Repent and be baptized

  • 2 days ago
Repent and Be Baptized


Imágenes de Jesús - (Spanish) ~

WINGS OF WORSHIP (fully illustrated) ~

SUPERNATURAL FIRE ~ (1st edition) (2nd edition)


FAITH TO CONQUER ~ (Paul's Books) (Paul's Lessons)
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00:00Peter, the apostle, Peter said, repent, a new concept for American Christians.
00:11Repent of your sins.
00:12Keep your heart pure.
00:13Be quick and zealous to repent.
00:15Ask God to forgive you.
00:16It's as simple as that.
00:17The more you repent, cleanse yourself of sin and weights that hold you down, the more free
00:21you can be to flow and live in the Spirit of God.
00:25Repent and be baptized, Acts 2, verse 38.
00:28Even Jesus was baptized, and it's He that baptizes us in the Holy Ghost, Luke 3, verse
00:35Yet He had John, John baptized Jesus, and He said, Suffer it, be so, to fulfill righteousness.
00:44So if we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus, we also should follow with water baptism.
00:49I'm not talking about baptizing babies involuntarily, but we voluntarily, Romans chapter 6, going
00:55down into the waters of baptism with Christ, dying to our old man, and living thereafter
01:00in the new man, in the Spirit, in Christ Jesus, after having been cleansed by His blood, after
01:06we repent of our sins.
01:07So back to Acts 2, verse 38.
01:09Peter said, the apostle, repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ,
01:15for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, for the promise
01:20is to you and your children and to all that are far off, as many as the Lord our God shall
01:27So yes, children can be baptized, they can choose to surrender and give their life to
01:30Christ, they can choose to go forth and be born again of the Spirit, and live in the
01:35Spirit, and be filled with the Holy Ghost, and pray in tongues, and live in the gifts
01:38of the Spirit, and operate and flow in spiritual gifts, and manifest the fruit and the character
01:43of the Spirit as well.
01:45But babies, they don't really have the wherewithal, the understanding, they're not of a proper
01:50age to surrender and give their life to Christ.
01:53We can dedicate and pray over them, to give our children to the Lord, our newborns, and
01:59our toddlers, until they come to understanding, and we teach them in the ways and the knowledge
02:04of God.
02:05But first, we, adults, we need to be those who are quick to repent.
02:12Hebrews 6, verse 1 and 2, states that repentance, and the baptisms, plural, that's an elementary
02:22foundation, elementary school, spiritually speaking, in Christ, to repent of our sins,
02:27to have faith in God, be born of the Holy Ghost, that's a born of the Spirit, John chapter
02:333, and then praying in tongues when the Holy Ghost fills us, Acts chapter 10, as it was
02:37in verse 44, when Peter preached and the Holy Ghost fell on all those who heard the word,
02:41and they spoke in tongues and glorified God.
02:43So there's more than one baptism, there's baptism into the waters of baptism, speaking
02:48of the death of Christ, and there's a baptism in the fire of the Holy Ghost, Luke 3, verse
02:53So, baptism in the Spirit is where we should be living, as all we're doing, in Acts, the
03:00book of Acts, Acts of the Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit likes to give us revelation,
03:05and the Holy Spirit likes to give us divine manifestation.
03:08So we need both, and the more we know God's word and yield to His Spirit and follow and
03:13lay a strong foundation first in repentance from dead works, and then baptisms for the
03:17remission of sins, faith in God, living by faith, not by sight, we can go on into the
03:23fullness of the blessing of Christ.
03:25So repent and be baptized, that's the first thing Jesus and John the Baptist went preaching
03:31and stating and telling people to do, repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand, repent and
03:35be baptized.
03:37I think we can repent on a daily basis, because we all sin and thought, word and deed, things
03:41done and left undone, so don't be too arrogant or high-minded that you don't think you have
03:46need of repentance, we all do.
03:47We get foul thoughts and wicked ideas or things like birds that fly over our head, they may
03:54not take internal dwelling and residence in us, thank God, we can reject them and cast
03:59them down, but merely having the thought is close enough to sin in and of itself that
04:04it's worth repenting of to make sure that it doesn't pollute us and take residency
04:09in us and diminish and dwarf our potential and our spiritual life within, which is why
04:16God says in the Bible, in Proverbs chapter four, guard your heart, it's the wellspring
04:20of life.
04:21So Hebrews 12, our God's a consuming fire, he wants to consume the chaff, he wants to
04:25consume the sin in our life, but he's a gentleman.
04:28He won't do so and enter into your heart, into your life, your soul, without your permission.
04:33So ask and invite Jesus to come in to heal you, to cleanse you, to forgive you, cleanse
04:38and burn away the sin in you by the fire and the waters of the spirit of God and the word
04:43of God, and ask him to come and clean your heart and give you a new conscience, a right
04:48spirit and make you whole and one with Christ and help you to abide in the life in Christ
04:53Jesus and live in the spirit and the purity of God.
04:57Ask God for that help, I do, I just did right there, so be it for me, Father God, I own
05:01that prayer, I take it and possess it myself and for whosoever will, whosoever's listening
05:06to me and agrees and wants it, I say yes and amen for them too, and God bless you.