Nineties Eastenders (14th November 1996)

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Nineties Eastenders (14th November 1996)
00:50Barry? It's me.
00:52Listen, mate, I'm a bit stuck today.
00:54Can you, er...
00:55Can you pop over and give me a hand with the business? It's all...
00:58No, no, no, no. All you have to do is sit in the porter cabin.
01:01There won't be a midget brother in sight.
01:03Oh, please!
01:04Who put this idea into your head, anyway?
01:06I've never been abroad.
01:07Yeah, well, you can go across the road and tell Blossom she's wasting her time.
01:10You're not going anywhere.
01:11How come Billy's gone but I can't go? It's not fair.
01:14No, you said life was fair. Now go to school.
01:21So, where were you last night?
01:23I thought I'd come in to explain.
01:25You've had all night to dream something up, so I hope it's a good one.
01:29Jo's had a complete breakdown.
01:31What's that supposed to mean?
01:33The night before last, he went stark raving mad.
01:36Completely flipped.
01:38We had to get a psychiatric nurse in to sedate him.
01:41I couldn't tell you yesterday lunchtime cos I'd left him on his own and I had to get back.
01:46How is he now?
01:49Well, at least he's not trying to throw himself out of a window no more.
01:52David, I'm sorry.
01:53He's calmed down a lot.
01:55But last night he wouldn't let me out the house.
01:57I was a prisoner in me own home.
01:59Well, how come I phoned and got no reply?
02:01He cut the telephone wires.
02:03I think it's left a wink.
02:05I wish I'd known.
02:06How are you, anyway?
02:08I'm really confused.
02:11Let's talk later.
02:13I can't stop now. I've got to go. I just want a copy of all the newspapers in the pint of milk.
02:18Oh, it's Joe. He likes to read all the newspapers in his room.
02:21And right now I'd do anything to keep him happy.
02:24Listen, when you get home to the port, Kevin, you'll find a note that I've written to you.
02:27Just ignore it. I hope he's angry.
02:31I can't believe it!
02:33Just don't let it get to you.
02:35Every time I want to see my mum, she's with him.
02:37Most people would be pleased.
02:39Well, to see their mum and dad back together again.
02:41I think it's rather romantic.
02:42Shut up, Ricky.
02:43How much money have you got?
02:45About four quid, why?
02:46No, in the bank.
02:47Well, why do you want to know?
02:48Because Blossom's right.
02:49The only way we're going to split them two up is by shipping her off to Spain.
02:56It's Grant.
02:57We're in Paris?
03:01All right, bro, how's it going?
03:04Hold on a second.
03:06This is Bobo. Do you mind making us a cup of tea?
03:08I thought you were going to work.
03:09I was just fancy a cup of tea, that's all.
03:16Did she show?
03:18Oh, no.
03:19I completely forgot about this.
03:20What is it?
03:21It's the car insurance.
03:22You ain't got a car.
03:23Yeah, I know, but Bianca has.
03:25It's insured in my name, you know, we get the special rate.
03:27So what's the problem? You ain't got the money?
03:28Yeah, I've got the money, but Bianca's going to go ballistic.
03:30How come?
03:31Well, I promised the money for Carol to fly it and join Ellen in Spain.
03:34Why are you paying for Carol Jackson to go on holiday?
03:36To keep her away from David.
03:37You must have heard about what's been going on.
03:39Yeah, well, it's just gossip, innit?
03:40Well, is that what David told you?
03:42I haven't spoken to David.
03:44Oh, sorry, I thought you'd know about it.
03:51He saw Cindy.
03:53What, and the kids?
03:56So that's it.
03:57He just saw her across the street.
03:58Well, where?
03:59A place the Lacan called her somewhere.
04:01Well, did he speak to her?
04:02No, apparently it's like trying to cross Piccadilly Circus.
04:04By the time he's got across the road, she's gone down the underground and he's lost her.
04:07Well, did she see him?
04:08Well, it didn't sound like it.
04:10So what happens now?
04:12Well, I think somebody better go and tell Ian, don't you?
04:15Oh, do you think that's a good idea? He'll be on the next plane.
04:17Come on.
04:22She's been on the phone to my brother.
04:24He said he'd be sure to send you his regards.
04:27I suppose you're off, by the way.
04:31You said I wouldn't have to see him, and who's the first person I'll talk to?
04:34Oh, you're still breathing, aren't you?
04:36Quit complaining.
04:37Ain't I coming in, then?
04:38No, Joe's up there. I'll tell you in a minute.
04:40Listen, have you heard from Cindy at all?
04:42No, nothing.
04:43Don't you think it's odd that Brian should choose this time to go to Paris?
04:46I mean, you don't exactly put him and the impressionists together somehow, do you?
04:55I mean, what, you worried about her, or what?
04:57Look, she brought this on herself. It's not my problem any more.
05:02Who's this message from, then?
05:05No, that's right, I know all about it.
05:07So which C's this in?
05:09Hmm? Oh, Carol Jackson.
05:11Dirty dog. I've always fancied her myself.
05:13Sorry, mate, I haven't got time to discuss it now.
05:15I just want you to look after this place for the day, all right?
05:17Any problems, give me a ring.
05:19Oh, no, you can't. Both my phones are knackered.
05:21I'll have to pop over from time to time.
05:23Just tell me, what was she like?
05:25I haven't got time. I've got a sick kid to look after. I'll see you later.
05:31Are there kids with her?
05:33Well, not according to Grant.
05:35What is she doing?
05:37How'd she look?
05:38How do you mean?
05:39I mean, did she look all right? I mean, did she look well?
05:41Was she looking after herself?
05:42Couldn't tell you.
05:44Does my mum know?
05:45Yeah. Yeah, I told her.
05:47So this is why Grant went to Paris.
05:49Why didn't you say something?
05:50Well, it might not come off, and I didn't want to disappoint you, but...
05:53Well, I told you I was looking after you, didn't I?
05:56Thanks, Phil.
05:57Grant, Ricky says he can't pay for my mum's flights.
06:00Oh, why not?
06:01Because the car insurance is due.
06:02Well, look, we could always take it off the road for my mum.
06:04I can't. I made it for business.
06:05Look, you're rushing ahead of yourselves.
06:07Karen hasn't even said yes yet.
06:09She will when I give her the tickets.
06:11She'll feel very guilty if she doesn't.
06:13Hang on, we haven't got the money. What are we talking about?
06:15You know your trouble, Ricky? You give up too easily.
06:18What if she's here? I'm going to go and find her.
06:20Don't be daft. How are you going to find her in the whole of Paris?
06:22Grant saw her?
06:23Ian, you can't possibly go to Paris. You're not a well-mean.
06:26What am I supposed to do? Just sit here?
06:28Have you got any idea what it's like in that house with just my imagination for company?
06:31Look, I don't think you should go. Let things calm down a bit.
06:34Well, once it all goes off the books, she'll come back all by herself.
06:37Yeah, and pigs might fly.
06:38Excuse me.
06:41You spoke to David?
06:42It's all being taken care of.
06:44Don't get me wrong, Phil, I'm very grateful for what you're doing,
06:46but I want to see some results.
06:48I thought we agreed you was going to trust me.
06:55Joe, your coffee's here, mate.
06:57Just leave it outside.
07:00What are you doing in there?
07:15What are you doing?
07:16I was going to fix the phone.
07:18No, don't do that.
07:19Joe, it's very hard for me, being stuck indoors all day and not being able to make any calls.
07:27I don't suppose I could watch the telly, could I?
07:34I don't know.
07:35I don't know.
07:36I don't know.
07:37I don't know.
07:38I don't know.
07:39I don't know.
07:40I don't know.
07:41I don't know.
07:44I'm just a fool.
07:46Listen, do you want her to know everything that goes on?
07:48I'm going out for a bit.
07:50How long for?
07:51About 20 minutes or so.
07:52How long?
07:53Look, I won't be long.
07:54I'll be back by half past, I promise.
07:56What are you going to see?
07:57I just want to see if Barry's getting on all right in the car lot.
07:59He'll be okay.
08:07What are you doing here?
08:08I'm just looking after the store for Bianca.
08:10Do I pay you?
08:12She said she was only going to be ten minutes.
08:13That was half an hour ago.
08:14And meanwhile, who's looking after the arches?
08:16Well, I've locked up.
08:17Yeah, I know.
08:18I just come for that.
08:19This is coming out of your wages.
08:20Oh, come on, Phil.
08:21That's not fair.
08:22I've virtually been running the place these past couple of months.
08:25All right, Mum?
08:27I despair of you.
08:35All right.
08:36Mind if I have a quick word?
08:38So when can I see him?
08:40I don't know.
08:41What's he actually said to you?
08:44It's just I get the feeling it wouldn't be a good idea for you to visit him at the moment.
08:47How's it ended up like this?
08:49Like what?
08:50With me having to wait for permission to visit my own son from you.
08:53Look, I know what you're thinking.
08:54What am I thinking?
08:55That I've turned him against you somehow.
08:56But it's not like that.
08:57He's ill.
08:59So don't take it personally.
09:01I don't know if this helps,
09:02but Bianca's not talking to me these days,
09:04and neither's me mother.
09:05It doesn't.
09:06Doesn't what?
09:09That's funny.
09:10Oh, hello, David.
09:11All right, Peggy?
09:12What's funny?
09:13Well, you haven't seen that photo of Grant that was in the living room, have you?
09:16It's gone missing.
09:17I know it was here last week,
09:18because I remember cleaning it.
09:19Can I put it down somewhere else?
09:21I'll see you in a minute.
09:26It's just, er...
09:27Well, we don't want to hang around on this one.
09:29I'm sure you understand.
09:56I need some orange juice.
09:57Over there.
10:01I got your message.
10:02I explained about that.
10:04So, where are we staying?
10:05Oh, I don't know.
10:06What's up?
10:07I've had my lot on to me.
10:08You know, Blossom, Sonia, Bianca.
10:11Not to mention you know who in Spain.
10:13Saying what?
10:14Saying that I really need a holiday.
10:16And don't you?
10:17Not that sort of holiday.
10:18I don't think there's a single person in the world
10:20wants you and me to be together, David.
10:22Except us.
10:24Just like being a kid again, innit?
10:25Yeah, and look what happened then.
10:27I'm not going to let my family bully me.
10:29Can you make the pool a-gathering in tonight?
10:32Got the key?
10:34All right, we'll go.
10:35All right, well, if I don't show,
10:36you know something's come up.
10:39See you at six o'clock.
10:46It's a funny thing.
10:47I was just thinking about you.
10:48Um, how are you fixed for lunch?
10:50Here we go.
10:51What is it?
10:52Two return plane tickets,
10:53Heathrow to Girona,
10:54leaving at half past nine tonight.
10:56Where'd you get these?
10:57From an islandmongers.
10:58Where do you think?
10:59They're stage one.
11:00Stage two is,
11:01here's the number to Sonia's school.
11:02I want you to phone the headmaster.
11:03To say what?
11:04Couldn't she have a week off?
11:05It'd sound better coming from you.
11:06Will they say yes?
11:07And have the chance of getting rid of Sonia for a week,
11:09of course they'll say yes.
11:10And stage three is,
11:11I'm going to go over to me mum,
11:12sort out the passports and what not,
11:13and get some cases packed, ready to go.
11:15And stage four?
11:17That's the tricky bit.
11:18Mmm, telling her you mean.
11:19Oh, just leave it to me.
11:29Jo, have you seen the scissors?
11:34You asleep?
11:36Listen, I'm going over to mum and Roy's later,
11:37for a bit of lunch.
11:38If you want to come over,
11:39you'll be more than welcome.
11:41In fact, you'll be doing me a favour.
11:51What do you mean?
11:53Oh, it's mum.
11:54She's been having a go at me lately.
11:57Why is that?
11:59Well, she's never needed much of a reason.
12:01Of course she's having a go at you.
12:02You're not going to eat anything that she cooks for you, are you?
12:05No, no.
12:06Or drink anything?
12:07No, no, no.
12:08But you said you were going off for lunch.
12:10No, what I meant was I was going over at lunchtime,
12:12of course I'm not going to eat anything.
12:14I'll be going over about ten to one,
12:15I'll be back by two.
12:16If anyone knocks at the door,
12:17you just have to, er,
12:18well, don't answer it or anything.
12:20You'll be all right, don't worry.
12:25You're back early.
12:27What have you got there?
12:28Oh, I, um,
12:29bumped into David outside the shop.
12:32Looks like he's got his work cut out with young Joe,
12:34so, um, well, I thought it'd be a nice idea
12:36if I invited him over for a spot of lunch, that's all.
12:38I beg your pardon?
12:39Look, I know how you feel,
12:40I feel exactly the same way about Barry,
12:42but, well, we've got things to discuss,
12:44so, um, I've invited him as well.
12:46What things?
12:47Trust me on this one, will you, Pat?
12:48Look, I didn't think anything fancy,
12:50just some pork chops, some vegetables.
12:52So what happened about going over to Manor Wood?
12:55I had this idea.
12:56What's going on, Roy?
12:57It'll be a chance to mend some fences.
13:00Didn't you hear what I said about David?
13:02Pat, you've been giving up on David ever since I'd known you.
13:04Now, come on.
13:05Now, if he's upset, you know,
13:06there's a chance to sort something out.
13:09We didn't talk money this morning,
13:10I'll take it I ain't being paid for that.
13:12Don't worry, we'll sort something out.
13:13So what would you say to 5% commission?
13:16Come on, shake on it.
13:17What's going on?
13:18I have flogged you three cars, my old son,
13:19Boucoup de Spondy Luxe,
13:20five grand's worth of which you owe me
13:22250 nigger, not bad for a morning's work.
13:24Got cash?
13:25Well, no, I mean I've got three definite mortgages.
13:27Right, well, we'll wait and see then, shall we?
13:29Now, what's all this lunch about?
13:30Does it have to be about anything?
13:31Well, I thought it was cos the old lady
13:32wanted to tear me off a strip of that cow,
13:34but now you're coming, I'm not so sure.
13:36What's going on?
13:46Hello, Pat.
13:53I said no.
13:54But Mum, I've got the tickets.
13:56Rosalind's arranged time off for Sonia.
13:57Well, you can go and unarrange it then.
13:58But Mum, I've packed your cases.
13:59Well, you jolly well go home and unpack them, all right?
14:01But I've booked your cab to the airport.
14:03Bianca, I am not doing it.
14:05I'm trying to save your marriage, and our family.
14:09I've got to get to London.
14:10All right, hello.
14:13Mum, please.
14:14Excuse me, you're in my way.
14:15Did you hear what I just said?
14:16It's none of your business.
14:17How can you say that?
14:18I'm going to be late for work.
14:19Do you know how I pay for these tickets?
14:20From the money from my wedding.
14:22I'm putting your marriage before mine.
14:24Don't you give a monkey's about any of us.
14:31More wine, David?
14:33If I could clear it.
14:34Yes, please, Pops.
14:36He's all about a pudding, right?
14:39I thought we might have ice cream or something from the freezer.
14:43Oh, I see I'm getting it then.
14:44Thanks, Pat.
14:48So, how did it go with you fellas then?
14:52Well, we've had a bit of months.
14:54Yeah, it's all been a very nasty business.
14:57What's that?
14:58Well, you know very well, the shooting, Cindy and the kids.
15:01You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to realise that you two are in it up to your necks.
15:04That's not strictly true.
15:05Shut up, David, I'm talking.
15:06There's no point in denying it.
15:08The whole square is gossiping.
15:11You're a source of considerable upset to your mother and me.
15:13What's all this in aid of, David?
15:14I'm coming to that.
15:16Now, look, I'm suggesting that it might be better for all concerned
15:19if you two were to hide your faces for a bit.
15:22I don't get this.
15:23Barry's already familiar with the Italian market.
15:26And I think there are opportunities out there that could be exploited.
15:29And that way, you two get away for a bit and, well,
15:32we make ourselves a few bob at the same time.
15:34You're saying we have to go and lie low in Italy?
15:36Don't tell me Sicily, yeah?
15:37Al Pacino and the Godfather.
15:40Turin, actually.
15:42Top quality second-hand British saloons and sports cars.
15:44I want you two to set it up that end.
15:48What sort is that?
15:51Just an idea I had that David and Barry here
15:53might like to work for me out in Italy for a while.
15:56Oh, where does that come from?
15:57Well, it just occurred to me this morning.
15:59Right, I can't up sticks and go to Italy.
16:01I've got family here, I've got commitments.
16:03Oh, that's rich.
16:04I'm sorry.
16:05Never mind.
16:06I think you're forgetting something, Dad.
16:08Yeah, what's that?
16:09I'm 35 years old.
16:10I've got plans of my own.
16:12I'm not just going to do what I'm told.
16:13Yeah, look what happens when you've left your own devices.
16:15OK, I'll say no more about it.
16:17This is very nice.
16:20You can't be blamed if your mother is making a fool of herself.
16:24It's not just herself she's making a fool of,
16:26it's me as well.
16:28I'll never get the money back on these tickets now.
16:31I only got them because they were a last-minute cancellation.
16:35Now Ricky's gone off on assault,
16:36the stall's gone down the toilet for the day.
16:39What a cocker.
16:40If your mother were a man,
16:41it would be called a midlife crisis.
16:43If my mother were a man,
16:44she wouldn't be my mother and things would be an old lot better.
16:46I think we've both forgotten something.
16:47We learned only the other day
16:49when we were trying to get her to talk to Alan.
16:51What's that?
16:53Try to bulldoze your mother and she'll dig her heels in.
16:56But a more gentle approach.
16:58It's too late for that.
16:59I kind of just thought of something else.
17:01Are you going to tell Sonia?
17:09Well, I think that all went rather well, don't you?
17:12I had a nice chat with Sonia.
17:14Well, don't you?
17:15Made a nice change.
17:17Where did all that stuff about Italy suddenly come from?
17:20Well, it's like I said,
17:21it was an idea that came to me this morning.
17:23It didn't come in the shape of a Mitchell then or a Beale?
17:26Why should it?
17:27I can give you half a dozen reasons.
17:29I don't know the Mitchells anything.
17:31So why, Roy?
17:33I'm worried about Barry
17:34and I know you're worried about David.
17:37He doesn't seem to realise the damage he does.
17:38I mean, look at Ian Beale.
17:40I can see trouble on the horizon.
17:43I'm just trying to head it off.
17:44All right.
17:45I've wanted rid of David myself in the past.
17:47I've even told him that.
17:49But at the end of the day, he's my son.
17:51I don't want to see him go.
17:52Yeah, and Barry is my son.
17:54And the last thing I want is for either one of them to get hurt.
17:58I'm not talking about forever.
17:59Just until tempers have cooled
18:01and memories have faded.
18:03That's all.
18:05Cheers, Becky.
18:07I'm stuffed.
18:08Yeah, me too.
18:09The reason I can't stop now
18:10is I sort of drive you back by two.
18:11What was that all about earlier, eh?
18:13Go out to Italy?
18:14Shut up with the whole thing of this.
18:15I'll be right.
18:16I mean, what will we do if I say I was out in Italy?
18:18For a start, it's stinking hot.
18:20Then they all sit around in the avenue for two hours getting plastered.
18:22What sort of a life's that, eh?
18:25Did I tell you about the women I met when I was out here?
18:27Yes, mate, many times.
18:28See, we'd have all that to contend with too.
18:30I might just be able to force myself.
18:32But not because me old man said so.
18:33No way, I'll go back on me own terms, won't I?
18:36What's so funny?
18:37No, it's nothing about that.
18:38Well, I'll get away.
18:39Have you left Joe any day?
18:40I'm going, I'm going.
18:41See you, mate.
18:42I've got responsibilities.
18:43I can't even think about going anywhere.
18:47I thought when you came back in it was because you'd changed your mind.
18:49Yeah, well, I didn't ever see one grateful for the trouble that you guys had.
18:52Well, that's found out.
18:53What I don't understand is why.
18:54You know why.
18:55It's not like it's some bloke I've picked up in a bar.
18:57This is your dad we're talking about.
18:58Yeah, and he should have known better.
18:59And so you've decided to stop talking to him completely?
19:01Yeah, well, I hate to disillusion you, Bianca, but it wasn't all his fault.
19:04You don't want to hear the details, thanks.
19:06This lot of David that meets the eye.
19:08I don't get this.
19:09I mean, all the times I've had to put up with you slagging him off.
19:12I'm not saying he's perfect.
19:13No, too right he's not perfect.
19:15He's damaged goods.
19:17He'll never be there for your mum.
19:19He runs away.
19:21Every time.
19:22I know that, you know that.
19:23Everyone knows it.
19:24It's not the point.
19:25Alan may not win a charm contest, but at least he'll never let you down.
19:29Oh, come on, Bianca.
19:30We both know different now.
19:33You all right?
19:35You all right?
19:38Look at all you two have been through.
19:39What we've all been through.
19:40Are you going to throw all that away for David?
19:43Where are you going?
19:44I'll be late for work.
19:45Mum, please.
19:47Look, I'll think about it, all right?
19:49He takes his book to pick you up at quarter past six.
19:52Don't get your hopes up, because I'm not promising anything.
20:00All right?
20:01What are you doing?
20:02Bloody, you're hungry, aren't you?
20:03No, it's for you.
20:05Well, you didn't eat anything at Pat's, did you?
20:07No, you didn't, did you?
20:09No, no, of course I didn't.
20:12Well, then you must be starving.
20:13Sit down.
20:16It's all right.
20:17You don't have to worry.
20:18I checked it all out.
20:19It's completely uncontaminated.
20:20I've done loads.
20:21I hope you like it.
20:24I'm fed up.
20:25You're fed up.
20:26What am I going to say to my mates at school tomorrow?
20:28I'm having half a day's wages, Dot.
20:30They were all so jealous.
20:32Bianca spent all our wedding savings on two plane tickets
20:34that won't even be used.
20:35I'm going to look all right to it.
20:36Tickets on the stool don't even cover the rent of the pitch.
20:38Will you two stop moaning?
20:40You're giving me a headache.
20:42Any time.
20:43Well, she's not at home, she's not in the laundry,
20:44and she's not in the pub.
20:45The cab's coming in 15 minutes.
20:47Well, I've had it.
20:50Go home and pack a suitcase.
20:52I ain't letting these two tickets go to waste.
20:53It's not after the money I've spent.
20:54Are you mad?
20:55We can't just pick up and leave.
20:56What about me job?
20:57What about the stool?
20:58Don't argue.
20:59Just do it.
21:02That's really made me dad.
21:13Last week was so brilliant.
21:15And now it's...
21:20Don't suppose you want to?
21:23No, me neither.
21:26Not after all I've eaten.
21:29Do you know the strangest thing?
21:31What's that?
21:33The smell of you.
21:34No, I'm not sure I like the sound of this.
21:36No, no, no.
21:37It's nice.
21:38It's really nice.
21:42It's nothing to do with perfume or anything like that.
21:44It's just...
21:45It's just so you.
21:47And I'd forgotten that.
21:49And when we were kissing the other week,
21:52it was like I was 14 again.
21:55Kiss me now.
21:58No, not now, David.
22:01I just don't want to.
22:03What's happened?
22:05You know what's happened.
22:07It's not like I ever expect anything of you or...
22:13That was very wise.
22:17Can't help wondering though, can you?
22:20Well, we've always missed you and I.
22:22Haven't we?
22:24Like someone out there's been playing a joke on us.
22:28Could have been something really special they're saying and...
22:31Tough luck.
22:32Can't have it.
22:36There's a taxi due in ten minutes.
22:37It's supposed to be taking me and Sonny to the airport.
22:39Alan's expecting us.
22:41Yeah, Bianca cashed in her wedding money to pay for the tickets.
22:46What would you do?
22:47Would you do what was right or...
22:49what you wanted?
22:53You know me.
22:55Yeah, but we're always going to keep on missing.
22:59I love you.
23:01Come on, tell me what you'd do.
23:05I think maybe this time I'd...
23:07I'd do what was right.
23:09Well done.
23:11That was the right answer.
23:13I know there was some sort of part of me hoping that you'd persuade me different.
23:19Alright then.
23:28I'll still be here when you get back.
23:33Silly old sod.
23:42You got the tickets?
23:45Course I have, I ain't the stupid one round here.
23:46I mean, look at you.
23:48Wearing a flaming leather coat to go to the Costa del Sol.
23:49You ain't going to need that on, are you?
23:51Why don't I put you two pairs on?
24:43This side.
24:44This side.
24:46This side.
24:47The chugger side.
26:00Badger off, Badger off, Badger off Badger off, Badger off.
26:27Have fun! Be careful!
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