Iron Swallow 1978

  • last month
English dubs.
00:00:30Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:01:00Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
00:01:30I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
00:02:00Andy how much further do we have to go
00:02:06I yet you see anyone no not yet not so far Andy please give me a ball
00:02:37I am you ought to be more careful it's okay
00:03:12Give me my records again. How does anyone know that we're here? I don't see how they could have found out
00:03:24Lady you're good
00:03:51Lady you face a lot of danger be careful
00:04:11Have you seen that man before no never but he seems all right to me
00:04:17We better go
00:04:32Kofang usual rules all right good
00:04:35Good Kofang as soon as the coin falls right you toss it
00:05:02But this time why don't we throw you four pieces you mustn't lose again all right two in the middle
00:05:11Don't know
00:05:13What you doing here?
00:05:15Dad teacher
00:05:17What are you doing? You two are wasting your time playing games
00:05:23Don't laze about
00:05:25Yes, dad. Yes teacher
00:06:40One more time where's father he's gone good all right
00:06:47Let me do it okay
00:07:07Till then you lost again. Why are you?
00:07:10Mr.. Jew I have to admit that I envy you having a son like to look and call Frank as a pupil
00:07:16Hey, is that so you think I'm lucky
00:07:21Mr.. Chen those two young boys are both chips off the old block
00:07:27Mr.. Look what you agree with oh, he's a fine teacher, but I'm afraid I'm a poor father
00:07:35Right all right, that's quite enough of all this small talk today
00:07:40I've invited you here because I have something important to discuss
00:07:45Oh, I thought you wanted to play chess who long inform me that tomorrow is going to be Kofang's birthday
00:07:52Well I started thinking that we should hold a party and give him a surprise
00:07:58Huh, I don't why didn't you make sure this before no?
00:08:02You didn't say anything, and I didn't want to disturb you
00:08:07We should have a party swell idea and we can all go over to mr.. Long's house to eat dinner
00:08:14Oh, mr.. Chan. You shouldn't say that it is my honor to invite you all to my home
00:08:21But I don't really feel
00:08:23We need a party
00:08:26Kofang is still a boy
00:08:28Of course not we'd be delighted. I'm sure mr.
00:08:32Chan and the rest of us will be only too glad to come
00:08:35After all it's an excuse to have a good time
00:09:28Aren't you asleep yet?
00:09:30So a party that gives you no right to come back late. It wasn't for the Emperor you know
00:09:38What do you know about it I
00:09:40Know a lot. I know everything that you do. I know that you spend too much on that gift. We're business people
00:09:47We need our money
00:09:52Don't you put a sock in it?
00:09:55How dare you say that I've got a right to speak
00:09:58You cannot talk to me like that
00:10:01You don't understand everyone is going mr.. Chan a mr.. Jew I can't be an old miser a miser
00:10:08Money just doesn't grow on trees. You know times have changed. We must work for a living people. Just don't go around giving rich presents
00:10:17to each other anymore
00:10:19You're not some rich Lord. It beats me. What do you think you're trying to impress? What a suck in it?
00:10:25Go to bed and get some sleep
00:10:27Well, you earn the money so I suppose you've got the right to go and spend it
00:10:47Tell her where she stands
00:10:55My father's Tim long shot did you have a quarrel with him? What did you?
00:14:10It's good, it's good
00:14:15Mister it's not that I'm so skillful, but you just don't seem to be concentrating at all. Oh
00:14:22If you ask me you've been working too hard you should rest for a while hold it I
00:14:27I just cannot leave the game like this
00:14:58Shut up, if you shout you're as good as being a dead man
00:15:07Since you hold high office you should stand up instead of lying down on the couch
00:15:14I've come
00:15:15To settle up an account with you. You won't get away from me
00:15:20You're gonna pay for what you did. Do you understand? I've never met you, but I know you
00:15:25Your governor listen to me Tim long shanks my father until yet
00:17:09Want a bag of tobacco
00:17:15Consider it's a present for mr. Lee
00:17:17Hey, this is a really big party. We've never had one like this in the town before not that I can read right there
00:17:23Yeah, I guess you must be invited 500 people. Yeah, I'm about that
00:17:28It's a lot
00:17:31It's too many don't you think so too I tell you these people waste money they're fools watch what you say
00:17:37What's wrong with you? Are you crazy? Just forget it
00:17:40I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what you're talking about
00:17:44What's wrong with you, are you crazy just forget it why should I the birthday is a complete waste of money
00:17:49It's for a boy. They have to be crazy. Oh, they're really crazy
00:17:52Oh, you're hurting my hand. I'll dump out in I'm telling you what I think long shouldn't spend so much money on his son
00:17:59Huh? Oh, what's up now? You're hurting my leg. Oh
00:18:03Really? Well, I didn't mean it really but I want to stay down here out of the way
00:18:07I can't fool me like that
00:18:09Turn around and have a look
00:18:14I don't want to turn around. Mr. Lung's behind me right behind me there. I know
00:18:21There's chaos going on. I don't pass my teacher's gonna give me
00:18:25Look at you. You're almost 18. You should be married now. Come here
00:18:30Don't tell me do you have any plans?
00:18:35Dad, what's this? Oh
00:18:41Goose not bad. Yeah, I don't say that gung-fu has nothing to do with getting married
00:18:47Master something is the matter. So it's crying on what's happened. Let's go and see
00:19:13Don't cry now come inside and tell me all about it such a what's that in your hand speak up now
00:19:31It's a swallow
00:19:41Uncle long
00:19:43Uncle long last night something terrible happened fate had his ears. Where's your father? He went over to face place
00:19:49He asked me to give you this and said you were to hang it on the gate
00:20:04You can hear him go on
00:20:08Shouting you promised there would never be any trouble but now this
00:20:14It's unfair. All right, but let me deal with it. I will solve this in my own way
00:20:21He's lost both his eyes, can you solve that?
00:20:24Sit down dear. That's enough
00:20:26Madam I
00:20:28Sympathize with what you say for many years. It's been peaceful here in good times and in bad
00:20:35We've almost forgotten and suddenly something like this happens. Of course. It is a shock
00:20:42Sergeant don't mention it again
00:20:46Hey, I'm only sorry I didn't kill all of them
00:20:51So thing what about your eyes we'll go away what about them
00:20:58It's better than being dead
00:21:02It's just not right we should call the police
00:21:06But you don't want to we called the doctor
00:21:09But you refuse to see him instead. You just lock yourself up in this room
00:21:12Grandpa, what did you lose both ears?
00:21:15Why have I?
00:21:18For an old friend, I've gone and lost both my ears for an old friend. What else can I say?
00:21:25Grandpa, I don't know but dad said you were governor for such a high official
00:21:31Nobody would dare come near you that was in the past
00:21:34And if I hadn't been the governor, I couldn't have helped my friend
00:21:38and then huh, I
00:21:41Wouldn't have lost both my ears
00:21:44Remember always be careful when making your friends
00:21:50Mr. Chan you go on ahead. It's all right. I'll handle it this end
00:21:55It's the last thing I expected that you and Faye would be attacked like this
00:21:59Also, there may be a lot of them. We don't know what their next move is
00:22:03But if you stay here, it could be that they'll return and kill you
00:22:08Mr. Chan now, is it worth it?
00:22:13To charge in you're fighting the poor
00:22:16I'm telling the truth as I see it now go away when it's over. You can come back any time
00:22:23Go away, but where can I go? Mr. Chan go to your son's place and take her with you to to avoid trouble
00:22:32Very well, I suppose so
00:22:36Mr. Chan, do you have any doubts about me? Don't you trust me?
00:22:42You're badly hurt. How can you go?
00:22:44Besides, it's a long way to your son's place. Something might happen on the way
00:22:49As soon as you go
00:22:52Mr. Chan the better, but if you wish to stay here
00:22:56When teens family come again
00:22:59You just let me deal with them
00:23:01Grandpa, it's terrible to see you like this if my parents should find out they'll get very upset
00:23:16Appreciate all that you've said about my safety
00:23:20I'll make my own arrangements
00:23:23If you don't mind, mr. Chan, I've been your best friend for a very long time. I'll stand by you
00:24:11What did you like to order sir? What kind of place is it? What do you mean to rice cake to rice cake?
00:24:32Hey rice cake sir, that's funny. Where is he?
00:24:49Can't read it cuz you're too young
00:25:11Excuse me young master. Oh, that's you. Why don't you go and fetch uncle alone?
00:25:16Yeah, why isn't father here go and call it right away
00:25:21Master isn't feeling too. Well, even mr. Chu's been feeling ill. All right. Yeah, I'll go and get
00:25:47Fang is a grown man now. I'm not in the mood for a party. Everyone's enjoying themselves
00:25:54You go and join Kofi and look after the kids
00:25:59And if they should ask for me just say I'm not feeling well, yes
00:26:07Master that's enough
00:26:26Who are you who am I you should know that by now
00:26:34In Longshan your tin Longshan's daughter
00:26:38You're cool for a girl far too cruel
00:28:10Thank you all for coming my friends
00:28:23What's a matter hello
00:28:34You know, oh my god, I don't
00:28:43Gentleman a drink a toast your health. I think first
00:28:48I'll go and see shouldn't I go and tell mr. Chu don't tell anyone
00:29:03Mr. Loan
00:29:05You should be at the party not walking down dark alleys on your own. So it's you lady. Who are you?
00:29:15Jin Yan
00:29:18So you're the one who attacked Faye? That's right. I'm the one and you also attacked. Mr. Chan, didn't you? I did that too
00:29:25You've been to my house for my revenge
00:29:28Revenge on home Longshu Shan father. He is not your father nonsense
00:29:37Lady you better explain that. Hmm. Let me see your Kung Fu first
00:29:57It's your father what is it you must come quickly, it's terrible
00:30:06Hurry I tell you he's not your father master. Come on. Come back quickly
00:30:12Hurry up
00:30:26Why are you
00:30:29It's rare to meet a girl that kills and obviously likes killing
00:30:35If you are with the police
00:30:37Don't worry as soon as I'm through I'll turn myself in no, I
00:30:43Work privately to shout in that's right
00:31:37Master you again. Well lady you meddled for the last time
00:32:25Sorry mister choose hard this assassin you must be careful
00:32:32Who the hell are you that's 10 I must go
00:32:51Mr. Chu
00:33:00It was day outside yes dad
00:33:08Didn't you let too long tell me what's been going on
00:33:13Father wants no bother. He should have called me. How is it? Hey
00:33:22You go now. Yeah, go ahead. I must talk to your father leave us for a while. Yes teacher
00:33:36Mr. Chan and Faye will be leaving tomorrow. They are going away on a short journey
00:33:47What about you I don't know
00:33:56Master it has been a long night for all of us. You must eat some food
00:34:03First it was Faye then it was Chan
00:34:07The girl is too cruel
00:34:09Kofang hasn't your father explained why to you?
00:34:15Something in the past he won't tell us he refuses same as my father. I can't even mention it to him
00:34:23Mr. Chu had come earlier. None of this would have happened. Hey, it's my fault Kofang. What does the girl look like?
00:34:33I can't forget she's not from around here. She must be from out of town
00:34:42Can you tell me how many hotels are there
00:34:46You're about 10 Kofang come with me. Let's go look for her. We've got to find her. We have to stop this madness
00:34:56So you've decided to stay I
00:34:58know I've lost my arm I
00:35:01Consider it a small price to pay
00:35:04Because I have found peace of mind at last I
00:35:08Don't mind dying
00:35:10I'm not afraid of that
00:35:13My only fear is that I won't have a proper funeral
00:35:16But you're not dead yet. I'm just talking to myself. Why are you so gloomy?
00:35:22to shout in
00:35:25Kofang is your student. You know him. Do you think he will leave?
00:35:31I'm not his real father
00:35:34But still for the last 10 years. I have treated him as if he was my son
00:35:40And he believes that I'm his father in blood
00:35:43You asked me to leave
00:35:45Because you're afraid that they will find out what happened 10 years ago. So am I
00:35:51You're talking too much, but you want your son to grow up respecting you. So do I
00:35:55Don't you sir, we are not the same I would never invite somebody to murder me if you insist on staying and on your own
00:36:03head beat
00:36:09tin long sir
00:36:11We did you wrong you died because of us and now you've returned to haunt us, but I'm not afraid
00:36:26What a coming mister, can I help
00:36:32Of any strangers coming
00:36:35Yes, sir, a man or a woman
00:36:38a woman
00:36:39There are two they're both upstairs
00:37:21Andy thank you father's heart
00:37:24I am I want to remind you
00:37:28Not to be impatient. Don't rush it things or you'll be sorry later
00:37:33Yes, I know auntie
00:37:36I'm worried about you
00:37:39Who is it? It's the waiter
00:37:46What is it a gentleman downstairs asked me to give you this letter
00:37:52What is it
00:37:57We've gotta go
00:38:08Waiter who are those two gentlemen looking for a two ladies just come into town
00:38:14They're upstairs
00:38:17Yes, sir, we've missed them
00:38:30They move fast
00:38:38Tell you it's in the past. Let it be now
00:38:41I don't care if it's in the past, but what's going on here does involve me dad. I must get to the bottom of it
00:38:49Not your concern. It's my own business that why do you say that after all? I'm your son, honey
00:38:56And our family is well known in this town. I can't just let others laugh at us
00:39:02Dad I don't see why you have to hide it from me. Oh
00:39:06Go Frank, I've lost an arm and I don't feel well. Don't make me lose my temper. I want to know what happened
00:39:14Oh, all right. All right
00:39:16Dad, I can tell you this right now that I'm looking for that girl when I find her. I'm gonna chop off her arm, too
00:39:23Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you
00:39:27When I find her I'm gonna chop off her arm, too
00:39:31Kofi I'm feeling sleepy. Oh
00:39:35Yeah, I'm leaving now good
00:39:46Dad when I was fighting with that girl last night, she said something she told me that what did she tell you? Oh
00:39:54It's nothing you get some sleep
00:40:11You tell me this was ten years ago
00:40:13But Kofang said tin yens a young girl be
00:40:18Why should she be involved?
00:40:20When I was a young man, I had a very hot temper and I made a lot of enemies
00:40:26I don't know why I tell you
00:40:28You won't understand
00:40:30What it's about dad, you're right there. I don't
00:40:34archon our faith
00:40:36Now Kofang's father. They've all been badly hurt. What did you do to invite it? What do you want them to say?
00:40:42Explain what's behind it call the police. It's private business
00:40:47Even if it is the law is here to protect us
00:40:50Unless you did something wrong
00:40:52In your past don't know you want me to confess dad, it's not that
00:40:58But in that letter that tin yen wrote
00:41:01She did warn you
00:41:03That she'd get you
00:41:04one at a time
00:41:06First a small fry then a leader. Don't you?
00:41:15Dad I
00:41:16Am your son I can't just stand by and let tin yen attack you the girl seems to know what she's doing
00:41:22Kofang and I I've been checking all the hotels in town
00:41:26Dad, don't know
00:41:29Listen to me. I
00:41:31Will not have you getting involved
00:41:34And as far as this girl, I'm not worried about her
00:41:38You can go to your room
00:41:41haven't you always insisted a
00:41:43Man has nothing to fear
00:41:45Just as long as his conscience is clear dad
00:41:51I'm leaving
00:42:18Have you met too long yet? I've not how's it going?
00:42:24So long as you're paying me good money, I'll guarantee that you get what you paid for
00:42:30Hmm. Don't make any mistakes. I know what I'm up against I can handle any of them comfortably
00:42:42Right, I'll give you half you get the rest when the jobs done you're very generous I appreciate that hold it
00:42:52Take this with you and use them tomorrow a good idea
00:43:13Mr. Chu
00:43:18It's rather late we used to still be about is that so why are you here to steal something I'll get information
00:43:26You talk too big for your mouth. Shut up. What do you want? Who sent you here talk? I
00:43:33Can't tell you goodbye
00:43:53Want you to tell me everything
00:44:18Mr. Chu
00:44:20Your son mistook me for a nighttime prowler and tried to apprehend me dad. I caught this guy sneaking around. He's up to no good
00:44:27I'm here now. I will handle it. Goodbye
00:44:32Dad you can leave it to me. Don't worry about it
00:44:57Mr. Long, you're up early. Where's mr. Chuck got out of town left this morning straight away
00:46:25Are you what do you want here and you are you?
00:46:46You teamed up with the other guy no connection, that's right
00:46:51Hey, I
00:46:55Have never met you
00:47:02Left by here
00:47:19Thought you shot in Sun could do better are you connected with the girl could be
00:47:45Got back
00:48:03See it's fun in the middle of the road. Oh, you better move it away. It's heavy. Huh? Okay all together
00:48:15What are you doing sitting there go and help them, all right
00:48:26Miss son, excuse me, but grandpa
00:48:30Heard everything that was said we better hurry. Yes. Yes, they are working now
00:48:47It's heavy if you ask me we're never going to
00:48:57Mr. Moon, why not you do me?
00:49:00Did you do it? Did you put this tree across the road?
00:49:04I'm glad to see the governor takes care and hire so many bodyguards
00:49:09Mr. Moon, we're just doing a job. So leave us alone. Well, somebody's paid me to do a job as well
00:49:33Joe show
00:49:36Go back home
00:49:38But remember if your parents should ask you anything about my ears don't tell them a thing
00:49:45Say I'm all right
00:49:47Yes, I know
00:49:48Grandpa, but still I get scared when I think of your ears and I see your bandaged up
00:50:22One always ends up paying for one's mistakes, oh
00:50:27But I won't make a same mistake again. What do you mean?
00:50:33Must solve it to shut in monks who sang shall I explain why this is all happening?
00:50:41Jankai hoy a chief who I've left down already. I
00:50:46Want you to go too because we have been friends for many years now and also what do you want with me? I
00:50:55Want to stop you from talking about
00:50:58So too long never finds out but while you're still alive I
00:51:04Can't take the risk I
00:51:06Love my son, and I know that he worships me
00:51:10Calvary's my son and he's also your student. Let me tell you this teen young girl has not come along
00:51:17Who she is?
00:51:20She has got some old lady with her I'm sure you can guess who she is
00:51:31Are you going or not you seem to have little choice
00:51:49Master master, no, please don't get up. What did mr. Chu say?
00:51:56Chang quick
00:51:58pen and paper
00:52:00Master, yeah, I'll speak I'll dictate to you. Yes, matter
00:52:29Know I don't like running any risks. It's on the cafe thereafter. We're only acting as his escort if anything happens. We'll run for it
00:52:37I can't help worried
00:52:39Go now take this wet towel into mr. Spade will help him cool down
00:52:44What's wrong with you want more money?
00:52:46Hey, what do you want?
00:53:44Said nothing to it
00:53:46Please leave me alone. Why should you wanna kill me?
00:53:56Please let me go. Please. I beg you. I beg you. Let me live
00:54:16Choose our tens killing people
00:54:19Making it look like you
00:54:21hmm, if I was afraid for my safety, I
00:54:24Wouldn't have come to start with I am I think the chat and they both deserve to die
00:54:31But not at the hands of Chu. We must put a stop to him
00:54:35And he you are right because otherwise it'll be difficult to know who Kofang really is
00:54:41And who are you we cannot wait long's in danger, let me go on how
00:54:47Hold it
00:54:48Tell me everything and we'll go together
00:54:51Miss Yen's already heard along once and I'm afraid you're getting a fight with Kofang
00:54:56Besides, you must look after your end. You can't leave her alone. Goodbye. Hold it
00:55:03What's the matter don't you trust me
00:55:06How can I if I don't know who you are?
00:55:09Since you have chosen to help us and you obviously know all about why we have come here
00:55:15Why not? Tell us who you really are. You would certainly set my mind at rest
00:55:20If you have nothing to hide, why don't you tell us a
00:55:25Motu ping son of motion you it's him Andy. Who is he? He was the best friend of your father
00:55:34Where's your father he's dead
00:55:44But why do you want to help us
00:55:48Before my father died he asked me to remember that I was always to help tins family
00:55:54That's why I'm here. I don't care if I get killed so long as I thought my father's last wishes
00:56:15Master you're back
00:56:17How's my father in his room? Your teacher was here earlier. It seems like they had an argument
00:56:23My teacher I'll go see him
00:56:54What did you kill yourself
00:56:58Why did
00:57:01Why don't you say something
00:57:16Fang you are not a true son of my flesh your father's Wei Qing a comrade of Tim long Sam
00:57:23Your mother is tinian's aunt
00:57:25Ten years ago to shout in murdered your father and raped your mother
00:57:30When Tim long Sam found out what had happened. He pursued you here bringing you with him
00:57:36Tim was going to kill him
00:57:38but you bribed the officials and the police even the provincial governor himself and got Faye and myself to
00:57:46testify as false witnesses
00:57:49So Tim was tried and convicted and then executed
00:57:53I felt terrible about what I had done. So I took you in and brought you up like my son
00:58:00My son don't you ever do something you'll later regret it will only catch up with you later
00:58:06I am a foolish old man, but I have loved you very much. Just like my own son
00:58:13I know now that you'll hate me and now you will never address me as father
00:58:19Now I have confessed my crime I can die in peace
00:58:26Whose letter my father's
00:58:30Where's he now, he's dead
00:58:40Why do you hang himself?
00:58:42Well find me as a child
00:58:44Well, how'd my mother?
00:58:46Who destroyed my family?
00:58:49But who wrote it
00:58:52Can I see?
00:58:54Housekeeper must have written it by the candidate
00:58:58It is in fact that Lone should try to blame me
00:59:03Till he did try to hang himself I
00:59:08In that case
00:59:12If you don't believe me I
00:59:15Can no longer keep you as my student. Never call me teacher again a man should never forget
00:59:21Who its enemies are as long as I'm alive?
00:59:25I remain loyal as a son. I don't care what should happen. I revenge my father. Oh, really? I
00:59:33Don't have to explain to you, you know all about it
00:59:40All right, I will tell you everything that happened and then you'll be able to take revenge and long spirit can rest in peace
00:59:50Kofi why are you here?
00:59:59Dad stay out of it
01:00:06Teacher as your student I've always respected you go ahead. You can kill me if you want
01:00:28Thank you, thank you
01:00:35Is it true
01:00:38That's right, they're preparing for the funeral
01:00:43She will obviously stop at nothing
01:00:46Look mister
01:00:47If you ask me don't tell your aunt about it yet. Otherwise you start worrying about Kofi
01:00:56What should we do then they'll have to meet sooner or later but for the time being
01:01:03We have to work out a way to defeat you. I
01:01:08Won't stop till we do I must get it. It's the reason I'm here. I'm leaving
01:01:19Do you want me to do anything? Thank you
01:01:36Master you're back at last
01:01:39It's everything ready
01:01:41The date's been set and the coffins ready and all the guests are invited
01:01:48Master, don't worry
01:01:51You take some rest
01:01:55You've done well
01:01:57You work for my father a long time since I was 20. It is a long time then. You know what happened
01:02:05The really true. Yes, it's all true
01:02:08You see the master had been fretting over it for years now
01:02:14So he devoted himself to charitable works
01:02:18And tried to bring you up to be a fine young man. I
01:02:22Knew why he did it all because his conscience told him to make up for what he'd done
01:02:30When he dictated that letter to me, he seemed perfectly calm
01:02:37So after
01:02:40He must have hanged himself
01:02:44That's my fault I should have kissed
01:02:51Go back inside we have a hot day tomorrow. Yes bastard
01:03:31Did it why did you I've been paid to kill you as well
01:05:26You again, who are you? Oh, I don't let me you better get out of here
01:05:48Damn you
01:07:48Should give him more time the boy is still so young
01:07:55Are you afraid there's something gonna happen to it
01:07:59For many years just scraping by
01:08:03From hand to mouth think of all the hardships. We've suffered and we've managed to cover
01:08:08Again, that's enough. No, that's enough. I
01:08:12Don't want to mention the past
01:08:14No, I shouldn't maybe he's wet behind the ears he's not a man enough to handle this crisis
01:08:22We go fine I
01:08:24See now because you chanting your teacher and to look like your own brother
01:08:31You can't face it you prefer not to know however, you've got
01:08:36That's why
01:08:40Stayed alive so long
01:08:43Just so she can
01:08:59All right, you can go
01:09:02Go back to those house you needn't concern yourself. Someone else will resolve it
01:09:28He's the one who saved my life what's his name go on tell me
01:09:36No damping
01:10:45Don't know we're still awake. I'm going to bed now
01:10:52So long give me the letter
01:11:01There's nothing I can do about what long road because he's taken his life to the grave dad
01:11:07First Jan then Faye now look just what did you hope to achieve?
01:11:12Dad I
01:11:15Never wanted you to find out I still don't I cannot allow anything between us
01:11:27And it all happened so long ago now
01:11:31But suddenly it comes back I
01:11:36Had no other choice left
01:11:38Dad, you could put a stop to it now
01:11:41Didn't you tell me it's always necessary for a man to live by his conscience dad, let's make a start I
01:11:51Understand just how you feel when I was about your age I
01:11:58Too had grand ideals
01:12:02Indian and I it's too late. She's come too far now. She won't give up till I'm dead
01:12:11Don't know should I let her kill me
01:12:16It all depends on how good she is
01:12:19Dad, don't you have any other way? I have a rendezvous with her tomorrow
01:12:26To settle everything dad. That's enough. No, you get some sleep
01:12:30No matter what happens to me, I hope you'll never forget I'm your father and you are my son and
01:13:07Was it going did you kill them I didn't someone broke in but I killed him
01:13:20And I killed the old woman
01:13:25Did send the letter
01:13:26There are only two left. It shouldn't be long now
01:13:30Before it's all over. I'm going myself tomorrow. Oh, why is that?
01:13:37Too long. Let's find out I can't cheat him. So I have to go myself
01:13:41Mr. Chu, but what about me?
01:13:44All right, you'll still get all your money
01:13:48You can count it up
01:13:54Except for too long. Nobody knows that really you bastard
01:14:26Saw uncle lungs letter what he says
01:14:29Took place ten years ago. His memory could have played tricks
01:14:36You can't believe everything you read. I
01:14:40Know it's true
01:14:42Husky we told me it happened
01:14:44What's more? I've seen my mother
01:14:47Kofang he is your teacher in my father
01:14:52My father my mother
01:14:54Nien's father what about them as well? Well, if father's wrong, I will pay for him. You can kill me instead
01:15:01It won't work. He has a rendezvous to meet with I end the one way to resolve
01:15:06This is where the fight leave it be let I end go and my father
01:15:10Kofi you must stay out of it. I must go Kofi
01:15:14We are like two brothers and my father's been your teacher for ten years. How can you plan to kill him?
01:15:20To know you and I good friends, so I hope if I do die you won't forget to pray for me
01:15:32Nothing you say will stop me from what I have to do. I'm sorry
01:16:00You want to go wonder me won't be so easy
01:16:08Why do you interfere with me all the time
01:16:17Badly hurt you brought it on yourself. What had no time paint on to you
01:16:31Miss in my life, I'll go to chew and get even. Oh, yes
01:16:37Hmm you can leave that devil to me you go ahead
01:17:15Realize you're angry filled with hate
01:17:24I realize you're angry filled with hate and sorrow that you didn't call a mother
01:17:34Before she died
01:17:36But I think she's happy now her last wish was granted she did see you before
01:17:45She died we've come along with I
01:17:49Don't expect to leave alive. I
01:17:52Must take my revenge
01:17:55Don't you see it has to be?
01:17:58Right now I can't wait longer. I
01:18:02Can't let you get away with what he did
01:18:07Now nobody can tell what really did happen then you must see justice is done and tell everybody
01:18:20But now you've come here and not alone
01:18:24But I'm worried about you
01:18:26I'm a little go for teacher and the other one is your best friend
01:18:37For 10 years, I've been planning what I'm gonna do
01:18:45And my mind is firmly me
01:18:48You're in a dilemma. It's not easy for him
01:18:51No, tamping told me we might not be a match for him
01:18:59I've said a prayer that we will succeed
01:19:32Warned you I'm no longer your teacher, but we'll now see how much you learned
01:19:43I told you that someone would take revenge. There's no going back now
01:21:50Take a nap to get revenge
01:24:44Teacher my father. I cannot blame you. How much do you know?
01:24:48I'll soon find out
01:24:57Teacher couldn't kill me
01:26:46Who's gonna leave here alive