[Witanime.com] IS EP 08 FHD

  • last month
00:00I've never seen it so close.
00:10It's overflowing with vitality.
00:13What kind of face are you looking at, teacher?
00:16This is Zauberberg's number one tree.
00:19It's a world-famous tree.
00:22No matter how many times you visit, your heart will appear.
00:25Yeah, I think so.
00:28It's not like onions are amazing.
00:33This world-famous tree is called the holy tree that watches over Zauberberg.
00:38It is said to give protection to travelers who visit it.
00:42No, I'll explain.
00:45There is a peaceful village called Tonerico at the foot of the mountain.
00:48People who live in harmony with nature live there.
00:52Why don't we stop by for safety?
00:59Come on, come on. Hurry up and pull the trigger.
01:19It's the word of the transfer student.
01:21What does it mean?
01:24Oh, my God!
01:28It looks like a gambling den.
01:30It's a peaceful village where people live in harmony with nature.
01:38I stabbed him.
01:39That's enough.
01:41You made a mistake.
01:42Water follows the vessel.
01:45This is the reality chosen by this village.
01:54By the way, isn't there a suitable tree to hang your head around here?
02:00What's wrong with you all of a sudden?
02:02Let's go talk to the village chief.
02:06Come on, let's go.
02:09Don't eat the fallen stones.
02:13Village chief, what does this mean?
02:17Why is the village in such a state?
02:21As you know, Tonerico was a prosperous village with the blessing of the world tree.
02:29But a few months ago, the transfer students who came to see the world tree came to the village.
02:36And after building that gambling den, it became a gathering place for wild transfer students from all over the world.
02:44The original quiet life was stolen by them.
02:49What a punishment.
02:51Please take a look.
02:53Is that the world tree?
02:56I don't feel well.
02:58Since then, the world tree has been weakening and withering.
03:04This is the proof that the life of the world tree is grieving.
03:09No way.
03:10Travelers, we don't have much time left.
03:15Please bring this village back to normal.
03:20More importantly, can you bring this bottle back to normal?
03:27What are you talking about, teacher?
03:30I heard what you said.
03:34The world tree is in danger.
03:37I will save it.
03:40Who are you?
03:42Excuse me.
03:43I'm Yamada, a transfer student.
03:45Transfer student?
03:48I know how you feel about the transfer students.
03:52But I'm not like them.
03:55I truly want peace in this world.
03:59I can't let the same transfer students suffer.
04:05Please leave this matter to me.
04:10Will you do it?
04:12I didn't know there was such a person.
04:15That's a great idea.
04:17Let's cooperate with Yamada and save the village together, teacher.
04:30Light steps.
04:32Deep breaths.
04:34Straight back.
04:37They're getting healthier.
04:41I have to do something.
04:52That hole smells like corruption.
05:08What an unhealthy and corrupt place.
05:13This is the place I've been looking for.
05:16What should I do?
05:17Can you share the smoke with me?
05:28You don't look happy.
05:32I'll take you to a better place than this.
05:45Brother, you're drinking too much.
05:49I'm drinking with all my heart.
05:51I can't help it because I'm sad to be alive.
05:55You're funny.
05:58But why are you in that cave?
06:02That's the place where the addicts are buried.
06:08I lost something important.
06:12I can't sleep at night because I'm afraid I'll get sick.
06:21What's your name?
06:24People call me teacher.
06:27Then, teacher.
06:29I'll put you to sleep.
06:35I'm a dancer.
06:39Look at me as if you were deceived.
06:42A dancer?
06:46Is it such a good life to see the dance?
06:54I see.
07:18I see.
07:20It's a comfortable night.
07:33Where did you go?
07:37Calm down.
07:38What happened to her?
07:40She hasn't been back since yesterday.
07:52I'm here, teacher.
07:54Who are you?
07:57What do you want?
07:59I told you not to come here.
08:02I just came to see her off.
08:12Good night, teacher.
08:14Have a good dream.
08:17I was deceived again.
08:20Who is she?
08:22Her name is Esche.
08:25She is called the witch of Toneriko.
08:29She is not calm.
08:32When the addicts started to build gambling houses in the village,
08:37we had no choice but to obey them.
08:43But Esche was different.
08:46She was the only one who joined the addicts.
08:49She opened a bar right next to the gambling house.
08:54So she is a villager on the side of the addicts.
08:58She used to be a woman who lived in the village.
09:03She was old and had a bad career.
09:05So I left her alone.
09:07But she was a foodie.
09:10Now she drinks alcohol and dances to seduce the addicts.
09:17Eventually, the villagers called her the witch of the traitors.
09:24She joined hands with evil to earn money.
09:27Just like the addicts,
09:29the witch also needs to be judged fairly.
09:33You are so kind.
09:35You are a true hero.
09:39Please save this village.
09:52Wait, Doctor!
09:54Where are you going?
09:55The battle with the addicts is about to begin.
09:59I don't want to be involved in such a terrible thing.
10:03I need the peace of the village.
10:08It's no use.
10:10He is already fascinated by the witch.
10:13No way.
10:15But don't worry.
10:17If you destroy the evil that saves the village,
10:19he will definitely wake up.
10:23Thank you, Escher.
10:25Thanks to you,
10:27I was able to forget my painful life and dream last night.
10:35you shouldn't stay here.
10:39You know I'm called a witch, right?
10:43I don't care if I'm taken care of until I become an addict.
10:47That's what I want.
10:50Oh, you're so funny.
10:54I hope your painful life is protected by the world tree.
11:02The life of the world tree?
11:04Don't you know?
11:05It's a saying of this village.
11:08When the life of the world tree descends,
11:11the wishes of the weak and the addicts are granted and saved.
11:16Why don't you ask the world tree, too?
11:20Your painful life may be a little easier.
11:27You're the one who wants to be saved, aren't you?
11:36When I saw you last night,
11:39I thought you were beautiful, delicate,
11:42and most of all,
11:44you were full of sorrow.
11:50I didn't...
11:52Hey, Escher!
11:54Bring me a drink.
11:57Yes, I'm coming.
11:59Take your time, Doctor.
12:02How dare you!
12:04You even took our money from the casino.
12:09I'm sorry.
12:10I'll pay you back for sure.
12:11Are you sure, you idiot?
12:13The money you took from the casino
12:15and the money I stole
12:17were buried in the desert of Zammstark.
12:20I don't care who you are,
12:21but I want you to pay me back right now!
12:26I see.
12:28But Boss,
12:29there aren't that many people
12:31coming to the casino these days.
12:34Do you want to move the casino to another place?
12:38No, it's too early to do that.
12:41We need to get the people on the other side of the bridge.
12:45We need to teach those people
12:47how fun gambling is
12:49and how good it feels
12:51to suck the leaves of a world
12:53that has risen in popularity.
12:58Oh, Boss.
13:00What are you talking about?
13:03We're the only ones who can play at the casino.
13:06You promised you wouldn't hurt the villagers.
13:09I'm sorry.
13:10This is business, too, Escher.
13:13And if we get more customers,
13:15you'll sell more, too.
13:17I don't care about that.
13:19I don't want to interfere with the other side of the bridge.
13:22That's why I paid you a lot of money.
13:25Oh, Boss.
13:26Bring a few people to try it out
13:28and make them suck the leaves.
13:31Don't hurt the villagers!
13:33Shut up!
13:42In the world I live in,
13:44I don't call a woman like you a witch.
13:49You're a heavenly maiden.
13:56What was that?
13:58What was that noise?
14:07Who the hell are you?
14:09Let go of me!
14:11So you've appeared.
14:12You evil traitors.
14:14And you, the greedy witch,
14:16who has joined hands with them.
14:18You've created a peaceful life
14:20for the innocent villagers.
14:22Take your punishment!
14:25Who do you think you're talking to?
14:27I'll kill you!
14:28Oh, dear.
14:30I had such a comfortable dream,
14:33but it's all gone now.
14:38I don't like people
14:40who talk big like you.
14:48I'm sorry,
14:49but I don't have time for you.
14:51I'm busy.
14:53Unlike you,
14:54a heavenly doctor,
14:55I don't have time for you.
14:57You should wake up
14:59and think about what you should do.
15:03Where do you think you're going?
15:05I understand your pain, Yamada-kun.
15:09I've never felt so relieved
15:12after being lectured by you.
15:15I've never thought
15:17how great you are
15:19for lecturing people.
15:22Oh, dear.
15:25Then I'll show you
15:27what I'm capable of.
15:31that's enough.
15:32Shut up.
15:33Yes, sir.
15:35Take this!
15:36Smash him to pieces!
15:38Yes, sir!
15:41Justice Judgment.
15:44Justice Judgment!
15:50He's really strong.
15:54you can't do this.
15:58Remember this, idiot!
16:02are you going to stab me, too?
16:08Thank you for saving the village.
16:11You finally woke up.
16:13Now that you're here,
16:15you should change your mind.
16:19As promised,
16:20the village is back.
16:22The peace has returned to Torebiko!
16:24You're the savior of the village!
16:26Thank you, Hero-sama!
16:27Are you all right?
16:31It's a witch.
16:32A witch?
16:34You traitor.
16:35You were working with a witch, weren't you?
16:39How much did you make in the city at night?
16:43Well, wait a minute, everyone.
16:45She's reflecting on her actions,
16:47so don't...
16:48Chase the witch away!
16:50That's right!
16:51Shame on you, traitor!
16:52Get out of my village!
16:54I'm not a witch!
16:56Where are you going?
16:57What are you doing?
16:59Stop it!
17:00Good grief.
17:02The world is still the same, isn't it?
17:05People are all
17:06stupid and pathetic.
17:11W-What are you?
17:13That's the punishment for those
17:15who fought alone
17:17to protect this village.
17:19What did you say?
17:21Are you going to hold a witch's shoulder?
17:23She was drinking every night
17:25to get rid of the villains.
17:28She was holding them back
17:30so that you villagers wouldn't be harmed.
17:33If it weren't for her,
17:35this village would have been invaded
17:38by them a long time ago.
17:42If there's a savior in this village,
17:45it's Esche-kun.
17:47You're the ones who should be ashamed
17:49of throwing stones at her.
17:53Shut up!
17:54You can't fool me with that!
17:56He's talking about a man who was seduced by a witch!
17:59San-san, are you done?
18:07I'm sorry to have caused you all so much trouble.
18:16We did it!
18:17The evil witch is gone!
18:19Thank goodness!
18:24We did it!
18:29I didn't expect this to happen to you.
18:36Justice and evil are two different things.
18:41But many people easily understand that.
18:45They don't doubt themselves
18:47because they believe in justice.
18:49In front of those people,
18:52their delicate and beautiful feelings
18:56are erased.
18:59I was wrong?
19:04there's one thing that's clear.
19:08This village has let go of its savior.
19:16Don't leave me behind!
19:21Is that okay, Mr. Yamada?
19:24I have one more favor to ask of you.
19:29It seems that those who fell
19:31were making a lot of money
19:33by selling the world tree leaves.
19:39we decided to take over
19:42and start a business.
19:46The villains are gone.
19:49The world tree will revive
19:51and bring us more blessings.
19:58I want you to be a watchdog of this village.
20:02Also, when the evil merchants and evil witches
20:05come to get in the way of our business,
20:09please do justice to them.
20:14I'll give you a 10% discount.
20:22It's hard to tell
20:25between justice and evil.
20:28What did I just say?
20:36It ended in a bad way.
20:40You knew everything.
20:43That's not true.
20:45You said something important,
20:48but so did I.
20:50I couldn't save her.
21:07Look at that!
21:13What's that?
21:25The world tree is back!
21:29What did you say?
21:33You're kidding, right?
21:35The world tree is dead.
21:46Thank you, Teacher.
21:49Thank you for being by my side.
21:52I hope your life
21:56will be peaceful for a while.
22:14The world tree is dead.
22:17I hope your life
22:20will be peaceful for a while.
22:28When the world tree's life is gone,
22:31the wishes of the weak and those who give up
22:35will be granted and saved.
22:38I see.
22:40I see.
23:10I see.
23:11I see.
23:40I see.
