**Título SEO:** "Investigaciones Paranormales con Zak Bagans: Casas Embrujadas y Fenómenos Inexplicables"
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En el fascinante mundo de lo paranormal, pocas figuras son tan emblemáticas como Zak Bagans. Este investigador de lo paranormal se ha convertido en un referente al explorar las casas embrujadas de personas comunes que viven aterrorizadas por fenómenos inexplicables. Con un enfoque audaz y auténtico, Zak y su equipo ingresan a residencias que albergan historias inquietantes y misterios sin resolver.
Equipados con tecnología de última generación, desde cámaras de visión nocturna hasta dispositivos de medición de energía, el equipo de Zak documenta cada rincón donde se sospecha actividad sobrenatural. A través de sus investigaciones, los espectadores son llevados a un viaje donde el miedo y la curiosidad se entrelazan. Cada episodio ofrece un vistazo a las experiencias de personas reales, proporcionando una mezcla de suspenso y educación sobre el mundo paranormal.
El trabajo de Zak Bagans no solo se centra en asustar, sino también en comprender. Al interactuar con los espíritus y tratar de desentrañar los misterios que rodean cada caso, su objetivo es ofrecer respuestas a quienes buscan entender lo inexplicable. Ya sea a través de entrevistas con testigos o la recreación de eventos traumáticos, Zak se sumerge profundamente en cada historia.
Si te fascinan los misterios de las casas embrujadas y los fenómenos paranormales, este contenido es imprescindible. Únete a Zak Bagans en su búsqueda de respuestas y descubre lo que realmente sucede detrás de las puertas cerradas.
**Hashtags:** #ZakBagans, #InvestigacionesParanormales, #CasasEmbrujadas
**Keywords:** Zak Bagans, investigaciones paranormales, casas embrujadas, fenómenos inexplicables, actividad sobrenatural, terror, tecnología paranormal, historias de miedo, testimonios reales, exploración paranormal.
**Descripción optimizada para SEO (300 palabras):**
En el fascinante mundo de lo paranormal, pocas figuras son tan emblemáticas como Zak Bagans. Este investigador de lo paranormal se ha convertido en un referente al explorar las casas embrujadas de personas comunes que viven aterrorizadas por fenómenos inexplicables. Con un enfoque audaz y auténtico, Zak y su equipo ingresan a residencias que albergan historias inquietantes y misterios sin resolver.
Equipados con tecnología de última generación, desde cámaras de visión nocturna hasta dispositivos de medición de energía, el equipo de Zak documenta cada rincón donde se sospecha actividad sobrenatural. A través de sus investigaciones, los espectadores son llevados a un viaje donde el miedo y la curiosidad se entrelazan. Cada episodio ofrece un vistazo a las experiencias de personas reales, proporcionando una mezcla de suspenso y educación sobre el mundo paranormal.
El trabajo de Zak Bagans no solo se centra en asustar, sino también en comprender. Al interactuar con los espíritus y tratar de desentrañar los misterios que rodean cada caso, su objetivo es ofrecer respuestas a quienes buscan entender lo inexplicable. Ya sea a través de entrevistas con testigos o la recreación de eventos traumáticos, Zak se sumerge profundamente en cada historia.
Si te fascinan los misterios de las casas embrujadas y los fenómenos paranormales, este contenido es imprescindible. Únete a Zak Bagans en su búsqueda de respuestas y descubre lo que realmente sucede detrás de las puertas cerradas.
**Hashtags:** #ZakBagans, #InvestigacionesParanormales, #CasasEmbrujadas
**Keywords:** Zak Bagans, investigaciones paranormales, casas embrujadas, fenómenos inexplicables, actividad sobrenatural, terror, tecnología paranormal, historias de miedo, testimonios reales, exploración paranormal.
00:00Previously on PES
00:09Don't you think it's a bit... weird?
00:15What the...
00:16What the...
00:17What was that?
00:20I can't breathe, man.
00:22Are you okay?
00:24Do you want the apparitions to stop?
00:28Ghostbusters. Homecoming.
00:59Oh, my God, man.
01:01Man, what were you thinking?
01:04All right, all right.
01:07Are you serious? You thought it was something informal?
01:11I saw the FaceTime, and I didn't know the time.
01:13I don't have a watch, and I wasn't paying attention.
01:16Okay, all right.
01:17All right, we're going to start from scratch.
01:19Pay attention, guys, because we're dealing with something very, very serious.
01:24We're dealing with a woman named Julia.
01:26She's in New York City. She lives in an old historic house.
01:29She says there's a lot of ghosts in her house.
01:32And it's been like that for decades.
01:35And we take her order as follows.
01:37She is stating that her present boyfriend is being harassed by the spirits,
01:43and that the spirits have manipulated her ex-boyfriends to the point of becoming violent.
01:51So I don't know if they got to be aggressive with her,
01:54but that is something extremely serious.
01:57Watch this video.
01:58Hey, my name is Julia, and my house is in the historic haunted house tour in New York City.
02:06We've had a lot of apparitions, like an apparition walking through the kitchen,
02:11or I saw a young black man at three in the morning when I woke up.
02:15He was sitting in a fetal position on the floor next to my bed.
02:20I was sweating, and at the same time, I was freezing.
02:24I've been living in this house for 19 years, and we have a lot of psychophonies.
02:37My boyfriend also lives here with me, and he's been harassed several times.
02:41I expect to hear from you.
02:44All right, guys. She's in New York.
02:46Back to the East Coast.
02:48Oh, wow.
02:49Guys, get your equipment ready, and then we'll talk.
02:52From Las Vegas, Nevada to Wappingers Falls, New York, 3,585 kilometers.
03:03Wappingers Falls, New York.
03:11The house is included in the New York haunted tour.
03:14It's not that she lives there, but it's also a house that's known to be haunted.
03:18So it's that street.
03:20It's known to be haunted for a long time.
03:23It's known as a haunted house for a long time.
03:25Oh, no.
03:26It's Zach.
03:29Hello, guys.
03:30Hello, guys.
03:31Are you on your way?
03:33Yeah, we're all here.
03:34Well, we have more news from Julia,
03:36and this happened after she sent us the video.
03:40Basically, she's told us that she and her whole family
03:45have heard imitations of their voices in the house.
03:48Oh, wow.
03:49If they're imitations,
03:50we find ourselves in a case where extreme violence has possessed their exes.
03:55It's very possible that you're in a very dangerous situation,
03:58especially because we've been told that those spirits hate men.
04:03Yeah, especially if there's an apparition,
04:04rage attacks or whatever, that can cause violence and stuff like that.
04:08Okay, when you get there, you know what to do.
04:11I'm on the other side of the phone.
04:13Call me if you need me.
04:15Let me know how you're doing, because this case is pretty serious.
04:20And there's a lot of delicate aspects to it,
04:22so let me know.
04:25Of course.
04:28It's right here.
04:29It's here?
04:44This place is huge.
04:45Is that the entrance?
04:46I think so.
04:49It's cool.
04:50Ring the bell.
04:51There's no bell.
04:52Look carefully.
04:55Come on.
04:57Well, I guess there is.
04:58It's amazing.
04:59I want one.
05:00It's like a trap that opens.
05:05How are you?
05:06Excuse me, is this the bell?
05:07Yes, it's the bell.
05:08Come in.
05:14As you enter the house,
05:15Julia informs you about the historical background
05:18and tells you about her former eccentric owner.
05:22The Bandjouik came here in the year 1600.
05:25When was the house built?
05:27This house was built in the 1860s
05:31and they had other houses that were much older.
05:34Just to give you an idea,
05:35they also had a kilometer and a half of land.
05:39Around this area, there's a lot of water
05:42and sometimes they flood.
05:44And it's said that, I don't know,
05:46the spirits, well, that there's a lot of energy,
05:49you know, a lot of things are said.
05:51There's a lot of continuity in the water.
05:57Water attracts energy.
05:59I've heard a lot of people say that
06:01over the last few years.
06:03And then I thought that maybe
06:06I might have something to do with it.
06:19All the houses in the neighborhood are new,
06:22except this one.
06:23This is the only old one that's left.
06:25And of course, we also have the Hudson River.
06:29And I wonder if that has something to do
06:32with what's happening.
06:34Maybe they're attracted to the fact
06:37that there's something here.
06:39I don't know.
06:47My neighbors have also experienced
06:49similar situations.
06:50It's not just this house.
06:58Then all of that,
06:59almost a kilometer square,
07:00now it doesn't get to half a kilometer of land.
07:03The spirits will think,
07:04who's in my property?
07:27This was Fanny's living room.
07:30And now it's our living room.
07:32But this was supposed to be the room
07:34where they did their spiritism sessions.
07:40People have told me that this room,
07:42especially, has a lot of energy,
07:45especially because of all the things
07:47that she believed in.
07:48Let's say that this house has always been known
07:51in this area for this type of thing.
07:55The team goes up to the first floor of the house,
07:57where Julia experienced something very terrifying
08:00in the marriage room.
08:03The craziest thing that has happened to me in here
08:06was when I was sleeping on that side of the bed
08:08and I woke up shortly after three in the morning.
08:11I remember looking at the clock.
08:13I was completely awake
08:15and something caught my eye
08:17by the corner of my eye.
08:18And on the floor,
08:19next to the bed,
08:20there was a young man lying in a fetal position.
08:23He was wearing old clothes
08:25and the white of his eyes
08:27was soaring in the darkness.
08:29We looked into each other's eyes.
08:33Suddenly, something bothers Aaron a lot.
08:38Are you okay?
08:39I can't breathe, man.
08:40Yeah, it's hard for me to breathe,
08:42to catch my breath.
08:43Give me a second.
08:45Is it like something heavy, Aaron?
08:47It's like when you run
08:49and you run out of breath.
08:51I try to breathe,
08:52but it's really hard for me.
08:54Sometimes, as you walk in,
08:56you feel like a suction,
08:58and you get really tense.
09:04Aaron is getting worse and worse
09:06as he goes up the stairs
09:08until he finally reaches the third floor.
09:20This second floor
09:22is probably the worst floor in the house.
09:27I've never stayed here
09:29in the 19 years I've been in this house.
09:31That's what I felt in that room,
09:33it was...
09:34That room is cozy,
09:37but this room is not.
09:39The team heads to the last room of the house,
09:42an attic where the appearance
09:44of a child in the attic took place.
09:51I love it.
09:52There was a time when somebody saw
09:54the little figure of a child sitting up there.
09:57In that attic.
09:58In that attic.
09:59It would be good to put a camera
10:01on that beam up there
10:02to record this side of here.
10:03That would be a good idea.
10:04Yeah, we'll put lights on
10:05and maybe we'll record that child.
10:08Did they attack you or something?
10:10Or do they just want to connect with you?
10:12No, no, no, no.
10:13They haven't attacked me.
10:16The boys feel that something's wrong with Julia
10:19and the energy in the house.
10:21She's not being honest
10:23with them.
10:28Here's my big question.
10:30Why are we here?
10:31Just like,
10:32is there something
10:33that they need to know about this?
10:35Yeah, I would like to know
10:38why are they here?
10:39What's here?
10:40Is this just what we have here?
10:42Were they people who lived here?
10:45And so,
10:46is this still part of their day-to-day life?
10:48Is it something residual?
10:49Or is it something that they're trying to
10:50communicate with us?
10:52You know, there's always something different.
11:01Guys, come closer.
11:02What's up?
11:03Come here.
11:04Come closer.
11:05With the tour of the house,
11:06the boys feel a conflicted atmosphere,
11:08so they go outside to comment on the situation.
11:11Doesn't it seem strange to you?
11:14They haven't even thanked us.
11:16Yeah, as if they weren't in a hurry.
11:18Yeah, compared to how they welcome us,
11:20it seems a little out of place.
11:22Yeah, you're right.
11:23It's like they're trying to...
11:25Like they're trying to protect the house.
11:27Something's wrong with them.
11:28I think you should go in and ask them some serious questions
11:31to understand if the house is affecting them,
11:33and we're going to stay outside
11:35and listen to the conversation on the phone.
11:39Hopefully we'll get some answers.
11:44Hi, Julia.
11:46Do you mind if we go in
11:47and sit down and talk?
11:48No, no.
11:49I'd like to know more about the house
11:51and what's going on.
11:56We don't want Julia to feel uncomfortable
11:58because of our presence,
11:59but she called us to help her,
12:01and we need to find out more
12:03to see if she's also affected by something
12:05we should know,
12:06so let's proceed with our investigation.
12:19Keep an eye on her.
12:22And see how she reacts.
12:24All right.
12:26So, I've got a few questions
12:28to understand a little bit better
12:30what's going on here.
12:32Get a little more involved, come on.
12:34Sometimes it's like I feel like
12:36the environment is being loaded,
12:38and sometimes my attitude changes.
12:40I don't always feel like that,
12:41but other people do.
12:43The environment is heavy.
12:44We've had a lot of homeowners
12:46who feel absorbed by the house
12:48as if they have an attachment.
12:50It's like the saying goes,
12:52love kills you.
12:55I moved to live at the other house
12:57for a year.
12:59It was the most terrifying moment
13:01I've ever had.
13:03In a nutshell,
13:04all the activity here,
13:05all the activity there,
13:06I felt like I just had to come back here.
13:09At the end of the day,
13:11I left there,
13:12I came back,
13:13and it all stopped.
13:15I go back.
13:16I go back.
13:17She loves you back.
13:18She relaxes,
13:19and little by little,
13:20she takes over you.
13:21That's how it works.
13:23And I know that something
13:24brought me back,
13:25something brought me back,
13:26and that's when I started
13:27the Miss Fanny thing,
13:28and I organized those events
13:29and stuff like that,
13:30and then one day I found out
13:31that Miss Fanny herself
13:32used to do the same thing,
13:33and I never knew until
13:34like a very long time later.
13:35Do you think it was her energy
13:36that brought you back here?
13:37Something like that, yeah.
13:38What a weird connection.
13:49And now she's doing it.
13:50She's repeating it.
13:51Do you want to stop
13:52the appearances?
13:55Well, okay.
13:56I don't know,
13:57it sounds weird,
13:58but I don't know,
13:59it's like almost like
14:00if we're friends for years
14:01with someone,
14:02and the story,
14:03and everything else,
14:04but I don't want
14:05anybody trapped here,
14:06and that sort of thing.
14:07She's part of the house,
14:08and she's...
14:09She's part of the house.
14:14part of the house.
14:15Is that okay?
14:16That's fine.
14:17It's not bad at all.
14:18It's fine.
14:19It's fine.
14:20Not bad at all.
14:21But I feel like we're out here, and the men...
14:23What do you guys think?
14:24Just because of what she says, when she leaves, the house brings her back.
14:29Your life's not worth anything.
14:30That's true.
14:31Unless you come back to this house.
14:33So, okay, yeah.
14:34But I feel like she's trapped.
14:35But she hasn't noticed.
14:37But even with the negativity, and messing with her partners, she still wants to be here.
14:41She wants to stay in this house.
14:44Maybe Fanny's spirit is so strong that it can be channeled through Julia.
14:48And this causes doors to be opened to other portals that shouldn't be opened by mortals.
14:54Let's start by setting up the control room.
14:58We'll tell Zack to see what he thinks we should do.
15:01And in the worst case, at least we've had a good time.
15:05Investigating and looking for evidence.
15:07That's what it's about.
15:09I wish we could help her in some way.
15:11I know.
15:12I've been very direct, asking if she wanted this to stop, and she said no.
15:16We've heard it all.
15:17I'm worried.
15:18It's worrying, but there's nothing we can do.
15:20Come on, let's set up the control room.
15:21It's time for Julia to leave, so we can start our investigation.
15:31Ready to start?
15:32She said no.
15:33Okay, ready.
15:34Everything's set.
15:35Ready to start.
15:36We're ready, but first, there's something I want to say, Zack.
15:40We all want to tell you something.
15:41It was a little weird.
15:42I don't want to raise my voice.
15:44But at the last moment, when she was about to leave, there was a moment when we felt
15:48that maybe she didn't want us here, or maybe she didn't want to go through this.
15:53We all felt that way.
15:54Bad vibe?
15:56As if she had changed her mind.
15:57As if she had changed her mind.
15:58I don't know if it's her or the house, but it was an uncomfortable feeling.
16:01Do you think it's something more personal, or is it more because she's being manipulated
16:04by something?
16:05I asked her if she wanted the apparitions to stop.
16:08I asked her if there was something we could do, but she said no.
16:11What kind of help is she looking for?
16:13That's the problem.
16:14Like, what are we doing here?
16:16The problem is that it was her who told us that several of her ex-boyfriends
16:21became violent.
16:23She barely wanted to talk about it.
16:25She said they barely touched.
16:27She didn't want to be honest about it at all.
16:30This is from our preliminary research.
16:33The spirits influenced her ex-boyfriends and became aggressive with Julia.
16:38The result?
16:39Physical violence.
16:41There's a reason why we're here, and that reason is because we got this important
16:46information that she gave us.
16:48And if she's changed her mind now, or if she's trying to disguise the information
16:52she gave us at the beginning, maybe she's been overwhelmed by seeing us here.
16:58Maybe all these factors play a role.
17:00But we saw her video, and she accepted our invitation.
17:03Now we're here, and we're going to proceed with our investigation.
17:06If that's being aggressive, and something happens to one of you, then I'll have proof.
17:11One of my veteran investigators has been seriously manipulated.
17:15If this is what happened to her ex-boyfriends, and they've shown physical violence,
17:20this is a serious situation, and I'm going to offer help.
17:23It's going to depend on her whether she accepts it or not.
17:26So let's continue with our investigation.
17:28Let's see what we find, and then we'll let you know.
17:31I'm going to start with a full spectrum camera.
17:34I'm going to turn around, and I'm going to take pictures.
17:48When we did the interview and the tour of the house, I know you felt something up there.
17:52That's true.
17:53The truth is I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary in this house.
17:57I mean, it's an old house.
17:58It's a little sinister, but nothing so far.
18:01I wanted you to know.
18:07Aaron, call Miss Fanny.
18:09Let's see if her spirit is still there.
18:11We heard that she died in the 1980s.
18:14And if she practiced occultism, as Julia says,
18:17her spirit could guide you to the other spirits that bother Julia and her ex-boyfriends.
18:23Miss Fanny?
18:27You're like a local legend in this house.
18:29We know that...
18:40You used to do rituals here, right?
18:46Did you hear that?
18:47What did you hear?
18:48It was a woman's voice.
18:50Me too.
18:51Did you hear it?
18:52It sounded like it was coming from upstairs.
18:54Down the stairs.
18:55When we were in the occult room,
18:57I heard a woman's voice.
18:58Lauren also heard it.
19:00But Bill didn't hear it.
19:01I think it was in another part of the room.
19:03Maybe it was coming from a part of the room that you couldn't hear from where I was.
19:06It was really short, really high-pitched.
19:08It was two or three syllables.
19:10So maybe one or two really quick words.
19:12It sounded like it was coming from the back where the stairs are.
19:16And that's what made me think Fanny was upstairs.
19:19Miss Fanny, are you here?
19:22It was very subtle.
19:23You could barely hear it.
19:25I didn't hear it.
19:26Maybe it was coming from behind the door.
19:28And you had it on camera.
19:29Let's continue.
19:42We want you to know that we respect you.
19:47You were out of breath in this room.
19:49I couldn't breathe.
19:50Are you out of breath now?
19:51No, but I'm scared.
19:52It's not a joke.
19:53I don't know why, but I'm a little scared.
19:57No noise.
19:58But I feel like this.
20:01Hey, Fanny.
20:02I understand that you're a medium.
20:05If that's the case, I want you to come over here and answer my questions.
20:08Right here.
20:09In this little device.
20:14Is everything okay in here?
20:15Maybe you can help us.
20:19Is she being manipulated?
20:21If so, it's cool.
20:22She doesn't want to leave here.
20:26Did you pick her to be the housekeeper now that you're not here?
20:29Is that what you're looking for?
20:34This is an important question.
20:36Do you manipulate the men who come into this house so you can keep it to yourself?
20:44Do you manipulate the men who come into this house so you can keep it to yourself?
20:48Yes, I heard something.
20:49This is an important question.
20:52There are two words.
20:54What did you say?
20:55That little light.
20:56Talk to the little light.
20:58That little light.
20:59Talk to the little light.
21:01Oh, in the light.
21:02Here in the little light.
21:04The light.
21:06That little light.
21:07Talk to the little light.
21:11Wow, listen.
21:19I was trying to talk to Fanny, and I think we have an answer.
21:22It's not a book psychophony.
21:24If we had known what she was saying, we would have described her as such.
21:27Put it back for Zach and the others.
21:29Listen, guys.
21:34There's something there.
21:35Put your hands here, down here.
21:37Come closer, Aaron.
21:38Don't you feel like the cold air is following her?
21:41Oh, it's colder here.
21:43I feel it right here.
21:48What was that?
21:49Yeah, I...
21:50I felt it.
21:51I didn't feel it when I was close to you, Bill.
21:53You passed through here, and it was like you had a star.
21:56It's here, right here.
21:57I felt it.
21:58I didn't know you...
21:59Oh, my God.
22:00Did you hear that?
22:02This whole area is cold, man.
22:03This part here.
22:04Around here, Aaron.
22:05I swear.
22:06I was following her when she passed by our side.
22:07I didn't feel it.
22:08And now I feel it around me.
22:11Billy, I want you to go to the room on the second floor alone.
22:14Aaron and Lauren will stay there.
22:17Can I get the equipment first?
22:18Yes, of course.
22:19Use everything you have.
22:20XLS cameras, everything.
22:28I'm upstairs.
22:30I'm going to see if anything comes out.
22:32The electromagnetic field changes when a ghost appears.
22:42Point of reference, zero milligauss.
22:45No peaks in the room of the Desvan.
23:01I want you to know that I've swept the first floor and the second floor.
23:07I want you to know that I've swept the first floor and the Desvan,
23:11but I haven't gotten anything.
23:20I know that now you know how to communicate with us,
23:22in particular with me.
23:24There are many who come just to talk to you.
23:26So maybe you know how it works.
23:31Who's playing with the men?
23:33Fanny, are you manipulating her to benefit you or even her?
23:46Are you trying to get the men out of here?
23:51Nothing has been recorded.
23:58I'm talking to you, Miss Fanny.
24:00Are you here?
24:02I thought you were the only one who could attract anyone to this house.
24:07Is that your plan?
24:08Communicate through this device.
24:12I want to hear your voice.
24:19Say something.
24:21Any spirit.
24:26Stay here.
24:28Give me your camera.
24:29You know how the recorder works, right?
24:35Hey, Aaron has left Lauren alone in the room.
24:53Is this what you wanted?
24:55I'm alone here.
24:56Just us girls.
24:59You can tell me why you're not doing anything to the men.
25:04Stop it. Stop it.
25:07Is this what you wanted?
25:12Before I left, I recorded a few more sessions,
25:15but nothing came out.
25:16It seemed to have calmed down.
25:19Hey, guys.
25:20Go back to the control room.
25:23What I want you to do is go in there alone.
25:28Billy, if you want to do it,
25:29you take a loudspeaker, a microphone.
25:32You don't take a frequency sweeper or a digital recorder.
25:38What I want you to do is listen live with a directional microphone.
25:46And see if you can hear body voices
25:48with those superhero ears you have.
25:51Julia told us that one of the most horrible experiences she had
25:55was when she saw an African-American man
25:57sitting in a fetal position on the floor of his room.
26:00She felt very upset.
26:01She also saw apparitions in the kitchen and everywhere.
26:04Yeah, okay.
26:05So use the microphone, and while you're using it,
26:08Aaron, if you want,
26:09you can also go in and record with the XLS.
26:12But don't say anything.
26:14Aaron, only if you have a complete figure.
26:17And don't whisper.
26:21Aaron, you go in with the XLS,
26:23and Billy, you go in alone with the microphone.
26:27And you, Loren, you can follow Aaron,
26:29but you can't say anything.
26:31Do you know what we can do to show that you're not going to talk?
26:34Do we have duct tape?
26:36Dude, I'm not going to cover my mouth with duct tape.
26:38Hey, I'm the one who gives the orders here.
26:42Cover your mouth with duct tape
26:46to show the viewers that you're not going to say anything.
26:48Wait, wait.
26:49So there's no contamination.
26:51I understand what Shaq wants to do by covering my mouth
26:53so that it doesn't make any sound,
26:55but I have a beard,
26:56and that's like putting a bandage on your arm,
26:59and when you take it off, you rip all your hair off.
27:02Can we do this in every scene?
27:04Loren, do you want to participate and cover your mouth too?
27:08It was something interesting
27:09because it hadn't been done before in the show,
27:11and it was a good way to show
27:13that if Billy was capturing something,
27:15it wasn't either Aaron's or mine.
27:17Yeah, okay.
27:18He's agreed.
27:19All right.
27:20So don't get into social media.
27:22This is a serious investigation.
27:24We're doing it for science.
27:31What did you say?
27:44Okay, so now Billy's coming into the house.
27:46He's got a microphone on.
27:48I like the microphone he's got
27:50because it captures all kinds of audio.
27:53If someone makes a noise or talks
27:55or there are voices in the background,
27:57it captures all the audio.
28:08Fanny, if you're here,
28:10if you're in the Spiritism room,
28:12the room where you're supposed to meet,
28:14can you come up here and talk to me?
28:18Guys, go over there.
28:19I want to stay in the Spiritism room for a moment
28:21and listen.
28:22Why don't you go upstairs?
28:34I can hear everything.
28:35I can hear them going up the stairs,
28:37every step they take.
28:40They heard you before.
28:42Do you want to talk to me?
28:56Now I'm in the marriage room,
28:59standing in the back of the Spiritism room.
29:05If there's any other spirit apart from Fanny,
29:07if Fanny isn't even here, it's fine.
29:09Come up here and talk through the microphone,
29:11so I can hear you.
29:12It's very sensitive.
29:15Is there anyone here?
29:17It seems everything is very quiet.
29:19A total silence.
29:20No voice has been recorded.
29:31Now I'm in the marriage room.
29:33Billy seems to be one of those guys
29:35with a metal detector on the beach.
29:38We've heard some voices on the recording of this room.
29:41Why don't you want to talk to me now?
29:44I'm by myself and vulnerable.
29:46Do you want to hurt me?
29:48Do you want to hurt the rest of the team?
29:52Turn up the volume and start screaming.
29:54I want to know who's in this house.
29:56If there's a single spirit or twenty,
29:58do something.
29:59Come out in front of us.
30:01Show us that this is your house,
30:03that we don't belong here.
30:04Don't waste our time.
30:11Now, the only reason I told Billy to provoke them
30:14is because Julia told me that some spirits
30:17that have been harassing their ex-boyfriends
30:19don't like men.
30:21That's why we want to draw the attention of those spirits
30:24to understand why they behave like that.
30:26To get some proof and see if it's real,
30:29if some spirits are manipulating those ex-boyfriends
30:31or if, on the contrary,
30:33they've chosen some violent ex-boyfriends
30:35and they're paying the spirits.
30:37We want proof.
30:38We want to know who's causing the problems.
30:40Who's making the violent, aggressive men?
30:43If you're that spirit, be aggressive.
30:47We're not afraid.
30:48We're here.
30:49We just want to talk to you.
30:51Knock on the door.
30:59Was it someone walking or a stomach?
31:03Did you hear that?
31:05Was it you, Loren?
31:07Did you hear that, Billy?
31:08Yeah, yeah.
31:09It was very clear.
31:10It sounded like...
31:12Knock on the door.
31:23Was it someone walking or a stomach?
31:26Did you hear that, Billy?
31:27Yeah, yeah.
31:28It was very clear.
31:29Knock on the door.
31:30Knock on the door.
31:31Knock on the door.
31:32It was very clear.
31:33It sounded like...
31:36Aaron, did you get anything?
31:39Okay, turn it off.
31:40Go back to the control room.
31:42Okay, back to the control room.
31:46Billy, hurry up and do a recording on the spiritism table.
31:49I'm on it.
31:50So what I've asked you to do is put digital recorders in each room
31:53to look at them through the camera.
31:55I've also asked you to put walkie-talkies in the rooms
31:58because I want to do an experiment that we've done in the past,
32:03and it's talking to the spirits through a walkie-talkie.
32:07The voice travels through those electromagnetic frequencies,
32:11and it's this electromagnetic spectrum
32:13where we believe the spirits are,
32:15where they all live, where they talk the most,
32:18where they do everything within the dimensions where they are.
32:21In addition to putting myself on the walkie-talkie,
32:24I'm also going to talk to them through a transmission that we've established.
32:28So we're using two different forms of communication
32:31with two different types of electromagnetic frequencies
32:34to try to talk to the spirits that are in the house.
32:38So maybe they'll listen to me or feel my voice better
32:41than if someone were to speak to them out loud.
32:45So are you ready to transmit my voice?
32:47Yes, we're ready.
32:49The walkie is on, all yours.
32:51If you could hear my voice.
32:54In the house.
32:56I would like you to do something now,
32:59like move one of the tape recorders,
33:02turn on a light, or move something in the house.
33:08Miss Fanny, we've been told that you've done rituals in this house.
33:12Is there something in the house that scares you?
33:15Show us where it is, and turn on a light or move something.
33:22On the count of three, I want you to do something.
33:25Move a sheet,
33:27turn on a digital tape recorder on that table over there.
33:31Can you do something?
33:51We're going to pick up the digital tape recorders,
33:54and if there's anything in these recordings that's psychophonic,
33:57it would be incredible,
33:59because there's absolutely no one in the house.
34:02You can't hear a fly, absolutely nothing.
34:06Miss Fanny, show us that there's life after death.
34:16I think that's enough.
34:18Billy, I want you to come in and pick up all the tape recorders one by one,
34:22and tell me if you feel any different in the house
34:26after this experiment, understood?
34:29Come in.
34:37It's crazy.
34:39There's no poltergeist activity or lights.
34:41I haven't seen any visual anomalies.
34:43Nothing at all.
34:45If there were spirituality sessions in the house,
34:48why don't we all go where they meet and meditate?
34:51I could touch this.
34:53We sit in a circle,
34:55we try to connect spiritually with the energy of those sessions.
34:58That's a good idea.
35:00Let's see if we can get into that level.
35:02When we rub this bowl, it produces infrasound that we'll hear,
35:05but it also generates frequencies and waves.
35:08Maybe it can also help to open up or generate some activity.
35:12Don't think about anything.
35:14Just relax.
35:15With the mind in blank,
35:17let yourself go and connect with what's manifesting.
35:20There was a moment where, I don't know,
35:22when we started, we were all very impatient
35:24because we all thought something was going to happen.
35:27But nothing happened.
35:29I don't feel anything.
35:32I've noticed an icy air around Aaron
35:34when he picked up the tape recorder.
35:36But in the reading, the only thing there was,
35:38was zeros.
35:49There were still zeros.
35:50I've been through the entire house.
35:52Did you capture anything in XLS?
35:53No, nothing.
35:55And you've been through the entire house.
35:57It's like the house was empty.
36:06Hi Julia, I'm glad to see you.
36:08Hello, me too.
36:09How are you?
36:10Good, good.
36:11Thank you for inviting us to your house.
36:13Is there anything that has called our special attention
36:16especially the attention when we have investigated your house.
36:21The spirits have not been very kind to the boys,
36:24and you think they see them as strangers.
36:27Have they manipulated anyone else?
36:30Because you told us that they influenced your ex-boyfriends
36:33to make them violent or aggressive.
36:36Well, there was no physical violence,
36:39well, not that much, not that much.
36:42So anger, yes.
36:44Things could go out of hand,
36:49as if...
36:53You don't have to go into that.
36:56I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.
36:59I understood it as a call to attention,
37:02and that's why they went there to help you out.
37:05I want to send our team of three investigators,
37:09who are all men,
37:12so I just want to make sure that in the house
37:17where you've been living for so long, Julia,
37:19and where you are now,
37:30the spirits are connected,
37:31the spirits that are there want to protect you.
37:33Because without knowing it,
37:35we could be getting into the wolf's mouth.
37:37So what we want to show you is
37:40some of the evidence that we've received.
37:45So let's try to do that.
37:46First, we'll focus on the room that's on the second floor.
37:50I don't know if you remember,
37:51but it's the room where Aaron felt indisposed
37:54when we were walking around the house.
37:57He was saying he had a weird feeling.
38:00He did a recording in that room,
38:02and I'll show it to you right now so we can hear it.
38:06Right there in the light, baby.
38:10Right there in the light, baby.
38:14What did you say?
38:15Oh, the light.
38:16Talk to the light.
38:17He was actually referring to the recording,
38:19but in the psychophony, he's saying,
38:22the light.
38:23See if you can hear it.
38:24Right there in the light, baby.
38:26I want to hear it.
38:27Or in the light, or light.
38:29Right there in the light, baby.
38:32And then, why don't you put the second psychophony,
38:34which is kind of a strange response.
38:37That little light, talk to the little light.
38:41Oh, wow.
38:44That little light, talk to the little light.
38:49Now, the interesting thing is that when they recorded the sessions,
38:53they captured a kind of sound
38:55that sounds like a pretty loud scream.
38:57It's right there.
39:03What was that?
39:04Yeah, I...
39:05I noticed it.
39:06I didn't notice it when I was close to you.
39:07You passed by here,
39:08and it was like you had a stela.
39:10And it's right there.
39:11It's right here.
39:12Put it again, Billy.
39:13Right there.
39:17I noticed it right there.
39:21I sent Billy inside the house
39:22with a microphone and some headphones
39:24because I like it that way.
39:25And I want to hear any sound.
39:27And this time,
39:28Billy captured a kind of strange sound
39:31that sounded like a woman.
39:33Though Aaron doesn't feel well,
39:35the guys go further inside the house,
39:38going up some narrow stairs
39:40to the second floor.
39:42We're not scared.
39:43We're here.
39:44We just want to talk to you.
39:46Shut the door.
39:53I don't know if you heard that sound
39:55because it's very weak,
39:56but I'm going to play the audio
39:58from the recording of the microphone
40:00and I've raised it
40:01so you can hear that very weak sound.
40:09It sounds like a baby.
40:13It sounds like a...
40:14Like a...
40:16Like a baby.
40:17Like a little baby, yeah.
40:19So now, when we got to that point,
40:21I asked everyone to leave the house.
40:23There was absolutely nothing.
40:25So we didn't contaminate anything.
40:27And we only left in the house
40:29some walkie-talkies.
40:31And basically where I was,
40:33I was asking them remote questions
40:35from here, from Las Vegas.
40:37And sometimes I like to do this experiment
40:39because my voice travels
40:41through the electromagnetic frequencies
40:43of a walkie-talkie.
40:44So maybe that way,
40:45my voice connects better in that dimension
40:47than if it was just a live voice.
40:50So we did the experiment
40:52and we obtained two psychophonies.
40:55And in them,
40:56we obtained some strange sounds
40:58from inside the house.
41:00But there was no one in the house,
41:02which we found very strange.
41:04In the recording that was on the spiritism table
41:06in the video that I'm going to play,
41:08there's a countdown.
41:10Three, two, one,
41:12and then total silence.
41:16On the count of three,
41:17I want you to do something.
41:26And right here,
41:27that's the recording.
41:28Total silence,
41:30but we have a psychophony.
41:39It's kind of crazy
41:40because there's a lot of...
41:41He's talking about something, but...
41:43Yeah, yeah.
41:45A long conversation,
41:46but we haven't been able to understand
41:48any words,
41:49although the fact that it's so dense
41:51is very interesting.
41:52And just after this psychophony,
41:54we get this.
41:57show us that there's life after death.
42:00Total silence,
42:02but we capture this.
42:11This portion right here
42:13is a psychophony.
42:19And once again,
42:20as Zack said,
42:21none of them is a psychophony as such,
42:24Yeah, but the recorder is completely static,
42:27you know,
42:28sitting on a hard surface.
42:30There's nobody in the house,
42:31but you can hear noises,
42:34and where do they come from?
42:36Why do you hear those noises,
42:38and voices
42:40in these recordings?
42:42You know it.
42:43It's because there are several spirits in your house.
42:45Do you sometimes feel their presence
42:47one day,
42:48and one day you don't?
42:49The house is great,
42:50I love it.
42:51You know, this place is great,
42:52I don't know if it affects me or not,
42:54but yes,
42:55it does affect you,
42:56and that's important.
42:58Well, I don't know.
43:01I don't know what to tell you.
43:03Sometimes I have good seasons,
43:04sometimes I have bad seasons,
43:06because you're in the house,
43:08and you know,
43:09you're walking,
43:10and suddenly you feel anxiety,
43:12or anxiety,
43:13or things like that.
43:15That's it.
43:16Like tired,
43:18I don't know,
43:19I don't know what you're talking about,
43:21because eight or ten years ago,
43:23when I came back from a very dark place
43:25called Bobby Mackey,
43:26I felt very,
43:27very bad.
43:28I had never experienced anything like that
43:30in my own house.
43:31And it was like that,
43:32as you described it.
43:33There are times when you're fine at home
43:35for a season,
43:36and then the darkness takes over.
43:38It causes you depression,
43:41irrational attacks,
43:42and it's like,
43:43what's going on?
43:44Why is this happening to me now?
43:46And I think I feel identified with you
43:48about the house.
43:49But this is your house.
43:50I've been told it's incredible.
43:52I've seen one of the rooms,
43:54and I think it's fascinating.
43:56Very cool.
43:57You're a very strong woman
43:59for living there
44:00and being able to handle all that energy.
44:02I've been told the house has a lot.
44:04And I don't know how to tell you
44:06how many spirits you're living with right now.
44:08So, on behalf of my team,
44:10and on my own behalf,
44:11I would like to thank you
44:13for allowing us to come into your home
44:15and carry out this investigation.
44:17And as I say to everyone,
44:18if you need us, call us.
44:22Thank you, Julia.
44:23After reviewing Julia's case
44:25and seeing the evidence with her,
44:27she has two options.
44:28She can stay at home
44:30and continue living with that activity,
44:32or she can move.
44:33But she can count on us
44:35whenever she needs us.