Mi Amor Sin Tiempo Capitulo 31 Completo en Español

  • last month
Mi Amor Sin Tiempo Capitulo 31 Completo en Español
00:00My love without time.
00:02A deep love.
00:05Love of the soul.
00:07Since when do you know Mrs. Greta?
00:12Well, I met her father, Mr. Agustin Saraldi,
00:17many years ago,
00:20when I worked in the plastic factory.
00:23But then I went to the ranch and I didn't see her anymore.
00:28Neither him, nor his daughter.
00:31I only found out about them when Gonzalo told me
00:35that he was going to marry Greta.
00:38And did you have a lot of boyfriends?
00:41No, no, no, on the contrary, not at all.
00:46Gonzalo always liked Greta,
00:50but she was a woman of high society and she didn't listen to him.
00:55And then how did the relationship take place?
01:00Well, no, no, I don't remember how it was.
01:04I only know that Mr. Agustin was very happy with the wedding.
01:09He had just found out that he was very sick
01:14and he felt that he was leaving his only daughter in good hands.
01:20I think that's why he agreed to the lightning wedding.
01:26Do you think Mr. Saraldi
01:28has pressured his daughter to get married soon
01:31for health reasons?
01:34Well, I don't know for sure, but it's likely, yes, yes, yes.
01:39But the truth is, I never understood
01:42how it was that Greta gave a day off
01:46to another to accept Gonzalo when she always rejected him.
01:51I can't explain it.
01:57Your mom was terrified, but she really liked riding.
02:00Were you both riding a horse?
02:02Of course, Maca.
02:03How was I going to stay alone on a horse?
02:05I'm dying, huh?
02:06But tomorrow we're going to try to make you do a little part by yourself.
02:09Daniel, don't make me nervous from now on.
02:12Oh, don't worry.
02:13Daniel will take care of you more than his life.
02:16I hope I can ride one day.
02:19Of course you can.
02:21Just give him time for the medicine to take effect
02:24and then you'll be able to ride without any problems.
02:26Yes, Maca.
02:27Since we've been here, you've been very well.
02:29You haven't had any attacks and that's very good.
02:32Well, then let's stay here and live forever.
02:35Oh, Maca, please.
02:36I don't know if forever,
02:38but I've already gotten used to it.
02:40You're like the granddaughter that my son hasn't given me
02:43and I won't discuss this topic right now.
02:45So live where you live.
02:47You're going to have to come visit me very often, okay?
02:50Yes, aunt.
02:51I already adopted you like my grandmother.
02:53Well, very good.
02:55It's just that it's burning us like this.
02:57Blow on it.
02:59Blow on it.
03:00But that's for me, right?
03:02Yes, yes, yes.
03:05Come in.
03:06Oh, you don't know what you're looking for.
03:08Oh, you don't know what a pleasure it was for me
03:10that you invited me to your apartment.
03:12It brings me very good memories.
03:15What is your full name?
03:17How do your official documents come?
03:19What do you want it for?
03:21To check your name.
03:24If that's what it's for, I'd love to.
03:29Delete the video you sent me and I'll give you the check.
03:32And if I delete it and then you don't give it to me,
03:34or you cancel it?
03:36I'm a man of my word.
03:41I'm going to have to believe you.
03:44But I don't trust you.
03:46Give me your cell phone.
03:49I already deleted it.
03:50You also have to delete the deleted file.
03:53Did you upload it to the cloud?
03:54I don't have an account.
03:59You're going to have to believe me.
04:02I already used the video for what I wanted.
04:04I don't need it.
04:05I already used the video for what I wanted.
04:06I don't need it.
04:15You changed the door plate again.
04:17And now you're going to put security cameras?
04:19Yes, I didn't mean to scare you,
04:21but yesterday they entered the apartment.
04:24Yes, I was about to arrive,
04:26and well, they didn't manage to take anything
04:28because they probably heard that I was coming
04:30and they left immediately.
04:32How awful.
04:34Well, but with this new security system,
04:36I'll be able to check from my cell phone.
04:38Anything, all the time.
04:39Here I can check, check all the time.
04:41You did well.
04:42But you should have told me yesterday.
04:45Yes, love.
04:46But well, nothing bad happened, so...
04:48And I was able to solve it, so...
04:50It happened to me.
04:51It happened to me to tell you.
04:53Renata, please forgive him.
04:56It is obvious that I have you very abandoned.
04:58And you have to solve things without my help and without my support.
05:02No, no, I have nothing to forgive you, love.
05:05I know you're working very hard and so am I.
05:17What a pity that we have met until now,
05:20when our lives are already made.
05:22I am married with three children
05:24and you have Sebastián and you have Renata by your side.
05:33I'm glad you're still good friends.
05:36And if you really love her,
05:37tell her to come back to me and not to tell Federico anything about me.
05:42Because that could cost her her life.
05:44And the truth is, I don't want her behind me.
05:56I'm going.
05:57Let's go.
05:58I'm going.
05:59I don't know if you were splendid,
06:01or if you're afraid of Barbara.
06:03I don't want you to mention Barbara's name again.
06:05Never again.
06:06Is that clear?
06:07It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
06:09Don't get mad.
06:11Listen to me carefully.
06:12This check is the last thing you're going to get from me.
06:15And if you try to blackmail me again,
06:17I swear I won't care about the consequences.
06:21You're going to fall.
06:24Do you really like me that much?
06:26Do you really like me that much?
06:31We would have had a great time.
06:33What a shame you're such a jerk.
06:37Please leave.
06:48It's always been so long.
06:51Mr. Alvaro, your glass of hot milk is in your room.
06:55Thank you, Jesusa.
06:58Sebastian, I'm going to rest.
07:00Mr. Alvaro, a kiss.
07:01It was a pleasure to meet you and talk to you.
07:06I'll see you tomorrow at the exhibition.
07:13Excuse me.
07:14I need you to clear up some doubts.
07:17Yes, it's about Juan.
07:20We can go to the workshop now.
07:21Yes, honey, let's go.
07:24Have a good day.
07:25Excuse me.
07:32Oh my God.
07:34Will she know what happened between her dad and Greta?
07:39Do you need your ceramic classes or what?
07:41No, what I need is to be alone with you
07:44and forget everything and everyone.
07:50What worries you so much?
07:52Well, things that are not in my power to change.
07:56They do affect me.
07:59But look, let's put that aside and enjoy.
08:03Because I just want to be with you.
08:05I really need this.
08:08Shall we start together?
08:11I relax you.
08:21And I don't want to wake up.
08:26Look me in the eyes and swear to me that I'm not delirious.
08:35I feel how the doors of magic and happiness open.
08:44Today love won.
08:47Today we overcome all the barriers of pain.
08:51Excuses of the past, bitterness and fear.
08:56At last we can be just you and me.
09:04Oh, you scared me, Daniel.
09:07Sorry, it wasn't my intention.
09:08I came for water.
09:09With all the sweets and cakes we ate, we were very thirsty.
09:13Yes, yes, I was also going for water.
09:16Take this if you want.
09:17Your palm is wet.
09:20Are you sure?
09:27Did you have a good time today?
09:29Yes, yes, very good.
09:31I can't believe I rode a horse with you
09:33and that tomorrow I'm going to go up not alone.
09:35If you have the same attitude as with horses,
09:38there are many things I can teach you here on the ranch.
09:42Well, and thank you for making the campfire for Maca.
09:45It's been a long time since I had such a good time as a family.
09:50Of course, family.
09:54Well, I'm going to sleep.
09:55Get some rest.
09:57Good night.
09:58Good night.
10:05I love you so much, Maravilla.
10:08The truth is, I want this.
10:10I always want to be with you.
10:13I don't want anything or anyone to separate us.
10:16Well, as long as you get well,
10:19I'll take care of you.
10:21I love you.
10:23I love you.
10:25I love you.
10:27You don't have to go through this.
10:29Yes, but the thing is, there are things that one can't control.
10:35And they don't depend on me, you know?
10:37It's silly.
10:38So who does it depend on?
10:40Forgive me, don't listen to me anymore.
10:43Really, I just want to know, I need to know,
10:47that our love is going to be bigger than any obstacle.
10:52I have no doubts.
10:55I love you.
10:58I love you.
11:01I love you.
11:02I love you.
11:29What happened? Are you still awake?
11:33Well, I was in Mexico because of my father-in-law.
11:35I had a thousand things to check.
11:38And you?
11:39I went to a party with Yara, you don't know how much I had fun.
11:42Hey, did you talk to her about me?
11:45Yes, I did, Beto.
11:48You don't care what happens between Barbara and me, do you?
11:50Hey, calm down.
11:51I just didn't have the time to...
11:52No, it's just that I thought I was counting on you.
11:55But I see you're not.
11:56I already gave money to Jackie.
11:57Now I need her to control her little friend and keep her away from here.
12:00I promise I'll find the best time to talk to her.
12:03I swear.
12:04Well, you'd better do it tomorrow.
12:06Or I swear you're going to force me to make the decision to dissolve the company.
12:09Hey, calm down.
12:10No, you calm down.
12:12Thanks to your stupidity, I'm on the verge of divorcing Barbara.
12:16So either you do it or we leave her.
12:19Is that clear?
13:00Take this one.
13:02You're doing great.
13:03Take it over there, take it over there.
13:05There you go, there you go.
13:17What's wrong with you?
13:21Stop it, stop it, stop it!
13:38Did you have fun today?
13:39Yes, yes, very good.
13:41I can't believe I got on a horse with you and that tomorrow you're going to see me alone.
13:45I can't believe it.
14:01Yes, well, the truth is that parading in Paris and on top of that, in high seam, incredible.
14:05It's great.
14:06Yes, right?
14:07I mean, it's a dream that already, check.
14:08I mean, happy as hell.
14:09It's my dream too.
14:10I want it.
14:11You're going to get it.
14:12But hey, speaking of this, when is your event?
14:14What time?
14:15Already, already, in a little while.
14:16I'm just waiting for you to finish breakfast and I'm leaving.
14:18Oh, sorry.
14:19Because I'm super slow, really.
14:21But how cute, you must have just had breakfast a thousand years ago.
14:25Well, I have to go anyway.
14:26Yes, right?
14:28And I'm going to be late.
14:29Well, enjoy it a lot.
14:30It's going to go super well, you'll see.
14:32Oh, thank you.
14:33I feel like I'm in a very special moment of my career.
14:36Like I'm going on a good streak, so I'm looking forward to it.
14:39Well, make the most of it, with everything.
14:41Of course.
14:42Oh, thank you.
14:43No, on the contrary.
14:44See you in the evening?
14:45Yes, of course.
14:47See you there.
15:00What's wrong with you?
15:01What's wrong with you?
15:02We were going to take a walk, beautiful.
15:03Shut up, shut up.
15:04Let's see, I have nothing to value, I promise.
15:05Shut up.
15:06Don't do anything stupid because this is going to get very ugly.
15:29Poor thing.
15:30But we're doing great.
15:31Let's see, calm down.
15:34Remember that horses smell fear.
15:36Yes, but I can't help it, Daniel.
15:38According to me, I was going to be calmer.
15:41Let's see.
15:42Yesterday you were doing very well.
15:46Are you sure nothing happens to me that I go alone on the horse?
15:49Look, let's go for a ride.
15:52And if you don't feel comfortable, then we'll go on the same horse as yesterday.
15:57The point is that you're letting go.
15:59Okay, fine.
16:00You're doing very well.
16:02I'm going to get my horse.
16:05Let's see.
16:07Come on.
16:16Let go of the reins!
16:18Let go of the reins, Barbara!
16:27No, not you, Barbara.
16:28This can't happen to you, no.
16:32Are you okay?
16:34Yes, yes, Sergio, I'm fine.
16:38I don't know what's wrong with you.
16:47I can't anymore.
16:48I can't.
16:52I love you with all my heart.
16:56Although it drowns me.
16:59You filled my heart with passion.
17:03Come, scream to life, because you love me.
17:09I convince the universe to love you.
17:14Thanks to fate that put you in my way.
17:20Comrades, I have returned and with luxury alignment.
17:23At the door, I'm the maid that everyone stops.
17:27Poor guy.
17:28Bruno comes as a pet.
17:30They go as headlines, so hold on.
17:32Even the little hands come out of the TV.
17:34We know how to make you laugh with jokes, comrade.
17:36New season, this Sunday at 7.30 at night.
17:40The young man will no longer have as much endurance as before.
17:43How old are you, little creature?
17:45I'm 25.
17:46Let's see if the drone can handle it.
17:53I think she hung Mr. Paki's tennis shoes.
17:5540 y 20, this Friday at the end of the night.
17:58For the stars.
18:00We are in third grade.
18:03Here we discuss the different points of view.
18:08Common interest issues with different positions.
18:13Third grade.
18:14Wednesday at the end in point with Enrique Acevedo.
18:18With the stars.
18:20The mistake that united her to the love of her life
18:22changed Juana's destiny.
18:24My love, our son.
18:26I love you.
18:27Can a love story that starts the other way around
18:29have a happy ending?
18:31She has to pay for taking Gabriel from me.
18:33And she will pay.
18:34My life without you would be incomplete.
18:37Grand finale, this Friday at 9.30 at night.
18:40Not all are the same.
18:41What is that women want?
18:46Some are afraid.
18:47I am Siberian.
18:49Between Pedra and Loba.
18:51And others are very determined.
18:53I don't want to continue with this relationship.
18:56For her, I am Eva.
18:57Monday to Friday, 1.30 in the afternoon.
19:00There are risks that must be taken.
19:02If you go out, you are exposing yourself to being recognized.
19:05I'm not going to deprive myself of Sal.
19:06I thought there was something beautiful between the two of us.
19:08I am as interested in the relationship as you are.
19:11To achieve your dreams.
19:13I want to be able to share nights with you.
19:15So for the rest of my life.
19:16Don't take my word for it.
19:18Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
19:20Laboratory comedy super secret.
19:29Launch me!
19:31Laughter is an exact science.
19:33Fortunately, although our scientists are not the most exact.
19:36If they are the funniest.
19:38Televisa, we know how to make you laugh.
19:40They don't know they have to pay the price.
19:42You saved our lives.
19:44I owe you.
19:45Since that man came, you are another.
19:47I'm fed up with your jealousy, Iván.
19:49Wait, daughter.
19:50Hug me.
19:51I'm going to fight for you.
19:55The price of loving you.
19:56Starts Monday, September 2, 9.30 at night for the stars.
20:15Everything your donation can do for us.
20:46She, Paola, is your sister.
20:50I declare myself guilty of everything.
20:55You are not sick.
21:15Monday to Friday, 5.50 in the morning.
21:17With the stars.
21:20I was back and with luxury alignment.
21:22At the door, I am the maid that everyone stops.
21:26Poor guy.
21:27Bruno comes as a pet.
21:29They go as headlines, so hold on.
21:31Even the little hands come out on TV.
21:33We know how to make you laugh with jokes.
21:36New season.
21:37This Sunday, 7.30 at night.
21:40We are in third grade.
21:42Here we discuss the different points of view.
21:45Common interest issues with different positions.
21:51Third grade.
21:53At the end, in point with Enrique Acevedo.
21:56With the stars.
21:58These are the news in point.
22:00The National Republican Convention in Miwoki is a celebration of identity.
22:04They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning without the sea.
22:08Authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
22:11Every night, your meeting point with the information.
22:14In point.
22:16For the stars.
22:41And you will find the latest sports news.
22:43Moments that mark day after day.
22:46Today for Javier Aguirre, the names of the great figures must return.
22:50Among them, Raúl Jiménez and Irving Estrupilosa.
22:53Enter in Contacto Deportivo.
22:55Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 11.30 at night.
22:59With the stars.
23:01The mistake that united her to the love of her life changed Juana's destiny.
23:05He called our son.
23:07I love you.
23:08From a love story that begins the other way around.
23:10Have a happy ending.
23:12She has to pay for taking Gabriel from me.
23:14And she will pay.
23:15My life without you would be incomplete.
23:17Grand Finale.
23:18This Friday, 9.30 at night.
23:21Swear to me that you will be honest.
23:25You exist, Tornatiu.
23:26I don't know what's wrong with me.
23:27I think something and I say it.
23:29I'm not a lawyer.
23:30I plagiarized my thesis.
23:31And the truth.
23:32How do I look?
23:33Do you have colitis or is it normal belly?
23:35I know where you are destroying my life.
23:37El Candidato Honesto.
23:38August 8, only in cinemas.
23:41The young man will no longer have as much endurance as before.
23:44How old are you, little creature?
23:45I'm 25.
23:47Let's see if the trot can hold him.
23:54I think she hung Don Paquis' sneakers.
23:5640 and 20.
23:57This Friday at the end of the night.
23:59For the stars.
24:01There are risks that must be taken.
24:03If you go out, you are exposing yourself to being recognized.
24:05I'm not going to deprive myself of going out.
24:06I thought between the two of us there was something beautiful.
24:09I'm as interested in the relationship as you are.
24:12To achieve your dreams.
24:14I want to be able to share nights with you like this for the rest of my life.
24:17Tell me what it's going to be like.
24:19Monday to Friday, 8.30 at night.
24:36Meeting point with information.
24:38In point. 10.30.
24:39For the stars.
24:41Paulina is in trouble.
24:43She is arrested.
24:45She discovers the truth.
24:47She, Paola, is your sister.
24:49So she defends Paola.
24:51I declare myself guilty of everything.
24:53And she deceives them again.
24:55You are not sick.
24:57The Usurper.
24:59Monday to Friday.
25:06Monday to Friday.
25:36Monday to Friday.
25:38Monday to Friday.
25:40Monday to Friday.
25:42Monday to Friday.
25:44Monday to Friday.
25:46Monday to Friday.
25:48Monday to Friday.
25:50Monday to Friday.
25:52Monday to Friday.
25:54Monday to Friday.
25:56Monday to Friday.
25:58Monday to Friday.
26:00Monday to Friday.
26:02Monday to Friday.
26:04Monday to Friday.
26:06Monday to Friday.
26:08Monday to Friday.
26:10Monday to Friday.
26:12This love has no time.
26:15Time is one.
26:17The right lover.
26:20Second to second.
26:30Take me to the place of your love.
26:38Daniel, why did you kiss me?
26:41I'm sorry, I can't contain myself.
26:43I'm fighting against everything that provokes me, but...
26:45I can't give up love.
26:46No, no, no. I'm your cousin's wife.
26:48I'm married, this can't or should be.
26:50I already know.
26:51It has been very difficult to accept everything I feel for you.
26:55Stronger than my will.
26:57No, no, let's see.
26:58Sure, I'm the woman who is forbidden for you.
27:01You don't have to forget me, Daniel. No, no, no.
27:03And how do I do it, Barbara?
27:04How do you want me to forget you?
27:06How do I not feel this love that I don't even know when I started to feel for you?
27:10No, no, no, no, no, no.
27:12Now that I know I'm not indifferent to you.
27:15No, no.
27:16I kissed you, I felt it.
27:17No, no.
27:18And your eyes also tell me that I love you.
27:19No, no, Daniel, no.
27:20Let's see.
27:22That's what you want it to be, but it's not like that.
27:25I can't love you the way you want me to love you.
27:28So I'm going to ask you.
27:30Don't come near me again.
27:32I'm married.
27:41Elvia, please get me a copy of this.
27:43Of course, sir.
27:44And I'll bring you a coffee.
27:46Yes, thank you very much, please.
27:48Me too, Elvia.
27:50Cappuccino, two sugars, almond milk.
27:53Wait a minute, Pablo.
27:55Things are not going to be the same here.
27:59If you want a coffee, you serve it yourself.
28:03But Elvia has always served us.
28:05And he will do it with your father.
28:07With me.
28:08And with the responsible people.
28:10But you are not.
28:12And as long as you don't earn the place and respect of others,
28:17no one will serve you or help you in anything.
28:20But it seems to me totally...
28:22It's nothing.
28:23Stop it.
28:24Look, listen to me carefully.
28:26And if you don't like it, you can go.
28:30We don't need you.
28:34We don't need you.
28:37You are the one who asked for an opportunity.
28:40And the one who needs your father's business to survive.
28:44It's you.
28:46What am I going to do?
28:47Well, you're going to order some papers here in my presence.
28:52And when you finish, I want you to tell me about the project
28:56that you and your friend Aníbal presented to your father.
29:00I think it's better for you to read it than for me to tell you.
29:03It may be.
29:05But I want you to explain it to me.
29:11Excuse me.
29:12Sit down.
29:20How beautiful it is.
29:22Well, what else do you need from your dog?
29:24No, well, I think what I put on this list is enough.
29:28Oh, you know what?
29:30I'm going to write you a bag of chocolates.
29:34Because now I see that young Daniel and Mrs. Bárbara are inseparable.
29:39Don't let them get cold and make another bonfire.
29:44Oh Rita, you say inseparable in a tone that I don't like?
29:48Well, I only say what I see.
29:51Before they fought like dogs and cats.
29:53And now even riding is teaching them.
29:55I never thought my eyes would see that.
29:58I don't see what the problem is.
30:00Isn't what Daniel is doing wrong?
30:02Well, it all depends.
30:04Depends on what?
30:05Let's see, what are you insinuating, Rita?
30:07I'm not insinuating anything, ma'am.
30:09But since young Daniel broke up with Maricruz
30:13and went to Mexico City with Mrs. Bárbara,
30:15they've been together all the time.
30:17Let's see, look, Rita.
30:18I don't like gossip.
30:20And much less malicious.
30:22All Daniel is doing is making life easier
30:25here on the ranch for the two of them.
30:27Well, you say so.
30:29Yes, I say so and I support it.
30:32So I forbid you to insinuate again
30:34that there is something indecent between my son
30:36and his cousin's wife.
30:38I'm going to Maca.
30:40See you later.
30:49Greta, I'm going to ask for a taxi to go to the doctor.
30:51I don't want to be late.
30:53Ask for two.
30:55One to take you to the doctor
30:57and another to take me shopping.
31:02You're not going with me?
31:06You can go alone.
31:07You don't have to go with me.
31:09Wait, wait, wait.
31:10If we came to Houston,
31:11it was because you were the one who insisted
31:13on asking for another opinion.
31:16But don't I have to be close to you
31:18for you to ask your question?
31:20I'm a fool.
31:21Really, I'm a fool.
31:22I mean...
31:24The idea of coming to Houston
31:25wasn't because you cared about my health.
31:28You wanted to go shopping.
31:31Gonzalo, in Mexico you have me very limited.
31:34You sing to me until I'm tired
31:36that there is no money.
31:37So I took the opportunity to get some savings
31:39that I had there to give me my tastes.
31:43I had the doctor.
31:44Come on, let's take advantage of the time.
31:47Let's see, really,
31:48there is no doubt that the human being
31:50is the only animal that stumbles twice
31:52with the same stone.
31:53And I not only stumbled twice,
31:56but hundreds of times.
31:59I don't know where I got the idea
32:01that you were going to change.
32:03You're going to have a little more empathy with me.
32:06Oh, Gonzalo, please, please.
32:08I hate your tricks.
32:09Let's go now.
32:11I hope you're never in my situation.
32:14Because despite everything,
32:15I don't wish you any harm.
32:17Oh, cutie.
32:20We have to hurry.
32:33My God, what's happening to me?
32:36What is all this?
32:37I don't understand.
32:39Why did that kiss from Daniel make me so excited?
32:46No, no, no, no.
32:47It's not right for Daniel to love me.
32:49That's not right.
32:52No, this can't happen.
33:02Barbara, Barbara.
33:05Stop thinking about that.
33:09Sir, what happened?
33:11Get in the chair, give him water.
33:26Be careful, it's hot.
33:28Yesterday I spoke with Ana about Mrs. Greta.
33:32Oh, thank you.
33:34She reaffirmed to me that she and your father
33:36met again now that my uncle Gonzalo had a heart attack.
33:40They coincided in the hospital.
33:42You know what she told me?
33:44She told me that my uncle Gonzalo did know
33:46that Greta married him in love with someone else.
33:49Only that he found out later.
33:51Well, if he found out later,
33:52that means that Mrs. Greta deceived him
33:55and then when they got married, she told him.
33:58No, but when he found out, they did break up.
34:00Only that he came back to her when she was pregnant with Fátima.
34:04But they say that from there their marital problems started
34:06and all that stuff.
34:08What we are sure of, both my father Ana and I,
34:12is that Greta will not rest until she has something
34:14with your father again.
34:15Let her be his lover or something.
34:17No, no, no, my father is with Renata
34:19and he has no intention of resuming that relationship.
34:23Oh, you don't know Greta, Sebas.
34:26Ush, that lady is.
34:28Besides, somehow she told Ana
34:30that she is going all out with Mr. Federico.
34:32So I really doubt that she will not achieve her goal.
34:35And you know what I also doubt a lot?
34:37That I tell Fátima now that she returns from Houston.
34:39So you're going to have to do it.
34:43It's perfect, huh?
34:45Yes, I like it there, it looks very good.
34:48Let's see, these boxes here.
34:53A little more this way, a little more.
34:55Hello, hello.
34:57Hi, how are you?
34:58Hi, I'm happy, happy, but I'm very nervous.
35:01Everything is going to be fine, you'll see.
35:04A true artist never stops feeling nervous
35:07when presenting his work.
35:10So you're going to feel like this every time you exhibit.
35:12And you're going to do it many times, I know.
35:14No, no, no, then it was already that I never slept again.
35:16Last night I didn't close my eyes, I swear.
35:18But you don't even notice, you look very pretty.
35:22I took this piece, but I don't remember where we were going to put it.
35:28I think on that edge is fine, but I'll put it, let's see.
35:34Something arrived.
35:36I put it back there.
35:37For me?
35:38Yes, for you.
35:39Let's see.
35:50Maravilla, I have no doubt that your exhibition will be another wonder.
35:54I wouldn't miss such a special night
35:56in which you start a great path in the world of art.
35:59I'm sure it will be a success.
36:02I love you, Sebastián.
36:05I love you so much, Renata.
36:07No, you don't have to say it, you can see it.
36:13I told you.
36:18Here is the reception.
36:19Anything you want.
36:20Help me, please.
36:21Help me.
36:23They took Aranita Fontanet.
36:24Ms. Rita.
36:25I can't wait for the hotel.
36:27I'm in room 233.
36:29Ms. Fontanet, what happened to you?
36:31Are you okay?
36:32They stole me.
36:34They stole my cell phone, my bag, everything.
36:37All my things.
36:39I'm going to call a doctor to check her.
36:41You're strangling her nose.
36:44I need to go to my room, please.
36:45Yes, yes, yes.
36:46Please notify the communications center
36:48that I won't be able to get there.
36:49Of course.
36:50I don't have anyone's contact on my cell phone.
36:52I don't know how to notify them.
36:54The director of the hotel has to know what happened.
36:56Ms. Fontanet, you need medical attention.
36:59Please come with me to sit here.
37:02Why did this have to happen to me?
37:04Okay, Ms. Fontanet.
37:32This Tuesday at 8 p.m.
38:02August 8th, only on Cines.
38:32Topics of common interest with different postures.
38:37Third grade, Wednesday.
38:39At the end, with Enrique Acevedo.
38:42With the stars.
38:44Paulina is in trouble.
38:46She's under arrest.
38:47She discovers the truth.
38:49She, Paola, is your sister.
38:52So she defends Paola.
38:54I declare myself guilty of everything.
38:56And she deceives them again.
38:58You are sick.
39:00La Usurpadora.
39:02Monday to Friday.
39:04Super-secret comedy lab.
39:12Launch me!
39:14Laughter is an exact science.
39:16Fortunately, although our scientists are not the most exact,
39:20they are the funniest.
39:22Televisa. We know how to make you laugh.
39:24Chavorruco will no longer have as much endurance as before.
39:27How old are you, little creature?
39:29I'm 25.
39:31Let's see if the trout can take it.
39:37I think she hung Mr. Paki's sneakers.
39:3940 and 20, this Friday at the end of the Noti.
39:42For the stars.
39:44Not all are the same.
39:45What is that women want?
39:50Some are afraid.
39:51I am Siberian.
39:53Between stone and mud.
39:55And others are very determined.
39:57I do not want to continue with this relationship.
40:00For her I am Eva.
40:02Monday to Friday at 1.30 pm.
40:04They do not know that they must pay the price.
40:06You saved our lives.
40:08I'm in debt with you.
40:09Since that man arrived, you are another.
40:11I'm tired of your jealousy, Iván.
40:13Wait, daughter.
40:14Hug me.
40:15I'm going to fight for you.
40:18The price of loving you.
40:20Starts Monday, September 2 at 9.30 pm.
40:23For the stars.
40:25These are the news in point.
40:27The National Republican Convention in Miwoki
40:29is a celebration of identity.
40:31They have reported an increase in the number of rescues
40:33of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
40:35Authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
40:38Every night your meeting point with the information.
40:41In point.
40:4210.30 pm.
40:43For the stars.
40:44Your day begins in Despierta.
40:49With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
40:54In addition, everything about sport, entertainment and climate.
40:58Despierta, a newscast from NMAS.
41:00Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
41:02For the stars.
41:05Look at us.
41:07They tell us young people with few resources.
41:10But our resources are unlimited when you discover our abilities.
41:18Imagine everything your donation can do for us.
41:22Look at them.
41:24Here you will find the latest sports news.
41:26Moments that mark day after day.
41:29Today for Javier Aguirre, the names of the great figures must return.
41:33Among them, Raúl Jiménez and Irwin Estupilosa.
41:36Enter in Contacto Deportivo.
41:38Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 11.30 pm.
41:42For the stars.
41:51They take advantage of their good heart by throwing it on the street.
41:54Soon they will pay for their fechorias.
41:57The husbands of my daughters.
41:59La Rosa de Guadalupe.
42:01Premiere episode.
42:02Monday with the stars.
42:04Super Secret Comedy Laboratory.
42:13Launch B!
42:15Laughter is an exact science.
42:17Fortunately, although our scientists are not the most exact.
42:20They are the funniest.
42:22Televisa. We know how to make you laugh.
42:24Comrades, I was back and with luxury alignment.
42:27In the goal, I am the owner that everyone stops.
42:30Take out Kaki.
42:31Half Sonso the poor.
42:33Bruno comes as a pet.
42:34They go as starters, so hold on.
42:36Even the little hands come out on TV.
42:38We know how to make you laugh with jokes, comrades.
42:41New season, this Sunday at 7.30 pm.
42:45We are in third place.
42:47Here we discuss the different points of view.
42:52Topics of common interest with different positions.
42:57Third degree.
42:58Wednesday at the end in point with Enrique Acevedo.
43:02With the stars.
43:04What we never thought would happen.
43:06Let's see if there.
43:07It happens in the stars.
43:10I know that one day they had to fly out of the nest.
43:12Abandon us to his mother and me.
43:14I want to know when they will return for their quiles.
43:16They left us here.
43:17We do not know what to do with them.
43:18We know how to make you laugh with a family.
43:20Of ten.
43:21New season.
43:22Sunday, September 15, 7 at night.
43:24In the saying, we remind you that every experience is an opportunity to grow and acquire experience.
43:31You know that I give them a house and food and so they pay me.
43:34I know you well and I know when you lie to me.
43:36We are all worried about you.
43:38Do not worry.
43:39I am stronger than I seem.
43:41As the saying goes.
43:42Stories that connect with you.
43:44Here you will find the latest sports news.
43:47Moments that mark day after day.
43:50Today for Javier Aguirre.
43:51The names of the great figures must return.
43:54Among them, Raúl Jiménez and Irwin Estupilosa.
43:56Enter in Contacto Deportivo.
43:59Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 11.30 at night.
44:02With the stars.
44:04Not all are the same.
44:06What is that women want?
44:10Some are afraid.
44:11I am Siberian.
44:13Between Pedra and Loba.
44:15And others are very determined.
44:17I do not want to continue with this relationship.
44:20For her I am Eva.
44:22Monday to Friday at 1.30 in the afternoon.
44:24The mistake that united her to the love of her life changed Juana's destiny.
44:28He called our son.
44:30I love you.
44:31Can a love story that starts backwards have a happy ending?
44:35She has to pay for taking Gabriel from me.
44:37And she will pay.
44:38My life without you would be incomplete.
44:41Grand Finale. This Friday at 9.30 at night.
44:44Your day begins in Despierta.
44:49With the analysis of the information and the stories that matter to you.
44:54Also everything about sport, entertainment and the climate.
44:58Despierta, a newscast from NMAS.
45:00Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
45:02With the stars.
45:04What seemed to be full of innocence.
45:07And I love you with all my heart.
45:08It may be that life ceases to be a child's game.
45:12How did you end up with Artur's orphanage?
45:15She wanted a son. I gave it to her.
45:17Interrupted Games.
45:19This Thursday at 9.00.
45:21And from August 30th available on VIX.
45:38Thank you for the orchids and for your words, my love.
45:41See you at the inauguration.
45:43I'm glad you're going to be with me.
45:45Because tonight I'm going to miss my dad a lot.
45:48I love you.
45:58Easy, easy.
45:59Careful, careful.
46:00Breathe, breathe.
46:01That's it. It's out. It's out.
46:03That's it.
46:04It's out.
46:05That's it.
46:06It's out.
46:08The phone.
46:09Of course.
46:11I'll pass it to you.
46:13Did you press zero?
46:18Contact me with the room of Verania Crepe.
46:22Right away.
46:28She's not answering.
46:29Can I leave her a message?
46:31Of course.
46:32Record it as soon as you hear the tone.
46:38Verania, I'm Carolina.
46:41I was robbed.
46:43I'm in my room.
46:45Please come when you hear the message.
46:54She has to go to the hospital to get a nose x-ray.
46:58I think it's broken.
47:00Oh no, don't tell me that.
47:03I would like to be wrong, but the truth is, I don't think so.
47:07I'm going to make you a prescription with all the specifications
47:10for you to get a x-ray.
47:12And also for you to take analgesics and a de-inflammatory.
47:24Here's your lemonade.
47:27Thank you, Rita.
47:29It's like she came back from the ride very soon, right?
47:34Daniel had to do things in the packer.
47:38It's like she already got affection from the ride, right?
47:43Yes, more or less.
47:47And what happened to her?
47:49What happened to me?
47:51Well, she's very dirty in her pants.
47:54And like I see her very anxious.
47:56No, no, nothing happened to me, Rita.
47:59Now I have to give you explanations about my clothes.
48:02No, no, no. I was just worried about you.
48:06No, don't worry.
48:10Excuse me.
48:17Has Lecho already reported?
48:20No, he doesn't care.
48:21He doesn't care.
48:23And the aggressor, he didn't identify him.
48:27He should do it.
48:29At least for his stolen belongings.
48:32For going to the hospital.
48:34Please, find someone to accompany her.
48:37In her condition, she shouldn't be alone.
48:42Can you give me the phone?
48:43Of course.
48:48Reception, good afternoon.
48:50Hello, good afternoon.
48:53Please, contact Mexico City.
48:57With the soda.
49:03This data is not good.
49:06Let's see.
49:12Hello, Lily.
49:14Yes, of course, give it to me.
49:17Carolina, how are you? How's everything going over there?
49:19Sebastian, they assaulted me a few hours ago.
49:24I'm all beaten up.
49:28I think I broke my nose.
49:32I'm sorry to call you, I'm sorry, but...
49:35I have no one else to tell me.
49:38Oh, Sebastian, please help me.
49:45Justino, we have to review this week's orders.
49:48This week's?
49:51But we reviewed them last night.
49:55Yes, sorry, I forgot.
49:58You never forget anything.
50:01Are you worried about something?
50:03No, no, no, nothing happens.
50:06Let me check again, right?
50:08Go ahead.
50:19A place where there is no doubt.
50:24Stay one more night with me.
50:31Dad, they assaulted Carolina.
50:34They hit her and I think they broke her nose.
50:36Don't tell me, poor girl.
50:38Yes, I think that as the head of the campaign, I have to go see her.
50:41But Fatima has an exhibition tonight and I can't miss it.
50:44I don't understand.
50:45So I'm going to ask Adrián to go and take care of the situation.
50:49No, no, please don't involve Adrián.
50:51If you don't go, the next one in hierarchy is him.
50:53Not anyone can go and take care of the problem.
50:56Look, if I go right now, I think I have time to go and come the same day.
50:59That's a good option.
51:01Both as a company and personally, we have to support that boy.
51:04Yes, yes, yes, I'm going to ask Carolina to find someone from her family
51:08to accompany her and not feel alone tonight.
51:10We'll take care of all that.
51:12Do you think it's okay? Go to the airport right now.
51:15Thank you, Dad.
51:17I'm going to ask Dulce to check the flights and book you for the first flight.
51:21And your return so that you arrive on time for the inauguration.
51:23Yes, and I'll let you know anything.
51:25Son, are you aware that Carolina will no longer be able to be the image of the campaign?
51:30Yes, you don't know how much I'm sorry.
51:34But right now I'm going to talk to my team so we can look for another option.
51:38I'll talk to them. You go to the airport. We'll keep in touch.
51:41Thank you, Dad.
51:48Yes, you are beautiful for the memory. One, two, three.
51:52Hey, what's up?
51:55I like these ones because of the light that gives them.
51:57And what do you think?
51:59Of that one.
52:03So that it is the first thing that people see when they arrive.
52:05Well, that it comes in and literally the first thing that is.
52:07I think it's fabulous.
52:09I love it.
52:11That's Sebastian's favorite all the time.
52:22Hello, I'm Fatima.
52:24Leave your message and contact me as soon as possible.
52:28Maravilla, I had an emergency.
52:30I have to go on a trip right now, but don't worry.
52:32I'll be right back.
52:34Please call me when you hear this message to explain yourself.
52:36I love you.
52:40Sit down, please.
52:43I sent you to call everyone because we have an emergency.
52:46Sebastian, inform them before leaving.
52:48Can you explain to me what's going on? I don't understand.
52:50Carolina was robbed.
52:54And she will not be able to continue with the project.
52:56It seems that they broke her nose and that will not be solved in two days.
52:59Sorry, sorry to talk about work, but this is very worrying.
53:02What are we going to do with the campaign?
53:04That's why we're here.
53:06I want you to locate all the models that were in Sebastian's casting.
53:08I have the lists and their contacts.
53:10I will locate them right away.
53:12Thank you, Teran.
53:16How long can we delay filming without significantly affecting production costs?
53:22I think a maximum of two days, engineer.
53:24Well, then we have to find her now.
53:26That's right.
53:28I would have to be filming the shots that I recorded with Carolina tomorrow,
53:32or sooner or later, the day after tomorrow, so as not to delay them.
53:36I need to meet the model, see how she works, her angles.
53:41Well, then let's get to work. There's no time to lose.
53:43I have a question.
53:45I don't know if you want me to look for the models we had as a proposal for Adriana's campaign.
53:50Only Sebastian's.
53:52At least for the moment.
53:54Okay, yes.
53:58My love, forgive me.
54:00I left my cell phone on vibrate and I didn't hear when you called me.
54:02And now I don't get the call or the messages.
54:03Why did you have to leave urgently?
54:05Call me, okay?
54:12Let's see.
54:17Hi, friend.
54:19You already got in.
54:21That's why I'm calling you.
54:23I haven't been able to talk to Sebastian.
54:25He left me a message that he had to go.
54:27No, they released Carolina.
54:29We are already without a model for the campaign.
54:31They hit her horribly.
54:33Right now we are like crazy trying to find who replaced her.
54:36Don't tell me that.
54:38Poor Carolina.
54:40Yes, damn it.
54:42I don't know how we are going to solve this problem.
54:44But hey, I'll tell you in case I can't get to your exhibition on time.
54:47So you know why it was.
54:49Yes, yes, friend, don't worry.
54:51Sebastian also told me he was coming a little late, but he was coming.
54:54Yes, see you tonight.
55:12Who is it?
55:14It's me. We need to talk.
55:16There's nothing to talk about, Daniel.
55:18Barbara, please.
55:20Open the door.
55:22No, get out of my room. I don't want to see you.
55:24Barbara, you can't deny what's happening to us.
55:27I'm telling you to leave.
55:29Barbara, denying what's happening between us is useless.
55:30Open the door to find a solution.
55:32Let me talk.
55:34No, Daniel.
55:36I'm not going to leave until Mac and your mom arrive.
55:38So please leave.
55:40No, I'm not leaving.
55:49I'm really sorry.
55:51Besides, the worst thing that can happen to us models is that they touch our faces.
55:55You don't know.
55:57I'm so frustrated.
55:58I feel like I'm living a nightmare.
56:01It's not for me.
56:04Does it hurt?
56:08I'm glad you didn't go to dinner with the organizers of your event.
56:13You're the only one I know here.
56:17Yes, I was going to go, but in the end I was too lazy.
56:22I thought it was a better idea to go take a bath in the pool.
56:25I went to the room and froze when I heard your message.
56:32Thank you for being here with me.
56:35I felt so alone, so powerless, so...
56:38It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.
56:40Everything will be fine.
56:42And I will be here for everything you need, okay?
56:46And how are you?
56:48Hi Mario, how are things going over there?
56:50Well, solving some problems, but everything seems to be going well.
56:56That's good.
56:58Hey, I wanted to tell you that we want to spend a few days in Guadalajara with you.
57:02What do you think?
57:04For me, happy, yes, but...
57:06Did something happen?
57:08No, nothing, just Maca misses you a lot, wants to know your house, know the work.
57:13And only her?
57:15You don't?
57:17No, me too, me too.
57:18Well, I would have her all the time with me,
57:21but I don't know if Maca is doing well in this city because of the asthma.
57:25Well, if you want, I can talk to the doctor and tell him I don't think there's a problem, right?
57:30Well, then call her and let me know to prepare everything for when she arrives.
57:34Okay, okay, perfect, that's settled.
57:36Flaca, I loved that you talked to me and told me that you miss me.
57:41I love you.
57:49What happened to you?
57:51I took the opportunity to do a treatment to remove facial lines and rejuvenate the skin.
57:57How are you?
57:59Let's see, weren't you going shopping?
58:01Oh yes, but we're going to be here for several days, I'm going to go.
58:04But I needed to start with the treatment.
58:08Yes, yes, I can't do everything all at once.
58:11Tomorrow I have to go back to do some other little things.
58:14I just want to look like a quinceañera.
58:16Let's see, Greta, Greta.
58:19You're an adult woman.
58:22Never, do whatever you do, you're not going to look like a 15-year-old woman.
58:26Oh, I know, I know, but at least I'm going to take a few years off with those treatments.
58:32Well, aren't you going to ask me how it went?
58:36Yes, yes, how did it go?
58:39Oh, forget it, forget it.
58:42Better read it in the chat, okay?
58:45Finally, you don't care what they told me.
58:48Oh, how do I fall fat when you start with your dramas and everything.
58:52Send the message so that I can find out and I'm going to rest because this burns.
58:56Oh, you don't know how it burns.
58:58Oh, oh, oh, send it now.
59:02Are you waiting for someone?
59:04Yes, yes, open please.
59:14What are you doing here?
59:16What are you doing here?
59:25How curious that you and Carolina met on the plane.
59:29Does this one also want to enter your life?
59:31My mom wanted us to go to Guadalajara to see my dad.
59:34Why do you want to go to Guadalajara? To get away from me?
59:36Barbara, tell me the truth, what do you feel for me?
59:38I need you to take advantage of the fact that you are with Sebastián and get into bed with him, do you understand?
59:43If you give in to that, I will be the image of the campaign.
59:47The decision is yours.
