90 Day Fiance The Other Way Season 6 Episode 9

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90 Day Fiance The Other Way S06E09
00:00Previously on 90 Day Fiancé, The Other Way.
00:03What the hell is this?
00:04The fermented shark.
00:06That's part of the tradition.
00:10I'm so nervous.
00:12Why are you nervous about meeting my parents?
00:14They'll be like, whoa, my son waited this long to be in a relationship and she sucks.
00:20I'm just going to try and work out the electric so we can get warm.
00:24Everything's hitting me at once. It's like, whoa, this is happening.
00:27It's usual for lesbians to go all in, all really quickly, but this is lesbian times infinity.
00:35Yay, let's go on.
00:40You like it?
00:41I don't like this one.
00:43This morning I met up with one of Sarper's exes.
00:46You have certain tactics that make women fall for you very easily.
00:50How do I really know that I am this one special woman in his life that he's going to change all of his ways for?
00:57Why I change my whole life for you if I'm playing with you.
01:01It makes me so hopeful, but that also is so scary.
01:07I mean, you're bringing my grandsons to meet him, why?
01:10Well, we're married.
01:11No, no, no, no.
01:15You married a total stranger.
01:18Sean could be the sweetest person in the world, but he could also be the biggest psycho.
01:24Does your sons know this?
01:49Boys, are you packed?
01:53Let's make sure you have everything, and let's start bringing it down to the car.
01:58Okay, what you're doing has nothing to do with our trip, please, sir.
02:05Mom, we gotta go.
02:09Today I'm going to Ireland with the boys.
02:12Assuming all goes well, this will be my last trip to Ireland, because the next time I go, I will be moving there.
02:18But before that can happen, I need to let the boys know that Sean and I are married.
02:25They have to love him, and they have to be okay with the move.
02:30So there's a lot riding on this trip.
02:34So I'm driving, or are you?
02:36No, I'm going to be driving.
02:38You don't drive that great.
02:41You don't drive that great.
02:42Oh, really? Seriously?
02:44If you drive, it'll take us five hours.
02:50So, guys, are you excited to go?
02:54I'm happy that you guys are coming with me and that you are going to be meeting Sean for the first time.
03:01Let grandma know.
03:03Okay, I'll let everyone back home now.
03:05No, not everybody. I'm the only one that you have to let know.
03:08Give me a break.
03:10I give you a break.
03:12Can I have some eyes and ears there?
03:16I feel like there's some pressure on this trip, because I feel like my mom is really going to want my opinion on him.
03:23So I feel like I'm going to be able to see through him if he's not for real.
03:28I guess we'll see.
03:36All right, boys, let's go.
03:40Come on, guys. We got to go meet Noelle.
03:43My best friend Noelle is coming with us to Ireland because she really wants to meet Sean.
03:47Listen, I want the best, but I have a lot of questions.
03:50I did from the beginning, and I still do.
03:52Here I come, Sean.
03:54Here comes that friend.
03:58Plus, she's flying home with the boys so that I can stay a little longer.
04:03What's going on?
04:05You ready for the trip?
04:07Noelle and I are super close.
04:10We don't keep anything from each other.
04:12So for her to find out two major things in one trip, her head is probably going to be spinning by the time she leaves.
04:21Did you check in? Because we have to go check in.
04:23I did. I checked in online already.
04:25All right, so I'm leaving my mother with you.
04:28She's yours now.
04:29All righty.
04:30And I'm going to go check in with the boys.
04:31All righty.
04:32All right.
04:33I'll see you in a few.
04:35You excited to meet Sean?
04:37I am excited to meet Sean.
04:39And I know you're going to ask the right questions.
04:41I mean, I feel like he kind of has to expect that with everybody's concerns, you know, and we want to know about him.
04:46I just want you to make sure that Joanna's making the right choice for her future.
04:51You know you're my eyes and ears.
04:54I got you.
04:55You all checked in?
04:57Checked in.
04:58This is it.
04:59That's it. We're ready.
05:01I got to get big hugs and kisses because Grandma's not going to see you.
05:04I love you. I love you. I love you.
05:07I love you so, so much.
05:10Be careful there, okay?
05:15Joanna, be careful.
05:20We got to go. It's time.
05:24Today was very emotional to say goodbye because I already know the future.
05:29They don't.
05:30The boys are about to meet a man that they have no idea who he is,
05:36and they're about to find out that that's their stepfather because that's, in reality, what he is.
05:50I'm feeling so many emotions because they're going to get to meet him finally, and it's a relief.
05:57But the boys don't approve of Sean. I mean, what do I do?
06:00We're already married, and I really would like to move there.
06:04So I don't know what that would mean for us.
06:11We are finally on the plane, headed to see Sean.
06:15Say hi.
06:18See you soon.
06:43Adonis, you're going to be a good boy tonight while we are gone, right?
06:49Today is my birthday, and it also happens to be Sarper's birthday.
06:54And we're born at the same time, but two years apart.
06:59My birthday, girl.
07:00It's a special day for us.
07:02I know. It's our first birthday together.
07:04Same exact birthday.
07:06I know.
07:07We are the chosen one, babe.
07:08It's so crazy.
07:09We are the chosen one.
07:10I know.
07:12Sarper, you were born on the 21st.
07:15And Shekinah, you were born on the 20th.
07:18And you have the same birthday hat.
07:23I mean, there's a big, big, big point.
07:26Time difference.
07:27The time difference.
07:28It's not born in the same date.
07:31We're just born in the same moment.
07:33Two years apart, though.
07:36It's pretty amazing.
07:38Oh, they're here.
07:39Happy birthday.
07:40Happy birthday.
07:41Happy birthday.
07:42Tonight, we're meeting up with Sarper's family, and I'm really excited to see them.
07:43This is our first time getting together since I've been back in Turkey.
07:45What is the Turkish?
08:09How many couples in the world have the same birthday, right?
08:14She's the chosen one.
08:17They're asking about our decision to stay in Turkey.
08:29Yeah, you won't leave anymore.
08:32You're going to visit your daughter, obviously.
08:34Well, I have to, yeah.
08:35You have to visit for a short time, and you'll come back.
08:38Yeah, every five weeks for a week.
08:40And then, you know, she has summers off.
08:43So, hopefully she'll want to come somewhere here.
08:46We'll have to see.
09:06You apply to America.
09:09If it's approved, you go.
09:13You get married there in 90 days.
09:17A moment came, and I just felt that I have to say to my family.
09:28And it is kind of a betrayal to hide from them.
09:34I'm talking about Kayvan.
09:36A lot of things are being said, and even though I can't understand the language,
09:41I can see by their reactions that it's not going over well.
10:04She says that it's mother feelings.
10:08I'm sure, yeah.
10:11You know, it's not Europe.
10:13It's another, you know...
10:16Continent, yeah.
10:18I'm not eager to go, but being with you is more important for me.
10:24I'm not eager to go, but being with you is more important for me.
10:55If you went to U.S., will Shekinah's family be supporting you?
11:01This is hard to answer.
11:03With your family?
11:06They don't ask anything to me, and they don't care to know.
11:10They think that it was very...
11:13Not logical?
11:15Yeah, like for me to move to Turkey so soon after meeting him.
11:20What does your daughter think about you?
11:37She's influenced by her family.
11:39By her aunties.
11:50I don't know. I honestly don't know.
11:53I'm sorry. I didn't want to...
11:59No tears.
12:01I don't know why.
12:03But I feel bad.
12:10My relationship with my family is really different than Sarper's relationship with his.
12:16My family and I used to be a lot closer,
12:19but last year my sister, Shariah, came to Turkey to meet Sarper,
12:22and it didn't go well.
12:26Sarper, it's very hard to take your word because I know of your past.
12:31You've been kind of like a f*** boy.
12:34Oh my God.
12:36Her impression of him was not good,
12:39and I feel like it was partially the way that she approached him.
12:42You're speaking too much, Shariah.
12:45All right.
12:47You are so cute, but you are speaking too much.
12:54And ever since then, my mom and my sisters, they're not speaking to me,
12:58and that's been really difficult.
13:03You have a family right now, you see.
13:06I just feel bad because you don't deserve it because you're so wonderful.
13:10No, you don't deserve it. You're so wonderful.
13:16It's kind of hard to justify asking Sarper
13:19to leave his loving, supportive family in Turkey
13:22to come and be with me in the U.S.
13:24where I don't have that type of support from family.
13:27Sarper says he's willing to do this for me,
13:30but now seeing his family's heartbreak right in front of my eyes
13:34makes me afraid that he may back out
13:37and decide that he doesn't want to do it after all.
13:41And then what happens to us?
13:46There's still time to bail.
13:48No, no, no.
13:50I don't know a lot about Inky's parents.
13:52All I know is they are quite old, quite conservative,
13:56and I don't think they've ever had a black person in their home.
14:15Hey, babe. Are you ready?
14:20Today I'm going to be meeting Inky's parents for the first time.
14:24I don't know a lot about Inky's parents.
14:27All I know is what he's told me,
14:29which is they are quite old, quite conservative,
14:32and I don't think they've ever had a black person in their home.
14:36I don't know a lot about Inky's parents.
14:39All I know is what he's told me,
14:41which is they are quite old, quite conservative,
14:44and I don't think they've ever had a black person in their home.
14:48So I'm feeling very nervous. I'm sweating a bit.
14:51I just hope that I don't make an ass of myself.
14:55You can never remake a first impression.
14:59Beautiful, babe. How are you feeling?
15:02Um, like I don't want to do it.
15:04Ah, it'll be okay, babe.
15:06I mean, you say that about everything.
15:08Your blind optimism sometimes is infuriating.
15:11We're a team. We're team awesome.
15:13Even if your parents are like, leave Corona, she sucks,
15:15and we don't want black grandbabies.
15:17We're going to be like, sucks.
15:19That will never happen, babe.
15:21I'm so serious, though.
15:26Do we have to do it?
15:28Yeah, we have to do it.
15:30We're heading to my brother's house.
15:33You know, you love Carly.
15:34I do love Carly.
15:36It's going to be good.
15:37Okay, okay.
15:40My parents are in their 80s,
15:42and I'm the youngest out of their three children.
15:45My brother is married, and he has, like, two kids,
15:47and my sister has a kid, so it's a big deal
15:50that I'm finally bringing someone to meet them.
15:55I really hope that my family is just going to
15:58take her with arms wide open
15:59and, like, just accept her for who she is.
16:03I don't think I've ever even met a partner's family before.
16:06This is definitely a first.
16:10Like, why are you feeling so nervous
16:12about meeting, like, my parents, babe?
16:14Because what if they don't like me?
16:16Like, what is there not to like, babe, about you?
16:19I mean, everyone that I've introduced you to,
16:22I can't wait to meet you again.
16:25I don't know.
16:28Don't you worry about it.
16:31Don't you worry about it.
16:36You ready, babe?
16:39This is it.
16:43There's still time to bail.
16:45No, no, no.
16:47No, no, no.
16:49What if I just, like, fall and break my leg in the snow?
16:51Then we'd have to go to the hospital.
16:53Ah, we'll just have our parents meet us there.
16:55What the ****?
16:57Inky's brother Karlay is awesome.
16:59He made me feel right at home the first time I met him.
17:02Hi, Karlay.
17:03Good to see you.
17:06Thank you very much.
17:09Been practicing.
17:11Karlay, in the past when we've hung out,
17:13he makes sure, like, I understand
17:15what's happening in the conversation.
17:17So I'm glad he's with me to meet Inky's parents
17:20because he can be, like, a buffer a little bit.
17:24Very nervous now that we're here meeting your parents.
17:27Yeah, I can imagine.
17:28It's a big adjustment.
17:32Hey, they're here.
17:34Oh, my gosh.
17:36So this is my mom.
17:40Hi, I'm Karoda.
17:41I will give you a hug.
17:44Oh, for me?
17:45Oh, thank you.
17:46Gamana Kenistan.
17:48Yes, Gamana Kenistan.
17:50Oh, my God.
17:54Nice to see you.
17:55Hello, Gamana Kenistan.
17:56Gamana Kenistan.
17:58You speak Icelandic?
17:59Yes, I speak Icelandic.
18:01Very good.
18:02Can I just have a touch?
18:06Nice to meet you.
18:08Welcome to the family.
18:10I'll take one more bite.
18:12With you.
18:13Yeah, OK.
18:14Wow, they are so nice.
18:16Like, his dad, the second he sees me,
18:18he's like, welcome to the family.
18:20Like, I wasn't expecting any of that.
18:22So it really makes sense that, like,
18:24Inki's so positive.
18:25Like, he grew up in a very, like,
18:26nourishing home.
18:33She thinks it's really pretty.
18:35Oh, thank you.
18:38She's just wondering how you do it, like.
18:40Yeah, how do you do it?
18:41I just, like.
18:43It just, like, rolls together.
18:44Oh, yeah.
18:45I was shocked.
18:46His mom just went for a handful of hair.
18:48Typically, I do not let people touch my hair.
18:51And if they ask, the answer is exclusively no.
18:56But I wanted to make such a good impression on his mom.
18:59Honestly, she could have asked if she could chop one off
19:01and take it home, and I would have said yes.
19:06Corona, how long are you going to be staying in Iceland
19:09this time around?
19:12Like, forever.
19:20She's moving here, so, yeah.
19:23So this is a pretty big deal.
19:25That's why I was so nervous.
19:29I am shocked that he didn't tell his parents
19:31that I was moving here, which I think is a big deal.
19:34Not that I need, like, an ego stroke,
19:36but, like, I'm not even on his social media.
19:38So it's like, my guy.
19:39Like, are you proud of this relationship?
19:41Don't you want to, like, show your girl off?
19:44She's asking, like, you've never introduced them
19:48to anyone before?
19:51Why now?
19:54Like, yeah.
19:56I mean, I met her.
19:59Like, everything about her, like, I adore.
20:03I have high hopes for what the future holds
20:06with her in my life.
20:09She's very happy.
20:11OK, good.
20:39OK, how to say this?
20:42They are absolutely thrilled for more grandchildren.
20:45There, I said it.
20:50Do you want to have kids?
20:54Yeah, yeah.
20:58OK, Mom, like, you know, just take it easy
21:00a little bit.
21:07Just take it easy a little bit.
21:09We've been dating for four months.
21:11Just ease it down a little bit.
21:15There's been a lot of pressure on us.
21:18My sister is one.
21:19I have two.
21:20How many more do you want?
21:21Well, she has...
21:25We just wanted to throw it out there.
21:31How are you doing, baby?
21:34Yeah, I'm good.
21:36Oh, f***.
21:38I'm glad that she is saying that she wants children from us
21:41and she would accept our children.
21:43But before any of that happens,
21:45we should be talking about when's the wedding
21:47and not when are the kids.
21:53You want some tea?
21:55Today's the start of our journey,
21:57and we're going to live like nomads.
21:59I just hope we don't go mad.
22:03That's f***ing awful.
22:05That negativity.
22:06I do my best.
22:07He just wants what he wants,
22:08and he feels like he might not get it,
22:10so he spirals.
22:11Take care of yourself, Shefina.
22:13You take care.
22:14In your head, like in your heart.
22:36You want some tea?
22:38No, thanks.
22:39I've made one anyway.
22:41Last night was the first night in the camper van,
22:44and it went better than expected.
22:47We are now about to get into bed.
22:50So we've put up the blind, which keeps falling.
22:54The mattress is somewhat decent,
22:57and we were both so exhausted from the day's festivities
23:01that we didn't want to get up.
23:03We were both so exhausted from the day's festivities
23:06that we just went to sleep.
23:14That's f***ing awful.
23:15Is it?
23:17Tastes like fish.
23:22That's like bad.
23:25It must be the water.
23:27Wait, you used that water?
23:29You used this water?
23:30Oh, hell no.
23:32I just drank sewage or something.
23:35Maybe tea's not the answer then.
23:38It ran long enough because it's been...
23:40Yeah, I know.
23:42Shall we have a bottle of champagne instead?
23:44Do you have champagne?
23:46Yeah, I did bring a bottle for us to toast.
23:49This morning, I feel like things are back on track
23:52compared to when she arrived to England.
23:55I was hoping to be welcomed with open arms at the airport.
23:59I know.
24:00I was so excited to see you.
24:02Like, I just wanted to kiss and be like,
24:04babe, I've missed you.
24:06I know.
24:08To be fair, I was excited to see you.
24:10I just...
24:11It's shown as well.
24:12It was just...
24:15Stay still, stay still, stay still.
24:17I was just overwhelmed.
24:19I'm not at all comfortable with living in the moment.
24:21It stresses me out.
24:23And now we're in a van, living freely, and so...
24:28Yeah, this is it.
24:30For as long as we can stand it.
24:33We're just rolling with it, literally.
24:38That's cute.
24:40That is cute.
24:42To our first morning together.
24:44Without killing one another.
24:46It's a start.
24:52To us.
24:54Shall we unhook the electric
24:57and try and get this out of the grass?
25:01I'm going to put mine down the sink.
25:03I don't really like it.
25:04And I'm driving.
25:05So, I'll do that.
25:07Today's the start of our journey
25:09and we'll be heading south out of England.
25:11Our mission is to get to France and Switzerland
25:14and then, you know, wherever our wheels take us.
25:19We're going to live like nomads.
25:21Like nomads?
25:22I just hope we don't go mad.
25:27Just lay your suitcase down flat
25:30so it doesn't roll.
25:34Dempsey's used to living a nomadic lifestyle.
25:36But I'm going to have to get used to
25:38no air conditioning,
25:40living in a tiny, tiny space.
25:42Not to mention, I'll be working in the van.
25:46So not only is this the bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom,
25:49it's also the office.
25:58I'll just get in a bit.
26:00I'm excited to get to the next campsite.
26:05You know, living together in a van
26:07in different countries
26:09feels like a really good time
26:11to start some healthy habits.
26:14I agree.
26:16I'm just new to communicating in a healthy way.
26:21It's nice that you are just communicating with me now.
26:26Yeah, I think that's hard for me
26:29and something that I'm trying to work on.
26:32Like, I want you to be my partner.
26:37In life and on the road.
26:39I think we'll be good.
26:40Like, this is the whole reason I'm here.
26:43Because I believe in us.
26:46I know I'm not alone
26:48I know you'll guide me home
26:51You're my northern light
26:53I'm so glad that me and Statler had this chat.
26:56I've never dealt with anxiety before
26:58and I think it's going to be really challenging
27:00navigating her ups and downs.
27:02But she is worth it.
27:06I love you.
27:07I love you.
27:11Here we go!
27:15I love you.
27:23I miss my Jojo.
27:25You're a suss now.
27:28A suss? Why am I a suss?
27:30Do you not crush on her?
27:32Bella only knows Jo as my friend.
27:34I didn't want her getting attached
27:36just in case me and Jo didn't walk out.
27:38I see her, I see her, I see her.
27:45I love you.
28:10God, I'm exhausted.
28:12Can I sleep on your coat?
28:15Of course.
28:17Don't start dribbling on it.
28:19I'm not going to dribble.
28:21I would describe myself as being
28:23honest, hardworking, loyal, a good dad.
28:28A drool queen.
28:32I do not have a typical 9 to 5.
28:34My full-time job is taking care of my daughter, Bella Rose.
28:42Bella Rose is 8 years of age.
28:45I don't even have words to describe her personality.
28:48She's hyper, funny, loving, adventurous.
28:51She's amazing.
28:54That's it, Bella. Good job. Keep going.
28:57This is an early wake-up call for this plane.
29:03Me and Bella's mother separated
29:05seven months after Bella was born.
29:07As Bella grew up, we thought it would be better
29:10for Bella to live with me.
29:13Bella means everything to me. She's my whole world.
29:17Oh, s***.
29:18You always get emotional talking about this child.
29:21Hang on, give me a minute.
29:24What's his name again?
29:27Joey, Joey.
29:28Jessie is the youngest one, Joey's the oldest one.
29:31Joe and the boys and Noel are arriving today
29:34and me and Bella are going to go collect them at the airport.
29:37Noel, if she's a hairdresser, you can be like,
29:40Noel, do my hair, blow-dry my hair,
29:42and my daddy doesn't know how to do it properly.
29:45When you say yeah, I do know how to do it properly, actually.
29:48No, I didn't say you didn't know.
29:50I got good at that, I got good at that.
29:52Joe's friend Noel is coming with her.
29:54I've heard that Noel has a lot of questions for her.
29:57I heard everyone has a lot of questions for me.
29:59I would be an open book.
30:01I have no problem with people asking me questions,
30:03but if Noel comes in and asks me questions,
30:05but if Noel comes in all hot and aggressive,
30:07flying off the handle,
30:08I will simply and respectfully get up and walk away.
30:11I don't tolerate bull****.
30:13Are you excited to meet Jessie and the boys?
30:16I'm super excited to meet the boys and just have Joe back.
30:20I miss my Joe-Joe.
30:23You're sus now.
30:25Sus? Why am I sus?
30:27Do you have a crush on her?
30:29Do I have a crush on Joe?
30:31You're like, I miss my little Joe.
30:33Oh, maybe that did sound a bit sus, didn't it?
30:35Yeah, that's just a bit weird now.
30:41I said my little Joe-Joe.
30:43You're so... Ew, that's so cringe.
30:45What is it cringe?
30:47You literally love her like you want to marry her.
30:50Why would you like it if me and Joe got married?
30:57Bella only knows Joe as my friend.
30:59I didn't want her getting attached
31:01just in case me and Joe didn't walk out.
31:04But now that we're married and the boys are coming,
31:07we can tell them all together.
31:09So I think Bella will be super excited.
31:12Maybe, possibly after the excitement dies down,
31:14she'll turn around and be like,
31:16hey, what do you mean you got married?
31:18When was this wedding? Why wasn't I there?
31:28I'm literally so nervous.
31:30Yeah, you're nervous and excited.
31:32I'm getting butterflies in my stomach.
31:34Aw, like Christmas.
31:41So, yeah, they're going to come out these doors?
31:43Like when? When?
31:45Well, they'll be out soon.
31:48Oh, where are they?
32:10I see her, I see her, I see her, I see her, I see her.
32:14Oh, thank God, mate!
32:27I'm used to just seeing Joe coming out,
32:29and it's like, aw, so excited and all,
32:31and then you see her and then you're like,
32:33oh, wait, there's the kids and the well,
32:35and you're like, oh, ****.
32:37The anxiety and the reality starts to kick in then,
32:40so, yeah, that's it.
32:43Hi, how are you? Nice to meet you.
32:45How was your flight? Good.
32:47Long, a little tired, but good.
32:49What's up, brother, how are you?
32:51Nice to meet you. How was your flight?
32:53Nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you.
32:55How was your flight? Good.
32:57Yeah? It's all exhausted?
33:04Too long, bro? No.
33:06All right.
33:08All right. Let's get out of here.
33:10Let's do it. OK, I'll take these.
33:12Let's do it.
33:14I'm just happy to have them all here.
33:16I'm just looking forward to spending time,
33:18getting to know one another, integrating with the families.
33:22We've been waiting for this a long time, so...
33:24Overdue. Yeah, well overdue.
33:26Well overdue.
33:28I've never seen two people come off a plane
33:31so immaculate-looking in me life.
33:33I'm not going right into any information for the boys,
33:36below. Everyone's tired, everyone's dehydrated,
33:38exhausted, a little bit cranky.
33:40It's not the time, yeah.
33:42It's not the time now.
33:44But sometime this week we'll definitely be discussing
33:47where the relationship is going.
33:49Or has gone. Or has gone.
33:53It's not cold! It's not cold!
33:55Ireland's cold. It's not cold.
33:57It's not cold.
33:59It's not cold.
34:15Happy family, guys, with the family mobile.
34:22Well, I'm exhausted.
34:24I'm also exhausted. And so am I.
34:26We're all pooped.
34:28Yeah, I think everybody needs a nice nap at some point,
34:31but happy to be here.
34:33We love naps. Happy to have you guys here.
34:40Can you guys understand me?
34:42Yeah? OK.
34:44Can you, Joey? Yeah. OK.
34:50If Joe was able to move to Ireland,
34:52everyday life would be amazing.
34:55He'd be able to do normal, everyday stuff
34:58that I think most couples take for granted.
35:01This week is going to have a huge impact
35:03on what mine and Joe's future looks like.
35:06If Joanne's boys don't want her to move here to Ireland
35:09or they end up not liking me,
35:11I don't know what that looks like for mine and Joe's future.
35:15It's my birthday, her birthday, too.
35:18Look at what we got.
35:24It feels, like, surreal, like this isn't real.
35:29It just, like, went so wrong.
35:55Hey, Mark.
36:03How are you?
36:10I just offered her to buy the Benetim.
36:15That she liked yesterday.
36:17It was expensive.
36:19I didn't like it yesterday.
36:22He doesn't want it.
36:24He doesn't want anything.
36:26That negativity.
36:28I did my best.
36:30He just wants what he wants and he feels like he might not get it,
36:33so he spirals.
36:35You ripped out my hair extensions.
36:37I didn't rip her hair.
36:39You ripped my phone out of my hand and you wouldn't give it back to me.
36:41Yeah, I took her phone from here
36:43and, yeah, one of the extensions from here came out.
36:48I never harm her.
36:50I never hurt her.
36:54That's f****** vanity, I mean.
36:57I mean, it's my birthday, her birthday, too.
37:00Look at what we got.
37:04OK, I think I have everything.
37:09Please move. OK.
37:14Take care of yourself.
37:16In your life, in your new life,
37:18in your old life, in your life,
37:20with your partners.
37:24Whatever makes you feel better.
37:26Here, you go out.
37:28You go.
37:43You go.
38:03Well, it started at the restaurant.
38:05He started in on me at the table saying,
38:08why don't you just let me buy this vanity?
38:11I said, I don't want you to spend your money on a vanity I don't even like.
38:15And he was just insisting and insisting.
38:17It was the most stupid thing to get into a fight about.
38:20And he was yelling at me in the car
38:22and saying he's changed his whole life for me.
38:24What have I done? What have I done?
38:25I haven't done anything for him.
38:27He had a good life before.
38:29He had a peaceful life.
38:30He was perfectly happy.
38:32And now look at it. I f****** his life.
38:34And so we got back to the house and
38:38he just kept yelling and started yelling more and more.
38:41And then he came over and grabbed my phone,
38:44ripped my hair extension out,
38:46and I said, give me my phone back.
38:48And he says, what?
38:49I don't know where your phone is.
38:51How would I know where your phone is?
38:53And I was like, you just took my phone.
38:55Am I, like...
38:56He was trying to make me feel like I was going crazy.
38:59Finally, he gave it back to me.
39:00And he's like, come here, baby.
39:01Come here. It's our birthday.
39:03Let me hug you.
39:04I was like, don't touch me.
39:07And so I started packing.
39:10He came out and he was like, what are you doing?
39:12And I was like, I'm packing because I'm leaving.
39:14He goes, if you leave, you'll never see me again.
39:17And I was like, that's the point.
39:23So stupid. F****** sucks.
39:43Are you okay?
39:45I'm okay, yeah.
39:47I feel like...
39:51a little bit numbed at this point.
39:53Like, I just need to process what happened.
39:55Because it feels, like, surreal.
39:57Like, this isn't real.
40:01He kept saying, you've changed.
40:03You used to listen to me.
40:04Now you don't listen to me.
40:06And he was saying, I want the old Shekinah back,
40:08who used to listen to me in the beginning.
40:15I don't think I've changed.
40:16I think I just am using my voice more
40:20because I'm realizing certain things are not okay.
40:24You know, he doesn't like to be confronted or questioned
40:29or challenged at all.
40:35I don't know what this means for me or Sarper at this point.
40:39I just need to process what happened,
40:42and I'm alone with my dog.
40:53I just keep thinking about how it was earlier tonight.
40:57It was, like, such a good night.
41:01It just, like, went so wrong.
41:04It just went so wrong.
41:11Next time on 90 Day Fiancé The Other Way...
41:14My mom, she's not really, like, the gentlest person, you know?
41:18I did promise my family that we would do a video call with Inky.
41:22If Mookie gets ate up by a volcano,
41:25I'm gonna bring you back to life so I can kill you.
41:29Did I tell a joke?
41:34Oh, my God!
41:40If James don't want to have a kid, it will break my family heart.
41:49We saw everything out financially.
41:51Like, I still have the money from my car.
41:54It's the first time hearing that she had extra money.
41:58I thought that you didn't really, like, have any extra money.
42:02The van is not in my name.
42:05And I feel like this is all a scam.
42:07I feel let down. I feel betrayed.
42:12She's always reminding me how much she does for our relationship.
42:16It's opening a wound.
42:26If he just thinks we're gonna fall back into, like, our happy life
42:29and things are gonna be great, he's totally wrong.
42:32Right now, I don't know if I even want to see him again.