriptures and bring them to life for
01:19us and to illuminate us and not merely just have a top-heavy theological Bible study but
01:25rather have a inspired move of the Holy Spirit Jesus wants us to be ministers of the Spirit
01:33if we're merely ministers of the letter the letter of the word alone kills but the Spirit
01:38gives life it's the Holy Spirit that inspired the Holy Scriptures in the first place so
01:43may God help you find a narrow path that enters into life where you work together with the
01:48Holy Spirit and the word and God by the Holy Spirit confirms the word of God the Bible
01:53states in Mark 16 verse 20 so Hebrews 2 verse 4 again states the word of God is confirmed
02:00by the Holy Spirit with manifestations miracles signs and wonders and gifts of the Holy Spirit
02:05so they work together the Holy Spirit honors the word Jesus said the heavens and the earth
02:10will pass away but the word of God will never pass away and even in Psalms the Bible says
02:15that God honors his word above his name that's a pretty powerful statement so you're you're
02:20ready to go to fight and to throw down oftentimes many people are as I'm a schoolteacher and
02:26I deal 14 year olds all day long and I see them ready to fight if somebody says something
02:31about their name but yet God says I honor my word above my name and a lot of people
02:37can't keep their word and they lack the stability and the consistency when they say something
02:44they don't always follow through but God watches over his word however to perform it
02:49so therefore we can take it to the bank and when you know the word of God you can speak
02:54it confess it see it believe it step into it realize it and fulfill it and taste and
03:01see that God is good so it's important for you to know what the Bible says about you
03:05who you are what you can do and what you can have and once you have tasted the word of
03:11God and internalized it and taken ownership of it you can do what the Bible says you can
03:15do you can have what the Bible says you can have and most importantly you can possess
03:19that internal God-given identity remembering that you're created in his image and his likeness
03:24and thereby you can have both identity assured and established and secured and then from
03:31that identity flows forth your destiny so may God bless you to be established in his
03:36word and move and flow and his Holy Spirit because Jesus said the Holy Spirit will lead
03:41and guide you into all truth in John 16 verse 13 have a blessed and wonderful day my friend