[ENG] EP.1 Hanasaki Mai Speaks Out (2024)

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Hanasaki Mai Speaks Out (2024) EP 1 ENG SUB
00:00The next day
00:10Here you go.
00:22We have a customer waiting at No. 71.
00:26Sorry to keep you waiting.
00:27Not at all.
00:28Excuse me.
00:29Please check this.
00:33Thank you very much.
00:35Ms. Hanasaki.
00:37Here you go.
00:44An invitation?
00:52Ms. Hanasaki is in charge of the cleaning of the chief executive's office this morning, right?
00:57Have you forgotten the rules of the flowers in the chief executive's office?
01:00It's within the budget.
01:01Today is the 15th.
01:02Is this a waste of money for you?
01:06But it's not that much of a waste.
01:08The reason why it's a waste of money is because the customers in the chief executive's office have a bad impression of it,
01:13and they don't want to be blamed for spending money on such a place.
01:16There may have been customers who thought so in the past, but recently...
01:20These are the rules.
01:22These flowers are not to be displayed in the chief executive's office.
01:28Excuse me.
01:32I'm going to say something.
01:34I don't think it's always right to keep the rules from the past.
01:40Rules are meant to be kept.
01:44But we have to change them.
01:49It's not something that can be changed so easily.
01:52It's not something that can be changed so easily.
01:54Even if it's not easy, if someone doesn't raise their voice, nothing will change, right?
02:02If you raise your voice, will it change?
02:05Are you serious?
02:10It's no use talking to you.
02:13Even if you are young, you have
02:30You spoke to Ms. Hanamizu well.
02:35I was nervous.
02:36You did a good job.
02:38Mai is an ace in the house.
02:40No, she's an ace.
02:42What? Genji-chan?
02:45Do your best as an assistant at headquarters.
03:28You have a new member?
03:31Yes, I finally found a good person.
03:34I'm sorry I left you alone until now.
03:37It's a very interesting female employee.
03:47Good morning.
03:49I'm Katada today.
03:51Yes, good morning.
03:53Please come in.
03:55Excuse me.
03:56I will be your assistant from today.
03:58I'm Hanasaki Mai.
04:01Why Hanasaki?
04:02Why Soma-san?
04:04You were with me at the Nakano branch, right?
04:07Did I tell you?
04:09No, you didn't.
04:10I didn't tell you.
04:11I'm sorry.
04:12It's a long story.
04:14From today, you two will work together.
04:19Soma-san, thank you.
04:22Now that you've said hello,
04:25can you go to the Haneda branch?
04:30I was working until last week.
04:32I heard you're still working at Yushika.
04:35Is that so?
04:37Well, it's up to you.
04:39Nice to meet you!
04:49What should I do?
04:51I just said thank you.
04:54And I'm not good at talking to customers.
04:59But I'll do my best.
05:01I'll do my best.
05:05I have to do a job that meets the expectations of the head office.
05:11You know what a part-time job is, right?
05:14It's a job where you teach someone who has a problem.
05:25Listen, Hanasaki.
05:26A part-time job is...
05:32A part-time job is...
05:37So cool.
05:39Where are you from?
05:40Good morning.
05:41Good morning.
05:42I'm Kyoreiko Shosen from the Management Department.
05:45Even your name is cool.
05:49The Management Department is an elite company, isn't it?
05:52I thought our company was still a man's company.
05:54She's a foreign agent.
05:56She's the wife of Director Kimoto.
05:59Director Kimoto?
06:00She's one of the candidates for the future.
06:04Candidate for the future?
06:16The owner of the window is on the second floor.
06:20Good morning.
06:22I'm sorry.
06:23The manager told me not to talk about unnecessary things with my neighbor.
06:28Unnecessary things?
06:29That's right.
06:30Unnecessary things are not to be seen, not to be said, not to be heard.
06:33That's the secret of the forest shop.
06:37What does that mean?
06:39Thank you for your hard work.
06:41I'm Nezu Yushika.
06:42I'm Soma from the headquarters forest shop team.
06:44The manager is waiting for you, so please come this way.
06:50Today, I came to the office to conduct a survey on Jim Miss related to Yushika.
06:55I'm sorry to bother you for such a trivial matter.
07:00It's just a formality.
07:03I'm busy.
07:07I feel sorry for you to be helped with a job like this.
07:11You're still young.
07:13I'm sorry to bother you, but please cooperate.
07:20Please do your job without any problems.
07:24Please finish it quickly.
07:28The business of the forest shop is a battle against time.
07:45Mr. Soma.
07:46How can you say that and be smiling?
07:49Because it's my job.
07:50Even if you say something inappropriate, you have to endure it.
07:53Regardless of how you say it, what the manager said is not wrong.
08:00Our job is to solve a small problem that happened in the forest shop.
08:06If you look at the forest shop, it's not interesting to be imitated by the people of the headquarters.
08:13That may be so.
08:14That's right.
08:16That's why I'm hated.
08:18In other words, it's a job that no one wants to do and everyone hates.
08:26I see.
08:30Thank you very much.
08:34I'm tired.
08:37I'd like a beer and today's recommendation.
08:40I don't have a beer called for now.
08:43I'd like a delicious beer and today's recommendation.
08:49It's annoying.
08:59It's delicious.
09:00So, how's the new job?
09:03It's a job where the people of the headquarters don't want to do it.
09:10My boss, Mr. Soma, is not motivated at all.
09:13Is Mr. Soma a man?
09:15How old is he?
09:16Is he 40 or 50?
09:1840 and 50 are quite different.
09:20I don't know how old he is.
09:23Old man...
09:27I'm hungry.
09:34Is he single?
09:37He seems to like one person.
09:39For example?
09:48For example?
09:59By the way, which one?
10:00It's good to be interested in food.
10:03You're a genius.
10:04In addition, people who used to drink my coffee in the cafeteria drink it with a cup.
10:10Can I drink with this?
10:12Yes, sir.
10:17I don't hate being particular.
10:19It's quite troublesome.
10:21Is that so?
10:24But if you say you're not my type, I'm relieved.
10:30I'm worried that it's a job for two men and two women.
10:35As a person who has a cute name from my brother...
10:38It's disgusting to think that it's a man and a woman right away.
10:42What do you mean disgusting?
10:44That's why Naomi ran away.
10:47I didn't run away.
10:48I'm just keeping my distance.
10:50I haven't even married yet.
10:51But it's been five years since you separated.
10:54There are various reasons.
10:57Excuse me.
10:58I'll kick you out if you say anything.
11:01What? This is my house.
11:02What? I'm the one who was entrusted with this shop by my brother.
11:05It's small.
11:06My house is small.
11:09Excuse me.
11:10Excuse me.
11:13It's small.
11:27Good morning.
11:50Good morning.
11:51Mr. Soma, I'm in trouble.
11:52Look at this.
11:53What is it?
11:55I'd like to ask you to investigate the connection between the branch manager and the company.
12:00This is an internal complaint, isn't it?
12:02No, it's a prank.
12:04Do you want to write your name on the complaint?
12:06Anyway, this is not our job.
12:08Our job is to...
12:10But the branch manager told me to look into it.
12:14I just called him.
12:15Did you call him?
12:17I don't understand the branch manager.
12:20It's not our job to question and investigate the branch manager.
12:23The person who asked us to look into the complaint is someone in this branch, isn't it?
12:29I guess so.
12:31He knew something, but he couldn't tell anyone.
12:35He's the branch manager.
12:37It must be hard for him.
12:40If he's asking us for help, shouldn't we do what we can?
12:45I see.
12:52So, what kind of company is ETRAN?
12:56It's a company that deals with importing goods.
12:58I often talked to Mr. Osawa, who is in charge of accounting at the window,
13:01but he has a joint deal with Hanedashiten, so he made us the main bank.
13:07I see.
13:08When it comes to connections, you first have to doubt whether you're receiving the money.
13:14I don't see any.
13:17Thank you very much, Mr. Shibasaki.
13:19No problem.
13:21Fujieda's personal account doesn't seem to have any suspicious money movement.
13:25He doesn't use our account.
13:27I guess so.
13:28But if he used another company's account or received it in cash,
13:32we don't have any evidence.
13:35That's right.
13:37Should I talk to the person in charge of accounting?
13:40Does anyone know?
13:41It's Mr. Ando.
13:42I'll go get him.
13:43Tell the people in charge to look into Mr. Shibasaki and ETRAN.
13:47Yes, sir.
13:49Good morning, Mr. Shibasaki.
13:57I can't believe I'm involved in this.
14:00Please come in.
14:04Is there anything wrong?
14:07No, it's nothing serious.
14:09Mr. Ando is in charge of 50 companies in total.
14:13That's quite a lot, isn't it?
14:16There are more companies I'm in charge of now than a year ago.
14:19By the way, which companies have increased?
14:27It's been a year, hasn't it?
14:31All three of them suddenly came around.
14:33Did a predecessor move?
14:36No, that's not it.
14:38Who was the predecessor?
14:40It was Mr. Nezu.
14:42Did Mr. Nezu push you?
14:44That's not it.
14:47It seems to be an instruction from the branch manager.
14:52Is this a Jimmys investigation?
14:56I'm just asking for your reference.
14:59Excuse me.
15:02Please come in.
15:05Mr. Nezu, how long have you been working as a postman?
15:10It's been 15 years since I joined the company, but I've been working as a postman for 5 years.
15:14Ms. Haneda's postman, Ms. Nezu, is the only woman...
15:17What kind of investigation is this?
15:19I'm just asking for your reference.
15:21I'm asking you about the distribution of postman's work.
15:26Well, a year ago,
15:28there were three companies that Mr. Nezu was in charge of.
15:34If you don't use the reference,
15:36can you tell me why it changed?
15:39I don't know.
15:40It's not something I decided.
15:42It's the branch manager's instructions.
15:43I don't know.
15:51As expected of the branch manager's Yes Man.
15:54It's like he knows something, but he's hiding it.
15:58Well, he won't answer me.
16:01Well, he won't answer me.
16:04Then I'll borrow a credit file from the postman and look into the business.
16:09Yes, sir.
16:10I'll borrow the company's file from here to here so that I don't get suspicious.
16:15Yes, sir.
16:16I'm Ando from the postman.
16:18What is the schedule of President Esumi in Inoichi?
16:20Someone in this room is gathering information.
16:26Is this okay?
16:28I'm sorry.
16:30Yes, sir.
16:43When did the branch manager Fujieda resign from this position?
16:46Two years ago.
16:47That means that as soon as he resigned,
16:50he's going to issue a $200 million long-term driver's license.
16:54Is it suspicious?
16:55No, I can't say it's suspicious.
16:58But I can't believe he's going to issue a $200 million long-term driver's license in this position.
17:03He's the same branch manager as Mr. Nezu.
17:14What's the matter?
17:15The amount of money that the branch manager Fujieda is going to issue is increasing.
17:20Is it something strange?
17:22What's the amount of money he's going to issue in the import and export business?
17:25And it's close to 10 million.
17:28When there's a move that's not in the budget,
17:31it means that something has changed in the company.
17:35What is it?
17:37I'm going to go.
17:39Where are you going?
17:40I'm going to Etora.
17:41I have no choice but to ask directly.
17:43I know the person in charge of accounting very well.
17:45No, but we're the ones who are going to negotiate.
17:47Hey, Hanasaki!
17:50Why are you rushing ahead like that?
17:54Mr. Ando, I'd like you to come with me for a moment.
18:07Mr. Osawa!
18:08Ms. Hanasaki!
18:13You went to the headquarters, didn't you?
18:15I'm sorry I couldn't greet you.
18:20Today, I'm here as a representative of the Tokyo Daiichi Bank.
18:25Likewise, my name is Soma.
18:29I'm sorry.
18:30I heard you were in a hurry.
18:32What can I do for you?
18:34I'd like to see the documents and documents stored in your company.
18:41Unfortunately, the president has gone out.
18:43I'd like to do a quick check-up.
18:45Can you do me a favor?
18:47I'm sorry.
18:48It's an important matter.
18:51Please wait a moment.
18:57I'm sorry.
19:05Did something happen?
19:07No, I thought it was a very good number.
19:10It's true. It's exactly 10 million yen.
19:13I'm paying for it under the name of a business contract.
19:16Is this the total amount of consumption tax?
19:20The other payments aren't that good, are they?
19:23That's the only thing.
19:25These kinds of good numbers don't come out much in normal transactions.
19:29In other words, it's childish.
19:33The payment destination is Shimaiseisakujo, isn't it?
19:37It's a company name that wasn't on the transaction list.
19:41Mr. Soma, this way is faster.
19:47What is it?
19:48I'm Soma from the Takeda First Class.
19:52I'm Hanasaki.
19:54I haven't heard anything from the manager of Fujieda, but...
19:58Hey, get out of the way.
20:00I'm sorry to bother you all of a sudden, Mr. President.
20:02Actually, um...
20:04I was told that I wanted to know more about Yuu's case.
20:08Are you suspecting something?
20:10No, I'm just trying to make sure...
20:12I haven't heard anything from him yet.
20:15Why do I have to find out?
20:17It's ridiculous.
20:18I'm sorry.
20:20What is your relationship with Fujieda, the manager of Haneda?
20:23It's none of your business.
20:25Get out of here.
20:26Hey, Osawa.
20:29Why did you deal with these guys?
20:31You didn't say anything unnecessary, did you?
20:34No, I didn't say anything.
20:36I'm sorry, Osawa.
20:37I was being unreasonable, so Osawa didn't say anything.
20:40Just get out of here.
20:42Let's go, Hanasaki.
20:43Why did you take this?
20:46Do you think you can show me without my permission?
20:50I'm sorry.
20:52Hanasaki, get out of here.
20:54If you go, you'll be a nuisance to her.
20:57You're useless.
20:59You don't understand anything.
21:02Episode 2
21:05How many years has it been since you went to the Haneda branch?
21:08Two years.
21:09Every time I sit in the chair of the branch manager,
21:12I remember the teachings of the former director who was sitting in the same chair,
21:15and I continue to protect it.
21:17Is that so?
21:20I'm sorry.
21:23Please leave.
21:24The customer is important.
21:27Excuse me.
21:32The head of the branch came to my house.
21:34What do you mean?
21:35Who is the head of the branch?
21:37It's Lin Tianhan from the branch management department.
21:41Lin Tianhan.
21:43Mr. Fujita, are you okay?
21:45The next 200 million yen.
21:47Yes, don't worry.
21:49I'll contact you again.
21:56Excuse me.
21:57Is there something wrong with Lin Tianhan?
22:00No, there is no problem.
22:03Is that so?
22:12It seems that there is no deal with our bank.
22:17What kind of company is it?
22:20If we have an account, we can understand the movement of money.
22:23Let's look at the credit information system.
22:29The information is old and useless.
22:32Anyway, I want to find out where this 10 million yen is.
22:35It may be connected to the branch manager of Fujieda.
22:45What are you looking for?
22:48I heard that you went to the transaction site.
22:50I'm sorry.
22:51I have something to look into.
22:53It has nothing to do with Jimmys.
22:57Fujieda branch manager.
22:58Is there anything you are worried about?
23:07Mr. Nezu.
23:08You used to be in charge, didn't you?
23:10Do you know anything?
23:15This is an obstruction of business.
23:17I have a meeting with the branch manager of Fujieda.
23:27Someone must have done something to Lin Tianhan.
23:32It's not you guys, is it?
23:35Mr. Nezu.
23:36I didn't do anything.
23:44I'm going to the production site.
23:47I can't do anything anymore.
23:49I don't know what's going to happen.
23:51If the branch manager files a complaint to the headquarters,
23:53I won't be able to investigate anything.
23:56You've done enough.
24:01At this rate, the people who raised their voices will suffer.
24:12I have to find evidence of Fujieda's transfer.
24:15I'll be right back.
24:32Here it is.
24:51Excuse me.
24:52Is this the production site?
24:54It's from the Tokyo Daiichi Bank.
24:57Please wait a moment.
25:03Is this your sister?
25:09I don't know anything about the factory.
25:15Leave it to my daughter.
25:19I see.
25:21I understand.
25:22Excuse me.
25:31This is Hanasaki.
25:32Did you find the production site?
25:35But the factory was closed.
25:38I knew it.
25:41I looked up the scale at the headquarters.
25:45The scale?
25:46Did you look it up?
25:48I thought I'd take a look.
25:51Mr. Koma.
25:53The representative was changed.
25:57The current representative is Fujieda Michiko.
26:03The same name as the wife of Fujieda's manager.
26:06Wait a minute.
26:08Your daughter's name is also Michiko.
26:10It's a bingo.
26:13This means that the evidence has been found, right?
26:16It's not enough.
26:18It's not enough?
26:19The fact that Fujieda's manager was hit by his wife's company
26:22doesn't concern me.
26:24That's all.
26:28How much does the person who issued the statement know?
26:33Maybe that person has decisive evidence.
26:36Anyway, I'll be right back.
26:44It's not coming.
26:53The key is shaking.
27:28I'm sorry for calling you.
27:33Is there anything you want to tell me?
27:38You wrote this, didn't you?
27:43I thought it was Yushika,
27:46but I thought only you could do it.
27:50But when you write a letter or a request,
27:54you usually write it in kanji, right?
28:04There aren't many people who write here in kanji right now,
28:08so I always said it was like Showa.
28:12That was a hint.
28:14That's it?
28:17That's it.
28:20Don't say it directly.
28:22I can relate to what you said.
28:27You know Fujieda's manager's personality.
28:30But you were suffering because you couldn't raise your voice.
28:48It's just like you said.
28:53Can you tell me what happened?
28:58I was in charge of Etora's shareholders until a year ago.
29:03Isn't 200 million too much?
29:06It's been too long,
29:08and it seems to be rejected by other companies,
29:10so I think the risk is high.
29:12Are you going to make a mistake in my prediction?
29:16I told you to write a letter of recommendation as you were told.
29:21You have other things to do, don't you?
29:25After all, I was interested in the paper.
29:30When I was looking for a way to use the paper,
29:33I noticed a strange flow of money.
29:36This 10 million yen...
29:38Even if I asked President Kobata, he couldn't answer me clearly.
29:42I think we need to check the contents of the driver's license.
29:48That's right.
29:50I'll take care of this.
29:54I thought you'd look into it later,
29:58but after that, there was no movement.
30:02On top of that,
30:03many of the deals I was in charge of were rejected.
30:07That 10 million yen's whereabouts
30:10was inconvenient for you, so I took it all.
30:14That's why I thought I might have been replaced.
30:19But even so,
30:21why did you do as you were told?
30:26That was the only way to work here.
30:32I joined this bank because I wanted to work as a volunteer.
30:38Do your best and let the new wind blow.
30:43I will do my best for small and medium-sized companies
30:46that are sweating in this area.
30:52That's why I was happy when I got a job as a volunteer.
30:57That's why I was happy when I got a job as a volunteer.
31:03It's the first time I've done a deal at home.
31:06I need volunteers to develop new products.
31:13I got a job as a volunteer.
31:18Thank you. Thank you.
31:20I'm glad.
31:22I used to be proud of what I did.
31:27But after you came, this happened.
31:31I was frustrated.
31:36But I had to give up to live here.
31:42I was so angry.
31:45I couldn't stand it until you left.
31:52I happened to hear it the other day.
31:56Can you get me back to Nezu?
31:59I told you I wanted to leave the important deal to you.
32:04I can't leave it to someone who makes me feel guilty.
32:10By the way, where is the 200 million yen?
32:14I'm writing it now.
32:15Hurry up.
32:18Women are no good.
32:21Volunteering is a man's world.
32:26I didn't want to work for a woman from the beginning.
32:36I couldn't forgive myself.
32:41At that time, you came to me.
32:52I thought it was my chance.
32:59I see.
33:04I'm sorry.
33:06I shouldn't have done this to you.
33:11I'm sorry, Nezu.
33:17I thought you were a strict boss.
33:23I thought you were a bad person.
33:30From now on, I'll be on your side.
33:33I'll fight, too.
33:36I don't want to waste your resolve.
33:49I see.
33:50So that's what it was.
33:52Let's call it quits, Mr. Soma.
33:55You're going to kick Mr. Fujieda out, right?
33:59Mr. Soma!
34:00Listen, Hanasaki.
34:01Mr. Fujieda is a criminal.
34:04We need to find out if he's been swindled.
34:08So we need to find out if he's been swindled?
34:13We need to find out if he's been swindled once or several times.
34:20If we can find that out, we can prove his innocence.
34:24If we can do that,
34:27I think we can get rid of Mr. Nezu.
34:31Thank you, Mr. Soma.
34:54Mr. Osawa.
34:57Ms. Hanasaki.
35:02I know I'm asking you for a favor.
35:05But can you lend me some money?
35:08I need it for the future of Furikomi.
35:10I understand what you're saying.
35:13I owe you and Mr. Nezu a lot.
35:16I can't let my boss kick Mr. Fujieda out.
35:23I don't want my boss to find out.
35:28I can't help you with that.
35:30I'm sorry.
35:32Excuse me.
35:37Mr. Osawa.
35:42Can you think about it?
35:44Please stop.
35:46I don't want to give up on Mr. Nezu.
35:49It's none of my business.
35:52Mr. Nezu said the same thing about Mr. Osawa.
35:58Mr. Osawa was so frustrated by his boss.
36:02He thought he should just quit.
36:06But I felt the same way.
36:11I was so frustrated.
36:13I couldn't quit.
36:16Mr. Osawa can't raise his voice, but...
36:21I have a life, so I can't quit.
36:26Mr. Osawa.
36:28Why don't you fight with me and Mr. Nezu?
36:31If you raise your voice, something might change.
36:35Mr. Hanasaki and Mr. Nezu are protected by a big bank.
36:41But a small company like ours...
36:44If you say black is white...
36:49it's white.
36:53Excuse me.
37:04It's hot.
37:14It's hot.
37:19I don't understand what you're saying.
37:22You should have done better.
37:24You should have done better.
37:26You're late.
37:28It took you so long.
37:30I don't understand.
37:34It's hot.
37:45Mr. Osawa.
37:48I'm sorry.
38:01Let's go.
38:11I told you it was 200 million yen.
38:16Excuse me.
38:20You again.
38:22Anything else?
38:23I'm here to tell you about the news.
38:27We've been investigating the information we've received since the second day.
38:36We want you to investigate the connection between Fujieda and Eto Ran.
38:41Fujieda received 10 million yen from Eto Ran, right?
38:47What nonsense are you talking about?
38:49Of the 200 million yen he received from Eto Ran...
38:5210 million yen was paid to a company called Shimaeji Production.
38:58The person in charge is Fujieda Nichiko.
39:03You're Fujieda's wife, right?
39:08What's that supposed to mean?
39:10Look at this.
39:13This is the proof that 10 million yen was paid to Fujieda's wife's company two years ago.
39:27Please use this.
39:31Thank you very much.
39:36This is the proof that Eto Ran, who was in trouble because he was refused a loan from any bank, received 200 million yen.
39:46My wife's company...
39:48By the way, it's not just Eto Ran, is it?
39:53There were two other companies that had increased their gross domestic product.
39:58I'll check with the headquarters.
40:01Is that okay?
40:05Mr. Fujieda.
40:07It seems that you have crossed the line as a bank employee.
40:17It's you.
40:20You're the one who put out the statement, right?
40:25What did you do to me?
40:28That's why I can't trust women.
40:32Are you going to ruin my life for what I've accumulated as a bank employee?
40:41I'll give you my word back.
40:44You're the one who made a mistake and ruined your own life, right?
40:50What did you say?
40:51You're the one who ruined my life.
40:54You're the one who made a mistake and ruined your own life, right?
41:01Shut up!
41:02I won't shut up!
41:09You're looking down on women, aren't you?
41:13When you gave me the transfer notice, you told me to do my best as an assistant.
41:19You didn't say anything about being an assistant.
41:23You're saying that because you think that women's employees are the assistants of men's employees, right?
41:29That's why you looked down on Ms. Nezu, didn't you?
41:33You made your subordinates do whatever they wanted to do.
41:36You kept them from saying what they wanted to say.
41:39That's how this bank used to be.
41:43If it doesn't change,
41:45the manager of Fujieda and this bank will be ruined.
41:49That's enough.
42:15Ms. Nezu, thank you very much.
42:36I have to change so that I can say what I want to say like you.
42:43Ms. Nezu, would you like to go out for a drink sometime?
42:47I'm a strong woman.
42:49That's what I want.
42:57The president has decided to resign.
43:00Thanks to Ms. Hanasaki and the others, our company is about to change.
43:04Good luck.
43:10What is it?
43:13What? Resignation?
43:16Even if you do that, you won't be fired?
43:19The boss must have concealed it.
43:21Concealed? What do you mean?
43:24This bank is much darker than Ms. Hanasaki thinks.
43:29If you stay here, you'll find out how much you hate it.
43:35I heard that you did your best not to make this a big deal.
43:44I'm the one who's responsible for this important moment.
43:49Thank you for your hard work.
43:51From now on, I want you to do it.
43:55I want you to find out what's going on in the bank,
43:59protect the interests of the bank,
44:01and hide all the bad things.
44:04I don't need any means to do that.
44:09The Shosenkyo Reiko.
44:12I order you to be in charge of the investigation.
44:17I understand. I'll do my best.
44:30Excuse me.
44:32Can you go to Kawagoe now?
44:35Junmitsu is in a hurry at the window.
44:38Yes, sir.
44:41Mr. Soma, you seem to be in a good mood today.
44:44I heard that there is a miso sauce mochi shop in Kawagoe.
44:48That's great. Let's have lunch there.
44:50I'm going alone, so don't follow me.
44:52It's okay. I'll sit where the seat is far away.
44:56Let's do it.
44:57Are you an informant?
44:58I gave you my house.
44:59You have no basis, but you don't doubt people.
45:01It's useless to seek justice here.
45:03No matter how hard you work, this bank will not change.
45:06It is a betrayal act that insults all employees working in the bank.